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A Spiritual Connection on Long Island

by Erin

Ever since I was a small child, I've been rather sensitive to energies and have had many experiences seeing entities. I usually saw them in the house I grew up in, where I still live, in Massapequa on Long Island. I could relay several stories, but I recently learned something that literally brought me to tears, and I feel this is the one I should share.

Most of time when I was a kid I would see a "person" once and then I wouldn't see them again, as if the had just been passing through. However, there was one particular spirit that I saw frequently. I was never a great sleeper, so several times a week, I would crawl into my parents' bed. And often, I saw a man standing at the foot of the bed in a business suit holding a briefcase.

Unlike many of the other entities I saw, this man never tried to communicate or even moved much. He just stood there. I was afraid of him, but only because I knew he was a ghost, not because he seemed particularly bad-natured.

I was a child with an active imagination but I knew that I was not imagining this man. In fact, I did imagine another being in the room, the "cookie man", who was made of a shadow cast by a lamp on the wall. I would ask the cookie man to keep the man with the briefcase away. But I knew the cookie man was invented and the business man wasn't.

Over time, I got older and I stopped seeing spirits, at least as often as I once did. I haven't seen the man with the briefcase in almost 20 years.

Last year, my boyfriend and I were driving home from the movies after seeing Paranormal Activity 2. We were swapping personal ghost stories (and I have many, most of which are much more interesting then the one I just told). Suddenly he says, "have I ever told you about the man with the briefcase?"

My jaw dropped. I shouted at him, "Have ::I:: ever told you about the man with the briefcase?!" He asked me what I meant, and I told him the story above. He looked at me incredulously.

He then explained that once when he was a young kid, he woke up in the middle of the night to find the exact man I described standing at the foot of his bed. The man didn't speak or move, just stood there, before disappearing. My boyfriend grew up 1/2 an hour away from me, in Oceanside. I was so shocked and freaked out that I actually started to cry.

I really wonder who this man was, if anyone else has seen him, and if, in some way, he brought my boyfriend and me together roughly 12 years after appearing to us both as children.

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Nov 04, 2013
The Life Insurance Agent
by: Anonymous

I think that the dude at the foot of the bed is the ghost of a Life Insurance agent letting you know that he can still help you put together a plan so that when you retire you can take the no survivor option on you pension and back it up with a whole life policy that builds cash. This way you will not be pissing away 15% to 20% of your retirement income which could mean well over a $100,000.00 over a 20 year period! no that is SCARY!

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