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Massapequa Memories

by Anonymous

Massapequa Zoo by Evelyn B.

Massapequa Zoo by Evelyn B.

Massapequa Zoo by Evelyn B. Location of PT Boat at the former South Seas Yacht Club in the '70s Grade crossing, Massapequa Park, circa 1938

I graduated from Alfred G. Berner in Massapequa in 1975!!! Moved away from Long Island to another state and married.

I am happy where I live now...well..I guess so.

It's been over 20 years or so, but I will never forget Massapequa. I try to visit when I can and catch up with some old friends and family.

I will always be proud of Massapequa and miss it very much (but don't miss the snow).

I miss Jones Beach, parks, etc....
I miss the food, All American hamburgers, the local pizza and Chinese restaurants, the ice cream shop on Broadway near the train tracks...

I catch up with old friends and family, and one thing is for sure: my Long Island accent will always stay with me. And I am proud of it because where I live now, everyone knows I am from up north...

Hey... Even Massapequa has a lot of famous men and women, like Steve Guttenberg and Jerry Seinfeld... So that is something to talk about around the water cooler here where I live.

I would of never guess that 20 years or so I was gonna leave, but I have made a new home. But Massapequa is my number one home.

So if anyone is from class of 1975 and you are still living either on your old street or still in Massapequa some where...Good for you. Just keep protecting our beautiful town.

I'll see ya soon...

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Oct 12, 2024
Sol's by Fairfield elementary NEW
by: KurtS

I remember walking home from elementary school and we would stop in Sol's as I walked towards All American/Carvel down Division Ave.
Sol had a glass eye and smoked a cigar. Sol's was a news and candy store with an olde timey soda counter and later when the property was developed to build a grocery store, Sol's got a new modern storefront next to or near the bagel shop. It wasn't quite the same shop in the new space.
Oh, the bagel shop in that strip shopping center where they were baking bagels right there where we would buy hot fresh... I remember the rotary oven and the menu board 1-7¢ 2-14¢ 3-21¢ 4-28¢ not quite sure but I think the bakers dozen was included but the menu board must have had the individual price count up to about 50 bagels IIRC

Oct 10, 2024
Sol's by Fairfield elementary
by: KurtS

I remember walking home from elementary school and we would stop in Sol's as I walked towards All American/Carvel down Division Ave.
Sol had a glass eye and smoked a cigar. Sol's was a news and candy store with an olde timey soda counter and later when the property was developed to build a grocery store, Sol's got a new modern storefront next to or near the bagel shop. It wasn't quite the same shop in the new space.
Oh, the bagel shop in that strip shopping center where they were baking bagels right there where we would buy hot fresh... I remember the rotary oven and the menu board 1-7¢ 2-14¢ 3-21¢ 4-28¢ not quite sure but I think the bakers dozen was included but the menu board must have had the individual price count up to about 50 bagels IIRC

Sep 28, 2024
Farmer Mike
by: Ray C

I remember him. We referred to him as "Mike Yankee," although I don't remember where that name came from; if he was from Sweden then that certainly wasn't his name. We lived on N. Suffolk Ave. at the corner of Summit Dr., and we'd see him putter by on Summit in that old flatbed truck. Never did know what was behind that ramshackle fence at his "farm."
Don't recall a fire at his place -- when did that happen? I left for college in 1975, so it could've been after that. And what's on the property now? (Houses, I assume.)

Sep 27, 2024
Farmer Mike NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey Donna, the farm that burned down was farmer, Mike's. I lived on his street. N. Hawthorne St

He used to drive down the street in his old flatbed truck. Filled with lettuce and food for all the animals. Used to buy baby ducks and chicks for ,50 cents. He day buy the dilapidated gate smoking his pipe. He came over from Sweden. His wife came over after him but she died on the trip. I remember the fire too. Too bad, it was always cool to go down there when we were kids.

Sep 27, 2024
N massapequa NEW
by: Ken Asseng

I lived in N Massapequa. 1966-1972.
N. Hawthorne St

Sep 03, 2024
First Ave.
by: Anonymous

Stumbled upon this page by accident while researching Candy Darling, who lived just down the street from my father, one of the ten children of the Brady family of First Ave. My grandparents, John and Rosemary, lived there until they passed in the early to mid-2000s, upon which the house (built in 1951 and restored after a massive electrical fire in 1969) was sold to a family still currently residing there. Five of my father's siblings live out of state, while he and four others are scattered across the Island.

If you'd like to know more or reconnect with a long lost Brady of First Ave., comment accordingly and I will be in touch.

Aug 05, 2024
Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous

Lived in Massapequa Park from 1968 to 1975. Graduated from Massapequa High in 1975. Other than All American Burger I don't remember much about the place, never particularly liked living there.

Jul 11, 2024
by: jody goodbird

if anyone sees Billy Campbell around have him email me at
we used to go to alot of grateful dead shows together and I sure would like to say hello !!!

Jul 10, 2024
Post park
by: Anonymous

This place was known as the Thorn estate last of the Jones family Estates I live there as a kid my dad was a caretaker. I have a lot of fond memories, the pizza parlor and bar Harbor shopping center or Harbor shopping Center And the Massapequa zoo

Jul 08, 2024
Way back when........ NEW
by: Anonymous

Moved to Massapequa with my boyfriend back in 1986. My boyfriend and I loved hot rods, loved going to hot rod Burger King and All American to get food. I was 21 years old at that time. I also loved going to Sunrise Mall to shop. I do not live in NY anymore- and am no longer with the guy I moved to Massapequa with- but, I still have the memories of those times so many years ago. When I visit Long Island now- everything has changed so much- I do not recognize it! Very few things that are still there from back then.

Jun 17, 2024
St Rose NEW
by: Gerry

i do remember St Rose, made my 1st Communion and Confirmation there. The original building was the old Wagon Wheel Restuarant, then they built the school and we has Mass in the auditorium and the finally the new Church. I also remember Father O'Leary and Father Murphy (he as really young and good looking ) but most of all I remember Father Burns, nobody wanted to go to him for Confession.

Jun 16, 2024
St Rose NEW
by: Anonymous

Received my first communion there, believe it was with Father O'leary...quite a few years ago

Jun 15, 2024
St. Rose of Lima Church NEW
by: Anonymous

Anyone else remember when the new St. Rose of Lima Church was being built? I felt deep sorrow learning that the current (old) church would be closed! I remember the charm of the slatted wooden chairs in which I sat - and have looked for them on line in recent years, but not found the like. Fortunately (in that respect - and only in retrospect - at the time I was deeply fearful and sorry to lose all my friends) my family moved in December 1963 from Massapequa Park to northern Indiana (Elkhart). I've not been to Massapqua Park since. But I remember loving "old" St. Rose of Lima. Do others remember that church before I suppose, it was demolished?

Jun 15, 2024
Strip Mall Next to St. Rose NEW
by: Anthony

The barber shop/hair salon is still there though different ownership. It's been there at least from the early 90's maybe before!

Jun 15, 2024
Strip Mall by ST Rose of Lima NEW
by: Anonymous

In the 60s I recall a Deli at the west end of the strip, a beauty salon Anthony & Vincent in the middle, and a ice cream parlor at the east end which didn't last long at that spot1

Jun 14, 2024
Bar Harbor NEW
by: Karen

Back in the early 70’s the Chinese restaurant was called Long Full!

Jun 14, 2024
Reply to BJH NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes, Lobels sold gym uniforms and the white first communion dresses little girls used to wear.

Jun 14, 2024
by: BJH

If memory is correct, it was Bar Harbor. Lobels sold Massapequa Gym Uniforms.

Jun 14, 2024
by: Anonymous

Hi all, anyone remember the small strip mall next to St. Rose of Lima? The only original storefronts (that I remember when I was a child I’m 49) are Capri Cleaners and Chung Mei Chinese Food. I worked at Bay Stationery throughout Jr High to first year of college, which was next to Richie’s Quality Meats and the ABC Deli (now Finns Deli). Bay Stationery and Richie’s Quality Meats are now one big nail salon…I miss all the original stores…anyone can name others? Real Estate, Bayview Florist, Drug Store….what else? Oh John was the owner of Bay Stationery…shame I never kept in touch with him.

May 14, 2024
Putt putt Driving range NEW
by: Rich B

I lived across the railroad from the Bow Wow and worked there in 67 or so. I do remember a driving range behind there in or about 61 or 62 We would be hired to find balls in the field for a small fee. I was only 12 at the time. I don't remember if the putt putt was there when the driving range was there.

May 14, 2024
to Jo-Anne Taylor NEW
by: Gerry

May's opened in 1963, I think April. I worked there from day one until I left for college.

May 14, 2024
Putt putt Driving range NEW
by: Rich B

I lived across the railroad from the Bow Wow and worked there in 67 or so. I do remember a driving range behind there in or about 61 or 62 We would be hired to find balls in the field for a small fee. I was only 12 at the time. I don't remember if the putt putt was there when the driving range was there.

May 14, 2024
Mini Golf Near Big Bow Wow
by: Jo-Ann Taylor

My sister and I called it "Daddy’s Miniature Golf"; our father was the owner, more accurately the proprieter, unfortunately he never owned the property. I grew up there and yes, it was behind the Big Bow Wow. I recall that the score cards had his name on them, Marty Taylor, proprieter, but don’t believe it actually had a name. It didn’t even have a sign. I have 8mm movies of me and my sister playing on the golf course, sitting on the dog house, the cannon, playing around the windmill, the wishing well. I have fond memories of growing up there. I don’t know exactly when it opened, perhaps 1954 or so, and closed maybe in 1966 or so. May’s Department was built adjacent to the property in later years. And originally there may have been a golf driving range, but I have no memories of that, and maybe I am just imagining it.

May 13, 2024
Mini Golf Near Big Bow Wow NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone recall the name of the Mini Golf course off of Sunrise Highway? I think it was in back of the Big Bow Wow and the Milk Stand Place (not sure of that name either). Growing up you figure these things will be there forever....and then they're not.

May 13, 2024
by: Anonymous

Anyone know how to get in touch with Billy Campbell ? We used to hang out alot and attend many Grateful Dead shows. I would just like to say hello !

Apr 29, 2024
MHS Graduate - 1975 NEW
by: Corey Langer (CJL)

Reading this makes me wistful. I've fond memories of Dick and Dora's in Biltmore Shores, Krisch's ice cream parlor near the train station and, of course, All American on Merrick Rd (loved its incredibly delicious, extremely unhealthy fries). Grades 1-6 at Fairfield: I remember all my grade school teachers vividly, particularly Miss Deary; I was the "Spirit of the Civil War" in a play she wrote. Hated Jr High at J. Louis Ames, though the teachers were fine. Loved MHS, where I came into my own. Editor-in-Chief of "Chief Chat" along with Robin Mermelstein and Michael Leavitt; we changed the name of the high school paper to "The Chief" because the original name seemed so puerile. I'm looking forward to the 50th reunion, assuming it's taking place. I currently live in Princeton Jcn, NJ and commute to Philadelphia, where I'm the Director of Thoracic Oncology at the University of Pennsylvania. Married x 43 years: 2 kids, ages 40 (Adina) and 34 (Micah) and 3 grandchildren, ages 10 (Leo), 7 (Ilana) and almost 3 (Maurice). My brother Glen, who is a civil engineer, still lives in Long Island, in Commack, with his family. We've no relatives left in "Matzah-Pizza," and the house where we grew up on Ocean Ave was seriously flooded by Hurricane Sandy; it has since been totally gutted and rebuilt.

Apr 19, 2024
by: Ray C

Barbara, my path resembles yours. Grew up in N. Massapequa, right at the edge of the Massapequa School District (our next-door neighbors went to Plainedge), and graduated from Berner a few years after you, in 1975. Left to attend the University of Colorado in Boulder and lived there for several years after graduating before moving to the Los Angeles area. Married a fellow CU grad who I met here in LA, and been living in El Segundo for 30+ years.

Massapequa was a good place to grow up, but once I got to Colorado I decided that the western part of the country was a better fit for me than NY!

Apr 19, 2024
by: Barbara

I graduated from Alfred G. Berner High School in 1969. Mr. Page laughed when I told him I wanted to go to college.....Ms. Hutchinson was scary, and coach Brown hunted me down at the diner, when the bell had already rung at school ! I got my 1st job at Harmony Donuts. I went on to get 2 university degrees, and have 3 kids, 3 grandkids, and a wonderful husband for 40+ years. I became a Los Angelino, after living, studying, and working in Colorado for 10 years. I grew up on Broadway in "the Park, until I was 18. Some friends, and neighbors were Alice Brewster, Rita Esposito, Diane Sabella, Artie Peters, Marc Lecard, Darlene Bonadonna. I loved Fays Candy store, and sitting at the counter at Smittys! A cone with extra "jimmies" was great! I wrecked my teeth with sugar babies, jujubes, dots, taffy. I loved Musicaros, The Massapequa Diner, Howard Johnsons, Chicken Delight, and best of all ..The Pizza Oven. I havent visited in 40 years, but crossing the"3rd rail"...with a bike, has forever stayed with me ! A great childhood, thank you to my parents, Jimmy and Edna, and sister Jackie

Apr 12, 2024
Dino’s Italian Garden Restaurant on Merrick Road NEW
by: LDB

I remember delivering Newsday and washing dishes at Dino’s on Merrick Rd by Nassau Shores. No machine, all by hand in a sink. I would help make salads and deserts during the dinner rush. I can still taste the home made Italian cheesecake and cannoli filling.

Apr 08, 2024
SBA Disaster Loans NEW

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Businesses, agricultural co-ops, & nonprofits in declared disaster areas may be eligible for Economic Injury Disaster Loans to help pay for operating costs. Details:

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SBA Disaster Program is now accepting new applications, increase requests, or reconsiderations. Apply for SBA Loans and Grants:

Apr 08, 2024
village pizza/ whites NEW
by: Anonymous sk

yes to frank f, it was village pizza run by a guy named frank & another taller guy with thick glasses. best pizza!
before it was whites, it was two guys, which has the monkeys in the back.

Apr 01, 2024
Inappropriate NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey Maliha Bohn...Which High School did you attend while in Our town? Perhaps you can tell me the name of the movie theatre on Sunrise Hwy? Or maybe what the name of the shopping center in Bar Harbor was called? If you can answer any of these ill Just assume you have no idea what the purpose of this page is. If you cannot, why dont you and your lousy petty scam friend take a hike forever. Tell your friends Massapequa is closed for scammers.

Mar 22, 2024
Not the same Marjorie Post NEW
by: Anonymous

Barbara, the Marjorie Post that the park in Massapequa was named after had nothing to do with Post cereal or the college. Marjorie was a leading citizen of the town whose father owned a general store and she is credited with being one of the first "mailmen" in the town and also for establishing the fire department. My wife is a fifth generation massapequan and I was told this story Many years ago.

Mar 11, 2024
Not the Same
by: Jim Nassau Shore BHS ''71

Well Artie it's definitely not the same as it was in the '50's,60's or 70's. No place on LI is but I don't think it's quite as bad as you say. Maybe if you are raising 3 or 4 kids who play 3 sports each and have two jobs to keep up with it all it can be a little crazy and stressful. Maybe an '8' - Ha! Still a pretty good town to raise a family in.

Mar 11, 2024
Not the same NEW
by: Arty Feldman

Just like queens now. Total chaos and mass confusion. Crowded and madness. Stress level is a 10.

Mar 06, 2024
Sa Lucia NEW
by: Barbara

Didn’t live in North Massapequa. My area was next to Majorie Post Estate. Romberg ice skating on the lake with tons of kids when the lake froze over. The "Posts" were The old "CW Post" University and "Post Cereal’s" among a ton of other things.

Mar 06, 2024
by: Ray Cooke

I remember the Italian restaurant that was there on Broadway at Richmond when I was growing up on N. Suffolk Ave. in the 60s and 70s -- we always went there for pizza since it was just a few blocks away. I don't recall the Santa Lucia name, though; I remember it as Villa Maria. Maybe it was Santa Lucia after that?

Mar 06, 2024
by: LOU


Feb 21, 2024
Mays Pretzels and Italian Ices NEW
by: Anonymous

The pretzel and Italian ice stand outside the entrance to Mays, what a great great childhood memory! Growing up in Massapequa; Mays, Whites, Two Guys, not to mention Pergament, Korvettes, Times Square Stores.

Feb 17, 2024
MAY'S Department Store NEW
by: Andy F.

MAY'S Department Store! I worked there first as a cashier and shortly thereafter was spirited away into "Toys and Sporting Goods" on the lower level. Worked for a retail legend, Larry Lowey. Me, Alan Neuroth from Amityville, and Vinnie Bongiorno had a blast. We also covered "Seasonal" so Trim a Tree was our responsibility around Christmas as well as summer stuff like picnic tables, umbrellas, chairs, etc. Back in those days in '68 and '69 the Blue Laws kept stores closed on Sundays, but with the amount of business that MAY'S did during Christmas, it was essential that we came in on Sundays between Thanksgiving and Christmas just to stock the shelves and build the "islands" with items advertised in the Sunday paper. It was really cool working in the store with no body but the four or five of us. I remember one particular Sunday when, after work was done, we rode bicycles all around the deserted store. Those were some fun days.

Feb 17, 2024
William Gaddis NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know where the novelist William Gaddis lived in Massapequa? It was a family home, passed down by his mother Edith. I know it was on Jerusalem Ave and a fictional version of it was in the novel JR as the Bast house, described as grand but a bit run down.

Feb 14, 2024
Mays NEW
by: Gerry

I, too worked in Mays, started when it first opened in April (?) 1963, all summer until I went away to collegein August of '63. I hated to have to "look" busy when there was no customers in my department.

Feb 13, 2024
Mays Department Store
by: Jim Nassau Shore BHS ''71

I worked at Mays too starting my senior year at Berner - graduated in '71. Sold women's shoes. Back then each department would have a cashier and they always rotated. They were great and we always hung out at the cashier's booth when we weren't busy. Was a fun place to work. Then the Mall opened a few years later and I sold shoes at Penny's for awhile. The Mall was even more fun to work at. Good memories!

Feb 13, 2024
Mays Dept Store NEW
by: Barbara

Yes, I work at Mays Also I was just thinking about posting it and all you people. I worked there the winter of my senior year before I graduated this summer after I graduated, and then in September, I saw to work in Grumman aviation, and Bethpage, and worked on the Luna module.
I worked in Mays in 1963. That’s the year that I graduated high school in June 201973. I loved it. I was a cashier, my first job at the age of 17 and then going on to work at Grumman at the age of 17.
Kenny Lembo I’m still waiting to hear from you. I commented to something you said back in Nov. 2023. That’s the first time I went on the site and I saw your comment. I was your families friend for a couple of years. Please read and comment.

Feb 13, 2024
Pretzel stand NEW
by: Karen

The pretzel stand had the Italian ice too! The lemon ice was the best! The roasted peanuts were delicious! My best friend back then dated the guy who worked there, and all 3 of us had the same birthday! Love this site!

Feb 13, 2024
Mays Dept Store NEW
by: Anonymous

Speaking of Mays...

Feb 13, 2024
Charlotte Russe stand outside Mays NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember the stand outside Mays that sold Charlotte Russe - paper cup with white cake inside and whipped cream on top! Anyone remember that?

Feb 13, 2024
Outside Mays Dept Store NEW
by: Anthony

I remember an Italian ice stand also.

Feb 13, 2024
Pretzel Stand NEW
by: Jeff

The pretzel stand outside of Mays Department Store had the best egg creams!

Feb 10, 2024
Bit coin fraud NEW
by: Karen

I’m thinking your post is fraud! Please post elsewhere as this is site our town of Massapequa!!,

Feb 10, 2024
Not a memory NEW
by: Anonymous

Maybe put your money in the bank. This is not Massapequa news

Feb 10, 2024
Trustwizards Hackworld - The Heroes Who Recovered My Scammed Funds! NEW
by: Maliha Bohn

It all began when i received an email from someone claiming to be a representative of a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. The email seemed genuine, and it requested some personal information to verify my account. Thinking nothing of it, I provided the requested details, unaware that it was a phishing attempt.
A few days later, i logged into my Bitcoin wallet and discovered that my entire balance had been emptied. Panic set in as i realized that i had fallen victim to a scam. Determined to recover my hard-earned money, I immediately started researching ways to retrieve my stolen Bitcoin. After hours of searching online, i came across an article that mentioned a TrustwizardsHackworld specializing in recovering scammed cryptocurrencies.. I reach out to them and they advised me to be patience and allowed them to focus on their daily routine while they worked tirelessly behind the scenes. After 72 hours of intense efforts, the recovery team successfully froze the scammers' accounts and managed to recover a significant portion of my stolen Bitcoin. The funds were returned to my wallet, now am overjoyed to see my hard-earned money restored. You can as well reach out to TRUSTWIZARDSHACKWORLD on
W/App: +1 (3,8,6,) -3,8,7, 7,0,5,4,Email: (trustwizardshackworld (AT) gmall (.com.)) . Telegram: @trustwizards_hackworld

Feb 10, 2024
Berner Reunion next year NEW
by: Rich B

Berner classmates of 69 70 71 are having a reunion next year at the Jones beach at Gatsby on the Ocean

Feb 10, 2024
Nothing But Happy Memories NEW
by: Anonymous

So many happy memories--starting with Unqua School, McKenna Jr High, then Massapequa High School. Fun jobs beginning with White's Department Store, Howard Johnson's to name a few. Loved going to Mini Golf and the Big Bow Wow then later to the Timber Inn (in town) and the bar in the Rite Aid/Ace Hardware center across from Burns Park--some said it was Carousel but that sounds unfamiliar--anybody remember it?
There was a great pretzel stand outside of Mays Department Store and I also worked at Pier 1 Imports and had many friends who worked in the food store there...was it Food Fair?
Bar Harbor with its movie theatre--3 movies for a very reasonable price--Marx Brothers.
Always grateful for the good times in Massapequa.

Feb 10, 2024
Nothing But Happy Memories NEW
by: Anonymous

So many happy memories--starting with Unqua School, McKenna Jr High, then Massapequa High School. Fun jobs beginning with White's Department Store, Howard Johnson's to name a few. Loved going to Mini Golf and the Big Bow Wow then later to the Timber Inn (in town) and the bar in the Rite Aid/Ace Hardware center across from Burns Park--some said it was Carousel but that sounds unfamiliar--anybody remember it?
There was a great pretzel stand outside of Mays Department Store and I also worked at Pier 1 Imports and had many friends who worked in the food store there...was it Food Fair?
Bar Harbor with its movie theatre--3 movies for a very reasonable price--Marx Brothers.
Always grateful for the good times in Massapequa.

Feb 10, 2024
Nothing But Happy Memories NEW
by: Anonymous

So many happy memories--starting with Unqua School, McKenna Jr High, then Massapequa High School. Fun jobs beginning with White's Department Store, Howard Johnson's to name a few. Loved going to Mini Golf and the Big Bow Wow then later to the Timber Inn (in town) and the bar in the Rite Aid/Ace Hardware center across from Burns Park--some said it was Carousel but that sounds unfamiliar--anybody remember it?
There was a great pretzel stand outside of Mays Department Store and I also worked at Pier 1 Imports and had many friends who worked in the food store there...was it Food Fair?
Bar Harbor with its movie theatre--3 movies for a very reasonable price--Marx Brothers.
Always grateful for the good times in Massapequa.

Feb 06, 2024
Alex Baldwin NEW
by: Anonymous

MHS grad class of 1962, I had Alex Baldwin for history in my junior year, I was put in the advanced class with all the real smart kids in our class, Baldwin was a lot of fun in that class and very demanding of this group. He did live in Nassau Shores and called his little kids "the rug rats".
He was always there for the kids at the school and always present at any Friday night dance at the school. A truly good person and great teacher.
His had 3 sons, who are the famous Baldwin brothers and there was a daughter.

Feb 03, 2024
Mrs. Bruni NEW
by: Kevin

The Brunis had a cherry tree that we used to stand on our fence and pick the cherries and eat them. Sometimes we would go in their yard to get cherries and Mr. Bruni would yell at us.

Feb 02, 2024
Miss Leffert NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't actually know what happened though someone on here sent me a blurb from a source. I heard this word of mouth at some point in the early 1980's.

Feb 02, 2024
Unqua Miss Leffert NEW
by: Glenn Usdin

I read the comment that Miss Leffert died at a young age. Do you know what happened and when? She was my favorite teacher. Thanks.

Feb 02, 2024
Unqua teachers NEW
by: Karen

Mrs. Bruni was my next door neighbor! They had a beautiful, huge orange cat named Rembrandt that always laced on our milk box!

Feb 02, 2024
Me too NEW
by: Gerry

TO Feb 1 Anonymous, I too attended kindergarten on the Estate, in the Cottage n 1951 and graduated for MSH in 1963.

Feb 02, 2024
Ken Lembo NEW
by: andy falsetta

Ken, did your family live on the corner of Nevin Terrace and Block Blvd.? We lived around the block on Phillips Rd. What a great place to grow up!

Feb 01, 2024
My High School History Teacher
by: Anonymous

Massapequa High School the 1st H.S. In Massapequa where I attended kindergarten on the the Estate in 1951 before the real Massapequa H.S. Was built and where I graduated from class of 1963.
MR. A. Baldwin Was my history teacher and ran our Fri. Night dances in the gym.
Anyone recognize his name and remember him. His family lived in Nassau Shores…..what more is there to say about him?

Feb 01, 2024
Unqua teachers NEW
by: Anonymous

I also had Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Bruni

Feb 01, 2024
A LarkIn and Debate veteran NEW
by: Mark

I was also involuntarily volunteered to be on the Wallace team - we must’ve been on it together!

Feb 01, 2024
Unqua Teachers 1965-1973 NEW
by: Jeff

I fondly remember Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Bruni, Miss Abrams, Mrs. Azimi,and Miss Carnevale!

Feb 01, 2024
Unqua School NEW
by: Anonymous

I do remember The Lark-In and the debates. They both were really great teachers. Miss Leffert passed away at a young age.

Jan 31, 2024
Unqua School - Miss Leffert and Mrs. Larkin NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Roseann,

Miss Leffert and Mrs. Larkin-two of the best teachers ever.
Do you remember doing the Lark-In as a takeoff of Rowan and Martin's Laugh In?

For Miss Leffert I recall the Presidential debate, where the class was divided up and I landed on the Wallace for President Team. We even made up a cheer even though we really did not endorse him but it was a great learning experience in debate.

I think Miss Leffert's class was where we made inventions (I invented a robot) and dressing up like a figure from history. (I was Nero with a borrowed violin from a fellow classmate).

Both teachers emphasized current events which was interesting at the time.

Take care, thanks for the trip down a very great memory lane.

Jan 24, 2024
Krisches NEW
by: Greg

Yes, Krisches is still there. I brought my granddaughter down to Massapequa a few months ago to show her where I lived and worked when I was in high school, in the mid to late 60's. The owners then were Otto, Kort and John. I had a lot of fun during those days, since 3 of my fellow classmate friends also worked there at the same time. Drew R, Dick O, and Grace S. We were all from Massapequa Park and went to Berner, but also made some really good friends there from Massapequa and Seaford HS. Glad to see it was still open and doing well.

Jan 24, 2024
Krisches is Still There NEW
by: Anonymous

Krisches is still there, looks the same to me. In fact, just had dinner there one night this past summer.

Jan 21, 2024
Birch Lane Elementary School NEW
by: Anonymous

Did anyone attend Birch Lane School between 1960 and 1963 - or remember their teachers? That's when I was there - before my family moved me (at 8) to Indiana. Tommy Dean (formerly at 3 Belvedere Drive in Massapequa Park)

Jan 21, 2024
Diner on Broadway. NEW
by: Bobby Hepburn

The Diner on Broadway was THE MIDWELL DINER owned by Geraldo Rivera's Father. Krisches was in Town by The Railroad Tracks.and........ I
believe .. is still there!

Jan 21, 2024
Bow Wow NEW
by: Rich B

I worked at Bow Wow in the 60s The boss was Mr Mendelson. Murry was the soda jerk. Fanny was order taker and I think it was Doris and her daughter was there in a playpen. The cook was a Hawaiian guy can't remember his name.

Jan 21, 2024
Mini Golf and the Big Bow Wow
by: Anonymous & Cathy N

My father owned the miniature golf course on Sunrise Highway and I have many fond memories of it. And I went to The Big Bow Wow for ice cream cones. They knew me and gave me double scoops for the price of one.

Jan 21, 2024
To Cathy N. NEW
by: Anonymous

I loved the memories you wrote about! What an idyllic time and place to grow up in. I lived two houses from Cindy Lugo on JOInes Court. Cindy was actually my babysitter. So was her older sister Betty. Mays was the first store I was allowed to walk to by myself. Do you recall the Big Bow Wow in the Mays parking lot area?

Jan 21, 2024
by: Anonymous

if you haven't yet gotten the name of the diner... could "Krishes" (not sure how to spell?) be a possibility? It was around, at a minimum, the 60's through the 80's... was pretty old school in the "way back" years... hope it stayed that way :)

Jan 20, 2024
Sweet memories
by: Cathy Nolan

Wow~so many childhood memories came flooding back as I read though all the many entries below.
I moved to Massapequa in 1962. We lived on Nassau Road across the street from the golf course.
Unqua School was a mile from my house and my siblings and I walked to and from until old enough to ride our bikes. Tony’s Little Deli was a regular stop off. My friend Mary Ann C used to live right next door.
1st grade Mrs Emler 2nd grade Mrs Dorset, 3rd grade Mrs Pompa, 4th grade Miss Zebrowski, 5th grade Mrs Masi and 6th grade Mrs Yeager.Someone mentioned Mrs Dashinger and she was an amazing music/choral director. I adored her.
We spent winters at Majorie Post park ice skating and summers at the pool with our friends.
McKenna was the beginning of more grown up but still innocent independence. Unfortunately I lost my 1972 yearbook. Cindy Lugo was a dear friend and Cindy O’Connor too.
Mays Dept Store and Bar Harbour were faves. All American was a family ritual on Friday nights. I remember Dick and Dora’s and Pequa movie theatre .
I went to Berner for 9th grade.I loved Mr Holdrige.I moved to New Jersey at the end of 72 but will always remember the sweet innocence of Massapequa back then.

Jan 11, 2024
Ken Lembo NEW
by: AnonymousBarbara

Saw your comment from Nov 2023. Tried to comment to you. Don’t know if you saw it. I was friends with your family. If you see this look back to then and read my comment. Barbara

Jan 11, 2024
by: Barbara

Saw your Nov. 2023 comments. I was class of 63 went to kindergarten on the the Jones Estate in1951 before it became Massapequa HS. Lived on Arlyn Drive East between Kensington and Seaton just walked down either St and wound up in the middle of the football field under the bleachers.

Jan 11, 2024
Hall of Fame nominees NEW
by: Anonymous

I came across an article about the retirement of Al and Linda Brown after their life at a small school in Rhode Island. These two Berner grads have lived a remarkable life of educational and athletic service though they have yet to be installed in the Hall of Fame. It may well be past time to do so.

Jan 10, 2024
Mount Misery NEW
by: Anonymous

I recently saw a commercial where the car drives through a big old culvert pipe and instantly thought about that exceptional route up to the main trail on Mount Misery. That place truly was the stuff dreams are made of. Mine anyway.

Dec 09, 2023
Replying to Nov 13, 2023 post Ken Lembo

Kenny Lembo I found this site by accident and saw your post from Nov. 13, 2023. My na my is Barbara and I was your sisters Jenny’s best friend for many years while we were in high school. We practically lived at each others house. I remember you very well. I was a year older and graduated a year before and then we lost touch. I knew everything you said in your post. Do you remember me?

Nov 23, 2023
by: Gerry

Cartwright Blvd, right by MSH

Nov 22, 2023
Re: Gerry NEW
by: Betsy Knapp

Where did you live in the Park?

Nov 22, 2023
MSH-class of 63 NEW
by: Gerry

I too moved to Massapequa Park in 1949 only I was only 4 years old and lived there until 1965, though I went away to college in '63.
MHS opened in 1955, it was on the old Jones Estates (Of Jones Beach fame) before the high school was built, the big house, carriage house and cottage were classrooms. I went to Kindergarten in the Cottage. Berner HS was opened in theearly sixties.
On side note, my sister was in the 4th grade when we moved there and she went to school on the 2nd floor of the fire house on Hicksville Rd. The kids loved whenever there was a fire, they ran to the windows to see the trucks leave.

Nov 22, 2023
Berner opened in 1962 NEW
by: Rich B

I think the senior made a mistake Mass High opened in 55 and Berner in 62 and then 64 for high school.

Nov 22, 2023
Massaprqua Memories - Senior Citizen
by: Jim Nassau Shore BHS ''71

Wow a lot of us here are senior citizens too - but you take the cake! Good for you! You left in '55 so a lot of us weren't even born yet or moved out to Massapequa till after that. I heard people from here had to go to Amityville HS back then as people in Seaford had to go to Freeport HS. So much has changed since you were here I don't know where to begin. If you do Facebook ask to join the Massapequa Friends Group. They share a lot of current and history of Massapequa. Stay well!

Nov 21, 2023
Massapequa Memories from a Senior citizen. NEW
by: Anonymous

Most of the comments I'm reading all seem to come from folks that graduated from Massapequa High School. When my folks moved to Massapequa in March 1949, Massapequa didn't have a high school. I was 11 in 6th Grade with Miss Young at Massapequa Avenue Elementary School. And 7th grade we had Mrs Foy. Then in 1950 they opened the Parkside Elementary School and I had Mrs. Bingle and Mr. Eldard for 8th grade. No Junior High Schools in those days. I graduated in June 1951 and went on to Amityville High School. Alfred Berner high School didn't open until the following year. Most of us stayed with Amityville HS, because if we went to Berner we would have to start all over as Freshman. Freshman year at Amityville was on part-time and was in two buildings next to each other. But by Sophomore year the new Amityville Memorial High School had been built on Montauk Highway(Merrick Road). I remember Clegg's Supermarket in Massapequa & Dubrow's Ice cream shop on Central Avenue, I believe. I lived on the corner of Boston Ave & Franklin Ave. We moved away in the summer of 1955 to North Babylon. So many of the shopping centers mentioned, especially in Massapequa Park, weren't there yet. I am really enjoying everyone else's memories.

Nov 15, 2023
to Kenny Lembo NEW
by: Gerry

The house was owned by Judge Lynde, I knew all 3 of his kids.

Nov 14, 2023
by: Jim NassauShores Berner’71

Yea I remember Sequa. Also Mid Island across the street. Then Gertz bakery, Tom McCann, Robert Hall further west. The insurance agency now on the corner of Jackson is call Corsito now.

Nov 14, 2023
Burger King Sunrise Mall NEW
by: Anonymous

So It’s been over a year that I mentioned if anyone worked at Burger King in the Sunrise Mall in the early 80’s. I have not heard from anyone so I’ll leave you with this. Although I grew up in Farmingdale my fondest teenage memory was my time working at the Burger King in the Sunrise Mall. I met so many great people and hope that they have same memories that I do. Diana, Chris, Janine, Maryanne, Linda and Claudia thanks.

Nov 14, 2023
Sequa NEW
by: Kenny Lembo

Anyone remember variety store in Seaford, Sequa.My family owned it.I was put to work there by dad,he was an insurance broker also.Had an office on Jackson ave & Merrick Rd, Allo Agency.Had to clean it,on Satu rdays.The mansion across from Croons,lake,Judge Lynn,owned it.We were very lucky to have great parents.Dad knew all the cops in Seafords seventh so I had to tread lightly.

Nov 13, 2023
Boats on the bay NEW
by: Kenny Lembo

Just found this site.Grew up in pequa,graduated hs in 69.Had Baldwin sr, for a teacher.Anyone remember hanging at the mass p diner drag racing on sunrise light to light.Wondering,if anyone remembers the little speed boats we had,and if anyone remembers the twin engine catamarans owned by J Ripa & Tony Coslow?

Nov 07, 2023
was it this guy? NEW
by: Anonymous

sounds like it was Joel Tetenus

Nov 06, 2023
Mustard Packet NEW
by: Kevin

Hi Karen. This is Joel. Still not sorry! Haha!

Nov 06, 2023
Big BowWow NEW
by: Karen

I lived off of Ungua and remember the Big Bow Wow for another reason! I got a brand new coat for Christmas and a boy stomped on a mustard packet that splashed all over my coat! I cried so hard knowing I would never get a replacement…that was my BIG gift! Funny how you can remember things from way back then! If you’re out there Joel, know I still think of you! Haha!

Nov 06, 2023
Nassau Shores NEW
by: Gerry

To Morgan
I didn't live in Nassau Shores, I lived on Cartwright by the MHS but knew people who did, John Young in my class of 1963 and his older sister. Sharon Hersey lived there as well and was also class of 63. Bob Cook class of 61, Gottwald brothers, Forbes brothers and some others as well.

Nov 06, 2023
Nassau Shores NEW
by: morgan

Didn't anybody live in Nassau Shores -- especially around 1957-1962??

Nov 06, 2023
Big Bow Wow NEW
by: Mark B

I remember the Big Bow Wow vividly. I lived due south of the Mays parking lot, across the street from the playground behind the parking lot fence, on Richard Place. Graduated MHS '75.

I almost got beaten up at Big Bow Wow oncer when I was 10 or 11, when I wore the pointy-toed boots my older cousin from Canarsie had given me, not being aware that they were a symbol of being a "hood". Thankfully my older friend who was there with me talked the hoods out of it.

I was told that when my mom was pregnant with me (1956-57) she often sent my dad to BBW to bring home a hamburger, fries and shake so she could eat for the two of us and satisfy her BBW craving.

Nov 06, 2023
The Big Bow Wow NEW
by: BJH

Yes, I remember THE BIG BOW WOW. Hot Dogs.
Howard Johnsons was further west on Sunrise Highway.

Nov 04, 2023
Midwell Diner On Broadway
by: Anonymous

Thanks to ANNIE for verifying my MEMORY of THE MIDWELL DINER on Broadway. I grew up on ONTARIO AVE. But........... sometimes hung out on Broadway at DAD'S DEN..... The Sand Trap, and various other clubs and watering Holes on Broadway. Many of us hung at THE EAGLES NEST, Little Lounge, and Village Pub. When they have the ANNUAL ITALIAN FEAST in Late September on Broadway... I Still attend to meet up with my Plainedge Buddies. We meet in front of THE VILLAGE PUB which is still there!

Nov 03, 2023
Massapequa Park!! Always miss it so
by: Anonymous

Sunrise Hwy!!??
And yes,ALL AMERICAN is still there and ...always packed!!

Nov 02, 2023
Midwell Diner NEW
by: Annie

Bobby Hep is correct. It was the Midwell Diner located on North Broadway and Cedar/Maple Street...owned by Geraldo's family.

Nov 01, 2023
Re: Some Unfortunate Isolated Incidents
by: Anonymous

I was not able to find a specific reference (in Wiki) to anyone from Massapequa being killed. There was a young girl found dead in Wantagh near Ocean Parkway. It is certainly plausible that he committed murders while visiting his uncle in Massapequa, but it looks like our residents were spared that fate.

Nov 01, 2023
Some Unfortunate Isolated Incidents
by: Anonymous

Massapequa is a funny place. You had the whole Amy Fischer-Joey Buttafuco mess with all the creep lawyers. Jessica Hahn came from there too. Her fling with televangelist Jim Bakker brought down one of the biggest evangelical frauds in the world. Hundreds of millions of dollars. Of course you have Rex -- the Long Island Serial Killer. But few know this. In the 60s and 70s there was a man that was known only as the torso killer. Later determined to be Richard Cottingham. His uncle lived in Massapequa. He used to visit his uncle and when he did he would rape, kill and dismember members of the Massapequa community. But I agree with the comment that it's just bad luck and could happen everywhere. After all that is the town where the Baldwin brothers are from. And Jerry Seinfeld. But you are lucky you moved.

Oct 12, 2023
Back when there were no headshops NEW
by: Anonymous

We would cross the tracks and Sunrise,go to White's and collect some tin foil, a pin, some tape and one of those little tubes from a clothing hanger. Some matches and a chunk of hash and we were in business. Ah, the good old days . . .

Oct 04, 2023
Diner on Broadway
by: Bobby Hep

Hey Fongool Frankie..... I grew up in Plainedge and I BELIEVE that diner was The Midwell Diner owned by the parents of Geraldo Rivera.

Oct 03, 2023
Head Shop in the mall NEW
by: Chris

The Jolly Joint -- I don't know if I even knew that, but it's very fitting!

The psychedelic nostri -- is this another name it went under?

Thank you for responding!!

Sep 30, 2023
by: Fongool Frankie

Hey peeps, what was the name of the diner that was located on Broadway at the corner of N. Cedar St. were Bank of America and dairy Bono located now? I used to go there when I was a kid and then it was torn down and then everything else was built.

Sep 30, 2023

Hey Peeps, what was the name of the Diner on N. Broadway and N. Cedar Street in N. Masspequa? It was where the Dairy barn and Bank of America are now.

Sep 30, 2023
Andy F Thanks for Confirmation NEW
by: Frankie Fongool

Village Pizza it was! Woo Hoo! My dad worked for Rheingold in the 70’s

Sep 29, 2023
Bar/Club in Southgate Shopping Center NEW
by: Anthony

No, Carousel was in the shopping center where Pergament was (now Ace Hardware).

Sep 29, 2023
Bar/Club in Southgate Shopping Center
by: Anonymous

Could it have been 'Carousel'?

Sep 28, 2023
Bar/Club in Southgate Shopping Center
by: Anthony

Does anyone remember the name of the bar/club that was in Southgate shopping center in the 1980's. It was a nice place with a decent size bar, a small dance floor and a bunch of tables. It was at the south side of the shopping center. There's an Asian Moon restaurant there now and the post office is 2 doors down.

Sep 28, 2023
Head SHop in the Mall NEW
by: Anonymous

the head shop in the back of home decor was called Jolly Joint! a real fun place to visit!

Sep 28, 2023
Village Pizza NEW
by: Andy F

Frankie Fongool it WAS Village Pizza. It was just around the corner from the Station Cafe, which became Porky's Pub. The bartender while it was the Station Cafe, was a guy named Gene Flieg. He always tried to sneak a Schaefer beer in on me but I always caught him. My good friend Mark Eckhoff and I were Rhinegold men and we knew when he was trying to test us.

Sep 28, 2023
Head Shop in Home Decor NEW
by: Anonymous

It was the psychedelic nostri

Sep 27, 2023
Massapequa Park 1950’s NEW
by: Linda

I moved to MP with my parents and many other WW2 GI’s in the early 50’s. McKenna JH was an airport at that time and the surrounding area was full of blueberry bushes. Next to the airport was a 4H . I graduated from Berner HS in ‘66 and moved to Florida in ‘76.
One of my favorite places to go in the 50’s was the Massapequa Zoo which at the time was owned by the Grimaldi family. Josephine was a Berner ‘66 graduate.
I miss the Park and will always be a Long Island girl !

Sep 26, 2023
Name of head shop at the back of Home Decor in Sunrise Mall NEW
by: Chris

The title says it all. What was the name of the head shop at the back of Home Decor in Sunrise Mall?

It was a tiny little store that was more like a large closet, and the only entrance was at the back of Home Decor (ground level, near Sterns) -- it was like a back room that had been converted into a little shop. It sold bongs and whatever else -- not that I ever went there, of course...

This was in the 1980s. Did it even have a name? This has bugged me for years.

Sep 26, 2023
by: Frankie Fongool

what was the name of the tiny pizza place at the end of Broadway where the Bridal shop is now? It only had 3 tiny tables. I thought it was Village pizza. Thanks!

Sep 08, 2023
Game Rooms NEW
by: Anonymous

The second game room in the mall was Time Out.

Sep 07, 2023
Billy Campbell, and the Park
by: Anonymous

He is alive and well, saw him in Bellmore recently! He's doing well.

I moved to Massapequa Park in '73, 9th grade. So many memories, Zappa next to Berner- my HS, the Nautilus Diner, painting the streets red, white and blue in '76, Mrs Bryson in the Guidance Office, getting a ticket from police for riding two ppl on a Huffy bicycle over the Unqua Road RR tracks, hanging out in the sump, b/t Eastgate and the Mall, watching the Mall be BUILT, the Lobster Shack, Gamerooms at the mall- Galaxy, can't remember the name of the one in front of mall, the BACK of Home Decor where we could buy 'paraphernalia', White's Dep't Store, cutting thru that lot to Berner, Musicaro's, learning to drive at Sunrise Mall,and so much more...

Aug 05, 2023
Book author from Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous

A grad from Berner 69 Barbara Butcher wrote a book about her life as a NYC death investigator. Just out now. Congrats to her.

Aug 05, 2023
Let's not overreact here
by: Jim NassauShores Berner’71

Although what you are saying is true I hope this now concludes any further discussion of this topic. There is enough of it in the media to go around.

Aug 05, 2023
Let's not overreact here
by: Anonymous

Essentially all places have both positive and negative aspects to them. The Gilgo Beach murderer had to be living somewhere, but that has no bearing on the quality of the rest of the community. Not all of our sports teams win the championship every year. And your children arent perfect, by the way. But let's not get "upset" and overreact when something negative gets publicized. Accept the positive and negative aspects of your communities, and your lives.

Aug 05, 2023
Lets get back to Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

This site was made up of nice things to remember about our home towns. Not the dirt you are bringing up. Lets not ruin what we have here.

Aug 04, 2023
I know
by: Gerry

I know, as a former resident of the Park I have been following this since day one. I saw the TV movie about the murders a few years ago.

Aug 04, 2023
Gorillas NEW
by: Anonymous

Noone wants to talk about the 800 lb gorilla in the room.
A serial killer who lived and was raised in my home town, graduated from my highschool and buried the victims at one of my favorite beaches. Instant infamy!

Jul 22, 2023
Long Island is the best place to Live NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm from Massapequa Park.Graduated class of 79'.
I moved away 20 years ago. Although all my family is still there, I visit once or twice a year.
I will always be a LI lady and love my hometown of Massapequa..

Jul 22, 2023
Long Island is the best place to Live
by: Anonymous

I'm from Massapequa Park.Gradutes class of 79'.
I moved away 20 years ago. Although all my family is still there, I visit once or twice a year.
I will always be a LI lady and love my hometown of Massapequa..

Jul 22, 2023
All of those memories NEW
by: Anonymous

This is my second set of comments, but I could not resist. A shout out to all of those "Firehouse" kids and to Boy Scout Troop 90, The Totum Troop.
I went to the new Massapequa High School, in 1956, as an 8th grader. I remember Massapequa as a great place to grow up. Took an hour to drive into NYC, have a beer at the Ratskeller, and get home at a decent hour. My parent's home is still off Park Blvd Between Sunrise Hwy and Merrick Rd. I remember going to the Drive-in Movies on Sunrise Hwy and attending St Rosa Lima-bean most Sundays. The Village had a great Chinese restaurant, pizza place, and Newspaper store across from the train station. Too crowded now with traffic but Massapequa will always be part of my good memories.

Jul 18, 2023
Phil Tate
by: Anonymous

Phil went to Maria Regina elementary school (class of 1969) and Holy Trinity High School. He died about 10 years ago in West Virginia. His dad was a lawyer with an office just north of the Massapequa train station.

Jul 18, 2023
Tate family Don and Phil NEW
by: Anonymous

Don and Phil Tate were brothers. They were the oldest and youngest children in a family of 7 children. Rest in Peace, Phil.

Jul 17, 2023
Reply to Jim NEW
by: Ed

Don't forget that this was the era of Milton Berle and Bob Hope dressing in drag on family TV, and don't forget Flip Wilson's Geraldine! Drag was seen as lighthearted entertainment back then, not menacing or sexual. It is true, however that NYC had laws against "female impersonation" on the books, but that was applied selectively. I don't think that Uncle Miltie was ever threatened with arrest. I never put a dress on again after that, but it never bothered me if a man wanted to do that. I mentioned my experience here only because it is a genuine event that happened in Massapequa, and it shows how attitudes were so different then, even in such a conservative environment.

Jul 17, 2023
Ed/Cub Scouts
by: Jim NassauShores Berner’71

Made my confirmation and continued for awhile at CCD classes at St Rose starting in 1965. I was never in Boy Scouts but very surprised to hear about a Drag Contest at, of all places, a Catholic school! Yes it probably didn't traumatize anyone as kids back then were so innocent and shielded from a horrible outside world without the internet. However, this reminded me of a priest at St Rose at that time who would visit our class often. I won't mention his name but he was later accused of sexual abuse back when the Diocese would just move priests around to cover it up. This came out years after you moved. I wouldn't be surprised if this priest sanctioned this drag event!

Jul 17, 2023
Cub Scouts NEW
by: Ed

The recent outrage about drag queen reading hours at public libraries reminded me of my Cub Scout days. I’ll explain.

I lived in Massapequa Park from 1955 until 1967. I joined the Cub Scouts when I was 7 or 8 and my mother was the den leader. One year there was a meeting of the local Cub Scout Pack at the St. Rose of Lima auditorium. I’m pretty sure that everyone displayed some of their craft projects, and there were various group activities that day. One that sticks in my mind was the drag contest. Yes, a drag contest. For that I wore my sister’s gingham dress, tights and shoes. I also wore my mother’s wig, a pearl necklace and a pair of clip-on earrings. I won second place and the boy who won first place wore a long blonde wig, high heels and a stuffed bikini. If I’m not mistaken Father Graham even made a short appearance that day. Everyone had a great time and then my mother brought us to get pizza. I don’t recall any outrage either during the event or after. I also doubt if any of us felt traumatized in the least. We were all just normal kids having fun.

Jul 14, 2023
Steve Messina
by: Anonymous

I'm looking for a Steve Messina, who grew up in Massapequa and spent time in North Palm Beach, Florida on his uncle's boat.

Jul 14, 2023
Name of the Bar where Ace Hardware is now NEW
by: Anonymous

The name of the bar where Ace Hardware & the liquor store are now ... was the Carousel.

Jul 13, 2023
Restaurant / Bar Name NEW
by: Karen Eastwood-Fikar

Hi everyone!

I grew up in Bethpage but like many people in surrounding areas, used to ride my bike to Jones Beach and stop at All American on the way home. I now work for the Massapequa School District and pass many old haunts on the drive to and from work.

My memory though has failed me on the name of a bar / club my friends and I frequented (in the 80s) in the now ACE Hardware/Ginos Pizza shopping center on Merrick Rd. This place was in the same spot right before "Massapizza" (which I always thought was a brilliant name).

Thank you for helping me to remember the name if you can!

Jul 09, 2023
Chris Sweeney NEW
by: Anonymous

I was in that homeroom with Coach Sweeney. The guy he threw against the wall was Lenny Olson (gone on many years ago) He used to make me and Lenny stand against the wall then kick soccer balls at subsonic speeds as close to our heads as possible. If I didn't flinch he'd let me go. I hold no grudge and the experiences did not traumatize me for life. I ended up teaching for 20 years and often wished I could revert to such arcane antics. I still remember Sweeney's flattop crewcut and that slightly maniacal grin as he unhinged on a soccer ball with such pinpoint accuracy.

Jul 09, 2023
Florence Ave. Beach NEW
by: Daniel Thomas Moran

I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks so the idea of belonging to a beach club was about as foreign as belonging to a cricket club. This poem is about my own experiences.

The Swimming Lesson

Down at the tired shores
of Florence Ave. Beach,
an optimist in green trunks
was instructing us on
how to become swimmers.
We, a dozen or so
scrawny specimens on
an early summer day,
one o’clock sharp.
Up to our tiny thighs
in that oily chill.
We knew there
were secrets, that things
lived beneath it all.
We knew, as we stood,
within minutes
the sandy bottom
would swallow our feet.
Our young mothers
looked on from old blankets,,
proud for unknown reasons.
Then the instructor said,
with great authority,
First thing we’ll learn
is the dead man’s float.
Some cried, but most tried
facing down
into the briny darkness.
We let the bubbles rise
back across our cheeks.
And we made believe
we had failed
to learn to swim.

2002 Daniel Thomas Moran

Jul 05, 2023
'Pequa parades from the 50's
by: Pete Carston

I wasn't from Massapequa, but spent a lot of time as a teen in the 50'swith friends from Plainedge. Also worked the area with the phone company, later in my years. I'm wondering if anyone has pics or 8mm film from the Massapequa parades in the 50's. I was in the Nautical Training Corps (NTC) and we marched in many of those parades. Spent Army basic training at Ft. Dix(1962) with Buddy Lottito and Steve Hoell, who both graduated from MPH and would love to talk to them again. Now in Florida. Thanks for reading.

Jul 03, 2023
Johnny Slionski NEW
by: Dan Moran

In the photo of my second grade class at Eastlake from the story I posted, Johnny Slionski is in the red shirt and I am just in front of him in the blue shirt.

