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Ghost Cat?

by Tara
(Bay Shore)

Like most children I grew up with pets and the one really bad thing about pets is that we out live them. I lived in a house in Bay Shore, Long Island and grew up with many cats.

So one night I was just getting ready to drift off to sleep as I felt a kind of heavy presence pressing into my back. It was warm like a cat curled up on me as I slept. The only problem was my cat was an outside cat at the time and she was no where near me. The feeling didn't go away.

I would get up, walk around and lay down, and without fail, the pressure would come back. Needless to say I was creeped out but not at all scared, the presence was more of a comforting nature so I fell asleep.

That next morning as I walked to the bus stop for school, I found my cat dead in the road. She was hit by a car. Needless to say I was quite spooked. That feeling never came back after that one night.

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Jan 04, 2025
Marta to Mindy and the other person who caught it on video. NEW
by: Anonymous

I am too slow to answer because I am getting old and tired. But yes, I did capture a flying creature on my Waze cam. I was so freaked out that I haven’t try to see anything again. Whatever it is, it has poked me, slapped me lightly and somehow thrown weight on my bed. It is always just when I start to get drowsy. I am to the point tat I try to ignore or yell at it to leave me alone. I don’t believe that I will ever get any answer to what this is as old as I am and I wonder if it hasn’t sucked a lot of my energy out of me. One year I felt like I always have and the next year I have felt tire, old and drained. I hope in the future that somehow some of you, will learn what it really is.

May 02, 2024
by: Anonymous

I would love to see pictures of these things. I know they aren't ghost cats but its the closest thing to help describe them.
They keep trying to crawl to my butt and its difficult to sleep with them on me. Im so sick of these things.
If possible could you email a pic to me?
( )

May 01, 2024
This is not a ghost cat! It happened to me!
by: Billy

Hi everyone!

This started happening to me on March this year.

At first I also thought it was a "ghost cat", but yesterday I managed to capture it's movement and it showed up on the camera as some strange flying creature. It flew really fast and disappeared.

If you want to try to capture an image of that being, you need to set up a camera with night vision capabilities and all the lights of the room needs to be turned off.

Also, for some strange reason, their activity is much more soft when sleeping on the couch and using something to replace a pillow (it could be a small cushion that barely fits your head).

I would really like to have a proper forum to discuss this topic with you guys. Anybody know a place? Maybe facebook? I am especially interested in Marta's report and the picture she took of the being.

God bless you all!

Apr 10, 2024
to Marta NEW
by: Mindy

Strang thing, they've been the exact strange way here too. I only feel them at the foot of my bed
plus when I'm standing at the sink I feel them around my ankles exactly like a cat.
It's been such a relief. I wouldn't mind if it stays this way.
Thank you for the update.

Apr 06, 2024
To. Mindy NEW
by: Anonymous

My haunting has eased up for some odd reason. Maybe I am getting too old to be beneficial to them. I still have something here. It will tap or touch me occasionally at night and still will yell out a single word, but not very often. Is frequently on the foot of my bed. Feels just like a cat jumping up on the bed. How are things for you Mindy?

Jan 15, 2024
to Marta
by: Mindy

Boy, if they look anything like those imps I am happy they're invisible. It's crazy that they follow me wherever I go.

I've often pondered what it is they're getting from us. It could be our energy feeds them or the negative thoughts and feelings.

I wish the scientific community would get involved. I've tried reaching out to no avail.

I'm happy there is this site to sound off because this subject would probably lead me to a straight jacket! ha-ha.
Best of luck Marta.

Jan 14, 2024
To Mindy NEW
by: Marta

Well I believe one of them has managed to enter my body through my heel. It was a bizarre and painful event. I don’t know what they want from us. I have some photos from the web of things that look similar to what I caught on my web cam. If you google "Imps" that is a lot what it looked like. Did not see any tail on it though. I think they come with cat ghosts but of course all I am doing is guessing.

Nov 09, 2023
Me Too
by: Anonymous

I wish I knew why they do it. I have a feeling they're sucking out our energy or life force. it's just so creepy how they walk around me and I can't see them.
I wake up with odd bruises in places that would be almost impossible to get by banging into something.
They are driving me nuts.

Nov 09, 2023
A few of them
by: Anonymous

Ok in 2006 my big brother died. In 2018 my cAt died. In 2022 June 4 my sister died. August 23,2022 my mom died. I've had several time in my high school years, I felt them in my it's 2033 and I'm quitting drugs
I felt them again. I can't see them so I don't know if it is a cat or it's molesting me and I can't stop it. I could if he was alive. And thought I thought it not to. Can you tell me why?

Oct 29, 2023
by: Mindy

I've heard the clicking and sometimes I'll wake up and hear a mechanical sound but it goes away instantly. The worst is when I put my ear to my mattress I hear them crawling through the fibers of the mattress. I wish they would go away and leave me alone.

Oct 25, 2023
To Mindy NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you have any unusual sounds when these things are around? For a while it was clicks then sounds like a swarm of flies. Now it is a low mechanical buzzing similar to a chainsaw cutting wood. I know that it is really odd but I have honestly been able to tell by the sounds when they are around. They still drive me nuts! And you can’t really talk about it to friends or family because they will think I am nuts!

Jul 14, 2023
Family of ghost cats NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a litter of ghost cats , with the mother they followed me from the hospital wen I had appendicitis

Jun 27, 2023
Ghost Cat NEW
by: Lisa

I have been feeling a cat jumping up on my bed every night for almost a year now. At first I thought it was my cat and I would look and nothing there.I can't see it but, I can feel and hear it. I can feel it walk up and down my bed. It purrs and kneads. Sometimes it will get up on my pillow and smell my hair. I can hear it sniffing and I can feel it's nose tickling my head. As soon as I go to bed not even a minute passes and it's up on the bed. When it lays down I can feel the warmth from it's body. I actually got video of my comforter moving.I had a cat who died 13 years ago. Could that be him?

May 11, 2023
Strange nights
by: Ericka

I have had something crawling and playing on the bed at night since I got married and moved into my now husband's house. At first I thought I was crazy or maybe it was sleep paralysis. However here we are 4 years in and I am not for sure it's a ghost cat. It walks on my back, purrs in my ear and face. If I lay on my back I feel it claw me from the mattress. This clawing doesn't happen all the time only when I tell it to leave me alone. If I interrupt it while purring in my face it hisses at me. The craziest thing is I was able to make contact on night and grabbed it boy did it shock me. It felt like electricity. Must admit I was scared. My husband didn't believe me at first, but he has come around. This thing does not interact with him only me and it doesn't follow when we leave the house so I think it is trapped in the house.
So what do you all think ghost, haunting, evil spirit, ghost cat what is it?
I have blessed the house and it is still here.

May 03, 2023
by: Mindy

Yes, where ever I go they go. I feel them through my car seat while driving and also the passenger seat when I ride along..

They first started in 2007 when I lived in Boston and they followed me here to Florida.

My mothers dog must see them because her eyes dart all around and she looks worried. Same thing with my cat that I got last month.

I wish there was a solution but I just cant find one.

Im a chronic pain sufferer and I wonder if thats a connection since I've heard others with this condition having the same experience.

Best of luck!

Apr 20, 2023
Question for Mindi NEW
by: Marta

Mindy I am sure that you and I must have something in common as our (haunting) have so many similarities. I wanted to ask if your entities follow you if you leave to visit out of state?

Apr 01, 2023
by: Anonymous

I never thought of the full moon but I will on check the next one. I've been dealing with them for nearly 20 years and tried everything I could think of but nothing works.

Thank you for sharing, it's nice to know That I'm not alone in this.


Mar 31, 2023
The moon NEW
by: Marta

Yes they start on me when I become drowsy. Of course they make me wide awake but doesn’t stop them. Does anyone have it worse during the full moon? Mine are more active during the week of the full moon.

Mar 30, 2023
to Marta
by: Anonymous

I feel the same way, some may be ghosts but most are not. I really wish there was a way you can show the video. I know they are taking something from us but have no idea what it is, I go for days without sleeping and then fall asleep from exhaustion. They seem to attack the most when I'm fully relaxed.

Mar 29, 2023
My nightmare
by: Marta

I finally got a hit on my room cam. Since they appear to be invisible it must have been a shadow of it. It looked like a small scary looking fairy. Long arms, long legs and wings. On the camera, it was flying. I now don’t think they are ghosts but some type of an alien creature. I believe it takes something from us.

Feb 26, 2023
Purring and Present
by: Ira

I came home late from work and I've been feeling like there have been several things stuck in my apartment. Last night as I walked in the door I felt the room it was very heavy. I ignored it as long as a could. But suddenly I felt a warm ball cuddling up to next to me and I felt and heard purring like my cat Kiki did when I was laying down in bed. I closed my eyes and like that there she was in my mind. I also felt my dog presence. Both of my pets pasted away from loneliness. I left them home with family when I went to rehab. I couldn't take them. The next day another weird thing happened I was cleaning I felt like there was a ghost, my body has been getting goose bumps, I get a tingling feeling in certain areas of my house, I a like ring in my head, I see spot almost every where I go. But every time I think about last night I cry because it hurts knowing I left alone - but they came to visit me in a time of me being scared and alone.

Jan 12, 2023
scary calico
by: Anonymous

Cat scratch fever

Jan 04, 2023
Scary calico ghost NEW
by: Anonymous

I am honest-to-goodness scared out of my mind right now. I'm just sitting in P.E. and my hands are shaking really bad. It's staring at me, from the stage, and its eyes are so bright, like... like... like lights or something. Last time I tried to touch it and talk to it it clawed me, and it felt like red-hot knives, not just like a normal cat scratch. What does it want? It seems to just want to watch me. It never approaches me other than that one time, that one single time...

(talking about the ghost cat by the way)
Help, what do I do? How do I get rid of it in the middle of P.E.?

Nov 22, 2022
invisible cat critters NEW
by: Anonymous

created a second Facebook account under john Hancock and created a group under invisible cat critters. come join, maybe together we can find some answers and figure out how to get rid of these things. invisible cat critters should be easy to find i don't think there are a lot of groups with that name. lol.

Nov 21, 2022
Ghost cat NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a ghost cat that sleeps next to me every night. I think it came with the house i live in but it had adopted me as its human i guess. Its a weird comforting feeling. Every night it will kneed and lay down like a normal cat.

Nov 06, 2022
by: Anonymous

plastic shower caps help keep them out of your ears

Oct 30, 2022
When your ears feel the tiny fiber-like thing they tp probe
by: Anonymous

This seems to be working when I feel them trying to go inside my ears, I pour a small amount of salt in my hand, with the other hand I use a damp q-tip and roll around the salt and insert in my ear, not too far, just barely inside.
Since I've been doing this, I no longer feel them there.
Now I need to find how to keep them away from my butt!!

tonite I'm gonna try one of those medicated hot/cold muscle relief pads inside my undies.

If it works, I'll let yawl know.

I have a feeling they're extracting energy for themselves like we're powering their batteries.

Oct 05, 2022
creepy cat critters NEW
by: Anonymous

i was feeling one messing around by my butt and legs awhile back and decided to video it with my phone. i didn't get any visual evidence but i did get some crazy audio of it purring and moving around. it also sounds like it is tapping on my phone trying to figure out what it was. have any of you recorded any audio?

Sep 21, 2022
The government is aware NEW
by: Anonymous

I just watched a you tube video that talks about invisible entities.They realize they cannot do anything about them. The video shows the letter of acknowlegment.

It's a 3 hour long one but the letter shows up at 1:34:04

The name of the video is
"25 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained Compilation"
It was from Unexplained Mysteries
They describe them as tall but human-like.
I'm not saying these critters are them but they are similar.

Sep 15, 2022
cat critters
by: Anonymous

hey guys thought I'd give you a update on my invisible cat critters. since I last posted it got worse before it got better. i think when you start fighting back they really turn up there shenanigans. not only that, it seems like after i read some of your posts they picked up on some of the things they were doing to you guys. i really believe with strong faith and prayer you can beat these things. as hard as it is ignore them. don't give them the pleasure of letting them know they are getting to you. reach out to others and talk about it. don't fight this battle alone. i reached out to Ralph that has also posted on here. you don't know how nice it was talking to someone else that knows what your going through. he is a great guy and has helped me a lot. we are going to try and figure out a good way to start a support group and find a safe place we can all talk. if anyone wants to reach out to me your more than welcome. my name is Brandon Smithwick and you can find me on Facebook and message me on messenger.

Sep 11, 2022
I'm probably just a nut but.... NEW
by: Anon

It's quite alright that you'll all call me crazy, but we're all entitled to our own opinions. But I'm considering that parts of the movie "The Matrix" may be based on real life. These invisible entities could be the connections.
I'm certainly not convinced this is what is going on. I've been hoping that the super sad childhood I had was implanted memories. Every time I have a flash back, I tell myself that it never really happened and it's like a boulder lifting from me.
Anyway, I haven't been hearing any other theories and I'm just trying to figure this all out.

Sep 09, 2022
by: Anonymous

have my own theories about whats going on with these things on the other side of the curtain. If you think real hard, throw reason and ideas around in your minds maybe we can all finally wake up. We Need to Wake UP.
ps; i realize its been going on way befor the vaccine but im wondering how many of us got the vac? any of us or none of us.......

Aug 27, 2022
by: Mindy

I'm in. Look for my email.

Aug 27, 2022
Solution addition NEW
by: Anonymous

I didn't mention when I shared about ignoring them and jiggling my leg to make them go away, that I am a Christian and that it is my trust in God that allows me to ignore them. When I first had these experiences it truly drove me crazy and made it impossible to sleep unless completely exhausted. I kept trying to see them. I would kick at them. I tried praying and commanding then to go in the name and power of Jesus Christ. But nothing worked until I recognized that by reacting to them it would only make things worse. That's when I realized they had no power if I didn't react. And in order to not react I had to find a way to mitigate their ability to disturb me. That's when I started jiggling my leg and putting my trust in God to deal with them and protect me.

Aug 27, 2022
by: Anonymous

The main purpose of these things, whatever they are, is to drive you crazy and interfere with your sleep. They can only do this if you allow them to.You have complete power over them. I learned long ago to ignore them and they will go away. It can be difficult to ignore them at first, but it gets extremely easier with time. In order to ignore them just jiggle your leg or foot a bit so that you cannot sense them until you fall asleep. Their movements are very subtle at first so any movement on your part makes their movement indiscernible. I was very troubled by them a few years back. Now I very rarely get any sense of them.if I do sense anything from them I just jiggle my leg a little while falling asleep. Works every time. In the past 5 years they have only shown up again 2 or 3 times. But I immediately shut them down and they are gone. They only have power if you give them power.

Aug 27, 2022
Contact me to talk more NEW

I'd like to create a space so we can talk more. If so let me know. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS.

Aug 27, 2022
Group gathering to talk
by: Ralph sheets

My name is Ralph sheets. I'd like to create a fb messager page so that we all can continue to talk about these issues. If you would like then message me on fb. I have a captain cave man mug in my hand im talking to you a critter is messing with my right mig toe.

Aug 26, 2022
creepy ghost kittens!!!
by: brandon

omg, im so glad i found you guys! i thought i was going crazy. they started coming around 4 months ago and are getting worse and more aggressive. they pester the crap out of me at night but i will feel them through out the day mainly when I sit down. i have experienced almost everything that all of you have said and have tried everything to get rid of them. it's funny how a lot of you have tried the same things and done the exact things that I've tried. one positive note is im closer to god and I've been attending church twice a week. the prayers and gospel music i play at night seems to help a little but I need some more ammo. for the last 3 or 4 weeks they figured out i hate them messing with my butt and now thats pretty much all they do is mess with my butthole. have any of you started a support group yet or have a place where we can talk. i could really use some help fighting these things?

Aug 25, 2022
Had another thought, Sandy
by: Mindy

Have you had little sores below your pierced ears? (if you have pierced ears? I get the Lupus rashes and thought that I was developing a new one on my right earlobe but it developed into a tiny sore and now it looks like I have another piecing. I didn't think much about until I got another one in the exact thing on the other earlobe, exact same place. Plus, I've been getting sores inside both my ears that don't seem to be going away.
Please let me know if you have any of these symptoms. I need to know if it's my Lupus or if it's the critters. Thank you so much for any feedback you can provide.

Aug 18, 2022
To Sandy NEW
by: Mindy

I've been thinking of things to stop them from going in your ears, and one thing that came to mind is something called "Draw Out Salve". Squeeze it into your ear but put a paper towel or something between your pillow and your ear when laying on that side. It's black and messy but worth a try.
Good luck. I'll continue to ponder a solution.
These crazy things have pestered me for 15 years and I am so sick and tired of them.

One thing I've noticed is that the majority of us has a disease or ailment of some kind.

Aug 17, 2022
by: Mindy

What a predicament. They try to go inside my butt! The only thing I've found to work is my vibrating pad for my back. I have gone through numerous vibrating motors it's ridiculous. If you held one against your ear you wouldn't be able to hear anything else.
That has to be so painful when they go deeper inside your ear. I feel really bad for you. What on earth are they after?? I just don't understand. If I do come up with any ideas I will let you know. Have you tried different ointments? I'm going to wrack my brain to see if I can think of something.

Aug 17, 2022
Mindy NEW
by: Anonymous

I have tried ear plugs. It must annoy them. If in my ear already they try to break free and in doing so go further up on causing pain. If outside the scratch pillow more and I constantly hear a thumping on ear plug. Getting more scared with time. I DONT want to go to sleep.

Aug 16, 2022
Pets NEW
by: Anonymous

My pets ( alive lol 2 cats and 2 dogs) aren't scared of these creatures. Normally animals ( if the spirits are bad) hiss or bark at them But one thing im curious about is ive been haunted my entire adult life. Is anyone else haunted by things other than these creatures? If so im wondering if it a package deal. I hear voices talking from across my bedroom at times almost speaking to these creatures. They also follow me to work. I have norapathy- from diabetes- just info in case someone else is feeling alone.

Aug 16, 2022
Me Too
by: Mindy

I have felt them sucking or pumping something into me on my feet and sometimes my shoulders. The only time they leave me alone is when I'm sick. I have Auto Immune disease that includes Lupus among other ailments. It's the craziest thing. What the heck are these things and what are they taking from us or pumping into us?
I wish I knew.

Aug 14, 2022
To Mindi NEW
by: Marta

My also read my thoughts. I have even wondered if they could be aliens. However the past few months they have totally focused on the heels of my feet. It feels like they are sucking something out or pumping something into me. The only thing that seems to help is if I put on shoes to sleep. This is just totally crazy that they are now doing this after being around me for 11 years!

Aug 09, 2022
by: Mindy

I am so glad I'm not alone in this. I have found that if I don't feel their presence for awhile that when I think of them all of a sudden they arrive. It's almost like they hear my thoughts. It's very scary and I have tried everything I can think of to stop them. The only thing that comes close is a vibrating pad I use for my back. Have you tried ear plugs? I have found there is more and more people effected by them. more websites are now mentioning this as well. If you google "What the heck is walking on my bed" you should see something to click on with this subject. Good luck to you.

Aug 08, 2022
by: Sandy

I need too add to these comments, I’ve also have my own cats, (critters) what ever we are calling them. Mine focus on my head entering my ears. Which at times is painful. One night my left ear was bleeding. Most nights in the beginning I was Comforted by them believing a few were kittens. And at least 2 adult cats if not 3. Now I’m terrified, I’ve even breathed them in through mouth and nose. I feel them coming and going through my ears mainly. And yes traveling with them as well. A week in Ocean Isle was more relaxing only dealing with 1 bigger one. Always rubbing my head. It has change my thoughts regarding my faith although still questions, but has altered enough to start talking and praying. Not just to remove them but for personal stuff. I’m just glad I am not crazy or if I am I’ll at least have a few friends to be crazy with. Lol

Jul 21, 2022
I know what you're going thru
by: Anon

I am also at a loss to find a solution. I've gone from begging God to pleading with the critters to please leave me alone. The most I ever get is relief from all but one who I suspect has been with me from the beginning back around 2012.
I wish I had a solution but please hang in there. I will start a prayer chain for you and ask that all who read this to unite with prayer that we all can be free of these energy vampires. She is right, there are two and four legged ones. The ones with two legs are worst, I believe.
Do not invite them in, you'd only be asking for more.
Pray for us all.

Jul 20, 2022
Tried that
by: Anonymous

I play videos of bible verses all night every night. I said the mantra "Thank you, Jesus", 3 solid hours non-stop, I keep my lamp on. I lay with my bible on my chest. I'm already dealing with many serious health issues and now I pray they release me from this life. I cannot go on. I just can't take it any more.

Jul 20, 2022
Ghost cats NEW
by: Ralph sheets

I play an bible app- the one that reads the bible to you- and thst has helped me in the past. They don't aren't constantly around me anymore. But from time to time they come back.

Jul 20, 2022
Please Help me
by: Anonymous

I honestly don't know how much more of this I can take.

I feel like I'm going to lose my mind after
years of these things, night after night walking up and down along side of my body in bed, some two legged and some have four legs.
Some heavier than others. They seem to concentrate on my butt, like they want inside to perhaps feed off my energy, I don't know.
It's just so creepy and sounds crazy.
They won't let me sleep. I stay awake for up to 3 nights in a row until I fall asleep from exhaustion.
I have tried Everything I can think of.
Every time I find something that deters them it only lasts for up to 4 nights.
Seriously, does anyone have a solution? I'm afraid of losing it so bad I may hurt myself to end this torture.

Jun 22, 2022
This helps me
by: Anonymous

I notice when I leave my bedside lamp on all night they don't bother me as much. Sometimes I have to use an eye covering but I don't care, as long as it keeps them from pestering me it's well worth it.

Jun 13, 2022
In common NEW
by: Mindy

Chronic pain sufferer, blood type AB+
At least we can try to get to the bottom of this.

Jun 12, 2022
Something in common NEW
by: Marta

I truly believe that all of us that experience these entities have something in common that draws them to us. I racked my brain to try and think what it could be. My blood type is AB- I have lived with intense pain for a number of years. I am an only child. I have 1/16 Native American ancestor. I have always felt that I think much differently than most people. I have vivid dreams. If anyone out there can think of any type of similarities we may share, please post.

Jun 11, 2022
This helped
by: Love

Last night I was sobbing and praying to God to make these thigs leave me alone and wondering why He hasn't after all the prayers to Him.
When finished I closed my eyes, opened my bible and let my finger land on a verse. This is what it fell upon:

Holding the mystery of the Faith in a pure conscience. I Timothy 3:9

That gave me alot of food for thought. I need to work on my faith and on a clean conscience Then, I believe I can get rid of these things.

Jun 11, 2022
to Marta
by: Anonymous

omg, I was just at my dr yesterday and was wishing I could tell him but figured I would end up in a psych ward, too!
I often feel them sucking on my feet as well. Also my shoulders where I'm always in pain in my joints.
One thing I've noticed between some of us is that we are on pain med. I have auto immune disease which gave me rheumatoid arthritis and must take pain meds. I don't sleep much, every time I start to relax they are on me in full force.
No one else near me has been affected but I'm fearful that they'll attach to my mother since she sleeps in same bed when visiting.
I'm afraid of losing my mind when I let it sink in how creepy this is.

Jun 11, 2022
Cat ghosts/ Fairy like? NEW
by: Marta

I put on the post right before this but forgot to mention a couple of things. Does not bother anyone but myself and my cousin. She came to spend the night so I set up a surveillance camera and we stayed in the same bed. After we were asleep on camera we got a very fast image of something going from her head to mine and back again. It looked exactly like a fairy. I don’t think it’s a nice fairy! It can cause pain to me internally, my forehead or right leg. I have always heard a pop or click when it arrives and have heard what sounds like a swarm of flies or bees. This is not ghosts. I do not believe it is here for any good and yes it does feel like it is sucking something from me. This is scary as so many are beginning to experience the same things. I wish we coul all get on a live chat. Many times I need a Xanax to be able to sleep but unfortunately I can’t tell my Dr. Why or I would be put in a psych ward!

Jun 10, 2022
Entity/cCat/Alien NEW
by: Anonymous

Have had them since2011. Lately has been attaching to the sole of my foot and seems to be sucking something out they can and have caused extreme pain. They follow me wherever I go, out of state but takes them a couple of days to find me. I was taking pain med for back fractures and they apparently thought I was OD because they hit me very hard. Was terribly painful but left no mark. Could they be Aliens? The first year or two I thought I would go crazy but now just try to ignore them as well as I can.

