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American Indian Spirit

by Linda
(Massapequa, Long Island, NY)

I was seven years old, 1962 - I was sitting on my bed coloring and felt a presence in the room. I looked up and there was a tall, handsome, American Indian man. He looked at me as though he was confused. As I got up he went into the other room.

I did not sleep upstairs again for a year. My father finished the "other" room where the Indian went and I began to sleep there. Well every night I felt hundreds of souls around me, only to find out later that the Dutch had slaughtered many Indians in that area of Massapequa on Long Island.

I also found out later who he was, his name is Dancing Feather and he has been my spirit guide for many lifetimes.

Not a scary story, but a true one.

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Jan 04, 2014
by: JK

My parents had a brand new dormer added onto our cape code house. There were two bedrooms separated by a bathroom located at the top of the stairs. In the larger bedroom (my bedroom) was the unfinished storage room. I always felt a presence upstairs and did not like being alone up there. My sister, who was six years older than I and could stay up later, would find me asleep on the top of the stairs. As soon as possible after I had to go to bed, I would get out of that room.

I finally told my mother about my fears, but she did not believe me. Then years later a strange and frightening thing happened. By this time my sister had gotten married and moved out, I moved my room downstairs to a small bedroom so the upstairs was vacant.

One night my mother and I were at home when there was a crash. She grabbed a large kitchen knife from the drawer, turns on the stairwell light and starts upstairs. I was so panicked and told her not to go up. Our dog stood at the bottom of the stairs, hair on end, and growling. She went up so I grabbed the dog metal dog leash that we kept on the bottom, first step. When we got upstairs, all the hangers that were in the closet were laying on the floor and the sliding closet door was slightly open. There were no windows open. We did not have a/c back then, so there was no air pushing those hangers. She went into the storage room and there was nothing there, either.

A few years after that, I moved out because I got married and my mother was alone in the house. She decided to put the house up for sale. When she went upstairs one day, it was freezing and there were bees on the inside of the bedroom where I used to sleep. She called an exterminator and he could not find where the bees were coming in. A few weeks later, the same thing occurred. Of course, I couldn't wait until she sold the house which she did a short time later.

Many years later on a return visit to Massapequa, I stopped in front of the house to see it. I was showing my two sons where I had grown up. I was parked out front taking some pictures when a lovely little girl came out and asked what I was doing. I explained that I used to live in the house when I was about her age and that I was showing my two sons where I live. I asked her how she liked the house and she said she didn't. She said the house was creepy and that they were going to move.

This house was on Chicago Avenue, the third house up from Tackapusha Preserve on Seaford Avenue. Children in the third house from the park either died or had health issues. A boy on Parkhill Avenue had ms, a boy across the street from me died of cancer. My sister has lupus, the girl in back of us on Connecticut Avenue died of cancer. The young boy across the street from her died of cancer. A girl on Euclid Avenue was born blind.

I always wondered about the health issues in this area.

Mar 05, 2012
by: barbara

I lived on croydon drive in massapequa and always thought the upstairs of my house was haunted. Years later my mother told me she and all the other women on the block wee all scared to go upstairs in their homes. She said "Well, you know it was built on an Indian burial ground, you know."

Aug 20, 2009
Cedar Shore drive
by: Anonymous

The street where they found Native American bodies in mass grave killed by the Quakers was Cedar Shore Drive, 2 blocks west of Harbor Lane Drive/ Park Blvd. Harbor Lane is where the library is, try to make the next talking engagement of the Paranormal Adventurers they do a good job and have Q&A afterwards.

Aug 20, 2009
Native American Spirit
by: Anonymous

I heard the story of the killings and bodiesa found recently in Massapequa the story I heard was the killers were Quakers nd it was south of Merrick Road. Possibly South Cedar Road ? Good Story. The Paranormal Adventurers speak about it. If you can make their lecture at Massapequa Bar Harbor Library the dates are at their web site they also have a new book out on Long Island haunts

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