Jul 03, 2023
Class Photo NEW
by: Jeff

Loved all the stories. Which kid are you in the class photo? Is Johnny in that as well?

Jul 03, 2023
Dan & Daniel
by: Jim NassauShores Berner’71

Dan: I can't place you but we must have know each other back at Coco's. I wrote about this further down below. I started when they first opened and work 2 years as a PT night cook. Made plenty of friends there. The waitresses and hostesses were great! I didn't know about the wine though!

Daniel: I didn't see all of your You Tubes yet but you nailed Coach Sweeny! Had him for GYM and Freshman Baseball. I was often the butt of some of his jokes because I was on the short side! He really was a funny nut job!

Jul 03, 2023
coach sweeney NEW
by: Anonymous

Dan I loved the story about Coach Sweeny. I had him for home room in Mckenna. He was also a JV soccer coach. For basket ball I seem to remember Bob Weinhauer You are so right about his clothes. I seem to remember the bad guys-greasers-being called "hoods". I saw sweeny throw one of the hoods up against a wall once. The jock check was right on. Also those straignt lines we sat in we managed by Delaney cards, in a book. Thats basically what I remember. thanks again.

Jul 03, 2023
Some Massapequa Stories NEW
by: Daniel Thomas Moran

I am a writer who graduated from Berner in '75 and have written several stories about growing up in Massapequa that I have recoreded and put on a YouTube channel. Here are links to them. Just click the link and listen.

Me and Johnny Slionski

Coach Sweeny

Cruising with the Coach

Racing with Chickens


Treat Her Like a Lady

Jul 03, 2023
Famous Massapequans NEW
by: Dan Moran

There are a few things I have learned over the years about some of our more notable residents. One is that Jerry Seinfeld first lived on Eastgate Road which is the street that backs to the former Sunrise Mall. He went to Eastlake before the family moved to the "better side of the tracks". I lived around the corner on Westgate Road. Neil Diamond was also married (his first wife) to a woman who was a teacher at (I think) Birch Lane. They lived in Massapequa around the time he was writing his first hit songs. Elliot Easton, the guitarist for The Cars went to Massapequa H.S. The other is very relevant these days of LGBTQ rights. The most prominent Trans person and the first who was widely known was Christine Jorgensen who lived in Massapequa.

Jul 03, 2023
Coco's/Plankhouse NEW
by: Dan Moran

I worked as a dishwasher at Coco's/ The Plankhouse in the early 70's for about $2 per hour. The food was prepared out on the floor and all the busy work like washing the dishes took place in a kitchen that sat between the two restaurants. I seem to recall that it was typical for the two restaurants to serve more than one thousand dinners on a Saturday night. There was a massive assembly line dishwasher and it still took four guys, working their asses off, to load all those dishes and glasses and then retrieve them and put them away while they were still blisteringly hot. I am not sure that my fingers have ever fully recovered. One of the best parts of the job was that they servered wine in carafes and when a carafe came in that still had some wine in it we would dump it into a bucket hidden below the counter and then take turns chugging from it as the night came to a close, often at one in the morning, after which I rode my bike back home. I am still not sure how I found my house but I did.

Jul 02, 2023
Beach club - correction NEW
by: Mark Barnett

Wait - it was Brightwaters, but we might have gone to Monaco a different year?

Jul 02, 2023
Beach clubs NEW
by: Mark Barnett

Monaco beach club. 1962 - My sister Carol was a counselor there - I was 5, she was 15.

Jul 01, 2023
Berner High 71 to 75 NEW
by: Vinnie DeQueiroz

I went to Berner High from 71 to 75 had the best times specially playing handball by the cafeteria where all the best players played. I live on Fulton Street and Roosevelt Ave and living in Massapequa Park you couldn't ask to live in a better place...
Besides All American, Hot Rod Burger King, it was the home of some of the fastest Street cars. Remember Night Life, the meeting place before heading out to the Hamptons until someone i won't mention got arrested and it was the last time we headed to the Hamptons after Night life...
Massapequa Park will always be in my memories until I die.

Jun 27, 2023
Alhambra NEW
by: Gerry

The Alhambra, wow I haven't heard or thought about that for almost 70 years. When we moved to The Park in 1949, we went to the beach club, it was great, it had a slide and diving boards and these big floast you could sit on in the water.
Thanks for reminding me.

Jun 25, 2023
Beach Club NEW
by: Anonymous

My family went to the Biltmore Beach Club.

Jun 25, 2023
Beach club NEW
by: Anonymous

For beach club: Avalon?

Jun 25, 2023
Beach in Massapequa NEW
by: Karen

Was it Alhambra?

Jun 25, 2023
Beach club NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember a beach club in massapequa in the 70’s? We went their as kids but cant remember the name

Jun 22, 2023
Where the heck is Billy Campbell ? NEW
by: Figgy

Anybody know where the heck Billy Campbell is ?

The famous Massapequa beach comber ...

Jun 17, 2023
Coco’s Restaurant
by: Jim NassauShores Berner’71

Other half of Coco’s was called The Plankhouse.
Worked at Coco’s part time as a cook when it first opened @‘72-‘73. Fun place to work. Cheeseburger combo platter was @$2.50. All American cheeseburger was @ 60 cents. The good old days!

Jun 17, 2023
Two sides of restaurant? NEW
by: Anonymous

Were there two sides to Coco’s? One casual, one fancier? ( called The Steakhouse)?

Jun 17, 2023
Coco’s NEW
by: Anonymous

Coco’s was where Olive Garden and now master grill is. Whites was across the parking lot where shop rite is now .

Jun 17, 2023
Whites of Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous

I think that was where Whites was

Jun 17, 2023
by: Anonymous

Anyone remember a restaurant called Coco’s? (spelling?)

Jun 02, 2023
Massapequa and Me NEW
by: Anonymous

Massapequa and Me

I remember the M Post pool days in Massapequa and the telephone calls I would get from Mr Corso to come and get my son who was forever getting into mischief.
I remember visiting my friend on Sunset rd
in Nassau Shores and
seeing the Baldwin house in disarray until Alex started making good money and fixed it up.
I remember volunteering at Unqua school.
I remember Alfred Berner High School and how
my sons cut class to be part of the "zoo crew"
and how so many kids cut gym class.
Still, I loved Massapequa and all its
community spirit. My kids still have best
friends there and so do I.

May 28, 2023
Hojo's NEW
by: Karen L

Hojo's was on the southeast corner of Sunrise and Block Blvd, not Clocks. I worked there and grew up on Block Blvd

May 21, 2023
My choice NEW
by: Anonymous

I like the idea of anonymous commentary. It pleases the aging anarchist in me.

May 08, 2023
The Girl from Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous
'The Girl from Massapequa' is by The Brubeck Brothers Quartet.
"Chris and Dan Brubeck have been making music together practically all their lives. Drummer Dan and bassist, trombonist, and composer Chris cut their first record together in 1966—nearly a half century ago. They’ve subsequently played a variety of styles in a number of different groups, as well as with their father, jazz giant Dave Brubeck, and with their own Brubeck Brothers Quartet.

May 03, 2023
Dennis Penzel NEW
by: Karen

Hi Dennis! I don't think the anonymous heading is deliberate in many posts! It's there automatically unless you change it!

May 03, 2023
Why be anonymous? NEW
by: Anonymous

Can I ask why anyone needs to put anonymous? Dennis Penzell

Apr 20, 2023
The First Earth Day NEW
by: Anonymous

I was a senior at Berner in the Spring of 1970 when the school celebrated the 1st Earth Day. The only thing I remember was Kathy Banno playing the guitar and singing. She was stunning!

Apr 06, 2023
Massapequa Market
by: Joyce

Was surfing the 'net and saw this discussion so thought I'd share my Massapequa Market story. I was 5 years old and my mother and I had just come from Dr. Brown's office (Biltmore Blvd) where I'd gotten my Smallpox shot so I could begin kindergarten (Parkside) that coming September. We stopped at the Massapequa Market on the way home, and while Mom was pushing the shopping cart I trailed behind her like I always did. Unbeknownst to her, I fainted and dropped to the floor in the front aisle, and Mom just kept walking, continuing her shopping! She heard a commotion among other shoppers about "a little girl passed out in the front aisle," and she looked behind her and not seeing HER "little girl," she knew it had to be "me." A story told many times over in my family. Not that long after, our Massapequa Market became Bohacks, and that was the beginning of days gone by on so many levels.

Mar 27, 2023
Cedar Shore Drive NEW
by: D.Dubocq

I knew the Mullen Family--Don, Greg & Debbie. And as a matter of fact, I knew their Dad as well. What a great place to grow up. One day I shall return.

Mar 08, 2023
There’s no place like home NEW
by: Anonymous

I was born in 1956 , my parents had lived there a few years before I came along. I had 4 older sisters that probably would remember more than I do. We lived on Oak St. , in Massapequa Park. We stayed until around 1978. When I got married at Our Lady of Lourdes church. And my reception was at the restaurant , where Olsen Inn was.
I moved to Nevada after I was married, I went to Carmen Road for kindergarten thru sixth grade, McKenna Jr High, Berner High School. I have been back to Long Island many times since. I loved growing up in my " little bubble " of the park. No one I have met since childhood, has all the beautiful memories I do , of home. I can’t turn back the hands of time, but I really enjoyed reading about all the places of my childhood ,that you shared.
Unfortunately, nothing stays the same. Not even me!! Thanks for sharing.

Feb 25, 2023
by: Dennis

Anonymous. Thank you so much for the memories of the Massapequa market. We moved the pass Pk in 54 and from my earliest memories remember my parent going there. Dont know manes etc. Do know Olsens. Anyway thats for that memory

Feb 24, 2023
Bayberry Inn NEW
by: Anonymous

It looked like a little cottage nestled on Merrick Road. I love it!

Feb 24, 2023
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

I remember vaguely having dinner there with my parents in the late '60's. I believe it was near the corner of Algonquin Ave and Merrick Rd just a few blocks away from where we lived. At that age I preferred Pizza Supreme at Bar Harbor or All American!

Feb 24, 2023
Bayberry NEW
by: Anonymous

My brother worked there Bayberry

Feb 24, 2023
1960's NEW
by: Gerry

Does anyone remember the Bay Berry Inn restaurant on Merrick Road?

Feb 15, 2023
Olsen's Inn NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you remember Olsen's Inn across the street from the Massapequa Zoo when the monkey's escaped from and were found hanging on the hotel railings.

Feb 15, 2023
Tiger's Tail NEW
by: Anonymous

Rum Bottoms was the former Tiger's Tail, same location, different name.

Jan 31, 2023
Rum Bottoms
by: Larry

Rum Bottoms was next to the Pizza Cove on Hicksville Rd

Jan 12, 2023
Gene Clegg
by: Anonymous

Thank you. Gene (Eugene) Clegg built, owned and operated Massapequa Markets. My understanding is, he leased his store across from the train station to Bohacks later in his life. Prior to then his building was the first to have an escalator on the east coast and was known as the largest grocery store, 50,000 sq ft. Ford cars raffled off the first Ford Thunderbird on his lot, and at Christmas - a raffle for children were given free Howdy Doody dolls. He also owned Olsen's Inn in Massapequa Park / Amityville across from the Zoo. Many locals were married there. He was also involved if not owned the USO building and Bingo hall across from the train station. He was very involved with the community and loved Massapequa dearly. He helped with making Marjorie Post Park a possibility. He started a college scholarship fund at Berner High School. And supported the Fire department and police department through out his life. He also developed low income housing. Raised in Hells Kitchen, he always gave back as he was extremely poor and never owned a home or lived in the same apartment longer then a few months. Most have passed, but if anyone who knew him please add more. Thank you.

Jan 10, 2023
Gene Clegg NEW
by: Anonymous

I thought Gene Clegg was the manager of Bohacks down on Front St.

Jan 10, 2023
Gene Clegg NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm fairly certain That Gene Clegg managed the old motel, restaurant / catering house at the far end of Sunrise Highway in the 1970s. It was before the mall went in.

Jan 06, 2023
Anyone know Gene & Doris Clegg from the Massapequa Markets?
by: Anonymous

Any stories would be appreciated. Thank you.

Dec 27, 2022
Camera Store in Sunrise Mall - Mid 70s?
by: Chris Russell

My parents used to come down from Jericho to manage a camera store in Sunrise Mall in the mid 70s and I've been trying to remember the name. Lower level, corner, near the bookstore. Owned by a Nassau County detective, if I recall. Thanks for any help.

Dec 18, 2022
Historian of the Massapequas NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a historian and a retired academic who grew up playing and exploring the streams, lakes, swamps and "woods" of the Massapequas. I've been fascinated with what Dr. Carol Bleser called "the sense of place." That intangible bond between us and the place we are raised. I will always love Massapequa(and The Park). No matter where I go I take it with me.
So, I appreciate every one of the historians of The Massapequas. A sincere Thank You to all.

Dec 18, 2022
Interesting history! NEW
by: Anonymous

Looks interesting - mentions he Wagon Wheel restaurant. I didn't realize that Massapequa developed later than other nearby towns on Long Island because it was:

i) too wet - too many lakes, streams, brooks, swamps, and

ii) according to the historian of the Massapequas: "for many years, it was the domain of the Floyd-Jones family". Thomas Jones (who came from Britin in 1692) had married the daughter "Freelove" of the Townsend family who had bought the area in a treaty with Indians in 1658. Jones and wife lived in one of the first homes in the Massapequa area
and including marriage with the Floyd family, the Floyd-Jones family just dominated the area through the 1700s.

"They owned mansions all along Merrick Road and there weren’t many other people living there except for them and their servants. Someone once asked me what was so unique about the Massapequas versus the other bedroom communities of New York. I said the history is very unique because it was really one family’s empire for so many years."

Dec 18, 2022
St Rose Old Chapel NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't believe that demolished the old one it is still there. I attended a wedding there about 10 years ago

Dec 18, 2022
St. Rose NEW
by: Anonymous

I found this on the St. Rose of Lima parish site - unfortunately it hasn't any photo of the church before the new one was christened in 1965. My family moved from Massapequa Park (to which we had moved in 1957) to Elkhart Indiana in December 1963. I never attended any service in the new church but I remember that construction had already begun, and the existing church was to be demolished. (I remember disliking that!).

From the St. Rose site:

"In the early 1950's, many thousands of people were moving to the newly-constructed homes in Massapequa and Massapequa Park. The growth of residents in the greater Massapequa area captured the attention of Bishop Thomas Molloy of the Brooklyn Diocese, and he decided to create a new Catholic parish there.

"In 1952, Rev. John Fagan was appointed to be the pastor of a new parish in Massapequa. He named the new parish St. Rose of Lima, in honor of his mother. However, a serious illness prevented him from undertaking the pastoral assignment.
"As a result, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edmund Fitzgerald of Corpus Christi parish in Mineola undertook the work of locating and purchasing 4.5 acres on Merrick Road in Massapequa, and so the history of St. Rose of Lima R.C. Church begins.

"In November 1952, Fr. Francis Burns was appointed Pastor, beginning his ministry in what had been a large white summer mansion built in the 1860's, which was to serve as the rectory and church for several years.

"On November 16, 1952, more than 1400 parishioners attended Mass. It was estimated that the parish encompassed 1900 families and the original schedule of two Masses on Sunday increased to four.

"Within weeks, a choir was formed as an organ was donated from a neighboring parish, St. William the Abbot in Seaford. Plans were also developed to begin a parish school and convent. Laymen and women enthusiastically supported the creation of the Rosary and Altar Societies as well as the Holy Name Society.

"In 1955, the first census revealed that in three years, the number of Catholic families had risen from an estimated 1900 to 2500 Catholic families in the parish.

"With the death of Fr. Francis Burns in December 1958, Fr. Joseph Colligan served as temporary parish administrator until the appointment of Fr. Hugh Graham as pastor in March 1959.

"During Fr. Graham's pastorate, ground was broken for a 24 classroom school and a convent capable of housing 20 Sisters.

"Completed in 1960, the school was opened for grades 1-6. The school later expanded through the eighth grade in 1963.

"The St. Rose of Lima school was staffed by The Amityville Dominican Sisters and Sr. Francis Marie served as principal.

"In 1963, construction began to build a new church. It was blessed in March 1965, by Bishop Walter Kellenberg, the first Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre.

"Although Fr. Graham retired in 1975, he remained in residence until his death in November 1981.

Dec 18, 2022
St Rose
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

So Interesting this "ancient' history stuff. I read St Rose began in 1952 in a big old summer mansion near the current location. Maybe the Wagon Wheel was part of that mansion? The school was built in 1960 and the new church was opened in 1965 - just before my family moved there. Also read about the old Massapequa Hotel with 300 rooms on Ocean Ave not far from St Rose. Funny, I Just came back from Europe where talk of their history goes back centuries and millennia. Still all this info going back even just 75 years is so very interesting. I guess it's because it's about good old Massapequa!

Dec 18, 2022
St Rose NEW
by: Gerry

St Rose was actually in the old Wagon Wheel Restaurant and first they built the school and we had Mass in the auditorium and in the early 60's they built the new church on the site of the old WW restaurant, if memory serves me correctly.

Dec 18, 2022
Reply to Ms. Finley NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't remember when I copied the file in question and there was no "stamp" on the pages. It says
Compiled primarily from great memories and era documents, including 1966 phonebook. Comments and corrections welcome.
Carol Starke Giannattasio
200 Cedar Shore Drive, Massapequa, NY 11758-8141
516 795 9208

I hope this helps.

Dec 17, 2022
St. Rose NEW
by: Anonymous

So sad to read about the effect on the CYO programs from the end of the baby boom! My family went to St. Rose of Lima - but after they finished the construction of a new church in the early 1960s at some point- we moved to northern Indiana for years. Does anyone know when they constructed the new church - or what they did with the old one? (I hope they didn't demolish it!). Thank you. Tom Dean

Dec 17, 2022
Re: St. Rose CYO NEW
by: D.O.

In response to St. Rose Football, I coached the Our Lady of Lourdes team through the seventies. The end of the baby boom caused CYO programs to drop out, one-by-one. St. Rose lasted until we folded the league, around ’77 or ’78. O.L.L. and St. Aidan’s were still able to field competitive teams and played town teams, like Elmont, Mineola, and Hicksville from the North Shore Athletic Alliance. St. Aidan’s faded away and O.L.L. was the last to go in ’81.


Dec 17, 2022
To anonymous NEW
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

Re: where could we find the download to the article you mentioned?

Dec 17, 2022
1966/2008 Massapequa Guide NEW
by: Anonymous

I came across an old hard copy file recently and it contained a remarkable guide to the stores and shops of Massapequa and The Park in 1966 and 2008. It is concise and well-composed and should resolve many of the issues raised in these entries. Kudos to Carol Starke Giannattasio. I dont remember when I downloaded it, but it should still be floating around somewhere on the "net."

Nov 29, 2022
St. Rose CYO Football NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember that St. Rose CYO had Football it was a Pop Warner type program which had teams up to eighth grade?
I played on one of their really good teams in the late 60's. We played against other Parishes from around Long Island. I had some really great coaches

I played for a few years and we played at the old 52 acres (then John Burns) Berner High and finally Massapequa High later on back to John Burns?

Curious as to why CYO Football on Long Island went away, its still played as a CYO sport in some parts of the country-

More great memories-

Nov 23, 2022
by: Ray O’BRIEN

I remember the rivalry football game on Thanksgiving morning in the sixties between my high school, Plainedge, and Plainview. We would go up to Plainview and paint their school red and their students would come and paint our building green.

Nov 16, 2022
Ode to Massapequa NEW
by: Mark B

Hi all - I was surprised to stumble across a song called "The Girl from Massapequa"! It's an instrumental on an album from the Brubeck Brothers Quartet, a jazz band formed by two of Dave Brubeck's (of Take Five fame) sons. Not that it reminded me so much of Massapequa, but it is upbeat, which is how I feel when I think of my time growing up there.

I graduated MHS in 1975, lived on Richard Place, off Block Blvd (where the Howard Johnson's was on Sunrise Highway). To be accurate, it was Massapequa Park. The year I graduated, one of my classmates scored highest state wide on the SATs. Whoa!

Nov 12, 2022
Street NEW
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

Anyone live near my old house at 60 McKinley Street in the Park?

Nov 12, 2022
Water Companies NEW
by: Anonymous

I live in the Village of Massapequa Park and have Massapequa Water, which is reasonable. However, my friends who own homes North of me in Massapequa Park, but not within the Village, have New York/Liberty Water. Houses over by Unqua are also Massapequa Park but have New York/Liberty Water. So, by saying Massapequa Park has its own water is not exactly accurate. It is MASSAPEQUA Water District, not Massapequa Park Water District, and the two water companies are split within the two areas.

I was delighted to find out I had Massapequa Water after purchasing our home! It is significantly lower, and it was not even something I knew I should have been aware of!

Nov 11, 2022
Nassau Shores Water
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Yes NY Water is still around and very high priced.They recently changed their name to Liberty I believe.Besides Nassau Shores I had them in Seaford where I lived for years. Now I live in Massapequa Park which has their own water company and the cost is so much less. Hard to understand. Be well

Nov 10, 2022
Nassau Shores NEW
by: Anonymous

I lived in Nassau Shores for over 25 yrs. I moved out in 94 are the water rates still very high? I was paying over a $100 a month to NY Water, did they ever change it, they were trying when I was leaving to get Massapequa Water instead, any luck?

Nov 07, 2022
Rum Bottoms / Krishes NEW
by: Silver Hawk

I grew up in Massapequa and remember both, funny that was 45 years ago (HOLY STROMBOLI)!!
Anyway good times on both fronts, bands like "Lifestream" Rockin the bar and great Ice Cream and times at Krishes. We were friends with the family that owned it at the time, life was a lot different in the 70s.
Just FOOD for thought!

Nov 01, 2022
The ice cream shop NEW
by: Anonymous

The ice cream shop is Krisch's. Corner of Grand Ave and Central Ave. That's one block north and west of the RR station at Broadway. I remember the inside looked like an old-time diner. Actually, it is an old-time diner by now. I lived in Massapequa from 1975 to 2007.

Oct 28, 2022
Rum Bottoms was preceded by Tiger's Tail
by: Mike K

One and the same place. on Hicksville Road just south of Seaford Oyster Bay (135)

Oct 28, 2022
Rum Bottoms NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Rum Bottoms, but not sure where it was located. How about the "Tigers Tail", very popular in the 60's. Couldn't tell you were that was located, but it seemed to be closer to the Seaford border. Absolutely packed on weekends, had some really good bands there. Also a great place was the Jones Beach Hotel.

Oct 28, 2022
Sunrise Mall NEW
by: Anonymous

I had posted a couple of times about working at Burger King in the Sunrise Mall from 81-82. The Mall is horrible now and I’m hearing all sorts of rumors of what’s to come. Does anyone have any more information about plans.

Oct 28, 2022
Rumbottoms NEW
by: Anonymous

Anybody remember a nightclub called "Rumbottoms?"

I believe it was in a shopping center on Hicksville Road just north of Jerusalem Avenue.

Oct 26, 2022
by: Anonymous

I sure do remember Vic Tanny's , next to MHS. around the later 50s. I remember watching a long distance lady swimmer in the pool in the front trying to set some kind of a record. I think there was a liquor store next to it , then a butcher shop. We used to set under the trees on the school entrance before classes started.

Oct 25, 2022
by: Betsy Knapp

Who remembers the old Vic Tanny’s workout place?

Oct 24, 2022
Always Home NEW
by: Debbie Bolton

I've considered Massapequa Park my home for 70 years. I've lived in other places but this is my home. I graduated from Massapequa High School in 1970. Before that I attended Birch Lane ( k-5), McKenna (6), and Berner (7,8). I taught secondary special education classes for over 30 years. I've been retired for 10 years.
I have so many fond memories of growing up in the Park. The Massapequa Zoo, Bar Harbour shopping center, the parades on Park Blvd, summer recreation program at Birch Lane, riding my bike to 52 Acres ( now Burns Park) are just a few. I enjoyed riding to Caroon's Lake and watching the ducks and swans.
The Park has changed but i am still very fond of it.

Oct 23, 2022
Firehouse School
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Nice memories of your childhood and your wife.
Thank you for your service!

Oct 23, 2022
Firehouse School. NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello My order brother was in the firehouse, then he went to the Merryanakes ( Fairfield school} I was young and being old. I still remember. I had lived my there to grad 62 on the Broadway side of town. I even remember the building of Parkside school. (1949} After I asked to be drafted and went right to Vietnam , I came back in early 67 after many surgeries, was in treatment in Brooklyn and on my ride on the train ride home, I meet my future wife who lived on Parkhill ave , were married for 53 yrs till she passed. I to this day I miss the food and the close neighborhood. After Collage I was making good money, and we bought a home in Nassau shores, Loved the Belgen block curbs. I never realized how great my younger life in Massapequa Was the happiest time of my life. I never new of the German Delle or the Dairy, we used to go to Casta Maria. An little league baseball was played where R.J. Lockhart was built.

Oct 23, 2022
Massapequa Park was American Graffiti to me
by: Anonymous

Lived across the street from the Dariy Cream on Merrick Rd while our house was being built in 1950.
My first memory of going to school was at the Fire House on Hicksville Rd. Graduated from MHS 1960. The very best of years. We lived near enough to walk to the German Deli on Park Blvd in one direction and MHS in the other. Everyone remembers Musicaro's and ofcourse Jones Beach. I worked there in the summers and the free pass they gave us was just what was needed to make it a play ground. Tobay Beach and Gilgo may not be there after Sandy but I remember them well. I had Mr Baldwin for History and Mr Hoyt for music in school HS. St Rosa Lima had outside standing at 10am Mass and was a great place to meet girls. I remember the Jones Beach Hotel and the Locker Room. Drag racing on Merrick Rd from the MHS to the Amityville line.
After I returned from Vietnam my father died and my mother moved away. I have been back for one HS Reunion but it was not the same.

Oct 21, 2022
Dick & Dora's
by: Anonymous

I can't answer for sure but Dick & Dora's owner used to be in Tides on the Bay ( formerly Ziggy's) almost every weekday night drinking at the bar, I am sure it has changed hands many times threw the yrs, I know he was not the original owner and if he was busy why was he in our bar. Ziggy's was bought out I think 1986 87 by a Wall street investor and leased out,The old building was torn down and totally rebuilt I know for my wife was the manager at the Tides till 93 when we moved to NC. As in many cases it is never the same as the original owners.

Oct 20, 2022
happiest time of my life
by: Anonymous

Yes I am sure it has changed, but it will always be home, Speaking of Dick & Doras my wife ran the former Zigge's which was Tides on the Bay till 1993. when NAFTA was passed I sold my Biz and retired to NC. I was back in 2015 for wife's mother funeral , her restaurant was just a sandpile. I loved fishing either Great South bay or Croons lake.I used to go to Morans bar across from All American, you really don't realize what a good time of your life that growing up in Massapequa was, being in my late 70s it was truly the happiest time of my life. When I was back the last time it was hard to believe, all the tree lots on the end of Broadway had buildings or strip mail. The traffic was brutal you could not go down a side street easy because so many cars parked on the streets. Nassau Shores was nice and I loved it there, my old house looked great, and it seemed like it was always, thought I noticed there was a lot of big houses that looked like 10 lb. of S**t in a 5lb bag. I will always miss Massapequa.

Oct 20, 2022
Back Home/ Back for a Visit
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

You both have been gone a long time. You have to accept things change in 30 years or so wherever you go. Somethings for the better and some for the worse. I guess it's easier to see the worse in things like traffic especially and people in general are not as friendly as they used to be.But if you came to the events like the 4th of July Parade down Park Blvd or to the sporting events or the free concerts in Burns Park you see that people still enjoy themselves and are still patriotic. Yes Jones Beach and the Theater are still going strong. Tobay too although they have to refill it with sand every year. All American is still very busy. A cheeseburger finally broke $2.00 last year! Maybe you visited it there when you came. The much loved Dick & Dora's is gone at least 10 years now. I guess the family got too old to run it any longer. Replaced by a couple of new homes but they just redid nearby Alhambra Beach very nicely. Musicaro's was replaced by another Italian restaurant. Yes there are plenty of restaurants on Merrick Rd. near the HS. Good for me though I can walk to them! The once thriving Mall is just a shell of itself with just a few stores left. Unclear about its future.
Still pretty safe here and yes we have high taxes but that's the price you pay for good schools and police. Wish you old neighbors well!

Oct 20, 2022
Back Home NEW
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

I lived in Massapequa Park from 1953- 1968. It was so wonderful, innocent and friendly. My son took me back there after 30 years. No one said hi to each other downtown, they took down my precious woods and put a funeral. Home, Faye’s became a flower store (good business for the funeral home). Every place I knew was gone except for Sam’s barber shop.

It’s so stupid but I almost felt like my innocence was stolen from me.

They’re right.. you really can’t go home again. 😟

Oct 20, 2022
Back for a visit last summer NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Everyone

I should have posted earlier- My wife and I went back to Massapequa this past summer after many years of being away. We moved West. There were alot of changes, Sunrise Mall was and will be a shell? Jones Beach changed completely parking fields eliminated West End 2 and others? Fourth of July was wild on the streets.

Still would love to know why Dick and Dora's and Musicaro's are long gone? Burns Park is impressive as it always was- Merrick Road in Massapequa can now be called restaurant row? Sad about the Beach- glad to see the JB Marine has been changed and has concerts.

I moved on but Massapequa will always be home

Oct 20, 2022
Growing up in Massapequa.
by: Anonymous

i moved to Massapequa in 1947 , living on Euclid Ave. till 1964. Drafted into he Army. I returned in 1967 after long rehab from wounds from Vie Nam. I gad from MHS in 1962. Army payed for collage. I married a MHS lady in 1969 an we bought a house in Nassau Shores, Stillwater. I remember the golf driving range where Mays was built, the old Little Leaguethat I played on ,where R J Lockard school was later built ( I was on the Comets ) iWas in jr high when the MHS school killing happened. I also remember the 1st Whites lumber yard on Sunrise the day it burned done, also the fire at a Farmers Market on Merrick Rd. where they later built Pequa bowling. Loved growing up in Massapequa, Moved out in 1994 to western NC, still miss so many places of my time living there, just to many to list.

Sep 29, 2022
re: Bar Harbour Shopping Center NEW
by: Anonymous

I recall a Saks 34th Street store.

Sep 29, 2022
Bar Harbor Shopping Center NEW
by: Anonymous

Didn't the Bar Harbor shopping center at one time have a Saks 5th ave store? Sometime around the early to mid 60's. I seem to recall buying my mother Christmas presents there when I was a teenager.

Sep 29, 2022
Burton Lane/Unqua School
by: Kevin H

Hi Karen. Thank you for sending this to me. I love you! Growing up in Massapequa was AWESOME! I love that I grew up there and at that time. Life was so much simpler and everyone wasn't offended at every little thing anyone said or did. My brother Tommy was my hero. I still miss him very much, even though it was 23 years ago. When looking back, thinking about riding our bicycles all over town. I think about Robert and Dale Campiglia, Skippy and Scotty Sabo, The Loso's (I was in love with Diane but no-one knew it - until now - I was like 6 yrs old). I was also in love Suzanne (Sue-Sue) Israel. I could go on forever. But I must not forget my @nd grade teacher Miss LaSenna. I had a crush on her, she was beautiful. That was one of the years that I really liked going to school every day (-:

Sep 29, 2022
Bar Harbor shopping center NEW
by: Goldy

The movie theater, pizza supreme Gimbles, Grants, Fortunoffs, Lofts Candy, Chemical Bank, Debs card store, Food fair , Food Town , Edwards, Roosevelt Savings, lobels, Kinney, Florsheim, To Mcann,Harmon Drugs Sa Crepe, Encounters Suburban Sports. Lofts Candy, The Snack bar, Big Vics, Whites for a short while across the street was Jerry Koosmans sandwich place, then sub city the health club, Plaid Stamp store, Pergaments, Dees pizza , Fitz Place/Blind Pig, The other bar on the corner of Cartwright, Pequa Deli, The appetizing Kosher butcher, Chinese Laundry

Sep 29, 2022
Chinese restaurants in Foodtown/ Foodfair NEW
by: ricky G

The two chinese restaurants were long full and homers

Sep 26, 2022
Great Days NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm from N Massapequa. Moved there in 66 from Levittown. Moved to ca in 72. Lived on Hawthorne st. And sumitt Dr. Used to walk to school. Albany av. Picked up friends on every st. Until we got to school. Be like 10 of us. Used to stop at the German deli Pete's and get hot buttered rolls for 2 cents. Right across the street from the Italian cheese store.

Sep 22, 2022
Italian Feast This Sunday The 25th!
by: Bobby Hepburn

Folks.......... The ITALIAN FEAST on Broadway takes place this Sunday the 25th. All are welcome! Great Food, Music, and PLENTY of Beer and Soda! Us PLAINEDGE ALUMNI assemble in front of THE VILLAGE PUB at Broadway & Pine Street! Hope to see you all there!

Sep 22, 2022
Tony's deli and the golf course NEW
by: Anonymous

Scrolling through the posts for the first time and came across a message from Karen in January. Her memory of Massapequa sounds exactly like mine, literally. I think we hung out together and her brother as well. I graduated from Berner in '79. I lived in Massapequa Park and would come over to Nassau Shores on the weekends to hang out.

Sep 21, 2022
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know what happened to Dr. Neil Dash in Massapequa? Thanks

Sep 11, 2022
by: Anonymous

I went to a birch Lane from 1981-87…1988 went to McKenna…first year after Berner went from a HS to Middle school…8 and 9 at Berner…10-12 at MHS….my kids are following my footsteps…Birch Lane, Berner, Aames (9th grade annex), then MHS. Funny story, when my oldest daughter first went to Birch Lane about 8 years ago, I haven’t been there in almost 30 years…the place smelled EXACTLY THE SAME, everyone reading this…think of your elementary school it had a distinct smell…walls, classrooms, both gyms…LOOKED THE SAME…I thought I was in a time warp! My youngest is in her last year there…I’ll be headed there at least one more time to get that smell and visualizations of my innocent youth where you had no worries, no problems…take care everyone.

Sep 07, 2022
Chinese Restaurant NEW
by: Anonymous

Yup! It was called Homer's. Worked there right after college.

Sep 07, 2022
Chinese Restaurant NEW
by: Kevin Napoli

Does anyone remember the Chinese Restaurant in the Foodtown plaza on merrick road in the late 80’s early 90’s?

Aug 24, 2022
Deli was there in 1955 NEW
by: Mark K 1964

Yes there was a deli, but I believe it was the second store to left of supermarket. Great German Potato Salad!

Aug 24, 2022
Massapequa Park NEW
by: Betsy Knapp

Yes.. there was a Rexall going towards the tracks. I was young and didn’t know if there was a bar. I think the beauty salon was next to the German Deli. Most of my favorite places were on the right side. 😀

Aug 24, 2022
Paddy's Loft
by: Mike K

I believe it was Necroto's

Aug 24, 2022
Paddys Loft NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the name of the restaurant that was located in the building where Paddys Loft is. Went there in the 70s and 80s with my family. Thanks.

Aug 20, 2022
Fay's NEW
by: Anonymous

I think there was the German Deli right next to Fay's . Back in the late 50's wasn't Chemical Bank in that stretch also? Across the street on the other side there was a bar I think called Barney's. And there was Rexall Drugs somewhere on the right side heading toward the tracks.

Aug 20, 2022
Re: Dilberts NEW
by: Betsy Knapp

Dilberts was on the corner on the right in the first block of Downtown. It became Crest before I left there in 1968. First on the street was Fays Luncheonette, the beauty salon, another small store, the Italian Bakery and Dilberts. I’m sure I’m wrong about some.

I know that my dentist, the post office, Musicaro’s and a pet shop.we’re on the left side of Park BLVD.

I remember on the second block before the train station, there was Berman’s Men’s Store, Van Ryck’s candy store, the 5 and 10, Sam’s and Bohacks.

Aug 20, 2022
Grocery stores NEW by: Margaret NEW
by: JHG

My recollection of Dilbert's was that it was located on the north side of Merrick Road, between Joludow Drive and Block Boulevard. I recall they operated a large spot light on a snowy evening that lit the sky so people could find it. It may have opened around 1955/56/57.

Aug 20, 2022
Margaret NEW
by: Anonymous

I still live in the Village. I remember Dilbert's, Dan's Supreme, Village Farms, and IGA. Crest Foods does not ring a bell. Was that very short lived when the store had a horrible smell? My family still refers to it as Dan's!

Aug 20, 2022
The Bankers NEW
by: Mike K

It was likely more like 1965, and the team included Jimmy Veinot

Aug 20, 2022
The Bankers
by: Anonymous

Some of my friends were on the Bankers in the 1967 or so timeframe - Charlie Bang was one of them. I dont recall for sure his teammates, they may have included Scott Jenkins, Alan Pfeuffer, and Paul Steigerwald.

Aug 20, 2022
Litttle League
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Oh I remember Little League for sure! I played on the Massapequa Coast League from '65-68. The same league that's in the LL World Series now! Back then our home field was Unqua Rd School which was before Burns Park was built. The whole town now is rooting
for the team now to advance. Hope they do!

Aug 20, 2022
Little League NEW
by: Anonymous

Just remember Larry Nuesse was our coach, think Steve Neusse and Mike Capone also on the team...

Aug 20, 2022
Little League NEW
by: Anonymous

I played on the Little League team The lions. Around 1963. I lived at Forest in New York Ave. I also remember a Team called the bankers they were our biggest competitor. Or does anyone else have fond memories of Little League. Go Massapequa

Aug 20, 2022
Grocery stores NEW
by: Margaret

Grocery store on Park Blvd. Dilberts-Dans Supreme-Crest Food- Now IGA

Jul 30, 2022
Debbie Mullen NEW
by: Anonymous

Debbie, did you go to Birch Lane elementary school? TommyDean

Jul 30, 2022
by: Anonymous

We lived in Brentwood. My ex hubby was from Massapequa.cuts been over 50 yrs for me and I still miss it too. I did not know they grew up there. Johnny Depp went to our middle school and actor jack Scallia to iour HS.

Jul 30, 2022
Miss Johnson NEW
by: Bob Messina

That’s so funny about her perfume. I remember my older sister Joan used to say she could smell her coming around the corner in the hallway before she got there.

Jul 30, 2022
Bob Messina
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

I didn't go to Hawthorne as I moved to Massapequa in 7th grade. Most of my memories were centered around the Bar Harbor shopping center as I lived south of Merrick Rd.
But you mentioned a couple of names from your past and they rang a bell. I graduated from Berner in 1971 and I knew Buddy pretty well. He was a great guy and I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch with him after we graduated. I didn't know Joanne Szall but she did grow up pretty and she was involved in a lot of activities. Funny but I think most us guys can remember a girl from way back and think the same way. Like in the Frankie Valli song: 'My eyes adored you'. Be well

Jul 30, 2022
by: Betsy Knapp

My brother Kenny Knapp was born in ‘53 also. His first grade teacher as Miss Curtin. We lived on McKinley Street, a block from Fays Luncheonette. I was born in ‘52. Our bully was John Lipp. My best friends were Maren Robinson, Dorene Blumenthal. Jackie Trokey, Pinky Carmen, Lisa Kissinger, Karen Meehan and Mary Colini.

Miss Johnson was friends with my mom and after she left, my dad would have to open the window to "let the stinky perfume smell"dissipate. He hated anything that had a cologne fragrance.

We shopped at Dilberts, Bohacks, got our shoes fixed by that weird shoe maker, and got my brothers. (and my dad’s) hair cut at Sam’s. I loved the smell of the green goo.

Those were the best years of my life. My kids will have memories but not like the innocence we had.

Jul 29, 2022
Hawthorne School
by: Bob Messina

I was born in 53 and moved to Massapequa Park in ‘54. I remember ms Johnson, our principal. My kindergarten teacher was miss Curtain. My gym teachers were mr Ceily and Miss Tully who got married to each other at some point. We all played the symphonet, taught to us by Miss Hanson. Her husband manufactured the synphonet. My art teacher was Miss Walshnock.
I lived at 224 Smith street, right across from Hawthorne. We often went to Musicaro’s for pizza. My mom shopped at Bohacks and often took us to the Massapequa Zoo. How about Fay’s luncheonette? Do you remember that? It was on the corner on the same street as Bohacks and the 5 &10, Musicaro’s etc. my friends were Gary Fluke, Tony Magnemi, Richard Szal, Buddy Antonelli, Ronnie Salkin, Cheryl Maiden, anthony nejokis. Joanne Szall was the prettiest girl I had ever seen in kindergarten. She had beautiful blue eyes. I remember telling my mom I wanted to marry her.

Jul 29, 2022
Fond memories from the 50's and 60's
by: Anonymous

My parents bought a brand new home on Pine Street in Massapequa Park around 1955. The year I was born. I walked to Hawthorn School until 6th grade. Was supposed to go onto McKenna Junior High but we moved to NJ before that could happen. My house was between 2nd Avenue and Roosevelt. We were not allowed to cross Roosevelt to go down to Lakeshore Drive because of the woods and stream beyond. Parents always told us the "bad kids" hung out there. I have memories of the 5 and 10 cent store in town where I would get my school bag and supplies each year. We ate at Musicaro's and shopped at Bohack's supermarket where my dachshund got to ride in the cart but I had to walk. We went to a small zoo that was near a department store (2guys?) where I got my first Barbie. We also went to the drive in movie in the back of our station wagon. Book mobiles and a bus to the mall are other recollections. The best memories are just playing outside until the street lights came on. If you went home early or complained you were bored you got chores to do!

Jul 12, 2022
My years in Mass
by: Dennis Penzell

I have been following this site on and for for a few years and have several entries. My parents moved to Mass Pk east lake ave in 1954. I went to Carmen road. The walk seemed so long them Teaches--Kindergarden-Ms Werner, First gr Mrs Parks, Third was Mrs Israel. Fourth and fifth was Mrs Goggin, who had us put on shows for every holiday. She was a bowler. She used to take breaks IN THE custodial room where teachers would have a break and a smoke. She would send us down there under the guise of getting paper towels. Then if the crowd was good she would go. Members of my fourth and fifth grade were ( I apologize if I left someone out) The Gottlich twins, Debbie Nathanson who became the eco of Seabourne cruises but passed in Nov 96. Sherry bloom, Donna Donofrio, Brian Kwiatkowski, (parents Dottie and Bernard), Howie Silverman who I spoke with after 40 years this year-he worked for treasury dept Eleanor Kusterer, Carol Swanson, Barry Moran, Kevin Donnelly (whose mom was my math teacher at McKenna) Larry Zimmerman, . Sixth grade at McKenna-Mr Eldard. Funny story on a plane a few yrs ago I sat next to his nephew-only discovered when we noted he had a relative in Mass. In 6th I had Mrs Figlioli. Who could forget the triple letter step at MHS Address Laurie's. He was in my 6th gr class and a friend at MHS. Oh yeah I forgot-I spent my carmen road summer years at the summer program at carmen Road. Ok someone wrote about the bus.. that went down ocean ave to bar harbor. I used to take that all the time. Grad MHS 70. Was on wrestling team with Keith Olsen, Joe Valentino mTin Granowitz. (Met a guy here in Boca Raton whose claim to fame was he beat Granowitz. Mike Gottert, who live here in Boca Raton, and I saw him after 50 yrs at the local Whole Foods!!! Other friends were Jamie Grace, (a shrink injury Calif)John Anderson, Hilton Adler (a doc on LI)Dave Thierman (a doc somewhere), Dave Etengoff, who moved and became a Rabbi. Lee Nathan, Steve Kligman. Hal Levine-who I still correspond with, he lives in New Orleans. Glenn Suskind. Steffi Ascher who lives 5 minutes from me, Harry Zanuck, Neil Bezerman. I haven't mentioned the tragic passing of my sister Beth, who was killed on a motorcycle in 1980 at 19 years old. My brother Gary went to MHS also. Thats it for now.

Jul 08, 2022
Bob and current schools NEW
by: Karen

Sorry I misunderstood you Bob! And to anonymous, thank you for your response!

Jul 07, 2022
Debbie Mullen! :) NEW
by: Anonymous

Debbie, great to read your comment! We moved to
Elkhart Indiana in December 1963 (in the middle of my 3rd grade) - so if you remember me, I'm amazed! Do you remember others from that neighborhood? From little Belvedere Drive (wasn't that around the corner from you?) I remember the Zimmers, Maddens, Mullers, Bustards (who moved away even before we did). I remember very fondly going to Birch Lane School - and to Two Guys (which I had thought was replced by Mays). Tommy P.S. I remember also a "Karen" who held me back from chasing the squirrels who always knocked over our garbage cans - she was older, taller and stronger, and it gave me a particular anger to be held back by a GIRL!

Jul 07, 2022
Response to Tommy Dean NEW
by: Debbie Mullen

Hi Tommy, you asked about Mullen…we lived on Primrose Ave until 1968 and then moved to Bay Drive- my brothers Don and Greg, I graduated from MHS is 1975 and live in VA. Miss NY and so May landmarks- All American, Arthur’s, Dick and Dora’s, Musicaros - Satzingers Deli in Amityville… the list goes on!

Jul 06, 2022
I didn’t say McKenna became an elementary school
by: Bob Messina

McKenna was behind and to the right of Hawthorne Elementary School.

Jul 06, 2022
Current Schools NEW
by: Anonymous

6th, 7th and 8th are now in Berner. Ames is now the 9th grade campus of Massapequa HS. Massapequa is now 10th,11th, and 12th.

Jul 06, 2022
Current Schools NEW
by: Anonymous

6th, 7th and 8th are now in Berner. Ames is now the 9th grade campus of Massapequa HS. Massapequa is now 10th,11th, and 12th.

Jul 06, 2022
A proud McKenna grad. NEW
by: Anonymous

I recently found my McKenna Jr. High diploma, dated 1967. Its 8×10 and politely formal. I'm going to frame it and give it a place of honor on the "me" wall.

Jul 06, 2022
McKenna NEW
by: Karen

If McKenna turned into an Elementary school, where is the Junior High now? I went to McKenna in 74!

Jul 06, 2022
by: Anonymous

I moved to Von Huenfield St in 1954 when I was 5. Our house was about 4 blocks south of the 4M club. I remember there always being a lot of activity there as I was growing up, and in the late 50's there seemed to be more and more motorcycles parked there on weekends. I honestly have no memory of there every being a fire there. I do remember when they tore it down, but not sure what year that was.

Jul 06, 2022
4M building burned
by: Bob Messina

I am 68 years old. My family moved to Massapequa park in 1954, when I was a year old. I recently asked my older sister if she remembered the vacant 4M building that had burned down when we were kids. We lived on Smith street across from the then Hawthorne elementary school and there was a rumor that a crazy man lived in the burned out building.
Not only did she not remember the fire, but she has no recollection of the building, or the name 4M. I remember the building as being a small, single story concrete block structure. Does anyone remember the building being burned? My sister thinks I’m making it up.

Jul 06, 2022
Mr. Neusse
by: Mark K

Name was Neusse! went to school with his son! Great Guy!

Jul 06, 2022
4m NEW
by: Richie

I remember a Kause not sure of the spelling he was in my grade in school. I think it was Peter.

Jul 06, 2022
4M club
by: Anonymous


Do you know if Mr. Kneuse lived on McKinley Street? I think we lived next to him. 😀

Jul 06, 2022
4m NEW
by: Richie

I remember in 62 we would get Newspapers at that 4M club for our Newsday routes. Some people called it the 4H club building. It was small.

Jul 06, 2022
by: Gerry

The name stood for Masters and Mistresses of Massapequa and Massapequa Park, at least I remember it that way and Mr Neusse was one of the founders.

Jul 05, 2022
Fitzmaurice Flying Field NEW
by: Anonymous

Just looked up what the 4M Club was:
Anthony F. Ingoglia, who lived in Massapequa for about 60 years and was a co-founder of the 4M Club of Massapequa, died September 24, 2007. He was 87 years old, and lived in Medford the last five years.
The 4M Club, of which he was so founder, was a popular youth athletic program during the 1950s that used to sit on the former Fitzmaurice Flying Field site, now home to the Hawthorne and McKenna schools.
A proud World War II veteran who served in the Army Air Force, he worked as an engineer for Grumman until his retirement. Mr. Ingoglia was an active member of The Memorare Council of the Knights of Columbus.
Mr. Ingoglia leaves behind his wife, Caroline (nee Fuoto); his children: Eugene and his wife Barbara, Anthony and his wife Bette and Donna; his five grandchildren; two great grandchildren; and his three sisters. He was predeceased by his mother, Josephine (nee Gandolfo) and his father, Eugene.
He reposed at the Marinello Funeral Home, Coram, on September 25, 2007. Prayers were said in the funeral home on September 25 and 26, 2007 followed by interment at Calverton National cemetery.

Jul 05, 2022
Fitzmaurice Flying Field NEW
by: Anonymous

The McKenna school is built on the site of Fitzmaurice Flying Field. On the Roosevelt Ave side there was a veterans group probably VFW or American Legion. As the building they used was abandoned, we used to explore the insides
As links are discouraged the Historical Society of the Massapequas has a photo w this write-up:
"Black and white photograph of the Fitzmaurice Flying Field, Massapequa Park. The Historical Society of the Massapequas provided the following description regarding this picture "Located in Massapequa Park was marketed by Brady, Colleran, and Cryan as the first community airport in the country. Thousands attended the opening in 1929. The guest of honor was Col. James Fitzmaurice, a renowned aviator and pilot of the Bremen. The field operated until 1953 when the School District purchased the property for Hawthorne Elementary School. The 4M Club used the hanger building on Roosevelt Avenue for several years. The photo shows one of the hangers on the Spruce Street side. Today the site is occupied by the Nassau County Police Academy, John P. McKenna Elementary School and several houses."

Jun 29, 2022
Bobby NEW
by: Anonymous

That's great! Glad to hear you will be back! By talking to people there, I understand many people there were your "groupies". I am just a local who tries to support the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons. My parents were involved years ago with the American Legion.

Jun 29, 2022
Doo Wop Night at The American Legion NEW
by: Bobby Hepburn

Yes............. That was my group. We came in from Jersey & Pennsylvania to my HOME TOWN. I'm glad you liked the show and "DESIRE" should be back there in 2023!

Jun 29, 2022
Bobby NEW
by: Anonymous

You were the band for the Doo Wop night at the Massapequa American Legion Post 1066? That was a great show and a great nigh! That Post is full of amazing people who do amazing things!!! If you are a Veteran or a family member of a Veteran, go check them out and join th group if you can.

Jun 28, 2022
To Ray & Marilyn NEW
by: Bobby Hepburn


I also graduated Plainedge in 1966. so....... I probably knew Marilyn. I moved to the Foothills of The Pocono's in 1978. I've been back to Massapequa a few times... as a matter of fact my Group "DESIRE" did a show at the American Legion by the Railroad Tracks back in April. Lots of Plainedge Folks were there! Right now... Massapequa is to crowded, too noisy and too expensive for me. I LOVE the comfort of the Mountains but............miss the Beach!

Jun 28, 2022
still here NEW
by: Ray & Marilyn

I graduated from Plainedge in 1963 and my sister in 1966. We moved here in 1954 and live in our parents' house which we inherited. We are planning to move to Florida this Fall. Our school taxes are 13K-outrageous. They are planning to tear down the Plainedge library and build a new one to open in 2925 which no one uses. There is nothing left in the village except Krischs and the Central Avenue Library. The only store left in the Sunrise Mall is Macys which has a longterm lease. The new owners bought out Sears lease. We used to be the youngest people on our block, and now we are the oldest. The houses in our neighborhood are now going for 600+.

Jun 11, 2022
Re HoJo’s NEW
by: Bill N

Well, excuse me, for getting one letter wrong after almost 50 years. I guess we can’t all be as perfect as you, dude.

And my description of it being across from the Shell station is correct.

Jun 11, 2022
HoJo location NEW
by: Usdin

it was nowhere near Clocks Blvd. it was just west of the Mays Shopping center, very close to the Bar Harbour Motel on the south side of Sunrise Highway, just east of BLOCK Blvd.

Jun 11, 2022
Re: HoJo’s NEW
by: Bill N

The Howard Johnsons was on Sunrise Highway on the east side of Clocks Blvd. it was just east of Sals Shell Station, where I used to work.

Jun 10, 2022
Howard Johnson's NEW
by: Anonymous

I've wonderful memories of my parents taking me to Howard Johnson's - can anyone tell me what was the Hojo closest to Birch Lane School?