Jun 10, 2022
So Scary
by: Anonymous

I was considering getting a cat to scare these things off but apparently that would not work.
These things seem to be getting more evil as time progresses and affecting more people. Now when I search for invisible cats many more sites are listed.
One site I visited was "What the heck is on my bed every night" and so many people are experiencing the same thing as us.
I hope people don't fall into the trap of welcoming these critters because they gradually become extremely invasive.
I truly wish we could find a solution.

Jun 10, 2022
Ghost Cat
by: David N. Currey

More recent experiences with Ghost Cat:

This morning, I distinctly heard a cat walking on some papers behind my computer desk that had fallen on the floor. I got up out of bed and looked, but neither of my cats were back there, and one was on my bed. I heard this sound off and on for several minutes.

The other night, I was lying in bed, and my cat Rougarou was lying next to me. All of a sudden, he sat up, and growled towards the foot of my bed. I sat up to see if my other cat Mikey was in the room, and he wasn't. Besides, Rougarou doesn't growl at Mikey, though the two cats don't get along very well. I tried to calm Rougarou down, but he would not have any of that. Then in a flash, Rougarou was clawing his way over my face to get away from something, presumably Ghost Cat, though this time I didn't hear any noises from Ghost Cat.

Starting roughly about the same time Ghost Cat reappeared a month ago, Rougarou will sometimes stay downstairs after I've gone upstairs and make mournful wailing sounds. I'll call him, and he'll eventually come on up and quit making the sounds.

Also, starting about a month ago, Rougarou suddenly became afraid of the upstairs 25"-square A/C intake vent, even though he's been in the house for over five years. Now, when I go downstairs, he pauses before passing the A/C vent, eyeing it suspiciously, before passing it. Sometimes, he even jumps over the area of the carpet in front of the vent like there's something on the floor, when there's nothing on the floor.

Jun 10, 2022
Msg to StarLove
by: Mindy

Thank God for you! Now some people will believe me that these things are not good. They may start out all cuddly and purring but they turn evil. They started with me approx. 15 years ago.
I, too have tried most of the things you listed. The only thing to come close was a vibrating pad on the bed but I kept burning out the motors and it got too expensive to keep replacing.
You may be on to something about our vibraton levels. I am clinically depressed. I wonder if others on this site are as well.
I feel them attaching to me and they go everywhere I go.
I would love to see the video you have. Please let me know n here if you'd be willing to share.

Thank you so much and God bless you.

Jun 10, 2022
Phantom cat is not good NEW
by: StarLove

My experience started in 2019. I had no cat but I heard demonic purring. I thought it was not real. But I kept feeling a presence. two hears later. We adopted Himalayan cats. My Himalayan boy was loving and chill. But one day, he ran upstairs from the basement so fast and he hid in his cat tree house. I tried to calm him down. I watch the ring camera recording. He was just calmly walking in the basement and he interact with something invisible and he took off very fast. After that, he was afraid of many things. He used to sleep on the bed, but he started sleeping under our bed. We got him a sister and he was happy about it. My little female cat was waking me up at 3 AM every single day. My Himalayan cat boy was mowing so high at night. There were lights turning on and off. My husband doesn't believe in anything metaphysical. So a few weeks ago, I realized that anytime my husband come to wake me up (I have cancer I sleep until 10 AM), I feel this cat-like creature tump on the floor. And some nights I feel that it jumps on the foot of the bed and walks towards my head and I fell asleep at that time. I was so depressed about my life, about the evil in this world. My vibration got lower. So this thing or things come to us when we are vibrating at their level. This thing was controlling my dreams. Unbelievable scary or nasty dreams. I wasn't hallucinating, my cats were feeling it too. I started praying to God. I sage the house nothing happened. I played singing bowl, but nothing happened. Prayed in English for Christian praying, Indian praying, and Muslim praying. Nothing helped. I ordered cymbals from Amazon, when I tried it, my little female cat came towards it meowing, being disturbed but purring at the same time. I caught her laying in the kitchen and looking at me with dark eyes. I swear she was possessed. After the cymbals, I take her to my room with her brother during the day, she started crying towards the walls. She wanted to jump up the walls. She was so stressed, I've called my husband he was in his office. We calmed her down. Take her downstairs she drank so much water. Her mouth was so dry. As a mother, I got pissed... SO pissed. No one hurt my children. I am still pissed. I will go to spiritual war! I recorded one video on my iPhone, my male cat was hiding behind the curtain and watching this thing. He was standing up to the wall and was quiet. iPhone recorded infrared. I watched the video in the morning and there was a black cat on the wall, upside down. I was so confused. I watched it twice. tried to chow my husband but the black shadow cat wasn't in the video anymore. I then set up the ring camera in our room. I have proof now. I recorded it. There were white orbs in the room, and then there was a shadow cat that appeared out of nowhere. Then, I saw shadows of other creatures. They were like monkeys. I wake up each morning around 5 AM sweating and feeling so hot and couldn't understand why. I bet they were on me that is why I get sweaty. Thank God websites such as this one help me so much. I prayed a lot last night. Still, I woke up sweaty but there was only one orb. Before there were many of them. My breast cancer spread to my brain so my pineal gland doesn't work well. So I think that is the way they get in or depression lowers our vibration and they get in. I ordered two vibrating seats and a pad for the bed. Ordered three huge crystal singing bowls, a hematite magnet necklace, and organize stones. Also, I got God by my side. Let God will be done. I am going to war! They deceive me in my sleep. I used to dream of beautiful things, like spaceships, and the universe. Now I dream of beating someone, hating people, and having sexual dreams. It's disgusting. I am telling you guys. These things are not your friends. Devils deceive people. A phantom cat comes and rubs its head to make itself cute. Don't succumb to these beasts. They are the demonic beasts. We are the children of GOD. We have power in each of us. Increase your vibration. Relaxing music, singing bowls, eating a vegetarian diet, praying every single day, and deep breathing techniques. Mediate, trust in the supreme lord. Ask for help from the church. I asked the one in our neighborhood to come and pray with me. They already messaged me. God bless them and God bless all of us guys. The world is going through a shift. We have to grow spiritually. We need to leave this earth for the new one. Only the ignorant will stay behind and enjoy this prison planet. Don't encourage these beasts. Pray, Pray, Pray, Believe in God. We are one, all-powerful spiritual beings. Good luck every one. We can do this together.

May 06, 2022
Ghost Cat
by: David N. Currey

I'm 69 and on my 7th and 8th cats here in Houston. After the death of my cat Chief in 2013, starting about 2015, I would feel a cat jump on my bed, lay against my legs, and step over my ankles. Often, there would be no cat there when I would look. The strangest occurrence was when Ghost Cat swatted the hell out of my thigh, and when I looked, my cat Rougarou was lying calmly too far away to have swatted me. After my other cat Bailey died, I adopted Mikey in August 2020 to be a buddy for Rougarou. After the adoption, Ghost Cat stopped visiting for a year and a half. However, starting about 10 days ago, Ghost Cat is back, jumping up on the bed, lying against my legs, and stepping over my ankles. Tonight, as I was finishing up supper, I heard the sound of a cat carefully stepping through wadded up newspaper......on the CEILING! I glanced up and then over, and Mikey was asleep in a chair, but Rougarou was staring intently at the ceiling where the sound was coming from. I've also caught sight of Ghost Cat dashing through the shadows out of the corner of my eye. I'm open-minded about ghost cats based on my experiences.

Apr 21, 2022
I like my ghost cats
by: Anonymous

I moved to my condo a dozen years ago and from the start, I would sit at my computer and feel cats rub against my legs. I have a small Yorkie mix and she never does this but I took a picture of her at her feeding bowl and there were two orbs near her bowl. I would constantly feel the cats walk on my bed when I watch TV at night and my dog is sound asleep beside me. The other night I was in bed watching TV and I finally saw what at first I thought was my dog except the longer cat's tail was unmistakable and my dog was not on my bed. It was at the foot of my bed and just hurried off and disappeared. The cat was on the smaller side and all gray. It doesn't bother me at all. Perhaps one of the previous owners owned cats that are now long gone and they continue to visit. At least I don't have to feed them or get a litter box and my dog is not bothered at all by them - she totally ignores them.

Apr 21, 2022
I like my ghost cats
by: Anonymous

I moved to my condo a dozen years ago and from the start, I would sit at my computer and feel cats rub against my legs. I have a small Yorkie mix and she never does this but I took a picture of her at her feeding bowl and there were two orbs near her bowl. I would constantly feel the cats walk on my bed when I watch TV at night and my dog is sound asleep beside me. The other night I was in bed watching TV and I finally saw what at first I thought was my dog except the longer cat's tail was unmistakable and my dog was not on my bed. It was at the foot of my bed and just hurried off and disappeared. The cat was on the smaller side and all gray. It doesn't bother me at all. Perhaps one of the previous owners owned cats that are now long gone and they continue to visit. At least I don't have to feed them or get a litter box and my dog is not bothered at all by them - she totally ignores them.

Apr 10, 2022
You are Not alone
by: Anonymous

These things have been with me for more than 10 years now. They seem to love my feet as well. I just don't understand why they are invisible. Are they spirits or what? When the bigger ones come around it gets scary but mostly it's the smaller ones that come nightly. I wish this mystery could be solved.

Apr 10, 2022
Haunted by cats
by: Anonymous

I've had ghost cats haunting me for about 4 years now. They come one at a time- or sometimes a few at a time- small and very big. They never hurt me and ( for some reason) love my feet. They are always around me at my home- even in the bathroom I feel them softly going around my legs. I hearing them purring and feel them kneading around me as I lay in bed. This is an ever night event. Please contact me if this is happening to you because I have felt alone.

Feb 09, 2022
I'm gonna try Yuliya's suggestion
by: Mindy

She mentioned getting rid of items that may be an entry for these critters to get in like buddha statues. I have some small ones so they are going Today. There aren't as many "cats" visiting me as before but one in particular just will not leave. He's not a pest but just the idea of an invisible entity in bed with me gives me the willies.

Feb 08, 2022
What's the meaning NEW
by: MikeJ

I have had a cat ghost/spirit coming up on ny bed at night for about 5 months. Welp about two weeks ago I spotted a dark cats medium fur kalico with brownish yellow eyes.It stood in frint of my dresser and I could feel it looking back. Neither of my two living cats noticed it. I've not seen it again and haven't felt the typical cat jump n walk on the bed.
My two boys (cats) do sometimes stare back at the bedroom or just bust out running to the bedroom. Possibly seeing it.
Anyone has any help on the meaning of a visit from a cats ghost plz help.

Jan 15, 2022
Comforting night cats
by: cindy

I wish there were more spots to discuss our cat experiences.

I am 71 now and have always felt cats jumping on bed, snuggling close ,walking across bed. But they have always been a comfort and yes they follow me to other bedrooms.
I have always thought of them as my cats that have passed on and are just coming to visit.
Does anyone know if another discussions?

Nov 24, 2021
deja vu cat
by: Juuzou

I have a particular kind of ptsd my emotions are numb to me and my whole life i lived a very solitary life ive always felt ghosts you could say they keep me connected to the world but when i saw a black ghost cat one day i felt literal deja vu its seems to be a pure strain of emotion it is very addictive since then all i can do to still the agony is panic.. If you have an answer for me

Nov 23, 2021
Ghost Catsss
by: Sherri

I just now found this page. I'm happy to know I'm not alone. This has been going on for about 4 months. Seem to come at a time when I was very vulnerable and emotional. Right now as we speak, there's one in my mattress trying to get my feet one walking around my bed to my pillow, my legs are zapping with electric shock and now they're getting very warm. I videoed at night once, and my TV was off, and when I looked at the video you could see black cat s some on four legs some on two legs and weird faces.. I know it sounds crazy.. My legs ache.. I can't get rid of them no matter what.. I can't sleep I'm tired I'm grouchy.. I'm a 53-year-old female.. what the hell are these things?

Apr 27, 2021
There’s HELP!
by: Yuliya

I’ve had this invisible cat visit me for over 4 years and been having weird dreams ever since. So when speaking to a spiritual Christian about this, they saw in a vision an item I had in my home (Buddhist statue) (I never even mentioned this statue to them) and he said that its a demonic spirit that uses that item as an entry point to get into my house. Even though it’s not mine, it’s my husband’s, the demonic spirit is still able to come to visit me. He said to pray EVERY night and ask God to close and seal off every entry point spiritually to my house, with the blood of Jesus so nothing can come through. So search your homes and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you anything you need to get rid of! Remove all entry access points and ask God to seal every entry of your home Every night! Pray for the Full Armor of God as well! I’ve prayed that every night and haven’t felt the demonic spirit visit me. God gave us power to tread on ALL the power of the enemy through the mighty name of Jesus! God did not give us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of peace and sound mind, and Im so happy that I have found that through God! So those who don’t know Jesus, I hope this shows you how powerful his name is, that even demonic spirits have to obey and can’t pass through the blood! Just look up and ask Jesus tonight to reveal himself to you, so you too can have peace and obtain the authority to rebuke these spirits messing with you every night!

Apr 02, 2021
by: Mindy

I would love to have just one night without these visitors. No matter where I go or how far, they are rightthere. Last night one of them was purring in my ear! How do we fight these intruders when we can't even see them? I wish I knew.

Mar 30, 2021
Night Critter Visitors / Demons
by: Lori Melhart-Bowen Schmidt-Smith (Washington State)

Hi, I'm Lor S. who's been posting about the night critter demons. I used my Facebook profile name above so if anyone ever wants to message me and talk about our experiences, I would like that. I've been through a lot with all of this and it would be nice to chat with someone about it. I still periodically get the feelings of critters lightly walking on my bed at night but I get rid of them right away. I feel like after what I've been through with them, I'll probably always get those visits. I'm in Washington state. Anyone can message me to discuss this topic. I think it would help as just having this forum has helped me tremendously.

Mar 30, 2021
Night Critter Visitors / Demons
by: Lori Melhart-Bowen Schmidt-Smith (Washington State)

Hi, I'm Lor S. who's been posting about the night critter demons. I used my Facebook profile name above so if anyone ever wants to message me and talk about our experiences, I would like that. I've been through a lot with all of this and it would be nice to chat with someone about it. I still periodically get the feelings of critters lightly walking on my bed at night but I get rid of them right away. I feel like after what I've been through with them, I'll probably always get those visits. I'm in Washington state. Anyone can message me to discuss this topic. I think it would help as just having this forum has helped me tremendously.

Mar 05, 2021
Lori S. NEW
by: Charlie

I'm so glad you are overcoming and getting relief and restful sleep.😊 If you think about it, what is one way the enemy can weaken a strong person? Interrupt or ruin their sleep, which is so essential to mentaL, physical, and of course, spiritual health.You are resting in the Lord and in His promises in His Word.


12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of a man, but of God.

14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Mar 05, 2021
Male entity
by: Anonymous

I too have felt the presence of a male that lays up against my back when I sleep on my side. I'm only aware of him when I wake up, then he stirs and leaves. I'm really tired of the cat-like critters. It's every single nite and whenever I go some place and spend the night, they follow me.
I'm glad that this site is available for people going thru the same thing as me.
It's not the sort of thing you tell all your freinds about.

Mar 04, 2021
Night Critter Visitors; Demons NEW
by: Lori S.

Charlie, I have also read that the incubus and succubus cause homosexuality and promiscuous sexual activity.

I've now had several good night's sleep. I say a prayer for God and Jesus to protect me from them and to keep them away from me, my family and friends. Up until a few nights ago, if I thought of them, I immediately felt the hopping on the bed. I would then start the praying process, followed by lots of times of The Lord's Prayer. I now start the praying when I first close my eyes and I've been free of them completely!

I bought a book called Stalked By A Demon about a woman who was stalked by an evil, scary incubus that would horribly rape her periodically. This went on for many years. She finally reached out for help and was told about the praying and it worked for her. I went through some very scary stuff and am so relieved I found a way out of that horrible experience.

Mar 03, 2021
Lori S re: Incubis
by: Charlie

I was told by a deliverance minister that incubis and secubis are the spirits behind homosexuality. I can't say whether that is correct, or not. But I do have respect for this minister. And I don't say that lightly. Thank you for sharing the picture.

Feb 26, 2021
Cat Critter
by: Lori S.

I haven't seen the cat Critter but I get periodic visits from a kinda long, like a foot, super fluffy, short legged thing , kinda the shape of a ferret but really fluffy and maybe a little bigger that may be it. It's more then comfy when cuddled up against your body. The visits are far and few between for that one for me. It visited more at the beginning.

I found a picture of a incubus demon that is exactly what I've been experiencing. I haven't seen it but it visits me, or did visit me, nightly, usually with friends like it and they would torment me, except one that would coddle me like I'm theirs. I've described it in here before. I hear it and feel it. It seems to be about 3 or 4 feet tall and it's constantly scratching coarse hair that I can hear. I think of it as looking like an ape or gorilla. It likes to like me. You can find it at...

Invoking The Incubus: Mary Shelley's Use Of The Demon-Lover Tradition In Frankenstein

On page 40 of the pdf download. There's lots of info there that is good. My mouth dropped open when I saw the picture. I've had a 3rd night of mostly being left alone I owe to the praying. I get the jumping on the bed of something small that hops around, not the cat Critter. I picture it as like a miniature dinosaur, hopping on 2 legs, about 6 to 8 inches high, very nervous, hopping around a lot. I haven't felt it fully, just kicking it. Has anyone had visits from men or women like creatures that lay next to them and you feel like they want to have sex? Has anyone been raped by one? I've had the human like ones but I haven't been raped like I've read in so many other stories. If these critters are truly critters associated with the sex demons, then some people should have experienced the sleep paralysis or something similar. I'm just trying to see if they are related.

Feb 26, 2021
by: Anonymous

I am so thankful for being told to pray. Every time I feel them getting close I start praying and saying the Lords prayer. It's constant but I'm hoping to get less visits. Has anyone gotten a good look at the cat-like beings?
Thank you so much for sharing.

Feb 25, 2021
To Charlie
by: Lori S.

Charlie. You're my kind of person. I'm very close with God, even though I don't activily go to church. I pray several times every day and I know God is in my heart and soul and every part of my being. I've given myself completely over to him and have prayed and prayed and prayed to him and Jesus to please take them away. Sometimes God answers our prayers differently than we expect. I think sometimes we're meant to experience some things. Every journey is different. I did everything you said and more. When I started saying The Lord's Prayer and Shepard's Prayer,the visits started getting fewer and less of them were visiting. I also was ignoring them. It was impossible to ignore them before I started those specific prayers. I prayed hard before that and told the critter demons a lot of stuff, like you have no power over me, God is in every fiber of my being and in my heart and soul, and they must leave in Jesus name and on and on. I imagined them laughing at me as it only got worse. I surprised myself by being so tough and bold about it all. I kicked and hit at them, once in awhile actually getting them but it just got worse. When I started the prayers, they lessoned and the severity of their torment was less so now I'm able to ignore them. I have 2 good night's sleep so far. I've tried so much and like you, I think I found the ticket and it's through God, mine just has more to do with the specific prayers. Thanks for sharing. I'm still in awe at how many people experience this. I'm sad but relieved at the same time. Glad you have found what works and I hope more people do it.

Feb 25, 2021
Night critter visitors/demons
by: Lori S.

Thanks for your info Jules. I hope more people share so we can beat these things. I've read on here that vibration helps. I'm on Social Security Disability and can't afford to be buying very much. Also, I'm moving in a month so I'm really broke. I've already moved once since they started and they followed me. There was a long gap though, about a year or so. I also had a nervous breakdown 3 weeks after they started and I ended up in a psych ward for 2 weeks. I tried to tell my roommate about them as I figured they would get her too. She called my daughter who promptly got me to the hospital. I had a 7 page suicide note written. They did stop for almost a year after I got out. I'm still on meds for it. There's no use trying to explain to anyone. Heck, if someone told me, I probably, well, most likely wouldn't believe them either. It's hard for me to believe and I'm experiencing it. I was amazed how many others are, and relieved it wasn't just me and that I'm not crazy.

I too have prayed for protection from God, his love, and his light. I've asked him to put me in a white bubble surrounded by his loving light and protect me from anything dark or that shouldn't be around me. I've prayed this so, so many times, plus tons more stuff. Here's something I found on Facebook yesterday that I read aloud in my room last night and like I said, I had a good night.

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel...

Saint Michael the archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do though, oh Prince of the humbly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

I know some people aren't religious or believe in God so this is for the ones that do. I don't go to church anymore but I do believe in God and I will continue praying until this stops. I believe sometimes our prayers are answered by directing us to a site like this where we can share info, or a book, or people who can help us. I'm praying for another good night. Hope you all reading this get a good night's rest too.

Feb 25, 2021
Lori S. I forgot one thing
by: Charlie

Lori S. I forgot one detail. When I finally realized who I am in God, and for the first time decided just to say, "I belong to Jesus" I would turn over, close my eyes, and go to sleep. The part I forgot was that in the beginning I would shake my foot or my leg in a tiny, rhythmic, movement so I couldn't feel them. They never liked movement. Whenever I would move to try to see them, or see the movement of their feet on the bed, they would disappear for the moment. So shaking my foot, or leg, a tiny bit would either keep them away, or made it impossible for me to feel their movements, as I was falling asleep. I had forgotten that detail in my last comment.

Feb 25, 2021
Lori S. You should not be stressed. If you belong to the Lord you can rest in Him
by: Charlie

Lori S. You should be able to rest in God's Word if you are a born again Christian. You should not be stressed and your hair should not be falling out. You also should not have to constantly recite the Lord's prayer in your head. I'm not saying don't do it. If it helps you, of course, keep doing it. If you don't know the Lord, and are not a born again Christian seek God. That is our foundation, our rock, our salvation, our strength, our supply, and our peace. But if you are born again, read God's Word. You must have it in you. Put on the whole armor of God. And that's not reciting the passage about the armor. That's knowing God's Word as a whole. When this encounter first happened for me it was terrifying. And I kept reacting to them. Trying to swat them off, telling them to go in the name of Jesus. The more I did the the more stressed and terrified I became. I finally thought about who I belong to and about God's promises. And I realized these things have no power over me, or anyone. God is greater. When I made that realization, when I would go to bed and they would start, I would simply say, "I belong to Jesus." And I would turn over, close my eyes, and go to sleep. After that they kept trying for quite awhile, but now they rarely even bother trying. Once in a great while I'll notice one of them jump on the bed. I give it no notice, and no attention. I sleep blissfully and don't have stress. If you belong to God, ignore them. They have ZERO power. If you do not know God, seek Him with every fiber of your being. The bible says, "If you seek God, you will find Him." And don't think a half hearted attempt will do it. I know for years I would occasionally call out to God...wanting God to intervene in something in my life, but nothing ever happened or changed. But I can say, when I was seriously struggling....desperate...I sought Him, and found Him. He is there for you. He made the ultimate sacrifice when He allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. It's the free gift of life eternal with God Almighty. But He is a serious God. Lukewarm will not get his attention.

Feb 24, 2021
hi all
by: jules

I commented on this thread back in 2019, after going through a year of sleepless nights and at my wits end. I am happy to report that I no longer have the issues with the creatures jumping on my bed, or the white mist that would be floating above my head when I would wake.
I am not exactly sure what got rid of them but I will tell you what I did.

First of all, I had to get on anxiety meds because after I had caught the things on videotape, I had a nervous breakdown. I am still taking the meds every night and I sleep well. After it happened, I did not sleep in my bedroom for 3 months! I could barely walk in there I was so scared. I ended up rearranging my room- moving my bed, and hanging up purple fairy lights all over the place so the room is always fairly well lit. I wear jewelry with magnets (bracelet and necklace) to bed and I have a magnet mattress pad (these are supposed to help with back pain also). I keep the tv on every night as well, I play rain/storm videos on youtube. Most of these things may just be superstition, but since I haven't had the issues I continue to use them.

I think the main thing that helped is that I say a prayer of protection every night before bed, I envision myself surrounded in white light and I ask God to protect me from evil and surround me in his light. I am not a religious person, but it does make me feel better.

Now, once in a while my dogs will look at the ceiling and their eyes follow something across the room, but I cannot see what it is and it hasn't bothered me so I am ok with it. I hope you all can get some relief soon.

Feb 24, 2021
Night Critter Visitors; Demons
by: Lori S.

I feel I must correct a typo in my previous comment in The Lord's Prayer. It's "forgive our debtors, not "forget our debtors."