Jun 10, 2022
Intercounty movie NEW
by: Anonymous

On Saturdays we went to the movies. 35 cents for a feature, a few cartoons and 15 cents worth of candy was all it took to entertain the masses.
3 Stooges, Godzilla, Annette and Frankie, romance, Tinglers, Ghouls, Surf movies, XRay Eyes, WWII, Civil War, Elvis,
high adventure and low brow humor.

Jun 10, 2022
The BEST of Times!
by: Mark Katz

Moved to Massapequa Park in 1955 to a great home for $14,000 and we couldn't afford it!
Went to Hawthorne, McKenna, Massapequa High and then Berner when it opened. Played Hockey on the lake off Lake Shore Dr. and skated with our dates on the lake on Merrick Rd. Worked at Bob's Hobby Store, Massapequa Drive in, & Howard on Sunrise. We all walked to everything as Dad had the only car! We hung out later on at the Locker Room on Merrick in Seaford, Pied Piper, The Barge, Arthurs & Dick & Doras. Musicaros great Italian Food!!All American!
Unfortunately our kids and grandkids will never get to experience a time that was so simple & special.
Great Friends & Great Fun!

Jun 09, 2022
Whites of Massapequa & Massapequa Drive-In NEW
by: Barb

I graduated from Massapequa H.S. In ‘61. During those care free days, enjoyed browsing aisles of Whites of Massapequa & Mays Dept. store. Carried a variety of goods & jewelry. Date night brought us to Massapequa Drive-In. It was smaller than the Westbury or Valley Stream venues but close to home. Had
All American, Carvel & Massapequa Diner for getting together after the Chiefs winning games. Can’t forget Kirsch’s home made ice cream in Massapequa Park. The H.S. is on Merrick Road & back in the day, there was a shopping center which had plenty of stores to buy lunch: pizzeria, W.T. Grants (with a lunch counter). Our beaches were close by & gave us a place to go & hang out with friends. Those were the days. 🙂

Jun 09, 2022
Mays NEW
by: Annie

I, too, worked in Mays from 1967-1969 in Junior Sportswear. It was the year they started Saturday nights till 9:30. Before that it was 9:45 to 5:45 and no Sundays. I started with $1.50 an hour; was up to $1.65 when I left. Still in Massapequa...

Jun 04, 2022
2 Mike Grimaldis NEW
by: Anonymous

I knew 2 Mike Grimaldis in the 60s and I believe they were cousins. One was married very young to a girl named Anna. They lived behind the McDonald's over on 110.
The other was known to me as Motorcycle Mike and I'm pretty sure his Dad ran the zoo.

Jun 03, 2022
Massapequa Park NEW
by: Anonymous

I was friends with someone my age 72 who I believe his last name was Grimaldi. I went elem thru high school with him.’ I believe I also went to
Some computer school
In my senior year with his wife

Jun 02, 2022
The Driftwood NEW
by: Anonymous

The bar at Intercounty was The Driftwood. My neighbors Jim and Winnie Dennis often worked there. They made great pizza and the cokes from the bar were memorable.
There was also Benji's Deli a few stores away.

May 22, 2022
Cartoon NEW
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

We as kids weren’t allowed in the living room. All the furniture had plastic on it. On Sunday early afternoon, we all (4 kids) got our kitchen chairs, lined them up in the foyer (there was a gate separating us from the beloved living room) ate dinner (usually 4 broiled chicken wings and veggies) and waited for our favorite show, Gerald McBoing Boing to come on.

Years later, we got our first color TV and were actually allowed in the living room (sitting on towels placed on the carpet; still not on the furniture) one time a year to watch The Wizard of Oz. We didn’t even know it was a color set until Dorothy and her posse got to Emerald City and it magically turned into color. We were beyond excited. So many wonderful memories. I hope I don’t lose them.

May 21, 2022
Random Info NEW
by: Anonymous

I believe that TJ Maxx is not where Sears was. It is where Wallbaums was.

Mays turned into the Busy Bee Flea Market and is now Kahl's. It still says Mays on the handles to get into the store though!

Where was Chicken Delight on Merrick Road? Chicken Ai Go Go is still on Merrick.

May 21, 2022
Bow Wow NEW
by: Richie B

I don't remember doing that but who knows. I was a Berner grad 69

May 21, 2022
Big Bow Wow NEW
by: Karen

I remember going there in my brand new coat, and one of the boys stomped on a packet of mustard and it went all over my coat! I was devastated, although I'm chuckling now that I still remember it!

May 21, 2022
Bow Wow NEW
by: Anonymous

I worked at the Big Bow Wow around 1966-67 was near Mays but right on Sunrise. Mays used to be a Golf driving range which I also worked as a little kid maybe 61-62

May 21, 2022
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS '71

Worked at Mays '69- 71 selling woman's shoes.
Made $1.95 an hour plus commission. Then cooked at Coco's restaurant then JC Penny in the Mall right through college years.
All are gone now.

May 21, 2022
by: Gerry

I worked in Mays when it opened in April 1963 til August when I went away to college. 2 Guys was a different story and further down Sunrise Highway going to Amityville.

May 21, 2022
Two Guys NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Two Guys so fondly. They had a tremendous range of toys! I seem to remember that just before my family moved away in December 1963, Two Guys had become Mays (with NO toys! :( Is my memory correct? What shopping center was that? And does anyone know whether Mays is still there - or what has replaced it in that building? Thanks!

May 21, 2022
Jim, Nassau Shores BHS '72
by: Anonymous

Sears is now TJ Max, Raymour & Flannigan and Shop Rite
Jerry Lewis Theater is a Staples.
The Sunrise Mall might be closing down too!

May 21, 2022
chicken delight NEW
by: Anonymous

they had chicken delight on merrick rd. last heard was a chinese take out.

May 21, 2022
old stores NEW
by: Anonymous

white of massapequa; the new building was white modells then sears.who go this store now?

May 18, 2022
MHS class of 70
by: Rick D

Just found this site. I was eating baked clams and thought about Musicaro’s Restuarant. My parents would order pizza and Baked Clams from them on Friday nights. I Graduated from MHS in 1970. Our 50th reunion was postponed due to Covid. We are having it June 25th, 2022 thanks to Steven Freidland. I moved to Miami in 1979 but have been back to the Island several times as my brother & sister live there. Although they moved to Suffolk county many moons ago. I hope to stop by All American for the best fries in the world! I believe it’s still open and the Voltagio family still owns it.
I met Bill O’Reilly and he asked me if it’s still open, as he loved it.
I used to hang out at Madden’s Pub, then Joey Dees.
Madden’s moved to Eastport but closed years ago.
Use to work at Harmony Donuts as a kid. Miss all those places and the many friends. If you graduated from MHS in 1970, go to the reunion. Go to Classmates you’ll see info there.

May 18, 2022
Good, DinkKnapp NEW
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

I think has Anonymous is thinking of a different Betsy. I went to Hawthorn, never went on the monkey bars and NEVER wore "frilly bloomers". Sorry !

May 18, 2022
Good, DinkKnapp NEW
by: Anonymous

I think has Anonymous is thinking of a different Betsy. I went to Hawthorn, never went on the monkey bars and NEVER wore "frilly bloomers". Sorry !

May 18, 2022
Memories of a Birch Laner NEW
by: Anonymous

I certainly remember Farmer Gray - we all complained about him - as those cartoons were silents! I remember also Winky Dink, Howdy Doody, the wonderful assortment on Captain Kangaroo (remember SPACE ANGEL? Clutch Cargo?) and on Terrytoon Circus with Claude Kirchner and Clownie! :)

I wonder why - with all the nostalgia remakes, conventions to remember TV programs, that none of these programs - or Fury, Sky King, My Friend Flicka, Jungle Jim, Roy Rogers, The Lone Ranger, never seem to figure in these? Are we just too old to have our stuff remembered??

May 18, 2022
Park Lane NEW
by: Anonymous

The gathering place for so many youngfolks in the late 60s. The coffee shop where I developed a serious addiction to a coke and a hardroll. They had a Bally "horseshoe" pinball game. Ten cents/three for a quarter. A phone booth with a tiny hole drilled in the phone allowing a slightly skilled caller equipped with a paperclip to make free calls. And, of course, the ever skeptical Sam Cox.

May 18, 2022
Saturday mornings NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks to Farmer Gray I still feel as though a lightbulb appears above my head when I have a great idea. Of course that is usually preceded by a chin rub and a contemplative "hmmm."

May 18, 2022
Big World Little Adam? NEW
by: Mark B

Anyone remember Big World Little Adam? It was probably intended to get kids like me interested in science, and with the space race in full heat, it was hard to avoid - I ended up with a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, in fact.

Romper Room was another mainstay of my youngest years, along with the Soupy Sales Show. I was about seven when my 10-year older sister Carol proudly showed me her first Beatles album, Meet the Beatles.

Unqua, McKenna and MHS... Massapequa was truly a great place to grow up.

May 17, 2022
GoodlDinkKnapp NEW
by: Anonymous

Miss Goodlet was my kindergarten teacher at Carman Road School.
Winky Dink had a somewhat adhesive clear screen that you applied to the tv screen and you drew on it. You were supposed to use crayons but I went with ink and that was the end of that.
Betsy - I think of you playing on the monkey bars and I smile every time. You wore the frilliest bloomers I've ever seen. Yup - I'm smiling . . .

May 17, 2022
Winky Dink
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

I sure remember that show..also Chuck McCann and Sandy Becker. I remember in NY there was a show called Pip the Piper. I would put my symphonette in my belt and run around sing the theme song. Those were the good old days. I’d love to go back in time and redo a lot of the wrong decisions I made in my adult years.

May 17, 2022
Carman Road NEW
by: Anonymous


Is it possible that the "Miss Goodlat" you remember is the same as Miss Goodwin whom I remember as my kindergarten or 1st grade teacher at Birch Lane? Are you sure it was "Miss Goodlat" instead of "Miss Goddwin"? I remember Miss Illmansee replacing her - in my 1st grade. Thomas Dean

May 17, 2022
Winky Dink and You NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Winky Dink! Was that the TV show where you could put something on the TV screen and draw on it? For some reason that springs to mind.

May 16, 2022
Winky Dink NEW
by: Karen

I remember it, but there must have been a remake! I was born in 62 and had the crayons and screen!

May 16, 2022
Winky Dink and You NEW
by: Anonymous

Really dating myself here!
Who remembers listening to 'Winky Dink and You'
"a CBS children's television show that aired from 1953 to 1957, on Saturday mornings. It was hosted by Jack Barry"

May 16, 2022
Boy, Do I remember.....
by: Anonymous

Dick & Dora's restaurant then going to Foxes for a few Drinks and dance a little or throw some darts.
Good Times!

May 12, 2022
massapequa memories NEW
by: kathy buckley

l grew up in Massapequa went to St Rose. moved to ct in1969 have good memories belonged to Unqualified in Amityville

May 12, 2022
Massapequa High Class 1974 NEW
by: Greg Miller

Dick and Dora’s gone, Seen several comments about Ms Young, I remember enrolling into school 1969, waiting impatiently with my brothers where my father says we are going to get old waiting for Ms Young. Berner was a separate High School, Alex Baldwin was a Social Studies teacher and Football coach. The largest outboard motors were Evenrude 115 Hp and Merc 125, could still go fishing for flatties, winter flounder, not anymore. Only Fluke now, and Stripe Bass, and plenty of snappers/ Blues. Schools of bunker.
Hey Dan Romano.

May 06, 2022
Carman Road NEW
by: Jen

My teachers…
Kindergarten Mrs. Press
1st Mrs. Markowitz
2nd Mrs. Fay
3rd (moved to Eastlake bc Carman Road closed) Mr. Orr
4th Mrs. Reed
5th Mr. Schuster
6th Mrs. DeBiagi
I loved Massapequa!

Anyone remember the name of the bar that was in Intercounty shopping center in the 70’s & 80’s?

May 05, 2022
Carman Road NEW
by: Anonymous

Miss Goodlet
Miss Shunny(?)
" O'Neal
Mrs. Biasi
Mr. Watt
Mr. Pulis
Mrs. Pitt (at McKenna)

I may forget fo take my pills, but I have yet to forget any of them. Thanks, in part, to all of you I can read and write with the very best of them.

Apr 22, 2022
Birch Lane School 6th grade teachers
by: Anonymous

I transferred to Birch Lane in the 4th grade when it opened. I had Mrs. Helene Lituchy.

I believe the two sixth grade teachers were Mrs. Rooney and Mrs. Cutler.

Mrs Rooney may have been Miss S before she married. I am surprised I remember this considering I am now 75 graduating from MHS in 1064.

Apr 21, 2022
Thankful for all my neighborhood "siblings".
by: Vincent Ree

I moved to Massapequa on 06 JUL 1965 when I was 2.5 years old.
Before my family moved away in 1991, we lived at 55 Connecticut Avenue between Forest Avenue and Hicksville Road, not far from the northern section of the Tackapausha Preserve.

I grew up across the street from "Patti Porter" who posted here in 2016 and wanted to let her know how thankful I am to her and her sister Lori for being the "big sisters" that I never actually had. Patti, Lori, and all the older girls on my block were all good to me and were pivotal toward my having a positive view of women.

Apr 18, 2022
The visit by The Merry Mailman (Ray Heatherton) NEW
by: Thoms Dean

to Birch Lane elementary school - does anyone remember this? I think it was in 1962 or 1963 and we were gathered in the cafetaria. We kids were so excited that no one stayed in his seat, all yelled, paper airplanes and paper straw sleeves flew. Heatherton tried to keep some order - but could not possibly do so We were all given a big angry lecture by principal Miss Young after the visit. Heatherton was, by the way, Joey Heatherton's father. I don't know how he picked Birch Lane. (Joey was long graduated from high school by the time he came, so she couldn't have been at the school when he came).

Apr 18, 2022
Eileen - Upper Deck
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Wow I don't remember a bar in Nassau Shores at all but I was only there starting in '65. I thought a bar called the Upper Deck was down Alhambra Road next to, or a part of, a biker type bar called "Arthur's or something like that. Just a few yards away from Dick & Dora's. All gone now unfortunately.

Apr 18, 2022
Nassau shores NEW
by: Eileen DAnonymous

The name of the Bar/Restaurant in Nassau shores was "The MainDeck" Worked there for a while but don’t remember the year.

Apr 14, 2022
My memories of Massapequa
by: Anonymous

I was born in Massapequa, and lived there my whole life. I miss the great Italian food, best pastries any where, and of course, good old All American.

It just got too expensive living there, and the Winter weather q
Was so dreary. I'm happy where I am happy where I am now, but nobody beats Massapequa.

Apr 10, 2022
Class of '74
by: kenkros

I graduated Berner in '74...a veteran of Sal's pizza,Massapequa Music Store, 'Zappaland',and the Day-Z. Who knew then that Brian Setzer and Jerry Seinfeld would hit it big? Not to mention the Baldwin brothers. I really miss the veal at Musicaro's, and NY deli's and fresh bagels...

Mar 28, 2022
Birch Lane NEW
by: Anonymous

Gerry , I think its 1955/1956 we were transfered over to Birch lane

Mar 28, 2022
BIrch Lane NEW
by: Anonymous

Gerry, I was in the first sixth grade class at Birch lane when it opened in 56/57, I was at Fairfield Elementary and was transferred to Birch Lane, closer to my house, I had Mrs. Cutler for 6th Grade there, I believe she came from Ungua, do not recall men teachers other than phys ed Coach Igra (phonetic) and we all remember Principal Ms. Young, and was there a art teacher Ms. Mable?

Mar 26, 2022
Birch Lane School NEW
by: Gerry

Does anyone remember the name of the 2 6th grade teachers who were men back when Birch Lane first opened in the mid 1950's?

Mar 16, 2022
A quick tribute to Frank Bermudez NEW
by: Anonymous

Ah Berner. They schooled me real good. I spent many mornings with Frank Bermudez (Literature teacher/attendance officer) That was in the no nonsense days. He was the toughest dude in that building on any given day. Frank was a force to be reckoned with - carefully! He once predicted my future occupation in education and I'll be damned if he didn't hit the nail on head.

Mar 11, 2022
milk shakes NEW
by: Anonymous

Ahhh Berner cafeteria.... When I went there I remember them selling chocolate milk shakes. This is something you would never see in this day and age. Also for breakfast, delicious buns with butter and cinnamon sugar on top.

Mar 10, 2022
The Pit NEW
by: Anonymous

TI acquired some bad habits down at The Pit. I'm sure we were drinking. We did alot of that. But it was a most unusual place. Learned to make a good fire there. Some forest got so big and so hot that a beer bottle melted immediately. There were swinging ropes and huge singalongs. It was high adventure right there in the wilds of Long Island.

Mar 10, 2022
True dat
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

I remember that wall be scrubbed or painted many times over the years. By the way, you weren't doing any illegal drinking at the Pit were you? That would be terrible! Ha!

Mar 10, 2022
True dat Jim NEW
by: Anonymous

I have to agree with you Jim, though I remember one night when a bunch of us came over from The Pit and the football players among us painted a message on the retaining wall behind the gym. I watched. The message read; Bill Brown Blows Bison Balls. As I remember they had to paint over it, but noone was suspended from school or playing.

Mar 10, 2022
Broscharts NEW
by: Karen

I did know the Broschart's but they were much older than I! Mrs. Broschart was my Catechism teacher!!

Mar 10, 2022
by: Bobby Hepburn

I went to PLAINEDGE but... my cousin George Dixon went to Berner. He went to Villanova
after HS and became an English Teacher near Philly, eventually moving to THE LEHIGH VALLEY near Allentown.

Mar 10, 2022
Bo and the Magic Apple
by: Jim

Well I was there at Berner during that time but I don't remember that incident however I do remember the large lunch room and the folding walls. I have to say that if you had hit the back of the head of coaches Bill Brown or Bob Reifsnyder you wouldn't be alive today to talk about it!

Mar 10, 2022
Bo and the Magic Apple NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember an incident in the cafeteria at Berner that must have been 1968 or 69. They had those huge folding partitions and they often partially closed off the three segments.
I was sitting in a spot where the panels hid me from all but a narrow slot looking toward the door to the kitchen. Bo Wernersbach was patrolling the front of the cafeteria. Now, I know Bo is a highly honored teacher/coach and I would like to extend my earnest apology to him before I commence to tell this story. I used to bounce my apple until it turned to sauce inside, then itI'd make a tiny hole and draw the contents out in one long slurp. When my apple was ready something came over me and I flung it hoping to hit the wall above the door. I know it was incredibly stupid and impetuous but something came over me. Something wicked. It was 20 yards away and I couldn't throw too hard or too accurately. The apple made a slow high arch and hit the back of Bo's neck. Only one person saw it and he never said a word (Thanks Pete!). Bo was irate (rightfully so) and kept a hundred or so students in the cafeteria for an hour before finally relenting and letting us go back to class. Having spent 20 years teaching I can only imagine how angry he was, but it is one of those outrageous memories that still make me laugh out loud.

Feb 24, 2022
Doyles NEW
by: Anonymous

So Karen you must know the Broscharts as well. I graduated with Marianne. She and her sister Louise was in my band till they moved away.

Feb 24, 2022
Bar / Doyles
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Only because you asked.I graduated with Fran Doyle and Don Lawlor but really didn't know them.I was friends with John Conforti and Ken Burkhart nearby.

Feb 24, 2022
Doyle's NEW
by: Karen

I lived on Burton Lane and knew of the Doyle's.
Was one of the boys in the Merchant Marines?

Feb 24, 2022
Doyles NEW
by: Anonymous

I knew Doyles on Burton Lane off of Unqua Rd

Feb 24, 2022
Sunrise Mall
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Yes, it is sad over there now and there is a lot of discussion on what's to become of it. I worked there part time when it first opened and it was a fun place to work and hang out in. The Pandemic was just the final nail in the coffin. The decline started years ago partly due to online shopping like Amazon as you can imagine. Another large issue is safety. There were reports for years of muggings primarily in the parking lots. People became afraid to shop there at night even with a couple of little security cars roaming around. The reports may have been exaggerated but it was enough to keep a lot of people away.

Feb 24, 2022
by: Anonymous

Here’s another, I believe his last name was Ohden or Olden. Billy Clarke was another from that group along with Lawlor and Johnny. Did you know any of the Doyles from Unique Rd. Specifically Fran, class of 71-72

Feb 24, 2022
Sunrise Mall
by: Kevin

It appears the Sunrise Mall will eventually transition to something else other than a retail mecca. I remember when it was an empty lot and then became the "go-to" place for just about everyone once the mall went up. While the pandemic changed the retail dynamic, and I haven't been to that mall in years since moving further East, what happened that caused the mall to deteriorate so dramatically? The Smith Haven Mall has lost Sears, JCP and several smaller retailers but appears to be holding its own while Walt Whitman Mall still seems to be prospering. Can anyone describe the situation over there and what seems to be causing the demise of the Sunrise Mall.

Feb 24, 2022
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Yes you rang a bell! I remember now hearing about that. Not sure if I ever went there but I know Dr Generosity was a very popular place. Johnnie O was a great guy. I remember one night my wife and I, when we first met, were leaning close together against the crowded bar. Without asking he poured us 2 shots of Peppermint Schnapps and says: I can see where this is going, here, you'll both taste better with this! Good memories at the Frigate.

Feb 24, 2022
by: Anonymous

Johnnie O went on to own the bar Doctor Generosity’s with Billy Lawlor in East Meadow I believe. Dr. G’s became a famous NY Islander hang out.

Feb 23, 2022
1970's Bar
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

I gotta jump on this one, it was Solomon Grundy's Frigate. Built around 1972. We hang out there & PJ's in Farmingdale. Not at first but soon after it opened it had great bands, bartenders (Johnie'O)and the crowd was really a great bunch of people. Mostly young 18-25 year olds.Had many a beer and shots over the 3 years I hung out there. Met my wife there too!

Feb 23, 2022
1970s bar
by: Anonymous

Anyone remember the name of the bar on front st in Massapequa Park in the 1970s where Johnny Mcgoreys is now?

Feb 23, 2022
The great old days NEW
by: Anonymous

Stumbled on this page and wanted to add my thoughts
I lived on East Lake from 1959-83.If I close my eyes I can remember on warm summer eves the sound of the color guard practicing at East Lake sch.It was an innocent time when I was allowed to go home from school for lunch and stay out til 10 pm without parents worrying. My only worry then was which baseball cards to put on my bicycle spokes.I was able to feel the independence of hopping on the bar Harbor bus at Ocean & Massachusetts to the Bar Harbor library. This trip always included a stop at Supreme Pizza & hanging out in Gimbels. So many kids that every couple of blocks had it's own sports team be it Street hockey, Baseball, Football, or basketball. Our town was always a sports game waiting to happen. We had no cell phones but the setting up of games for after school was always spot on.I believe I spent more time at Hawthorn playing hockey then my own house. I also remember the block parties and closeness of our neighbors. Definitely a great place to grow up

Feb 19, 2022
Re: Evelyn NEW
by: Jill

Evelyn, I lived on Chicago Avenue at the opposite end between Seaford Avenue and Forest Avenue. I was friends with Eileen Noble, Susan Lutz, the Cravens. Ellen Craven married Michael Castrataro (sp?). I spent so much time at your end of Chicago Avenue. Those were good times.

Feb 15, 2022
Drinking in the Pit NEW
by: Anonymous

We would go in the pit with beers and bought them from the deli on Park Lane. One of us looked 18. Then we would go to Berner for the fair or battle of bands etc.

Feb 15, 2022
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Wow you went a bit out of your way just so you wouldn't get caught drinking beer! But actually we did that sometimes when the older seniors had a car and went to Alhambra or Florence Beach. Best times was in the woods or the stands behind Berner during Battle of the Bands nights. The music always sounded better that way!

Feb 13, 2022
by: Karen

We used to drink beer at Amityville town beach!

Feb 13, 2022
by: Karen

Haha with your last sentence!!

Feb 13, 2022
Bus Route NEW
by: Anonymous

I still live on Roosevelt some blocks South of Spruce and I remember the bus! You are not imagining it! My parents used to yell at us kids for playing in the street because of the bus route.

Feb 13, 2022
Bar Harbor
by: Ray

Does anyone remember the bus " municipal?" that ran throughout Massapequa Park? In 1969 I walked to McKenna JHS in every kind of weather. On really cold, rainy or snowy days we would hop on this bus at the corner of Pittsburg Ave and Ocean Ave. (little). It would go south down Ocean, cross over the RR tracks, continue down Unqua Rd, right turn on Merrick Rd. Brief stop at the Bar Harbor Shopping Center. Then back north on Park Ave, eventfully going north on Roosevelt Ave, and letting us off on the corner of Roosevelt and Spruce (McKenna JHS) ALL for 10 cents

In all the articles I've never seen or heard anyone reference this ??? I can't be imagining this - happen before the drug years. lol

Feb 02, 2022
mark NEW
by: paul alagna

There are no coincidences...Jeff happened to call me yesterday to say hello and I told him about our messages. He remembers you well. I lived on Cleveland Ave between Hicksville Rd and I believe it was called Central Ave. Jeff and I cycle all over the country together. We do these century rides in the South or the West. When I am not gassed we talk a lot. He even made us jerseys that say Blood Brothers. Jeff is now into tri races , I can't keep up with him....

Feb 01, 2022
@Paul - Richard Place NEW
by: Mark

I remember the snow mounds Paul. If I remember correctly, Jeff's house was pretty much at the far corner of the Mays parking lot, so pretty quiet for backing up to a shopping center parking lot! Where did you live?

I thought about Jeff and his family when a year or so ago I ran across a MHS yearbook picture of Jerry Seinfeld, and lo and behold, Barry Schlactus was on the same page.

Send best regards to Jeff when you next talk to him. Sorry to hear about his dad. Take care...

Feb 01, 2022
Jeff NEW
by: paul alagna

Hi Mark and the other person who knew Jeff, Jeff was then and still is a gentle soul. He is a doctor in TN. He and I are blood brothers, we watched a lot of westerns back in those days. Doesn't play the cello much these days. Mark, you may remember his Mom, Lenore she is my godmother and still doing well. Unfortunately his Dad passed away. Mark since you lived on his street you'll remember the snow or were they dirt mounds built from clearing out Mays parking area. We used to play on them. I remember that park well. Fond memories, thanks for the messages. Be well. Paul

Feb 01, 2022
To Paul - Jeff Schlactus NEW
by: Mark Barnett (MHS 75)

Hi Paul and Anonymous who knew/knows Jeff Schlactus. I was in Jeff's class at Unqua, McKenna and MHS, and was friends with him and a group of our contemporaries from the same class. I lived up the street from Jeff, on Richard Place, across the street from the park behind Mays. I agree with the many who've talked about the wonderful environment it was to grow up in.

Jan 31, 2022
To Paul NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Jeff Schlactus from Unqua School we were in the same 5th and 6th grade classes. He played the cello and was a thoughtful and gentle soul in those young years.

Jan 31, 2022
Dan Romano
by: Jack Gelston

Dan - did your family spend summers away from Manhattan to go to the Amity Harbor Beach Club?? I worked as a life guard there for a couple summers and well remember the Romano family.

Jan 31, 2022
upstate NEW
by: paul alagna

GOOD QUESTION , I did not mean to be anonymous, I just did not fill in the heading . I actually gave my full name in a previous message. In fact I was thinking the same thing because I was responding to an anonymous person's message as to where I live upstate. Sorry for the confusion. I would very much like to learn about my old friends from around Cleveland Ave. I went to Raymond J Lockhart and Parkside Jr. High and then moved away after my mom passed away. I moved there from Brooklyn late 1950's until late 60's. I remember names like Caufield, Murphy {Karen and another Murphy family Jackie}, Tommy Reade, a great friend from those magical years who I still have contact with. Unfortunately, my memory for names is not great but Tommy's wife Barbara gave me yearbooks from Berner and MH. I would have graduated in 1974 from Berner. I was and still am friends with Jeff Schlactus as we were both born in Brooklyn and lived in the same apt. building. We are still great friends but he lived near Mays not my side of town. The Jenkins lived on Cleveland Ave. It was a great place to grow up. So if any of my ramblings ring a bell I would love to hear from old pals. Hopefully, my memory will sharpen after a few good stories. Be well!

Jan 31, 2022
Remember the Zimmers, Bustards, Mullens, Mullers or Maddens? NEW
by: Tommy Dean

They lived all around me - growing up on Belvedere Drive and going to kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3d grades at Birch Lane School in Massapequa Park from 1960 to 1963. Then we moved to Indiana and I haven 't been back to Long Island since.

Jan 31, 2022
Bill's Marina NEW
by: Dan Romano

I currently live on the Space Coast of Florida but I grew up on Beach Road in Biltmore Shores. I met an older lady today at the hospital who's name was Dolores Arlelt. She said that her family owned Bill's Marina in Massapequa near Dick & Dora's restaurant.She is 99 years old next week. After they sold the marina, she wound up working at NASA on the Atlas then the Apollo programs. Had a great time sharing memories of Massapequa. Anyone remember Bill's Marina? I graduated Massapequa HS in 1974.

Jan 31, 2022
Why anonymous? NEW
by: Jane

I’m curious as to why folks remain ANONYMOUS at the same time as wanting to connect with childhood friends?

Jan 31, 2022
upstate NEW
by: Anonymous

I live near Lake George, beautiful area. Been here nearly 30 years but still remember my early years in Massapequa and often think of my childhood friends and wonder what became of them, from classmates to buddies.

Jan 31, 2022
Upstate NEW
by: Anonymous

Paul .. wherein upstate NY?

Jan 30, 2022
karen-jo NEW
by: paul alagna

My name is Paul Alagna , I was friends with Eric before moving away after jr high. I spoke to him a few years back after finding this site and facebook. I lived on Cleveland Ave. I live upstate NY for awhile now. I would love to hear from my old friends from the 60s. be well, Paul

Jan 27, 2022
Deli on Unqua
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Good memories there. It looks like you may have graduated with my sister. Patty P. She had a good friend Eileen N. who lived in the Shores also.
I'm still close by behind the Bar Harbor Shopping Center. Called Southgate now. Pizza Supreme,Grants, Woolworth's and movie theater all long gone.

Jan 27, 2022
Deli on Unqua NEW
by: Anonymous

I too remember these places. We moved to Nassau Shores in 1961 when I was four so I remember the beach club at the end of East Shore Drive. It was torn down at some point during the sixties. I remember too the old Post family mansion before they created the park. We would play hide & seek in the golf course at night and went sledding there in the winter. It was a "hiking" trip to walk the circumference of the course. I loved going to the deli on Unqua though we called it Mitzie's. She and Tony knew all the kids in the neighborhood. Alec Baldwin was one year behind me at Berner. I remember he was very popular and went by the name Zander at that time. A couple of Christmases during high school a guy named Don organized a caroling group and we walked around the Shores singing.

Jan 27, 2022
Nassau Shores NEW
by: Kevin

The little deli on Unqua Road was owned by the Babich family (not sure of the spelling) and they lived in the house behind the deli during the 60's. The owners son, Michael, was a friend of my brother's. After seeing how much Massapequa is turning into Queens (Sunrise Highway looks just like Queens Blvd.) I've decided never to return and keep the memories of the nice little town that it once was intact.

Jan 27, 2022
Nassau Shores Keren
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

That deli was there since the mid sixties although I forgot the name of it. Yes you reminded me of drinking beers around those same hedges at the golf course back in high school! Used to skate, and swim, at Marjorie Post and played hockey on the lake behind it too when it froze over.The Baldwin's were too young for me to "play' with but my sister knew Alec a bit. Think they used to live around Iroquois street. All good stuff.

Jan 27, 2022
by: Karen

That deli in the 70's was called Tony's Deli! That just brought back so many good memories! Also, smoked cigarettes on the path by the golf course behind the hedges! Hung out with Danny Baldwin and I was an avid skater at Marjorie Post!!

Jan 27, 2022
Nassau Shores East
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Funny, I delivered Newsday for about a month @1966 north of Suffolk rd.
Those names you mentioned don't ring a bell but I think you are a few years older than me. That little deli half way down on Unqua Rd is still there. Not sure if it was there back in '62. Used to ice skate on one of the canals when it froze over. It was all about the water for me and my friends. Great memories. Stay safe wherever you are.

Jan 27, 2022
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Like I said before, parallel to the East of Unqua Rd is Roy then Cedar. The next one is Alqonquin right near where I grew up.All are full with many nice homes now.

Jan 27, 2022

It was Roy Road, near Unqua Circle where I would pick up my papers (Newsday) and deliver them. My route was Nassau rd to Highland st and east shore drive to cedar drive from about 1957 to 1959 more or less. As i recall it was about 80 papers or so. Things are a little hazy after 60+ years. im tryng to remember the people or familys i used to know. Feldmans and Hannahs and Vandenberg and Wiegand come to mind.

Jan 27, 2022
Unqua? NEW
by: Anonymous

what street was parallel to Unqua Road?

Jan 26, 2022
Nassau Shores East
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Sorry, I'd love to see your photos but I don't know how to post them here.

Jan 26, 2022
Nassau Shores East
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

The restaurant you were referring to is called the Riviera. It's still there but it's just for catering weddings and such I believe. The street your Mom drove on was probably Roy Ave or Cedar Dr. Both end at the Golf course. My friends and I used to go that candy store on Merrick Rd too. We would ride our bikes all over Nassau Shores back then. When we got to about age 14 some friends. who lived on the canal or bay, were allowed to take out their parents boats. Had a lot of fun clamming and riding around.
Sorry I missed out on the Beach Club though.When I moved there there was just broken foundations left that we used to climb on. Its now a small park with a nice view for the locals.
Take care

Jan 26, 2022

Yes I lived directly across the street from the golf course. I went to the beach club at the end of East Shore Drive many times. The bathing area was "fenced in" with the fence quite a bit out from the shore. Or so it seemed to a 11 year old. Down the block from was a guy who showed up one day with TWO brand new 57 Chevy wagons with all the shiny side trim. VERY cool !!! Down the block on east shore drive was a very popular restaurant. Don't remember the name and never went to it -- don't remember why, probably too expensive. My big excursion was going to the candy store on Merrick road for a treat. My mom learned to drive on the street parallel to Unqua rd. on the east side, there wasn't one house on the whole block.
I have some nice photos -- how do I post them ?

Jan 26, 2022
Nassau Shores East
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Wow! You go back a long way and have been gone a long time! My family moved to a few blocks north of Highland in 1965. The golf course was practically your back yard! It's still there although it's recently been sold. I guess the Nassau Shores Beach Club was open during those years. It closed before I moved there. I'm sure you went to the long gone Massapequa Zoo. There is a beautiful sports park now where 52 Acres used to be. The Bar Harbor shopping center was brand new while you were there. It's still there but looks much different. You might have still been there just as the now LI famous spot of All American Hamburger Drive In was first built and still going strong. I graduated from Berner also but it is just a middle school now. There are more houses and many more people but it still a nice town to live in.I hope this jogs a few more memories.

Jan 26, 2022
by: Anonymous

My farther built a house on Highland St East in 1957and we lived there until 1962. One of my favorite memories and a money maker for a 11 year old was retrieving golf balls and selling them back for a quarter -- which was big money !! Sitting on the islands and just waiting. Went to Berner school with lots of good memories. When I remember more I will post it.

Jan 19, 2022
68 not 86 NEW
by: Anonymous

I’m 68 not 86 😀

Jan 19, 2022
I remember Karen NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember a Karen Liekefet from, I think kindergarten or 1st grade. I went to Hawthorne from 1958-1962. I’m 86 years old.

Jan 18, 2022
Anyone remember….
by: Karen-jo Berner ‘74

Eric Liekefet?
Kevin Burns?

Jan 14, 2022
Tate family on Toronto
by: Mike

It is possible that Donald Tate had a brother Philip, likely younger (he would have been born in 1955). Phil was in my class at Maria Regina in Seaford (opened Jan 1962), then Holy Trinity high school in Hicksville (opened 1966). His father was a lawyer, and his office was just north of the Massapequa railroad station.

Jan 14, 2022
My Memories
by: Forrest Duryea

I lived on Toronto, Ave, in the early 50's until we moved to Fla in 1958. My Playmates were Donald Tate and Butchie Peck among others that I don't remember. I lost touch with these Guys and often think of them and wonder what ever happened to them. I remember Jones Beach and the Jolly Roger Theme Park and the Long Island Railroad. I went to St. William the Abbot Catholic School in Seaford.

Jan 07, 2022
Punk rock store name NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember that punk rock store on park blvd in late 90's

Dec 28, 2021
Church in Massapequa Broadway NEW
by: Anonymous

Pat B. I was married in that church in 72 maybe we know you Rich and Jo-Anne B

Dec 28, 2021
Remembering Donald McCalmont NEW
by: Anonymous

I knew your Dad (Donald Mc Calmont) and Mom very well.My family attended the Presbyterian Church in Massapequa and your Mom and Dad were the choral directors there.I also attended Farmingdale Schools and church camp with your oldest sister. So sorry to hear about your Dad's passing, I remember he took your sister and I to the Worlds Fair and we had such a good time. Please tell your sister I said Hi. Pat B.

Nov 30, 2021
Coffee Shop
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Your father's shop is still there! On the outside wall above the window it says "Coffee House" but it is called, as it says on the window, "Massapequa Perk". Not sure how long it's been called that. I rarely went there up until the last two years since I'm closer to it now. Nice little place with all kinds of great coffee and flavored creams along with fresh bagels and muffins.I rather give them the business instead of Starbucks!

Nov 29, 2021
Pequa coffee shop NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember Pequa Coffee shop on Front street at the Massapequa Park train station? My dad owned it until 1970 when the family moved to Florida. My sister & I attended Hawthorn elementary. So many great memories. I visit family fairly often still

Nov 25, 2021
small plane crash NEW
by: Glenn U.

I have pics of that small plane crash on the golf course. I think it was summer of 72 or 73. It was a Saturday around noon!

Nov 24, 2021
Nassau Shores NEW
by: Anonymous

I grew up on E. Seneca St. 61-75.
My mom taught at Grace Episcopal over by Harbor Green, so I went there tuition free, but I always wanted to go to Unqua with my friends.
I well remember 'Zander and Danny, the Baldwin brothers. I connected with Steve in Rockland County around 1998 and it was fun talking about his brothers.
Just today I was reminded of the small plane that crashed in the gold course, right at my block.
Anybody remember that?

Nov 09, 2021
massapequa memories NEW
by: Anonymous

does anybody remember the meier family from ocean Avenue .there is only one of us left.this is coming from Myrtle beach.i remember the zoo and the drive in theater.the bus that used to go to bar harbor.maze shopping center with the pretzel stand and the electric horse ride. the easter egg hunt at east lake school. and is there anybody out there that can tell me about certain people like the mullins sisters lisa barsh wall catola the hack sisters or even bags that lived on park lane.i remember the pit before the mall.i also remember the cops used to roll out the stop signs at the school corner. please text me back so much more to say.
my number is 843-457-5166 please text.

Nov 09, 2021
massapequa memories NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anybody remember the meier family?ocean avenue?there is only one of us left.this is coming from Myrtle Beach.i remember the zoo and the drive in theater. the bus that used to go to bar harbor, maze shopping center with the pretzel stand and the electric horse, the easter egg hunt at east lake school. and is there anybody able to tell me about certain people like the mullins sisters,lisa barsh, really catola, the hack sisters, and even bags that lived on park lane. I also remember the put before the mall was built i also remeber even when the cops used to roll out to stop signs. I am looking forward to here from you so much more to stay.
you can text me at

Nov 07, 2021
Mark on Fulton NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey Mark.. I lived on McKinley Street from 1953-1968 till we moved to Tucson. Those were the greatest years!

Nov 05, 2021
Fulton St NEW
by: Mark K

To D
I lived on Fulton St from 1955 to 1969
Mom and Dad lived there until 84
Live one block in on corner from lakeside dr

Nov 05, 2021
Dick and Dora's... does anyone have a photo from the 60s or 70s NEW
by: Mary R.

I grew up in N. Massapequa so I hope it's ok that I post here. Was just back in June 2021 to see a friend; I took the LI ferry from Bridgeport, CT...what a gorgeous ride. I live in New England now. Sorry to report but I stayed in Massapequa, on Sunrise Highway, and the All American was a big let down; terrible service and soggy burger. But I digress. LI girl from 1962 to 1980. I went to Farmingdale schools but a lot of friends are from Massapequa side. My folks were divorced and my father would take my two brothers and me to Dick and Dora's on Massapequa shore for Sunday dinners. Does anyone have a photo? I'd especially appreciate one from the 60s or 70s. Stay well and stay safe. Thanks, in advance, to anyone who posts a photo or link here to D&D's. Great LI memories here. Thank you all!

Nov 05, 2021
Dick and Dora's... does anyone have a photo from the 60s or 70s NEW
by: Mary R.

I grew up in N. Massapequa so I hope it's ok that I post here. Was just back in June 2021 to see a friend; I took the LI ferry from Bridgeport, CT...what a gorgeous ride. I live in New England now. Sorry to report but I stayed in Massapequa, on Sunrise Highway, and the All American was a big let down; terrible service and soggy burger. But I digress. LI girl from 1962 to 1980. I went to Farmingdale schools but a lot of friends are from Massapequa side. My folks were divorced and my father would take my two brothers and me to Dick and Dora's on Massapequa shore for Sunday dinners. Does anyone have a photo? I'd especially appreciate one from the 60s or 70s. Stay well and stay safe. Thanks, in advance, to anyone who posts a photo or link here to D&D's. Great LI memories here. Thank you all!

Nov 05, 2021
Vinnie De. NEW
by: Glen M.

Hello Vinnie your post brought back memories of you building your Roadrunner at your house and later the 440 Cuda you had. Cruising All American & hot rod Burger King with you. Massapequa Park was a great place to grow up. And the woods was always our hangout. I hope you and all your family are doing good.

Oct 27, 2021
The DeLucas
by: Annie

Yes, my cousins are Jack and Joe. Both are doing well...they used to have a gym above their garage. Jack now lives in Florida and Joe lives in Tennessee. Youngest brother, Sal, is in Mississippi.

Oct 25, 2021
Jay and the Americans
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Yes I think they played at Berner @ '69-70? I remember the banners around the school. I thought they played for the Senior Prom that year but I could be wrong. The theme of the prom was "This Magic Moment" What a voice Jay Black had for sure.

Oct 25, 2021
Jay and the Americans NEW
by: Jane

I was at that show!

Oct 25, 2021
Jay and the Americans NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember when Jay and the Americans played at Berner. RIP Jay Black

Oct 17, 2021
Massapequa Park
by: Vinnie De

I lived on Massapequa Park from 69 to 82 moving from Queens. Memories of hot rod Burger King and All American which had and still have the greatest fries around. I lived on Fulton Street and Roosevelt, the corner house.Fulton St was the meeting place for all the kid's in the neighborhood playing all kinds of sports. The best place to hang out was the woods (Massapequa Reserve)day or night.
I went to Berner High and if I missed Boces that day I would play handball in the front of the school near the cafeteria with all the other great players.
During my time in Massapequa Park I had the best times anyone can have, no place like Massapequa or Massapequa Park.

Oct 15, 2021
Utopia NEW
by: Anonymous

I was also born in 1955 with 20 kids outside at all times, not so near the beach, but obviously not far in Massapequa Park, from Jones Beach. I was also the eldest, and within 5 years, my mother had given birth to two more. I loved school, the schoolbus stopped on the corner of our house. We had big battles at recess between our made up "gangs" - as we ourselves wanted. Yup, it was swell! And then in 1963, my father changed jobs and we moved to northern Indiana!

Oct 15, 2021
Massapequa was utopia NEW
by: Anonymous

I was born in Massapequa in 1955 and lived on Jomarr Court until I was 14. Lived on a culdesac, 5 houses from a private beach, sidewalks, 20 kids outside at all times. Dick and Dor’s pizza, cabin cruiser, All American burgers, carvel ice cream. I could not have asked for a better childhood.

Oct 15, 2021
Birch Lane NEW
by: Anonymous

In 6th Grade we moved from New Jersey to Biltmore Shores in 1956, I attended Fairfield Elementary for a few months and then was transferred to the new Birch Lane School and became a bike rider in the cold , rain and snow to school. I had a Mrs. Cutler there ,who I believe came from the Unqua School. Yes, Ms. Young was tall and very strict but the school ran very well. I recall Coach Egra who was everyones favorite. For 7th and 8th grade we were bused to Parkside which was a culture shock and then onto MHS for 9th through 12th grade.
Just wonderful years through 1962 and then onto college. I wouldn't trade it for anything, it was a great place to grow up in!

Oct 15, 2021
Birch Lane NEW
by: Gerry

It opens in 1956. When I said we went back in the 7th grade, I meant back to Parkside.
I moved to the Park in 1948 and graduated from MSH in 1963, my parents moved when I was a Jr. in College, so never really went back there much.

Oct 14, 2021
Miss Young and Birch Lane School NEW
by: Anonymous

I didn't realize Birch Lane was ever open for grades 7 (and 8?). Why so? Isn't that awfully unusual for a public school?

Oct 14, 2021
Miss Young and Birch Lane School NEW
by: Anonymous

"Ms. Old" Yes! :) it seemed hysterical. What years did you go there? I was there from September 1960 (kindergarten) to December 1963 (middle of third grade). I remember a visit by Ray Heatherton (the Merry Mailman on TV - and father of Joey Heatherton, then unknown) during a school assembly (held in the cafeteria if I remember correctly) and the students were practically riotous. We all received very stern lectures over the P.A. (from Miss Young) and had to do something like write 1,000 times "I shall not ..." something. I remember how unanimous kids felt about the awfulness of Farmer Gray cartoons (the only things on at 5:00 am), and the children generally agreeing that when we were all sent home after a half day (due to an election to the Board of Elections), that Castro was likely to win this election against Moscow - kids sagely nodded their heads, "Yeah, I heard that too. It was on the news, I think"

Oct 14, 2021
Yes Tom NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Ms. Young as principal of Birch Lane, I went there when it first opened as a fifth grader and six grade as well. It wasn't ready at the beginning of the school year so we went to Park Side and then back there for 7th grade and on to McKenna for 8th.
We thought it was the height of wit to call her Ms. Old.

Oct 14, 2021
Birch Lane School - anyone?
by: Tom

I've written a few times here over the past ew years - to ask whether anyone remembered Belvedere Drive in Massapequa Park, or Birch Lane School or its principal Miss Young. But there's been no response whatever! My family moved there in 1956 and moved away (to Indiana) in December 1963. Does anyone have any common memory of the street, school or principal?

Oct 14, 2021
Donald McCalmont NEW
by: Ray C.

For those who attended Massapequa schools and had Mr. McCalmont as a music teacher, I'm sad to relay the news that he passed away on Aug. 12. A memorial service will take place Oct. 16 at Church of St. Jude in Wantagh.
He was also the choir director at Massapequa Presbyterian Church for many years. A very nice guy who had a great voice!

Oct 14, 2021
Locker Room
by: Mark

Remember it well. On Merrick Rd Seaford, across the stree from Nassau County PD. ST4 played there. Had many a good night there, although I don't remember most!! PJ's also became a stand by, along with LBI.

Oct 14, 2021
Holiday Park NEW
by: Ray C.

The Holiday Park shopping center post brought back some memories! We used to get take-out dinners from the Chinese restaurant there (had a different name back in the '60s), and my dad used to have breakfast at Stan's Coffee Shop with some of his fellow Slomin's oil truck drivers before they'd start their deliveries. He'd have an egg on a roll sandwich most days; they'd start cooking the guys' orders when they saw the trucks pull into the parking lot.

Oct 13, 2021
Plainedge NEW
by: Anonymous

My friends father taught in Plainedge. Do you remember a Mr. Bonder?

Oct 13, 2021
The DeLuca's
by: Anonymous

I DO remember Joe DeLuca.. he was a buddy of mine.... and... I remember he had an older brother. Both were very strong and well built.

Oct 13, 2021
Holiday Park NEW
by: Annie

My cousins all went to Plainedge and I remember your may remember the DeLuca's and Tom Patriss.

Oct 12, 2021
Bobby McConville NEW
by: Anonymous

Where are you???

Oct 12, 2021
Holiday Park
by: Bobby

I not only remember HOLIDAY a teenager I was a "HOLIDAY PARK" BOY we hung there behind Schwarting and the Shopping Center. We were once called THE DIABLO'S but.... we were NOT a gang...just kids hanging out. The cops didn't appreciate the name so... we changed it to the "HOLIDAY PARK BOYS". We practiced our singing (ACAPPELLA DOO WOP) at the shopping Center and then we would get a slice at Bernie's or... go get a sandwich at Stan's Coffee Shop. Stan bought all us kids BLUE Softball Shirts and... I still have mine tucked away somewhere. I grew up on Ontario Ave. and was within walking distance of The Holiday Park Shopping Center. GREAT Memories of my childhood in North Massapequa!

Oct 11, 2021
Holiday Park shopping center NEW
by: Anonymous

It was Holiday Pizza, Bernie & Clara owners. Jans Chinese food still there, they moved into Stan's coffee shop some time ago. Bill Rotundo manager of Grant's.

Oct 11, 2021
Sand Trap, Seinfeld, Mickey Rooney's
by: Anonymous

Wow these posts bring back so many memories.

I remember the Sand Trap. My grandfather was there just about every day. He was the guy everyone went to for Baseball stats as he was a walking encyclopedia.

The building Mickey Rooney's Weenie World was in was originally called The Launch Pad. If I remember correctly it was a burger joint that failed pretty quickly.

I grew up in N. Massapequa and remember when Jerry Seinfeld worked at Dairy Barn on Broadway. His dad had a sign shop, Kal Signfeld Signs on Broadway too.

When I was very young we used to shop at Waldbaum's. There was a very old man that owned the property next to it that used to talk to us. I remember he wasn't happy that he had to move. Not sure if he sold to a developer or his land was taken by imminent domain. A small shopping center was built and Phil's Pizza opened up there.

Anyone remember Jan Jan's Chinese, Hollywood Pizza or Grants? They were in the same strip as A&P. I also remember the Big Bow Wow by Mays department store. My Grandmother took me there to eat and she was shocked at all the long hairs there. I thought everyone looked cool but she was afraid she'd catch lice lol!

Oct 11, 2021
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know the name of a bar, concrete building that had no windows? It was on Sunrise, left hand side if you were heading west! Kind of like a warehouse and packed with Law enforcement! The entrance was in the back!

Oct 11, 2021
Tabard Ale House and others NEW
by: Anonymous

OK thanks for the info on Septembers.I was only there a couple of times. The owners name sounds familiar, possibly a Berner grad.

Oct 11, 2021
Sand Trap NEW
by: Karen

Hi Jamie, his name was George Hermann!

Oct 11, 2021
septembers bar NEW
by: glenn U.

Septembers Bar was on Sunrise Highway on the Massapequa/Seaford border and was owned by Paul Vetrano.

Oct 11, 2021
Correction NEW
by: Jamie

what was your father's name maybe I knew him

Oct 11, 2021
Wantagh Bars
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Yes I went to Tabard Ale House and also the Rusty Hinge (and one other whose names escapes me now)in my early days ('71 - '76) of bar hopping. Wantagh always had great bars. Mulcahy's is still popular now. Eventually went to PJ's in Farmingdale. Fun popular young Beach Boys type of crowd. Then settled in at the Frigate in Massapequa Park. Great crowd, bands and dancing there. Met my wife there so I have fond memories of good (sometimes too good -hic!) times there!

Oct 11, 2021
Tabard Ale House and others NEW
by: Anonymous

Also, many of us used to go to the Tabard Ale House, I think that was in Seaford or Wantaugh just down from the train station. I don't know why it was so popular, but a lot of us from Massapequa would spent Friday or Saturday nights there in the late 60's
And of course the Tigers Tale was big back then as well as the Jones Beach Hotel.Was there a bar called Septembers on Sunrise Highway? I think that might have been in the early 70's

Oct 11, 2021
Bars NEW
by: Gerry

Speaking of bars does anyone remember The Locker Room?

Oct 11, 2021
Correction NEW
by: Anonymous

The bar he played shuffleboard in was "Why Not's".
But he did frequent The Sand Trap regularly!

Oct 11, 2021
Sand Trap NEW
by: Anonymous

My father went there for many years for shuffle board!

Oct 10, 2021
Sand Trap NEW
by: Jamie

Does anyone remember the bar "The Sand Trap" on North Broadway

Oct 05, 2021
Mr. Case NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Mr. Case. And there was another male teacher named Mr. Falardo. He played piano in the classroom and his students loved him.

Oct 05, 2021
More Massapequa NEW
by: JD

Tough times now with Covid. Anyway anyone remember a 6th grade teacher at Unqua School named Jim Case.