I had an almost "visitor" free night. It stopped after posting that last comment and didn't even start back up the couple of times I got up to go to the restroom. It felt like the first time my babies slept thru the night. We'll see if this keeps up. Keep your mind focused on other things. It's working for me so far.

Feb 24, 2021
Night Critter Visitors / Demons
by: Lori S.

I drank some wine, laid down, knew what was coming, and my bed had many "something's" hopping around,some sniffing me. The wine made me weaker but I do love me some wine. I wish so much I was free of all of this. My hair has been falling out from the stress of this. I'm 54 years old; I'm just trying to enjoy being a mother and grandmother. This has been going on for over a year. I've read many of the posts where this has been going on for many years. Do you all have any hair left? I turned on the light and it stopped. Many times it doesn't and at it's worse, it was during happening during the day. I'm reading The Lord's Prayer out loud with the light on due to my weakness with the wine. This paranormal stuff has got to stop! Here's The Lord's Prayer for those without a Bible...

Our father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forget our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Memorize it and say it over and over again, in your head or out loud if you can. If you really don't want something religous, memorize anything, to keep yourself focused on remembering word for word, to keep your mind from thinking of the critter demons.

I'm tired but hopeful I'll beat this and hope many of you do too.

Feb 23, 2021
Night Critter Visitors; Demons
by: Lori S.

Thank you for that comment. It's very true. I've got to the point where I ignore them and recite the Lord's Prayer in my head over and over again. Sometimes I say it out loud in a whisper so my roommate doesn't hear. I found the main thing that works is...if the thought of them enters my brain for even a second, they are hopping on my bed and touching me. If I don't allow the thought to go a whole second then I keep them away. If they do come after I think of them for a second or more, I concentrate on saying the Lord's Prayer over and over again in my head, not allowing my thoughts to go to the critters/demons. It's very hard not to think of something when you're trying not to think of it. It's extremely hard. It takes a lot of effort and is exhausting. I allowed them to visit for a very short time last night and fell asleep saying the Lord's Prayer in my mind.

I sent another message to Dr. Stella Emanuel asking why she didn't get back to me and she texted me back, her, not her son. She said,"My son told me about you. We need to meet so we can cast out the demons." I said, " I don't think I'm possessed. They just visit me nightly and torment me" She asked where in Washington I was. I told her and she said, "When I come around I will visit you for prayers." I asked if she was coming to Washington state and got no reply. Look her up on Google, Facebook and her books on Amazon/Kindle. She appears to really know her stuff but I don't think I'll ever meet up with her. She seems too busy. I will continue to say the Lord's Prayer, The Shepard's Prayer and pray, and pray, and pray to God. The last guy's comment is right. They have no power over us unless we give it to them. The key is not to think about them. Pray or think about anything else you can. If they come, ignore them. I've found many of them do leave by getting bored. The more I experience and learn, I will definitely share on here. I hope others do too. We need to fully get this figured out and help each other. We deserve our freedom and peace.

Feb 23, 2021
by: Anonymous

Thank you Charlie & Lori. I need more faith and I will pray, pray and pray.

Feb 23, 2021
Stand firm on the Word of God. Not saying, praying, or speaking as much as resting in what the Word of God says.
by: Charlie

These are meant to torment. But the Word of God says, No curse can befall the righteous. Be prayerful of course, but when you've done all you can, stand firmly on the Word of God and recognize these things have no power over you. Only you can give them that power. When you go to bed, thank the Lord for His Word and His protection. And then ignore them. They get bored and go away. When you react to them they absolutely love it and will continue and they will bring more. Just remember: They have ZERO power!

Feb 22, 2021
To Anonymous
by: Lori S.

I did comment about that earlier but I guess it didn't go through. The doctor never called me. 😟

Feb 22, 2021
Msg to Lori S
by: Anonymous

Please come back after hearing from the doctor. I am so very tired of these things. You describe exactly what I have been dealing with for too many years. I've lost so much sleep and it's affecting my health. I hope the doctor can give you some advise on how to get rid of them. I have tried everything I can think of. Thank you so much, MC

Feb 20, 2021
Ghosts cats seem to be demons
by: Lori S.

I also got the ghost cats which turned into many of them and then different things started visiting me. I usually only feel and hear them but I've seen them a couple times and like in a previous comment I read on here, they are like the bad monkeys from The wizard of Oz but the little ones at least don't have wings. I don't know about the bigger ones. I have been visited by dozens of little ones that at a certain time of the night they come up and cuddle with me, all over me and they have whiskers and almost mice or rat like paws. After a while I started getting visits from what I hear and feel seem to be like an ape or a gorilla type animal / demon. It is heavy and I can hear it when it walks on the floor and feel it as it walks across my bed. The bed goes way down. It appears to have coarse hair and scratches a lot as I constantly hear the coarse hair being scratched. The first one in have these large animal / demons usually holds its hand on my head or somewhere else to claim me as theirs. The others like it that come in torment me. They poke at me, pull on my toenails really hard and have hit me a couple times. There's others too, too many to count. I have memorized the Lord's Prayer and the shepherd's prayer and pray to God and Jesus a ton and it seems to be working. If I don't pray after I close my eyes, it starts to get bad again. I have felt a scary evil presence at times when this is all happening. Also, one weird thing is they all intermittently put a finger on the top of my head. I also feel them inside the mattress. Very many strange things have happened with them. It feels so weird to say this out loud but also it's a weight off my shoulders. I'm waiting for a call back from someone called doctor Stella Emmanuel as I messengered her and her son got back to me. I thought I would Google other people who have experienced this while I wait for this call. Hopefully I will remember to go back on here and let you all know what she says. Don't forget to pray and pray hard.

Oct 15, 2020
To Bed Mate
by: Anonymous

I have been dealing with these things for about 15 years now. I know it's too late but it's probably not a good idea to invite them or make them think they are welcome. They do the same mattress crawl no matter where I am. They followed me from Boston to Florida. They seem like cats. I always feel them jumping on my bed. They try to go to my private parts, seriously. I tried to get help but no one cares. I even sent an email to Linda Molten Howle and her response was "that's interesting". I wish I knew how to get rid of them. Just know that you aren't alone.

Oct 15, 2020
Bed mate
by: Anonymous

Hi All. I have been having this sensation for 5 years now and can't explain why. Cat crawling on me, crawling inside the mattress l have been trying to pat but l can't see anything. Anyone has any explanations.
It happens every night doesnt matter where l sleep when the light goes out l have started calling it n trying to be nice to it but there must be a way to get them to move on . I feel bad for then like they are lost or something

Sep 21, 2020
Mountain-ash tree
by: Anonymous

Muontain-ash tree scientific name is Sorbus.

Sep 21, 2020
For protection from entitis
by: Anonymous

Here in Estonia we use mountain-ash tree branches for protection from evil entitis.
We but branches under our beds or near windows,doors.

Sep 09, 2020
Invisible cat
by: Anonymous

This cat comes during the day and night. I have put my hand under its jaw and I had had a levitation experience with it. Fallows me on trips, and just purrs like crazy. Always putting its whiskers and nose on my face and hands. So annoying

Aug 16, 2020
by: Anonymous

My 14 year old Tiffany cat had been in the hospital for almost 10 days when the doctor told me that I should just take her home and there was nothing more he could do for her. During her stay at the hospital I visited her every day. I took her outside to the grassy area where she would just lay and feel the warm sun. The last photo I have of her is in the grass behind the hospital. I took her home and I made her a comfortable room in the downstairs bathroom complete with a bed, water, litter box and food. I was off for the summer because I am a teacher. I spent lots of quality time with her because I knew she wanted to die at home, so did the vet. On the 2nd day I spent the entire day holding her on my lap, petting her, and talking to her about our lives together. Late that evening I decided to go out dancing. All of a sudden I felt this horrible feeling that something was wrong it brought tears to my eyes I told my friends I had to leave. I cried the whole way driving home not knowing what had happened yet. When I arrived home I found Tiffany laying on the dining Room floor She was lifeless but still warm.
Her spirit called out to me as she was leaving this world. I regret that I went out that night and was not with her in her final moments.

Oct 08, 2019
To Jules
by: Mindy

Wow. You are doing the Exact same things I've done, tried and am still looking for the solution. Magnets, orgone and vibrations, I have spent a small fortune. I wish we could find a solution. I'm glad that there is someone out there that knows exactly what I've been experiencing all these years. I will be here any time you need to get it off your chest, I'm dying a slow death, mostly liver related so just know that I too am trying to come up with a way to be rid of them.

Oct 08, 2019
to Mindy
by: jules

i just saw your response. thank you so much for taking time to comment. i am so sorry to hear you are dying. i have done everything i can think of to discourage them. i wear magnets from head to toe and i even got a magnetic sheet for the bed, orgone pyramids everywhere and a vibrating massage pad. i haven’t slept in my bed for a month but i am to the point i think i can try again. i went to the doctor for anxiety and sleep meds and he put me on trazadone which has really helped me. i wish you all the best. you’ll be in my prayers.

Sep 25, 2019
So sorry
by: Mindy

I just re-read my last submission and realized it made no sense. As I mentioned, I am in my last days. I just couldn't leave without giving some insight.
In my statement where it said"off-line", it was supposed to be Cat-Like.
And I w It seems they may have come back. This morning I felt something shaking my arm, either to wake me or to see if I was conscious.

Sep 25, 2019
To Jules
by: Mindy

They are trying to imprint to your mind. If you do not discourage them they will be with you too you die. I'm dying now so they've finally let me be. I have nothing for them now. They want to use you as an energy source.
To me they were invisible off-line which I only caught occasional glanses.
It's up to you but once I have the "ok", I never got a moment of peace.

Love, Mindy

Sep 17, 2019
Freaked out.
by: jules

This began for me during menopause, perhaps because this is when I began having sleep issues. I would wake up and something would be right in my face, either black or white, and it would immediately dart off. One night I woke and saw some black creature just sitting on the pillow next to me, when i blinked it was gone. Most of the time, it feels like they rush towards my face and it wakes me. This has been going on for over a year, and a couple of weeks ago I set up a camera in my bedroom so we could watch my dog while we are gone. It has night vision so I was hoping maybe I could catch something paranormal as well. At first I just saw a sparkle that looked almost like tv static. Then a couple of nights ago, one of the things blew in my face and woke me at 145am. I checked the camera footage at that exact time and it looks like a cat jumps on the foot of my bed, then shoots over to my face and wakes me. When I zoom in and take some stills of this, it looks almost like a fairy!? I continued watching footage and at 5-6 am it looks like a bunch of entities surround my head and they have long hairlike probes or something dangling around my face, which i can obviously feel because i keep scratching my face. They are almost translucent so it is difficult to see. It really does look like they are picking at my head, or trying to extract something????? The one description I saw on here that said 'the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz' is exactly what it looks like to me. I also see balls of light moving around the bed on the video.

I also have begun seeing the sparks with my own eyes if i just focus, which i have read is the start of a psychic ability? Not sure I am thrilled about this, I really don't want to see things.

This whole thing has really freaked me out. I had to sleep in the living room last night.

Apr 10, 2019
Infra red
by: Mindy

Since I've been experiencing these things a about 15 years now, I thought maybe I should break down and get an infrared camera but, but are they expensive. I thinks it's the only way we will ever be able to see the critters. I'll have to look into renting one. I will report any finding anything I find.

Apr 07, 2019
Ghost Cat
by: Beth

I have lived in my Home for 35 yrs and in the last 25 years, My whole Family has had the experience of feeling a cat jump up on our Beds. It doesn't matter what room I sleep in, it happens. My Daughter is Mentally Disabled so I never wanted to mention it to Her. One night we were watching TV in Bed and I felt the cat jump on my Bed. I noticed My Daughter looking towards the corner of the Bed so I asked what was wrong. She said " I thought Izzy...our Cat at the time....just jumped on the Bed? We have always had Cats. I think it;s My Neighbors Cat, Gorge who preferred to sit out our porch with us over his own home. At the time George had passed away, we had a 3 yr old Cat, Tiger. I never let my Cats outdoors. Sadly Tiger passed away at 4 from an illness. Then we got Izzy at a shelter...she was already 7 yrs old. A few years later we got April as a kitten at the same Shelter. One night as before, we were sitting in Bed when I felt the Ghost Cat...My Daughter started screaming because this time there was no denying a cat had jumped on the bed and came up between can feel the blankets being pushed down. I told Her it was George or Tiger visiting and She was fine with that. My Husband wouldn't believe the stories myself and his 4 Children told of this happening. One night he came into the room with April in His arms while the Ghost cat was on the bed. April fought like crazy to get away...both She and Izzy stayed out when this Cat? was in the Bed. Through the years Izzy and April lived long and happy lives here. I got My Daughter 2 kittens when April passed just at age 12 from kidney failure just one year after Izzy died at 18. The 2 new cats are now 7 and don't seemed to be frighten in the Bed...however, once a day poor Lily runs through the house like she is being chased by the Ghost cat. I just came on-line to see if anyone else had this happen to them and was at least happy to know it's not just us. My house is Haunted by something else that is harmless, but it's not the size of a Cat. I keep my door shut to get a better sleep because I have back problems and the last 2 nights, I could not figure out how (I thought it was Lily) She got in my room. My Bed is also 4 ft off the ground so when she does come in, I have to help her up. I turned to tell her to go downstairs so I could sleep, but then noticed my door was shut and no cat to see? I'm afaid to try to film it, because I want to go on believing it;s just George and nothing scary.

Oct 07, 2018
We have a nightime, in bed ghost cat
by: Shauna

We have had 2 of our beloved pet cats die in the last 5 years. Now me and my husband both feel the bed move and we can feel a cat. It’s only in the bed and only at night. And only sometimes, not that often. But we have both experienced the feeling of a cat walking across the bed, settling in a spot at our feet or side or pillow, and lying down. We can feel the cat kneading and purring. It’s just wild. The blankets move.... when I turn on my flashlight there is nothing to see and it all stops. We both feel it’s the ghostly visit of our 2 dead cats who slept on our bed before they died, for years and years. Our other cat sometimes sleeps in our bed and he seems to not notice and they don’t seem to come when he is in our bed. I am glad to see it’s not just us.

Sep 11, 2018
Maybe this may help you
by: Anonymous mc

After much money buying anything that vibrates (which the entities hate), and all the money on batteries, I just gave up and decided to try and ignore them. So far they haven't bothered me as much.I

I used to beat them off with my cane and thought I was going to take my chances and go see a therapist. I was really losing it.

The very second they popped in my mind I would feel them jumping in my bed and walking all over like they owned it. Now I hardly notice them. I'm hoping it stays this way. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. Mindy

Sep 02, 2018
Dimensional Cat?? Entity??
by: Anonymous

left several messages with this group..
Yes, I do feel them thru the mattress putting pressure on my spine and other places and I have to move?? in pillow pulsating at different areas, did hold my breath to see if I was imagining it, no still made the sound. when I move the orgone pellets or spray the pulsating or purring stops then returns at my legs or back somewhere else

Ok, this will sound far fetched?? but had several lucid dream, in dream im acting it out and watching at the same time, had several dream with a stout jaguar that doesn't look me in the face only side glances maybe thats what they are, then had a lucid dream where I had a tattoo of the pink panther in 2d black outline with snake head sticking out its mouth with a egg in the snakes mouth, what is that about??

so I was thinking maybe they are panther or jaguar dimensional things??

the jag was stout acted human like meaning aware and it even bit into a black like animal thing that was approaching me bit its neck i was like ewww in my dream (Just a wild guess??)
maybe some sort of religious meaning not sure??
a practicing shaman might come in handy..
still hanging in there.

Aug 27, 2018
Ghost cat
by: Anonymous

My experience with these entities have been a couple of years. I also experienced them at my camp. Do they latch on to you and go with you? I do feel them in my mattress crawling around at times. Or will feel a vibrating area of my bed. Things always start at the bottom of my feet as I'm going to sleep. The cat like feelings are walking up and down the back of my legs then sitting pressed up against me. Sometimes I wake up and my legs ache. These things are doing something to are bodies. Why they are here I'd really like to know.

Aug 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

Does any of you feel them crawling through their mattresses?

I keep burning out the vibrating motors I keep having to buy. They don't seem to like vibrating items I keep at the place they love to touch.
I wondered if they were putting eggs in me, I had a hysterectomy so they don't need a uterus.

The crawling through my mattress just gives me the willies.

Aug 25, 2018
Thank you so much!
by: Anonymous mc

Your experiences are identical. Only, I haven't heard them. Mine started in 2007. I had a almost too real dream where this beautiful woman lay down next to me. I told her I only like men. I'm female.
She asked if I could watch her cat and gave me a gift. I woke up thankful it was only a dream. When i saw The gift on amazon the other day it freeked me out. It's called an Infinity Cross Pendant.

As for seeing a therapist, I'm afraid they'd put me away. I talk about it with mother and brother who I live with..

They are taking something from us. I have auto immune disease, arthritis, thyroid problems, ect. I do need to eat more nutritional foods.
So sorry for this long winded stuff. It really helps to know there are others that understands.

Aug 14, 2018
by: Anonymous

P.S.: person who says they bite her- Maybe they are collecting blood samples?? I think I remember you said you were ill, I have also been very ill as well, so ill for me I had near death or healing experience. serious about this.
The entity-cat thing?? Still bother, still can feel movement, touching, vibrating, pulsating, rubbing my sore feet or hands like it wants to take care of me. Then bothering me at same time. touches in no-no places.
Did hear a voice that said MATE with me you little Btch. Blood/eggs/semn??
WHO SAYS MATE THESE DAYS....married by the way..
I have no idea, have had many weird experiences since this began 2012, dimensions are thinning. Some people obviously see (blue/white firefly sparkles) or ORBS, feel, hear them, some do not or are in denial. I am normal person spiritual not into anything weird love and have a good heart. I dont do recreational drugs and barely drink alcohol.
I do ask myself WHY ME??? Im normal...
The experiences are growing and now I feel I live another life in my sleep, and that includes grocery shopping (wakado)

Things that might help:
I use aerosol silver
taking charge (you are the boss in astral)
I heard myself yell at something I couldnt see in my dream and I said I AM THE BOSS HERE...
seemed to help??
can be annoying and depressing and cause apathy please keep strong most of us are not wakado:
seek support, stay spiritual of faith, meditate, eat for health and high vibration, please seek therapist if not just to speak with someone in private:)

It might be something new to earth or its always been here and the veils have thinned and sensitives (maybe latentor sleeper psychic or medium abilities) who feel it..

Aug 12, 2018
It acts like a cat but I never see anything
by: Anonymous

I feel a cat on my bed every night. It started about a month ago. It kneads on my bed and sometimes I can see the quilt move. Some nights it’s very deliberate when it jumps on bed. Other times it is quiet and leaves me alone. It scares me and I want to get rid of it.

Aug 11, 2018
To the anonymous from marchh 2018
by: Anonymous

Your posting was very interesting. I can the when they come real close to my face to see if I'm awake or not.
They have bitten me when asleep. They always look like bat bites. I had googled all
Animal and insect bites. They mostly bite my boobie. I'm thinking they need some type of nutrient from our bodies. Who knows?!

Mar 31, 2018
Entities-Cat like
by: Anonymous

This is not a JOKE!!!!
I have had this going on since approx. 2012 the dimensional things, I have a picture in my head wizard of oz monkey cats..They feel like jello plasma it was squishy.
I have messaged here before
what I feel:
cold air gives me chills
There always there when I go to bed
coming from my feet up to my head
if Im cold in bed they wrap warm energy around my body It does feel good relaxing/deceiving
they are vibrating, Feel floaty
touching everywhere massaging/rubbing
i hear purring like sound along with heart beat that moves around to different spot like a pulsating feeling
jumping on my bed walking cuddeling especially the back
they wake my up with a slight screech sound and it blanks my thoughts out I cant remember what i was thinking (weird) then I remind them that GOD does not like anything that messes with our inner temples!!
Many other paradoxal happenings

Really, Its more than a normal person can take
It makes you think your losing your mind but your not stay strong
I have tried most all cleansing mentioned
I have thought about the cern ideas as well as some sort of energy breech with the emf towers as well as the mind control. (WOW) too much...
I was called and angel recently makes me think what the heck is in our trash DNA they dont know about??
Glad, to hear there not demons also
someone told me once if its all in your mind hold your breath it will stop, if it doesnt stop its real
I really dont have any idea, its perplexing.
Oh I have had visitors talking to me
Keep a Journal
I know we cant be the only ones

Mar 13, 2018
Not ghosts of cats
by: Anonymous

I'm pretty sure these things aren't ghost cats. But, they Do act like cats. I could certainly be wrong but lately they've been feasting on my blood. I keep getting up to see bloody marks that look exactly like bat bites, two tiny little bite marks in the middle of scratches. I think the scratching is them putting some numbing agent. I've gotten a lot on my legs and also on the under side of my breast. I have developed Auto Immune disease and don't know if the two are related. Spooky Stuff, for sure.

Mar 11, 2018
by: Anonymous

Also, I have two living cats - one of them looks at the ceiling in my room constantly and his head moves as if he is watching something move. They don't like sleeping with me and i don't like them sleeping with me but one night I made the ginger cat sleep with me (because I was freaking out and needed sleep) but as I mentioned, I just accept it now. My daughter said, "mom, just accept that the dead cats love you and are with you, don't be scared". So I just live with it because it seems so crazy. Who would believe this? It is an actual thing though. As soon as I turn in for the night, the little one comes and starts kneading. The bigger one comes a bit after - much heavier and stays near my legs. I actually started thinking that A) I'm losing my mind. ) I am quite sane. B) I'm having some kind of muscle spasms - but no, that is not it or C) they are ghost cats. It has been going on for a few years now but I lost my favourite cat a few months ago and that's when it really started getting more frequent. Could it be my departed cats? I don't feel like they are bad or out to harm me...

Mar 10, 2018
Me again
by: Anonymous

Hi, I lost this site but found it again.
Yes, the cats still come. So weird because the big one does come to my leg area (others mentioned this) and I feel this vibration on my leg and almost like a paw(?) going back and forth and my leg gets this vibration feeling. I never see anything.
Trust me, I have tried and just lose sleep over it so now I just accept it and try to think that it is trying to take care of me. I don't know but I do know I have had quite a few cats in my life and I was close to every single one so I try to think of it as they are protecting me.

Mar 07, 2018
In response to your question
by: Nick W.

No I could not see it but it was right there at my side and over the left half of my belly. I just grabbed at the location where it was feeding. I don't believe they are physical entities but they can interact with the physical world and during that time they can be perceived and interacted with by us.
I believe entities like these are what witches and satanists can employ as familiar spirits.

Mar 07, 2018
Question for Nick
by: Anonymous

So you could actually see it to be able to find it's neck? They suck my energy mostly from my legs. They are not an invisible pet, like a few people were saying. It's how I first thought of them ten years ago. I've used religious yelling but it never works. Good luck

Mar 05, 2018
My experience with Ghost cats
by: Nick W.

My first experience of a catlike entity happened when I was living with my friend and his wife and two daughters. We had no pets. My experience with the ghost cat coincided with their youngest having night terrors. I would be laying in bed waiting to fall asleep when a cat would jump on the foot of the bed, walk up next to my side, lay down and start purring which I could not only feel but hear. this continued for about a week each night becoming more aggressive and less catlike until the final night it was more like a monkey and I could feel it feeding off my stomach. It felt like it was sucking energy out of me. I flew into a rage reached down and grabbed it by it's head and while shouting "in the name of Jesus Christ" squeezed until it popped with and audible sound after that night it never came back and that was the last time my friend's daughter suffered night terrors. This experience happened in my late twenties I'm now fifty years old and the cat has come back.

Feb 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

I've had these things for 10 or so years. As time goes on they get more aggressive. I've been noticing bites on me that looks a lot like bat bites. Look it up. These things aren't bats, that's is not what I'm saying. If any of you find bites or scratches with the bites in the middle of it, well, I haven't found a solution yet. So far, they do not like vibration. Please do not get friendly, that's a huge mistake. God be with you.

Feb 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

You mentioned you're having sleep issues. I have to take strong sleep medicine or I'd be up fighting these things all night to stop from crawling all over me. It is just so creepy having invisible entities walking around and climbing on me. I find that they dont like vibration so I bought an auto seat cover that vibrates. It works.

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to last persons post
by: Anonymous

Well, since you more or less gave sort of an invitation you're stuck with them probably for life I did the SME thing and now I get daily and nightly visits. Please let us know if you're ever able yo see them. Or, if you notice any mysterious marks on your body. Thanks so much for sharing. Mindy

Feb 10, 2018
Losing sleep
by: Anonymous

Hi, I find that I'm losing sleep on certain nights though.
It's like I keep myself from falling asleep in the hopes of looking at one. I gently slide my hands under the cover towards the kneading. I was so tired last night and couldn't fall asleep because they were so active.
It was also the first time that I felt one (the baby) at 9 in the morning, after I used the bathroom. It was kneading right by my head.

Jan 31, 2018
To the new comer
by: Mindy

Welcome to the "Invisible Entities" club!! They do seem exactly like cats, don't they? I've told only my mother and closest brother about them. I made the mistake of welcoming and calling for them. It does feel pretty nice when they just cuddle up, but I've had them for nearly ten years and are sometimes spooky. If they do ever become a nuisance, try getting something that vibrates. That's the only thing I've found that they don't like. Good luck to you.

Jan 30, 2018
Ghost Cats?
by: Anonymous

Wow, I can't believe I found this site but I have ghost cats! It sounds so crazy to say but as soon as I turn the TV and light out and start relaxing, I feel a cat jump onto my bed and walking. It then starts kneading and I can feel the vibration of a purr. There are two bigger ones and one little one (like a baby cat). I can feel them walking around on my bed. I have been trying to really pay attention lately to make sure I'm not having muscle twitches or something. It's weird. They don't scare me, I find them comforting. They curl up and sleep beside me.

Nov 16, 2017
by: Mindy

He mentioned that he gets alot of emails and will get to it when he has time.

Nov 16, 2017
by: johndeere

Still haven't heard back from Bill yet. Maybe soon. Then will get with you. JD

Nov 15, 2017
by: Mindy

OK. I did it. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Nov 14, 2017
by: johndeere

Write to Bill on the "contact us" page and give him your e-mail. He will send it to me. I've already written him and that is what he said. I'm in Wisconsin. JD

Nov 14, 2017
To Mindy
by: Bill Drago

Mindy, I'm Bill Drago, the publisher of this website. Please use the contact form to contact me. I would like to help you and johndeere get in touch.


Nov 12, 2017
by: Mindy

I'm not sure how to do anything without it being open. I could give you my last name so you can contact me on facebook. Its Coakley. What state are you in? I'm in Florida.

Nov 12, 2017
by: johndeere

I wish there was a way to connect with you without being on this site. Do you know how without leaving something "open". JD

Nov 11, 2017
by: Mindy

What a great idea! You just don't know how wonderful it is for me to finally get some answers.
I wonder what it is they need from us, energy? Something in our blood? I just wish they would wait until I fall asleep before messing with me.

I tried taking a digital picture of them once and caught an energy flash of light like it was fleeing. They've been with me for approx. ten years.

Anyway, thank you so much!

Nov 11, 2017
To Mindy
by: johndeere

Their priest blessed our house, they walked through it with sage, salt, and holy water. Here is a trick for you to use. Where ever this is happening in your home(bed ?) open a bible and remember the page you leave it open a cross next to the bible....touching the bible. Leave these for a couple days without disturbing them if you can. If its demonic, the items will have been moved, damaged, pages wrinkled, torn, or missing. Same with a cross on the wall. If its upside down or missing, or on the floor, you have a problem. JD

Nov 10, 2017
Thanks John
by: Mindy

What a relief to know they're not demonic. Thank you so much.

I have auto immune disease and never know from day to day if I'm going to be sick or not so I can never make pans, so it'd be difficult for me to make plans to have them come by.

I'm hoping one of the other posters might be willing to do this.

You are awesome.

Nov 10, 2017
To Mindy
by: johndeere

Yes they were here and found that it was not demonic entities. I think it baffled them?????? They couldn't catch them on camera but the critters made their "rempod" device activate, and also activated a K2 meter. No EVP's at all. Most all Paranormal groups are free of charge. Maybe someone else will call a group in and see what they can find, if anything.

Nov 09, 2017
Hey johndeere
by: Mindy

I was wondering if the paranormal team came over and if they were able to get any answers. I am sure hoping so.

Nov 07, 2017
my experience
by: Anonymous

I posted this a while back but will again for those that missed it or are new. My experience was anytime they or it was on the bed I would feel the nerves in my legs popping or getting triggered if you will.

Then one night, I felt an electrical current starting at my feet and going up my went higher & higher until it reached my groin area and then it began to burn really bad and quickly jumped out of bed. I then placed my hand on the bed and felt a slight vibration as if the bed was electrically charged, and I believe that it was. This has since stopped, but that was my experience with this strange phenomena.

Nov 06, 2017
Omg john!!
by: Mindy

I haven't had the bed shaking. Holy smokes! That is quite scary. They do tend to focus on my "under carriage" you know, down there. I'm anxious to hear what the team has to say about it. These have been with me for at least 10 years. I wrote to Linda Moulton Howel (sp?) Her response was "interesting". I can't get anyone interested. I really needs to be addressed. Thank you so much for your input.

Nov 06, 2017
To Mindy
by: johndeere

There was never small pin pricks by the scratches. This all started 2 months ago with my bed shaking violently and I told "it" to "stop that" and it quit. Two nights later it did it again for about 15 seconds. Then I felt things jump on the bed with me. I also felt small vibrations. These things are on my bed and me every night. Some nights when they are on the bed I can feel a vibration in my groin. This lasts for about 30 seconds???????? I will let all of you know what the paranormal group finds out after Wed night. Lets keep in contact.

Nov 06, 2017
Same here
by: Mindy

I feel them crawling through my mattress as well, especially when I swat at them. I have a question for johndeere: on your scratches have you noticed two tiny pin pricks close together? I googled animal and insect bites and the closest I came to were bat bites. I had a giant black bruise on one of my boobies,too. I contacted all the the alien and phenominal hunters but they were not interested. Take care all of you and thanks so much for sharing.

Nov 04, 2017
Ghost cats on bed
by: Anonymous

I'll be interested in the paranormal group's findings. My experience with these entities has been positive - more like real cats snuggling on the bed. I'd wake up to one snuggling next to me. A playful kitten arrived at one point. All activity stopped when I yelled when one jumped on my hip and woke me up. I startled it and heard it thump on the floor.

There was a popping sound in the air when it arrived. I felt a shocking sensations and vibrations to my feet and legs. If the landing was too fast, it would go into the mattress. I could feel it trying to get out. That was the strangest part.

I was experiencing insomnia during the activity. Everyone thought I was nuts. This happened for about two years, and all activity stopped although I still had insomnia. My house was newly built when I moved in many years ago. I did find out that the owners of a house one door away rescued stray cats. I had cats as pets growing up but never had a cat in my own house. 🐈

Nov 04, 2017
by: johndeere

Thanks for the info. I have a Paranormal group coming 11/8 to investigate this. Will let people know if they come up with something. I also have my bed shaking, loud crashes in my home, cupboard doors slamming, etc Have you felt your bed covers being tugged or pulled down? I have noticed some things about these "ghost cats". They don't like the TV playing, they don't like you sleeping on your back. Not being sick here...but have found if you sleep naked with no covers on they won't get on you. ????? odd! Will keep up as I learn more.

Nov 02, 2017
To: johndeere
by: Mindy

I have tried everything I could think of and the only one that works is vibration. I have a vibrating weight loss belt. The only problem is when I turn it off to let the motor rest they are Right There! So I ordered another one from Amazon so I can rotate them. I too have found scratches and bruises. So, so happy I found a way to keep them off me as I was not getting sleep from fighting them off all night. Good luck to you.

Nov 02, 2017
ghost cats?
by: johndeere

Like everyone else who has had this problem with these entities coming when your in bed. I'm never asleep when I feel them on my bed. I actually lay still and act like I'm sleeping and they crawl all over me. The other night while I was sleeping I woke up with two sets of scratch marks on my shoulder(four claw marks on each) Has any one found a way to banish these creatures from their bed and home? Please let us know.

Aug 27, 2017
Soul stealing
by: Charles4Jesus

I'm responding to one of the commenters. I'm male by the way. I've experienced these odd things that feel like a cat jumping on the bed and walking around. At first it was driving me crazy. They always come as you are relaxing before sleep. Cradled me out at first. I kept trying to see them. Kept trying to shoo them away. I quickly realized that I would go crazy if I continued to allow them to bother me. So I quickly learned to say a quick prayer in the name of Jesus asking for His protection committing these things to Him. Then I'd ignore them and go to sleep. They rarely come now. That's my background.

Now to respond. One commenter mentioned the Cern collider and they maybe they are trying to steal souls. Yesterday I watched a YouTube video from TruthStream and they documented how our gov't has been in the mind control business since 1942. They talked about talked about MK Ultra or other programs in the 60's that were kept totally secret and about how a lot of the information came out in the 70's. Their main thrust in the video was that these things and what they are they are trying to accomplish are being talked about openly now. That there are now discussions about whether we have the right to privacy within our own minds. And they actually talk about stealing souls and changing how people feel about God by messing with the inside of their brains by electronic or other means. I did also see another video, I forget who it was from, documenting the science of using certain transmissions thru the tv to affect get certain reactions from them. None of this stuff is conspiracy. These are documented facts. And now they are being much more open about it. So I don't know if any of this is related to cat ghosts, but it is odd that so many are being affected by this ghost cat phenomena. But I haven't seen anyone in the legacy mainstream media covering this. No surprise. But no one else has picked up on this phenomena yet either...that I know of. Just food for thought. Truthstream on YouTube does some really good videos...very well researched and presented.

Finally, don't be scared. If you belong to Jesus they can NEVER actually get you. And there is nothing to fear on this earth when you belong to Him. God actually makes those promises in several places in the bible. Off the top of my head in 2nd Peter it says, "Nether height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation. will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus." And God clearly also says, in Ephesians 6:12 New International Version (NIV):

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." God bless you.

Aug 26, 2017
I have a question for all of you
by: Mindy

Has any one of you been diagnosed with any disorders or lack energy? I've been diagnosed with autoimmune disorder where my white cells are being attacked by my bad cells. I know these invisible entities are taking something from me, or feeding off of me and I just cannot fight them off. If any of you are experiencing anything like this, please comment. I'm about to lose my mind over these creepy things. Thank you

Mar 23, 2017
My new stray cat seems to have brought a spirit cat friend
by: Lisa

I opened garage one morning on Dec 5,2016 to find a bug-eyed male cat that was actually responding to my questions: are u ok,are u hungry? Inevitably he adopted my family.He hops up on my bed between 3:45-4:45.

Feb 24, 2017
ghost cat/spirit
by: ghost cat/spirit BB

I read the blog to 2010, this experience has been going on who knows how long?? It is the more sensitive people that feel it, until 2012 I didnt feel these creatures I had experienced my name being called and little intuition I listened to. When my pineal gland cracked open 2012 spontaneously now I feel spirit (cold wind) warmth touching, I hear voice chatter and have been talked to by name..Now that being said I believe the people that are feeling these creatures its real!! I have felt it a plasma substance, and get this you never have to have owned a cat LIKE ME!! Im a dog person my 2 dogs I owned passed away in 2010. Until recently only 1 dog has come to visit me in a dream in 2017 and I think it was to protect me..Ive tried changing the energy around my home (emf,orgone) it works some (magnets work some) (selenite works some) and last but not least having the house cleansed and saged, but to no avail they come back... I was told we are a beacon attracting with light. I believe I astraly have seen them lying around my home, WHY i dont know?? Some people want to dismiss but I say we need to grow and learn thats not all thats out there.. The world is changing we need to change as humans, we are more than this bio candy we carry. I believe this journey will have scary moments but life can be scary as well. If i or anyone has a pinpointed answer i would really be excited to hear :)

Feb 23, 2017
I totally agree
by: Mindy

I also believe cern has lifted a veil and let inter dimensional entities come into our world. These aren't spirits and I just can't figure out what it is that they're taking from us or putting inside us. I glued some magnets to the bottom of my cane and beat them off with it which they hate so you may be right about the magnets. I need to get more strong ones. They seem to hate vibration as well. I'm open to try anything at this point. Thank you all for sharing.

Feb 21, 2017
by: spirit car/ghosts BB

Yes, I have been researching what anomalies happened in 2012 and 2014 the cern is most prominent?? That is energy based or magnetic..
Problems for me started 2012 pineal opening (frckn cracked open) from here its been exhausting dimensional visitation not just one thing (cats?? but not cats lets just say that) but many other, something has thinned the veils for normal people. I have started dreams with a person called (The ONE) and (The Guardian) anybody know what these are?? I did comment below just trying to help myself out with any information possible. Racking my brain trying to figure what I have to do??
By the way I have found that magnets interfere with this dimensional stuff maybe changes the energy or vibration and orgone and selenite crystals thanks

Feb 21, 2017
by: Mindy

I have tried getting rid of these things for so long. Every time I doze off, they start with the activity. I discovered that they do not like vibration. I was using a pillow that vibrates and found they stayed away. So, I purchased one of those vibrating car seats and at night I put it under my sheet and lo and behold, entities stay at the foot of my bed instead of jumping all around. Its not very comfortable but its worth it.

Feb 15, 2017
spirit cat/ghosts
by: Anonymous

I have made a few comments here:
this has been happening to me since 4-2014 i clear it comes back, i have been constantly visited by things from the otherside by the way it is real!!
footsteps on bed
electrical touches
voices names talking a voice asked me by name and said did i not find things in the church curious??
feeling jelly plasma stuff in hand once
closed eyes seeing color, astral travel??lucid dreaming, anyone constantly dream of babies??
or task dream like testing your intelligence or problem solving abilities?? like losing your purse your car stupid stuff
cold wind or warm like blanket lay on me
rubbing touching kisses
i feel like we need to learn about the otherside and learn fast
my opinion is there is something in astral that is going on and we sensitive humans need to quickly evolve
i am a average middle aged woman and this has happened out of the blue
evolve quickly or become victim
i am reading as much information as possible and learning to meditate as much as possible

Feb 13, 2017
Ghost cat?
by: Anonymous

It's been over a year and this invisible ghost creature walks up and down on my bed. I still have no answers why it's here, what it is,where it came from but I guess I've just have excepted that it will be here for a while. It seems as though it has grown a bit over these many months. It still gives me the impression that it's a cat like entity. It walks up and down the back side of me on the bed like it's guarding me or something or like it's walking with some kind of purpose. I still get these electrical feelings when it lays by my feet. I still cannot tell anyone about this because they would think I was crazy...and I'm not crazy!

Feb 07, 2017
felt cat like entity on bed
by: Anonymous

I have experienced this but lasted only a few months or more. I am a male in my 50's. I also felt person sit on edge of bed.

Jan 22, 2017
To Spirit Cat
by: Mindy

Your experience is somewhat different but I've noticed that none of us has the exact same experience. One had attached to the back of my shoulder where I had been experiencing alot of pain. Thinking it was sucking out the pain I let it do it. But the pain remains. I feel it sucking on my feet and legs. Lately I've been waking up with bloody scratches on both my wrists and one on my boob. The scratches are all exactly alike. Noe of this makes any sense. I've prayed and prayed but nothing seems to work.

Jan 21, 2017
spirit cat
by: Anonymous

Not sure if everyone is feeling the same things, clearing doesnt seem to keep away.

I seriously felt something fluid and jellowy in my hand and I sprayed sovereign silver one time and i felt it go under my shoulder like a small invisible animal (dimensional being of some type)

i have really no answers

I noticed explainable spiritual stuff happening in 2012

had a medium at a house party tell me I was a seer does this sound familiar to anyone???

Jan 21, 2017
I totally agree
by: Mindy

You nailed it. Also, im pretty sure they jump in and out of our dimension. They jump in and out at the same plce, at the foot of my bed. Ive been watching YouTube video of the Cern haldrn collider which supposedly opened a door to outer dimensional beings. Who knows. They seem to scramble when my brother comes to my room. I try to beat them off with my cane and I can feel them jumping out of the way but they always come back. Nobody is even slightly interested in helping to find answers. I tried Linda Molten Howe, Art Belle, and the people that invented a telescope that sees invisible entities in space. I want them gone. Do you think they might be trying to find a way to steal our souls? Crazy, I know but what else?

Jan 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

OK, we are mostly women
These things seem like cats but not cats
always more than one
footsteps on bed and pillow
can hear something like purring and a hear and feel what seems like heartbeat
feel nudging on arms and legs
feel vibrations
feel cold air and warm snuggles on back of body
feel sexual vibrations as well
feels strange pressure in head feels like wrap around head?? purring like sound (weird)
i do feel like something laying in my body at times
I think they interrupt my dreams wake me up and make weird sounds so i wake up
they do scramble when the big things come in and lay on or next to me

Jan 20, 2017
I wish I knew
by: Mindy

These invisible cat-like entities visit me every single night for at least the past five years. If I let myself, I'd go out of my mind freaking out. They are very friendly at first and get aggressive as time goes on. It feels like they try to enter my body but I can't figure out what it is they are after. I made the mistake of inviting them in once I became comfortable with them. Now they bring along the bigger buddies of theirs. I can feel the weight. They always show up wherever I go, as soon as I turn off t.v. and settle in to sleep. I keeps my Tens unit on and that slightly helps. I'm at a loss as to how to be rid of them. Good luck to you all. As far as I know, it's only women.

Jan 20, 2017
ghost cat?
by: Anonymous

I am experiencing the cat and cat like entity also, walking on the bed, purring, going into the pillow and mattress, bottom of feet vibration as if it is curling up, feeling stays with me when I get up, also when I move to sit on easy chair it stays at my head,thought it was kind of nice at first as I lost a pet, now its keeping me awake. What do I think it is well one feels like my pet I think but then 2,3,4, others, not sure. I am 51 pre meno. am I creating this poltergeist like manifestation? very strange. Kim

Jan 20, 2017
Ghost cat?
by: Anonymous

I have been having a cat (?) visitor for over 12 months now. It has never changed...I don't see anything I defiantly don't hear any voices either. I just feel it and can feel it's weight curl up next to me. Happens soon as the light goes out and I'm ready to sleep. It was nightly at first and it happens away from home too.
I quite like it and don't find it scary at all. Woman 46 x

Jan 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

Just wondering are we all women feeling these things?? Things in common??
I am woman late 40s
I was very ill now better
spiritual experience while sleeping (kundalini) or opened pineal gland 2012 suddenly like a pressured crack do not practice yoga or anything else
just average person but now
See pulsating flame like colors purple blue, when eyes closed or going to sleep, lucid dream sometimes not on purpose
I now hear voices sometimes chatter and sometimes they say my name and ask question then tap forehead 3 times??

I did feel footsteps next to my body laying down to sleep and I put my hand down to feel it and it felt like jello plasma and I jumped it was startling

im a very average person no drugs or alcohol this has happened out of the blue

The crawling and snuggeling these things do makes me want to jump out of my skin sometimes

A voice asked me the other morning:
My name, then do(did) you not find things in the church curious?? what does this even mean??

it always comes back

Nov 17, 2016
by: Mindy

The only thing I've is the burning sage but it didn't work. Thanks so much

Nov 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

Mindy, have you checked into entity removals or clearing? This is something that I'm interested in....will let you know if I have any success.

Nov 16, 2016
They're still around
by: Mindy

I have actually given up hope. I've tried a tens unit ( this was the most promising but it's a pain to use. I've even tried growling and barking, ha-ha. I just give up. They're all over me when I wake up, it fells like they wrap all over me with strands of hair, that's how thin it is, whatever it is. They crawl through my mattress. There are little 4 legged ones thats like cats and also 2 legged ones that seem to check up one things walking on each side of me and I would judge them to be about 2 feet tall. I'm glad I can't see them. The whole thing is just so creepy.

Nov 15, 2016
Where did this website go?
by: Anonymous

What haas happened to this website, everyone give up hope??

Aug 15, 2016
To the last poster
by: Mindy

At least you're coming up with more info. I've been trying to piece together this mystery for years. I've taken pictures and have seen the orbs and other strange things but will look closer at them to determine if I can see a face. It's pretty scary. I have felt them on my legs tingling when I leave the room. They stay close to my lower body. What could they want? Are they feeding off of us? I hope you can keep us filled in with anything more you come up with. Thanks so much, M

Aug 15, 2016
Ghost/Spirit Cats?
by: Anonymous

I think the person that said they look kinda like goats, yes kinda but mixed..I saw in a lucid dream? in my home several laying around.. Black/dark grayish lanky long legs like a savannah cat size with tail but small snout dragon-ish or goat face.
OK this is going to sound strange I also see these firefly sparkles that catch my eye when I take a pictures they are all different color and size orbs when i enlarge them in my computer they have dragon-ish faces like a lama.
I have a hunch they are like watch dogs guarding property for something else?? Its a pattern
I felt these things scramble when something big came in I felt vibrations on calves and go up my body and warm comforting blanket lay on me I heard a mans smooth voice say lets take a look on the little one who is not feeling good (ME) I have been ill..
Sooo not sure really what is going on.

Awhile back I heard a voice tell me be careful of the mood deceivers??? just dont know????

Jul 27, 2016
I got rid of them, hopefully forever
by: Anonymous

My mother purchased for me one of those real life-like babies because I can't have children. She thought it would ease my pain.
Anyway, ever since I've been sleeping with it, they don't come around!! Who knew. I've tried everything I could think of from small stun gun to water bottle spray. I just hope and pray this is the end since I've been bothered for years.
It really scares me that someone actually saw one that looked like a goat! I've never seen them, just feel their footsteps all over my bed.

Jul 27, 2016
Ghost cat??
by: Anonymous

I can finally say this is not a cat! Last night I woke up to this thing walking around on my bed, which it has done for months now. I didn't move and was laying on my stomach but glanced down at the foot of my bed and for second I saw this thing. It wasn't a cat or dog but this gray colored goat like animal, the size of a big cat. As soon as there was eye contact it disappeared. It didn't scare me, and you think it would, but all I kept thinking was now I have seen it and I'm not going crazy. If I were to tell this to anyone they would think I was crazy. What is this thing and why is it visiting certain people?

Jun 16, 2016
Ghost/Spirit Cats?
by: Anonymous

It is interesting and reassuring that others feel this as well I dont tell anybody about this (wakadoo) experience I have mentioned a couple things to my husband he has felt touching and heard a voice or 2 but I keep most to myself.
The beings I seen in my dream were black in color and as I described in earlier post.
My experience is not negative as of now. I hurt my knee the other day and I felt rubbing on it I guess to make it feel better?? It was surprising.
After praying one time I felt something lift off me and whining at same time??( I thought DOG)?? weird dogs dont purr which I hear alot. It does feel like someone or something lays on then inside body sometimes it makes my bones ache I tell it to get off then sometimes it feels warm floaty comforting (freaks me out)!! I thought maybe someone astral travel to me I feel it hold my hand really bizarre.
Just handling it day by day leaving prayer to take care of what i cant see.
I dont drink , drugs, smoke nothing pretty normal for this to happen out of the blue.
Its something I just dont know what???

Jun 15, 2016
welcome to the club
by: Mindy

Your descriptions are right on, with a couple of variations, I haven't heard the spanish or have the dreams. Thanks so much for contributing. I'm still very perplexed. I feel the enter my body, which I haven't broken to family yet, they'll think I'm really off the deep end, for sure.

Jun 14, 2016
Ghost/Spirit Cats?
by: Anonymous

It was interesting reading the articles about the nightly Cat visitors. My visits started approx. April 2014.
My Experience:
Felt movement on back side of body night and day
Heard knocking 3 times several times
Kissed me 3 times in a row had electrical pulses
Jumping on bed and pillow like animal walking
Loud heartbeat in pillow with purring sound
Felt like pressure in top of head and weird movement like something in head
cold air on body
warm blanket laid on body
dream of Savannah cat/monkey body with dragon like small face with feelers on muzzle laying
all over my home
Vivid dreams and hearing all kinds of different voices even one in spanish i speak english
vibration on body feels like massaging
feel stroking and touches
I believe it is more than one type I feel the cat being scramble and something bigger comes in with warm vibrations
pulsating at coccyx with sexual vibrations
I AM PERPLEXED !!! It or they come back over and over again no matter how much cleansing

Jun 06, 2016
by: Mindy

I'm so happy you've posted it to another site! They follow me every time I go to visit over night at my mothers. I tried getting some of the paranormal people to try and see what's been going on but the most they only showed a passing interest.
It's getting out of hand. They are so bold, walking all around me at night. So freaky.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for posting it to another site!


Jun 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thanks! Well I just posted it on Reddit/paranormal.