One of my favorites among the many there- Would love to know what happened to him. I visited him when I was home from College-

Be well all and stay safe

Oct 04, 2021
Harbor Green
by: Mark Carmel

I resided on Riviera Drive South in Harbor Green, next to the Seinfeld's house. There was an empty lot in front of our house, so I always had a view of the Great South Bay, and Jones Beach. I visit the area once a year to take my kids to "All American". When ordering fries, a Rube Goldeberg type of contraption would start rumbling, when whole potatos would start rolling down, getting washed on the way, then felling into the Frie Cutter machine, that frop the fresh cut fries into frier. My mother used to bring bags of "All American" hamburgers to a freind's house on the beach, I would catch a few minoes, and place them next to the onions in one of the buns. I woud then invariably give the hamburger to my brother. He never knew the difference. Too bad there is no longer a beach to play on. Playing at construction sites for new houses, was always fun, especially when we jumped from an unfinished 2nd floor, into piles sand. I learned a lot of life lessons from watching Monkey Mountain at the zoo. Sadly, this knowledge only applied to monkees. Back then, the kids were wild and unsupervised. Why did we play in the fog of the DDT trucks? I have vivid memories about climbing the ropes in the new gym. At Birch Lane, I ended up in the principals office nearly every day. We would eat candy, and joke about my antics. My family moved away in 1969, to Old Westbury, where our neighbor was Ruth Gleason.

Sep 28, 2021
Dilberts NEW
by: Betsy Knapp

We went Bohacks and Dilberts in Massapequa Park all the time.

Sep 28, 2021
by: Jane

Does anyone remember Dilberts or Delberts?
My mom went food shopping there in the early 60’s.
They had a hut inside to drop the kids off to watch cartoons.
I loved that place.
The penny gumball machines too.
I think there were some mechanical ponies to ride.
There was a Green Stamps redemption place in the little shopping area.

Sep 18, 2021
Reunion Today! NEW
by: Jeff C.

Massapequa Reunion Picnic today at Marjorie Post Park. Open to anyone from Massapequa. It's free and is from 12:30 to 6:30.

Sep 17, 2021
Shoe town NEW
by: Anonymous

No I worked in the Holiday Park shopping center on same corner , at Pizza place & Movie theater. But I did know someone that did work there.

Sep 16, 2021
Shoe town on Hicksville Road NEW
by: LMV

I worked there…did you?

Sep 02, 2021
Berner Alumni NEW
by: Anonymous

I graduated from Berner in 1974!

Aug 30, 2021
My Visits back to Massapequa
by: Anonymous

I haven't lived in Massapequa since the LATE 70's..... but ALWAYS go back a few times a year to see relatives in Lindenhurst. One journey is the ITALIAN FEAST on Broadway in late September. I went to Plainedge High in the North end of town, and us ALUMNI congregate in front of THE VILLAGE PUIB... Pine and Broadway. I also do some RECORD SHOWS downtown once in awhile.. at the Elks by the railroad station. Every trip includes a visit to ALL AMERICAN. How can you visit Massapequa without a tasty batch of French Fries?? I lived on Massapequa Ave. when I got married, and ALWAYS took the kids for an ALL AMERICAN Treat! Loved growing up in Massapequa!

Aug 29, 2021
Shoetown NEW
by: Anonymous

Shoetown 👡🥿👢👠👟🩴🥾👞

Aug 29, 2021
Shoe town
by: Anonymous

It was called shoe town or shoe giant

Aug 29, 2021
Discount shoe store?
by: Anonymous

Does anyone here know of a stand alone discount shoe store corner of Hicksville rd & maybe Jerusalem across the street from a Rock Bottom?

Aug 13, 2021
My recollections of teachers NEW
by: dennis Penzell

OK here are some memories.-
Carmen Road School--I had Mrs Parks, first grade, Ms Oneil second grade-married Mr Cowie. Third Grade Mrs Israel. Fourth and firth Mrs Goggine(she loved bowling and made us put on shows. She always asked one of use to go to the phone and call her husband.
Other carmen Rd People mrs John Posadlo, he is still alive and on Facebook. Write him He is great. I remember Mr watt, Mr bentancourt-he went to S America and got a PHD. Mr Pulis. There was a Mrs Schatzel. Mr Stewart was principal. He son-was wresling coach at Mckenna.
I went to mckenna for 6th thru 9th. Mr Eldard-boy were we afraid of him. Interestingly , about 5 yrs ago I was on a plane to NY and sitting next to his neice.
I also remember Mrs hansen who taught us symphonette. I played in the all elementary concern that year. Mr purdy at carmen road was the band teacher. Mr Bialomzy was band instructor at McKenna.
Mr. Boll and Ms Karin Martello were my german teachers. Remember phys ed--Mr Weingarten became coach at U of Penn.
Mass High--Mr Luba gyn and Football coach AND OF COURSE ANYONE WHO WENT TO MHS REMEMBERS MR AL BEVILAQUA. We all know that Seinfeld used his name on one episode.
Thats a basic recall of my Massapequa School life.

Aug 11, 2021
So Good to Find This Site! NEW
by: Anonymous

Such a great site!! I come back here often for a memory check up ( graduated BHS 1984) memories the best and great to read back to refresh some things I've forgotten.
Brady Park Fireworks they use to have a yearly fair not sure when that ended.I really don't believe there was a better place to grow up! Three streams, Brady park so many places to hang out as a kid without getting into trouble...At least not involving the police and if by chance it did the parents took care business by the time you got home..
Any time I have the opportunity to compare my childhood town and one up someone I do. what a great place. I have not been back since early 90's and i don't see/believe the kids of today have the same freedoms and memory making opportunities as I did.

Aug 08, 2021
So Good to Find This Site!
by: Anonymous

My family moved to Massapequa Park in the 60's. Lived on Lake Shore Drive across from Brady Park; will never forget July 4th fireworks! We'd climb up on our roof and watch all the people... we always had our own stock of M-80's and blockbusters to add to the festivities... had to watch out for the police since they actually busted you back then for shooting off your own fireworks :)
Graduated from BHS in '83; Mr Holdridge and choir, great bagel shop across the parking lot for lunch!
Of course Dick and Dora's and Carvel... Bohack's in the early days, fishing in Kiwanis... had to catch tadpoles and turtles every summer :) Fake ID for OBI ... so much easier then; no photos on the driver's license! Wanted to go back and raise my family there but couldn't come close to affording a house!
Good Times!

Aug 05, 2021
Worked At White's '69 -'70 NEW
by: G

Hello, to all you old Pequan's. I worked in the White's candy department (1969 - 1970). I'm sure I saw many of you during that time. It was and I'm sure it still is a great place to live. I lived 2 1/2 blocks south and 1 block north of All American. My best friend was the son of the owners of Massapequa Auto Body Shop. Yes, I remember all and every place everyone mentioned. My ex graduated MHS '71. For all the fishermen none of you mentioned going to the Sore Thumb for the best Flounder/Fluke fishing. God Bless all of you and don't give up your memories. I plan on keeping mine as long as possible.

Jul 21, 2021
people from Massapequa NEW
by: Gerry

My parents moved away from Massapequa Park in 1965 when I was away in college and never really been back except for an occasional visit and i am always amazed at how many people I run into who are from Massapequa or who have family members from there, you would think it was the biggest town on the Island.

Jul 18, 2021
crazy train NEW
by: brian

ok jim , we are pals now ihope ,, i lived in pequa throughout teh 50's - it was a distinct era ..
i went to unqua and brother was at massapequa high ...
i suppose bad memories persist while good ones are taken for granted.

Jul 18, 2021
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Well Brian. I certainly didn't mean to offend you in any way although, I guess, it sounded as if I did. Your 'folksy' way of speaking, after reading it all again, is actually growing on me. My older son's name is Brian also. I was always afraid that the kids in school would call him "Cryin' Brian' but I don't think they ever did.
Anyway Brian, take care and carry on with your memories as they go back a little further than mine.

Jul 17, 2021
in teh days before faabreeze NEW
by: brian

if your curiousity warrents , you can actually walk the streets of the unqua rd area using google street view - is more fun than reminising endlessly abt an egg cream .....

when in 6th grade i delivered newsday in this neighborhood ...
some houses smelled like ciggeretts ... some like garlic [ didnt know thats what it wa s at teh time being a yankee , was hard to collect !!
im sorry [ jeff that you dont like my folksy recollections - but then you seem to have little to add ?

Jul 17, 2021
off the rails NEW
by: brian

well jeff how many times can you read abt the pizza at dick and dora's ? i remember it too . its aroma [semi unique ] was due to the particular piza dough used ...
55 years later i caught the same wiff ... the pizza at whole foods !!!
maybe you memory is better than mine ?
do you remember the three castiron mutoscope machines at the frank buck zoo ?
they cost a nickle to crank .. one on left was some western , the middle one was rin tin tin .... and the one on the right was felix the cat being chased by hornets ...
to the right of these victorian era machines was a hot dog vendor ... had an orange tiger cat that pranced around on his hind legs .
to the right of that was a gypsy in a glass cube ...operated by levers to pick up trinkes and drop them in a chute - was very old and creepy , its clothing rotten and in shreds - in teh fiftys teh zoo was in shabby condition - clearly a relic from a grander time -
behind all this was monkey mountain ,, woof !
it stunk bigtime !! , in teh fileld behind the zoo were cement slabs with sawn off bars .. evedentlty once used to hold animals , long before ...

Jul 17, 2021
off teh rails NEW
by: Anonymous

well jeff how many times can you read abt the pizza at dick and dora's ? i remember it too . its aroma [semi unique ] was due to the particular piza dough used ...
55 years later i caught the same wiff ... the pizza at whole foods !!!
maybe you memory is better than mine ?
do you remember the three castiron mutoscope machines at the frank buck zoo ?
they cost a nickle to crank .. one on left was some western , the middle one was rin tin tin .... and the one on the right was felix the cat being chased by hornets ...
to the right of these victorian era machines was a hot dog vendor ... had an orange tiger cat that pranced around on his hind legs .
to the right of that was a gypsy in a glass cube ...operated by levers to pick up trinkes and drop them in a chute - was very old and creepy , its clothing rotten and in shreds - in teh fiftys teh zoo was in shabby condition - clearly a relic from a grander time -
behind all this was monkey mountain ,, woof !
it stunk bigtime !! , in teh fileld behind the zoo were cement slabs with sawn off bars .. evedentlty once used to hold animals , long before ...

Jul 17, 2021
Just Saying....
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Maybe it's the heat but it seems to me, after reading the last few posts, that the exchange of memories on this wonderful site has gone of the rails a bit.

I do want to add, especially for those who no longer live in Massapequa, that the long running 4th of July Parade down Park Blvd still exists and once again put on a great show. Always nice to see.

Jul 16, 2021
massapequa slang NEW
by: brian

before it slips my mind - allhambra beach was affectionatly known as " mud fly " beach ,
additionally and unrelated , when i was new in class i had to stand and state my name ... when i said " brian " teh girl in front of me turned and said " thats a sissy name " ...
i got even with her by drawing attention to her frilly underware during bomb drills - we had to crouch down under our desks ,,ass in teh air -- her name was susie something ,, ill think of it just wait and see .

Jul 16, 2021
bad idea NEW
by: brian

a major flaw in teh school system at that point in time was that a dumbell [ today known as a dumbass ] could be left back THREE times ! this is why there were a group of bad actors in teh seventh grade -
here they came in a phalinx down teh hall at mckenna - there was no escape - bodys litered the floor behind them , papers - books
really musta been fun ?

remember " de fran " this guy always in his motorcycle jacket .. which by teh way was a schot [ thats teh brand , with the optional stars on teh eppelets . [ were expensive and are still available for abt 700 bucks !!
his guy - who got on my buss , at teh end of unqua rd raised being a hood to performance art .
de fran " short for de francisco , was always againt teh wall during lunch - he knew teh value of advertising - had it all down pat -
de fran would saunter down teh asile in teh lunch room - and grab anything that looked good , always " caught " and would lean against teh wall with one foot up against it - was a small guy with big shok of greased hair -

Jul 16, 2021
bounty hunter NEW
by: brian

in teh mid 1950s there was established a bounty , i believe of 2 cents on qualifying glass bottles ....
i would mine jerico turnpik with a shopping bag in arm ..then over to teh drug stor across from teh mansion vacent lot ....
it was easy to come upp with at least 24 cents at the market , also across from teh mansion ... and then,,
candy and comics .. under teh big bushes ... one day i went into the drug store ,, comics were on teh imediate right ,,, and low and behold were two ally oop comics !!!! could it be ? and on that day i had oly ten cents ... so i bought one and headed home to get another dime ...when i returned the remaining comic was gone .. curses ! would my life ever be complete / ?

50 plus years pas and i bought teh missing comic from metropolis collectables in nyc ....
of course i remembered the cover .. romantic little tale aint it ??

Jul 16, 2021
two guys becomes a legend - NEW
by: brian

well , i plowed thru teh whole thing - and it was a pleasure to do so - thank you almighty webmaster !!

id like to recall the ferocious blaze that consumed two guys from massapequa ...
further on it is said the fire was at whiteys .. not so . it was two guys that went into oblivion on a warm summer evening -
somehow i got word of this in progres , or maybe just smelled it and saw smoke - dont recall , but i was up unqua rd in a flash and got a ringside seat .
two guys as you recall was a big rectangular metal pre fab building - with rows of cafeteria style tables , piled with evrything and in its cheapest version ....
when i got to teh fire the exterior walls vanished befor my eyes , whoosh !!!!!! the air moving skyward in waves ....
oh boy , i was just waiting for teh paint department to go up ... and it did ,, spray cans like roman candles - teh whole works quite a specticle ! but did not last long - as i recall there was litle effort to hose it down ,, wouldt have worked anyway with teh incredible heat ....
as i recall was probably abt 1956 - mid summer .

Jul 16, 2021
teh lovley miss linker eeeyaaaaa NEW
by: Anonymous

and how can i forget " mr finger " ?

was actually ok guy - short powerfull looking with flat top hair style -

and then teh delightful miss linker - lanky and masculine looking , a disiplinarian by nature . probably still wearing teh whistle around her neck - called me out several times for refusing to square dance .
teachers werent all bad tho ,, had mrs deluca i think for music - gee camaleo gee wha ! and nice art teacher , cant recall name ...

re,member teh polio shots in teh gym ??

Jul 16, 2021
zader - wall NEW
by: Anonymous

someone mentioned timmy wall brother wa s in msh when this happned .... liked tim and defended his motive . was quite a ruckus in town .. but these crimes of passion happen , especially at that age ....nothing on teh net abt it ?

i heard the whole story tho -

Jul 16, 2021
6th grade unqua late 50's NEW
by: Anonymous

yes mr elder forgotten him .... wonder if unqua school has an archive ??
i had miss wolbert - nice young woman , a bit fat , but pretty , air raid drills were fun , laughing at girls with their underware showing - played what i thought was a prank on teachers room across hall .. taped door shut while on trip to boys room . duh !! got caught of course - had to write appology . mr whats his name was afunny guy tho , and offered to read my appology to class ,, addding hillbilly dialect -
will relate story of how i broke teh bat at the baseball playoffs -
teacher in next room was miss wagner ... short tempered woman who couldnt mind her own business - came into our room and turned my desk over - i suppose to illustrate how messy i was - old classmate of mine remembers it !!!! best wishes miss wagner

Jul 16, 2021
mr blake 5th grade unqua NEW
by: Anonymous

5th grade unqua school circa 1958 -

mr blake - he hated his job and wasnt fond of me either ..had to write " i will not shoot or throw things in class " 500 times !!!!!!!!!
the fruity stewert rho... , the sexy rosemary n ......and tattel tail " d" thanks a lot " d"
mr blake was agood looking man in late twentys , always sweaty and cranky ..constantly going in supply room ..????
i concocted a very confusing system using varied carbon papers to accelerat the sentence ..... ha ha

Jul 16, 2021
fourth grade unqua school NEW
by: Anonymous

had mrs lebowitz , she was just a great teacher , and being teachers pet didnt hurt either - except for getting in fights because of it ...
i have a pc of teh class ill hunt up and post -
ah , teh sultry judy johnson - teh very funny tom kelly ...was teh best year at unqua for me , the rest blah!

Jul 16, 2021
Mr. Bell and Mr. Elder NEW
by: Jeff C.

I remember Mr. Belavigna the principal. Wasn't Mr. Elder his vice principal? Mr. Elder also supervised summer recreation at Unqua in his sandals and high socks.

Jul 16, 2021
my burden [ one of many] NEW
by: Anonymous

3rd grade unqua school - mid 1950's
miss annecelli -
pretty , young , with nice didposition - dark red , long hair , always nicly dressed , with full skirt , white blouse - was school artist ,, got repremand for selling " majic pencils - seems someone noticed that a few kids were short on lunch money - ,
had a " lauren " in teh class .. was smiten with me . well i was born cute .. one day she could contain heself no longer and threw her arms around me and kissed me !
teh class went hysterical . and me being unsofisticated [ cant spell either ] pushed her away roughly ...well she bawled her eyes out - and i still feel bad abt it !!

Jul 16, 2021
mrs belevenia NEW
by: Anonymous

2nd grade at ungua - early fiftys
mrs Belevenia , i think her husband was the principal -
poor mrs bel ... she was always at her wits end,
screaching and slaming her pointer on her desk !
cant say i blame her with " tommy gil....... having his daily nervouse breakdown , " what you try to do ? kill me ???
tommy was famouse for having a few screws loose . standing on top of his desk !!!!
add to this teh school was a sweatbox . i remember little marsha ,, seemed dressed in rags , white blond hair , short , roughly cut , had big mole on chin - was sweet and shy -

Jul 16, 2021
from my streach at the annex - NEW
by: Anonymous

we lived on morris lane just off unqua rd from 53 to 1960 - attended unqua from 1 to 6th grade - then 7th a mckenna -
the teachers at unqua :
ist grade = the lovley and very stylish
miss capalongo -
petiet and pretty , dark hair , spike heals you could hear all over teh school , and always an expensive and perfectly tailored suit with white blouse frilly around neck - she was a standout compared to the other teachers [ mostly dumpy lookin]
and her personality was just as nice ,, i was eraser monitor , ha ha

Jul 16, 2021
the " anex" NEW
by: brian

very interesting ! i lucked onto this blog ...
i start with molle [ ? ] anex ...
came to long island in 52' and lived at 104 morris lane , just off unqua rd.
molle anex , was an old bus or truck depot , the smell of damp concrete -and oil . the teachers ...W-I-E-R-D ....! only good part from my point of view were the big fat pencils , i loved to draw , and maybe dodge ball..
the place was likly built in the teens judging from archatectural style - it was a dump , our parents had a nerve sending us there -

Jul 08, 2021
Unqua Miss Leffert
by: Glenn U.

Roseann mentioned Miss Nancy Lefffert teaching 5th grade, I had her and remember her well. Probably too well, considering she is now in her late 80's if she is still alive. She lived in NYC on the Upper East Side. She was gorgeous, at least this 5th graders ideal of a tall leggy NYC woman! But what did I know at 11 years old!

Jul 06, 2021
Great South Bay NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the update on the bay, So sad, I recall that we used go out to the flats at low tide off of Harbor Green and pick up clams and sell them to the neighbors for gas money for our outboard engines, and there was great fluke and flounder spots by Sandy Island to the east of the Wantagh Parkway Bridge.

The building collapse in Surfside is an immense tragedy for all involved, it maybe a combination of bad structural design and terrible maintenance that caused the area by the pool to give way and the building was then compromised.

We are now watching the tropical storm to our west blow by this part of Florida and taking a deep breath. I recall LI hurricanes in the lates 50s and 60s and they were no fun especially if you had a boat.
Be safe and well.

Jul 05, 2021
@Tony: Mrs. Faigenbaum? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Tony,
Could it be Mrs. Faigenbaum? I had her for 1st grade in '62-'63.

Jul 05, 2021
Anonymous - Nassau Shores
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Well the bay has definitely had it's ups and downs through the years. You have been gone from here a long time! I think for the most part the eel grass and brown tide are under control right now. We do have spots like Florence Beach, which I'm sure you knew, which is often under bacteria watch and no swimming is recommended. We took a big hit with Hurricane Sandy and changed a lot of the seascape. Many of the tinny little islands have changed in size or are now barely above water. My friends and I never did a lot of fishing but we did a lot of clamming! I remember jumping out of our boats into waist high water during low tide maybe 100 yards or so into the bay and stepping right on a bed of buried clams and filling our buckets with them.
I know that was stopped for awhile and now it's restricted times,locations and quantity.
I was and still am a big Tobay guy.Thank God the town has always taken care of the beach through the years. The concession stand was rebuilt a couple of times due to storms and is now much larger than the original one. Just this year they dredged a lot of sand to increase the width of the beach and it still has that home town feel.
I hope this helped your curiosity a little. Stay well in Plantation- Florida I assume. Tragic about that condo not far from you

Jul 05, 2021
Repost: sexual abuse NEW
by: Anonymous

I’ve enjoyed s trip down memory lane while reading but feel compelled to ask if anyone shares an unpleasant recollection of questionable behavior/sexual abuse by a CYO or rec coach from the late 70s or early 80s? My deceased brother who had a troubled life would occasionally reference it and there was an element of a group shower where boys were given shower caps? Any insight? Not looking for a name just anyone who might confirm a similar experience?

Jul 05, 2021
JIm Nassau Shores NEW
by: Anonymous

JIm, as an Nassau Shores guy I assume you are familiar with the bay. I am a class of 62 grad of MHS, grew up in Harbour Green, spent my youth on the Great South Bay. Out of state since 1969.

How is the bay doing with the eel grass and fishing, read somewhere that brown tide did a job on the bay?

Miss, Zachs Bay, Giglo Beach, Fire Island Inlet, fluke and flounder fishing.

Stopped at local Whole Foods here in Plantation and bought Cape Canaveral Flounder , freshly caught for $19.99 a pound, told guy behind counter I caught lots of flounder as a kid for a lot cheaper , he replied yeh and gas was 31 cents a gallon too!

Jul 05, 2021
Unqua NEW
by: Tony

Of course I am not sure of the spelling, but I remember Mrs. Fahiman or Faigman.. Terrible spelling .. but I had her in 6th grade at Unqua. I have such great memories of her as a great teacher and very kind. She was the best teacher from my days at Unqua.

Jun 30, 2021
ASPULA ? Road Rally
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember...? A road rally that started at Massapequa HS (I think)... Drivers and passengers were given clues and had to solve riddles to reach the next check point on a carefully mapped out course around town, one check point was a stop at a grocery store where teams had to buy food and supplies before racing off to the finish line that was at an upstate camp ground.

Jun 29, 2021
Ziggy's / Angela
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

Well since no one else responded regarding the current status of Ziggy's I can offer the following although I wish I had some info for Angela regarding her doctor. That does seem more urgent. Good luck to her.
Anyway,Ziggy's closed a long time ago although I don't remember the year. What stands there now is a four unit mini condo complex. The marina is still next door and Dick & Dora's closed and was knocked down about 12-15 years ago and a private home resides there now. I really miss that place! The Alhambra Beach area is being improved and expanded right now.
Have a good summer wherever you reside now!

Jun 22, 2021
much needed help NEW
by: Angela

I was a kid in the 80s and Dr. Mensing was my doctor. I was wondering if anyone could lead me in the right direction to find my medical records so maybe I can have a guide to what is going on with my daughter. Please help.

Jun 21, 2021
Ziggys? NEW
by: Anonymous

Anyone have pictures or memories of a catering place in Massapequa by the water in the 1970s known as Ziggys? When did it close/was it bought by another venue? Went to a wedding there in 1977...

Jun 21, 2021
Ziggys? NEW
by: Anonymous

Anyone have pictures or memories of a catering place in Massapequa by the water in the 1970s known as Ziggys? When did it close/was it bought by another venue? Went to a wedding there in 1977...

May 19, 2021
Looking for an Old Friend NEW
by: Anonymous

I am looking for an old friend of mine. Her name was Judy Lee and she graduated from MHS in 1965. She married James Curtis. She lived on Cleveland Avenue in Massapequa between Seaford Avenue and Forest Avenue. If anyone knows about her whereabouts, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

May 06, 2021
Terry L
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS ‘71

Well I’m glad to hear you guys are still able to pursue the Perfect Wave! Me, I’m content with an occasional round of golf and I still watch the surfers at Tobay! Stay well and enjoy.

May 06, 2021
by: Terry L

Hey Jim, no Russ did not marry Kathy he married a girl named Marianne. I grew up across the street from him and he was instrumental in getting me into surfing. He's a great guy.

May 06, 2021
Terry L
by: Jim, Nassau Shore BHS '71

I'm not sure if I knew you but you mentioned a great guy - Russ Sennett who I knew pretty well. He was my surfing hero! I used to go watch him sometimes at Tobay or maybe Gilgo. I could never get the hang of surfing myself but it is a beautiful sport.I wonder if he married his high school sweetheart- Kathy I think it was. Nice girl. I lost track of Russ a couple of years after graduation.
If it weren't for my kids and grand kids I'd move to Florida too. Love your Governor!
A real blast from the past. Thanks

May 06, 2021
Doug B
by: Terry L

Hey Doug! TL here. Retired and living in Fla. Moved south in '82. Still surfing when there are waves. Gerard I. probably moving south within year. Russ Sennet retirrd in Vero Bch. Surf with Dan Boyar all the time. He's retired as well. Hope everything is good with you.

May 03, 2021
Birch lane NEW
by: Cindy Searby

Does anyone remember Mr. Searby from Birch Lane. He was my dad.

Apr 28, 2021
I knew some Berner graduates of 1973
by: Mike K

I didnt go to Berner when I lived in Massapequa (north of the tracks) as I graduated from Holy Trinity in 1973, but I knew a number of guys who graduated from Berner in and around 73. Veinot, Crowley, Tricarico, Gorman, Jenkins, Tyree come to mind. You may recognize some of those surnames.

Apr 28, 2021
Motzah Pizza
by: Doug B

Grew up partly on Pacific St north of the tracks, and moved to the Shores in 2nd grade, great memories, All American, Carvel, Dinos, Chicken Delite, Dick & Dora's, Nautilus, Gilgo, Coco's & Plank house, Whites, Mays, Burns Park, Marjorie Post Park, my Boston Whaler out on the bay, Riviera, Peninsula Golf Club, Grace Episcopal Church, Krischs, clamming, surfing, water skiing, moved away after graduating Berner in '73, back again after college, moved away for good in '80 but Massapequa will always be home, always bring up a flood of memories, in Texas now for the last 30 years, still think about the good ol days

Apr 16, 2021
Birch Lane and Miss Young as principal? NEW
by: Anonymous

Great to see (finally) a common memory!

I can't remember who i had for kindergarten, but I had Miss Goodwin and Miss Illmansee for 1st grade (I had a big crush on Miss Illmansee who married at thee end of that year and became - if I remember - Mrs. Schreiber),

Mrs. Kollmer for 2nd grade and Mrs. Harris for third grade.

My family moved to Indiana in the middle of 3rd grade - and returned to NY when I was in the middle of 7th grade - but to Rye NY in Westchester County.

I lived on Belvedere Drive in Massapequa Park, not sure if it was close to you.

Apr 16, 2021
by: Anonymous

Apr 16, 2021
doug1963 NEW
by: Anonymous

How can I get in touch with you, I am in South florida

Apr 16, 2021
by: Anonymous

Yes live in TX now

Apr 16, 2021
Doug 1963 NEW
by: Anonymous

Doug, this is Jeff from Harbourview drive, the Doug B. i knew I think lived on Sunset?

Apr 16, 2021
1963 NEW
by: Doug

Is this Jeff?

Apr 15, 2021
Lucky to grow up in Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous

We moved to Biltmore Shores in 1954, I attended Fairfield for part of 6th grade and then was transferred to Birch Lane and was part of the first 6th Grade Class to graduate from there.I recall principal Ms.Young as tough but fair , Coach Igra as really being a cool guy, had Mrs, Cutler for the last part of the year, nice lady but we did not hit it off well. Then off to Parkside for 7th and 8th Grade , bused all the time in the rain and snow. Remember nasty art teacher with big ruler he used for discipline , Ms. Hyman for social studies, and a math teacher, Mr. Marchant? Then off to MHS for 9th through 12th grade.
Had several great teachers there, Mr. Moore-Spanish, Mr. Guernsey for math, Mr. Hoyt , a prima donna for choir, Mr. Wurthman for English, and Ms. Musial in 12th grade English as a first year teacher, what that class did to that poor lady was unreal, social studies, lucky to have Al Baldwin -great guy, and Floyd Kenyon , what a character , oh yes Mr. Morrissey for Math and Al Orrok.
Ms. Godbold for guidance told me I would never get into the college I wanted to and of course I did.
Living in Biltmore Shore and being near the bay and beach was great times, later moved to Harbour Green in 1961 and that closer to the bay. Grew up around boats and summer fluke, and fall flounder and collecting clams at low tide out in the bay to pay for marine gas then about 31 cents a gallon!
Had a great bunch of guys to play sports with , Joe, Bill, Tim, George later Dave, Eric, and Doug, fishing at Fire Island Inlet and Jones inlet surfing at Gilgo Beach, beaching our small boats at Zachs bay and walking over to the ocean at Jones Beach, hockey on Caroons Lake, all great memories.,recall then putt putt and Bow wow on Sunrise , Kirsch's was a stop anytime we went to library. Yes, 35cent sundaes at Grants and Kresge at the Bar Harbour Mall, the pizza place there and the Hot Dog place, can't forget the small barbershop just down from MHs.
How can you not recall Lords bakery and the deli next door?
Played the golf course in Nassau Shores several times learning the game.
Miss the GO Card to get into the hockey games at Madison Square Carden for $5.00
Went off to college and then to law school in Ohio and in 1969 joined the US Dept of Justice and was transferred all over the country and have never made it back to Massapequa. hope to one day get back for a ride around town. I miss it.....

Apr 02, 2021
unqua NEW
by: Anonymous

I saw Steve Delembackus fight with a teacher, it was in the dark lunch room. It was scarey. Was the bright one for 'buyers' and the dark for 'bringers'? 3 cent milks. Mrs. Kaye was the best. 20 years later I met someone who knew her and her husband, they were still kindness personified. Mr. Elder was nice. On to Berner, Mr. Sommerman was cool, He sent a message through a classmate to ask me to stop cutting class.

Mar 31, 2021
New Wing NEW
by: Jeff C.

I remember when they built the "New Wing". I was in 6th grade.We were the first grade to use these new classrooms.

Mar 31, 2021
Mrs Daschinger NEW
by: Mark B.

Oh wow, Mrs. Daschinger! Now that you mention her name, I remember her. She shocked me when, during a class one day, while we were singing, she called me out. I thought she was going to tell the class I had a horrible voice. Instead she put me in a capella choir! When my voice changed, no one would have ever thought to do that again! ;)

Mar 31, 2021
Music at Unqua NEW
by: Roseann

I remember Mrs. Dashshinger for music.

Mar 31, 2021
Unqua memories NEW
by: Roseann

I remember Steve Delambackus too. I was sort of friends with him at BHS. He was killed in a car accident a few years ago. I remember Mr. Moy too and how he told us how to spell his name. I was at Unqua his first year there. I think we were respectful but he was a very boring teacher.

Mar 31, 2021
Unqua NEW
by: Jeff C.

Vivid memories! I can recall all of the names listed. I had Mrs. Azimi for 2nd, Miss Abrams for 3rd, Mrs. Asher for 4th, Mrs. Weiss/ Miss Donofrio in 5th (Weiss went on Sabbatical) and Mrs. Lopresti/Miss Carnevale in 6th (Lopresti had a baby). Anyone remember Mr. Stowell for Music and Mrs. Singer? I was captivated by Mrs. Singer's colored stockings!

Mar 31, 2021
Unqua School NEW
by: Kevin

I goofed, Mrs. Bruni taught 1st grade so Ms. Davis was 2nd, Mrs. Thompson was 3rd and Mrs. Zembrowski was 4th. Mr. Moy gave us the "boy", "toy" lecture but we just dismissed him out-of-hand. We were brought up to respect our elders, teachers, etc. so we would never give them any of them a hard time. There was a teacher (male) who got into a fight with a student at lunch time once, I don't remember the teacher's name but the kids last name was "Delembacus" or something like that, he was very big for his age and rather heavy set. He hit the teacher in the face with a baseball glove. I'm sure that didn't work out for the student.

Mar 30, 2021
by: Anonymous

That’s how we were all raised. Nothing about it was right.
I feel somehow it made us stronger. Smarter. We learned from that mentality on our own and grew.

Mar 30, 2021
Mr Moy NEW
by: Anonymous

I had Mr Moy in seventh grade at McKenna. He was a librarian. I remember the first day of class he stood upfront and said to the class if you know Boy then you will know Toy and than you will know my name Mr Moy.That wasn’t a good thing to tell a bunch of seventh graders.From that point on we used to call him Mr. Boy Toy Moy.He got very physical with me one day, he slammed my head up against the wall and I hit the fire alarm actually cut the back of my head. But those Days you just suck it up. If I went home that night and told my dad Mr Moy push my head into the wall ,the first thing my dad would’ve said to me is what did you do wrong. He would’ve blamed me not the teacher. How things have changed over 45

Mar 30, 2021
Poor Mr Moy NEW
by: Mark B

Ah yes, he taught us the Dewey Decimal system... I remember we used to give Mr Moy a hard time for no very good reason; we treated him sort of how we would treat substitute teachers - with not a whole lot of respect!

Mar 30, 2021
Spelling NEW
by: Karen

I am having spelling trouble...drove!

Mar 30, 2021
by: Karen

I had Mrs. Zebrowski(?) for 4th and Mrs. Eggloff
(?) For 3rd! Does anyone remember when Mr.Moy drive his car into the playground when kids were outside? They said he had a breakdown and I think e was trying to run us over! 😵😂

Mar 30, 2021
Unqua memories NEW
by: Roseann

Kevin - I remember all these names of teachers. There were so many of us kids in those years. True boomers. I had Mrs. Bruni for 1st, Miss Schaefer in 2nd, Mrs Nelson in 3rd, Miss Boeing in 4th, Miss Leffert 5th and Mrs. Larkin in 6th. They were all so essential at that time.

Mar 30, 2021
Unqua School NEW
by: Kevin

I started at Unqua around 1961. Mrs. Saltese for kindergarten, Mrs. Bruni 2nd, Ms. Davis 3rd, Mrs. Thompson 4th, Mrs. Zembrowski (most likely not the correct spelling), Mrs. Weiss 5th and Mrs. Yeager 6th. Mr. Bell was the principal. Mr. Moy was the librarian which was a new concept and there were probably only a few dozen books. We would sneak into the Massapequa Drive-In parking lot during lunch looking for lose change, plenty of Coney Island Whitefish around. Walked down Unqua Road many times with the Baldwin boys, Alec was always the best behaved which might be difficult to appreciate at this juncture.

Mar 30, 2021
Burger King Sunrise Mall NEW
by: Anonymous

Anyone work at Burger King in Sunrise Mall in early 80’s.

Mar 30, 2021
Correction NEW
by: Karen

That is supposed to be Mrs.Mahr!

Mar 30, 2021
by: Karen

3 in my family had Mrs.Mary and my younger brother had Miss Hamilton and he had quite the crush! I had Mrs.Weiss for 5th...loved her! I think my favorite though was Mr. O'toole who was 6th grade!
I think the principal was Mr. Bell!

Mar 30, 2021
re mrs Hamilton by Jeff and Anonoamous

Hi I wonder if we were in the same class with Mrs Hamilton in 64 -65.?? Great memories of long ago

Mar 24, 2021
Dale Pets
by: Anonymous

Nancy that worked at Dale Pets was my best friends wife. I remember Pete Angles ,sorry to hear about his passing. If you folks remember the coin operated horse in the front of the store in the late 70s. I owned that Kiddie ride

Mar 24, 2021
Great Page. great memories! NEW
by: Donna B

Hi! I had Mrs.Mahr for kindergarten at Eastlake school. 1962-1963 school year. For 1st grade I went to Maplewood School in Wantagh, then 2nd -5th grade at Unqua. I had Miss Hoyt for 2nd grade, Mrs. Pompa for 3rd grade, Miss Bard for 4th and Mrs. Weiss for 5th. Loved them all (except Miss Hoyt). My family moved at the end of 5th grade to up state New York, then to Connecticut which is where I still live today. I have only fond memories of Massapequa and come back to Long Island every summer to visit family and friends. I lived on West Shore Drive and was friends with Stephanie Sollecito. and the Larkins. Great Memories!!

Mar 24, 2021
Seinfeld NEW
by: Anonymous

I had long heard that Seinfeld had gone to Eastlake Elementary School which always seemed to not make sense since he graduated from Massapequa High School. After a number of years of noodling around I found that he did in fact live at 50 Eastgate Road and did go to Eastlake. Eastgate Rd. ran along what became the back fence of the Sunrise Mall. His family later moved down close to the water, possibly before he finished Eastlake. He did also go to McKenna. I grew up on Westgate Rd.

Mar 23, 2021
Mrs. Bruni and Mrs. Mahr NEW
by: Roseann

I had Mrs. Bruni for first grade 1963 - 1964. I remember Mrs. Mahr and her husband was Alan Mahr. I know a cousin of Angela Mahr who goes to my church in NYC. Mr. Mahr recently passed.

Mar 23, 2021
Mrs. Bruni
by: Karen

We lived next door to the Bruni's! I had Mrs. Maher for Kindergarten at Unqua 1967!

Mar 23, 2021
Mrs. Hamilton NEW
by: Jeff

Yes, Mrs. Hamilton's room was in the front South corner of the school. She was great! Then Mrs. BRuni for first grade in '66. Many vivid memories. My name is Jeff Cootner. And yours?

Mar 22, 2021
mrs Hamilton 1965
by: Anonymous

I had Mrs Hamilton in 1965 also! whats your name?I remember so much from those days. Our class room was in the front south corner.She was wonderful

Mar 22, 2021
mrs Hamilton 1965 NEW
by: Anonymous

I had Mrs Hamilton in 1965 also! whats your name?I remember so much from those days. Our class room was in the front south corner.She was wonderful

Mar 22, 2021
Unqua school NEW
by: Mark B

I had Mrs. Feigenbaum for 1st grade at Unqua. I remember wondering how she went from being, umm, "fat", to skinny so quick. Lol. I didn't yet know enough to figure out she wasn't "fat", she was pregnant! Those were the days of the Cuban Missle Crisis and diving under the desk for a nuclear attack drill. Yep - that would've saved us! Does anyone remember Mrs. Armet and Mr. Dooly - both math teachers at MHS?

Mar 22, 2021
Mrs. Hamilton NEW
by: JC

Mrs. Hamilton was my kindergarten teacher at Unqua in 1965

Mar 21, 2021
East Lake for kindergarten NEW
by: Roseann

I remember your name Dan from BHS. I went to East Lake for kindergarten. I had Mrs. Hamilton.

Mar 21, 2021
@Mark B NEW
by: Roseann

I remember you Mark B. Thanks for writing. There is a famous TV producer with your same name so I have thought about you when I have seen that over these many years. I never thought Miss Leffert was all that nice but she was a good teacher and is the reason I have always been interested in the news and current events. She really schooled us in that. I think we also had Mrs. Larkin together in the 6th grade. I really liked Mrs. Larken and I remember the mock convention in her class.

Mar 21, 2021
Class Photo 1962-63 NEW
by: Dan Moran

I have long searched for someone who might have a class photo from Eastlake School, Miss Stafford's 1st Grade Class from 1963-64.. I do have all the rest from my years there. Might someone out there have been in that class and have the photo?
Thanks-Dan Moran

Mar 21, 2021
Massapequa Stories NEW
by: Dan Moran

Hi Massapequans,
I too graduated Berner in 1975. Before that I went to McKenna and Eastlake. I have been a writer all these many years and have written a numbwer os stories about growing up in Massapequa. Despite having had now thirteen collections of poetry published I have not published these stories but have begun posting them on YouTube. Should any of you wish to hear a few they are on my YouTube channel which is danielthomasmoran. Here is a link to two of them. I hope they bring back some good memories.
Cheers-Dan Moran

Mar 20, 2021
Miss Carnevale NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone recall Miss Carnevale from Unqua School? Great teacher for 6th grade!

Mar 19, 2021
Hi Roseann - we were classmates! NEW
by: Mark B

@Roseanne - I graduated MHS in 1975, went to Unqua and had Ms. Lefferts as my 5th Grade teacher. I do recall your name, but (sorry) that's about it. Do you remember doing a mock presidential convention with Ms. Lefferts? She asked me to represent Wallace (what did I know about politics at the time? So I said yes.) I distinctly remember that she turned cold to me after that, as if I REALLY was a Wallace supporter (never, ever, of course but she almost seemed to blame me for taking the role she assigned me! Weird). At the time I didn't understand why she changed but of course as I got a little older I realized, and thougth it unfair of her to do that. (Strange foreshadowing of current times!) Nonetheless I liked her as a teacher, at least up until that point.

Mar 18, 2021
BHS class of 1975
by: Roseann

I went to Unqua and lived on Huron Ave. in Nassau Shores. Does anyone know what happened to Miss Leffert who taught 5th grade at Unqua. She was so pretty. I live in NYC now. I was very nerdy in those days and wasn't really close to too many people. My parents were very strict.

Mar 18, 2021
Random comment NEW
by: Anonymous

Joe’s deli which became Carol’s deli on South west corner of Broadway and Rhode Island avenue next to the drug store. Bought all my baseball cards there.

Mar 18, 2021
I remember it well.... NEW
by: Anonymous

So wonderful to read all these memories!

Biltmore Beach Club dances on Friday night in summer.
The "art house" cinema at the Bar Harbor Shopping Center
Tobay Beach
Gilgo Beach
Harbor Green
Biltmore Shores
St. Rose of Lima Church
Pequa Bowl
Crabbing off the docks at high tide.
In fall, burning leaves, on the side of the road.
Skinny dipping in the bay
Ice Skating on Caroons Lake
ABC Deli
Memorial Day Parades

Massapequa in the 50's and 60's was a simple, lovely place to be. The only thing I was afraid of as a kid was Khruschev and air raid drills, where we crouched in the halls of Birch Lane School.

Mar 13, 2021
Good memories of Massapequa
by: Ray Cooke

Came across this site after seeing a reference to Bohack's supermarket on a Pinterest page - lots of good memories here!
I grew up in Massapequa and graduated from Berner in 1975; went to school in Colorado and lived there for several years afterward, then moved to the Los Angeles area where I live today. Despite the years Massapequa memories come back often, like when I bought cold cuts the other day and recalled Scordato's deli on North Broadway up the block from our house on Suffolk Ave., and Sparky's barber shop as I look at my now rather long hair thanks to COVID closing our local barbers. I even check the Newsday website every now and then to see what's going on around Long Island, and am awaiting delivery of a Massapequa history book from Amazon that I stumbled across last week.
Spent a few weeks back in Massapequa about two years ago, sadly because my dad died and we had to take care of things afterwards, but it was a chance to immerse myself in the place where I grew up and revisit places that were part of my life. Won't forget those places, or the people who were part of those memories. I never had any plans to move back, but I'll always remember it as a good place to live!

Mar 13, 2021
Ice cream truck 1950s NEW
by: Anonymous

Judy Ann. Good Humor. Bungalow Bar.

Mar 08, 2021
Dick and Dora’s
by: Charlie L

Worked at this place from 79 to 80, 2nd owners Joe and Helen real tuff to work for, busted my butt as a bus boy, $$ was great! The place closed down in late 90’s and they developed waterfront condos.

Mar 01, 2021
the sixties NEW
by: CM

remember much about growing up in that town ,sol's by the A&P the Italian deli inside corner near Sol's the pequa bowl the pequa theatre Mass zoo and the monkey mountain feed them for a nickel a shotbig bow bow best hot dogs ,the hotel burnt down on hicksville road and they left it there so we could climb over the ruins .Croons lake and the winter ice skating ,West end deli on Seaford avenue and merrick road,Bar harbour and grants the square pizza place and the record store I bought "sargents peppers lonely hearts club band" album.I had a gang of friends some true and some not was always moving around learned to handel myself on the streets after one year in military school and went to parkside ,the bullies couldnt beat the snot out of me anymore .I learned how to get by on the streets or anyplace I shot pool with WIlly Masconi at a pool hall on merrick road near the John j burns park and ran with my friends shooting pool and stopping in to the diner for coffe at night,we moved in 67 after a death in the family..good and bad times there but never a dull moment my family was there and those were good times.

Mar 01, 2021
the sixties NEW
by: CM

remember much about growing up in that town ,sol's by the A&P the Italian deli inside corner near Sol's the pequa bowl the pequa theatre Mass zoo and the monkey mountain feed them for a nickel a shotbig bow bow best hot dogs ,the hotel burnt down on hicksville road and they left it there so we could climb over the ruins .Croons lake and the winter ice skating ,West end deli on Seaford avenue and merrick road,Bar harbour and grants the square pizza place and the record store I bought "sargents peppers lonely hearts club band" album.I had a gang of friends some true and some not was always moving around learned to handel myself on the streets after one year in military school and went to parkside ,the bullies couldnt beat the snot out of me anymore .I learned how to get by on the streets or anyplace I shot pool with WIlly Masconi at a pool hall on merrick road near the John j burns park and ran with my friends shooting pool and stopping in to the diner for coffe at night,we moved in 67 after a death in the family..good and bad times there but never a dull moment my family was there and those were good times.

Feb 28, 2021
Ice Cream Trucks street hockey NEW
by: Anonymous

I believe Circus man was the Other Ice Cream Truck.
I remember Fribbles at Friendly’s on Broadway and Clark Blvd
Street Hockey games one block against another at Hawthorn school parking lot.
Getting our hockey stick blades at Korvettes or Herman’s in the mall.
Curving them over a hot pot of boiling water.
Playing baseball in the sump with one ball wrapped with electrical tape.

Feb 28, 2021
love this site NEW
by: KeithCornelius

Just came back to this wonderful site after a year or so. Just spent at least an hour reading all of your memories. I was born there 1959 and spent 13 years of my childhood living on Fairwater Ave right by the Bay. Holding back tears of joy and smiling as i read such great memories from most of you just touched my heart.The Baldwin Family lived directly behind us with just a fence separating our yards. We made home 8mm movies in my yard which i still have. i miss the golden days of growing up in old Massapequa

Feb 23, 2021
Holiday Park NEW
by: Annie

Bobby Hep -- I believe you went to school with my cousins...The DeLuca's who lived on Chestnut Street. I recognize the name. I went to Farmingdale HS but lived on the border...I have very good memories of those years. (I still live in cousins have all moved south).

Feb 23, 2021
by: Bobby Hepburn (Zep)

I grew up on Ontario Ave. and went to Plainedge HS. As a teenager, we hung out behind SCHWARTING School on Jerusalem Ave. and HOLIDAY PARK on Hicksville Road. I worked at THE HOLIDAY PARK Pharmacy as a delivery boy in HS. I have GREAT memories of my childhood and teenage years at Plainedge. My singing career started there when ALL the guys used to form little groups and harmonize. We were only a few miles from Alhambra Beach, Florence Ave. Beach or... a bus trip away from Jones Beach. EVERYONE who has ever been to Massapequa, knows ALL AMERICAN on Merrick Road. It has LEGENDARY French Fries. I miss those day, but am happy here in the Mountains of The Lehigh Valley, in Pennsylvania. I still go back every year for the ITALIAN FEAST on Broadway. Us OLD guys gather in front of THE VILLAGE PUB.

Feb 21, 2021
Response to Books on the Table NEW
by: Anonymous

I am say that Carol DeBrita, has passed away. She lived on Chicago Avenue, two doors away from me, and was my fourth grade teacher. Talk about being awkward having your teacher as your neighbor. May Ms. DeBrita Rest In Peace.

Feb 13, 2021
Re Visited Massapequa in 2019 NEW
by: Anonymous

Reading all the comments here on this site , names of places to eat, names of people and neighborhoods , street names .
Well , I came back to Massapequa on a business trip with my Husband and kids , and after leaving this town , driving thru the streets , I was so sad to see lots of changes
but so is life after 30 plus years , I wish it was the old neighborhood , seeing kids play in the streets , I did not see my neighbor Ma and Pop little candy stores , etc. anymore

I have many fond memories of Massapequa , the schools Berner HS/Massapequa HS. I still keep in contact with classmates ( not going to say what year i grad) from but i will never forget the small town memories of my childhood/teen era

Feb 10, 2021
Looking for Ms. Carol Debrita
by: Books on her table

I went to Raymond J. Lockhart elementary 1971 to 1977, and had
Carol Debrita as my 5th grade teacher. Ms. Debrita was kind to me, listened to me and protected me from the bullies. Because of her, I homeschooled all my kids, who are all very successful, 2 of which are now teachers themselves.
I would love to know how she's doing, is she still as live?
If she is, please tell her Mary thanks her.

Feb 09, 2021
Born on the Fourth of July NEW
by: Johnny Boy

To see how the Elmwood area of Dallas was made up to look like Massapequa, visit:

I read somewhere that Kovic lived on Lee Place and that Tom Cruise, before the movie started filming, visited Massapequa and had ice cream at Krisch's.

Feb 08, 2021
Sparky's, et al. NEW
by: Johnny Boy

Sparky (some old man actor) was featured in "Born on the 4th of July," early on in the movie, which was filmed in the metro Dallas area, but made up to look like Broadway in Massapequa.

I remember getting my haircut by Sparky in December of 1980 when I was home on leave from Gila Bend AFB given I had let it grow out on vacation.

As to Bungalow Bar, I always remember the song "Bungalow Bar, tastes like tar, the more you eat it, the sicker you are." Typical kid stuff.

There was also a great Italian Deli on Broadway (west side of the street); can't remember the name, but the food was incredible.

Jan 24, 2021
Massapequa 1974 Grad
by: Greg M

I moved from New Hyde Park to Massapequa, Feb 1969, attended Parkside Middle School, Now Ames, my younger brother attended Birch Lane. All American is still there. I worked at All American my first job, paid $1.75 an hour. Mopped the floors, made those great French fries, and was in charge of garbage compacting, in the dumpster. About 1974 worked at Pequa movie theater wearing the red blazer suit jacket, now a car dealership. And summers worked as a Tobay Lifeguard. Tobay has survived a few Hurricanes but it’s still there. I believe it was Kevin who said he lived in Harbor Green in 1969, that is also where I lived for 12 years, I can’t place you Kevin. Now, I live off of Alhambra road, Dick and Dora,s no longer here but they use to make the best pizza. Enjoyed reading everyone’s posts.

Dec 30, 2020
Repaving the Roads (to JHG) NEW
by: Kevin

We moved from Queens to Highwater Avenue in the 1950s and then to Shinnecock Avenue, both in Nassau Shores. During Jr. High School we moved to Harbor Green. I never cared for Harbor Green very much, most of the kids were overly obsessed with who had the bigger house, drove the fancier car, had the fastest boat - you get the idea. That wasn't the way we were brought up, we were taught to judge people by how they treated others. Manners, being polite, respectful, etc. - these mattered most. We made friends with everyone, regardless of where they lived or what their Dad for a living. I think that's the way it should always be.

Dec 30, 2020
Berner in the news NEW
by: Anonymous

Berner HS in the news:
"As a student at Berner High School in Massapequa, Baldwin was listed as "Alexander Baldwin" in the yearbook."

Dec 28, 2020
Repaving - Nassau Shores
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71

I remember the roads being repaved in the mid 60's (?) after they installed the sewers around the area. I was a kid but I know all the neighbors had to put up with the mess but were glad they didn't have to worry about their cesspools caving in any longer.
I can't believe most of Suffolk County still doesn't have cesspools.

Dec 27, 2020
Paving in Mass pk in 60s NEW
by: Richie B

That was crazy the tar sprayer and then putting bluestones on top. It became a road in time. But inthe mean time it was a mess to walk on.

Dec 27, 2020
Repaving the Roads (Kevin) - Nassau Shores NEW
by: JHG

I remember when they repaved the streets in Nassau Shores (or paved the streets for the 1st time?) we kids would walk over the tar and it would stick to the shoes and sneakers. Our mothers went crazy and would chase us down to where the tar was freshly spread. They couldn't go out to drag us home, they'd just yell to us to get off the streets. We kids must have been between 4 and 6 at the time. Mom and dad would use kerosene to get the tar off the shoes. What a mess.
And we all loved the smell of the fog man's truck. We'd follow him on our bicycles as he drove his Jeep around each house on our bikes or just running after him. I don't remember any adverse after-effects. Just dementia in my old age.......:-)
Kevin, what street were you on?

Dec 27, 2020
Lakeshore Drive NEW
by: Bob HAnonymous

Born in Massapequa in 68. Lived on Lakeshore dr. Loved it there, playing in the woos with the stream and lakes.Remeber going to Musicaros restaurant and having their brick ice cream. It was so delicious !!