I wasn't sure where to post it. I never posted on reddit before. It was confusing. But maybe we can get more input.

Ok moving on with my life now lol.

Jun 05, 2016
Would anyone mind....
by: Anonymous

... if I post a link to this thread on another site that gets higher traffic of people interested in unexplained phenomena? That way, perhaps we could get input of others who, while they may not have experienced this, might have more thoughts on the matter. Especially because none of us have come up with a really solid explanation yet.

I will only do this once someone tells me it is okay, thanks!

Go right ahead. -Bill Drago, publisher of this site.

Jun 02, 2016
Ghost cat?
by: Kathy

This past holiday weekend my husband and I went up north to our cabin and wouldn't you know it this "Thing"followed me up there. How??? Does it latch on to you? Does this energy get inside of you?? This has me going crazy!!! I try to ignore it but it's impossible. Would like to know what we all have in common. Why is it only certain people? Maybe there are many people,but if they are anything like me, they don't say a word to anyone.

Jun 01, 2016
It's been going on for 8 or 9 years
by: Mindy

I have tried everything to get rid of them. I now sleep with my wooden cane and beat the area where they are. Although they are invisible, they have weight. I contacted a few people in the paranormal community and all they have to say is Hmmm, How interesting". And that's as far as it goes. I thought a stun gun would surely work but it didn't phase them. I cleansed my home with the burning sage, I just don't know how to fight something that I cannot see.
They follow me when I go to visit my mother and spend the night. She's felt them moving around, too. If anyone has any ideas I can try, please post it.

Jun 01, 2016
Is anyone researching this phenomena?
by: Anonymous

I wonder if anyone is researching this phenomena. It seems like it's a fairly recent development in the past 10 years or so. Or is that because the internet provides a place to ask and share this kind of thing anonymously? For me this has been happening the last 5 years. Has anyone experienced this going back a lot further?

Jun 01, 2016
Could it be a ghost cat ?
by: Anonymous

Here's something a bit different sometimes i spend nights with my boyfriend at his apartment for the past yr 6 months ago he had a kitten that ran out when he open his back door never to be seen again .. Now 2 days ago i spent the night and something woke me up at 3ish in the morning as i sat up all i kept hearing was purring that would last 30 seconds at first i thought i was dreaming i laid back down again i woke at 4:20 i felt it was next to my face purring away i looked around and i kept hearing it. mind you nothing was on no tv no lights nothing i tried to wake my bf up only to hear him say to go back to bed by then the purring stopped i woke again at 5:40 to hear the purring i was able to follow the purring it was on the edge of the bed but could not see anything so i quickly jumped out of the bed and it stopped turned the lights on and nothing i never knew what it was and never heard that before ...

May 15, 2016
What the heck is wrong with you
by: Anonymous

Is there no place safe for people to post thier thought without being ridiculed? The last poster is a troll making fun and not being helpful at all. This is a serious situation that people are trying to find answers to. She did not say they were laying eggs in her, she said it seems like they might be. We do not need you on here if you're just trolling and ridiculing.

May 13, 2016
Ghost cats
by: Anonymous

You people are crazy. Somebody mentioned in the comments that she thinks they are trying to lay eggs in her. What the f--k? Who comes to that conclusion..

May 02, 2016
You're right, Anonymous:
by: Mindy

Most of us realize they aren't cats but that's the closest description we can come up with. One will be on my pillow purring and another one or more would be wrapping itself around my legs sucking the energy out of me. I do feel light electrical pulses from them. I've had them for years. I did have a serious talk with them to at least wait until I'm in a deep sleep. I can't get rid of them but at least they do try and wait. I feel them at the end of my bed like they're anxiously waiting. It's very scary but knowing I'm not alone in this helps a great deal.

May 02, 2016
It is an stealthy alien creature not a cat!
by: Anonymous

Glad to know I am not the only one - thought I was imagining things! It has been happening to me for a couple of years. First I felt my mattress bounced like something small had jumped onto it. Sometimes I would feel a chill even under my cover.

This creature always lies on top of my head and sharing my pillow at night till morning. I have heard it breathe next to my ear and sliding or gliding sounds (it seems to have a tail) on my pillow.

I would know that it has entered my bedroom when a fleeting shadow passes my night light making it flicker momentarily. Once I thought I caught a glimpse of it in my peripheral vision. It is the same size as a small dog or big cat but it looks like a skeletal monkey (like those aliens in youtube videos) with bony long arms and body is bent over as it uses its arms to move.

In the past I felt strong vibrations in my head like pneumatic drills that woke me up. I don't take any medications so that was no side effect nor stress-induced. I would be awakened by tapping sounds in my room. Something wants my attention.

I would use the name of Jesus Christ to tell it to go away and usually there won't be any more disturbance. But then it keeps coming back sigh.

I feel it is feeding on my energy from the top of my head. Hope I am wrong though.

Apr 21, 2016
by: Mindy

Wow, I thought for sure I would get all kind of backlash for my mentioning how they seem to gravitate to my private areas.At first I thought maybe they were inserting thier invisible eggs in me. So glad to know I'm not the only one. It's just so crazy spooky. I'm glad I also have a witness, my mother. She feels them when we have to share a bed. I'm thankful they didn't latch onto her. I'll continue looking for answers and will report any findings here. I need to find a church I can trust. I might also get some sage and burn it all around while rebuking negativity. Thanks Marsha

Apr 21, 2016
To Mindy
by: Marsha

I also have static vibrations near my private areas. I'm a very light sleeper and have been talking pills to sleep, but any movement over my body wakes me, the worst is when I feel my head vibrating, freaks me out. I've tried lots of movement during the day, dancing, jumping up and down and it stops them for a while, think they're not liking it....walking for a couple miles, but they still come back. Only time I've slept good was after attending church and being blessed by a priest, it felt great. One thing good, it's helped my faith in Jesus Christ grow, I pray he will help get rid of these things.

Apr 21, 2016
To the last post by "Anonomous"
by: Mindy

Please let us know if the black box works like it did for the other Anonmous. Tonight I plan on unplugging every thing in my room. My problem is I'd need to unplug the air conditioner. I live in Florida so it'll be a hot night. I've noticed that every morning when I wake up every joint in my body hurts intensley. So, I wonder if they're taking the fluids surrounding my joints, or maybe my plasma or, something. I'd like to know what it is that we all have in common. I do know that if I'm in a full room of people I'm the only one that gets attacked by fleas.... just a thought. I'm thankful they agreed to wait til I'm in a deep sleep before they attack!

Apr 21, 2016
RE - Trying To Help
by: Anonymous

There is someone in my town who has one of those machines. If my ghost cat comes back, I will pay to have them check out my house.

Apr 20, 2016
Trying to help
by: Anonymous

It looks as though many of you are still experiencing this phenomena. I did have this problem and it lasted for several months then stopped. I posted here before and I'm afraid I can't help, but I posted what worked for me and that was to get rid of my mattress and electronic power sources that I believe may have been responsible. I believe these power sources may be opening a portal for these creatures to get thru and the only way to know is someone needs to get a hold a an emf detector and check their mattress to see if it's emitting any emf as was my case then we will know for sure if this is responsible or who is willing to shell out some cash to check this out?

Apr 20, 2016
Hey Kathy
by: Mindy

I have had the exact same things going on. I have a feeling that they're from a different dimension. Some are small with four legs it seems and others are larger and two legged. I'm almost grateful they're invisible because they probably are too gruesome that it would scare the bejesus out of us! Try talking sweetly to them, they seem to respond to it better than anger. They still linger at my feet but wait til I'm sleeping soundly before they wrap themselves all around me. I wish I knew what they were taking from us. Energy or some kind of nutrition, or, who knows. We musr all have something in common that they are drawn to.

Apr 20, 2016
Ghost cat?
by: Kathy

I get the electrical vibrations on my feet and legs while in bed too. Now it seems to stay at the foot of the bed. It seems to be a little bigger or it weighs more because when it walks around on the bed it doesn't seem to be as small or as light on its feet like at the beginning. Now, for some reason, I have been sleeping better. I hear some say the opposite. I just want to know where this "Thing" came from so I can take it back!! This is insane!

Apr 20, 2016
Hey Jeff and all others
by: Mindy

I have the exact same electrical thing, wrapping around my legs and vibrating, even going towards my private areas. I tried rebuking as well.
I found a way to live with it. I used to yell and curse. Then I heard that being nice goes a long way. So one day I called to them out loud and told them that I don 't care where they come from or whatthey are. But if they Must continue to Please wait until I'm in a deep sleep. They have not bothered me since. Once & awhile I feel them at the foot of the bed but they keep thier distance. Please try it, it may work for you as well. I take over the counter sleep meds and now I have no idea if they're there or not. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Apr 20, 2016
Not cats
by: Anonymous

These are not cats any longer but some kind of entity that will eventually be vibrating inside your body until you can find a way to get rid of them. I don't think anyone on this website has any answers, but I keep checking every so often. This has been going on for six months for me. Have tried asking them to go, rebuke them in name of Jesus, etc. I pray they will go away and let me have a full night of sleep.

Apr 03, 2016
I hear purring
by: Jeff

Over the past 18 months, it seems that I'm bothered by spirits - especially while in bed. I feel them on me and on the bed. During the past few months I've been hearing a purring sound, just like a cat's. I seem to hear it most nights. In fact I can hear it right now faintly, while I'm sitting on a lounge chair late at night.
Over twenty years ago I saw someone's spirit animal, which was a large cat, while he was walking toward me down a passage way - so since then, nothing shocks me.

Mar 21, 2016
Kitty Love
by: Anonymous

I like my visitor and don't feel it's taking anything from me. When I turn over ready to sleep I wait for it, it's almost immediate anyway, I feel comforted and safe with whatever it is. If I'm away from home it comes with me!

Mar 21, 2016
To Anonomous re "psycics"
by: Mindy

I agree, most people claiming to be psycics are phonies. I was just reporting what I was told which was actually nothing at all for a solution. There must be one out there.

Mar 21, 2016
Re: "Who you gonna call"

I'm wondering why this "gentle spooky" entity always ends up on my pillow causing my head and body to vibrate long after I'm out of bed....what's it sapping from our brains, what's it really after??

Mar 21, 2016
For: who you gonna call
by: Scary cats

Yes, I wake up "fully charged" also, like you have this static electricity throughout your body. Try shaking your head when you get up. Do you hear a weird metal sound, I do this morning. I take sleeping pills but they don't seem to work anymore. All I can say is these things are shortening our life span by causing us lack of sleep and adding stress to our life. We've got to find the answer to rid ourselves of these entities.

Mar 20, 2016
To Mindy
by: Anonymous

I think most people who claim to be psychic or whatever are phonies. The bible also says that anyone using, or claiming to use, supernatural powers is evil and they should not be allowed/given any power over you. I don't know of anyone that has a definitive answer to this phenomenon. I put in a caught 2 cents in my post a few minutes ago. I did hear one explanation that spoke of it as a trick of the mind or a trick of the senses or something. But I think they were just guessing too.

Mar 20, 2016
I'm trying to reach out for help
by: Mindy

So far I've contacted Linda Moulton Howe, Art Bell, Jimmy Church and Clyde Lewis. i' aurethey all think I'm some kind of crackpot but they all are knoen for their knowledge of the unknown. The only thing I've sonw that worked dor a couple of days is a stun gun. But who knows, they might even enjoy that. I take sleeping pills, it's the only way I can get any rest. Good luck

Mar 20, 2016
probably not a ghost of a cat
by: Anonymous

I've been experiencing this for quite awhile now. About a year or two. I found this site then and commented. When it first happened I would get agitated. I would freeze myself and listen intently. Try to see them or their movement. I have never seen anything. I tried everything I could think of to get rid of them. Kicking at them. Rebuking them in the name of Jesus. Nothing had any effect. Just got me upset and kept me awake. But I quickly felt that getting upset and letting them bother me would get me nowhere except a lack of sleep. Now I just plead the blood of Jesus I've myself and my home. Tell Him that all I can do is trust Him to protect me and I relax and go to sleep. Often I will move my feet slightly or do something to create a little movement because when I'm moving at all either they are gone or I just can't sense their movement because of my own movement. So I'm not losing any sleep, but I don't know what they are, and would prefer they were not around. I have read that in the Muslim faith they have a name for this seemingly spirit like creature. Kind of interesting considering Muslims are being flooded into so many strong countries lately. That's called the Kalergi effect or something. A plan a man named Kalergi (sp?) came up with many years ago that the globalists are using to break the strongest countries.

Mar 20, 2016
Re: Mindy
by: Anonymous

I too feel like they are in my mattress, or somehow underneath me. I gave up my bedroom because I'd just disturb my husband from kicking and slapping the comforter. Moved to a spare bedroom without any electronic devices in it at all, even quit reading my Kindle. I fill the vibrating almost immediately after I get under the covers....after kicking repeatedly it stops. After I fall asleep, I'm awakened by strong vibrating on my pillow. At this point, I grab a comforter and head to leather sofa in family room. Turn on wide screen TV, they don't seem to like this. Wrap myself up tightly and it's working except early morning vibrating on my pillow. Learning how to sleep on a leather sofa isn't easy but it's helped me get a few hours sleep every night. I agree, these are not ghost cats. I fill static electricity in my body if I try to sleep in bed, pretty pathetic my family thinks I'm nuts. I keep checking this website for solutions, help!

Mar 20, 2016
Who ya gonna call?
by: Anonymous

I don't know about anyone else but, almost ever single time I get outta bed, even if I've only been lying still for only mere seconds, I've built up a static electricity charge. I think it's possible that whatever it is that's making it so easy for me to build up this static charge is directly related to why I'm being harassed by this "ghostly" phenomenon. So, I'm curious if anyone else is noticing that they're having to release an electric charge every time they get outta bed???

Mar 20, 2016
by: Mindy

I feel them inside my mattress at times as well! I emailed Jimmy Church who hosts a radio show called "Fade to Black" He is really into different phenomenons and his webmaster replied that I need to find a psychic who speaks to animals. Then I tried Art Bell the famous radio host also about phenomenons, still waiting to hear back. My family only believes me because when visiting my mother we'll share a bed and she thought it was me moving around! I told he I hadn't moved a muscle, that it's the invisible cats.( or whatever they are ). I don't know what else to do. I yell at them saying you have no right to take something from humans without their blessings. Of course I might as well have been talking to myself!

I wish more people would get involved. Somehow there must be a weak point and we need to find it.

Mar 20, 2016
Same phenomenon
by: Anonymous

We are definitely all experiencing the same activity. The most irritating of these things always seem to want to migrate to the pillow my head is resting on just above, in between my head and the wall. I'm going to try and remove the phone charger plugged in next to my bed. But, I don't lnow what's plugfed into the other side of my bedroom wall as I share it with a neighboring apartment. If removing my phone charger doesn't help my only next available option is to ask my neighbors some uncomfortable questions...

Mar 20, 2016
Scary cats
by: Anonymous

What used to fell like a cat of two jumping on my feet and vibrating a little were not much of a bother, and seemed to settle down and sleep. Now they latch onto my feet and start moving up my body vibrating all the time. It I kick them off, they end up on my pillow vibrating by my head. I o not like thee vibrations and want them to stop,, help, how do we stop them? Sometimes the feel like they are under the covers! How it is possible when no one is there? They crawl right under you! How did we deseve this? Lack of sleep is killing me!

Mar 20, 2016
Ghost cat?
by: Anonymous

I too feel these electrical vibrations in my bed before I feel these cat like movements that walk on the side of me as I lay down to sleep. I too have a cordless phone and an air purifier plugged in the outlet under my headboard. Can this be causing some kind of EMF field? I would like to know what all of us that have these creatures (ghost cats) have in common. I do know that if someone was to tell me these stories a few months back,I would think they were crazy. Well I know I'm not crazy because this is real. I just want them to go away.

Mar 19, 2016
My experience
by: Anonymous

I did have this problem a few years back. Ok now this gets pretty strange. I own an EMF detector and this device is often used by ghost detects and or measures emf it to learn more.

Anyway this field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. Anyway during this cat presence I had an episode where I was zapped with electrical current that went from my feet up to my waist and it got very unpleasant and I quickly got out of my bed...when I touched the bed with my hand I also felt a vibration..I also had a witness feel the same thing when they placed their hand on the bed.

The one time I felt the cat walking around and did not move so I could feel/see what it was doing and it laid down against my leg...I could feel it breathing...I left if go for around 10 minutes when I moved my leg I could no longer feel it, but for the next day or so I could feel a weird sensation where it was touching my leg.

I know that spirits draw on energy to manifest themselves so I decided to check my bedroom for emf with my emf detector and found a power source plugged in the wall under my bed that was constantly emitting high levels of emf I also found my bed...yes!!!.. my bed was emitting high levels of emf so I got rid of my mattress and the power supply to my cordless phone that was plugged in the wall right under my headboard. I still felt the cat after this a few more times on the new bed but this did go away and has not returned.

I believe the metal springs in the bed became charged by the transformer plugged in the wall behind my bed emitting high levels of emf and this somehow gave these entities or creatures the power they needed to manifest themselves. I have also thought that these things are not actually cat spirits...even though I have had cats for many years.

Mar 19, 2016
I totally agree
by: Mindy

These are not ghosts of cats that have passed on. I've tried many ways to get rid of them. They've been coming around nightly for 4-5 years now. I've tried zapping with a stun gun, rebuking them in the name of the Lord and kicking at them. It's very disconcerting and I have to take sleeping pills to knock myself out. If anyone knows a good way to get rid of them I beg you, please let us know.

Mar 19, 2016
I totally agree
by: Mindy

They are some kind of entity that pretends to be cats. Sometimes one will be at my head purring while others are "snuggling" at my back and leg areas. I've tried everything from rebuking in the name of the lord to zapping with a stun gun, and kicking my feet. So far I haven't found a solution. It's disconcerting, to say the least.

Mar 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

Yeah, I'm pretty sure these aren't cats back from the dead but, some kind of other unidentified creatures that appear as something we're familiar with. It's probably not the creatures making themselves look like cats but, instead our brains filling in an image of something our mind can familiarize their movement with. Apparently, in Native American culture these types of entities are not known as good visitors but, "evil spirits", for lack of a better term, that feed on living energy somehow. I'm tired of these things waking me up with their incessant annoyance of whatever it is that they doing to us. I don't have many electronics in my bedroom, other than my cellphone but, I live in an apartment so, all of my appliances aren't very far away. I don't even really care what they are anymore I just want them to leave. If anybody figures out an effective solution please, advise immediately...

Mar 18, 2016
Second thought about ising stun guns
by: Mindy

I am having second thoughts about zapping the heck out of these cat-like invisible beings. My reasoning is that in case they are after our energy they just might get satisfaction from the electrical zap! No wonder they didn't stay away for long. Just a thought. Thx, Mindy

Mar 16, 2016
Re: Black boxes
by: Mindy

One time I felt it going over on my thigh. It would go back and forth in an arc shape. It felt like it was a tiny minute electical feeling antenna. I let do it just to figure out what it was doing. They use us for energy or nourishment. I just can't figure it out and it's very scary. I'm certainly grateful to know that I'm not the only one.

Mar 16, 2016
Re: Listen Carefully
by: Anonymous

I believe you're on to something about the black boxes of everything we use in our homes. I have left all electronic devices, cell phone, computer in another bedroom and even though I still got visits from the spook cats, the vibrating static jabs were less powerful. I used to think these were nice little cats that would vibrate then sleep on my feet or legs, not so. Once I started kicking them off in irritation because I'm selfish about my sleep, then that seemed to empower them. Now they latch onto me as soon as I get in bed and start sapping my energy. One night it felt like it was drilling for "oil" on my hip bone, is it calcium they're hooking onto? Anyway, thanks for the tip on electronic black boxes. Still looking for a permanent solution to getting rid of them, anyone who thinks these are nice kitty's better think again!

Mar 16, 2016
Question to the last Anonymous
by: Mindy

Has your real cat ever been in the same room as the invisible one? I ask because I'm wondering if they "see" each other and how they react. My invisible ones keep me up sometimes with all the romping around.

Mar 11, 2016
Ghost kitty tucks us in
by: Anonymous

Ah this always happens to me - but just now I was putting my daughter to sleep and asked for daddy and kitty to come to bed. (Not she is always talking to ghosts it's so scary but we have learned to deal w it) so anyways I felt the kitty jump on the bed and walk down to my feet and when I turned to see what he was doing THERE WAS NO CAT! - he's in my sons room sleeping.

I slowly pulled my leg under the covers and tried to think happy thoughts haha I'm a grown up but this always happens and is just so strange and creepy.

But I never shoo the ghost away because I'm sure it needs love or misses it - man it's such an odd feeling!

Mar 09, 2016
Stun gun
by: Mindy

My stun gun worked temporarily but now they're back. I guess I'll just have to learn to live with them. While it is very spooky they aren't hurting me. In fact while I was napping at my mothers w h ere they followed me, one was at my head and another at my mid section just purring away. As long as they sap my energy while I'm sound asleep I don't mind so much. I do want to get to the bottom of this mystery, though.

Mar 09, 2016
Listen Carefully
by: Anonymous

I posted before on here and I may have something you can do that might help. If your bedroom has any emf emitting devices try to get rid of those things such as air purifiers, computers, cordless phones and or any device that uses and ac power supply that plugs into a wall socket. I believe those devices also attract them because they emit high levels of emf electromagnetic fields which also could open portals these entities can use to find their way thru.

Mar 09, 2016
Ghost cat?
by: Kathy

I would just like to know why they visit certain people and where they come from. Now it seems as though there are two of them visiting me now. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM!! I still feel them walking on my bed and feel this static vibration when they are close to my body. I have read where some people just think it's their cat that has passed but with me I have never had a cat. To tell you the truth I never liked cats. I love dogs. So I may never know why, where or how, but I need to find someone that can get rid of these spirits or whatever they are.

Mar 09, 2016
Scary cats
by: Anonymous

I'm tired of nightly cat, or cats crawling all over me. The other night I felt something in my face and was paralyzed with fear, couldn't move. Seems they sap energy from you wherever they can....time for me to contact a local priest, can't take this anymore!

Mar 01, 2016
Question for Caroline
by: Mindy

You say you've seen your spirit cat. Did it look like a normal cat? I ask because sometimes I feel they put out "feeler atennas(sp) that emit a tint electrical pulse. It'll go back and forth, back and forth until I stop it.
The stun gun didn't get rid of them. They were leery and stayed away for a little while but I did discover they don't like bright lights, also the television lights.
I wish we could figure out what this phenomena is all about.

Feb 23, 2016
I found a way to rid yourself
by: Mindy

I purchased a small stun gun. Now when I feel them sneaking up on me in bed, I sit up and Zaaap! Right in the area I feel one is. It instantly got rid of some, now I don't know how many there are but there's still a few left. They now know I mean business. Now I have less. I no longer feel them sneaking up at 7:00 a.m. trying to latch on to me and suck my energy. I know it's crazy but I know they're real. My mother even felt them one time when I had to share a bed with her. It spooked her but at least now she knows I'm not making this up!

Feb 17, 2016
How do I get rid of them?
by: Anonymous

I'm thinking of getting one of those zappers you keep in your purse for security. They seem to have magnetic/electrical properties, so as soon as I can I'll give it a try and let everyone know if it works. I've tried rebuking in the name of Jesus but that didn't faze them. Once they hadn't shown up for a week and I actually missed them so I called them and they came back. Now all I have to do is think about them and they're jumping on my bed immediately. I feel that I shouldn't have called them back, inviting them into my life like that. I just don't like the idea of them taking my energy or whatever it is they do. It's just kinda creepy.

Feb 17, 2016
I understand
by: Anonymous

I have had this happen a to mealso couple of years ago but only lasted a few months. There are a few things I did, but you would have to find some way to contact me for help.

Feb 17, 2016
Invisible Cats still comes around after 4 years
by: Mindy

I'm starting to get very spooked by my invisible pets. It used to be only one, now it's hard to say how many are crawling all over my bed at night. Every night. I feel them purring. I have to take otc sleep aids to knock myself out. I've found they just won't go away.
I'm thinking they are feeding off my energy. When I wake in the middle of the night I feel them latched onto my legs and back with a strange breathing motion like they're sucking something out of me. Last night I could feel it on my leg and it felt like he was moving vibrating antenae over my thigh over and over. It's hard to describe. And, they follow me when I go visit family overnight. I wish I knew how to rid myself of these things. It's very strange.