Dec 26, 2020
Sol' Lunchentte NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember this place- Sol's it was in the shopping center across from All American-

It was where Uncle Giuseppe's is now. The Shopping center was not as big then.

Dec 08, 2020
Repaving the Roads NEW
by: Kevin

I certainly recall the repaving of the roads with the hot tar and blue stone. A tremendous mess (the stones would stick to the tires on our car or get caught in the treads and make a lot of noise on the bottom of the car whenever my parents went through our neighborhood) and since we lived on a corner the workers would ask if they could get a drink of water from our garden hose. That's something you can't forget.

Dec 08, 2020
To Kevin NEW
by: Anonymous

I think that fog was DDT! I remember the knife sharpening guy, milk man, bread truck and of course the Good Humor truck; but I also remember in the fall, a hay wagon came around and gave rides, this was on Cartwright Blvd in 1949 or so.
Some years, the streets would be regravelled with hot tar oozing up.

Dec 07, 2020
Charlie Chips NEW
by: Anonymous

How about Charlie Chips! Big tins of potato chips and pretzels getting delivered!

Dec 07, 2020
Vendor Trucks NEW
by: Kevin

In Nassau Shores we had Good Humor and Hood ice cream trucks. Bungalow Bar and Mr. Softee were in Queens where my grandparents lived. We also had the milkman (I have a big scar on my wrist when I fell on our metal milkbox) and the Dougan man who delivered baked goods. There was also the "grinder man" in the big open-sided green truck that had that loud alarm type bell and everyone would get their scissors and outdoor tools sharpened. I can't forget the "fog man", the town would spray for mosquitos with a truck creating a huge fog down our block and all the kids would ride through the mist on their bikes. Probably not a very smart move but we didn't know any better.

Dec 06, 2020
Ice cream trucks NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember a third truck that would come very once in while. Judy Ann. The saying was Judy Ann the garbage man. Bugalow bar tastes like tar. It would go down Pacific St.

Dec 06, 2020
Home deliveries NEW
by: Anonymous

I also remember the sharpening truck and his distinctive bell ringing. My father would often have his hedge clippers sharpened. How about the milkman delivery truck. I think it was Borden's dairy. The milk and other dairy products would be left on the front stoop in those silver insulated boxes. The glass quarts of milk always had a good inch of cream on top. Also, for a while we had the Dugan Breadman deliver bread products.I am going back now to the late 50's and early 60's

Dec 06, 2020
3rd Truck with Bells NEW
by: jg JHS'67

I recall a knife sharpening truck, painted green and slower than the ice cream trucks, and ringing smaller higher pitched bells. A lot of the moms in the neighborhood would run out with scissors and knifes for the man to sharpen.

Dec 06, 2020
Ice Cream Truck - Anonymous
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71

I don't know if your question about the fourth ice cream truck, way back when, was a riddle (do you already know the answer?) but the only other regular ice cream truck I can remember was Carvel.
Was there another one?

Dec 06, 2020
Sol's Luncheonette
by: Rex Gale

I remember and loved this place if it's the same one I'm thinking of. Was it just down from All American in a small strip center...between All American and Dairy Barn?
We used to play basketball down at Fairfield Elementary School and Parkside. After we headed to Sol's Luncheonette and sat at the counter for a vanilla soda and toasted bagel :)
My idea of heaven growing up as a kid in Massapequa!

Dec 04, 2020
Ice Cream Trucks in Massapequa Park NEW
by: Anonymous

We all remember Good Humor and Bungalow Bar Ice Cream but who remembers the third truck in the 50s and it is not Mr Softee.

Dec 04, 2020
Nancy and Pete Engels? NEW
by: Dylan Engels

Pete Engels is my father, he passed away 6 years ago. He was 21 years old in 1975 so the timing seems to match. Nancy is my aunt and his younger sister, her last name is now Giannattasio if you have Facebook. I randomly came across this blog while looking for an old surf shop I went to and then saw your comment... it would be pretty crazy if we’re thinking of the same people!

Dec 04, 2020
Dale Pets NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't remember the last name... If Nancy worked there spring/summer of 1975 then, yes, I suppose so! I'd be interested to know if this is the same person.

Dec 02, 2020
Pete Engels?
by: Anonymous

Nancy and Pete Engels?

Dec 01, 2020
Dale Pets NEW
by: Anonymous

When I stopped working at Dale Pets in mid-1975 there was a young woman who worked there, but I don't believe her name was Nancy (I could be wrong)... she had blonde hair and her brother was Pete, a friend of mine.

Dec 01, 2020
Dale Pets NEW
by: Anonymous

My friends wife worked at Dale Pets around that time.Her
First name was Nancy

Nov 13, 2020
Lafayette NEW
by: Jeff

yes that electronics store was Lafayette Electronics. Bought my first stero there.

Nov 13, 2020
Dale Pets NEW
by: Anonymous

That's right Kevin - the coffee shop was next door and when I worked there I think an electronics store was on the other side, or perhaps a couple of doors down. We had a pretty broad mix of animals there... dogs, cats, tropical and salt water fish, birds, reptiles and on occasion some more exotic animals. The only animal I wouldn't go near was the tarantula we once had!

Nov 13, 2020
by: Kevin

If memory serves Dale Pets was next to the coffee shop and Courtesy Drugs closest to Sunrise Highway. We would go after church on Sunday, my parents would go shopping at Courtesy Drugs and if we were lucky we could pick out something like candy or perhaps Batman cards. Then we'd visit Dale Pets. We moved to Massapequa, Nassau Shores in 1958, and then to Harbor Green around 1969. I left in 1980 and currently live up on the North Shore. Sadly over-commercialization and our elected officials complete disregard for the quality of life on Long Island (tax revenues are apparently more important than maintaining the beauty that was once Nassau & Suffolk counties) has made us decide to leave NY forever. Massapequa once looked like the country but today looks more like Jamaica Queens. Fortunately I still have the memories which can't be paved over or have a strip center or fast food store built on top of them.

Nov 13, 2020
Dale Pets NEW
by: Mark B.

Does anyone remember Dale Pets in the Mays shopping center? I worked there from 1972-1975.

Nov 13, 2020
Dale Pets NEW
by: Mark B.

Does anyone remember Dale Pets in the Mays shopping center? I worked there from 1972-1975.

Nov 13, 2020
Great memories Janet Falvo NEW
by: Donna B

Hi Janet Falvo, I loved reading your story. I lived in Massapequa until the end of 5th grade. Then we moved to Connecticut which is where i still live. Debbie Kruetel was in my 4th grade class with Miss Bard as our teacher! I was very quiet and shy so probably nobody remembers me, but Debbie was always so nice and friendly!! I had Miss Hoyt for 2nd grade, Mrs. Pompa for 3rd, Miss Bard 4th, Mrs. Weiss for 5th. I have such great memories of Massapequa!! I lived on West Shore Drive {off Merrick Rd., } right by Marjorie Post Park. Loved all my teachers except Miss Hoyt!! A few of my neighbors were Stephanie Sollecito, Ellen Larkin. I try to go back every summer to visit family and friends that are still on the island. Oh, I think I had a Janet in either my 4th or 5th grade class, maybe it was you?? I'll be looking into that event at Marjorie Post park, sounds like fun!!

Nov 12, 2020
Miniature Golf Course
by: Jo-Ann

Janet Falco my dad owned that miniature golf course. I have fond memories of the place and am still looking for photos of it if anyone has them. If you got a hole-in-one on the last hole, #18, you got a free game. You had to hit the ball up and over a bridge.

Nov 12, 2020
Richard Place and that park by Mays NEW
by: Mark B.

Jeff C., I lived on Richard Pl. directly across from the basketball field in the park you mentioned, and right around the corner from Joludow Drive. I spent many a beautiful day playing with friends on the merry-go-round when in the giddy 5-10 age range, and used to cut along the creek behind the park to walk to Unqua school. Those indeed were the days, when parents called your name from the front stoop when it was time to come home for dinner! Lovely place to grow up and a nice time to do it in.

I graduated MHS in 1975, btw.

Nov 12, 2020
Jones Court NEW
by: Jeff C.

Teresa, your comments brought back vivid memories of a more innocent time. Yes we did walk everywhere back then. We were close enough to walk to 3 different movie theaters, a bowling alley, Mays and the Mall,Marjorie Post Park for swimming and ice skating, both elementary and high school and the woods to play in. Those of us on Jones Court could just hop the backyard fence and be in the little league baseball field (Richard Pl.) The best part was that we had around 30 kids who were within a year or two of each other and were always outside playing. We knew the moms in every house and they were like additional parents to us. It was really paradise to grow up in.

Nov 12, 2020
Just Memories NEW
by: Janet Falco

I read a couple of comments of people who asked about Jones Court. I lived on Avenue Louise and yes I remember Jones Court. The Dwyers, the Lugos and the Olsons lived there. I lived near McCluskie, Senn, Mure, Alfino, Reno, Idone, Scalfani, Provenzano, Simon, Kruetel, Koff, Golden, Zorro, Sonderman, Daughtery, Ferguson, Merck, and Oast. That's all I can remember from that street right now. We walked to May's a lot and went to the miniature golf course on Sunrise Hwy near the Howard Johnsons. I got a hole in one there once! Got a free game. I remember Carvel, Lord's, the Pizza places and of course All-American. Chicken Delight was my favorite take-out. Walked to Unqua and Berner. I can't believe at 11 years old me and Debbie Kruetel walked to Bar Harbor for Pizza. They had outside music playing there. I thought I was in a rich area. I do remember the old man on the farm which was then converted to Marjorie Post Park. I guess the boys in town used to harass him so when I went to see the animals, the old man chased me down with rakes and shovels. My street butt up against that wooded area and his farm was through that way. There was a candy store we used to go to as well on Merrick. I have since moved from there in 1978. Went to Florida for 13 years and now I live in Knoxville, Tn. I have gone back numerous times to see family and friends. This last time in 2019 was a shocker. Really changed Very dirty around that area now. There's usually a yearly picnic at the Majorie post park woods around the end of August, early September but this year was canceled because of covid. It's for anyone that grew up in Massapequa. If interested it's usually posted on Facebook, by Julie Fruend or JIll Freund. Not sure. I forgot. Over the years, I got to see many people and it was really nice. Thanks for the memories. I enjoy reading them.

Nov 04, 2020
CANDY who came FROM out on THE ISLAND... NEW
by: Anonymous

thanks Ed for the correction I missed it by a few blocks

Oct 28, 2020
Candy Darling NEW
by: Ed Yazijian

I knew of Candy Darling back then. She was considerably older than me, but my mother knew and protected her from all the bullying she'd experience as a young boy at the time. She was our neighbor, and we knew her as Jimmy Slattery before Jimmy became Candy. The Slatterys lived at 79 First Ave., not Pacific Ave. Jimmy's mom's name was Theresa, and he had a much older half-brother Warren who my parents also knew. We lived up the street at 92 First Ave.

Oct 28, 2020
CANDY who came FROM out on THE ISLAND... NEW
by: Anonymous

In Lou Reeds song "Walk on the Wild Side" he sings about Candy who came from out on the island. Candy Darling was from Massapequa Park and grew up on Pacific St. She was a transgender icon and actress in Warhol films.

Oct 20, 2020
Garfield St NEW
by: Anonymous

I grew up on Roosevelt right there, but not until the 70's. I was always staying with family in Brooklyn and went to private school so I did not hang with the neighborhood kids too much.

Oct 20, 2020
Sol’s Luncheonette NEW
by: Anonymous

Anybody ?

Oct 20, 2020
Garfield Street? NEW
by: Anonymous

I grew up on Garfield St, on the corner of Park Blvd. Did anyone live in that area? Such a great place to grow up. Between Garfield, Hayes and Smith Streets we had a gang of probably twenty kids.

Oct 19, 2020
Roll 'N Ice NEW
by: BCK

Yes the place with the rollerskating upstairs and the ice skating downstairs was called Roll N' Ice on Sunrise Highway in Copiague. I grew up in Massapequa Park and my friends and I would rent time there to play ice hockey. It was hard to get the time so we would often play at 3 am! Our fathers were good sports, bringing us there at all hours. Hockey was an obsession on LI back then in the 70s. Good times.

Oct 14, 2020
Correction... Year of Seinfeld graduation from MHS NEW
by: Anonymous

Just to correct one thing from the posting below this one, who graduated around 1980 and said "Jerry Seinfeld went to MHS in the class ahead of me", Seinfeld graduated MHS in 1972. You can find the yearbook page with his picture, and on that page the older brother of a good friend of mine from those days, Barry Schlactus! Best wishes to all us former (or still) Massapequans.

Oct 13, 2020
A Great Place to Grow Up
by: Anonymous

Wow... This is amazing. I too; am from Massapequa, New York and miss it every single day. I graduated from Massapequa High School in 1980; went to SUNY Stony Brook and the rest is history. I loved growing up in Massapequa and always said I wanted to return there to raise my own family. I wish I had but; the best laid plans... I know Berber became a middle school after I left but; some of my best memories involved anytime Massapequa High had to face our ross-town arch rival and enemy, Berner. I actually lived ven remember the night a car; attempting to turn from Merrick Road within walking distance of the now famous All~American burger and fries joint. It was absolutely the most delicious; inexpensive place to go for all things greasy. Recently; it was actually featured on the Food Network's Burgers and Dives. I went nuts seeing that and was actually a bit shocked. Though we all loved their low-priced faire; we also didn't mind that the burgers were almost White Castle thin and the fries were so greasy you could eat AND change the oil on your car. Usually burgers featured on that TV show are mile high and loaded with insane toppings. All-American counted on 2 ingredients hooking teens in and ensuring many repeat visits;grease and salt. It worked but may be one of the causes of my hypertension. It was well worth it. You could scrounge up just a few bucks, eat like a poor mans's king and then, walk right next door for a cold, sweet and creamy,old-fashioned Carvel Ice Cream cone with sprinkles. The best soft-serve I have ever had. I spent countless summer nights doing just with good friends. I even remember the night a car screened of off Merrick Road and plowed right into the Carvel. Thankfully; I do not remember any fatalities but there were some blood spots that peaked the teenage curiosity and we peered through the police tape and shattered glass for days. Also nearby was Massapequa Bowl; as well as the Massapequa Diner and the ultimate teenage entertainment center of the 70's; the Sunrise Mall on Sunrise Highway. Who could ask for more. Massapequa even had its own share of celebrities;Jerry Seinfeld went to MHS in the class ahead of me as did some of the Baldwin boys and the Van Pelts from TV's Eight is Enough. Ron Kovic of the dramatic Vietnam-era film "Born on the Forth of July" grew into a Marine in Massapequa. The film details the dramatic twist of his story beginning in Massapequa. He was THE all-american boy who grew up at a time and in a small town that cherished patriotism and its' war heroes. Sadly; the Vietnam war took its' tragic, ugly turn and by the time Kovic returned home following a devastating injury, his Hero's Parade was marred by some mis-guided folks who now saw him as no more than a "Baby KIller". Kovic's whole life spiraled out of control after that. Many of the film's early background scenes were actually shot in Massapequa, ( with scenery specifically designed to turn back time to the 60's) and I recall a day when someone heard a rumor that they were going to film some scenes in the high school and that some of us could have a chance to be an extra in the movie. To my knowledge that never happened but the "buzz" was a fun distraction for a bit. I really could go on and on but some reading this probably know all about it. I don't know if it's because I was young and things were just so much simpler then but; I clearly remember a feeling of security in that town. Many people left their doors unlocked and kids RN from one house to the next begging for a drink or snack.My own Mother was such a skilled baker that she was awarded the honor of being called the "Cookie Lady" by all the kids. Lots of people had store bought cookies but not my Mom. I think she realized that the delicious aroma of fresher baked cookies would have a Peter Pan effect on us and she would get to make sure her kid was doing just fine. It really was like Cheers" -- everybody knew your name and I miss it more than I can say.

Oct 09, 2020
Where to
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71

I'm not sure where you can buy photos - Ive seen some nice ones on the walls of some stores around town- but there are plenty of great ones on the Massapequa Historical Society website. Maybe you can contact them and ask where you can purchase any.
In the meantime, if you have a large screen computer or laptop and an iphone you can take a picture of many photos right off the website and forward them through a CVS app and have them printed up in an hour. It's amazing how good they come out.

Oct 09, 2020
Sparky's NEW
by: Mike K

I dont know where Sparky was located previously during his hair cutting career, but he ended up in the shop next to the cigar store (which was a Carvel years ago) on the west side of Broadway. After Sparky retired, he sold the business to an elderly man who worked there until his early 90s. That man sold it to a younger Russian speaking guy who I believe is still running that hair cutting business.

Oct 09, 2020
where to NEW
by: Anonymous

Any one know where you can purchase old photos of Massapequa Park ?

Oct 09, 2020
Fays Luncheonette NEW
by: Anonymous

Wasn't Sparky's barber shop right next door to the luncheonette? Might have been one block south?

Oct 09, 2020
Belvedere Drive NEW
by: Anonymous

On my end of the street, I knew the Maddens, Zimmers, Bustards. At Birch Lane School, those I remember - have only first names! :) However, I do remember Miss Illmansee (later Mrs. Schreiber, for whom I'd an enormous crush), Mrs. Kollmer, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Goodwin. Our principal was Miss Young, which we children thought hilarious because she wasn't at that time.

Oct 09, 2020
Belvedere Drive NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh pity, I didn't know them! They must have been at the other end of the street. I was only 8 when we moved away - so I didn't get around much!

Oct 09, 2020
Belverdere NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes Vanderhof

Oct 09, 2020
Belvedere Drive NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, do you remember the last names of your aunt or uncle?

Oct 09, 2020
Burger King Sunrise Mall
by: Anonymous

So I posted about 2 months ago about fun times at my job that only lasted about a year. Great people just checking if anyone remembers back in 1982-1983. I had just left when Linda was struck in the head by a construction worker with a nail gun. Hope she and all my colleagues are doing well some 38 years later. Here’s a few of the names I remember, Janine, Diana, Christine, Bob, Claudia, John, Maryanne (she was dating manager) and of course Linda. Anyone with good memory who’s out there drop in love to hear.

Oct 09, 2020
Belverdere dr NEW
by: Richie

My fathers cousin lived on Belvedere Dr 50s to maybe 70s. I called them aunt and uncle She worked at Bar Harbor I think Grants. They had a daugther Diane. I lived on Pacific St and East Lake Ave

Oct 08, 2020
Sorry Birch Lane NEW
by: Anonymous

I went to Unqua in early 60's; lived on Richard Place near Block Blvd.

Oct 08, 2020
Fays NEW
by: Betsy Knapp

I loved Fays, Egg creams and a three musketeers or Milky Way bar, Good n Plenty. All yummy. Now it’s a stupid florist and they built a funeral where My precious woods were. I wish things need to change even though I wish they wouldn’t.

Oct 08, 2020
Birch Lane - Belvedere Drive - Massapequa Park NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been watching for any response to my posts and have seen none in two years.

IS THERE NO ONE who attended Birch Lane School in the early 1960s - or who lived on Belvedere Drive in Massapequa Park from 1956 to 1963?

Oct 08, 2020
Fays NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Fays very well. I would walk down with my friends from Von Huenfeld St., sit at the counter and have a fountain soda for a nickel then buy a full size candy bar ( Three Musketeer or Chunky ) also for a nickel for the walk back home.When I got a little older I would visit the deli next door and buy a 1/4 lb. paper carton of potato salad, that was the best ever. I have visited that deli a few times in the past 50 years since left Long Island and even though the owners have changed the salad is still the same. They must sell all the recipes along with the business.
When I got a older yet I would ride my bike after I finished my paper route (Newsday) across the tracks across Sunrise Highway to buys those 15 cent hamburgers from the newly opened fast food restaurants located on the south west corner of Sunrise Highway and Park Blvd. I don't believe it was McDonalds, perhaps a Wetsons.
Great times!

Oct 08, 2020
Fays !uncheonette NEW
by: Anonymous

I loved Fays. I’d go there after my chores on the weekend, I bought candy with my allowance of 25 cents a week. 😀

Oct 08, 2020
Fays Luncheonette NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember them vaguely but fondly. The husband used to wear those paper hats that were typical of soda jerks. They were very nice couple.

Oct 08, 2020
Fay’s Luncheonette NEW
by: Bob

My family moved to Massapequa Park in 1954. I was a year old. We lived on Smith St, across from Hawthorne Elementary school. We moved to Oceanside in 1962.
Fay ( a large woman) her husband and a coworker named marge ran the place.

Oct 08, 2020
Fays Lunceonette NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember Fays. Fay and her husband and another woman named Marge ran it.

Oct 08, 2020
Luncheonette NEW
by: Gregg Millford

Does anyone recall a Luncheonette on the corner of south side Jerusalem and and east side of Broadway? It was converted to a Pizzeria in the early 70's. Anyone have a picture or a name of the Business

Sep 25, 2020
by: Jeff Lichtman

Lived on Philadelphia Ave until I went into the ARMY in 1967. Graduated Berner in 1965. Best friends were Ron Abbate (Grand Blvd)now in Ohio and Ronnie Marks, now in Florida. hung out with John Linker, George (Mugs) Thompson and Keith Ziglebauer. Many wonderful friends and times growing up in MP! Learned to fly at Zahns airport in Amityville.

Does anyone remember Carol Kaplan from MHS? Dated her while in the Army. MHS was a place for remedial summer school and drivers ed.

At 72yo, living in Texas, small ranchette, wife, dog named Marshall Dillon.

God Bless you all! Jeff

Sep 24, 2020
Neighbors NEW
by: Betsy Knapp

I lived at 60 McKinley Streeet, Massapequa Park from 1953- 1968. My best friend was Maren Robinson. I was born in 1952. Did anyone out there live around me?

Sep 24, 2020
Don’t Cook Tonight... NEW
by: Bob Messina

Don’t cook tonight. Call chicken delight. I lived in Massaoequa Park from 1954 to 1961. I’m 67 years old. Lived on Smith Street, across from Hawthorne Elementary School

Sep 24, 2020
Koehl street NEW
by: Anonymous

Who owned Massapequa zoo and does anybody remember Chicken Delight in Massapequa on Merrick Road

Sep 23, 2020
Airfield NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes, the airfield in Massapequa Park was the Fitzmaurice Flying Field. It was located on the area where the McKenna Elementary School (formerly Junior High), and the Nassau County Police Academy (formerly Hawthorn Elementary School). The street with the same name is about five blocks South of the area.

Sep 23, 2020
Massapequa Airfield NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm gonna say the old airport in massapequa park was Fitzmaurice field. In fact i think there is a street of the same name on/near the site.

Sep 20, 2020
Walking into the Massapequa Zoo NEW
by: Anonymous

Thats me walking into the Massapequa Zoo with my mom, I'm 68 mom said "no one will know its us" and she was right.

Sep 20, 2020
Massapequa Zoo NEW
by: Anonymous

1959 or 60 ... One of my first jobs was at Massapequa Zoo. I ran the rides and whatever else I was told to do..

Felt lucky to have the job, at a dollar an hour, off the books!!

If you had any food from their food service they docked your pay.

When I asked for job, Mr. Grimaldi asked if I could shoot a BB gun... I said yes, and he had me shoot at a tin can ...I hit it the job.. I sure was confused, but I was happy I got hired.

After being taught all the rides etc. I learned about the BB gun.

I was the look out, armed with a Daisy BB gun at the monkey mountain, when the men went into the area to clean..
all I had to do was show the gun over the wall and the monkeys would scatter to the opposite side. They were very vicious, and would attack and would throw stuff at the guy inside the moat. They were pretty scared of the BB gun, but there were times I remember i had to shoot. The bb would not break skin but would sting and send them scattering.
Cruel .. Different times !!

Sep 09, 2020
Massapequa Zoo NEW
by: Linda

I moved to Massapequa Park in the early 50’s. At that time,
McKenny Jr. High was an airport and the surrounding area
was filled with blueberry bushes. Going to the Massapequa Zoo was always a real treat. I believe the owners daughter graduated from Berner HS in 66’. I now live in south Florida, but have fond memories of my years in Massapequa Park as a child.

Sep 01, 2020
Nice picture of the Pequa Theatre NEW
by: Mark Barnett

Here's a link to a nice picture of the Pequa theatre. I went to a lot of double features here as a kid. Love the cartoons too! Still can't find a picture of the Big Bow Wow though.

I haven't seen (probably missed it...) mention of Unqua school. Mrs. Feigenbaum was my first grade teacher there (around 1962). I remember thinking "how did she go from being fat to skinny so fast?" My ignorance of what it was to be pregnant was showing! I also remember the practice drills we did for a nuclear attack during the Cuban Missle Crisis.

Aug 31, 2020
mini golf NEW
by: Richie

I also worked at the driving range before Mays. Does anyone remember that.

Aug 31, 2020
Big Bow Wow
by: Jo-Ann

The Big Bow Wow pre-dated May’s Department Store. And I agree, I would love to see a picture of the place. Also of the miniature golf course behind it, owned by my father.

Aug 31, 2020
50's & 60's NEW
by: Mark Katz

Worked: Massapequa Drive In, Dons Bicycle Shop, Howard Johnsons as a Cook!

Aug 31, 2020
Bow Wow Sunrise Hwy in front of Mays NEW
by: Richie

Yes the Bow Wow I remember it well. I worked there in the 60s. As the head soda jerk. I'm still trying to find someone with a picture of that place.

Aug 31, 2020
The Big Bow Wow NEW
by: Anonymous

Anyone remember the Big Bow Wow on Sunrise Highway near Block Boulevard (out front of where Mays Dept Store was, and I think it might have predated Mays, but not sure). How about Zorn's Fried Chicken. Yu-um!

Aug 31, 2020
Anonymous - Richard PL NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for correcting me... Richard PLACE, of course. Yes, I was a classmate of Jeff's and a good friend in Jr. High. Spent a lot of time in those years at his house. Knew his older brother Barry too, of course.

Aug 31, 2020
Hawthorn Elementary NEW
by: Joe C

Does anyone know how to get old classmate info from Hawthorn Elementary from 1965-1967.I know it’s closed now and McKenna is the elementary school. Nobody at McKenna or the Massapequa Park school district has any idea.

Aug 28, 2020
richard st NEW
by: Anonymous

Mark, I was great friends with Jeff and Barry Schlactus , I believe they lived at 54 Richard PL . I remember the playing fields you wrote about. Jeff is a doctor in Tenn.. Did you know them?

Aug 26, 2020
MHS '75
by: Mark Barnett

I graduated from Massapequa High School in '75. Great memories all around. I lived near the Mays shopping center, right across from the park that was next to it (basketball court, merry go round, baseball field... cut through the fence to get to Mays and the rest of the stores. I worked at the pet shop in that shoppings center from 1972-1975 (JeriLou Pets, or maybe JeriLou was the company name). Of course we all know coach Bevilaqua was mentioned by name on Seinfeld. I went to Unqua, McKenna, then MHS. So many good times. I left LI to go to college in Cincinnati in 1975, and my parents moved to CA not long after, so I rarely went back. Did take my kids to see my house on Richard St. one day, probably in mid 90's. But the good memories do linger on, thankfully.

Aug 20, 2020
Massapequa Park 1955-1969 NEW
by: Mark Katz

great thoughts about my childhood in the Park. My friends were so many, we all went to Hawthorne, Mckenna, Massapequa HS (1 year) & Berner HS '64.

Great times: We played all sports with my friends especially softball, hockey (on the frozen Lakes), Teen Centers, basement get togethers, Jungle Cruiser, Breakfast Club, Bill Brown, Bob Reifsnyder,Al Bevelaqua MHS, Al Pisano (also coached Lacrosse at West Point), The Locker Room on Merrick Rd.,the All American, Pizza Supreme, Musicaros, Massapequa Drive In, Massapequa Diner, the little Italian deli, on Merrick Rd near Berner who had the Best Heroes & sold a Quart of beer to anyone who could put the dollar on the counter.
My Friends, Nick Lopardo, Jimmy King, Rich Gaulrapp, Busby Smith, Carol Coneely, Elizabeth Waldrop, Kathy RRogers, Denice Rodgers, Kathy Shreck, Pete Levebre, Rich Neusse, Jerry Sterker, Joe Coppola, John Bergen, Bill Cotter. (sorry if I left alot out) Please forgive!!
This was Massapequa growing up and always remembered.

Aug 20, 2020
Question NEW
by: Gerry Goodman

Does anyone remember the Alhambra Beach Club back in the 50s?

Aug 17, 2020
LK - Record Store
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71

Just wanted to congratulate you on coming up with the name of the record store in Bar Harbour.
Bobbi's Beat! I really drew a blank on that one. I must have bought records there but I also bought records from May's Dept Store too I remember.
You moved out in '92. Not a whole lot has changed. Just more traffic but still a nice place to live.

Aug 15, 2020
Bar Harbor record store NEW
by: LK

Left LI in 1992, but will always remember Bobbi’s Beat record store in Bar Harbor!

Aug 13, 2020
by: Phil

Thanks for sharing that i graduated Berner in 77 I do remember they had good food and I think I they had breakfast I took a detour there before school a few times.

Aug 12, 2020
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS ‘71

I helped open up Coco’s restaurant as a part time short order cook at night while going to CW Post. I think it was 1972 or ‘73. It was a busy popular place and a lot of nice local kids worked there. The biggest seller was called the Coco’s Combo which was a cheeseburger with French fries a neat pile of lettuce and tomatoes on the side. It went for @ $1.95 which was pretty steep at the time considering a cheeseburger at All American went for @ 60 cents.
They paid me a pretty good hourly wage at the time. It was enough for gas for my car and 2-3 nights of drinking with friends at the Frigate or PJ’s and a few Wantagh bars. Met my wife at the Frigate and had a wonderful life.

Aug 12, 2020
Mexican restaurant NEW
by: Phil

Yes that was El Torido they had great happy hour and margaritas.

Aug 12, 2020
Coco's NEW
by: Anonymous

Coco's was great! Loved their food! We used to go with the family about twice a month. Remember when it converted to a Mexican Restaurant where they served the food on a tortilla and you could eat the plate!

Aug 12, 2020
Book Store NEW
by: Anonymous

There were two book stores in the Sunrise Mall. The one I always went to was Waldenbooks.

Aug 12, 2020
Coco restaurant NEW
by: Phil

Does anyone remember coco’s restaurant near Whites department store on sunrise highway.They made a speciality hamburger with there own sauce that was delicious.

Aug 12, 2020
Record store NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't know if this is what you're looking for but there was a record store in the 50s and possibly the 60s called Spamp's, owned by a man named Joe Spampinato IF I remember correctly.

Aug 12, 2020
Why can't we forget Massapequa? NEW
by: Joan Jansen

Hi fellow Matzoh-Pizza friends,

I and my family lived on Harrison Avenue from 1962-1976. We then moved to Westport, CT, and are now in Peterborough, NH. Dammit, I still miss All American, Krisch's, St.Rose of Lima, and the library.

Got a question. does anyone remember the book store that was either in town or in the Sunrise Mall? If so, PLEASE let me know. Thank you.

Joan Jansen

Aug 07, 2020
Bar Hrbor Restaurant NEW
by: Anonymous

The restaurant in Bar Harbor in the 80's was Neighbor's. The grocery store was Foodtown (Officially Mel Weitz Foodtown).

Aug 07, 2020
Bar Harbour Restaurant/Breakfast Place in the 80s NEW
by: Former Arlyn Dr'er

Does anyone remember the name of the restaurant/breakfast place that was in Bar Harbour in the mid 80s or so? It was when you entered the plaza, turned left and it was right on the left. If you kept going, Food Lion was straight ahead

Aug 07, 2020
Burger King Sunrise Mall
by: Anonymous

I worked only for about a year in this Burger King but met the greatest people and had fun times. Wish I could find someone who remembers. I worked from 1982-1983.

Jul 24, 2020
Responding to The Wine Gallery NEW
by: Anonymous

At the end of Clocks Blvd over the little bridge

Jul 23, 2020
The Wine Gallery NEW
by: Anonymous

I think the Wine Gallery was at the end of Clocks Blvd where you had to go over the little bridge

Jul 21, 2020
The Wine Gallery NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anybody remember where the Wine Gallery restaurant was located?

Jul 21, 2020
The Wine Gallery
by: Anonymous

Does anybody remember where the Wine Gallery restaurant was located?

Jul 18, 2020
R.I.P. Susan Alice Marschall of Massapequa
by: Anonymous

R.I.P. my mom, Susan Marschall Hahn, who grew up in Harbor Green in the 1950s.

Matt Hahn

Jul 05, 2020
Doyle's NEW
by: Richie

Their was Doyle's right off of Unqua on Burton Lane close to the school. I think there backyard was the school.

Jul 05, 2020
Patricia NEW
by: Anonymous

I think it was 302, first house on the east side from Sunrise. Berner class of 71 I believe. 4-5 children.

Jul 05, 2020
Att: Christine NEW
by: Patricia

My brother and I had just finished talking about old times when I found this site. Everything was still fresh in my memory. He is 12 years younger than me so I was filling in a lot of things that he wasn't aware of. It really was a great place to grow up......

Jul 05, 2020
by: Patricia

Hi.....I saw the name 'Doyle' in an earlier post but I don't recall that name. Where on Unqua did they live? Closer to Sunrise, Merrick Rd, or in Nassau Shores?

Jul 05, 2020
Patricia NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey Patricia,
Did you live near the Doyles? Did you know Fran Doyle?

Jul 05, 2020
Pizza Supreme NEW
by: Phil

Thanks for answering me Gerry I thought it was supreme but was not positive thanks for confirming. There is a pizza place in garden city across from Roosevelt field on Steward ave with the same name and delicious square pizza I wonder if they were connected.l went to BHS but I have fond memories of eating there when I was a kid .Going there when shopping at or Gimbels or Grants with my mom and after Mustang football practice at burns park or cyo practice at Birch lane.

Jul 05, 2020
by: Christine

Hello Patricia, my sister Diane also graduated in 1973 from Berner. We lived on Grand Boulevard between Euclid and Massachusetts. Our block was packed with kids all the time always playing in the fresh air (do kids do that anymore?) Reading about your memories of that time is like hearing her my sister's tales of that time—all the same places to go and things to do. I graduated in 1968, so my tales are slightly different, but the pure happiness of our youth, growing up in Massapequa Park, is the same.

Thank you for sharing your memories.

Jul 05, 2020
Pizza Supreme NEW
by: Gerry

To answer your question Phil, it was the name above.
When I was in MHS i used to eat there almost everyday for lunch

Jul 04, 2020
Responding to Roll & Ice NEW
by: Patricis

YES! I remember that place well. It was on Sunrise Hwy in Copiague across the street ftom the Copiague All Weather Drive In!

Jul 04, 2020
Roll n Ice NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anybody remember that? Ice skating downstairs .. roller skating upstairs? Early 60’s maybe? ⛸

Jul 04, 2020
Memories NEW
by: Patricia

Hi.....I graduated from Berner in 1973. I lived on Unqua Road across the street from Marjorie Post Park. Spent summer days at summer rec at Unqua Road school, in the pool at the park, and battle of the bands at the rink Friday nights. Would go ice skating at same rink in winter. Ate many burgers at All American and make sure we stop there when we come up from Florida. Loved riding my bicycle down in Bassau Shores with my friends and riding past the Baldwin brother's house. Let's not forget about those midnight visits to the diner (Merrick Rd & Unqua) for rice pudding! Sad that my kids never got to live there! It was good times!

Jul 04, 2020
by: Phil

Hi does anyone remember the name of the pizza place in the bar harbor mall they had square pizza.

Jun 25, 2020
Record store in Bar Harbor Jim, Dave
by: Bill

I graduated in 1969 and it was there till then. Not sure how long after that. I was reminiscing with a friend and he asked me the name and we both spent a lot of time there but can’t remember the name. Maybe someone else will remember.

Jun 25, 2020
Building Memories
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71

Just came back from a bike ride around Bar Harbor and John Burn's Park. Saw a group of kids probably around 14 yrs old jumping off the bulkhead near the boat ramp into the canal. (There was only a small ramp and no park when I was growing up 55 years ago)
I said to my self these kids are building Massapequa memories - they just don't know it yet. Sometime @ the year 2075 they could be writing to each other and saying "remember when we used to.....

Jun 25, 2020
Pacific St Charles Ave NEW
by: Richie

Anyone come from near there? I was on the first block of Pacific between Clark and Penn Ave. I also lived on East Lake ave between Pittsburg and Euclid in the 50s. Went to East Lake Mckenna and Berner.

Jun 25, 2020
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71

Hi Amanda:
Well this is something! I remember your dad as a nice guy who was soon heading to medical school and I know he became quite accomplished in the medical field. I didn't remember though that he was in a band. We double dated a number of times. My beloved wife, Laurie, passed away two years ago and I still remain close to Barbara and her family. She misses Laurie almost as much as I do.
I checked with Barbara last night and she told me about seeing your Aunt occasionally. She said she might have an old picture of your father's band later on but not from the Battle of the Bands at Marjorie Post Park in 1972. I went to several Battle of the Bands at the park but by 1972 most of the bands I saw were in bars like PJ's in Farmingdale and then the Frigate in Massapequa. That's where I met my wife and Barbara! Great memories. That's what this site is all about right?
Well it's been great Amanda. Good luck with your quest for a photo of your Dad's band. Say hi to your dad for me and I hope you all stay safe.

Jun 25, 2020
Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71 NEW
by: Amanda Desiderio


Yes! That’s him. Her name was Barbara Marchese, right? He remembers. Actually, his older sister (my aunt) sees her every so often when she’s out shopping. He says hi, and hopes you’re doing well!

Jun 24, 2020
Bill-record store in Bar Harbour Shopping Center NEW
by: Dave-Old Harbour Green

There was a record store but damned if I can remember the name! I bought my first 45 there which was 'Norman' by Sue Thompson. It was in the front strip of stores closer to the parking lot.
Spent a lot of time at that shopping center. Saturday matinees at the theater(got two bikes stolen there!); I'd buy a slice and wrap it in a piece of foil I brought and eat it during the movie.
We moved to Manhasset in 1965 so don't know if the record store was there after that. I hated to leave Massapequa. No more Tobay!

Jun 24, 2020
Bill and Amanda
by: Jim, Nassau Shores BHS 71

I see no one answered your question about a record store in Bar Harbor. I remember many of the stores like so many others: Grants, Kresge,Tom McAn, Pizza Supreme,Suburban Sports, a butcher, etc. but I don't remember a record store. Maybe it closed before I started going there in 1965. I do remember a toy or hobby store. Maybe they sold records in there?

Funny I grew up in Nassau Shores starting at age 12 and then at age 25I married a wonderful girl from Seaford in '78 and raised 2 great sons who have given us 5 wonderful grandchildren. Lived near the 7th precinct for 40 years. Now I live in a condo right behind the Bar Harbor Shopping Center near the Birch Lane school. It's really nice here but so much has changed

I believe I knew your father. Was his nickname, I guess you would call it - Desi? Was he in a band after that called the Ohio Express? Did he date a girl from Seaford @ 1974 -75 who was my wife's best friend?

Jun 24, 2020
1972 Battle of the Bands?
by: Amanda Desiderio

Hi, everyone!

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this. I am the daughter of James Desiderio, who graduated from Plainedge High School in 1972. He was recently reminscing to me about his time playing at the battle of the bands in Marjorie Post Park, in 1972. If anyone has any memories/photos/videos/newspapers on the event that they would like to share, he would appreciate it greatly! I believe he said his band was called White Lightning. This might be a shot in the dark here, but am still taking the chance anyway! Thanks in advance. :)

Jun 16, 2020
Record store in Bar Harbor NEW
by: Bill

Does anyone remember the name of the record store in Bar Harbor?

Jun 14, 2020
Chinese restaurant in Sunrise Mall
by: Anonymous

I think the chinese restaurant in the Sunrise Mall was Good and Chan? As a teen I liked their chicken chow mein and egg rolls. My favorite place though was Jade East. It's nice to reminisce.

Jun 14, 2020
To "3 Winding Road"
by: Anonymous

I'm John Pastirchak from Suffolk Ave. We were neighbors. I too graduated PHS, Class of '69. My experience is different; I no longer consider Massapequa "home." But, like you, I do miss Phils and All American.

Jun 14, 2020
3 Winding Road NEW
by: Anonymous

I graduated from Plainedge High School in 1971 and to this day still consider Massapequa to be my home. I've been living in the Baltimore area since I graduated from Stony Brook in 1975 and love to travel back to the Island and go to All American and Phil"s Pizzeria on Hickville Road. One of these days I'm going to drive up pass the Southern State and say hello to Joey Pappalardo who also runs a great pizza shop. Like I said, I grew up in Massapequa, went to Schwarting Elementary School and then Southedge Jr High. Great lifelong memories that include many people who went to Plainedge High School.

Jun 10, 2020
Gary Kafka NEW
by: Anonymous

Very sad to hear about Gary. He was always the coolest guy in the room. He was on a whole other level from most of us. Almost like he was listening to a different frequency than the mainstream. If it's true, I appreciate you letting us know...

Jun 09, 2020
Gary Kafka
by: Terry Lee

I grew up in Nassau Shores and moved to Florida in 1982. My family is still on Long Island. One of my brothers just told me heard Gary Kafka, a childhood friend from the neighborhood, just passed away, but had no other information. If anyone here has any more info, I would appreciate you passing it along. Thanks

May 16, 2020
Albert Kreiger NEW
by: Anonymous

If you grew up in Harbour Green Estates in the 1960s you knew who Attorney Albert Krieger was and he lived on Riveria Drive. He was member of the boat club and a very well respected avid fisherman. He was also known as one of the best criminal defense lawyers in the country. He was a man of dignity, purpose, class and a believer in our legal system. He relocated to Miami and went on to a famous and great career here.
Yesterday at age 96 he passed away, he was one of the great ones of our generation , a Massapequa Legend.

May 15, 2020
Jeff C. NEW
by: Karen

Hi Jeff, my last name was Hermann! I was friends with Carol S. and Wendy O. Billy Dwyer hung out and played ball with my brothers! Also remember hanging out at the park on the end of the road!

May 15, 2020
Back to Massapequa after 40 Years
by: Jim

First time seeing this and it is great. I see a lot of recent posts I guess with the virus people have more time for this type of thing. Moved from Queens with my family in 1965 to the Nassau Shores area. Graduated BHS in '71 and my sister in '75. 1971 was the last year BHS was a Jr & Sr high school. Now its just a Jr High with Chiefs as the mascot. Long live the Bisons! I see a few of you graduated in those years also. After a slow start there (in Queens I had 20 kids on just one block to play with) but things got better and it was a great place to live.I brought street stick ball to the area. Hung out at 52 Acres (now John Burns Park and ate at All American ever since. Its still going strong. Got married and lived 3 miles away in Seaford which was a great town to raise my boys, Now I'm back in Massapequa and its great to be back. Stay safe everyone!

May 11, 2020
Rhode Island Avenue
by: Johnny Boy

My family moved from Yonkers to 90 Rhode Island Avenue in 1976 just after I graduated high school in the Bronx. I worked at Gimbel's in Valley Stream as a store detective for 3 years before heading off "into the wild blue yonder." Enlisted from the AF recruiting station on Broadway and New Hampshire Avenue. Had some great times on the Island and Massapequa. Loved Jones Beach, WLIR, concerts at Nassau (last ever show of Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant in June of 1977 and a great show with Styx/Angel in March of 1979), the Calderone Concert Hall (Remember seeing Fotomaker in May of 1978 and The Cars in December of 1978), Carvel ice cream, and the Massapequa Diner. After my tour of duty, I wanted to come back and join the Nassau County PD, but no openings at that time. Joined a police department in metro Denver and now I'm a deputy district attorney in Colorado. I do miss Massapequa!

May 09, 2020
teacher who took boys and dads camping NEW
by: Anonymous

Looking for a teacher when took boys and dads camping NEW by: Anonymous
Mr. Person was the 5th grade teacher that took the boys and fathers on camping trips.

YES - I asked this a while ago. He knew my grand parents and shopped at their deli that was in Bellmore on Bedford Ave. I remember the camping trip very well. Everyone hoped they would get his class to go. Purchased our camping gear from Campmor in Paramus, New Jersey. We hiked and camped on the Appalachian trail.
It felt like we had really grown up to xfer to McKenna 6th grade. McKenna and the then elementary school were built on the old airport. On the Roosevelt Ave side there was a left over airport facility where they showed movies.
Believe on Smith St a friend (do not remember name) lived, his parents had a marble sculpture with a glass cage over it that housed a snake.

May 08, 2020
The Earliest Subueban Days of Massapequa NEW
by: Bob from Nassau Shores

My parents got married the week of the great hurricane in 1938 and moved to Nassau Shores from the City to a block away from my mother's older brother. The depression had decimated that first development in Massapequa, and the FHA came to own many properties in the area. My parents were negotiating to buy a house on Sunset Road from the government for about $4,000 when Sen. Byrd of Virginia accused FDR's government of being communist because they owned so many houses! The FHA immediately dropped the price 10% making Sen. Byrd an ironic hero of my d\Dad. Not that my parents were always wise about Nassau Shores RE value, as my mother insisted on not spending an extra $300 to buy a house on the water on West shore Drive, because she hoped ro have several children and didn't want us (there were to be three of us) to drown in an accident. One of our neighbouring families near Peninsula Golf Course were the Baldwin brothers. Their father gave my older brother his first summer job helping with sports equipment at Massapequa High School. Like most Catholic kids in the neighborhood, we attended St. Martin's School in Amityville, there being no St. Roses Parish or school(or even Massapequa High School) until the the late 50's. It was a fun place to grow up, fishing and crabbing in the creek on West Shore Drive, and playing sandlot baseball (on a field the local fathers cleared) all day until darkness fell--and swimming at the Beach Club at the end of East Shore Drive. The one thing my brothers and I did not appreciare was the extreme commute to Jesuit high schools in NYC. Back then Massapequa High was just starting and Berner didn't yet exist, and even Chaminade had not yet garnered the reputation it later achieved, so we became commuters. I must admit Regis was the most valuable learning experience i ever had, bar none. My father had graduated from there in 1922, and it developed, and still has, the reputation as the best catholoc high school in the country.

May 05, 2020
Karen NEW
by: Jeff C.

Karen, the dwyers, Olesens and Senn were my group of friends! I'm FB pals with them. What was your last name?

May 05, 2020
Looking for a teacher when took boys and dads camping NEW
by: Anonymous

Mr. Person was the 5th grade teacher that took the boys and fathers on camping trips. My brother had him and I can remember him and my dad going camping. Mr Person taught 5th grade then taught 6th grade. He taught in East Lake Elementary School.

May 04, 2020
Richie NEW
by: R. Smith

Yes, he lived in Massapequa Park. Send me an email and I’ll send you a pic of who I believe is you. 😊

May 04, 2020
Karen NEW
by: Richie

I knew a Dwyer but can't find him in yearbooks. I know Oelsens from my friend Dickson. Like I said I was a 69 grad. from the park. I worked at Whites and bow wow. in my school years.

May 04, 2020
Jones Court NEW
by: Karen

I knew the Dwyers,Olesons,and the Senn's!

May 04, 2020
Burton NEW
by: Richie

Sorry not me. I lived in Mass pk.

May 04, 2020
Richie NEW
by: R. Smith

Didn’t you have a boat and hang out with guys from Holiday Park & Stan’s Coffee Shop??

May 04, 2020
Burton NEW
by: Richie

I don't remember a R Smith. A Tom Smith I'm a 69 grad Berner

May 04, 2020
Jones Court NEW
by: Anonymous

anyone have any memories of Jones Court? We lived at number 16. Were on Avenue Louise all the time!

May 04, 2020
Richie, I remember you! NEW
by: R. Smith

You would take us all out on your boat! In the late 60’s I recall.

May 04, 2020
Burton NEW
by: Richie

I knew the Doyles my sister inlaw was a friend Janet Dempsey. I knew the broscharts, still do.

May 04, 2020
Burton lane NEW
by: Karen

I know who she was but I was much younger!

May 03, 2020
Funny NEW
by: Anonymous

We lived on Strrets or Avenues or Highways or Roads but we called them "Blocks" .. Then you know that you are from Massapequa!

May 03, 2020
Unqua NEW
by: Anonymous

Did you know Fran?

May 03, 2020
Doyle's NEW
by: Karen

I do remember the Doyle's! The were at the end of our block facing Mays!

May 03, 2020
by: Anonymous

Karen or Donna, did you know any of the Doyles on Unqua?

May 03, 2020
Burton lane NEW
by: Karen

Hi Donna! We lived on Burton Lane from early 60's to around 74! The Hermann's! I think you lived across the street from us!

May 03, 2020
Great Memories NEW
by: Donna

Loved growing up in Massapequa. BHS '71. Great neighbors on Burton Lane. Lived next to Unqua. Unfortunately my father died when my sister and I were young and we moved away. I recently drove through and I agree, it's looking like Queens.

Apr 22, 2020
kwong ming NEW
by: Paul Alagna

Hello to all, I lived in Massapequa in the late 50's to early 70's. I now live upstate, I work in a community hospital's ER and once in a while we get people from Massapequa and the area as patients. I love talking about Massapequa and all the landmarks. Kwong Ming always brings a smile and a story about column A and column B. Everyone always remembers the Carvel store run by the two sisters, and one of my favorites, Kirsch's for an orange freeze or a Broadway ice cream soda. Keep the stories coming it is nice to remember back to those wonderful days especially during these trying times. Be well, stay safe.

Apr 20, 2020
Kwong Ming NEW
by: Jeff Lichtman, 1965

Kwong Ming, I remember my parents and their friends going there quite often in the 60s and 70s.

Apr 19, 2020
High School Reunions
by: Gerry

Go to, they show them.

Apr 17, 2020
Massapequa Park best place to live NEW
by: Vinnie DeQueiroz

Berner high grad 1975 any reunions coming up.

Apr 17, 2020
Chinese restaurants NEW
by: Jeff C.

Long Full was great, but we really loved Kwong Ming. It's still there after all these years!

Apr 17, 2020
To LCG - Chinese Food Restaurant NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember the Chinese Food restaurant my folks always ordered from called Long Full. In Bar Harbor, I believe? The name of the one in the Sunrise Mall escapes me, though. In the Food Court, right? Quick Wok or something of the sort?? Something Noodle???

Apr 15, 2020
Mr. Yamron NEW
by: Betsy Finley

I had Mr. Yamron as well. I haven’t thought about him in years. Thank you so much for reviving my memories of him. 😀

Apr 15, 2020
Mr. Yamron (Music Teacher) NEW
by: Christine

Hello Rob, I enjoyed reading your tribute to Mr. Yamron. I also had him in Chorus at McKenna during the early sixties. He was a great teacher. I graduated Berner in 1968. I was lucky to have Mr. Yamron and remember the concerts we performed. I was also lucky to have seen Jesus Christ Superstar on Broadway when it first played there (1971). I was 21. I had seen many shows on Broadway during my 20's, but JC Superstar was by far my favorite. I will never forget it. Thank you for bringing me down this memory lane.

Apr 14, 2020
Mr. Yamron (Music Teacher) NEW
by: Rob Winkoff

Today I was googling a name that popped into my head. Mr. Yamron, my Music Teacher in Jr. High at McKenna. (found him here) One of my fondest school memories of all time were because of him. Andrew Lloyd Webber's JC Superstar had recently come out. Mr. Yamron brought in his Hi-Fi reel-to-reel tape deck and stereo and we spent 2 weeks listening to it. His reason for teaching it was from a Rock n Roll "new experience" perspective. The Rock Opera was a fairly new and novel concept. We examined the entire production from a purely musical and poetic point of view. (not religious) He was enthralled with the idea of telling a historical story from a hip, Rock n Roll point of view. John Legend's Live Version just played on Easter and I made sure I recorded it. I knew every verse word for word. That's what made me think of him. I had the brown two-album set. Then the CDs. Saw the movie many times. 2nd time seeing John Legend's version. I think it was unfairly panned. Sure, the movie and other productions were probably better but the way they Live Shot it in "One Take" fashion like the movie 1917 was pretty cool. So thank you, Mr. Yamron! Not sure if you're still with us? Hope you are. Either way, you heavily influenced my musical tastes.

Apr 13, 2020
Looking for... NEW
by: Betsy Finley

Anyone know what happened to John Lipp..the town bully?

Also, does anyone know the current residents at 60 McKinley Street in the Park?

Apr 13, 2020
Sunrise Mall & Massapequa Park NEW
by: LCG

Does anyone remember the name of the Chinese restaurant that was in the Sunrise Mall in 1970's?

Anyone work at 'UA The Movies' in the 1970's? Dang! That place was a hoot! Had some of the best memories from my youth while working there with all the crazies! :-)

Does anyone remember the red clay courts at Marjorie Post Park?