Feb 16, 2016
Ghost cat?
by: Kathy

This Ghost cat that I am still experiencing has me so uncomfortable and is scaring me because now I have heard it twice. Both times was during the day when I walk into my room to get something. It was so unexpected and startled me. I am not crazy! I have not told my husband or my grown sons because they would definitely think that. How did this cat find me? Did it follow me from somewhere? I have never had a cat or around cats. Our lives have always been with dogs. This has me so confused sometimes I start to cry. It's even more confusing at night when it's on the bed but I feel relaxed.

Feb 10, 2016
Ghost cat?
by: Anonymous

I am just grateful that I am not alone in this experience. It's just making me think that if a spirit of a cat can come back, that there must be something after life. I still wish I had the understanding of why me?

Feb 10, 2016
Little visitor
by: Anonymous

Hi Kathy I have no idea why it happens and it's very strange but I enjoy my little visitor! It happened nightly for a while but now only occasionally. I would love to know why this happens too

Feb 09, 2016
Ghost cat?
by: Kathy

This is been going on for about a week now. I felt a small animal (cat like) jump at the end of my bed, walk around on my bed but I could not see anything. I was totally freaked out. My small Poodle gave no indication that anything was going on. I have never had a cat but this is what it feels like. So this week it has been the same thing every night except this morning it woke me up and I felt a small paw touch my leg. I feel calm and not threatened in any way. I have not discussed this with anyone. Thought I am going crazy. This is real and I am wide awake. What does this all mean? Why is it visiting me?

Jan 27, 2016
Scary Cats
by: Anonymous

I'm happy to have found this website because I thought I was going crazy. Started with one "cat", now I think there are more. I have never owned a cat, not particularly fond of them. It's always been dogs for me. It's helpful knowing I'm not alone in these weird nightly visits, but really, doesn't anyone know how to STOP these cat visiting nightly?? I'm losing sleep as once I feel them vibrating, scratching or walking along my body, I'm wide awake....never get a full nights sleep, help!

Jan 08, 2016
Bothersome cat
by: Pam M.

I like this space, but I don't like cats. Have had this dislike for most of my life.Cats scare me.Will this cat is only in my bed,it scratches,only on my legs.I can now hear it jump off bed and on bed.This has been on for 8yrs. Almost every naptime and night. How can I get it to go away away,it is keeping me awake. Please help me!

Jan 03, 2016
by: John

HI,am so glad I found this site as I had the strangest thing happen this morning,A purring noise woke me up and I felt a cat like animal jump on my bed and I felt it move about just a couple of steps,I went to see what was there but nothing!?the thing is this is the first time this has happened to me and the crazy thing was I was not scared to look and I got a friendly feeling from this!?this is the only way I can describe this and I now it sounds mad but it felt so real!I have no cats or any other pets,was this just a dream or real experience?as soon as I got out of bed I at ease with myself,im so glad to here your guys story's and do I have anything to worry about?thanks!

Dec 31, 2015
Ghost cats
by: Liza

We have two ghost cats, and they have followed us from house to house. I believe they are two former pets of ours who were the best cats ever; both had to be euthanized for extreme, immediate medical problems. I think they just weren't ready to leave us.

Usually, I (or my daughter) will feel a cat jump on the bed, walk around, and lay down. One likes to sleep against my back, just like he did in life. Without thinking I'll reach behind me to scratch him - but there's no cat! The footsteps aren't lighter than normal, and I know it's not one of our current cats, because they're not allowed in the room!

Nov 24, 2015
My visitor
by: Pamella

My little visitor has disappeared! This happened every night for just over 2 weeks then stopped. I have no idea why it came to me but it was amazing! I've gone to bed expecting to feel it get up next to me but it hasn't happened since :( I would love to know why/how it happened and why it's stopped. Weirdly I hope it returns X

Nov 23, 2015
dead cat
by: Carolina

I totally can relate I have seen my spirit cat and also felt him walking all over the bed at least twice a week.

Nov 17, 2015
Looking for connections...
by: Anonymous

Does anyone who is experiencing taking any kind of prescription drugs and if so, what kind. I've been taking some blood pressure meds called clonidine, hydroxozine, and I've been taking prescription methadone for a few years niw as well. My doctor assures me that tactile hallucinations are not a know side effect for my prescriptions but, I'd like to know what I similarities I have with others experiencing these Stanger tactile and sometimes visual hallucinations of cats...

Nov 16, 2015
Then there were two
by: Curious

I like everyone else on this site have experienced this and want to know 1. Am I going crazy; thank God for the privacy of internet! 2. Why is this happening. 3. Why and what do we all have in common?

I have had a few weird experiences with ghost/paranormal cats. This started about a year or two ago where I felt like there was one cat that jumped on the end of the bed kneading my legs and then laying next to me. Then it progressed to jumping up the end of the bed walking around me and then laying down next to me and now tonight I had two.

My husband has not felt them but thinks they might be his cats... but why don't they bother him to since I did not know them as long as he had and why have they waited to long to show after passing years ago...

I have animals and although they are not in my room with me I don't think my animals sense anything... I don't think anyway.

I would love to see more stories and try to find out if there are any commonalities that we all have aside from the cat thing.

Oct 30, 2015
My visitor
by: Pamella

I am sure my visitor is a cat and only comes to visit when I'm ready to go to sleep. The very first time this happened was 26th October, yes this month!! I was totally freaked out as it was 3am and I felt it walking around on my bed then settled down to sleep I assume. I lay there for a while heart thumping trying to think of a rational explanation. A few minutes later I sat up and looked all around but there was nothing there. I got up and turned on the light but there was nothing. I have barely slept since and have been searching the Internet for an explanation. Since the first time it has happened about 6 times, I know it is only a few days but I I have had it almost every time I'm ready to sleep. Once I woke up and could feel it in the crook of my arm, it's weight against me. I have been frightened but now I'm not, I don't know why! I had a cat about 20 years ago and was wondering if it was her but I'm not sure. It happened at 7am this morning as I was trying to sleep, almost immediately as I've turned over to sleep it walks up next to me. I have told my OH about this and he now thinks it's because of sleep deprivation. I found this site and all of your experiences and have been reading all of them. Although they are different they are the same. Why has this just started to happen? I'm searching for an explanation but somehow don't think I'm going to find one. I don't feel any harm and feel quite excited that I have this little visitor and proof that there is more to life. Hope everyone is well x

Oct 26, 2015
Former owner's cat still hanging around
by: Dawn Patrol

I have never owned a cat but when I moved into my current house I had 2 ghost cat experiences. One day, about 6 months after my husband and I moved in, I was just about to take a nap and felt the light step of a cat's paws slowly climbing up my body. I tried to explain it away but it was so strong in my mind that it was a cat. I did not tell anyone and a week later when my mom stayed overnight (same bed, same room) she told me the next morning "You have a ghost cat." I knew exactly what she meant. She felt the same thing I did...little paws walking slowly up her legs. She said she put out her hand and closed her eyes and she felt it rub her hand. Fast forward 15 years later and I was laying in bed on a Sat. morning. My husband just woke up and went downstairs. I had adopted a poodle about 7 months prior. I again felt little paws walking up and down my leg except this time the pace wasn't leisurely but much quicker. I felt it go on the bed covers and on my leg. Back and forth, back and forth. I thought my dog, who was sleeping next to me, would "sense" a ghost cat but he never moved. I think it came back to check out the dog and was a little agitated. Later, my neighbor said the former owners had a Siamese cat that died in the house. Bizarre!

Oct 01, 2015
My cat hops on the bed often
by: Dee Dee

My little cat Cody died several years ago at age 8 after suffering from cancer in her mouth. She often jumps up on my bed at night. I can often feel her walk up the bed towards my face or just settle down at the foot of the bed.

I have never been a believer is psychics, paranormal activities and such. I am not even religious. I just know that it is her.

Cody was tiny her whole life and it is so obviously her jumping up and walking across the bed. It freaked me out at first, but she was one of my favorite cats who loved me deeply. Why should I fear her.

It brings me comfort to know one day I will be reunited with her and all the people I have lost. I hope that Cody is the first to greet me when I get there one day.

Sep 18, 2015
I Have Been Visited by My Deceased Cats
by: Anonymous

I have loved (and still do love) and lost two cats, one 5 1/2 years ago, and the other as of late March of this year, both of which have come to visit me at night; they either jump up on the bed, or just simply materialize to make their presence known. I cannot see them, but I can feel their weight and warmth, the touch of their whiskers, the vibration of their purrs (I can also hear their purring), and can also feel them kneading me, or walking around on the bed. The cat that most recently pasted away has also visited me during the day (on a chair that we used to sit on together), and has also visited me at my sister's house when I stood there as an over-night guest. I have had numerous psychic experiences throughout my life, and know that death is not the end - our souls, and the bonds of love we have forged in life are eternal. I cannot answer why various people have had such encounters sans owning their own pet, only to say that they have been given an innate gift, and are blessed to have had such experiences...

Sep 05, 2015
Invisible cats nightly
by: Mindy

This situation is starting to spook me. Every night it feels like 1-3 cats are walking on my bed down at my feet and along my body. They end up cuddling at my feet when they start vibrating. This has been going on for years. I figured after all this time they haven't hurt me so they must be harmless but how do I know for sure they aren't? I'm so happy to find that I'm not the only one this happens to. Also, my bed shakes pretty good once & awhile, don't know if they're connected or not.

Aug 24, 2015
He's Alive
by: Mom22cats

On August 19, 2015, my beloved Leo transitioned out of his body after a two year struggle with slow growing cancer. He and his perfectly healthy brother, Gemini, have been with me 13 1/2 years.

Notice I write about Leo in the present tense because although his body no longer functions, he is very much alive and here with us. No, I'm not crazy.

When Leo was in the physical realm, he and Gemini were extremely close, especially as Leo neared the end. In addition, I have a soul connection with Leo, so there is a lot of bonding going on.

It is now six days since Leo's passing out of his body, and I've had three visitations from Leo so far. Gemini has begun to adapt some of Leo's mannerisms and is happy, content and relaxed, just the way he was when Leo was physically with us.

I truly believe that Leo will remain in this house with us as long as his brother is in the physical world, and then both of them will go to the Rainbow Bridge.

Until then, everyone's here and everyone's together - just like always.

Aug 19, 2015
My ghost cats
by: Connie

For like the past month or so i have been having the feeling of a cat and sometimes 2 or 3 cats climb onto my bed and wants to be near my back or in front by my stomache. I thought i was losing my mind and couldnt understand it and i was telling family and friends its like they think i am losing it or it has to be some side effects from medications i take. I have googling trying to find out if other people were experiencing i got very happy when i started reading the stories! One of the peticular cats insists on being near my back or the crook of my arm and it purrs like its so happy. I cant see them but i can feel their presense and hear them. I have heard them jump to the floor. But i have never felt scared at all. But its hard to get to sleep because i toss and turn alot....and its hard to do that now with them in my bed. I was so happy about this website that i had to foward it to my sister and hoping she is able to get it and read that there are others going through what i have been trying to explain to everyone. But you made me so happy to find this site!!! Now i know i havent gone coo-coo. Lol

Aug 17, 2015
Cat Ghosts costing me sleep
by: Relieved

Ok, good to see I'm not crazy or at least I have company if so. I haven't owned a cat in years. The last inside cats we had was nine years ago. Because of life changes we had to find them a new home and they both went to the same family. They would be around 15-18 years old right now if they are still living. So I got back from a week long vacation last week and thats is when things started happening. I was plugging up my phone and noticed something was playing with the cord and was brushing up against my legs. Being an engineer I immediately started performed rough and dirty controlled tests. It still happened and I thought I lost my mind. That night I felt it on my legs and at the time I hadn't made the cat connection. Then it happened the next night. I talked to my wife and she had a similar experience but didn't say anything for fear of me thinking she was crazy. It has happened every night for a week. I feel every step it makes. I apparently prefers me and loves to cuddle against my legs. I've heard it purr and I've touched the area that it is located. It doesn't feel like I'm touching a cat but there is something certainly there. Last night it walked across the back of my pillow and laid by my head. Its weird because I have felt scared in ghostly like experiences to the point of shaking. However this does not frighten me one bit. I was fascinated at first but now i'm super annoyed because I'm sleeping like crap because of this. I'm totally cool with this thing living in my house but would prefer if it let me sleep at night. If I knew it was one of my previous cats coming back to say hello on there way out then I would feel better, but if this is just some random cat ghost then I want it to leave all together. Any ideas on how to get this thing to leave me alone? I also do NOT want it visiting my little girl. Not even once.

Aug 15, 2015
by: Anonymous

I had another experience about a month ago - there was enough moonlight that I could see hh ere was nothing on my bed but I felt the kneading again. It didn't last long this time. The last time it happened was 2012.

Jul 28, 2015
Nightly Visits
by: Richard

We had to put our beloved cat down ltwo weeks ago. She had a habit of coming up onto the bed around 3am most nights. Since she's passed I'm still waking up around 3 (it's 3:22am as I write this). I've been thinking it's just me and some ingrained habit.
Last night when I awoke I thought I felt a cat lying by my legs, purring. I discounted it and went back to sleep. Tonight, however, when I awoke I could here what sounded like our cat purrin next to me. I tried to chalk it up to imagination but it persisted to the point I could not fall asleep. Sitting up in bed, I could still here it but saw nothing. Started researching "cat ghosts" and found this site; all the time hearing the purring. Just before, as I was finishing the above first paragraph, I felt the bed shake a little then heard a very faint thump on the floor. I do not hear purring now.
My wife is upstate for much of the summer so I have no co witness. It's not scary and I'm glad she may be around. Sleep would be nice, too. Perhaps her nightly visit is over now so I'm off. Will let you know if I feel or hear her again.

Jun 15, 2015
We love our ghost cat, Tigger!
by: Anonymous

Our cat Tigger, who was killed by Coyotes in our own backyard, has been walking across the bed for years now. We always think it is one of our living cats until we reach back and feel nothing and then look and see nothing. Then we just say, "Hi Tigger". I thought it was just me that felt it until I finally mentioned it to my husband and he was so relieved, because he had been feeling it too and thought it was just him. It's not scary at all and I really like knowing the cat is still around. We loved him in life, and we still love him.

Jun 14, 2015
Ghost Cat?
by: Victoria

For some time now I have had regular encounters of being in bed, falling asleep and feeling a cat jumping up on the bed and walking around. I do have a cat who sleeps with me and I always check and she is right next to me sleeping on the pillow. The moving sensation has nothing to do with her. I can actually feel the mattress depressing with cat like steps. I have had 3 cats who have have passed on....all in tragic circumstances. I do not know if this has anything to do with them. I did love each of them a great deal. I am not freaked out by this but I really want to know what is happening. It has happened so many times that I cannot discount it as being my imagination. This has also happened when I was away from home and my cat was not with me and there were no other pets in the house where I was staying.

May 26, 2015
Sci-fi or reality
by: Anonymous

I have trouble believing these are spirits of the deceased because, for the longest time I'd only see animals but, then I started seeing apparitions of some family members that are living. I believe it's more likely that these things are apart of some near by dimension that could literally be right next to us. We just can't interact with them like our own dimension but, I think the dream world could be giving us away of experiencing these alternative realities or some other weird a wild stuff in that arena. I think in the realm of space-time outside of our minds time isn't occurring so slowly and all reality and their counterparts are actually occurring in a mere single moment so, nothing is really dead for any amount of time more than its alive. Imagine space-time outside of the mind, backwards could be forwards and forwards could be backwards for all we know. If there's no brain to give tome context or a beginning and end, all of reality is flying by in a moment faster than anything you could imagine because, the only thing giving time a sense of length is all just inside the mind. I don't have any provable answers these, are just ideas I can wrap my head around that don't involve such simplicity as oh, it's God and his pal Satan back at it again playing mind games with us. I know God seems like a comforting answer but, what about the Universe tells you that anything is comfortable!?

May 26, 2015
Curious Cat
by: Anonymous

It is 3 am and I just woke up. I was laying in bed and felt a cat jump up on the bed, and walk towards me. I felt every movement, every step. I have felt this before. I'll be laying in bed watching TV and it feels like two younger cats skitter across my bed as if they are playing. I say protection prayers. I sage my home. The strangest thing is I am not afraid, but curious. I worry that it could be something else trying to trick me. Deep down though after that thought leaves, I am just curious. I got up and googled it, and here I am. Anyone looking for a definitive answer may be out of luck. Sometimes strange events are just a matter of instinct and faith. Much like believing that God is real. These things make me slightly uncomfortable. I tend to ignore them as much as possible, but it looks like I'm not the only one. Thanks!!

May 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have felt a cat jump on the bed and occasionaslly lie next to me and there is nothing there (that I can see) but last night it was like an adult size person that lied down next to me. I tried to get out of bed it was like I was being held down I finally was sitting on the edge of the bed and there was all this hazy light and there was no wall it just seemed to go on forever I said Heanenly Father in the name of Jesus keep me safe and instantly it was gone and I was in my bed. I was home alone when this happend.

Apr 30, 2015
Ghost Cats
by: Anonymous

For over three years I have experienced these little entities. My first was a small dog that had belonged to a family member. It came to visit for over two years. A few days before the family member passed it left. Currently, I have a scitterish kitten. It usually arrives in the daylight and likes to play with my feet through the covers. If I don't respond, it bounces at my leg. They have all been gentle and like to cuddle up to me when I'm sleeping. I can't see them. I don't know what opened my world up to them. I'm glad it happened.🐱

Apr 22, 2015
additional commit and new commit
by: Anonymous

forgot to add that my ghost cat has also meowed around my house.

New topic: most Priests seem to believe that ghost animals are demons that trick us. The bible does not have a lot on ghosts. Priests are great and the Bible is great-I mean that. "Cat Ghost believers" better believe in the afterlife.

Cat ghost experiences tend to occur in the bed. So do demons which tend to shake beds, numb body parts or worse. My point is that demons my come through the portal with a cat ghost. God and the Bible rule over all spirits.

Apr 22, 2015
Full Moon and Characteristics
by: Anonymous

Full Moon: It's appearance seems to be related to about 3 days before and 3 days after a full moon. I think it is more related to some sort of cycle than "werewolf" stuff.
Second characteristics I have experienced. Deep breathing as it sleeps;feeling it's fur as it lays next to me; it' weight about 11 pounds; seeing slight pressure/paw marks on bed as it walks; hearing thump when it jumps off bed;by camera blue eyes of my Siamese; by camera black/white of my siamese

Apr 01, 2015
Ghost Cat
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comments. I think you are right about where the cats reside. They somehow get the energy to come through that other dimension to visit us. I haven't been visited by my ghost cat for a couple weeks. I couldn't see it but could feel it on the bed. I don't think it was a former pet, but I was comforted by its presence. I would call to it and it would come. It was like it was popping through from somewhere. There are accounts of people going through a tunnel after dying and coming back. Dogs and cats were a in the tunnel with them. I miss my ghost cat but feel privileged to have been visited.

Mar 31, 2015
Cat Ghost Picture
by: Anonymous

As a child psychologist, I could go into long comments about this. It's a pity that so many "no minds" will dismiss and laugh at all similar experiences. I believe it is somewhat a 4th dimension, afterlife or supernatural experience where cats can temporarily physically come into our world for brief moments (meows, weight, vision,touch etc.) Most instances, they do love us. We all should know that death is just a resting time and we are like doubting Thomas where we put put our fingers in the spike holes and side of Jesus.

I have had cat visits and visually recorded my last deceased cat on tape. the color of it eyes, fur color, where it was laying on my body etc. Now my wife never doubts me. Well probably out of space.

Mar 28, 2015
Ughhh..... No Answers!
by: Anonymous

Every time my email notifies me that there's a new post here I hope its someone with an answer but alas it has failed to occur. So, I'm pretty confident in saying that until there is actually a scientific study on this subject any answers provided, wrong or right, will be pure speculation based on here say and conjecture. So, here's to hoping some accredited individuals will find the bravery to embrace such a study. Hey, crazy things have happened, like this one time every night for the pasy 2 years I'm visited be invisible cats and possibly a racoon or 2! Lol I still be back hete from time to time looking for any plausible theories.

Mar 28, 2015
You may or may not be crazy but, it's unrelated to this phenomenon! Lol
by: Anonymous

So, I've written here several times within the past 2 years or so since, I've started experiencing ghostly cat phenomenon and, I feel pretty safe saying that that it isn't related to any mental changes. I've been away from my apartment for days at a time at various periods since, I started noticing this phenomenon and nothing remotely similar ever happens when I'm away. But, as soon as I gey back home I can call to these things, if I feel inclined to that is, and within a few moments one or more of these things will hope up on my bed like they've been waiting for me. I've been able to see everything from small kittens to full sized adult cats so age varies so, I'm not sure if these are dead beings or not. Last night for example I'm pretty sure that most of the cats on my bed were kittens to teen cats. I haven't seen them lately as clearly as a living cat but, I can still see them frequently when I close my eyes as they appear like a shadow moving thru a fuzzy no signal tv screen. If this phenomenon isn't real occurring outside our own minds, at the very least there is some kind of trigger device interfering with our normal brain activity in the location of the phenomenon, such as some kind of power line for instance. I've talked to several health professionals as I was concerned with my mental health and they all assured me that mental illness does not confine itself to specific locations only. So, if you're having "experiences" everywhere you go, all the time I'm not saying you're whacked outta your mind but, I would be slightly more concerned.

Mar 22, 2015
I have a ghost cat
by: Anonymous

I had a cat for 20 years and he died about 6 years ago. I have experienced the feeling of him walking up and down on my legs and sitting on my feet quite frequently. Last week I had this feeling and as I have another cat I thought it was him so I moved my legs and called him. There was nothing there as he was outside at the time.

I am not frightened but curious as to why he his visiting me and my daughter?

Mar 22, 2015
I understand you dilemma
by: Tim

I completely understand your dilemma Elizabeth, because I am in the same situation you are in although I know I am not crazy and I seriously doubt you are either. I have been dealing with my "ghost cat" every day for months now and it is the most bizarre thing I have ever experienced in my 53 years on this earth, I too have told family and close friends about my experience and they also have a look of disbelief but they believe me because they know I am not the type of person to make something like this up. You have to realize as I have that there are some things in life that defy logic and no one can fully understand and certainly not someone that has never experienced something like this personally. For me personally finding this website was a huge relief because now at least I know there are other people that have experienced the same phenomenon that I have. My feelings are as long as "my cat" is not trying to harm me or hurting anyone else I'm not going to worry about it but rather embrace it as I would a real pet if that makes any sense. I have never tried to take a picture (since I have never seen it) I don't think a camera would see it either but I could be wrong about that. I would like to know more about what this "cat" is about but I also know that may never happen. I am all ears if someone can shed some light on this subject though. I wish you the best and hope you will find the answers you are looking for.

Mar 22, 2015
To here kitty kitty
by: Elizabeth

You know, I tried using my phone and it DID disappear just like you said. BUT--- you make a REALLY good point that if I did see something, and it was scary.....I would freak out. It's quite a dilemma. I want to know that I'm not crazy, but don't want to GO crazy. I know that something is there. ALOT. The three people I've told looked at me like I was 'unstable.' AND one was my Mother who has 13 cats. Does the occurrences tend to stay the same? Does the spirit ever touch you? Will it always be with me? I guess no one could know, but any advice would be appreciated.

Mar 22, 2015
Here Kitty Kitty
by: Anonymous

I was worried about bad spirits too and said prayers. My ghost cat is very wary. If the phone rings, it disappears. If I get out my iPad, it leaves. I know a flash would scare it. Even wind debris hitting the window during the night scares it. If you happen to take a nap during the day and it comes, try a small digital camera. I'm not tech savvy, but I think there are electronic signals that scare it off. I sure wish I could see it, but then that would present a whole new dilemma. I don't know how I would feel. Good luck.

Mar 22, 2015
Ghost cat
by: Elizabeth

Well, I don't feel as crazy as I did before reading these stories. I have been visited by what I think is a cat, I had one pass unexpectedly 2 years ago, but I'm skeptical. I feel it jump up on the bed, not as strong as an actual cat, walk up/down around my legs, and at least twice up on my pillow. It happens at least 3 times a week. That's a lot! I've always had cats and did have a strong bond with 'Hoagie.' I really wonder. It's not scary, but I have asked for protection if there's any BAD spirits. Im not taking chances, you know? So, is there any advice to prove I'm not crazy? Pictures? Do you use flash? I don't know, but I would like some confirmation that I'm not crazy. Thanks!

Mar 19, 2015
Ghost Kitty
by: Anonymous

Your story makes me feel much better about my ghost cat. I have lived in my house 32 years and have not had any cats here. I did have a favorite cat growing up. I still miss miss her. My ghost cat started visiting in Aug. 2014. It walks on the bed, and once in awhile I wake up to it cuddling next to me. I can't see it. I wouldn't know it was there unless I'm lying on the bed. I talk to it and can feel it walk up to me. It is a great comfort but makes me have thoughts about my sanity. I find myself talking to it when I enter the bedroom. I laugh it off. There is so much more to learn about our world and other dimensions.😻

Mar 19, 2015
Ghost Cat of my own
by: Anonymous

First, let me say I'm a cat lover and I have always had at least 2 cats. I currently have a 3yr old male, Carlos and a 3yr old female, Bella. Right before I got these cats, I had lost one of my cats, Frank, who was 18 and had died of old age in my bedroom. A couple of years earlier, I also found my female cat, Lily, dead under my bed. She too, had died of old age. Nothing paranormal has ever really happened to me, but I do believe in the afterlife. All of a sudden, over the last year, I have felt a cat jump on my bed, walk around and lay down. I assume it's one of my living cats, but when I go to pet them, no cats are there.....both of my current cats prefer their cat beds. I mentioned this strange occurrence to my husband, and he basically told me I was crazy and that I was dreaming. I would have agreed, but it has happened at least once a week over the last year. A couple of weeks ago, my husband I were just sitting around discussing our day, when all of sudden, he said "I gotta tell you something".... thinking the worst, I asked him what he wanted to tell me. He then admits that the ghost cat just started visiting him as well, and had recently walked across his chest. Can I say I feel totally vindicated!! Now I know I'm not crazy. I'm not sure which of my deceased cats this is, but he or she is more than welcome in my home. I always say you can never have too many cats!!

Mar 11, 2015
ghost cat 1999
by: Eder

Thank you for your reply.. I am not sure if i am 'special' because i have never saw anything else of the paranormal..
But cats do seem to be attracted to me - even difficult cats that are timid or scared of other people seem to adore me !
Maybe the ghost cat did too ...

Mar 07, 2015
Dear Kitty
by: Anonymous

My thinking is that you have a gift in order to see a ghost. They don't appear to everyone. I've never seen my little pal. I don't think it's a sign of bad luck. We make our own luck in choosing the people in our lives. The kitty wanted you to know you are special despite bad relationships. I think it was a random appearance of something from the other side. Your energy drew it out. You should feel honored. ☺️

Mar 07, 2015
ghost cat 1999
by: Eder

I saw a ghost cat on three occasions in 1999 at an ex girlfriends house.. She saw it too and so did her mother. They were aware of it before i saw it but never told me about it. I Had never seen anything paranormal before i saw it and i habe'nt since. At the time i saw the ghost cat me and my girlfriend were going through a bad patch and we never really discussed the ghost. She just told me not to say anything about it to her mother- i dont know why. I never understood the reason and i will never know because we split up not long after the sightings. The eerie thing is that i had bad luck and bad relationships ever since i saw it. That may be just a coincidence though.
At the time the ghost cat was put to the back of my mind because of all the other stuff going on in my life. Only just recently i ve realised how strange and how important the sightings were.
If i had to describe it - it was a faded hazy black - like a shadow. It would just walk into a wall and disappear. We saw it one time sitting on the window sill and it stretched its front paws up as if it was leaning on the window. We both saw it clear as day and it just faded into thin air.
I could not see any features- no eyes or nose or mouth - it was just a hazy black shadow.
I know what i saw and i know people are very sceptical when you say " i saw a ghost" but this was a genuine sighting of something i will never explain. All i know is that it changed my view of the spirit world forever..


Feb 05, 2015
Astral something or rather
by: Anonymous

I have the notion that it does have something to Astral dimensional something or rather, I'm not to familiar with that stuff. I only say that because, since I've been living in my apartment I've been having out of body type dreams that are unlike any other Dreams I've ever had. They're lucid dreams in which I have to intentionally remove myself from my body and the entire time I'm away I have a slightly uncomfortable and dizzying sensation and I feel as is something is pulling me back to my body like my body is a vacum and I only have so much energy to stay away. Once, I start feeling really dizzy I can't fight it any longer and I'm sucked back in. As soon as I'm "back" I usually awake cause, I have to take a gasping breath! I've learned things in these strange dreams for instance, I asked someone where I was and they said California and I again asked where I was they reiterated California, Kentucky! It didn't make sense at the time because California and Kentucky are 2 different places. When I awoke I looked on the Internet and found that there is a city called California in the state of Kentucky! I was a little surprised that I had learned something from a dream even if it was only coincidence. Also, I've been having continued dreams that are also lucid. I know I'm lying in my bed as it really exists and I can see everything in my room as it is only I can hear what sounds like my mother talking to my sisters or others at times and it's so real yet, I live alone. The other day I heard my family talking in one of these strange lucid dream states so, I decided to call to my mom and to my surprise she heard me and came in my room. I saw an a transparent outline of her just as the cats have seem to appeared at times. I could hear here footsteps and see this transparent form of her she asked me what was up and I told her that I just wanted to tell her I love her. I haven't told my real mother about this yet as it only happened last week. I tried the same things with my "dream" sisters and had the same experiences. The only thing that makes me think these dreams are related to the cats is that they started happening around the same period of times the cats showed up and my family members had a similar apperance as the cats have at times. I don't know if it's somekinda cross dimensional alternative reality situation or just normal dreaming but, it's not necessary fir me to ne asleep to interact with these cats. The cats behaviors have varied from very sweet to not so nice and exhibit personality characteristics that none of my previously owned cats have. So WTF!? Is going on here!? :-)

Feb 04, 2015
Astral Travel
by: Anonymous

I'm looking for answers too. If it's not the spirit of a deceased cat, could it be a live cat having astral experiences while it's sleeping? The energy that comes with the cat is interesting. It's like a ball of pulsing light that you can't see. My "cat" is more wary of me than I am of it. It stays at the end of the bed. If I'm sleeping, it may come and lay next to me. If I reach out to it, it moves back. I can't see it. On occasion I can hear loud purring. It wakes me out of a sound sleep. You are lucky that you can see it. The spirit is so gentle. What on earth is happening? I have a habit of talking to it when I go into the bedroom. I've never experienced it anywhere else. I'm a little nervous about having anyone stay at my house. I don't want it scared away, and I don't want anyone else scared. I have thrown a toy on the bed, and I can feel it walk up to it. This has been going on almost three years. 🐈

Feb 04, 2015
Answers Please?
by: Anonymous

I've been keeping up with this site since I found it because, I have been experiencing this phenomenon for more than a year now. It seems that everyone is having the same exact experiences with slight variances of intensity. I have a hard time believing in ghosts and, I'd be more tham happy to concede that this phenomenon is a result of some version of sleep paralysis but, I don't need to be even slightly asleep to jave these encounters. I can usually interact with theses "cats" ny simply sitting down somewhere in my apartment whether its my bed in my bedroom or a chair in my living room, all I have to do is sit down and go about my business and within anywhere from instantly to an hour, one of these "cats" will hope on my lap or somewhere near to where I'm sitting. And, they don't seem to be the same cats year round. At certain points I've been able to visually see them just like living cats and I didn't recognize any of them as cats I've ever seen in my life. There is a vet clinic behind my apartment building but, its a few buildings down and not directly behind. Plus, I'm on the 4th floor of my building and my apartments are animal free for the most part. Maybe, that's why they lije it here for all I know. I'm still baffled and having these visitors on a regularly continuing basis. It doesn't bother me most of the time but, I'd really like to get some possible answers from someone and not just more stories about what I'm already experiencing.

Feb 04, 2015
Ghost Cat for sure
by: Tim

I am so glad to find this site. I have had cats for a big part of my young adult life because my 2 young daughters always wanted them, my daughters are both grown and Married and moved out and our two main cats "Rascal" and "Momma kitty" have been dead for several years now (Rascal died in the back yard about 6 years ago) and (Momma Kitty died living with my daughter about 2 years ago) so I have not had any real cats around the house for several years. Over the past few years I have felt something walking on the bed 3 or 4 times after I lay down to go to sleep but these events were few and far inbetween. My dog passed about 5 months ago and shortly after that I started feeling what feels like a cat walking on the bed once I lay down to go to sleep, the first few times I was totally freaked out but since it has happened every night for the past few months I have become used to it and now even almost feel comforted by it.The "cat" hops on the bed about 5 seconds after I lay down to go to sleep and most nights I can feel it walking around my legs as I lay under the covers. Night before last I felt it walk to the head of the bed to where my head was and I had the sheet pulled over my mouth the cat was licking the sheet where my mouth was under the sheet, this continued for a few minutes. I would still like to know what it is or what causes this. I have never believed in ghost but I am becoming more open to the idea now that I have experienced this phenomenon first hand.

Feb 01, 2015
Re: my comment below
by: Anonymous

As I was writing my comment below, I just had a thought.

In my neighborhood, there are actually two cat colonies (stray cats). I live in the middle of the two of them. In the warmer weather, when I sit on my porch at night, one of them often would "visit" by hopping on the roof of the shed right by my porch.

I have also been wanting to get a real cat for some time, it's just that my apartment is pretty small, and the window sills are kind of tiny. I know cats enjoy sitting on them... so I hesitate to actually get a cat as I wonder if it would actually be happy in my apartment.

So I wonder if my desire for a cat, plus the fact is that there are real cats without homes near my apartment has something to do with this? lol, I feel kinda looney for offering these facts as explanation for the phenomenon, as it's happening to me.

Feb 01, 2015
This has been happening to me too
by: Anonymous

I googled this phenomenon, and I am just so surprised there are other people who are having this same experience I am. Mine started about 9 years ago, right after my beloved kitty passed away. Growing up, she used to sleep with me every night. However, for her last couple years, I had actually been living away from home (she lived with my parents and never left home with me).

Her passing away was heartbreaking for me. I have never had another cat since. However, not so long after she passed away, I started to feel the sensation of a cat spirit with me every morning when I woke up. I assumed it was her, because it "felt" like her. I found this to be very comforting. It was very strong at first, but seemed to lessen after I moved out of state. However, it would still happen, there was just no rhyme or reason as to how or when it would happen as far as I could tell.

Recently, the sensation has been returning. It culminated very strongly just a couple mornings ago. I woke up in the morning, and I could clearly feel the shape of a cat in my bed. I felt the cat walk around my bed. The cat then began "kneading" my legs, which was actually quite pleasant. I have always enjoyed it when real cats do the "bread kneading" thing. I just sort of accepted it was happening, without having any idea why or how it happens.

Now, I don't know if this cat is still my cat I owned. It's hard to tell. She never did that action to me. However, while the cat's presence was with me, I could feel the cat there. I could feel the shape of the cat if that makes sense.

I have no idea what is causing this phenomenon, but it's so interesting to hear other people having such a similar experience to mine. I have never felt fear from this experience, I can only hope it is coming from a place of innocence and positivity.

Jan 22, 2015
Ghost Cat
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad I found this site. I've been looking for this phoenomenon for over two years. I can't see "my" cat, but I know where it's at on the bed. It checks in almost every day. I feel like something is wrong when it doesn't come to see me. I've never experienced this before. It has me in awe. Sometimes it stays at the end of the bed because iits energy is too high. I've been awakened by its energy with my legs shaking. This is why it doesn't come near me at times. Once I moved my leg and felt it brace itself when I booted it. It made me laugh. I wish there was a psychic person out there who could read these stories and tell us why this is happening. I've gone over imagination and possible mental issues. Nada, this is real.

Jan 12, 2015
Ghost Dog and Ghost Cat
by: Anonymous

What a good idea. I'll try that. I have pretended to be asleep & the cat ghost paces up & down on the bed. I can feel it. One morning I slept in, & it made a fuss at the end of the bed. I have a photo of the dog, a black cockapoo. I was able to track where it was by moving it with my leg on the bed. I used an iPad camera. It was on a plush throw, so it's debatible whether it was the patterns on the solid color. But, I can see its eyes and big black nose, which was a prominent feature on this little dog. I have tried to be scientific about this. I have gotten out of bed to prove I'm awake. When I got back in, it was still there. I'll try the eye trick too.

Jan 12, 2015
Just relax
by: Anonymous

On the occasions that I was able to see these "cats" , my ability to see them required that I remained in the still position in which I awoke in. However, I was able to maintain eye movement and still see them for a short time. So, if you'd like to take a peek at these things keep as relaxed and still as possible, don't even move your head, once you feel like you've been awaken by the presence of these things. Another trick I've learned is to close your eyes when you feel like their presence is directly in your line of sight. Once, you've shut your eyelids you'll have to try and focus your eyes as if you are trying to look at the back side of your eyelids. At this point I able to see these "cats" or whatever they are in the form of what looks like a cats shadowy presence. Just a couple ideas you might try if you're interested.

Jan 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I'm not so sure it's a human spirit masquerading as a cat though I have also thought of the possibility of it. I also thought these cat spirits could possibly come in tow along with human spirits.

Jan 12, 2015
Spirits or?
by: Anonymous

I haven't had that happen to me. Excuse my thoughts, without an open mind. I have had a feeling of a cat jump on my legs and walk on my legs, and that's it. I always thought it was a human spirit or something. But who really knows?

Jan 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I wrote about the cat and dog spirits. I have also thought about it being a human spirit or an angel. However, I can feel the cat grooming itself and scratching an itch. Once I felt the tail of the cat go through my toes when it jumped off the bed. I wish I could see them. The energy they give off is can be felt. Sometimes it wakes me up out of a sound sleep. Who really knows. Unless you experience it, it's hard to understand. Thanks for your thoughts.

Jan 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I really don't think these are animal spirits as most of you are claiming. It's most likely a spirit of a person who wants you to know they are there and around you.

Jan 08, 2015
Ghost Dog and Ghost Cat
by: Anonymous

I babysat my nephew's 3 dogs frequently. When the first little dog was dying I was at the animal facility with the family. About 2 wks later I was awakened during the night feeling an animal on the bed. I was frightened the first couple times. It was there during the day too. I couldn't see it but could feel its energy. It has playfully jumped on my leg and back when I was not aware it was on the bed. My nephew died about two years later and it left, I think, to be with him. I had cats when very young many years ago. Since the dog left, a cat has been coming at night. I can hear loud purring on occasion. A neighbor a few house away rescues cats. I don't know where it came from. Sometimes it doesn't show up for a week or more. I can feel when it's happy. Sometimes it doesn't want to be touched and leaves. I do have a router in my bedroom for a computer in my office. I think the cat comes in the form of an orb & either lands on the floor or the bed. It gives me a sense of awe. Its energy is like a vibration or motor running.

Jan 05, 2015
I recently lost my cat
by: Anonymous

About a few days ago my cat ran out my front door already injured with a bad foot
I have searched and searched for him I've been depressed about him being gone hoping he is OK and safe somewhere but I keep seeing him around my house I hear thumps and bangs in the night but nothing to explain it today i was cleaning my room today and saw him go under my bed I looked to see if the dog was under the bed since that would explain it but he wasn't there was no explanation for what I saw except that I'm going crazy I dream about him every night everything in my apt reminds me of him I have such a heavy wait in my heart i pray ever
y night and day that
t he is OK and safe and to return home safely I've been lookin all around the internet for answers to my hallucinations of my cat appearing in my house because I have never had this happen I don't see thimgs that's not me I do believe in supernatural but I don't see ghosts this has me wondering if I'm going nuts please help I'm so sad and hurt my cat was one of my kids to me he was my baby

Dec 30, 2014
My Ghost Cat
by: RedLady821

So I'm on break for the holiday's and today I was just lounging in bed for most of the morning because I didn't have to get up. I had just hung up the phone with a friend and was lying there thinking about what I was going to do with my day when I felt a cat jump onto the bed. It was definitely a cat because I have two of them, but they're not allowed in the bedroom because my husband doesn't like cats in the bedroom.

Anyway, I felt the cat jump onto the bed and start to walk across the covers and I kinda rolled my eyes because I was saying to myself...he doesn't want the cats in the bedroom but yet he let one of them in as he was leaving for work. I turned over fully expecting to see Blue or Indigo on the bed and there was nothing. OK...ghost cat. Like I said, I know a cat when I feel one.

Just to make sure I got up and went into the hallway and both cats were sitting there waiting to be fed. I have had paranormal experiences before and trust me, they always start with the cats, but sometimes something bigger gets in. I am going to pray tonight that nothing else got into my room besides the ghost cat.

Dec 20, 2014
Feeling of a cat walking on me
by: April

When I am sleeping at night sometimes I wake up to something that feels like a cat is walking across my legs. It feels so real. Whatever this is, it walks all the way up my legs until I move, then it stops. I look and nothing is there.
One time I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't move at all. I felt it start at the bottom of my legs and walk all the way up to my back, I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved, and the feeling stopped.
I'll feel it jump on the bed then always automatically just start walking across my body.
This has started happening to me about four months ago. It happens about 4 days a week. It stopped for a month and just came back again this week. I don't know what it is but it scares me. Its hard to sleep. It never hurts me that's why I feel like its ok.
I wish I knew what this was and why it happens to me. I have no cats that have passed away. My cats I do have is put away at night and cant get into my room.
Not sure what to think?

Dec 19, 2014
Scares me
by: Anne

I was fascinated at first with the sensation until it wouldn't go away. I expected it to stop when I became afraid since any pet or person I've ever known has not caused me fear. If it's an entity it should be aware of my discomfort and respond when I wish it to stop. When it does respond favorably I welcome it's presence, but when it continues despite my fear I give a strong push with my legs and it leaves me alone.

What's interesting is that I can 'summon' the sensation just by thinking about it but need to be physical to remove it. Strange.

Nov 25, 2014
Animals ? Ppl? or Medical ?
by: Anonymous

Hello , actually I'm sorta relieved to see others with the same experience. I've had this happen many times over last 3 years and actually again last night almost immediately upon rolling over on my side. 3 quick bumps around my feet . I looked nothing there.(outside lights make it visible in my room) I was wide awake, not asleep, no sleep paralyzed issues I've also read about. Sometimes it just feels like someone is sitting down on edge of bed, honestly in the beginning very scarey thinking someone was in my room. I've even ran my digital audio recorder I have at night ( which only ran for like 3 hours , batteries died) to see if I would hear anyone . But I didn't hear anything on it . Its such a crazy sensation and very very real one I find it hard to believe its in my head . I do have hip problems and some pain so when they say it's nerves etc I try to find documentation on that and I can't find any . I mean really how can my mind create such thing ? I dont twitch or anything but do have bad hips . Also my god father had major surgery last night , we haven't heard anything yet ... I don't know if I really believe in ghosts, I believe more in cherish what we have while we are alive.. Soo confused... Would love a link to show me how my mind is making me think these things and a valid one ;) oh and yes I've had a cat pass we had for 16 yrs, a true family member <3 but he never slept with me.

Nov 18, 2014
Re: Got Answers?
by: Anonymous

This happened to me, but has since stopped. I also had some really weird electrical sensations going off felt like nerves being stimulated on my body that came with the cat on the bed and a one time when a static electric feeling went from my feet to my waist.

I searched the web for anything like I felt or answers but found nothing. These cat spirits seem to feed off and can emit electrical energy, that is how they manifest themselves much like human spirits.

It's possible that they come thru a portal created by an electrical source or feed off of that source. One place to start is to check your sleeping area for electrical transformers or power supplies such as those used on laptops and cordless phones they are usually large black boxes that are part of the plug or are somewhere on the cord. Those powers supplies emit high levels of EMF=electrical magnetic frequency which I believe opens portals for these lower level spirits to enter thru or allows them to recharge themselves as they need electrical energy to manifest...I know it sounds crazy (but so do ghost cats) so if you want it to stop then do as I said and try it. You will have to unplug these devices to see if it helps.

Good luck

Nov 18, 2014
Anyone got answers?
by: Anonymous

So, I see that other people are experiencing the same phenomenon that I've come to know. But, what the in the world is going on here? At the moment there only seems to be a couple of these "ghost" like cats staying with in my apartment but, around this time last year when I first started noticing these things there was seriously like 7 or 8 of these "cats" walking around or laying on my bed at any given time. I know this because, on one occasion after just waking up and opening my eyes I saw an unfamiliar cat laying on my chest so, I tried petting it, as soon as I touched this "cat" it started to bite my hand, and then another one of these "cats" quickly pounced on the cat bitting me and they began to fight each other. As, I quickly sat up in my bed to see them fight, that's when I saw several other unfamiliar "cats" lying around on my bed. From kittens to large adult cats these things exhibit characteristics and behaviors ranging from slightly different to very different from one another and, I can only guess how many different ones there have been but, it's been a lot. The most common thing I do in my apartment on a daily basis when I home is sleep and, I'm wondering if anyone else who's experiencing this phenomenon is sleeping a lot where they're having their experiences. I have slept in several other places thru out the past year and I never experience anything remotely to what I'm experiencing in my apartment. And, as soon as I get back to my apartment, there they are waiting for me, it seems. Like, I said before I can only see this phenomenon when I'm in a very relaxed state of mind but, I can sense them all the time with my other senses. Like, I can feel and hear them walking around on my bed; cleaning themselves; purring; etc. I've found some interesting stuff on the Internet trying to explain unexplained phenomenon but, I'm not sure what to believe or dismiss. I thought I had this universe figured out the best way my brain could comprehend until this started happening to me. I can only hope that the true explanation of what's happening fits in with my current understanding of how the Universe works?

Nov 18, 2014
A pet jumped on my bed
by: J

I don't own a pet and there is NO PET policy in the building where I live. I live on the top floor in our building (6th floor). Three days ago I woke up in the middle of the night. I was laying on my left side and something jumped on my bed, right behind my legs. It felt like a big cat or small size dog. My bed jumped when this thing jumped on it, that's why I woke up. I could feel the pressure on the covers when that "something" jumped on my bed. I was laying there with my eyes wide open, but I didn't move. I wasn't scared, because a similar situation happened to me few years ago, when my cat died... back then I assumed that my cat came to me to say goodbye. I loved my cat to pieces and it was so hard to let her go. That was my only explanation when I felt something jumping on my bed back then. It happened again few days ago. This time it was more real and I could almost feel the presence of whatever was behind me. It jumped on the corner of my bed, right behind my legs... and then I could feel it going towards my head. I could hear it walking on my covers. It made 3 steps forward and that's when I freaked out. I mean, it was right behind me going towards my head. I could hear it walking on my bed. I was laying there thinking about turning the light on, and then it stopped. I know i was not hallucinating, I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't want anyone to think that I'm crazy. I'm just looking for some answers. And I really don't think my mind was playing tricks on me... it was too REAL. I could hear and physically feel it behind me. I will be more than happy to share my experience with others and seek answers. There are so many things that we still don't understand.

Nov 17, 2014
Apartment Ghostly Cats
by: cathy

I believe you about all of it. I too have ghost animals with me and I can video them I don't know why either I can only think we are blessed!

Nov 16, 2014
Apartment "ghostly" cats
by: Anonymous

I've been able to see the "ghost" like phenomenon of the cars in my apartment on a dozen occasions. But, I've only been able to see them visually when I'm in a very relaxed state, like just before I fall asleep or just after waking up. The cats I've seen are not any I'm familiar with and they're individual personality traits, like where they like to lay and sleep are also different from any cats I've ever lived with. I've never seen anything in a relaxed stare of mind that wasn't truly in our known reality in my entire 34 years of life, other than these "ghostly" cats of course. I tried recording video of them but, the only thing related to Ghost activity I can record is small orbs of light constantly flying through my apartment. I find it hard to believe that this phenomenon is part of any after life presence. I'm more inclined to think that it's some manifestation of dark matter or possibly another close by dimension bleeding thru into our reality. I don't have any mathematical physics to back up any of my theories thpugh sp, I don't know anything for sure and would really like some concrete answers from somewhere.