Apr 04, 2020
Great site NEW
by: FDNY Irish

Complements to lady who started this.

Apr 04, 2020
Great site NEW
by: FDNY Irish

Complements to lady who started this.

Apr 04, 2020
Jack, you know the Armstrongs NEW
by: FDNY Irish

Mike was the , " Natural", I was a good athlete, but a quiet guy. P.S. with this whole virus thing, this site is amazing, telling all the Massapequa Park guy of it, ... remember the Sump. The forbidden area in woods before it became the Mall, snakes, and tough guys.

Apr 04, 2020
Jack, you know the Armstrongs NEW
by: FDNY Irish

Mike was the , " Natural", I was a good athlete, but a quiet guy. P.S. with this whole virus thing, this site is amazing, telling all the Massapequa Park guy of it, ... remember the Sump. The forbidden area in woods before it became the Mall, snakes, and tough guys.

Apr 04, 2020
Jack, you know the Armstrongs NEW
by: FDNY Irish

Mike was the , " Natural", I was a good athlete, but a quiet guy. P.S. with this whole virus thing, this site is amazing, telling all the Massapequa Park guy of it, ... remember the Sump. The forbidden area in woods before it became the Mall, snakes, and tough guys.

Apr 04, 2020
Some Notable Neighbor Parents Salute NEW
by: FDNY Irish

As kids, we were raised by Truly Best of Best WW2 parents, plus from depression! They made our lives a dream. A Salute to some:
Charlie Barnes: a very promising tennis player, Marine in Guadacannal, Great Hero, brilliant mind, malaria hurt Charlie whole life, was a great Alabama man! We loved Charlie & Muriel(Saint), Barnes.
Bill & Joan Alberda: Bill also a Marine, strapping man, Dad's best pal, FDNY Great. Was highly decorated,Bill & Joan an Uncle/Aunt to me, Joan my Godmother, she's the BEST !
Paula Angerame: Mrs. Angerame we met at kids,she did seamstress work, smart lady. Her husband died early, and raised 5 great kids, my pals, esp. Paul. She was funny, positive, great woman!
So many others, Masseties, Zinsmeisters,Lisbergers, Marrs, McCaffreys, Dilebertos, Lynches, Laytons, Quinns, Sheas,Cronins, Fitzgrealds, Dalys, etc...

Apr 04, 2020
Thank you FDNY Irish NEW
by: Anonymous

Your description of growing up In Massapequa brought me back in time. Thank you for my big smile.
Yes. A brilliant and blessed life. How fortunate were we.

Apr 04, 2020
OLL Classmate NEW
by: Cedar PL

So perhaps we attended OLL at the same time graduated '69 as well. Connection to the area still strong but haven't lived on LI for 45 yrs. Lived on the corner of Cedar Pl and Westwood.
Jack H

Apr 04, 2020
Anyone here from O.L.L. '61- '69 NEW
by: FDNY Irish

I'm a kid from Willow Drive. Family moved from city in '55, all houses built then, I have photo's of development. Magnificent WW2 parents, all young couples like them, what a brilliant childhood we had. The schools & sports of Mass.Park brilliant. Baseball initially was king, we all played in the league, and the Terrors were dominate dynasty, big bro Mike got on team, 'cause he was known to be a great athlete. We attended school, did chores,then played reat of day with all our pals. Stickball, football, basketball in street. Played kick the can, wolf, snowball fights & forts/igloos in winter, slegh rides on Bethpage, beach at Jones, just entire life was so special. Did newspaper route from Durante house. We knew all neighbors houses in blocks surrounded & more. Carvel & Soda store on 110, Creme Puff Bakery, Stantionary, Carlos Pizza! Movie Theater, football for O.L.L., all my pals, alot still today. Was Blessed.

Mar 19, 2020
Billiards NEW
by: Anonymous

Remember Sunrise Billards on Sunrise HWY, Rich was the owner, played poker in the basement

Mar 19, 2020
Resturant NEW
by: Anonymous

Steak & Brew
All the beer you could drink with your meal

Mar 19, 2020
Bottle of Red - Bottle of White NEW
by: Jeff Lichtman, 1965

Dick and Doras - Magnificent!

Mar 19, 2020
Miss Massapequa NEW
by: Jay Wohlfeld

Graduated from Berner High school 1975, moved from Massapequa to Arizona in 1980

Mar 19, 2020
Best Italian restaurant NEW
by: Anonymous

Remember Dick & Doras

Feb 27, 2020
Baseball cards NEW
by: Karen

To anonymous...thanks for responding! I knew if I wanted an answer I had to go to the source!😀 My husband is from Lindenhurst and had no clue what I was talking about! Must have been a Massapequa thing!

Feb 27, 2020
Baseball cards
by: Anonymous

I think "larries" meant you wanted the other person to flip first.

Feb 27, 2020
Baseball cards NEW
by: Karen

Does anyone remember flipping cards and saying "flip you larries" ?? We used to say that and I can't remember why we did it!

Feb 20, 2020
Alhambra NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes! Remember Ziggys? My friend Keith Zigelbauers dad owned it.

I was always grossed out by the slimy sand in the water. Think it was oil?

Feb 20, 2020
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the Alhambra Beach Club from the 50's and maybe the 60's?

Feb 18, 2020
by: Jeff Lichtman, 1965

Moved to MP, Philadelphia Ave in the late 50s, Left there for the ARMY in 67, returned in 70, resumed working at Grumman.

Drag racing on Carmen Road with my new 1970 Dodge Challenger, my buddy, Ron Marks in his 68 GTO, Ron Abbate in his Roadrunner, Sure miss those muscle cars. Beer and Pizza at Musicaro's.

Left the Island in 1974 for Florida, came back in 1982, left again to work for Lockheed Martin (C-130) in Georgia and then back to Florida in 2000. Finally got a small ranchette here in North Texas.

Is there anyone left from the 1965 class?

Feb 14, 2020
Responding to Glen Walsh NEW
by: Anonymous

Glen Walsh your name sounds so familiar. I lived on E. Shore Dr. in Nassau Shores. I graduated from 1973. My name is Mark Dolce does that name strike a bell ?

Feb 14, 2020
Repost:serious question NEW
by: Anonymous

Apr 05, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Serious question
by: Anonymous

I’ve enjoyed s trip down memory lane while reading but feel compelled to ask if anyone shares an unpleasant recollection of questionable behavior/sexual abuse by a CYO basketball coach from the late 70s or early 80s? My deceased brother who had a troubled life would occasionally reference it and there was an element of a group shower where boys were given shower caps? Any insight? Not looking for a name just anyone who might confirm a similar experience?

Feb 14, 2020
I remember
by: Glenn G Walsh

I remember, I lived at 33 highwater ave Nassau shores, Massapequa ny.
I graduated from alfred g. Berner high school in 1969. Grew up there from 1959 till I married and moved out east on long island in 1979. I loved Nassau shores and massapequa , does anyone remember me ?

Feb 11, 2020
by: Louie

Please help me. I am looking to touch
Base with a woman named Joyce.
She would come into the bar Winks in
Massapequa with her boss after work
around 1984-1985, then in the
Sand Trap after Winks burnt down. I also
saw her yrs later at the dr’s office on
Sunrise Hwy in Lindenhurst.
Please any info would be helpful.
My Email address is:

Feb 09, 2020


Feb 04, 2020
Calling all Massapequa Cheer Alumni!
by: Anonymous

Hi! I am putting together a project for Massapequa High School! I am currently a senior, class of 2020 and I am looking for any former Massapequa Cheerleaders! I myself am a Varsity Cheerleader currently for the school. I am looking for any photos of Massapequa Cheerleading alumni. Here is my email Go Chiefs!!

Jan 31, 2020
Massapequa Paint Store NEW
by: Anonymous

Not sure but i think the Massapequa paint store you refer to was on Broadway, a little north of where Krisch's is on Central? Unless there was another one on Central? The paint store closed several years back and is now a dance studio / Cop Shop.

Jan 05, 2020
Need History of Massapequa Paint Store
by: Anonymous

I need help from anyone who remembers Massapequa Paint Store located on Central Ave, near or next to Krish's. Memories, and especially photos would be helpful.

Thanks so much!

John Pastirchak

Jan 05, 2020
Growing up in the 70’s NEW
by: D pries

Good times great memories

Dec 30, 2019
Massapequa 70s NEW
by: Kevin S

You got it Frank.
But I’m at a loss on your Brother and Sister’s names.
Skiching on the school bus bumpers, wow I’m still smiling at that one.
Hope all’s well with you and yours.

Dec 29, 2019
To Kevin S NEW
by: Frank C

Kevin S, you were one of the Sweeney brothers! I knew it as soon as I googled where number 10 was. I can still remember the last names of every house up to Hicksville Rd. It sure isn't like that anymore, which made growing up there so special. You might know my brother and sister, since they were ten years older than me. Good to hear from you.

Dec 28, 2019
Massapequa 1970s NEW
by: Anonymous

Frank C you nailed live on Rhode Island Ave in the 60s and 70s. I lived up at number 10 with 5 brothers and a sister(all younger).
I left about 71 or 72 for school, and then off to Wy for the rest of time so far.
I had forgotten all the places you mentioned, but attended them all, and ate everywhere you mentioned.
Thanks for reminding me of how good we had it.

Now I wonder how our parents did it, no really, how.

Kevin S

Dec 27, 2019
Great Memories NEW
by: Frank C

Wow, so glad I stumbled onto this site, so many great memories and places I had long since forgotten. Grew up on Rhode Island Ave near Tackapausha Park, and went to Robert E. Picken, Ames JHS, and MHS. Would have graduated in 1978, but moved to Florida my senior year. Some of my fond memories growing up were going to Jolly Roger’s, 300 Bowl, skating at Caroons Lake, Carvel on Hicksville Rd and Jerusalem Ave, Maria Regina, Casa Maria, Jones Beach, All-American, fishing with my Dad at Captain Eddy’s, dinner with my family at the Delta Diner and Fish Fry’s at Howard Johnson’s, riding bikes all over town, playing kickball, stickball, hockey, and football on the street all-day long, skitching behind the school bus, and hanging out at Holiday Park, Dee’s Pizza, and the Sunrise Mall. Thank you for all your posts!

Dec 14, 2019
Response to What a Mess NEW
by: Anonymous

What type of false accusations are you speaking of? I have lived in Massapequa Park for over 57 years and find nothing of the sort. You sound bitter and a bit off. Do you take any medication that you may have skipped a dose or two? I have never had a problem with anyone in the Village.

Dec 14, 2019
What a mess. NEW
by: Anonymous

You must also be missing the inappropriate things and the false accusations that go on in Mass. Pk. You have to wonder why anyone would live there. A lot of falsehood going on there, demented people and wildly spread rumors. What they did to me should never be done to a dog. Ii Chronicles 20:22-24. It is a mess. When I find my son who is from there, though my family hightailed it out of there in a NY hurry, I will leave it in God's hands. If they do not listen then, Satan's hands might work. I would have graduated from Berner in 1971. I would not give you two cents for the place.

Dec 14, 2019
What a mess. NEW
by: Anonymous

You must also be missing the inappropriate things and the false accusations that go on in Mass. Pk. You have to wonder why anyone would live there. A lot of falsehood going on there, demented people and wildly spread rumors. What they did to me should never be done to a dog. Ii Chronicles 20:22-24. It is a mess. When I find my son who is from there, though my family hightailed it out of there in a NY hurry, I will leave it in God's hands. If they do not listen then, Satan's hands might work. I would have graduated from Berner in 1971. I would not give you two cents for the place.

Dec 07, 2019
To Ugh NEW
by: Anonymous

Massapequa and Massapequa Park ARE horrible. You obviously didn't have Mrs Burkehardt or Mr. Jim Doyle as your English teacher.

Dec 07, 2019
Still nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Right on, Massapequa is still beautiful, with more traffic.

Dec 07, 2019
To ugh
by: Anonymous

And what golden paradise are you living in now?

Dec 07, 2019
by: Anonymous

Massapequa and Massapequa park is horrible. Just like the city now. Awful.

Nov 08, 2019
How the West was Won NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember that 5th grade trip very well. Each class was on it's own bus. My bus left without me and another classmate. Luckily there was still another bus there to take us back, but for a short while it was kind of scary.I had a male teacher but can't remeber his name. McCaffery? but he might have been 6th gr.

Nov 03, 2019
bars NEW
by: Anonymous

Did anyone go to the bar Winks on Broadway. They had such good bands they at night. I met my husband there.

Nov 01, 2019
That's Matzah Pizza NEW
by: D. Dubocq

Oh my God. The party 's in the woods, on the bay, at Arther's or at Messina's or Hirshfields or Scioratino's or Shapiro's---if the walls could talk= The whole town-n,s,e or west was the real deal, when it came to sex and drugs and rock & roll. A great education and sports up your ying yang too. Girls by the bucket who knew how use it. Could not have been a better town for maturing at a very young age. The things we did in Massapequa while growing up [ 60s 70s 80s] were so outlandish that if you tried to cover it all you'd die before half of it was told. And those of you who were there know what I'm squawking about. Those all night shin-digs --Oh yeah. How lucky we are to be here today. So if you can-reach out and give a hand to someone who needs a little help. That's is life in a cruel world.

Oct 31, 2019
Class of 1971??
by: Anonymous

Someone on one of these posts mentioned being friends with a Linda Hickson. I think I remember reading that?? Did she maybe graduate Berner in 1971? Was friends with a guy named Rob? And Fran Doyle from Ungua Rd??

Oct 25, 2019
Nassau Shores NEW
by: Anonymous

Nice memories Jack. I too grew up in the Shores.. I lived on East Shore Dr. on the Carman River. I graduated high school in 1973. I remember playing football all the time in that little section of the golf course. That was by the circle.

Oct 18, 2019
Personal Memories
by: Jack Gelston - BHS '67

Memories from a guy with a failing memory. We moved to Massapequa’s Nassau Shores in 1954 from North Bellmore. Iroquois Street was basically a dirt road covered with a layer of tar and small blue stone pebbles for half a dozen years. I attended Mole Annex in Amityville for kindergarten (Miss Goodwin). Then on to Unqua School for 1st through 6th (Mrs. Zimmerman 1st and 2nd, Miss Stephens for 3rd, Miss Wolf for 4th, Mrs. Massi for 5th and Mrs. Lee for 6th, with Miss Whitney for orchestra, Mr. Finger for gym, Miss DeLuca for Art). My sister followed 2 years after me, but I don’t recall her going to Mole Annex for K. The first half of 7th grade was the second half of split sessions at McKenna Jr HS. Second half of the school year was at the brand-new Alfred G. Berner Junior-Senior High School. My sister also attended at the same time. I believe she had 5th and 6th grades up on the 3rd floor of the classroom wing, and then right up through 12th grade graduation (Class of ’69). All my teachers were terrific, but the most memorable ones for me were Mrs. Thompson – Latin, Mr. Webster – Russian, Mr. Bazarian – Orchestra, and Miss Teichholz – 8th grade English.
I was certainly fortunate to grow up in Nassau Shores, Massapequa. My grandparents lived on East Shore Drive near the Riviera. I was lucky to be able to keep my boat on the canal behind their house. And all my closest friends lived either on my street or very nearby. Before they erected a chain link fence around the Peninsula Golf Course, we would go sledding on one of the "hills" at the end of Iroquois street. Our free time was spent playing stick ball on our street, blowing up plastic model boats with cherry bombs on the Carmen River, or just going out on the boat (fishing, surfing at Gilgo, or just running around). As we got older, we would grab a football and have a pick-up game on an unused grassy area on the golf course; or baseball on the sandy triangular lot near the Riviera. And then there was "The Room". Our friend’s house was our hang out. Drum sets, electric guitars, great friends and good times, and maybe even a few beers on weekends; their poor neighbors – we were loud!
I wouldn’t have wanted to do anything differently if given the chance.
Retirement in SC is great, but for me there was nothing better than having grown up in Massapequa.

Oct 07, 2019
upstate NEW
by: Paul Alagna

Anything north west or what there is east of Westchester! I live near Lake George a place I once visited with my family probably like most or many Long Islanders.It is a great place to live and raise a family but no games of curb ball or kick the can or hit the penny ...but I wonder if that life we lived so many years ago still exists in Massapequa. I work in a hospital up here and during the summer we get lots of Long Islanders and they suspect I am a life long country boy until I casually introduce names like Casa Maria, Kwong Ming,Jones Beach field 9,LIIR, just like if you meet a Brooklynite and mention Ebbingers Bakery...instant smiles and connection.

Oct 07, 2019
A long time gone NEW
by: Christine

Hello Bob,
I also grew up in the park and lived on Grand Boulevard during the 50's and 60's. I remember the Pit and the 3 streams well. I graduated in 68, but didn't move off Long Island until 2004. My husband and I live in PA now, but my heart and soul belong to Long Island.

Oct 07, 2019
Massapequa Park
by: Betsy Knapp

I’m searching for people that lived on McKinley Street in the Park. I lived there from 1954- 1968. The older I get, the more I desire to get in contact with my friend, across the street, Maren Robinson. I’m in contact with a few people.. the Colini’s on fact, Jeanine Colini lives in Tucson close to where I live. I really miss those days when we called each other and then met on the curb. We sat there and talked till the street lights came on.

If anyone lived on McKinley Street between 1954-1968, please let me know.

Oct 07, 2019
Upstate NY NEW
by: Liz

We moved upstate from Massapequa in 1964. Who lived there but Mr Crouch’s relatives! Small world story.
What do you consider "upstate" ??

Oct 07, 2019
searching NEW
by: Paul Alagna

Moved to Massapequa in the late 1950's grew up on Cleveland Ave. Moved away before High School would have been Berner bound. I visit this site regularly looking for old friends from those days. Raymond J Lockhart and Parkside Jr. High. Moved to RVC for High School after my Dad remarried. Great memories of a time gone by. Currently living upstate NY. Reconnected with one old friend my buddy Tommy Reade last year would love to know if any one from those days still around or reading these stories.I am turning 63 this year if that helps set a timeline. I graduated from HS in 1974.I remember Miss Dowling, Mrs and Mr. Crouch and it gets foggy from there. Please help. Thanks

Oct 06, 2019
Radio City
by: Anonymous

A variation of going to Radio City was when the 6th grade of Maria Regina in Seaford (Massapequa and Seaford kids) in June 1967 went there to Finian's Rainbow. Lunch was at the Calico Kitchen Restaurant.

Oct 06, 2019
How The West Was Won NEW
by: Anonymous

The movie How The West Was Won is on television again today. I always think of going to Radio City Music Hall with the entire fifth grade class of Raymond J. Lockhart School to see that movie on the big screen I had Mrs. Tsoukalas (1962-1963). Mrs. Tsoukalas was a fabulous teacher and I always think of her when this movie comes on.

Sep 25, 2019
A long time gone . . . NEW
by: Bob

No matter where I go in this great country it seems folks have heard of Massapequa. I grew up in the 50's and 60's in The Park. Looking back on it now makes me believe more and more that it was something pretty unusual. I remember kids everywhere, block after block of them. I have lived in more than a few places since then and I have never seen anything that approaches the streets when I grew up. The games we played have passed into suburban mythology.
When I talk about Three Streams and The Pit in the late 60's they are generally pretty sure I'm making up outrageous tales to glorify my youth. Maybe I am.

Sep 18, 2019
Bar Harbor NEW
by: Gerry

Actually the first department store at Bar Harbor was Saks 34 St. I think Gimbels bought them out later. What I really remember was before the shopping center was built, was going and picking blackberries and going to Lords Bakery and they would buy them from me which I immediagely turned around and bought thrumb drop (of Chocolate) crumb cookies or eclairs.
The nursery I remember most though it wasn't in Massapequa was City of Glass.

Sep 18, 2019
More Memories
by: Kevin

Remembered a few more places in the "old" Massapequa; Englebosch Cycle Shop (Mr. Engelbosch would give you holy hell if he thought you were beating up on your bicycle when you brought it in for repairs), Dino's Italian Garden (small place on Merrick Road but everyone could afford to eat there), Bar Harbor Shopping Center (Gimbels, W.T. Grant, S.S. Kresge, Food Fair) where I rode on an elephant when the center opened and a everyone was terrified to ride their bicycle through the "tunnel" under the stores, Brandimarte Nursery on Sunrise Highway where my Mom bought her flowers, the Bar Harbor Theatre (saw 1,000,000 BC with Raquel Welch there and fell in love), walkng home with Alec Baldwin from Unqua School (he was actually very nice & well behaved as a kid and his Dad was my 10th grade Social Studies teacher), the guy on the tractor who chased us of Penninsula Golf Course and I'm sure even more will come to mind.

Sep 18, 2019
The good old days
by: Pam

Wish I could go back in time! Those were the good old days! Free TV, great burger joints, family owned pharmacies, no night football!

Sep 17, 2019
The good life NEW
by: Anonymous

Was it sidekicks?

Sep 13, 2019
Farm In North Massapequa NEW
by: Donna

Do you remember the farm in North Massapequa.....a very old farm and a very old man lived there.....I think it burned down....this would be in the late 60's?

Sep 12, 2019
Big Bow Wow NEW
by: Anonymous

I grew up in North Massapequa but we docked our boat in Seaford. After a day on Great South Bay or at Tobay we’d get burgers at the Bow Wow and watch the kids play miniature golf behind the fence. And many years later we’d eat pizza with shrimp scampi at Dick and Dora’s, hang out at Arthur’s and close down the night at the Delta Diner. That was a long time ago.

Sep 03, 2019
Cattano family NEW
by: Anonymous

I was born 1953 in Amityville Hospital and grew up at 385 Michigan Ave. Massapequa Park. Loved playing in the woods and roller skating down the hills (the metal skates with keys to make adjustments). Moved away in 1964.

Aug 30, 2019
Sorry for Massapequa
by: Kevin

I was recently sharing memories of Massapequa with my brother who's in TN. Big Bow Wow, Monkey Mountain, the drive-in movie, the "mansion" (now Marjorie Post Park) and all of the other unique spots. I still live on L.I. We moved to Massapequa in the late 50's, MHS class of '74 and I left in the early 80's. Back in the 50's, 60's and 70's the town was full of charm and it was still the "country". I recently had to go back for a funeral and was shocked & shunned. Over-built, crowded and Sunrise Highway looks like Queens Boulevard. The elected officials who allowed this to happen (only $$$$ matters to them) should be put on an iceberg and put out to sea, never to be seen again. I cried as I left. The memories are intact but the town, for those of us who remember the old Massapequa, has been ruined. I'm glad I grew up there but even more glad that I'm no longer there.

Aug 29, 2019
Re: Hobby Shop NEW
by: Bill N

If you are talking Massapequa, it was Eastli Coin and Hobby.

Aug 29, 2019
Hobby Shop NEW
by: Anonymous

Can anyone tell me the name of the Hobby Shop that was in t the building at 9 Broadway? It was there when I was born in 1963, and visited it many times with my Dad, but we moved to Virginia in 1976, and the last time I visited this shop was 1983, while up for a family funeral.

Aug 29, 2019
Lost restaurant on Park Blvd. NEW
by: Anonymous


Aug 29, 2019
Forgotten Restaurant - Massapequa Park NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the name of the restaurant that was there prior to the Good Life?

Aug 07, 2019
The Merry Mailman. NEW
by: Anonymous

I know he was at Lockhart in the early-mid 1960s

Aug 07, 2019
Ray Heatherton NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember Ray Heatherton, the Merry Mailman (and father of Joey), coming to visit Birch Lane School in 1962 or 1963?

Aug 07, 2019
Loft's NEW
by: Andy F

IIRC, for a while the food store in Bar Harbour was Food Fair.

As for Loft's, they were a great candy store, they had Parlays, truffles, chocolate covered crackers, solid milk chocolate "break up", white chocolate; I've forgotten what others they had.

Aug 07, 2019
Re: Bar Harbor NEW
by: Maggie

I remember Loft's Candy too. We used to go either there or Gertz Bakery to get something to take when visiting our relatives for dinner. It was either a pound of candy or a pound of butter cookies. Never went empty handed. I remember Lobels too for the gym uniforms too and I'm not positive but was the grocery store Hill's? My Aunt and Uncle always took me out for a special birthday dinner and it was either the Ships Inn or the Bayberry House. I always got to pick. I was only 10 when we moved away so I don't remember where those restaurants were located.

Aug 07, 2019
Bar Harbor NEW
by: Karen

I don't remember the candy shop but loved the Chinese restaurant! We got our gym uniforms at Lobel's and I can't remember the name of the supermarket...but do remember "Supermarket Sweep did an episode there!

Aug 07, 2019
Candy and Pizza bar harbour NEW
by: Ken

I remember Lofts candies at Bar Harbour. I loved the candies that were like Health bars with dark chocolate. What happened to Loft's?

What about the pizza (square pizza) place, it was the best next to Musicaro's in Mass. Park

Is Musicaro's Italian rest. still in business.

I live in Texas now.

Aug 04, 2019
Parlays NEW
by: Gerry

Who remembers Loft's Candies in Bar Harbor shopping center.

Jul 29, 2019
1965 fire NEW
by: Bg

I believe the building was a vacant hotel also. My Dad had the Mobil gas station which later turned into a Sunoco station then finally a Bank across the street. In front of we're Wallbaums super market stood until recently.I grew up down the street also. I was also at Carvel almost every day. Also across the street I remember a large building which was called Shoe Giant. I spent alot of time at that Shopping Center called Holiday Park..

Jul 28, 2019
c 1965 fire - Jerusalem Av and Hicksville Rd
by: Mike K

I grew up not far from the intersection. I recall a summer afternoon when a big white building - possibly a former vacant hotel - caught fire. The smoke was visible for miles around. I believe the heat melted part of the Carvel building.

Does anyone remember the building? Years later, the Delta diner was built right next to where it stood.

Jul 27, 2019
restaurant on park blvd NEW
by: Anonymous

the restaurant was named The Bunnery!

Jul 27, 2019
Please help me remember
by: Stacy

Does anyone know the name of the restaurant that used to be on Park Blvd. it’s similar to the Corner Galley, they used to have wooden salad bowls and big bowl of salad you would get before the food came out. It was there in the 80’s and 90’s

Jul 27, 2019
Seacrest NEW
by: Anonymous

Do anyone know the restaurant/bar Mr. Dibbs off of 110 in Farmingdale? When did it close down?

Jul 23, 2019
1959 restaurant
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember a restaurant in Massapequa that was by water and sand in the late 1950’s. Shangrala was the name.

Jul 23, 2019
50s and 60s NEW
by: C. Young

I remember Jay and the Americans gave a concert at Berner HS. It must have been around 1967 or 68. It was great.

Jul 21, 2019
looking for
by: Louie

Please help me. I am looking for a woman
named Joyce. She would come into the
bar Winks in Massapequa with her boss
after work around 1984-1985, then in the
Sand Trap after Winks burnt down. I also
saw her yrs later at the dr’s office on
Sunrise Hwy in Lindenhurst. I just need to
ask her something about the time when
she came into the bar. Please any info
would be helpful. I do not need to met her
just email her. My Email address is:

Jul 21, 2019
Searching for a friend NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Judy Lee, Class of 1965, who lived on Cleveland Avenue, between Seaford Avenue and Forest Avenue? Thank you.

Jul 14, 2019
Timmy Wall
by: Anonymous

Timmy Wall was my brother. Any old friends of his please comment.

Jul 14, 2019
Timmy Wall NEW
by: Anonymous

Timmy Wall was my brother. Any old friends of his please comment.

Jul 14, 2019
Timmy Wall NEW
by: judy wall

Timmy Wall was my brother

Jul 10, 2019
Memories NEW
by: Anonymous

Timmy Wall was my friend..any Clovers still alive

Jul 10, 2019
Memories NEW
by: Anonymous

Timmy Wall was my friend

Jun 23, 2019
The Cottage NEW
by: Gerry

Hi, to answer the question The Cottage was where I went to Kindergarten in 1950, it was part of the Jones Estate, I went to Fairfield Ave (called Massapequa Ave back then) for 1st grade and then back to the Carriage House on the Jones Estate, they also had classes in the Big House. It was all torn down to build MHS, I lived around the corner on Cartwright and used to play in the construction of the HS for time it took to be built.

Jun 23, 2019
To Doug
by: Gerry

Sorry Doug but I'm not on facebook.

Jun 11, 2019
Looking for a Classmate from 1975 NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm looking for Jim Johnson Plainedge Class of 1975. I know this may sound silly but back in HS I was had a real crush on him but I never told him. I know it's been over 40 years now and I sure would like to reconnect. I know he went directly into the US Navy right out of High School as I went off to college. I never forgot him as he was always so friendly with me and was one the nicest guy. He must have had a big impact on me as I still think of him often. I remember him asking me out one time in H.S. but I regretable turned him down listening to my girl friends advise. I look back with regrets as my friend is now on her 3rd husband so in the end she wasn't too good of a judge of character. I had a nick name that very few knew me as but think he will know me for sure. Of course my hope he's available but I'm sure he is not. Any leads would be great.



May 24, 2019
Hagans bar?
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember a bar called hagans bar? Looking for anyone with information on William Nelson. Possibly a customer or maybe even bartender. Used to also possibly go by the nickname "willie Nelson"

Please comment and let me know

May 21, 2019
Thanks, Catherine - The Wulf Family NEW
by: Rudiger

Thanks a lot for your investigations. By that I can move a step foreward.

May 21, 2019
loss touch NEW
by: Anonymous

I love reading the posts I return to this page when ever it hits me to remember.
It was a great place to grow up! I can not remember a bad day. If not a perfect day I look back as character building shaping and molding. I guess a perfect place to grow up.

I do miss it all. I suck at remembering names of some people and places but I still have vivid images of them all.

Its a Shame more people and more generations did not have what we all had growing up there.

I can speak for 1965 to 1990, Atlantic Ave. I have fond memories for as long as I can think back. And the friends priceless.
Moved to FL 1990 still have not meet anyone who could hold a candle to my friends I grew up with Thank god for my Best friend my wife!

Brady Park do they do the festivals anymore?
Biking everywhere,5/10, Three streams, fishing, forts, sumps, the pit before the Mall was there, always something to do stickball, street hockey, soccer etc. Burns park, post park Is the painted mural still in the front windows of the seasons?
All American, Hot Rod burger king . Did I mention Friends even ones that were not close friends all good experiences .

May 07, 2019
Massapequa accent? NEW
by: Anonymous

Was doing some legal research and fell over this paragraph and I quote:

"a prospective plenary action brought by Defendants with the same set of facts and agreement as presented is highly discouraged, especially as it may warrant the imposition of attorneys’ fees. This court declines to so award at this stage in the litigation largely because of defense counsel’s good humor and Massapequa accent."

Here's the decision that was posted:

May 06, 2019
Joyce NEW
by: Louie

I am looking for a woman by the name of Joyce that would come into the bar Winks, about 1984-1985, when I was working there as a bartender with her boss after work. I also was her years later in the doctors office. Are you that Joyce?

May 06, 2019
Thank you, Joyce NEW
by: Jeff from Iowa

Thank you for your recent response regarding Gerry Philbin's "Goal Post" restaurant / lounge. You note that, for awhile, that location was considered a part of Amityville before being changed to East Massapequa. Can you tell me what it was "considered" - either Amityville or East Massapequa - in 1971? Again ... thank you for the great info!

May 05, 2019
The Wulf Family - Rudiger inquiry
by: Catherine

Hi! I love this website. Didn't live in Massapequa but go there frequently for tacos and burgers.

Rudiger was asking abt the Wulf family from 15 McKinley Dr/Rd in Massapequa. Looking for John Jr and his wife Gloria. Parents John HC Wulf and his wife (John Jr mother in law?) Elisabeth Wulf. Everybody was from Germany.

I have an membership so I entered the data and came up with this:

John H Wulf and Gloria Audrey Rydholm were married Jan 27 1945 (war romance?) in Brooklyn. Gloria lived as of 1949 at 244 Minot Ave in Lewiston; Auburn, Maine, and had a job as a Secretary. Gloria A Wulf eventually moved to Sumner, Washington State. Her address in 1995 was: 5025 E Parker D Rd, Sumner, WA 98390; she had a secondary address at: 20803 127th St E, Sumner, WA 98391.

Bear in mind: German immigrants were viewed with suspicion during WW1 and WW2. Inter-national communications that people normally have with close relatives was practically espionage back then.

There's an alternate spelling for this last name, Walf, that might be the same family: John Walf Jr is a child in the 1915 Census on Long Island in the Town of Hempstead (which is not far from Massapequa). His father was John Herman Christ Walf (born in Germany ca 1877; he had a brother Raymond); John's wife Elizabeth Walf was 31. They had 3 sons: Raymond (the eldest), Edward F, and little John.

John H C Wulf died in 1955. He was buried in Greenfield Cemetery in Uniondale on Long Island.

The youngest son, John Wulf, born Nov 22 1914, in his later years moved to 13152 Skaneateles, Onondaga, NY. He died Sep 20 2009.

There is not much about their lives in Massapequa.

May 05, 2019
Marjorie Post Park Forever NEW
by: Cindy

Spent my first 10 years (1961-1971) in Massapequa Park, with my mom and grandmother. Still have my Marjorie Post Park pool pass. It had a check in the right upper corner, which meant I needed to be accompanied by an adult. Just held my finger over it when going in. Loved the pools. Loved the ice skating rink. These memories of this park always make me smile (and cry, but you can't go back). Best place in the world.

Apr 22, 2019
Keith NEW
by: Linwood Place

Please keep taking your meds.

Apr 22, 2019
Saint NEW
by: Keith allen

I had good mystic events.I think good people.who really believe lived here, before 1960.But my family was violent.The Hermans across the street.very violent.very young parents.I Remember old trains.Jones beach was new.Holloweens where great.I was a few blocks from a elementary 5 year old crush was Valery Johnston.across street.Laurie Herman beat me.Went after my mom.the at Rockefeller institute.i worked car wash for Joseph Gallo.

Apr 22, 2019
Saint NEW
by: Keith allen

I lived in Massapequa park.about 1961 1964.Today im a saint.a real one!I go into holy ecstacys in Mary Immaculate Bellport ny.Met Jesus dec 9th 2016.HE TRANSFIGURED!My medical miracle is the hep c cure.given to Rockefeller institute( they robbed God.I Stopped poison gas attack on Grandcentral holy on film on kindegarten teacher was miss kurtain or Curtain.I remember the drought of 1964.

Apr 16, 2019
Shelley Drive NEW
by: Andy F.

We had good friends on Shelley Drive. Do you remember the Coopers?

Apr 15, 2019
50's & 60's NEW
by: Anonymous

Went to Eastlake elementary. In 1962 everyone wanted the 5th grade teacher that would take the boys and fathers for a camping trip on the Appalachian Trail. Does anyone remember his name? Enjoyed the Massapequa Zoo where Frank Buck 'Bring them back Alive' had his collection. Monkey mountain, carousel & brass ring, drive-in movie theater where our father had us hide in the trunk. Spent a lot of time in the three streams before they 'improved' it with roads. Remember what we thought was a PT boat moored by the boat launch, understood that they took this to snowbird in Florida. Seem to remember that Jay and the Americans played at a 'This Magic Moment' dance held at Berner.

Apr 09, 2019
Harbor Green Home Builders 1958
by: Anonymous

I live in Harbor Green. My home was built in 1958. Unfortunately lost many documents due to Hurricane Sandy. Can anyone tell me who the home builders - sellers of homes built on a Shelley Dr, between Riviera Dr E & Riviera Dr W. Any home design, advertisement, photo description of homes etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Apr 05, 2019
Those who went to Birch Lane School NEW
by: Thomas Dean

in 1960 - and so graduated from high school in 1973 (but my own family moved to the Indiana/Michigan border in December 1963). If you had Miss Goodwin, Miss Illmansee (later Schreiker I believe) Mrs. Kollmer, Mrs. Harris as teachers - I'd love to hear your memories. We lived at Belvedere Drive in Massapequa Park.

Apr 05, 2019
Serious question
by: Anonymous

I’ve enjoyed s trip down memory lane while reading but feel compelled to ask if anyone shares an unpleasant recollection of questionable behavior/sexual abuse by a CYO basketball coach from the late 70s or early 80s? My deceased brother who had a troubled life would occasionally reference it and there was an element of a group shower where boys were given shower caps? Any insight? Not looking for a name just anyone who might confirm a similar experience?

Apr 05, 2019
Joyce NEW
by: Louie

I was working as a bartender at Winks and I am looking for a woman by the name of Joyce that I served drinks to at the bar Winks about 1984-1985, that came in with her boss after work. Are you that Joyce?

Apr 04, 2019
To the person asking about the goal post
by: Joyce

Jerry P goal post was down off of What is now East Hamilton St which turned into Lincoln ave you went over the bridge and made a left onto Pirates Cove. You took that to the end and it was there at the end of the road. Three houses now stand crammed next to each other there. That’s where I grew up. At the time it was Amityville and then it was changed to East Massapequa. And remains that now. However the school district never changed. I had lived there till 1978 and just sold my moms house 2 years ago. It was a boat place first where they rented row boats out. Then became Pirates cove then Jerry’s then the wine gallery then it caught on fire then went to houses

Mar 12, 2019
Ugh! NEW
by: Anonymous

Just like queens now. Complete chaos madness and stress. Awful!

Mar 12, 2019
looking for Joyce NEW
by: Louie

I am looking for a woman by the name of Joyce that use to go to the bar Winks after work with her boss. Any information is helpful.

Feb 28, 2019
Karen NEW
by: Jeff

So sorry to hear this. Thank you for sharing...

Feb 28, 2019
Jeff NEW
by: Karen

Hi Jeff, unfortunately Tommy passed away almost 20 years ago! He was married, has 2 children and 2 grandchildren!He owned his own business and was making a life for himself! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I didn't want to ignore your post! Thanks for remembering my brother though and hope life is treating you well!

Feb 28, 2019
Tommy NEW
by: Jeff

Wow...what a blast from the past! Tommy was one of the cool kids growing up. He used to hand out with me and Billy Dwyer on Jones Court. I would love to hear how he is doing? Married, kids, job?

Feb 28, 2019
Hermann's NEW
by: Karen

Yes, my brother was Tommy! Also have a brother Kevin and a sister Denise!

Feb 28, 2019
Brother? NEW
by: Karen

Was your brother Tommy? My brother is Eddie and a sister Joanne.

Feb 28, 2019
Jeff NEW
by: Karen

I think we might have been in the same class! I had Mrs. Weiss from 73-74 year!! I was Karen Hermann and your name is very familiar!! Small world!! :)

Feb 27, 2019
Mrs. Weiss NEW
by: Jeff Cootner

Hey Karen, I went to Unqua at the same time and also had Mrs. Weiss for 5th grade. Was I in your class?

Feb 26, 2019
The Cottage
by: Anonymous

Anyone have more details on "The Cottage" kindergarten on the Jones estate, early 1950s? Would someone who subsequently went to Hawthorne have gone there ca 1951?

Feb 26, 2019
Unqua NEW
by: Karen

I went to Unqua school in the mid 60's to early 70's and my 5th grade teacher was Mrs. Weiss! She always
"pealed" and ate grapefruits in class and to this my late 50's I think of her every time I eat a grapefruit!! Great memories!!

Feb 26, 2019
15 McKinley Dr., Massapequa
by: Rudiger

I am from Germany and looking for relatives who lived from beginning of the 1950th onwards at 15 Mc. Kinley Rd.
Family Name was Wulf, John jr and his wife Gloria. Eventually and/or Johns parents lived there as well: John HC Wulf and Elisabeth Wulf. They migrated from Germany.
Would be grate if someone has any information.


Feb 26, 2019
starstarstarstarstar ctr. NEW
by: Bg

Last comment mistake not for Richie. For anonymous. Sorry

Feb 26, 2019
H.P. Shopping Ctr. NEW
by: Bg

Richie, My e-mail, You can laugh now.

Feb 26, 2019
Richie NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember you!! How can I contact you off this site??

Feb 26, 2019
H.P. Shopping Ctr. NEW
by: Bg

It was called Stan's coffee shop. A real nice guy. I saw him in the Ft.Lauderdale Fl.area in the mid 1990's. I worked next door at Lester's gift 5/10. H.P. pizza place Bernie was the owner. Also H.P. Movies. Good times.

Feb 26, 2019
Richie??? NEW
by: Anonymous

Richie, didn’t you hang out at the Holiday Park Shopping Center?? At the coffee shop there??

Feb 25, 2019
by: Bob Stuart BHS ‘67

I always wondered why the area south of Merrick Rd. had trees & canals but we on the other side "In the Park" got sumps? What was the purpose of the sumps, anyway?

My timeline was East Lake, McKenna & then BHS. Wonderful memories including:

Hunting big game in 3 Streams with our sling slots & armed with a satchel full of marbles;

Playing softball in Mays’ Parking Lot under the lights;

Feeling like we owned the whole town on our bikes;

Finding & making our own fun including touch football games on Charles Avenue (without planned "Play Dates");

My mother volunteering to my taking a young lady to her Junior Prom in enemy territory (MHS). "Oh,the horror!";

Making the best friends in the workd (some of whom I have had for nearly 60 yrs.) and with whom there is NEVER a lapse in our conversations. We still laugh our asses off each & every time we get together.

The world has gotten too complicated and every time I think about growing up in Massapequa Park when I did, I just smile and thank my folks. It was a magical time and I’m grateful.

Feb 25, 2019
Doug Brandt NEW
by: Jeff

I knew Doug Brandt in Harbour Green , played basketball with Dave and Eric

Feb 20, 2019
Gerry NEW
by: Doug Brandt

Maybe we know some of the same people In on facebook

Feb 20, 2019
Pt Boat NEW
by: Richie

I remember the pt boat being on the canel that leads to Burns park. We used to launch our boat from there and fish in that canal to the bay in mid 60s. We had a 14 foot boat and would troll down the canal with silver lures and catch snappers. We thought we were like great fisherman fishing for swordfish or something like that. Great memories

Feb 20, 2019
To Doug
by: Gerry

I too graduated MHS in 1963, went to Birch Lane, Parkside, McKenna and MHS but I started Kindergarten in 1950 at The Cottage on the Jones Estate before the high school was built there.
Many memories Monkey Mountain, Lords Bakery, the candy store which must have had a real name but we just called it that, going to Tobay beach all summer, even a beach club called The Alhambra at the end of the road, Dick and Dora's great pizza, as well as 25cent slice at Bar Harbor Shopping Center. My parents moved there in 1949, not much was there then but boy did it grow, I lived around the block from the MHS, I could hear the late bell from my house, they moved when I was a Jr. in college, so never really got back there much.

Feb 17, 2019
Log Cabin NEW
by: Maggie

We lived at 122 Grand Boulevard and have many good memories growing up in Massapequa Park wouldn't have changed a thing. Does anyone remember the Light Cabin on the corner of Grand Boulevard and Connecticut Ave? I heard it burned down. We always thought it was the coolest thing. Our neighbors were the Sharkey's across the street. I used to play a lot with their boys, Tommy and Donnie. They lived across the street along with Mrs Rickson, Old Man Kaiser, the Porter's my Brothers hung out with Dawn and Chris,the Kaufman's next door they had 4 children, Butchie, Glen, Larry and Sharon. I used to play with Sharon and Larry same age as me and they were twins. I still keep in contact with Sharon. I went to East Lake Elementary. I had really good teachers except for first grade Mrs Tobias. She was witch and should have never been teaching little ones. I remember over the summer they had Sumner school at Eastlake Elementary. I couldn't wait to go the had in the auditorium, penny arcade, we did arts and crafts and learned baton twirling. It was really fun and I have such good memories of it. It lasted for a few weeks. Then we used to take off on our bikes go to the Seven Eleven get candy and slurpees and go fishing at the park, visit the sump get some frogs and have races. Boy what these kids are missing out on today. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

Feb 16, 2019
The Great old days NEW
by: Usclegend

Graduated from Berner in '64, got a say this magical place called Massapequa was the place to grow up.
I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything. We walked everywhere
Played Football, Wrestled Lacrosse, our *gang* was made up of a bunch of great teenagers who respected each other and played together as one.I miss those days

Feb 16, 2019
Graduated 63
by: Doug

Went to BirchLane,Parkside and MHS,graduated in 63.Lived in Harbour Green. Best place to grow up.Spent most of my time playing basketball,football and fishing.Have not been back in many years,remember slice and coke in Bar Harbour 25 cents,All American JonesBeach,OBI.Great times

Feb 16, 2019
Graduated 63
by: Doug

Went to BirchLane,Parkside and MHS,graduated in 63.Lived in Harbour Green. Best place to grow up.Spent most of my time playing basketball,football and fishing.Have not been back in many years,remember slice and coke in Bar Harbour 25 cents,All American JonesBeach,OBI.Great times

Feb 11, 2019
PT Boat at the South Seas Yacht Club
by: John Agurkis

The boat you are talking about was not a PT Boat. I believe it was a air sea rescue boat. The boat was behind a house in Massapequa for years. I mentioned this to my employer at the time. He bought the boat and moved it to the yacht club. I worked on the engines trying to get the boat running. The boat sat there until it burned.

Feb 05, 2019
Queens Ave, Plainedge NEW
by: Bg

Did you mean Queens Ave.

Feb 05, 2019
No charm! NEW
by: Anonymous


Jan 23, 2019
Massapequa Great Memories NEW
by: Anonymous

We moved to Massapequa in 1954, and our first house was in Biltmore Shores and I attended Fairfield School for part of 6th Grade and was transfered to the brand new Birch Lane School and our class was the first 6th Grade to graduate there. Miss Young was the Principal and Coach Egra was our phys ed instructor, I had Mrs Cutler that year. We then were bused up to Parkside for Junior HIgh 7-8 th grade. Had some tough teachers there but they were all good and fair. We thne went yto Hassapequa High from 1958-1962, what great times, was lucky to have Alex Baldwin for world history and then Floyd Kenyon for Ameircan History. I I lived in Harbour Green from 1961-1969, down by the water and the summers were always great. fishing in the Great South Bay, claming at low tide to earn gas money, driving over to Jones Beach , yes American Hamburgers was there, Carvel next door, Dick and Doras over in Alhambra section. We all made excuses go go to the library downtown to go by Kirschs's. does anyone revcall teh Farmers Market on the corner of Hicksville Road and Merick Road that burned down and teh scandal that came from that?
It was different time and place but waht a great place to grow up!

Jan 21, 2019
by: Anonymous

I went to Massapequa H.S. 62-65 does anyone remember the jr teen club (no alcohol) on Merrick rd next to the H.S. the Silver Key

Jan 20, 2019
Still a great town
by: Anonymous

My son lives on Philadelphia Avenue since 1997. Park Boulevard is still a great little town. Tree lighting every year at the train Station, 4th of July parade. Still a quaint town. All American Burger still around on Merrick Road, and Peter Kong’s office on Park Boulevard. I think most people who
Lived there 40 or 50 years ago would still think
It is great. And I think the bar at the railroad station, Gannon’s, has been there a long time.

Jan 13, 2019
Grassy Knolls NEW
by: Anonymous

I grew up on Grand Boulevard as well, between Euclid and Massachusetts, a short distance from East Lake Elementary School. I have so many memories from that time. My sister Eileen was 7 years older and my sister Diane 5 years younger. My very first friends on the block were Linda and Tommy, and there was a Richard too. They were my age, and my little sister had her friends Karen and David down the block from us and Kathy who lived across the street. My older sister had her friends too, though since she was older they lived further away, some who lived near Massapequa High School. I particularly remember the 3 streams and the Pit (I think that became the Mall). I remember the Massapequa Zoo and the drive in, and playing on the swings before the movie started; my sister and I in our pajamas because usually we would fall asleep. I remember selling girl scout cookies door to door (the kids don't do that today). I remember going to the grocery store in town with my mom and she would always give me a dime to put in the Coca Cola dispenser. When I was a teen I took guitar lessons from a man who lived around the block. I didn't learn much, but I did have a crush on my teacher. I remember singing in the children's choir at Our Lady of Lourdes. I loved signing in the choir.I graduated from Berner High School in 1968. I lived on Long Island for 54 years, moving with my husband to Pennsylvania in 2004. I love it here, but the culture is very different. I love the farms and mountains too, but it cannot compare to my love for the place where I grew up or my love for good friends I will never forget. Fortunately, I still have family on Long Island and get to visit now and again. I grant you it's different and more crowded than it was back in the 50's and 60's, but it is still home to me, and more than anything I think it's also the time we grew up. Things were much simpler back when we were kids.

Jan 12, 2019
by: Anonymous


Jan 12, 2019
by: Anonymous


Jan 10, 2019
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

I’m so sad. I lived in Massapequa Park from 1954- 1968 on McKinley Street. Most of the people on here lived there after I left so I can’t relate to the bars or the other things that came after I left (of course my dad would have disowned me if I went to a bar). I remember things like the scary shoemaker, the pet shop, Bohacks, Dilberts, Berman’s, the 5 and 10 cent store, the smell of Sam’s barber shop when Sam and Tony cut my dad’s hair and gave my brothers crew cuts, when we were given tempra paint and we were allowed to paint the storekeeper’s doors (with permission) for Halloween. They were all judged by unanimous people. Of course we all won something. I think it was a certificate. I always did Sam’s barbershop.

I used to walk my dad to the train station in the summer and on the way back, I’d play with the little girl at the Italian bakery. We’d play with the grasshoppers in the back of the bakery and the stray kittens wandering around. Her mom gave us some really good stuff. Of course I never told mom. I just ate breakfast even though I was full of Italian bakery food.

I played in the woods where now stands a funeral home, got nickle candy from Fay’s Candy shop which is now a florist.

We caught carp at the reservoir.

That’s the Massapequa Park of my time.

That’s the Massapequa Park I remember.

Those were the innocent days I remember.

Jan 10, 2019
North Mass.. NEW
by: Anonymous

Bobby, some of my best memories included Stan’s Coffee Shop. Great bunch of friends there. The dynamics began to change some as outsiders started to filter into the group around the 70’s along with their own troubles. Still was a great place though! Can still remember the police with their night sticks! Lol

Jan 10, 2019
Winks NEW
by: Anonymous

Can someone please tell me when the bar Winks on Broadway burnt down?
Thank you

Jan 06, 2019
Jerry Phipin goal post inn NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't remember the street address of the restaurant. I grew up across the river from it.I still boat on the great South Bay and pass the property where it was.There are 2 houses built on the Iand that was once was the goal post.Nice memory

Jan 02, 2019
I loved Massapequa Park NEW
by: Vinnie Dequeiroz

I lived in Massapequa Park from 1969 to 1990, loved everything about it.. All American, town, hot rod burger king, the woods, the forts we built there..
Just a great time living in Mass Park during the 70's..
No place like it..

Dec 27, 2018
Gerry Philbin's Goal Post
by: Jeff from Iowa

Hey, all … is there anyone here who might be able to provide the exact address where Gerry Philbin's Goal Post once stood? Read in some other comments that the lounge no longer stands and has been replaced by housing. Any help would be very much appreciated! Thank you!

Dec 26, 2018
Growing up in The North End
by: Bobby Hepburn

I grew up in what we called THE ITALIAN North End even though there were plenty of us Irish/Scottish kids there too! I graduated from Plainedge (Where all the COOL kids went) and LOVED growing up in North Massapequa. I played in the BROADWAY SOFTBALL LEAGUE and frequented the many bars along Broadway. The Sand Trap, The Eagles Nest, The Bourbon Barrel, The Village Pub, The Little Lounge, Freckles, and many more. I was NOT a big drinker but most fun on Friday night was at THE CASA MARIA, and other local Italian places. I hung out at Holiday Park on Jerusalem Ave. and Hicksville Rd. and was a PROUD "HOLIDAY PARK BOY". I played softball for Bernie's Luncheonette and still have my Softball Shirt from when I was 16 to this day. I also played for THE PENNY WHISTLE at Calvert Manor Shopping Center. Got my FIRST LEGAL drink at "THE TIGER'S TAIL." When I visit back each year for THE ITALIAN FEAST ON BROADWAY, I still hook up with my OLD Softball team members and some guys I hung out with. It also ALWAYS includes a trip to "ALL AMERICAN". Massapequa will always be in my heart.

Dec 21, 2018
Miss Massapequa NEW
by: Chris

Growing in Massapequa during the 60's and 70's was a real American experience where you knew everyone on your block and your parents knew all friends parents. Fun times of playing in the streets until the lights came on, riding our bikes to Jones beach, Florence beach, All American, life couldn't been any sweeter.