Nov 16, 2014
ghost cats
by: Anonymous

has anyone video the cats

Nov 15, 2014
I wish it weren't true!
by: Anonymous

I'd truly like to agree with you Anonymous doubters but, there is truly something strange going on in my apartment that I can't explain. I'm such a skeptic that I surely thought I needed to seek medical advice, and so I did and the handful of doctors and psychologists I've met with were unable to provide me with anything helpful and really just had alot more questions than answers. I have never had any pets in my current apartment and my building doesn't even allow pets unless you have doctors permission or something yet, there seems to be an endless amount of cats and possibly other animals staying in my apartment like it's somekinda hotel. There only seems to be a few of them hanging around at any given time but, for the past year or so these "visitors" have been sleeping in my bed and doing other animal related activities. It's really uncanny and I haven't found any concrete answers all I know is that my apartment is like nothing I've ever experienced and it was only constructed in 2008. I'm currently 34 years of age and until I stared experiencing this phenomenon on a daily basis about a year ago I was very much a dick to people who said they've encountered ghosts, I would laugh and ridicule them to no end. I don't know if these things I'm experiencing are ghosts ir something else and My whole world is really turned upside down. I'm not the least bit scared of these things but, they do provide me with a sense of astonishment and wondrous awe. If anyone has any real answers please let me know asap!

Nov 15, 2014
There are no ghosts.
by: Anonymous

The feeling of an animal walking on the bed is an old phenomenon it is more to do with nerve endings, varying temperatures and pressure of bed clothes. We have all felt it from time to time. To feel that a dead cat will 'return' to its former home and sit or lie on the bed is sheer imagination. It is similar to looking at a circle containing two dots and a line - your brain will make it into a face for you, in the same way, varying pressure caused by involuntary movement will allow your brain to supply a "logical" explanation for the movement you are certain is taking place. To ascribe these phenomena to a deceased animal is nothing more than necro-anthropomorphism.

Oct 06, 2014
My ghost cat.
by: Anonymous

So in my house, we have three cats, Moonpie, Skittles and Zz, Before we got Moonpie and skittles, we had Zapa and Zeplin, band Zapa died in our current house.
Anyway, this has happened to me twice and the first time it scared me so badly.
So my desk is next t my door, and my computer is next to my desk, and i do a lot of gaming in my free time, so I'm always on my computer. But i normally have my door cracked, to where the cats can come in and out whenever they like (Zz is attached to me, she likes so sleep on my lap as im on the computer, she is currently there right now) And as i was focused on my computer i for some reason, thought my cat opened the door from the outside (pushed it open) and i felt it brush up against my bare leg, and it felt very soft, like Skittles, whom doesn't ever go into my room. i bent my hand down to pet him, still concentrating on the screen, and nothing rubbed up against my hand. I broke my concentration and looked around on the floor (i have a small room so) and there was no cat, and the door was still completely cracked, or closed, if a cat entered and left, it would've been opened. It has happened three times, and each time was in the same position, concentration on my screen and no cats in the room at the time.
I'm not scared or freaked out about it, i feel like its Zapa, but I'm not sure, because he never liked me, always avoided the hyper 8 year old. I am now 15, and if it is him, he seems to like me, as no one else in the house believes me or has ever had this experience.

Aug 17, 2014
is my cat deceased
by: Anonymous

About two weeks ago our cat had went missing, haven't seen or heard from him in the least bit. Last night I had been sleeping and noticed my cat laid across my chest, which was common for him. I was petting him I felt him I felt his fur, and was cuddling him. I felt his tail and his ears, it was all so real that I felt awake and I was holding him, I was carrying him to my mother to show her he was back. And in the hallway the cat had completely disappeared, gone like I had imagined everything was this my cats way of telling me he has passed?

May 21, 2014
Re: James
by: Anonymous

@James, just because we don't believe in something does not mean it does not's not that simple. This phenomena does exist and it does not matter what your beliefs are...yes it may be hard to wrap your head around it, but you have to think outside of the box on this doing so will help you expand or grow and that my friend is a good thing.

May 21, 2014
Coolest pets ever!
by: James

I posted a comment earlier today while I was at work. Didn't notice anything unusual all day. After I got home after being gone all day I decided to lay down in my bed for a minute, within 5 seconds I felt a cat jump om my bed and head fir the spot above my head on my pillow. I laid there for a minute and said hello. Then I went into my living room and sat on mu recliner chair, where I am currently writing this post from as I type, within a moment without any thoughts that a cats were anywhere other than my bed. A cat jumped up on my lap and started cleaning itself and now as I write this it's sitting in my lap and I can hear a faint purring. If there is such things a spirits or ghosts I have possibly the coolest pets on earth. They don't require food, they don't need a litter box and coolest of all they're ghosts! I've never believed in anything spiritual at all since as far back as I can remember but, now I'm gonna have to review my outlook on what I tjink this thing we call reality is!

May 20, 2014
by: James

Glad to read that other people are having the same experiences. When I first noticed this phenomenon I was in a half awake lucid dream state and I could feel a cat or cays walking about my bed and doing cat stuff like cleaning themselves, playing, sleeping, etc. This has been going on for the past several months. Now, as soon as I get into bed and the entire time I'm in it I can feel cats while I awake. Sometimes they will wake me up with a scratch to the head, or playing with my hand. And, when they wake me up I can see them for a split second until I'm fully awake then, I can't see them anymore but, i can feel them still. I have lived with several cats thru out my life but, none in my current residence and I don't recognize these cats as any I've known. Last night I felt something breathing above my head on my pillow. The cat I'd seen in my half awake state before was a little fluffy kitten but, this pulsing covered an area larger than the previous kitten. When, I was awaken by something I saw a large long haired white and grey cat walking away from the top of my pillow and I saw the kitten still lying there. Now, I knew why I felt a pulsing area too large for a kitten because there was actually a large cat and a kitty in the spot. I the beginning I thought I was just dreaming in a lucid state. But, now I can feel them all the time. In my lucid dream state I've seen at least 3 different cats. A little kitten, a large long haired white and grey cat, and a dark grey tabby with stripes. Every one I tell this to thinks I'm having side effects to my blood pressure medication, which I've been taking for several years and this phenomenon is not listed as a side effect. Either all the posts here are from crazy people or there's actually something to this phenomenon. I've never been a religious believer or a believer in anything supernatural or anything spiritual in anyway but, now I don't know what to believe.

Mar 01, 2014
Ghost cat pet nice experience till he brought friends
by: Anonymous

Ok so my ghost cat is my old cat midnight who passed last year...he started coming to me 4 months ago and it was always the same way. I would be sleeping in the middle of the night and feel him jump on the bed and start curling and puring next to me and I actually in my half sleep start petting him. It only lasts a couple minutes but his energy feels amazing, like pure love and it just dissipates and I'm awake.

Ok so the experience of midnight coming is always a nice one and it always makes me so happy only now other cats have started to visit and they aren't as nice. I'm sleeping and I actually start to wake a little and see my bedroom door open and a grey cat jumps on my bed. I start petting him half asleep and realize its not midnight I can almost make out a face and this cat actually starts biting me as I pet it, not in too much of a vicious way but enough to hurt. Then I feel another cats presence enter in hissing from the floor. This is a vicious cat. Now I'm freaked out and start preying the "our father" - (no joke) and it wakes me up and the cats are gone.

As a kid my sister and I always felt a presence pushing the end of our bed at night and saying a prayer out loud always made it stop....has anyone else ever had a bad ghost cat experience where the cat actually hissed and bit?? Did letting midnight come open the door to these other asshole cats to come in too?? Regardless I saged the shit outta my room.

Feb 12, 2014
cat on bed
by: Anonymous

I just recently started having the feeling of a cat on the bed. The first time I felt it I thought I must have been partly dreaming. I got up, turned on some lights in the other room, let the dogs out and made sure my cat wasn't in the room.
I always lay back down till the dogs are ready to come back in. I again felt the movement. I turned over a little so I could see the bed and felt it again. The mirror in my Hutch allowed me to see most of the bed but still I saw nothing.
It has happened several times since. Sometimes even when my spouse is in bed. It doesn't usually happen if one of my animals is in bed with me. Usually this happens in the morning but it happened tonight. I decided to see if others had this experience.
I don't know what to think. It is not a scary feeling but I am not real fond of it either. I recently lost my dog but this definitely feels like a cat.
I expected if anything to see posts about medical reasons. Was surprised to see how many others had this happen to them too.

Jun 27, 2013
Looking for more info
by: Anonymous

I'm apparently having a ghost cat experience. The past week or so I feel a cat walk on my bed, it's always completely dark in my room when this happens, and I'm usually on my back using my laptop computer. The glare looking at the screen prevents me from seeing the rest of the bed.

I have had a cat in my life almost every day for the past 30 years, so I know what a cat walking on my bed feels like. However, each time I feel this, I pat my lap waiting for my current cap to jump on me. Then I turn the light on to see my cat either not in the room, or as happened a few moments ago, asleep in her bed on the other side of my room.

From reading comments, it seems like this experience is fairly common, however I've never had this happen until now. I'm currently in a rental house, and I did notice some stones near the back of the property that look like they were piled there to mark a pet grave. I also have two cats that have passed that loved me very much, but I never had them at this house.

If anyone knows of other online resources with other reports of ghost pet experiences, I'd be very grateful to hear about them. Thanks.

Jun 22, 2013
MY/our experience with ghost cats
by: Anonymous

This happens in our home a few times a year. We have all seen this, my husband, my daughter, my son-in-law.

My own experience is seeing very quick apparition of a cat, or part of a cat, quickly appearing and disappearing around a corner, or going behind a piece of furniture. I look and search but no sign of the cat, it is gone. I ALWAYS thought my eyes and mind were playing tricks on me, until a few weeks ago, when I was in the dining room with my own cat. A black and white cat appeared and quickly ran behind the credenza, and my own cat saw this, and she freaked out and ran upstairs. Again I searched the whole dining room and find no other sign of the cat. But this time I knew it was not only me, my cat saw it too! So I figure cats can capture energy somewhere and do find a way to materialize, but I must add that these cats come and go so quickly and are not known to us, and indeed seem to be in some kind of transition as this happens so quickly.

Thank you for this blog, and giving me a chance to relate this as I have been really upset by this since it happened a few weeks ago. My family who have seen a few apparitions but still believe it is our imagination but I now believe there is something indeed mystical about cats and that they have an ability to tap into some energy field we cannot yet understand.

May 31, 2013
by: JS

I first posted Apr 20th below but this started happening around March 25th. It is random and not everyday and now happens in the morning usually no later than 7:00am. I'm not sure if it's one of my old cats or a stray that I once befriended or no connection at all...may never know. Only told a couple of close people and not sure they believe me, but unless you understand or are open to this phenomena most won't.

May 05, 2013
No more just night time
by: Michele

Like I said, I've never had cats< so these are NOT my dead cats coming back to visit. There is no night time anymore. They don't keep hours, AND they are different sizes. Like one likes to sit on my shoulder< with it's little weensy, sharp claws. I gave into it. Theres nothing I can do to make them leave. They do whatever they want. It's like I'm they're Princess or something. It's like I'm a non/living walking weirdo zoo. GOOD LUCK with yours.

Apr 20, 2013
Me too
by: Anonymous

I have experienced this same phenomena where I feel a cat jump on the bed and pad around. I have had cats that passed on but it's been over 15 years why now?

Like someone else here mentioned about the static electric feeling, I feel this too and sometimes that is all I will feel...comes on with or without feeling the cat walking, it is like an electric pulsing and sometimes a tingling sensation.

What makes this even stranger is it has happened to me while away from home.

This weird phenomena seems to be quite common.

Nov 10, 2012
my cat that died
by: jazzy

One time me and my friend sitting on my bed and i felt this wind and it felt like my cat jumpt on the bed i said to my friend did you feel that she said yes i said i just felt my cat the end

Nov 06, 2012
ghost cat keeps returning
by: Anonymous

We had 3 cats, and lost them all within a short time period. One was expected, as she had kidney issues and was old. The other 2 were unexpected, and both developed liver failure. Several months
after there death, almost nightly, when I was lying in bed I would feel what seemed like a cat walking across the bed and start kneading. This was very pronounced to the point that I felt as if there was really a cat there. This kept up frequently every few days for 4-6 months. Now, 2 years later the ghost cat occasionally comes back, but the presence if very faint, and if I move at all it stops. Go figure.

Oct 05, 2012
by: Anonymous

I would be scared at first but then you have to realize that you wouldn't be scared if they were alive and jumped on your bed or you felt them and that means that they had a very strong bond with you.

Aug 11, 2012
My familiar
by: Anonymous

My kitty passed away I my arms, she had fought valiantly with histoplasmosis - the treatment left her liver and brain challenged. She was my best friend, my familiar - no one knew me like tia. I hear her, see her, feel her - it's been months since she has been gone. Can't replace her with another cat, you can't replace that. I am sure she is here still, and I am not alone - every member of my family sees and hears her as well.

May 03, 2012
Maybe, maybe not...
by: Anonymous

I see your point; however my black cat didn't usually knead at the foot of my bed. She usually came up to my pillow to get comfy. Hobbes hardly ever slept on my bed - maybe 15 times over 15 years - but when he did he would knead the end of the bed a little. And I wasn't sleepy or dreamy at all. This hasn't happened again and I'm not really concerned. It was disturbing and neat all at the same time - just one of those mysterious things life is full of.

I hope to contact the administrator of this site to ask her to remove my long comment. I've decided it contains too much personal info - my dad was quite a private man. Thanks for the forum, everyone!

Apr 25, 2012
I know why!!
by: Anonymous

This is because you are so used to having your pet sleep with you that you expect something. Then you dream when you're awake.

Mar 31, 2012
Me, too
by: Anonymous

Kind of amazed to see this thread. I had a hard to ignore/explain experience in the middle of the night last night. Our dog (female boxer/lab mix) Hobo woke me up about 4:30 (she sleeps with me after my father passed away 3 years ago at home after a long bout with Alzheimer's 3 years ago.)She swept her paw at my shoulder pretty hard - unusual for her to do at night. She does that as a last resort during the day if we haven't responded to her other cues to be let out. So, I went outside with her for a bit and came back in and we went back to bed. She left after a few minutes. Just a little bit later I felt what seemed like a cat kneading on my bed down around my knees. This is what my dad's cat Hobbes used to do. (We just had him put to sleep about 3 weeks ago - right about the same time of the year that my father passed away (3/14.)I was definitely "freaked out" and started to feel anxious. I have experienced this 2 other times before - once here (in my parents' home and once at my own apartment.) But I have dismissed these times (mostly since I suffer from mania occasionally and some things truly aren't real that I think are.) Anyway, last night I tried to ignore it but couldn't and tried to come up with explanations. One was that maybe I was just feeling the blankets pulling a bit due to the rising and falling of my chest as I breathed. So I altered the rhythm of of breathing, but the kneading continued with it's own pace. I started praying in case it was a spirit that wasn't "good." It took about 1/2 hour of praying alternating with talking to my dad and a few words to Hobbes. I eventually just asked Hobbes to stay if he wanted but that I needed to get to sleep for work. It was kind of sad and also touching. I just now remembered after starting this post that Hobo would often come get my mother or I to let Hobbes in (who would be patiently waiting by the door when we opened it.)His body is buried under a cedar tree outside. Maybe Hobbes needed to come in and get into bed, so Hobo woke me up to let me know that. Like another writer noted, I hope that if it is Hobbes that he is doing well and is content. Also, that my father is doing the same. I have had cats for 35 years - since I gave my son up for adoption after birth. It is amazing how these animals become intertwined in our lives. The blessing of this does help soften the loss when we lose them or loved ones from our lives. Glad to have a place to process this a bit. Maybe this post will never be read, but I'm grateful to see this many other posts here so I don't feel so odd.

Mar 24, 2012
Cat like being walking on my bed.
by: Anonymous

About 17 years ago I had 2 kittens, brother and sister. The boy cat, Scotty, was killed by a car when he was still quite young, a year old or less. About 3 years ago I felt a cat jump on my bed and walk around. I thought our was the girl cat, Gizmo. But it wasn't...she was outside. That was very weird, but I think it only happened a couple of times. It was definitely creepy though because the bible says that ghosts don't exist. It says that demonic beings can imitate dead people....that that is what"ghosts"actually are. But, like I said, it only happened a couple of times. About 2 years ago Gizmo died at 15 of old age. Now, just within the past few days I have had the same experience....only now it is every might.It's got me a little freaked I thought I would google it never expecting to find anyone with the same experience...much less soooo many people. Can anyone anyone shed some light on this?

Mar 17, 2012
Why is this happening
by: Anonymous

I lost my cat of 17 years on Tuesday.Since
Tuesday two things have happened.On Wednesday I was crying while in my backyard and told God how lonely I was missing my cat and I turned around and a strange cat was sitting there.It was calm and quite beautiful-it followed me to every flower bed I went to and layed down by me.I haven't seen it since.This morning at day break I awoke to the sound of loud purring.I looked around the entire room for another of my cats but there was no cat. My cat used to purr very loudly. I hope my sadness isn't keeping him here....

Nov 11, 2011
Mulitple Ghost kitties
by: Michele

I googled because I have recently aquired some invisible cats. I don't have cats. Never have. don't particularly like them, and they scare me. Even with this, I knew it had 2 be cats. I started with 2. Poucyhouse(very heavy footed, likes 2 jump. And Boo Radley. Small, more timid.) Problem is, they keep me awake. ALOT! I got NO sleep last night, and they seem to have brought more with them. I startd to wonder if they were cats. Untill reading this. They stalk very slowly, and act like my bedroom is the romper room. I was mean today. Trying to sleep, I kept shoving them off and kicking them off my feet. Not actual kicking. I wonder if they'll return. My dog dosen't even notice. Saw a shadow person today too.And NOT out of the corner of my eye, full on! Broad daylight. Weird day

Oct 04, 2011
Pumpkin In Ohio
by: Kathy B

We lost our cat Pumpkin after 17 years, then we got a stray Topaz and she pased. Since then we have not had a house cat, just dogs. My husband and myself have been in our bed at different times and felt a small animal (cat) walk across the bed, however nothing is there. My husband told me that he was not feeling well today and went into the bedroom to lay down awhile and felt the small feet walking across the bed. He said Pumpkin or Topaz is here. Last week I was in bed and no one was around and my back was to the bed and I felt the walking sensation. I looked up thinking it was our outside cat and no one was there. Should we be afraid?

Sep 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

I had a cat for 16 years, Pumpkin, she died of old age. We were so in tune to each other, very bonded, like soulmates. For the sake of my young children, we got another cat asap. I never really bonded as well with the new cat and the second one we got. One Saturday morning, around 5am, my husband got up. While he was gone, I felt a cat walk on my bed and jump off the floor. I sat up and thought one of the other cats had gotten into the bedroom by mistake. We have to keep them out due to allergies. There was no cat in the room. So, frustrated that I was woken up again, as this has happened many times before, I went back to sleep. When I got up, my husband said was there a cat in the room last night? It felt like a cat was walking on the bed, stayed with me then jumped off. That is what woke him up that day. My daughter then heard it and said, oh, that happens to me all the time. We all liked it so much as we had our Pumpkin with us, it was comforting. The one day we took in a cat from the back yard. It was below zero and she was so grateful to be in our house. That cat is the one I have bonded with just like Pumpkin. Ever since she came into our lives we do not feel Pumpkin anymore. Its sad but then again not, because that shows how much she loved us and is satisfied we are ok. She is waiting for us to join her.

Aug 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

I am so glad to hear that I am not crazy! My ghost cat has been with me over a year now. And to be honest, I wish it would just go into the light. Keeps me awake and really just freaks me out. Plus, he is inviting friends to come with him. Seriously! I actually saw him the other morning, very strange. You could see through him, but then again, you couldn't. I don't know, very weird. Also, when your cat touches you, does it feel like some sort of electrical or magnetic feeling? My ghost cat usually sleeps at my feet and when he touchs my feet or any part of me, it feels very strange. Kinda like if you were to rub a balloon over your hair and then feel that static charge. Kinda like that. Anyways, if anyone has any advice how to get my cat go to kitty heaven, please let me know. Thanks. :)

Jul 19, 2011
Had a Ghost Cat Experience Too!
by: Jr.

One night in my room I heard my desk that is right next to my bed creek. Like something jumped up on it. Then the ghost cat basically walked down from the desk onto where my feet are and started kneading like cats do. I then felt it walk up towards me and start kneading on my pillow. I quickly tried to grab at my ear where it was after experiencing this for five minutes to make sure it was totally real. There was nothing there. This happened probably about 10 more times. It then got cold so I had like 12 blankets on my bed and I could barely feel it happen anymore. Then it just stopped happening. Maybe tonight there will be another experience though,? Ya never know-oh!

May 22, 2011
Ghost Cat Experience
by: Ghost Cat Wrangler

My parents had their cat put to sleep after he fell ill and since then, I sometimes have strange experiences.
It usually starts off with me in bed, my door closed, lights out, nobody else in the room (including the replacement cat). I occasionally feel a cat jump on my bed and then walk around like they often do. It's a pretty distinctive feeling and anyone who has ever owned an indoor cat knows what it's like.
Sometimes I'll hear it purring, though it doesn't sound quite like a normal cat's purring. Occasionally, it will jump off the bed and I can hear it hit the floor. I turn the lights on and there is no cat anywhere.
I brought my experiences up with my mother and she looked very surprised upon hearing about them. She said that she had the same types of experiences (cat jumping on the bed and walking around a bit). My grandfather (who lives there with my mother) also claims to have experienced the 'Ghost Cat'.

Apr 11, 2011
Cat spirit?
by: Miami Mom

I used to live in an apartment in Hialeah,Fl. for about 3 years(7 years ago) and one night during the last year there I fell asleep on my bed with the covers over me and felt a real sensation on a cat like weight and manner walking on me..I was so tired and scared..but it woke me up. I even checked my room and under my bed..thinking that just maybe a cat was in the apartment..but I found nothing..really freaky.

Dec 12, 2010
Weird coincidence
by: Scott Pereira

I searched Ghost Cat in google because that is the name of the brewing company me and my partner hope to open on Long Island. I also live in Bay Shore, and we do our brewing in East Islip. Just thought it was an odd coincidence to find a LI phenomenon about Ghost Cats...

Check out our facebook and 'Like' the page if you are interested.


Oct 20, 2009
I have had this happen a couple times.
by: Anonymous

The first time it was in my parents basement, which is sort of haunted I guess, only my sister and I are the only ones who experience weird things down there. There is a spirit or something who lives down there.

One night I was half asleep and heard a cat purring, it sniffed me, I felt the pressure as it walked across my chest, it lay down for a minute on my abdomen, then it got up and started lightly biting my hand because it wanted to be petted. This all went over fine with me until I realized that my mom's cat had been dead for over a year.

Once I realized this, the creature bit down hard on my hand and I woke up completely. I must state that I was lucid throughout, as in lucid dreaming/sleep where you are aware that you are not entirely awake and on another level.

My sister had something bad happen to her in that room, I think it was an incubus (and yes they do exist although I am not religious the fact that those beings exist is a fact).

Then the other night in my own house I felt a cat jump on me, walk across my chest, and I felt an animosity coming from it. This is in an entirely different house where I have never owned a cat.

So last night when I felt the animal on me I immediately thought "No! My cat has been dead for several years!" I focused on licking my lips and that always wakes me up when I have a weird experience like this. I knew that if I stayed "asleep" or whatever the cat would start biting me.

I don't know if it is left over energy from a cat or what, but it is very odd, and it only seems to happen to sensitive people.

Oct 04, 2009
Ghost Cat
by: Anonymous

I googled "Ghost Cat" and this site popped up. The reason for my search was to see if others experienced what I did recently. Lying in bed I too felt a weight on my chest, and in half sleep, felt something licking my face, then felt this presence settle, as if curled up like a cat on my chest. I lost my cat to cancer after 14 years, and have sensed her presence before. But never this strongly. It was so real. Amazing!

Jul 29, 2009
Scared, but felt good
by: Anonymous

When I was living in Sayville i had the same experience, I felt something walk up my bed and it warm and small, I assumed it was the cat curling up with me. But when I looked the door was shut and I was alone. I was scared but it felt so nice that it really didn't bother me.

Jan 08, 2009
cat in the night
by: Anonymous

Yeah, my cat passed away recently and the next night after her death, I felt pressure and felt like a cat walking up my chest and then behind my head so I thought it was my cat visiting me so soon; however, I felt the same exact pressure--everything exact a few years ago while my cat was still alive....I guess I have a ghost cat/guardian angel? wish I knew!!

Aug 02, 2008
Sixth Sense
by: hello, how are you

You know it could have been your sixth sense telling you to look after your cat.

Jul 06, 2008
by: RayRay

Yeah well I live in Bay Shore and it is weird because I have felt like a cat is in my house and like I see one but nothing is there and it is weird and scary.

May 09, 2008
Spooky & Sad
by: Bill Drago

Wow, that's spooky and sad. I know what you mean about outliving pets. That's the sad part...

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