Dec 20, 2018
Old Days at 231 Park Lane in Massapequa
by: Linda Petersen Patrissi

Loved reading the last comment. It sparked memories in my mind of even the basic washline in the backyard. My Mom could spend hours talking to her neighbors while she twirled the wash line and filled it with daily laundry (NO DRYER!). We,too, had many children on the block.Mom stayed home and fed everyone!We danced on picnic table benches using my portable record player to provide the music, we started an arts and crafts club in the summer for younger children for only$1.00 for the whole summer and had turtle races up the driveway.When the pool went up everyone had a swimming hole with the tiniest filter that broke down every other day! In autumn, we rolled up the pool and replaced it with an ice skating rink.Please contact me if you,too,remember me. Mom and Dad have passed on but the memories of them and our home will remain in my mind and my heart forever.

Dec 20, 2018
Kids NEW
by: Anonymous

On my block there were at least 3 or more kids per house back in the 50's. Its seems that everybody also had a dog. All the moms back then, very few worked, would watch out for whose ever kid was around your house. There were some weeks when I ate lunch at a 5 different houses, then the next week everyone was at mine. Back then it was very common for moms to be borrowing a cup of sugar or a couple of eggs or a pint of milk, or whatever was needed to complete a recipe for whatever they might be baking. Most families had only one car and that our fathers took to work each day, so there was no quick dashing down to the market for supplies. Sure enough when our parents next went grocery shopping they would always repay the milk, eggs or sugar.
I remember very well when ever out black and white TV set wasn't working, my father would take out all the bulbs in the back of the set and we would go down to the Rexall drugstore down near the train station in the Mass.Park and he would plug each one in to the test strip to see which one was no longer any good. They had the new ones right there underneath the cabinet and back we would go and plug them all in and everything was back to normal. Our choices of stations compared to today very limited but there was always something on for us to look forward to and enjoy. As I recall we had channels 2,4,5,7,11 and 13 and every house had an antenna strapped to their chimney or the highest point on their house all pointing to the city. I wouldn't have wanted to grow up any place else. I moved from Massapequa and off Long Island 48 years ago but the memories of the fun I had back then are still so vivid in my mind. I see my grandchildren growing up in New Jersey and Connecticut in such a different world and wonder if they will look back at their childhood in as positive a light as I think most of us who lived in that time period do.

Dec 20, 2018
Looking for a friend NEW
by: Anonymous

I moved to Massapequa when I was about 4-5 years old circa 1957. I remember walking (alone!) to the house next door looking for a playmate. No luck there, so I went to the next house. No luck there either. Finally, at the fourth house, I found her. We became best friends. Can't remember her name now, maybe Gigi?

Dec 20, 2018
Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous

It was a great place to grow up. There must have been 20 kids in the neighborhood that would be outside playing all day. These days you just don't see it with all the organized sports and all. Great memories growing up in Massapequa.

Dec 20, 2018
Jeff NEW
by: Anonymous

You must have lived on my block...Jones Court

Dec 20, 2018
Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous

Great place to grow up. There must have been 20 kids in the neighborhood that would be outside playing all day. You just don't see it anymore these days. Great memories from growing up in Massapequa.

Nov 30, 2018
I wouldn't Raise My Kids There NEW
by: Linwood Place

When I was a kid I thanked my lucky stars I was raised in Massapequa and not Amityville. Amityville had blacks...shudder...albeit almost 10% (we figuared it was close to 90%).

I grew up with a lot of racists and even to this day Massapeuqa only has 0.17% African Americans.

I met my first black friend at Nassau Community College. I wouldn't want my kids to miss out on how diversified the real world was.

Nov 28, 2018
Whites NEW
by: Anonymous

I worked at Whites 1971 to 1973 in the men's department. Part time while I was in high school. I remember Steve the crazy manager also met the love of my life working in that department. But unfortunately broke up four years later. It was great times

Nov 06, 2018
A long time gone . . . NEW
by: Grassy Knolls

It has been close to 50 years since I left Massapequa Park. I lived on Grand Blvd., on the same block as Hall of Famers, Steven Federman and Jim Amen, both of whom were older guys. Mitchell Lemelbaum (gone now), Dennis Dunning, The Timpanelli brothers, Paul and Joey (gone), Jimmy and Tommy Dennis, Tom Wishart, Larry Becker and all of them had at least two sister. I remember the streets being a virtual sea of kids. 50 and 60 to a block and a hundred blocks.
I remember The Pit and especially hanging out on the Grassy Knoll with The Slobs et al and John Cox, Dan Kane. El Stumpo and that swing, the Old Cove with a pile of rusting beer cans, the New Cove - close to Park Lane.

Oct 29, 2018
JA: Sonic booms NEW
by: Andy F.

I forgot about that. Though we lived south of Sunrise, there was always the din of jet engines spooling up as they prepared to take off or were being tested at Republic in Farmingdale. I also remember large lumbering "Flying Boxcars" lazily flying up in the skies over Long Island. I don't know where they were going or what they were hauling but there was always one around.

Oct 29, 2018
Grumman NEW
by: JA

I remember in the late 60's the regular sonic booms in Massapequa. AWACs type and other jet aircraft would fly over our house in and out of Grumman. And there was a big farm on Hicksville Rd and Jerusalem Ave, may have had several green-houses, became a Waldbaums.

Oct 27, 2018
Bar across from park station. NEW
by: Anonymous

Opposite the Massapequa Park station in the 70's there was a bar called Solomon Grundies.

Oct 26, 2018
bar near train station in 1980s NEW
by: Ellen

I'm thinking it was on the east end of that strip where Gannon's is....where Johhny McGoreys is now?

Oct 26, 2018
Bars and Stations NEW
by: Andy F.

If the station being referred to is the Massapequa Park station yes, Gannon's is the bar (and its still there).
If the station is the Massapequa station the bar would be the Station Cafe or Porky's Pub.

Oct 26, 2018
Bar near train station NEW
by: Karen

If I'm thinking of the right bar it was called Gannon's!

Oct 26, 2018
bar near train station 1980 NEW
by: Ellen

Anyone remember the bar/club that was by the
massapequa train station in the early 80's? It faced the elevated train tracks and the parking underneath...

Oct 26, 2018
bar near train station 1980 NEW
by: Ellen

Anyone remember the bar/club that was by the
massapequa train station in the early 80's? It faced the elevated train tracks and the parking underneath...

Oct 26, 2018
Farm In North Massapequa NEW
by: Donna

Does anyone remember the farm in North Massapequa. An old man lived there and raised chickens. We always referred to it as Yankees Farm, and it was demolished in the late 60's.

Oct 15, 2018
Wine Gallery NEW
by: Anonymous

My wife and I could not find a place for our wedding. Huntington Town House, Theresa's, etc. were all booked. We had a short time because I was moving for a job. We went to the Wine Gallery and talked the manager into doing our wedding. Told him, this would be a lot of business for a late Sunday afternoon. He agreed and we were the first wedding to be held there. It was great.

Oct 09, 2018
White's Dept. Store - Massapequa NEW
by: Richard

My mother, Mary Ann Evento used to work at White's Dept. store in the late 60's. She often talks about Berner HS and how wonderful it was growing up in Massapequa with a large family.

Oct 02, 2018
Traffic and congestion NEW
by: Andy F

Something all of us notice is the increased traffic and overall condensed population these days. Its not just in our beloved Massapequa though, its everywhere on LI. The trade off for those who can overlook these changes is the incredible access to almost any aspect of cultural enrichment that you can imagine. Gone is the requirement to have to trudge into the city for entertainment, shopping, the arts, and that all important access to world class health care.

Oct 02, 2018
Queens NEW
by: Anonymous

Total stress. Chaos and madness. Everyone running around like loons. Completely overcrowded. Merrick rd is nuts. No quality of life.

Sep 28, 2018
wine gallery NEW
by: Anonymous

ha! I loved the wine gallery. used to go underage with my boyfriend in high school in the 80s and felt like a grownup on the couches !!! I know someone who lives on the old lot now called pirates cove. no bridge anymore. anyone remember wine barrel?? was that in amityville..babylon...

Sep 28, 2018
Island restaurant NEW
by: AnonymousDave

The restaurant was Gerry Philbin’s "Goal Post". Gerry played for the NY Jets.

Sep 23, 2018
Re: The Wine Gallery NEW
by: Ken

There's a house on the old restaurant property. It sits back from the street a bit and is just before making a left onto Pirate's Cove

Sep 17, 2018
Wine Gallery Restaurant NEW
by: Anonymous

Just wondering what ever happened to this restaurant. Had to drive over a small wooden bridge to get to parking lot.

Sep 10, 2018
Massapequa Park! NEW
by: Ed Yazijian

I just found this site. What great memories. I lived in MP from 1955-1967 at 92 First Ave. My neighbors were the Gennarios, Fields (they owned a tree nursery next to our house), the Meislohns, Kissingers, Keelers, Widmans, and many others too numerous to mention. The Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan and her brother Jimmy were our neighbors too--their parents were friends of my parents from their Brooklyn days. Not many people know this, but Warhol superstar Candy Darling lived across the street from us at 79 First Ave. Those of you who lived in the neighborhood would know Candy as Jimmy Slattery. She might have been the first transgender movie star in history. I went to Hawthorn Elementary and had Mrs Curtin in Kindergarten, Miss Rice was my music teacher. She had us listen to a lot of great music--some of it was pretty avant garde--like John Cage and Milton Babbitt. She instilled a great love in me of all kinds of music to this day. My 4th grade teacher Miss Burke taught us all how to play harmonica. She was my absolute favorite teacher--she later became the first woman executive of Seagrams (I think) and now lives in California. I still stay in touch. The Sealys were our gym teachers. Massapequa Park was a great place to grow up back then. We moved to Connecticut in 1967 and it was probably the worst decision my father ever made. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for our Massapequa Park neighborhood and its people. We never locked our doors and everyone looked out for one another. That meant too that we kids got heck from anyone on the neighborhood who caught us doing anything wrong. I've lived all over the world, but I never saw a neighborhood where everyone seemed to get along so well. Well, I was just a kid then, but that's how I experienced it.

Aug 27, 2018
Whites NEW
by: Linwood Place whites

My friends and I used to shoplift from Whites as kids. Despite having a guard at every exit who inspected departing customer's purchases, we would take whatever we wanted and go to the garden section. There was a space between the chain link fence and the building where you could drop items outside the building....walk right past the garden dept guard...and retrieve the item off the ground free and clear. I hate to think we may have been partly responsible for Whites closing down.

Aug 26, 2018
Whites NEW
by: Rich B

I worked at Whites in the eye glass dept. I was in co op in Berner Mr Stafords class. 1968-9

Aug 22, 2018
Working at Whites NEW
by: Anonymous

How many of us worked at whites for our first job.
Please write if you worked at Whites. I worked in the pet dept, then receiving, paints, garden and hardware. The years were from 68-7.
Names I recall: Andy Passman was a supervisor. He married a woman who worked there Claudia. Stu Katz in paints-who is a doctor now in
Massapequa. Richie Mckenna was the summer manager of receiving.
Some nut named jeff who was manager of garden one summer. That summer made me glad I was in college.
looking forward to memories-Dennis

Aug 22, 2018
Pequa NEW
by: Anonymous

I miss the bunery pub that used to be on park blvd. pitchers of beer burger and fries .

Aug 22, 2018
Hometown Visit NEW
by: Anonymous

Was back in Massapequa last week, first time in about 5 years. Lots of changes but glad to see places you counted on as a kid are still there. Went to All American for lunch and Carmellos for dinner and Krisches for dessert one day. My parents still live in the house I grew up in and my room is exactly the way I left it when I went off to the Army. There's still an old St Pauli Girl Beer poster hanging in there. The model is probably collecting social security now but she's timeless in Massapequa. Enjoyed driving past Birch Lane and MHS and even caught up with a couple old friends that are still in the area. Took a boat ride in the bay and marveled at all the remodeled houses and how much bigger the boats are now. A big difference from our old Boston Whalers with smokey 2 stroke motors and sunfish sailboats. I feel like that airplane from California was more than a ride, it was a time machine.

Aug 15, 2018
Andy F. NEW
by: Anonymous

Beth L. THANK YOU for stating what is probably an unpopular assessment related to All-American. I agree that chunks of grizzle in the hamburgers, the oil spots on the bag from the oil impregnated fries, is an indication this place is not serving good food. These aren't new observations; they are as old as the establishment. I too think its more about nostalgia around the property and signage than it is the quality of the food.

Aug 14, 2018
Micky Rooney's Weenie World NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember what the building that Micky Rooney's Weenie World was built for? It was built to look like a space ship.

Aug 14, 2018
All American no thanks NEW
by: Beth L

never understood the hype. Its not good at all. Worst hot dog i have ever had and the burger was nothing special. I think people just like the nostalgia. Ill pass. BUT i used to love Mickey Rooney's Weenie World right outside the Sunrise Mall. Then it became Blimpie and Empress Bagels too for a bit.

Aug 04, 2018
CB radio in Massapequa Park NEW
by: Richie

Any CBer's looking at this forum. I was KOD3584 in the 1960s 70s. Now a ham.

Aug 04, 2018
Big Bow Wow NEW
by: Anonymous

Anyone have pictures of the Big Bow Wow Sunrise Hwy. I worked there in the 60s.

Jul 17, 2018
by: Chris

Hi Maggie, I lived between Euclid and Massachusetts. Our next door neighbors were the Santangelo's, they lived on the corner, and on the other side were the Tangney's. Across the street were Dietzel's and Gabrois. I graduated in 1968, and my sister Diane in 1973. My maiden name was Curry.

You are probably younger than I am. 🙄

Jul 16, 2018
Re: Sump NEW
by: Maggie

Hey Chris, it was near East Lake like 2-3 blocks away. Where did you live on Grand Boulevard? We lived next door to Kauffman's. My Brothers are George and Wendell. Your not Chris Porter are you?

Jul 16, 2018
Charles Ave. NEW
by: Chris

I also grew up on Grand Boulevard. I remember the sump. Wasn't it across the street from East Lake? I remember the book mobile always parked there too.

Jul 15, 2018
Carol S. Charles Ave NEW
by: Maggie

Hey Carol we lived at 122 Grand Blvd Massapequa Park. Funny how you brought up about the Sump. I live in Florida too. My parents moved here when I was only 10. Used to go to the Sump every summer with my Brothers on our bikes with their friends to catch frogs. We would put them in shoe boxes with holes in them have relay races with them and then let them go. Every time I tell someone down here about the Sump they have no clue as to what I'm talking about. Woolworths was one of my favorite stores to go to with my mom because they a large selection of dolls in there for girls and would buy me one for helping her with the cleaning. Wonderful memories. I live on the West Coast of Florida. Have been here since 1973 and the last time I was back to Massapequa Park was 1985 so it's been many years. Miss Zornes, Chicken Delight, the fantastic German Delis and the wonderful bakeries. I don't miss the ice and snow though lol.

Jul 15, 2018
Reunion NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm looking forward to this!

Jul 14, 2018
Berner HS class of 78 / 40 year reunion NEW
by: Meg Tuohey McCaffrey

Anyone on here graduate in ‘78 or know of anyone who did? If so; please pass on this info. We are putting together a very informal reunion August 11 at noon at the BBQ grills by the tennis courts at Marjorie Post Park (Unqua Road). Bring your own everything. Pass it on! Thanks!

Jul 13, 2018
Pequa Theater NEW
by: Anonymous

Loved Pequa Theater! We used to go every week to Midnight Madness for the showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show! It was a bit weird to see people you knew in full costume for the show and do not forget to bring your rice, water pistols, toilet paper, etc.!

Jul 13, 2018
Massapequa NEW
by: Anonymous

Ok what about the infinity dealer on sunrise hwy? Remember that used to be a movie theater. I remember when jaws was playing there. Come on man!

Jul 11, 2018
Response to Karen's 5/13/18 Post NEW
by: Jill K - MHS Class of '70

We listened to the same song in gym at Raymond J. Lockhart. It was Chicken Fat and it was sung by Robert Preston. It is on YouTube and just try doing it now at our age - lol

Jul 10, 2018
Queens NEW
by: Anonymous

You would be shocked if you came back here after being away for awhile.,just like queens now. Totally congested and packed with total stress and mass confusion. Chaos!

Jun 19, 2018
looking for old friend
by: Barry

On the last post is it from Carol Strutt ?

Jun 19, 2018
Charles Ave
by: Carol S.

I loved living in Massapequa Park. I lived there from 1959 till 1973. I spent a couple of hours reading all the posts about our town. I would love to hear from some of the people I hung around with. I lived next to what we called the Sump on Charles
Ave. I lived next to the Interrantes, and the Stankards. I've always wondered where Leslie Conti, and Joyce Stark ended up. I can remember walking to Carmen's Road School, it was less than a mile but I guess because I was so young it felt like miles. I have very fond memories of Long Fulls, Woolworths and Inter County shopping center. I moved to Greenlawn, near Huntington in 73. Now I live in Central Florida. It was wonderful to go down memory lane.

May 21, 2018
Best few hours ever....
by: Kevin S

Stumbled into this site at 6am, it's 10 am now. Best four hour I've spent reading in quite a while, thank you all for the memories.
And you are all right, it was a great place to grow up.
Schools as I remember:
Maria Regina
St Anthony's
Massapequa HS

Rhode Island Ave

May 19, 2018
NC Police Academy
by: Anonymous

The Police Academy is NOT in McKenna Junior High School. It is in Hawthorne Elementary School which is next to McKenna. McKenna is now an elementary school.

May 19, 2018
McKenna HS is the Nassau County Police Academy
by: Anonymous

The Nassau County Police academy has been at McKenna School for a number of years now

May 16, 2018
by: Jackie Kohnken

Is that you, Mr: Daimler? Are you interested in attending? Love to see those blonde good looks!

May 13, 2018
Re: Charlie D.
by: Anonymous

Thank you!

May 13, 2018
Jackie looking for some folks
by: Anonymous

Can't help you with most of those folks but I know that Charlie is down in Virginia.

May 13, 2018
Unqua in the 60's
by: Karen

Does anyone remember the "Chicken Fat" song we used to exercise to in elementary school?? I thought of it today and can remember most of the lyrics...I was in 1st grade in '68 at Unqua!!

Apr 26, 2018
Looking for Class of 1968 Seton Hall
by: Jackie

Hi, we're looking for Massapequa members of the 1968 graduating class of 1968 - Charlie Daimler, Louanne Marchand, Christine DeLuca, Doug English - will arch this space for replies or email me: - Jackie Kohnken. Thanks in advance!

Apr 16, 2018
The Big Bow Wow
by: Chris Y

Oh my goodness. Do I remember the Big Bow Wow. Because it was so close to Berner, my friends and I always went there. My husband and I were just talking about the Big Bow Wow the other day and Whites department store.

Apr 16, 2018
the big bow wow
by: Anonymous

any pictures of big wow in front mays/

Apr 12, 2018
Mole Annex
by: Chris Y

Hi Andy F. I just realized you said you graduated from MHS. So that reunion wouldn't be yours. I didn't know any of the kids who went to MHS. I have a vague memory of someone I knew, but cannot remember his name. I only know he was nice. You mention Uncle Sam. Both my cousins won that lottery too. Thankfully they both came home. My cousin Ted wrote his memoirs about his time serving in Viet Nam. I'm 3/4 of the way through it.

Apr 12, 2018
Mole Annex
by: Chris Y

Hi Andy, Wasn't it a great 4 years at Berner. You know they are having a 50th Reunion for our class in September.

Apr 12, 2018
Mole Annex through Graduation
by: Andy F

Chris Y.
Yes me too. My parents moved to Massapequa Park in 1955 and I went to Mole Annex first and then Unqua once it was completed, then on to Berner, and finally MHS where I too graduated in 1968. Uncle Sam had plans for me after that. I think the Draft Lottery was the only lottery I have ever won :)

Apr 11, 2018
K - 3 at Hawthorne ‘58 - ‘61
by: Bob

I went to Hawthorne, lived on Smith St, right across from the school.

Apr 11, 2018
Mole Annex, Hawthorne
by: Anonymous

Anyone here who attended Mole Annex, then Hawthorne, in the early/mid-50s? Asking on behalf of my partner. He lived on Monroe til '56 or '57, then moved to Babylon, then Freeport. I'm enjoying kibitzing!

Apr 11, 2018
Nassau Shores 1970's
by: Anonymous

Anybody out there from Berner class of 1973 or McKenna Jr HS Class of 1969.Looking for Janice Forman if anybody has a where abouts

Apr 11, 2018
Mole Annex
by: Chris Y

Andy F, I too remember going to Mole Annex. All I remembered was the name. I don't remember the school. I was there in 1955. We had just moved to Massapequa Park. I only went there for a little while before East Lake was completed. I spent the rest of Kindergarten through 6th grade there and then on to McKenna and then Berner. I graduated in 1968.

Apr 10, 2018
Anyone from Belvedere Drive or Birch Lane School?
by: Anonymous

I'd love to be in touch - my family moved in December 1963 - when I was in third grade. I've fond memories of the teachers, of Miss Young, the principal -and of those neighbors on Belvedere Drive. Anyone out there with those experiences? Thanks. Tom Dean

Apr 10, 2018
Not like Queens
by: Anonymous

Someone is cranky in there old age. Massapequa is still beautiful.

Apr 10, 2018
by: Anonymous

Just like queens now. Awful.

Apr 06, 2018
help me find gym teacher James Patrick Morris
by: cindy austen

He was w gym teacher in the massapequa area in 1954 and 1955 I would think he has past on by now. But I must contact his family The my have medical
answers I need . Please help me cindyausten

Apr 05, 2018
Love it!
by: Donna Bartlett

I remembered a couple of other schools that I went to: East Lake for kindergaerten, 1962-63; Maplewood School, 1963/64; then Unqua from 2nd grade through 5th grade. Had my family stayed in Massapequa, I would have been part of the Berner High class of 75. Anyone else remember any of these teachers? I forgot Miss Elliot, gym teacher, (didn't like her). I had Miss Hoyt grade 2, 1964/65; Mrs. Pompa grade 3 65/66; Miss Bard 4th grade, 66/67; and Mrs. Weiss, 5th grade 67/68. as I mentioned before, I grew up on West Shore Drive, Stephanie Sollecito and Ellen Larkin were close friends and neighbors of mine. I have only great memories of Massapequa and come back to the area to visit family and friends every summer. Love it!!

Apr 04, 2018
Anyone have Miss Illmansee, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Kollmer, Mrs. Harris?
by: Anonymous

I've not yet seen any comment that seems to bear on my years in Massapequa Park going to Birch Lane School - 1960-1963. I lived on Belvedere Drive.
Hope there's someone.

Apr 04, 2018
Love Massapequa
by: Donna Bartlett

Hi! I lived in Massapequa until June of 1968. I went to Unqua School. Grade 2, 1963/64 school year had Miss Hoyt, 3rd grade had Mrs. Pompa - loved her!, 4th grade had Miss Bard, loved her too! and 5th grade Mrs. Weiss, ditto!. Loved all my teachers except Miss Hoyt, wasn't a huge fan. I lived on West Shore Drive. Ellen Larkin and Stephanie Sollecito were my best friends. I loved the pizza at Dick and Dora's. My family moved to Connecticut in 1968, and its where I still reside today. I loved growing up in Massapequa. Riding bikes, walking to Marjorie Post park, great childhood memories. My sister and I still come back to visit family and friends every summer. Just feels like home still, even after all these years.

Apr 01, 2018
Mole Annex
by: Andy F

Remember Mole Ford on the corner of Albany Ave and Sunrise hwy in Amityville? Well their previous location was on Merrick Rd west of the 110/Merrick Rd corner. Their service bays were repurposed as classrooms after they relocated and used until elementary schools were completed. I remember some of the classrooms still had the garage doors! This was where "Mole Annex" came about.

Apr 01, 2018
Mole Annex
by: Anonymous

SO now says that might be it. And adds that he lived on Monroe, & that others might remember his house because it was the only one on the block with a chainlink fence. His father used to yell at kids for swinging on it. Slound familiar?

Mar 31, 2018
Massapequa Park kindergarten in 1951/2
by: Anonymous

Hmmm...people remember Mole Annex in 1956 or so, but my SO swears that there were 2 1-room kindergarten schoolhouses within walking distance of Massapequa Park in 1951/2. Anyone have any insight into this? He's pretty accurate about other memories of the period. He attended Hawthorne later on. Thanks for dredging out the memories!

Mar 31, 2018
Mole Annex
by: Anonymous

I too went to Mole Annex in Amityville during the 1954/55 school year for kindergarten as Hawthorne School was completed yet. We were bused there. Seems like a pretty long way from home for 5 year olds.

Mar 31, 2018
Mole Annex
by: Anonymous

Was this Amityville, then? do you remember anything about it? All the references I see to it are much later. This is specifically about a kindergarten in 1951 or 1952. Anyone else remember 1 or 2 1-room kindergartens that Massapequa Park kids would have attended in the early 1950s, before Hawthorne was built (in 1954)?

Mar 31, 2018
by: Anonymous

Believe it was called Mole annex and I was bused there until Eastlake school was completed...regards!

Mar 31, 2018
by: Anonymous

Believe it was called Mole annex and I was bused there until Eastlake school was completed...regards!

Mar 31, 2018
Massapequa Park kindergarten in 1951/2
by: Anonymous

On behalf of my significant other: he went to kindergarten in 1951 (1952?) in a 1-room schoolhouse, 1 of 2 such kindergartens available to Massapequa Park kids. Later went to Hawthorne. Fill in the missing pieces, please! (Note from SO: seems from some comments above that he might have been going to Amityville part of this time. Thanks for your help in retrieving info!)

Mar 28, 2018
The decline (?) of Massapequa?
by: Andy F

I would agree with the comment a few lines down regarding the amount of traffic in Massapequa along Sunrise Highway but this is inevitable anywhere. The vacant lots relate to a fast food establishment that is currently being rejuvinated and a Lexus dealership that moved. Otherwise, the IHOP recently closed but for the most part, that stretch is relatively unchanged since 300 bowl and the KFC closed nearly thirty years ago. Its still a great place but yes, east/west traffic has no other route other than through the town.

Mar 28, 2018
N. Massapequa still great.
by: Anonymous

Reply to last comment, your talking about a commercial area Sunrise hwy. I was in all of Massapequa this past December for 2 weeks all of and including North Massapequa is the same as 40 years ago, all towns should be that nice.

Mar 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

I drove into massapequa recently. Place is run down with vacant lots and buildings on sunrise hwy in massapequa park. Really is like queens now with tons of traffic and congestion with a lot of trashy people.

Feb 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

Great memories living on Pennsylvania ave. north of sunrise in the 60's and 70's. Graduated in 1980 from Massapequa. Bohack, the 5 and dime for wax lips and kiddles. the shoe repair guy next door. Getting my ears pierced at the stationary store. My mom would play Bingo above Bohack on Weds and Sat. nights. Riding our bikes everywhere. Mr. Baldwin running Rec camp at RJL in the summer. Krisch's for Vanilla eggcreams and Easter chocolate. The bowling green by train station. 300 bowling alley on Sunrise. Mays and Whites. The Glass Tree at Croons lake. Walking across the lake in the middle of Winter when the lake was frozen. What were we thinking. Battle of the bands at the high school. Hitch hiking in the summer to the beach. Going to Sub city by the school for lunch or Chinese or Dee's pizza. Playing Paddle ball summer nights at John J. Burns. I could go on and on. But I also was lucky enough to go in the house I grew up in. We moved in 80. It ended up at one point being sold to a friend of mine that I had worked with. She still lives there and I see her quite often. Good memories.

Feb 14, 2018
I think my uncle was Berner Class of '75
by: gcav

It was either 1975 or 1976, but I don't think he actually graduated from there as right about that same time frame my grandparents moved to Florida.

Both my parents (class of '69 and '72) went to Berner, as did my older aunts and uncles. I lived in Massapequa too but we moved away when I was in elementary school. Still go back frequently to visit my grandfather, and always stop by All American for lunch!

Feb 10, 2018
1960's 1970's
by: Bg

Holiday shopping center. Many good people at Stan's , pizza place and movies I worked at.

Feb 10, 2018
Holiday Park Shopping Center
by: Anonymous

Hung out at Stan’s coffee shop, the pizza place, the movie theater and Grants. Happy memories.

Feb 10, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

I live in Islip.I still own my Dad's house in Nassau Shores.I still travel the area quit a bit.

Feb 10, 2018
by: Anonymous

My brother Tommy was good friends with Billy Dwyer! I was friends with Carol Senn and Wendy Olson for a time on your block!

Feb 10, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

We moved up about 5 years ago...16 miles from the Canadian border! Are you still on Long Island?

Feb 10, 2018
by: Anonymous

Zappa Land as I knew it was located exactly where you described Zappa Woods. And's where we took our study hall breaks. "Studying" with a Smile!

Feb 10, 2018
by: Anonymous

I remember the Hermans. I lived next to Billy Dwyer

Feb 08, 2018
From the 60,s and 70's
by: Bg

Anyone from North Massapequa,Plainedge H.S I see in the past comments alot talk about Pizza places. Anyone remember Holiday Pizza at Hicksville rd. and Juruslem ave. and the Ait.North Massapequa movie at the same location.

Feb 08, 2018
Burton lane
by: Anonymous

Yes, know the apartments well my uncle lived there.Everyone on that side of carmen rd was Amityville best lived by 7/11 and he went to Amityville.Wow your not kidding you moved away.I love Vermont!

Feb 08, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

We moved to an apartment directly across from Berner and found out it was Amityville school district! From there to Delaware and now up in the mountains of Maine!

Feb 08, 2018
To Burton lane
by: Anonymous

You most likely saw me on the block,where did you move ?

Feb 08, 2018
Berner class of 73
by: Anonymous

Was Zappa land the same place we called Zappa woods .It was the woods just south of Berner on the west side of Carman road.Man we did a lot of parting in those woods.

Feb 08, 2018
Berner Class of 1974
by: Nancy C.

I remember dear Joey Sacino and that sad day by the overpass. The good die young! I hung out with Weasle and his buddy,Rich L. who I dated during High School. He was a champion Hand Ball player. I had a lot of fun back in the Zappa Land! Sweet Memories of Berner & Massapequa Park.

Feb 08, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

I would have graduated Berner in 1980 but we moved in 75!! I probably know you...we were at 52 Burton Lane...the Hermann's!

Feb 08, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

He was much older but I knew his sister Mary Jane!

Feb 08, 2018
Couch the Grouch
by: Anonymous

No Couch the Grouch was RJL Principal

Feb 08, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

I hung out with John Daly.Often think of where these people would be today and how lucky I am to have survived the crazyness of that era.I graduated Berner in 1973.

Feb 08, 2018
burton lane
by: Anonymous

did you know Rob?

Feb 08, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

To the person looking for people who lived there from from 1960 to1970.How about John Daly Joey Secenno and Rob Cendele

Feb 08, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

Tragic memories and I was very young then! We kept Dianne and David Sacino the day it happened! John Daly lived 2 doors down from us!

Feb 08, 2018
Burton Lane
by: Anonymous

To the person looking for people who lived there from from 1960 to1970.How about John Daly Joey Secenno and Rob Cendele

Feb 08, 2018
Crouch the Grouch
by: Anonymous

Liz by Crouch the Grouch do you mean the English teacher at Berner??

Feb 08, 2018
Sals Pizza
by: Mark

Remember it like yesterday with the Shady Lady Pinball Machine in the back corner.Marjorie Post park sitting
in the round cement tube kissing my girl friend as my 13 year old body burned with desire but was too young to know what to do.Great place to grow up

Feb 04, 2018
All American
by: Anonymous

All American is known everywhere now. And not just because of a tv show. As a child I had all American at least once a week. More, as a teenager. As an adult I brought my children who in turn brought their children. We all love it but now are visits are usually twice a year since we don’t live close by.

Jan 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

Suburban Sports

Jan 25, 2018
massapequa memories
by: robert genna

dick and doras was the best Italian restaurant in Massapequa,i remember grants in bar harbor,pizza supreme,jerry koosemans big bite by massapequahigh,the memories of Massapequa,there was a sport store in bar harbor in the seventies don't remember the name.

Jan 18, 2018
Mr and Mrs Crouch
by: Paul Alagna

RJL ....I had is wife for some class maybe 4th grade. I remember Miss Dowling 3rd grade I believe and a Mrs. S something, short with short dark hair , I can't remember her name , very nice to me though. I finished there and went to Parkside Jr High. Don't remember the exact dates. Early sixties, was there when Kennedy was shot and we were sent home early but no one was allowed to play outside that day. How times have changed. I lived on Cleveland Ave., I remember guys and girls named Kerry,Tommy Slater, Dean , Ricky, Peggy, my old friend Tommy Reade,Eric Likefoot, Used to walk to school RJL and a crow named potato chips used try and steal our lunches. Halloween was always a blast getting eggs at the dairy barn, a lady on my block used to give out full size Hersey bars..we used to hit her house as many times as possible until she got wise. More names floating into my head..Jackie Murphy, an Italian kid Frankie or Joey always had green peppers in his lunch box, a big kid named Hall, Lois {she actually reads this site]..who else were in our classes. Where is everyone, what became of you all? Kurt Knoblach...anyone become a rock star, scientist, race car driver, astronaut, car dealer, auto mechanic...teacher..cowboy...i would love to know.

Jan 10, 2018
RJL School Principal
by: Liz

Does anybody remember Crouch the grouch?

Jan 09, 2018
Those memories of 1 through 8 years old
by: Anonymous

I do remember Bohack's! And I think also King Cullen - and Acme! I remember my first and only time ice skating there - at age 4, I fell far too often - I assume at a lake in Massapequa? (I hated it because I fell so often - and didn't ice skate again until my 20s!).

I remember the fire drills and nuclear war alarm drills at Birch Lake (go beneath your desk, put your arms over your head). I remember the ever so high fence around the lot on which the School sat - and the height of the school bus taking me there in the mornings (across the street from our house on 3 Belvedere Drive).

I recall playing (cautiously) with the quarter I would get - far too seldom - to pay for ice cream when the Good Humor man would come down the avenue by our house. And talking of whether Tarzan or Jungle Jim would win in a fight - watching Superman and a thousand westerns on TV, waving good-bye to Lassie each week - and thrilling to Walt Disney on Sundays. The kids who'd speak of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, Dracula and The Mummy (and again, who would win in a fight! :)

Building ship models, collecting the plastic figurines of western heroes (from Sky King to Roy Rogers and group, from The Lone Ranger and Tonto to the Maverick brothers/cousin to Cheyenne and Sugarfoot, Bronco) playing with toy soldiers from various wars, knights in castles, acting as Zorro (with mask, cape and sword) or Robin hood (with bow and arrow) or Ivanhoe (armor and sword) or William Tell (cross-bow) to show television's might influence.

A Massapequa Park boyhood. :)

Jan 09, 2018
Such fond memories of early 1960s
by: Anonymous

So glad his site exists! Sadly I can't identify with most of the memories because I lived in Massapequa park only from 1956 to December 1963 (when my family moved to Elkhart Indiana), the middle of 3rd grade at Birch Lane School. We never returned to Long Island.

Anyone else remember Birch Lane from 1960 through 1963? (for me, kindergarten through the middle of 3rd grade). I have such fond memories of it - the fair principal Miss Young, my teachers (Mrs. Goodwin, Miss Illmannsee (on whom I had a huge crush - I think she was later Mrs. Schreiber), Mrs. Kollmer, Mrs. Harris. (Mrs. Kollmer advised the class there was no Santa Claus in response to my direct question - causing my big talk with my mother that afternoon).

The big "fights" we'd have at recess between Blue Jackets (my 'gang") and the Black Widows and others. Chasing after girls because they had "cooties" yet if they turned on us, we ran for the same reason!

Lollipop Farm, Nunley's Happyland, Frontierland, Freedomland. :) Playing with the toys at "Two Guys". Visits to Jones Beach or Oyster Bay.

We lived at 3 Belvedere Drive - on a map, it seems too far to have walked from Birch Lane, yet I seem to remember walking - and the sweet crossing guard always telling me that I had a good report card (before I could read or at least understand it).

I remember Ray Heatherton "The Merry Mailman" coming to visit (to our cafeteria) and the older kids being wildly rude - which I couldn't understand - I loved him! And the P.A. system that afternoon giving Miss Young's angry lecture to us all. The daily Pledge of Allegiance, the patriotic songs memorized ... Using mucilage, cutting out construction paper for colors - and bringing in magazine pictures showing certain colors.

We went to Saint Rose of Lima - they were building a new one when we left - I remember the wooden slat folding chairs - presumably because the church's pews were insufficient for the congregation size. I went to catechism there - prepared for and received my First Confession and First Holy Communion (under the command of a very strict nun).

So many boys' faces 9and sometimes names - Anthony Zengrea, Tommy Werner, Michael Duffy, Bobby Mullen, the Bustards, the Zimmers, the Maddens, the Mullers, the Hesses) come to mind.

Please do respond if you share any of these memories!

Thanks! Tom Dean

Jan 08, 2018
by: Pat

Looking for Massapequans that now live in Texas

Dec 29, 2017
Fond memories for sure
by: Joe McAvoy

Tackapausha Park - technically Seaford but right on the border.
Krisch's - those sundaes and milk shakes!
Fishing in the reservoir just east of the railroad station parking lot
Don't forget the Baldwin brothers

Dec 27, 2017
Dicks Park
by: Guy

I seem to recall (back in the 60s) there being a small amusement park somewhere on long island named "Dicks Park". Does anyone remember such a place? I cant find any info on it anywhere. Is it still open?

Nov 18, 2017
Pat, you made me laugh out loud
by: Bob M

Your post brought back a fun memory. I’m 64 years old and I can remember when I was in Miss Curtain’s kindergarten class, smelling Miss Johnson’s perfume long before I’d see her coming down the hall. I could also hear her coming because she always wore the kind of dress that made a wooosh sound when she walked down the hall.

Nov 18, 2017
by: Pat S.

Saw the post(s) below about Hawthorn. Ms.Johnson...the principal. You could smell her perfume a mike away. Mr.& Mrs. Sealy-gym teachers. Broadcast choir.....Hawthorn School song. Being on the playground & having the fire alarm go off. I had Mrs.Curtin, Ms.Lamontagne, Ms Buloigne, Ms Conley, Ms.Case, mr. Morgan & Mr. Bosch. Memories ... & of course the Hawthorn School song

Aug 31, 2017
The Symphonette
by: Jill K - MHS Class of '70

This is in response to Bob (7/21/17). I remember playing the symphonette, too. Our music teacher at Lockhart Elementary, Mrs. Rickman, passed away in a car accident and Mrs. Rae Hansen took over for the remainder of the year. She taught us the symphonette and from that I went on to play the clarinet and was in the band all the way through high school.

Aug 29, 2017
The 1970 MHS Teacher Strike
by: Anonymous

What greater dream could a bored and ready to get out senior in high school have than to arrive at school on a beautiful spring day and find out classes are cancelled until further notice due to a teacher strike!!!

Did some research and I think the critical issue was the District wanting teachers to contribute $1.00 per month for their dental benefits.

It truly convinced me that miracles do happen!

Aug 25, 2017
Home room and massapequa diner
by: Anonymous

I remember the deli. Not name tho. Last time back in mass was three hrs ago maybe on a trip somewhere else. Stopped at the massapequa diner to show my wife Long Island diner food.

Even tho all american was great there is still something special about a burger and fries you get at a diner.

Aug 25, 2017
Dennis P - MHS homeroom
by: Deborah Pile Cotton

Yes, I was. Didn't think you would remember after all these years. Do you remember Mr. White, the English teacher, and active union member? Do you remember the name of the male Chemistry teacher? I know I have my yearbook here somewhere.

Still trying to remember the name of the Deli we would walk to during fire drills. It was on the same side of the street as the high school, and in colder weather we could get a hot cup of coffee and a bagel before the teachers called us all back in. It was like trying to herd lost sheep. Proud to have graduated MHS, although all the schools in Regional 23 enjoyed very fine reputations.

Favorite memories of MHS?

Aug 24, 2017
Homeroom at MHS
by: Anonymous

Debbie-you were in my homeroom at MHS I think.

Aug 24, 2017
Deniis P. response
by: Deborah Pile Cotton

You are correct on the Rte 110 location. Seemed so far away in those days. Went to Raymond J. Lockhart, McKenna, and MHS - graduated in 1970.

Aug 19, 2017
Freedomland, Adeventurers Inn, and Frontierland
by: Anonymous

Moved to massapequa Park in 1954. Was 2 yr old. Lived on East lake Avenue, then moved to s massapequa behind Bar Harbour center.
Frontierland was in fact on Rt 110 , may have been near there the inter county shopping center. (Does anyone remember the sign Siss's sandwich shoppe--"good food"). Anyone know sis?

Adventurers Inn was also on 110 in Melville, not too far from the 110 drive inn.

Freedom land was off long Island I think, --remember
"mommy and daddy take my hand take me out to freedom land, 2.96 is all you pay for freedom land all day." or something like that.

Did anyone from LI ever go to Palasades park with the worlds largest salt water pool. Ahead of its time--as many pools in Fl now are salt water instead of chlorine.

-Dennis Penzell, Carmen road, McKenna, and MHS 70.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

Just like queens now. Maybe worse.

Aug 09, 2017
Xrbbie Pile thank you for thinking of me mom
by: Beth Van Nostrand

Unfortunately she never read your letter as she passed away Dec. 16, 2016. 96 years old and she was still very much with it. She talked about us kids and enjoyed everyone. Remember she'd pack up the car with the gang and off to tobay we would go! Donna unfortunately is batteling cancer we're keeping our fingers crossed that she beats it. Love to you Deb. Much love.

Aug 06, 2017
Time moves on even in Massapequa
by: Anonymous

No that wasn't a bar next to Casa Maria it was jet Liquors a liquor store my uncle Nicky owned both

Jul 25, 2017
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

I remember that Massapequa Park would give out poster paint and brushes. We had to go from store to store downtown asking permission to paint a Halloween scene on their window or doors. Then they got judged. I always got Sam's Barbershop and other kids would get mad because they wanted it. My artistic talent was not award worthy, but I had a good time.

Jul 25, 2017
Zornes Poultry Farm
by: Maggie

Haven't been back to Long Island since 1985. Some of our favorite places to name a few were: Tastee Bakery, we used to go there after Church on Sunday's and get Kaiser Rolls, salt sticks and buns for breakfast. They were so good. We also used to go to Zornes Poultry and get chicken, potato salad and coleslaw for a treat. It was so good and I remember my brother's looking in the parking lot for my Mom for receipts that people would throw away. She got some kind of discount or something for saving receipts. Many good memories. Don't miss the snow though.

Jul 24, 2017
Mrs. Holdridge
by: Anonymous

Sorry.. my last post should have been titled MRS. Holdridge. 😁

Jul 24, 2017
Mrs. Holdridge
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

I played the cello at Hawthorn from fourth grade till six grade. Mr. Barnett was my teacher. I was REALLY bad at it. Choir was much more my forte. I was in the A Cappella choir at Berner till we moved to Tucson. I was in the regional company of Up With People while I was in school there. I went into the Air Force after school, got married a couple of times and the rest is history.

I apologize to everyone else reading this. I'm sure no one else is interested in my life story. 😀

Jul 24, 2017
Mr Holdridge
by: Anonymous

I went to St Rose of Lima for first through eighth grade even though I can see Hawthorne from my front stoop. I never had any of the teachers mentioned so far, but I did have Mr Holdridge in Berner HS. My friend and I lied about our height so we could stand next to each other in Mixed Chorus, Girls Choir and Acapella Choir. I grew half an inch and she shrunk half an inch! I laughed every time someone would ask for a tissue. Mr Holdridge always responded "Tissue? But I hardly know you!" I sold cases of oranges ad grapefruit until I saw them in my dreams! Then we all got together to unload the trucks when they came in. Loved the trips to sing in orphanages, nursing homes and the mall! Acapella was in a McDonalds commercial. He was great!

Jul 24, 2017
by: Miss Rice (Jan Holdridge )

I'm sorry I've lost contact with the Boscos. I don't know where they're living now....
Betsy Knapp, I do remember you. Didn't you later play the cello at Berner? I keep in touch with Mrs. Justis, who lives in Vermont....Mrs. Curtin and Miss Gluck have passed away, but a number of Hawthorn retirees still get together for lunch. I see Miss Brokhahne (Mrs. Stahl), Miss Case, Miss Wall, Mrs. Reagan.

Jul 21, 2017
Hawthorne Elementary
by: Anonymous

I too remember all the words to the song. I started kindergarten in Amityville because Hawthorne wasn't quite finished in 1955. I still remember all of my teachers first through sixth. Mrs Walsh, Mrs Seabold, Mrs Algiers, Mrs Learned, Mrs Marcus, and Miss. Brokhane. Not quite sure of the correct spellings or who was really Mrs. or Miss. I went on to become a 6th grade teacher in Putnam county and retired in 2004 after 32 years. I credit all my teachers 1st through 12th grade for inspiring me to pursue this career path. I thank all of you.

Jul 21, 2017
Hawthorn Song
by: Bill N

Thanks for posting the full lyrics Miss Rice, my former music teacher way back when. One memory I have of you is teaching us several Woody Guthrie songs, among other classic songs.

Would you hapoen to have any idea what became of Mr And Mrs Bosco, formerly Miss Stanco before she married him? I had her in 2nd grade, and him in 6th grade. He was tough but a great educator.

In later years my brothers and our friends would play stickball on the front wall of the school, at least until the Wackenhut Security guards would chase us off,

Jul 21, 2017
Hawthorn School
by: Anonymous

I have been singing the Hawthorn school song almost daily since elementary school. I taught it to all my kids. That's the only school song I ever really learned. It something that sticks in your mind forever. Thanks to Miss Rice (Mrs. Holdridge) for all her inspiration. Because of her, I took piano lessons and then organ lessons. I was in every choir In every school I went to. I doubt if she remembers me but I had long braids. My name was Betsy Knapp at that time.

Jul 21, 2017
Hawthorne Elementary School
by: Bob

I started kindergarten at Hawthorne elementary in 1958. The music teacher then was Miss Hanson. We all had to learn to play the symphonette, a flute-like instrument that ( I think) her husband may have invented???
Miss Johnson was our principal. My kindergarten teacher was Miss Curtain and the art teacher was Miss Walshmock. We had two gym teachers, Miss Tulley and Mr Ceily who got married to each other while I was a student there.

Jul 21, 2017
Hawthorn memories
by: Miss Rice (Jan Holdridge )

"Dear Hawthorn School, we love you. Our hearts will ever be true. We join our hands in friendship beneath the gold and blue. Within these halls of learning, our glad young voices ring. Eternal love and loyalty to Hawthorn School we sing! Wow, every single morning for 19 years I played the piano for that with the Broadcast Choir! Fun times, though. Hi to all who were in my music classes.

Jul 18, 2017
the bar on alhambra
by: Anonymous

It was later called the hideaway cafe ....I used to paint the christmas murals on the windows banned a few times

Jul 17, 2017
Massapequa, How I MIss Thee
by: Anonymous

RE Massapequa, How I MIss Thee I am guessing we were about the same age, I too loved living in Massapequa. Our world today seems so upended, in the 60's it seemed so easy to understand, quiet and harmless. We had a privileged childhood.... in my case my teenaged years I revolved around surfing, and girls. Surfing more than girls, actually because that was a little intimidating for me at the time.

I spoke to the 9th Grade of MHS as an alumni on career day (which isn't at MHS but next to Parkside in something called the Annex I believe). They didn't watch TV, didn't surf, and didn't read newspapers or magazines. Wow... Not the same world, ours is gone except in our memories.

Jul 17, 2017
Frontier Land
by: Maggie

Well since it wasn't Freedom Land Chris, must be Adventureland. That was off 110. We went there a lot after we out grew Jolly Rogers. Lol.

Jul 17, 2017
Freedom Land USA
by: Anonymous

That was a wonderful place to spend the day. Great memories...

Jul 17, 2017
by: Andy F.

I think Freedomland was located on a piece of land in the Bronx that is at the corner of the Hutch and Rt 95. There is a large apartment complex there now.

Jul 17, 2017
Frontier Land
by: Maggie

Was this actually called Freedom Land? My Brother's both got to go and I think I was there too but too young to remember. Freedom Land closed in 1964 and I was only 2 at the time. My older brother though is 8 yrs older than me and always talks about it.

Jul 17, 2017
Frontier Town
by: Chris Y

Does anyone remember a place on Rt 110 that I think was called Frontier Town? It may have been called something else though, I cannot be certain of the name.

Jul 17, 2017
Foxes on Alhambra
by: Jane Schlossman

Someone help! I know it was Arthurs, then Foxes. What was it called after? In the mid 80s? I think it was Charlies but we all still called it Foxes. I worked the coat check there and cant remember!!

Jul 07, 2017
Hills Supermarket
by: Andy F.

Some time before the supermarket across from John J Burns Park became Hills it was called Dilbert's. The Candy Store in that shopping center represented a special treat because being there meant my parents didn't know we had strayed so far away. I remember buying Comics and balsa wood planes there and people having ice cream sodas at the counter.

Jul 07, 2017
Massapequa 1960's
by: Mark Carmel

Monkey Mountain, at the zoo, was the highlight of any visit. Also, the best part of going to "All American", was the rumbling of the whole potatoes, as they rolled down the steel tracks above the counter, falling into the potato slicer, and then into the fryer. In Harbor Green, there was always a roaming gang of wild kids playing on the streets, running through neighbor's backyards, playing at construction sites; and having fun on the beach. On Riviera Drive, there was always a group of kids playing outside. When my family moved to Old Westbury, in 1970, Mrs. Gleason from Birch Lane was my neighbor. I was sent to her office at least 3 times a week. She enjoyed the stories about my personal rebellion against authority figures at the school. The diner at the outdoor mall, was great place for any kid to visit because of the ever interesting, wallpaper of dogs playing poker. While visiting my Grandparents in Brooklyn, my house had a fire, which turned out to have be caused by roast beef cooking in the oven. When the firemen brought out the charred remains of the roast beef, they all believed that it was my dog Beau Beau. As we returned to the house, their was a big sigh of relief from the neighbors, when Beau Beau jumped out of the car. At the beach club, I was taken out by the undertow, and saved by a young couple on the beach.

Jun 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

I remember when there was Hills supermarket across from John J Burns park and my mother shopping there when I was a kid. Then it was closed but not sure of the year. Then it became Pergaments hardware. The memories of good ol Pequa.

Jun 16, 2017
Jolly Rogers

Yes I remember Jolly Rogers very well. For many years it is where both of my sisters and I would choose to go for our birthdays, so that meant at lest 3 times a year. I also remember trying to get the ring as you went around the carousel. When I was little it was really scary as I had to lean so far over to reach the wooden arm that dispensed the rings. I will never forget when I finally got the Gold Ring, which meant you got a free ride. Massapequa in the 50's and 60's was the best.

Jun 16, 2017
Best Restaurant
by: deirdre shannon

Musicaros had the absolute best pizza in the world. My fathers favorite spot to have a dry manhattan straight up with a twist of lemon at the bar when he came of the lirr. My favorite dish in the restaurant was the baked ziti. My fahter was also a member of their fishing club. Never had pizza to this date that compares!

Jun 16, 2017
by: Maggie

I remember quite well. Only when we Went there it was called Jolley Rogers. My parent's took us there quite often since they couldn't afford to take us on vacation. We especially liked the big carousel. My brother's used to reach up and grab a ring for me and you got a prize or something for it. When we got too big to go there anymore then they took us to Adventureland. Lots and lots of good memories growing up there.

Jun 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

How many of you remember going to Nunley's Amusment Park?!
What great times we had there!

Jun 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

I loved Musicaro's spaghetti,when I was young. My mother would take my brother and me there for special dinners after my father died. For several years, when I would start getting a cold, or feeling sick, I would test myself to see how ill I was. I would think, "Could I eat Musicaro's spaghetti right now?" and if the answer was "yes" I knew that I was not really going to be ill. I've told my husband about that. We live in a different state now but he knows all about my memories of Massapequa Park... I didn't appreciate them, of course, when I was growing up but, now that I am a Medicare card-carrying senior, my childhood and my early memories are so sweet. It was a lovely place to grow up with the ocean breeze in the air all the time.

Jun 09, 2017
Chicken Delight
by: Anonymous

Speaking of Chicken Delight, we got chicken from them once in a while. It was good. Anyone remember their jingle on the radio? Don't cook tonight call Chicken Delight.

Jun 09, 2017
How I miss thee
by: Paul Alagna

To the secretive author of Massapequa, how I miss thee, thank you. It is messages like yours that make this website such a gem. I read these posts and I am transported back to a simpler time. Back to less noise, less media, less fear. Back to neighborhoods and kick the can and staying out until the street lights came on. So, thanks for the memories.....

Jun 08, 2017
Massaequa, how I miss thee.
by: Chris Curry Young

I enjoyed reading your post. I grew up in Massapequa Park, so most of my early childhood memories are from there, but I do have memories of Harbor Green, Pizza Supreme (the best pizza), All American, and Carvel, as my older sister had friends from there. She went to Massaoequa HS before Berner was there. I loved growing up in Massapequa!

Jun 08, 2017
Massapequa, How I MIss Thee
by: Anonymous

There were three Massapequas to me. The first Massapequa was on the very west end of town, bordering Seaford. I lived there on top of my dad's deli until I was 6 years old. I remember the night the farmer's market burned, I remember the excitement surrounding the opening of Pequa Bowl, and have fond memories of playing in Tackapusha park with my friends that also live in the apartments over their parent's stores. Francie's dad owned the luncheonette and the chocolate egg creams there were outstanding. I went to Fairfield for kindergarten and "kidnapped" a boy I thought was cute. He came home with me one day and his parents had the police out looking for him. I attended Summer Rec at Fairfield that summer and remember crying because I missed too many days and they wouldn't let me be in the production. One of the counselors took me to the kitchen and we ate ice cream out of the carton.

I guess my parents got tired of living in the apartment so they bought a house in Harbor Green. That is the second Masspequa in my life. I Lived there from when I was six until I was eight and a half. The time in Harbor Green was the best time in my childhood. I remember walking and biking all over the neighborhood. Going to Bar Harbor and getting a slice at Pizza Supreme was the norm. I had the best friends there... Ali and Wanda and Peter. We biked to Birch Lane and played on the "merry-go-round." I loved Birch Lane. It was a fantastic school. Miss Greenfield was one of my favorite teachers. Summer Rec at Birch Lane was so much fun. And then it all had to end. My grandfather died and we had to find a house with an apartment so my grandmother could live with us. We ended up in Nassau Shores.

From fourth grade until I graduated from high school I remained in the Shores. It wasn't the same. No longer did I have the connections to the people that were such good friends. When I look at the distance from Bar Harbor to Nassau Shores, it makes me wonder why those friendships were lost. I guess it was too much trouble for my parents to cart me back and forth. But I leventually learned to love the Shores. We had Mitzi's deli, and Dino's Pizza (which was actually quite decent.) There was also George's Jip Joint, and Chicken Delight. And how can I forget the Nautilus? Now that was some diner! I have never found one quite as good.

I guess when you put it all together, I was very fortunate to have my three Massapequas because I have such fond memories of all of them. I wouldn't trade my life there for anything. My children grew up in Virginia and I don't think their memories of childhood are rich as mine were.

Apr 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

The Two Best Pizza Places in Massapequa NY...

Apr 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

My favorite is Musicaros. They were by far the best. When we were very small and my parents would go out on a Sat. night my Dad would get us a pie for dinner. In high school and after we would go and eat there and get the bar pie.... the best. Yes the others are good as well but I don't think I have ever had any as good as Musicaros. Does anyone remember the pictures on the wall of the Miss Reingold girls. There was one for each year.
All American's fries are still the best as well.

Apr 18, 2017
Mitzis deli
by: Anonymous

does anyone remember mitzi's deli on unqua road,,,Big bottles of RC cola for .15

Apr 16, 2017
All American
by: Anonymous

I worked at All American in 1969-1970. The Vultagio (sp?) family seemed to think I was trying to give away a free coke ($.10 in those days).
Truth is I had a mad crush on Billy Vultagio and would never have betrayed the family trust. I never fully recovered from being fired. It was the one and only time in my life.
I still can't stand the smell of fast food burgers and fries. Bring on the salad, please.

Apr 12, 2017
Working In All American
by: JB

Enjoyed the comments on the great Massapequa Pizza debate especially the recollection of the Pizza Supreme roof of the mouth burn that seemed to happen every single time you ate a slice. Uncanny!

And now its time to address the world famous All American Hamburger Drive In but from the insiders (as in former employees)perspective.

With the scattering of south shore Long Island natives throughout the world the legend of All American has achieved global significance including of late being a feature on the "Kevin Can Wait" sitcom. Personally I recall being in a cafe in North Carolina and seeing All American burger and fries bags framed on the wall. The owner was of course a Massapequa native and reported that at least five times every week someone new would recognize the bags and All American stories would be shared.

The other seemingly great mystery that I would love someone to resolve is whether the large west coast chain "In n Out Burger" somehow cloned the All American brand. The first time I visited In n Out in Los Angeles I was shocked to see the interior colors, decor and menu items were a dead ringer for All American.

I am one of no doubt thousands of former employees of All American. I spent most of 1970 before leaving for college working extremely hard breaking into the brigade by peeling potatoes and cutting the fries ultimately climbing the ladder of success to a glamorous (and clean) front counter spot. While the work was difficult (try loading 50 pound bags of potatoes into a chest high chute thirty or more times a day) the Massapequa and Berner students that worked there had a lot of fun.

It would be great to hear stories from other former employees about their time in All American (some lasted for years, others were gone after a few hours). However I think mine may be a unique experience as one off my co-workers wound up being (and still is) my wife, mother of three and grandmother of one!

Apr 10, 2017
north massapequa
by: Anonymous

old man yankee

Apr 08, 2017
Casa Maria
by: Anonymous

Wasn't there a bar right next to Casa Maria? I seem to recall a bunch of us closing that place down and still in the parking lot when they opened in the morning! The good old days!

Apr 08, 2017
by: Chris Curry Young

Was Pizza Supreme the place in Bar Harbor shopping center. I remember that pizza was fantastic! The square Sicilian pizza.

Apr 08, 2017
by: Paul Alagna

Casa Maria was my families favorite. Your description of the cheese and crust with the oil soaked take-out box was right on target....but I can't forget and I believe I can smell it even now way upstate some 50 plus years later... the GARLIC! and yes Pizza Supreme on the other side of Massapequa , the square slices and fighting friends and family for the end pieces...thanks for the memories and aromas...

Apr 08, 2017
by: Greg P

For the quick slice and the coke nothing could beat Pizza Supreme. The burn the top of your mouth, super saucy, super hot slice that needed to be folded back at least a third to hold it all on. The smell as you stated waft through the entire plaza. That was the treat we would get after my mother did some shopping at the store across the way from it which I think was Saks.
Musicaros was the go to place when a bunch of us would finish working on a Saturday or Sunday night at Krisches and head over for a couple of large pies and beer in late 60's to early 70's. As a matter of fact, after our 10 year class reunion for Berner HS 1n 77 that was held at Majorie Post Park many of us met up at Musicaros afterward and had a great time closing the place .A lot of us had moved away from LI by that time and it was so nice and comfortable to be back and enjoy familiar places and old friends.
A friend of mine that I met while in college in upstate NY was from Wantaugh and on one of our breaks we went to his favorite pizza place on Merrick road near the Seaford-Oyster Bay Expressway. I think it was called Castle Pizza. The pies were very good, but what I remember most is the pitchers of beer that came out of the tap close to freezing. The coldest beer I have ever had.It was great.
There are many pizza places here in CT where I now live, but noting yet has matched the taste I remember so well from when I was growing up in Massapequa. I will also add to that the bakery bagels and rolls that my father would get on Sunday mornings. I wonder if they are still the same today.

Apr 08, 2017
Pizza Places
by: Bill N

For us, we regularly got our pies from Carlo's Pizza Oven in the Inter County shopping plaza on Carman's Rd from the late 60's through the early 70's.

Sometime in the early to mid 70's we started getting it from a place called D'Antonio's, which was a few doors down from May's Dept Store in that semi enclosed strip of stores. Their pies were great, very cheesy, and they did a good business for years. At some point they bought a full restaurant on Merrick Rd, and moved their operation there, but I can't say what year that was.

We rarely ordered from Musicaro's or Mario's, which was down the block.

Apr 07, 2017
The Four Pizzas
by: Andy F.

I enjoyed your well written examination of the Massapequa Pizzas and had not recalled that Pizza Supreme pizza had been served on parchment paper. However you are right, it was! Having eaten many of their slices along with a Cherry Coke, has left an impression on me. I almost HAVE to have a Cherry Coke with pizza nowadays. (and I remember they served up Cherry Coke by literally mixing cherry soda with Coke - holding two levers on the soda fountain down simultaneously)

While your recollections are probably spot on and others might support your choice of number one, surely longevity must figure in. If any of these four are still around, that must signify some level of customer satisfaction. I know for sure Pizza Supreme still does exist and am just as sure there is no more Musicaros. Casa Maria seems to be gone as well but its possible some semblance of D&D's might still exist.

Apr 07, 2017
The Great Massapequa " Best Pizza" Debate
by: JB

For those growing up during the fifties through the seventies in the Massapequas there seems to be four sound contenders for THE best pizza place.

They are:

Casa Maria
Pizza Supreme
Dick and Dora's

I draw my own observations/conclusions based on my history as a resident of Harmony Drive ( east of the Park Blvd intersection )from birth in 1952 to my 1970 departure for college and resulting discovery of the strange new world beyond (as my mother called it) the world's largest sandbar.

Musicaro's - though the closest to our house we knew Musicaro's more for its championship Jones Beach League softball team than its pizza. In fact my first visit was not until my late teens (primarily focused on generous size pitchers of beer) and while the pizza was perfectly acceptable it did not deserve the top prize.

Pizza Supreme - in a class by itself this iconic "Coke and a slice" Bar Harbor institution drew shoppers and high schoolers through its doors with the impossible to resist smells of their freshly baked square pies. The shape and firm structure of each slice ( served on a piece of parchment paper)was perfect for a two handed meal sitting on an outside bench. Though the best for what it was the Pizza Supreme pie would never be one to order for Friday night dinner at home.

Dick and Dora's - this was a "restaurant sit down" pie served on the traditional raised platter. D & D's was also ( and perhaps more prominently) famed as the venue serving the first real cocktail to the hordes of barely (18 years and above)or not quite legal teenage imbibers. A definitely delicious but hard to handle juicy pie ( knife and fork required) would again not be suitable for pickup and return to home. But no greater friendly and fun dining experience could be had than a Saturday date night replete with seven and sevens or perhaps a whiskey sour served by Phil, the ebullient and locally famous owner and Pearl Harbor veteran.

Casa Maria - and now we come to my clear winner. The experience of the rare one on one time with Dad during the 15 minute car ride for pickup and the other wordly experience of sitting at the end of the bar waiting for the pies to come out merely accentuated the perfection of the Casa Maria pie itself. The return ride was perfectly timed for the needed cool down of the cheeses and runoff of excess olive oil absorbed by the box. The thinner crust and flawless ratio of cheese to sauce cooked just slightly crisp puts the crown on the Casa Maria pie.

I expect ( and sort of hope) there will be spirited disagreements to my assessment and even though I know I'm right I would appreciate as much feedback as possible.

Apr 05, 2017
Olson's Inn / Bill N
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much. I've been wracking this old brain of mine for a couple of old weeks. Do you happen to know if the Indian statue that was once in the massapequa library garden is still there. When my brother was young and in the scouts, he found the statue in Tackapusha ( sp ?), and returned it to the troop, and eventually the library. That had to be at least 55 years ago.

Mar 26, 2017
Regarding the Motel/Inn
by: Bill N

I believe that was Olson's Inn, we had a few Boy Scout type dinners there.

Mar 26, 2017
Gene Clegg
by: Anonymous

I seem to remember that a man named Gene Clegg actually was the manager of the restaurant /small catering house & motel at the end of Sunrise Highway. I don't remember the name of it, but it was on the right as you passed Howard Johnson's and the Mays Department store. I spent a summer prepping watermelon baskets, serving baked chicken and running Flaming Jubilees out to brides and their guests. Sometimes we would do 4 weddings in a weekend. I was glad to get back to college that September. It was 50 years ago. Does anyone remember the name of the restaurant?

Mar 26, 2017
Regarding downtown Massapequa Park
by: Bill N

For the poster who mentioned the bakery, that would be DiMonda's Italian Bakery, which was there for close to 50 years. DiMondas would give us dough to use as bait when we went fishing at the reservoir. They also had the best cake ever, a Black & White ring cake, patterned after the famous black and white cookie.

Fay's was at the corner, next to the deli, which I believe still exists.

I don't know Pete the butcher, but Tom and Sons, a longtime village fixture, and where my mom bought her steaks and meats, closed last year too. Apparently the remaining Son had no one in his family who wanted to continue the trade, so he closed on short notice.

It was always a special experience for one of us kids to be sent inside Musicaros to pick up a pizza, as you had to go into the bar for the pie, and stand around all the old timers smoking and drinking, They were not like the old timers drinking at Gannon's though, those were the more hardcore drinkers occupying the stools there.

Add me to the list of kids who did Christmas gift shopping at the old 5 & 10, while making sure to stop and look at the fish tanks, and the turtles by the front counter. Like a cut-rate kids zoo visit.

There were the 2 supermarkets, Crest and Bohacks. My mom was a Bohacks shopper, while our neighbors the Petersons were Crest customers.

Mar 23, 2017
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

The last comment was from Betsy Knapp Finley just in case anyone remembers me. 😀

Mar 23, 2017
Fays, etc
by: Anonymous

I used to go to Fay's and spend the quarter that Mrs. Honce, down the street gave me for going to the store for her. I went to Dilberts and got her a small loaf of Pepperidge Farms bread, some milk and a little cake. Same thing every week.

I bought some Turkish Taffy and some Good n Plenty. I ate them before I went home so Mom wouldn't know.

Here's an interesting side note. Mom wouldn't let me take the money and Mrs. Honce wouldn't take it back so after I got the forbidden candy, I buried the rest under the hedges that separated my house and the neighbors, the Lombardo's.
there's probably a rusty fortune under there if anyone wants to dig it out. :-).

I used to play out back with the little girl from the Italian bakery, on my way back from walking Daddy to the train station during summer vacation . Her mom fed us really well. Another thing I had to hide from Mom.

I loved going to the five and ten to the fish tanks. I was so happy when I was allowed to get a goldfish. I also got my parents gifts there. Usually a corsage for Mom and some pencils for Dad (he was a commercial artist). I wrapped them VERY primitively and got the mailman to deliver it to the house.

Dad and my brothers got their hair cut at Sam's barbershop. I loved the way the hair goo smelled. Every year, the kids were given paint and a brush and were allowed to paint a Halloween scene on a merchant's glass door and someone went around and judged them. I always got Sam's barbershop.

I remember the shoemaker was weird and I was scared of him. I had to buy Mom Kotex at the Rexall. That was one of the most embarrassing times in my life.

I loved going to play in the woods. There was a crooked tree with a fan on it that we called the Indian tree. Now it's a mortuary.

I know things change but if I go back, I want it to change back for my visit. 😀

Mar 23, 2017
Downtown Massapequa Park
by: Greg

I too remember Fays and the long counter where my friends and I would be able to get 5 cent cokes from the dispenser. Two other stores I remember well on that side of the street heading down to the tracks was a bakery that had the best tasting crumb cake ever. It looked just like the Entenmens crumb cake you can get in the box today, but these were fresh out of the oven delicious and I would imagine with no artificial ingredients or preservatives. I would ride my bike down there after I collected money from my Newsday paper route on Fridays and have one, maybe two pieces that he would cut from the huge tray. On the way out the door, he always said to me, "and tell all your friends I have the crummiest cake in town."
The other store was the 5 and 10 just past Musicaros. That is where I would buy Christmas presents for my parents when I was really young. Usually some bright red nail polish or lipstick for my mother, thumb tacks, nails or carpenter pencils for my father and bobby pins for my sister. I also remember getting my first goldfish bowl and a couple of fish along with the colored pebbles that cover the bottom. In the back near the rear exit to the parking lot is where you could buy small quantities of paint, shades and lamps.
Another place that just jogged my memory was the Rexall drug store that my father and I would go to because it had the machine that you would be able to test the bulbs in your TV set when it went dead. Of course back then you couldn't tell exactly which bulb was dead or dying so we usually had to bring down half a dozen or so to see which ones were on their last legs. After seeing which ones needed replacing you just opened the door underneath the testing tray and picked out the correct ones according to the numbers listed on the box.
One final note, I think when we first moved to Massapequa Park from Brooklyn in 1954, the grocery store opposite the tracks that later became Bohacks was independent and run by a man named Gene Kleg, or something like that. Maybe someone has a better recollection about the name.
Anyhow, a great place to have grown up. Years go by between visits to Long Island, but I always try to drive by my old house and it gives me a good feeling about where I am from and the values that I and my friends and my family grew up with.

Mar 22, 2017
Fay's, Musicaros and Pete the butcher
by: Bob messina

When I was a kid, we lived in massapequa park. There was a candy store called Fay's and besides Fay herself, was a woman behind the counter named Marge.
My mother used to take me there for lunch probably 3 times a week for a Fay's cheeseburger and a chocolate egg cream. Fay made the burgers and Marge, the egg creams for my mom and me. When it was time to add the seltzer to the two glasses, she set both glasses below the soda fountain, pulled the handle to add the soda to the first glass, and, without moving the glasses, she held a teaspoon underneath the seltzer and turned the spoon so the seltzer filled the second glass.
I think of Fay and Marge whenever someone mentions an egg cream.
Musicaros pizza was so good, and the pizza itself was gigantic, probably because I was small.
And Pete the butcher. His shop was across the street from Fay's and bohacks. I was about 6 years old and Pete was found hanging from a meat rack. Dead.
I remember a burned out building behind Hawthorne elementary school called 4M. All the kids said a madman lived in the rubble. And speaking of Hawthorne, our principal, Ms. Zjohnson, our music teacher mrs Hsndon and the symphony the, a black and ivory sort of flute that we all learned to play.

Mar 14, 2017
NYC Cops
by: Linwood Place

I remember Newsday once ran a story about Massapequa. They called Massapequa the "bedroom community of the New York City police department".
I know I was surrounded by cops where I lived...and for some reason their kids always had the best fireworks on the 4th of July.
Before clothes dryers became popular you could see lots of uniforms drying on clothes lines in half of the backyards.

Feb 10, 2017
Team Tassi
by: Bob Carpino

I always had to drive the boat cause the beer was always flowing!

I won't tell you the time i put an eel in Leo's shorts and he stripped in the boat

Try this.

Feb 10, 2017
Memories NEW by: Bob Carpino
by: Anonymous

Hi Bob,

I'm guessing you won't see this, but when I saw your post I had to respond. My grandfather loved telling stories about your dad. I can't tell you how many times he told me and my brothers about fishing trips with Sal Carpino. Mostly, it would be about how he did something to set him off and get a big laugh.

It's been awhile since I thought about those stories and how my grandfather got a kick of telling them. Thanks for bringing them back to me.

Feb 08, 2017
Wine Gallery
by: Anonymous

Wine Gallery was at the end of Pirates Cove in East Massapequa, I loved that place

Feb 02, 2017
Wine Gallery
by: Anonymous

Where was the Wine Gallery in Massapequa located? I recall that it was down on the water somewhere.

Jan 24, 2017
Cleveland Place.
by: Renee Mineo

I lived at 11 Cleveland Place from 1961 -1974. Anyone know the Torres'? Or Richard Santangelo? Rizzos? Cortez? Can email at thanks

Jan 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

I think melick taught 9th grade general science at Berner. I hated him! BORING! Now Mr Sommer Social Studies at McKenna was awesome!

Jan 11, 2017
I miss the pizza
by: Francis Schiraldi

I live in Oregon now. It rains A LOT. I miss pizza and bagels. I always tell people about having Mr. Baldwin (Alec's father) for a teacher and Jessica Hahn in my graduating class. I wish there were Italians and Jews here, my sarcastic "schtick" is quite lost on the folks here. If I ever get home I am going to nail my feet on the floor!

Jan 06, 2017
Mr. Melnick
by: Chris Curry Young

Hi JH,
I had Mr. Melnick for Science. He may have taught Biology too. I don't know. The one thing I remember about Mr Melnick is that we had to take notes in pencil during class, and then we had to rewrite them at home in pen. I think his point was to make sure we reviewed the material presented to us during class. He was a good teacher; very dedicated.

Chris Young

Jan 06, 2017
Mr Melnick
by: JH

Saw the name had to see if my memory is still working?? Did he teach Biology at Berner? I had him in 10th grade and surprised him when I posted a strong Regents # in the final---my focus wasn't academics back in those days and he was disappointed as I recall. Thanks for triggering a memory!!


Jan 06, 2017
Book of Massapequa
by: Chris Curry Young

Hello Maggie,
Thanks for the information. This book is something I would love to read. I'm heading over to Amazon's site to order it now——no time like the present.

Chris Young

Jan 06, 2017
re: Book of Massapequa
by: Maggie

I thought you all might be interested in this book. It's all about Massapequa and surrounding area with lots of interesting pictures and so forth. You can buy it, I just did on Amazon:
Massapequa: A Pictorial History Through The Eyes of Baby Boomers by, Rich Klein.
You can purchase it on the link on FB:
OR Amazon where I got mine.
You can find out info on Massapequa Park if you type in that on FB.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

All types of memories are great. Crushes are just a part of life. It made me feel good posting mine and finally getting off my chest. They are so silent for years especially for those of us that were painfully shy in school.

Now on to new memories. 😀

Jan 05, 2017
by: Chris Curry Young

Thank you Betsy, I was actually feeling down about my crush post. I thought I had said something to offend, but you have made me feel better.

I suppose I got caught up in the memories of such a happy time in my life. To those I offended I do apologize.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Betsy (Knapp) Finley

There have been people who's parents worked somewhere and there was a whole string of posts about that..their personalities, etc. There are a lot of personal things on here and if it's not offensive or TOO personal, I think it's harmless fun. Plus.. if the boy (or girl) who was the subject of the crush, it just might make their day. 😀 We all love Massapequa and the "Park" and crushes at school is just a natural part of that.

I enjoy every post. It brings me back to thoughts of my childhood in the "Park". Let the crushes proceed. 😀

Jan 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

We really don't need to hear the stuff about all the crushes someone had 60 yrs ago. Pretty much makes you want to puke and unsubscribe. Take the gossip to Facebook or private emails please.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

I would agree with POSTING, maybe just take it to a private site. It does get grey at times. Thank you.

Jan 05, 2017
It's all of interest
by: Anonymous

Relax, it is all Massapequa history. Personal in nature perhaps, but I have read many times since this post started names of people I once knew and have forgotten, whether neighbors, classmates or people who worked in and around town. I left Massapequa 50 years ago, and enjoy every post.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

Can we keep this to Massapequa history and not this crap

Jan 05, 2017
by: Chris Curry Young

If we're talking about crushes, I can tell you for sure I had plenty. My first crush was one my older sister's friends, Steve or Pete Delise (not sure how to spell that). They were twins I think. I don't remember which one I had the crush on—perhaps both. I was only 5. They lived right in the back of Santangelo in the corner house (Euclid) I believe. Wow, I'm really reaching back.

Then there was Tommy McGrath in my class at East Lake. I think my crush for him lasted quite a while. It was a silent crush and I was always afraid to talk to him. I was very shy. I had a crush on the shop teacher at McKenna, Mr. McNeal, and wished that I could take shop, but girls didn't take shop back then. I had a crush on Mr. Hickey too. I forget what subject he taught. Then there was the Bungalow Bar Ice Cream man and the Good Humor ice cream man—and of course John, Paul, George and Ringo!

In high school I remember having a big crush on a boy named Jody Larkin. I think he was in my science class. I had Mr. Melnick.

I'm sure there were others that I cannot think of right now. A lot of my crushes were teachers.

Jan 04, 2017
by: Anonymous

Lol.. Ed Powelski was my first crush as well. He was in choir with me. 😀 i had Mr. Gerardi for chorus in McKenna. I think every girl had a crush on him. To me, he looked like Sal Mineo. He gave me piano lessons at my house. I was never so happy in my life. I practiced like crazy!!!

Jan 04, 2017
1970 Berner Graduate
by: Pat Marchesano (Skabry)

You're right Chris! Mr. Yamron was at McKenna.

Jan 04, 2017
1970 Berner Graduate
by: Chris Curry Young

I remember Mr. Yamron. He was my teacher (chorus). That was at McKenna. In Berner we had Mr. Holdridge.I graduated in 1968.

Jan 04, 2017
A 1970 Berber graduate
by: Anonymous

What great memories from the previous posts! We called our group the Bla-Has and it included Lydia and Barbara who lived on Park Lane, Claudia and myself from Charles Ave and Joan and Cheryl. I went to East Lake with my dentist across the street, my first crush was with Ed Powalski, visiting the Schreiners including Joseph, John & Regina (they had a pool which was a BIG thing then) and the Daimlers who lived next to them, going to our Lady of Lourdes, the candy store across the church, where a quarter was a big deal and Creme Puff Bakery which had the best strawberry shortcake. McKenna. Working at Waldbaums and Tuttles which was a hamburger joint on Sunrise, bowling at the lanes and Pistachio Ice Cream Soda's from Howard Johnsons. Playing tennis at the park, falling in love. I remember the woods behind Park Lane I think where the fast girls went with the boys and never understanding what they did there. Football games with rum in our coke cans, loads of friends, laughter, a first date, a first kiss, gym uniforms that gave me wedgies, the Indian store where I bought myself my first jewelry, the fear of crossing the railroad tracks and Sunrise, Tobay where I met my husband of 43 years. All good stuff!!!. Would love to hear from anyone who graduated Berner in 1970. Do you remember Mr. Yamron?!!

Jan 04, 2017
by: Bob Carpino

Lynne Tassi's name brought back memories. I remember both Lance & Larry. Also remember Leo. He was a mailman with my Dad and loved fishing. We lived on East Lake ave. Went to eastlake, Mckenna and gradfated Berner in 1968. Fondly, Bob

Jan 04, 2017
Kathy Kane Marks
by: Chris Curry Young

Hello Kathy,
I most certainly knew your family. Your sister Linda and I were very close when we were in grade school. In moved into the neighborhood when I was 5 and Linda became my best friend. I remember it was Linda and a boy Tommy McKeon (his family moved when he was a kid) that I played with a lot.

Linda and I made our First Holy Communion together and walked up and down Grand Boulevard showing off our Communion dresses. I have a photo of us in my backyard and we had the same black and white short set on too. As we grew older (we went to different grade schools) we didn't see much of each other and in high school we hung around with different groups of kids, but I always remember Linda as a great person.

I remember all of your siblings. I believe John was the oldest. He was my sister Eileen's age (she is 7 years older than I am). My sister Diane is 5 years younger than me. I kept up with the news on the block from my friend, Karen (Syrett) Bailey. I remember when Mrs. Gabrois passed. I was still living on Long Island then (in Lindenhurst) and Karen and I went to the service for her. We got to see most of the Gabrois family.

We lived next door to the Santangelo's (Linda and Mickey I think were their children) and across the street from the Gabrois and the Dietzel's. I'm not sure who Mr. Brown is, although there was a Bill Brown who lived in the end house next to the Dietzel's. He was my sister Eileen's age and they went to school together.

My husband and I moved to Pennsylvania in 2004. We love it here, but I do miss Long Island and especially the old neighborhood where I grew up. I still have enough family on L.I. to get back and visit now and then. I have a little great-great nephew just born this past July that I must visit.

My best regards to you and your family. Tell Linda I remember her. I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.

Chris Young

Jan 04, 2017
Chris Curry Young
by: Kathy Kane Marks

Hi. I lived at the other end of your block across the street. Perhaps you knew my siblings John, Bob Linda, Danny or Kevin Kane. I remember your house. I live on Grand Blvd all my life but sold on 2014. Do you remember Mr Brown? Son in Santangelo house . Uses as a weekend retreat from NYC. A Grabrios granddaughter bought house. You lived off Connecticut, Euclid was on our end. I was the youngest born in 1959 but I remember you.

Jan 03, 2017
Me and Mom
by: Anonymous

I remember my Mom showing me the picture in the newspaper of us at the Massapequa Zoo and saying "No one will ever know it is us"

Jan 02, 2017
Chris Curry Young
by: Andy F.

Great Jal story. It seems he left a trail of stories behind him :-)

Jan 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

Anyone in this group happen to attend Seaman Neck Elementary School? Early 60's...

Jan 02, 2017
East Lake Elementary
by: Anonymous

Anyone in this group go to East Lake Elementary from 1968 - 1973? My parent's left NY and we moved to Florida in 1973 but I attended East Lake Elementary during that time frame. My Brother attended Berner High and graduated in 1972. He worked at Whites Model and I don't know what department he was in. He also went to Boces School and took up Horticulture. His name is George Bauer if anyone in this group knows him.

Jan 02, 2017
1968 Graduates
by: Chris Curry Young

Hello Andy,

I remember Marty Fogerty, Charlie Daimler, and Jal Johnson. I have a foggy memory of an incident when I was in grade school; Jal Johnson crumbled a snowball in my face during a snowball fight (after which I had a mad crush on him). I'm pretty sure my friends and I started the snowball fight. Those were the days. I am sorry to hear of Jal's passing. Also my condolences to Richie on the death of his son Matthew in Iraq. He was a hero.

Jan 01, 2017
Bill Trojan
by: Andy F.

I sent a friend request to you and a message to Joe (couldn't send a friend request for some reason).

Now maybe we should turn this thread back to general Massapequa discussions :-)

Jan 01, 2017
Billy T
by: Billy T

Are you on Facebook? I'm on there as Bill Trojann add me. Joe is on there also.

Jan 01, 2017
Bill T and Joe B
by: Andy F

What a small world. Sorry to hear about Joe Fic. I'm glad we could connect on this site.

Jan 01, 2017
by: Billy T

Joe Ficolora died last year of lung cancer.
We love Northville. I lived there for a few years. I keep my host near Sport Island Puv in Northville on the lake.

Jan 01, 2017
Bill T and Joe B
by: Anonymous

Wow! Say Hi to Joe for me. He had/has a great sense of humor. Does he know what ever became of Joe Ficalora?

I am familiar with the area where you live. My wife Linda Hill and I were just up in Northville the week prior to Labor Day. I love that Adirondacks and especially the Great Sacandaga. My parents used to take us up there for vacations. It's a wonderful change from the down state area. We are still on LI too in Bay Shore. Happy New Year to you all!

Jan 01, 2017
by: Billy T

I live near the Great Sacandaga Lake approx 40 miles west of Albany. Joe Birbiglia and my sister still lives on LI in Shoreham. Joe says hello. He is here with me visiting his daughter in Syracuse. He said you wrote in his high school yearbook, "may God bless you with a Hemi."

Jan 01, 2017
Bill Trojan
by: Andy F.

Yes; Andy Falsetta. How are you folks doing? Still on Long Island?

Jan 01, 2017
Andy Falcetta(sp?)
by: Bill Trijan

By any chance are you Andy Falcetta? I'm Joe Birbiglia's brother in law. He married my older sister and hottie Pat Trojan.

Jan 01, 2017
Al F.
by: Andy F.

Richie Coyle, Richie Baylis, Terry Murphy are all Charles Avenue guys I hung with after high school! I also was good friends with Marty Fogerty, Charlie Daimler, Jal Johnson, and Mark Eckhoff who lived a few blocks east of Charles Avenue. Joe Birbiglia went to school with me at MHS. We lost Jal only a few years ago and Richie lost his youngest son PFC Matthew Edward Baylis in Iraq. He was my godson and a great boy having grown up with my sons. Matthew is my hero and Richie remains my dear friend.

Jan 01, 2017
1968 Graduates
by: Chris Curry Young

Hello Al F,
I went to elementary school with Terry and Pat Murphy. I also remember Richard Baylis. I didn't hang around with them, but they are in my year book. We graduated in 1968.

Jan 01, 2017
Al F
by: Bill

Do you happen to know Terry Murphy' Rich Coil and Richard Baylis? Joe Birbiglia?

Dec 31, 2016
by: Bill

My mom was a wonderful woman. This sounds like something she would have done. We need more Frans and Edna's in this world!

Dec 31, 2016
Mister Donut
by: Andy F.

The reason why I asked is that in the 1967 -1970 timeframe my friends and I were in Mister Donut at some point during almost any night. The waitress behind the counter was named Edna and she was a very nice person to tolerate a group of cheap teens who played the jukebox, drank coffee and hardly ever bought donuts.

Dec 31, 2016
by: Bill

No. Fran.

Dec 31, 2016
Mister Donut
by: Andy F

By any chance Bill was your Mom's name Edna?

Dec 30, 2016
Donut shop
by: Bill Trojan

I believe Mr. Donut???

Dec 30, 2016
Bill Trojan
by: Andy F.

Bill, which donut shop did your Mom work at?

Dec 30, 2016
by: Bill Trojan

The Trojan family. Went to First Baptist of Massapequa. Unqua School.
My mom worked at a donut shop and Pequa Bowl on Sunrise highway.
Alec Baldwin's dad was a high school teacher at Massapequa High.

Dec 27, 2016
67 Berner NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Greg P.

Yes, Lance is my uncle and lives mostly in Florida. He has two daughters and a grandson. The oldest brother, Larry, is also alive and well in Oakland. He graduated in '65, but I'm not sure if that was Berner or MHS.



Dec 27, 2016
East Lake Avenue
by: Chris Curry Young

I certainly will send you copies if I find them. I'll also ask Dotty if she has any.

Dec 27, 2016
Berner 67
by: Greg P.

Hello Christine,
I am not familiar with any of the Connollys, but for some reason I do remember Linda Coleman. I think she was friends with some of the people I knew in your class. This site is sure jogging my memory.

Dec 27, 2016
East Lake Avenue NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Chris,

Thank you. I would have gone to MHS, but I went to St. Anthony's and graduated in 1992. My younger brothers Stephen and Tommy graduated MHS, and Stephen now the principal at Birch Lane Elementary.

If you do find the pics, feel free to send them to



Dec 27, 2016
67 Berner
by: Greg P.

Hello Andrew,
I didn't know your mom, she was a year behind me, but I did graduate with a Lance Tassi. Any relations?

Dec 27, 2016
East Lake Avenue
by: Chris Curry Young

Hello Andrew, I did know your mom when we were in grade school. She lived near my friend Dorothy Flynn on East Lake. She was in my class a few years at East Lake Elementary. I must have some of my grade school class photos. I'll have to look. I remember she had dark hair and was cute. I'm am sorry to hear of her passing.

Did you go to Berner or Massapequa HS? My sister's oldest daughter may be your age. I keep in touch with Dotty Flynn on Facebook. Happy new year to you and your family.


Dec 27, 2016
cleveland ave
by: Paul Alagna

Hi Debbie, I lived in a small house, I believe the number was 94 Cleveland Ave. To the north corner was Hicksville Ave and towards Raymond J lockhart was Central Ave. My neighbors to the north were Loretta and Jimmy Gorman. On my block were Peggy Murphy?, Tommy Reade and his many sisters and Dot or Dotty who had a sister but I don't recall her first or last name. On the corner was a boy Ricky, I think there last name was Rizzo or Russo? There was the Schiappas..Dean and others. When you go to goggle maps and check out the street the houses for the most part have been built onto. You can even see swimming pools , trust me no one had a pool back when I grew up there. Maybe a plastic kiddie pool. We had one but my Airedale Kelly would hog the whole thing. I moved in 8th or 9th grade after my mother passed away. I would have gone to Berner but moved to Rockville Centre for HS. I miss those carefree days and my long lost friends.

Dec 27, 2016
Hi Chirs Curry Young
by: Anonymous

I wonder if you knew my mother, Lynn Tassi. She graduated Berner the same year as you, which meant she went to East Lake and McKenna with you as well. She lived on East Lake Avenue and after she got married, raised three boys a block away from her childhood home. Mom passed away in 2010, but my dad is still there.

Anyways, hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

Andrew Aspetti

Dec 27, 2016
Grand Blvd
by: Chris Curry Young

Hi Greg,

I am familiar with some of the people. I didn't hang around with any, but I think my friend Timmy Connolly knew some. You may have known Timmy. He had two older sisters, Roslyn and Kathy, and a younger brother, Michael. Timmy was a very close friend of mine. He passed away October 2015. If you went to Hawthorn you may also have known Linda Coleman. Although miles separate us, we keep in contact via Facebook.

If you want to go further back, my older sister, Eileen and my brother-in-law Gus Perry went to Massapequa H.S., but they are 7 years older. There are a lot of great memories!

Dec 26, 2016
Grand Blvd
by: Greg P.

Hi Chris,
No I didn't deliver as far north as Euclid. I do remember Joyce Hahn she was in my class. I was friends with a few people in your class, Janet Zigelbauer, I delivered to her house, Wendy Woodruff, Dennis Dunning, Diane Boyle, David Mazzocchi and Marcia Bade. Kathy Moriarity lived down the block from me, she might have been a year younger. I heard we might be having a 50th reunion next year, haven't gotten all the details yet. Yours is coming up soon. Enjoy the winter in PA, hope we have one like we did last year, not too cold not too much snow.
Greg P.

Dec 26, 2016
Grand Blvd
by: Chris Curry Young

Hello Greg,
I'm trying to remember if Euclid was before or after Connecticut. Our house was the 2nd house in (north) from the corner of Euclid. I don't remember if we had Newsday delivered or if my dad picked it up at the train station in the morning on the way to work (he worked in Manhattan).

You graduated a year before me. Let me see, who did I know who graduated in 1967. Did you know the Hahn's who lived over behind Park Lane by the RR tracks?. I knew the older sister, who I think graduated in 1967, and her younger sister was one of my sister's best friends.

We lived across the street from the Gabrois family. I think Bobby may have been a 1967 graduate. There were a lot of kids in that family. Oh, and I lived next door the the Santangelo family. They were older than I was by a few years; the daughter by one year I think, and the son by a lot more. I remember all the families on our block were wonderful people; so many kids back then. The streets were never empty of kids playing.

My husband and I moved from Long Island in 2004 (to Pennsylvania). We love it here, but I will never really call it home. My home was Long Island.

It was nice reliving old memories with you.

Have a happy New Year.

Chris Young

Dec 25, 2016
Paul Alagna
by: Debbie Pile Cotton

Hi Paul: What was your street number on Cleveland? were you between Broadway and Central? did you graduate from MHS sometime around 1968 or 1969?

Dec 25, 2016
Grand Blvd
by: Greg P.

Hello Maggie and Chris,
I did not live on Grand Blvd, but from 1961 to 1964 I delivered Newsday on my paper route on Grand Blvd from Front St. up to Connecticut Ave. Also the same distance on Atlantic Ave. There weren't many houses at the time that didn't get Newsday so it's a good chance I went to your houses every day after school for 3 years. I went to Hawthorne, McKenna and graduated Berner in 67. I have lots of great memories of growing up in Massapequa, but I get what you mean about the weather as compared to down south. I have been in Connecticut since 73 and by about March and April winter gets little old, but for right now I am enjoying looking out my windows at the snow covered lawn and will soon be planning a trip to Florida in the Spring once the threat of those pesky frozen pipe dangers pass. Have a good holiday and best of wishes for the new year.

Dec 25, 2016
Pictures of Downtown Massapequa
by: Chris Curry Young

Hello Maggie,
I too grew up in Massapequa Park on Grand Boulevard. What a great childhood I had. I went to East Lake School and then McKenna and then Alfred G. Berner, where I graduated in 1968. My sister Diane graduated in 1973.

I remember the Bohack store very well because my mom always shopped there. I remember going with her and always getting a bottle (glass bottle) of ice cold coca cola out of the dispensing machine.

I will look through my old photos to see if I can find anything old photos to share of Massapequa Park village.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dec 25, 2016
by: Maggie

Hey just seeing if anybody still lives there that may know. Is Zornes Poultry Farm still there? What about Nicholson's Deli? My parent's used to patronize these 2 places. I remember walking around the parking lot for my Mom while she was inside Zornes getting the chicken and salds. We were looking for receipts on the ground because you used to get something with saving the receipts.

Dec 25, 2016
by: Maggie

Reminiscing and really miss the Bakeries we used to go to in NY. We mostly went to Tasty Bakery on Broadway - miss the Kaiser Rolls, Salt Sticks and Buns we used to get on Sunday Mornings. I live in Florida and the bakeries or what they call bakeries stink! I also miss the good German Deli's we had there. One thing I don't miss is the ice and snow. We don't have that here where I live in Florida. In fact on Christmas Day it's to be a high of 80 deg.

Dec 25, 2016
re: railroad Tracks
by: Maggie

My Brother's and I used to go on our bikes to the railroad tracks over our summer vacation, take our shiny new pennies and place them on the tracks when the train went by. Then we would hit the 711 get our slurpy's, some candy and we were all set.

Dec 25, 2016
Pictures of Downtown Massapequa
by: Maggie

I'm doing a family tree and looking for pictures where I grew up in Massapequa Park. We lived on 122 Grand Blvd next to the Kaufman Family and my parent's moved to Florida in 1973. I'm looking for pictures of old downtown Massapequa where the Bohaks Grocery store and such was. My brother's used to take me on their bikes to downtown during our summer vacation. Also, I went to East Lake Elementary School, last grade I attended was 5th grade Mr. Martignoni. My Brothers were older than me and both attended Alfred Berner High. My oldest Brother graduated in 1972. If you have any pictures can you please post?
Thanks and Merry Christmas.

Dec 22, 2016
by: Paul Alagna

Finding this site a few years ago was like finding that Christmas present that you keep on your cluttered desk and open it up every so often to find more treasures within. So Merry Christmas to you all, Happy Hanukkah and whatever other way you may celebrate this wonderful time of year. Some of my early memories of Christmas are from Massapequa. Getting up way early to fly down the stairs to see if "He Came". Cleveland Ave. would be quiet until us kids could break away and get outside to play with our new stuff...Great memories...Peace

Dec 17, 2016
Beth Van Nostrand
by: Gary Hoogenboom

Beth, would you contact me at, and I will forward my phone to you, I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you. Thanks, Gary Hoogenboom

Dec 17, 2016
Beth Van Nostrand
by: Gary Hoogenboom

Allan F. Crouch was A School Principal in the 1950's, and lived on Cleveland If I am not mistaken nect to your Family, and the Farrars were on the other side of your house. Regards, Gary Hoogemboom

Dec 17, 2016
Beth VanNostrand 12/10 029/26+
by: Anonymous

12/10 the Allan Couch referred to, is he a relation to Mr. Couch the Principal of Lockhart back in the 5o's and 60's?
09/26 Was Scott Harper related to Jan Harper?

Dec 10, 2016
McKinley Street
by: Anonymous

Anyone live on McKinley Street from 1955-1968 ?

Dec 10, 2016
Burton Lane
by: Karen

Did anyone on this site live on Burton Lane between 1965 @and 1977??

Dec 10, 2016
Beth Van Nostrand
by: Gary Hoogenboom

Hi Beth, I attended School with Donna from 1952 to 1960, then my Folks moved to Florida, and Graduated from Fort Lauderdale High School 1963. I lived at 64 Pittsburgh Avenue, as I mecall you were in Cleveland Ave next to the Farrars, and Allan Crouch. I remember those special times growing up like it was yesterday. So nice of you to come home to take care of your Mom, she still may remember me. I can be reached at email I am presently living in Delray Beach Fl. We Pequans have several luncheons during the year in Fl, next one is January 20, 2017 in Vero Beach and a yearly reunion in Kissimmee every October Thurs-Sun. Feel free to e-mail me, and if you have Donna's contact info I would love to speak with her. Sincerely, Gary A. Hoogenboom, Sr

Dec 08, 2016
Whites Dept Store
by: Evelyn

Just catching up reading again on this site.
I worked in Whites in the Cosmetic Dept
1969-1972. My boss's name was Frank.
I think later on it was Trude.It was my first
job .It was a great job to have during my
High School Years.
Grew up on Chicago Avenue.Lived there
From 1959 to 1985.

Dec 08, 2016
by: Linda

My husband and I bought a house in Massapequa in 1963 after we got married. I love that town we lived there form 1963 until 2003. We moved to Suffolk County to be closer to family. The ice cream shop on Broadway is not longer there it's a bridal shop now... actually the owners of the ice cream shop were long time friends of my parents and my mom worked there for a while. I remember taking my young sons to the Massapequa zoo.. no loner there, a shopping center now. lots of things are gone but lots of things remain. I visit friends there once in a while and always feel like I'm "home" when I am in Massapequa.

Nov 29, 2016
Cleveland Avenue Gang
by: Jill K- MHS - Class of '70

Beth Van Nostrand,

How is your sister, Donna? Did she and Joe get married? Where are they living. My sister, Diane, lives in Florida. Do you know what happened to Judy Lee? Do you know if Elizabeth Stutz is still living on either Euclid Avenue or Pittsburgh Avenue.

My maiden name was Jill Dempsey and I lived on Chicago Avenue.

Great hearing about the news on Cleveland Avenue.

Nov 26, 2016
North Massapequa
by: Anonymous

Lived in North Massapequa from 1955 - 1971 on 2 Winding Road Would of graduated in 73 from Plainedge but moved to PA in 71, Loved growing up there lots of great memories. Gina (Skelly) Brill

Oct 21, 2016
Fitzmaurice Field
by: Greg

I remember Fitmaurice Airport very well. My family moved to VonHuenfield St. in 1954,a few blocks south of the end of the runway. There were no longer any planes flying in and out by then, but the full runway and the hanger/office building were still there. I believe it was used by a chapter of the 4H club and many times there seemed to be functions such as dances and other gatherings there for the remainder of the 50's. Slowly the runway started to disappear as Hawthorne School and the playing field were finished and homes were built on the east side of the road between Smith St and McKenna JR HS.
I went to Hawthorne School and would often play ball on the fields surrounding the building. One day my friends and I were seeing how far we could bat one of those rubber Hi-Flyer balls and we were hitting them over the roof of one of the wings of the school. Sure enough one time it landed on the roof and didn't come down. I was either in 5th or 6th grade at the time. We wanted to see if we could somehow get up on the roof and get it. We eventually found a place where my friends boosted me up and I was able to stand on the fire alarm bell which had a large sturdy wire mesh cage surrounding it and I was able to then pull myself up onto the roof. I couldn't believe what I saw. Dozens of balls of all types were strewn throughout the entire roof of the school. Kickballs, softballs, baseballs and loads of rubber Hi-Flyers. It was as if all the balls we had lost down the storm drains on our street had come back. As fast as I could I kicked off all the larger balls and picked up and threw off the smaller ones to my friends below. I only did one wing of the building as I was afraid that someone in the houses on Smith street would see me and call the school and that wouldn't sit well with my parents.
I climbed back down onto the fire bell and then dropped down to the ground from there. We split the balls up, small ones only, and left the kickballs there as we knew they were from the gym. We didn't need to buy any balls for quite some time after that, and at 25 cents a pop in the late 50's were saved a bundle.

Oct 21, 2016
Fitsmaurice Flying Field
by: Rick G

Here's a little Tidbit for all of you. Massapequa Park was the first individual village in the USA to get direct airmail service. Fitzmaurice Flying Field was dedicated on May 12, 1929.A crowd estimated at 100,000 people visited Massapequa Park that day.

The field was named after the world-famous Colonel James J. Fitzmaurice,

pilot of the "Bremen," the first lighter-than-air ship to reach North America from Europe.

the airport was apparently a victim of the development that it was intended to attract.also just across the county line in Amityville acroos the street from the old County line bowl was a nike missile base. Nukes in Pequa !!
The land it occupied later became the campus' of Hawthorne Elementary and McKenna Junior High School. It closed in 1953

Oct 20, 2016
Glad it's back.
by: Anonymous

Glad it's back up and running.

Oct 11, 2016
Yes, the site was down. Sorry.
by: Bill

All, from September 26th up until yesterday this website was down due to technical difficulties. Sorry about that. Everything is back to normal now, so enjoy!


Oct 10, 2016
by: paul alagna

Weird for about a week this site i or did imagine it or did anyone else get bumped to a directory site for about 1-2 weeks..I live in glens falls ny and today I took care of a woman from Massapequa, we traded favorite restaurants was fun and i think a relief for her to be away from home but have a fellow Massapequan [sp] take care of her..i told her about this great web i am glad it is still alive and well...

Sep 26, 2016
Cleveland Ave, Massapequa
by: Beth Van Nostrand

Hello to Cleveland Ave gang. This is Beth Van Nostrand. Some sad news, Scott Harper passed away in a car accident in April of this year. I am back at home taking care of my mom, 96 years old now, as my dad passed away in 2006. The block has really changed, homes are bigger now. Mr. Sessa and my mom are the only original home owners still living here. Got to get ready for work. Till then, Beth

Sep 21, 2016
Bunny's neighbor
by: Jeff

Bunny, it was me....Jeff from 16 Jones Court!

Sep 20, 2016
Baldwin drive Elem. School
by: Anonymous/EMML

FYI...Baldwin Drive School was on - Baldwin Drive- a lock or two down from Boundry Ave. and was part of Plainedge Schools It was there long before Silvia Packard. the Baldwin Drive School was taken down in 1989/90 and replaced with new homes...East Plain Elem. was down at the bottom of Baldwin Drive on No. Michigan Ave....the two were only about 8 blocks apart...also Plainedge Schools. My family lived on No Michigan but east of Central Ave---so in the Farmingdale Schools...but used the fields and play grounds often....anyone remember the summer carnival that used to be an annual event on the property used for Silvia Packard?

Sep 20, 2016
by: Bunny


I saw your post on here.Just wanted to let you know that I still live at 22 Jones Court. And I remember your brother Bobby and my mom and your mom were good friends.. would visit you in Amityville after you moved.
Had a lot of fun then...
But I was wondering who posted that they lived next door to us??

Sep 16, 2016
The seaplane and the pt boat
by: rick g

I lived on the canal in Bar Harbor on the Skylark road side. The Pt boat was indeed tan painted and was parked for years on the opposite side of Whitewood drive's Canal on the eastern side just south of Burns Park.The seaplane had a launch ramp just east of that canal directly on the bay. a little further down to the east was Frank Fields ( the weather man)house. To the west you could see Carlo Gambinos compound with his yacht the Poopsie.In Bar Harbor Shopping center you had the Pizza Supreme , which moved to Roosevelt field. I used to see the old lady (Mamma) there. I used to work there . As an adult I would go there and she and I would reminisce.I remember Jocelyns, Fox's/ Mccabes Arthurs,Dick n Dora, Musicaro, And of course The Blind Pig, Owned by the Man Who wrote the book Klute, Which became a hit movie starring Jane Fonda.

Sep 14, 2016
M-A-S-S-A-P-E-Q-U-A or 'give me an M
by: Anonymous

1953 - 1961 - North Massapequa - Hickory Street
Southedge being built
Plainedge HS being built
Krisches Icecream Store and plenty of kids on
the block

1961 - 1967 Bar Harbour , Massapequa Park
on Queens Court - loving Mitchy
Birch Lane School, McKenny, Berner and than
Massapequa H.S. - Football games, Claming on
The Great South Bay, Dining at The Big Bow Wow,
Just a lovely time and a wonderful place and time to live

Sep 13, 2016
Adding to the list of memories...
by: Michael F.

Graduated '74 from MHS and had illustrious 'careers' at Hills supermarket (across from "52 Acres"/Burns Park) and Mays Shoe Department. Living in the Hudson Valley now but still visit Dad in Massapequa.

Love reading these memories and thought I'd trigger a few more with some places I haven't seen mentioned yet:

- Dairy Freeze (where Hess on Sunrise stood)

In Mays strip:
- Courtesy Drugs
- Sunset Strip cafeteria
- Lafayette

In Bar Harbour:
- Allied Radio (pre Radio Shack)
- Trunz Pork Store
- Long Island Savings

Speaking of Bar Harbour, I recall the game show "Supermarket Sweep" shot a show at the Food Fair. My Mom and her brother were in the audience hoping along with others to be called as contestants.

Sep 07, 2016
Whites of Massapequa.@ Dennis
by: Anonymous

I worked in the Shoemaker shop in Whites of Massapequa, nights and weekends. In the mid sixties. I grew up on the corner of Forest Avenue in New York Avenue. Not sure if I knew you Dennis. I still live on the Long Island but now live on the North Shore for the past thirty five years.Thanks Gary T.

Sep 07, 2016
Sea Plane
by: Paul

I remember a sea plane that used to dock over on Alhambra I think, this was in the 80's though. It was red and white if memory serves correct!

Sep 04, 2016
Sea plane?
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember seeing that old sea plane tied up in the canal? It was in the early to mid 60's and I believe it was yellow. VERY dusty memory! Lol

Sep 04, 2016
PT boat
by: Andy F.

My recollection of the PT boat was always seeing it from the foot of Block Blvd at Merrick Road. It was always visible from there until it moved. IIRC PT boats were made of plywood to keep them light and easily maneuverable so it must be pretty difficult keeping one in good shape.

Sep 04, 2016
Re: PT Boat
by: Anonymous

This post is in regards to the PT boat. The last time I saw it was in the early 1980's and it was up in the weeds in Seaford at the end of Seamans Neck Rd. I believe in a marina called "Marina Del Mar" the ship was painted Tan and called the "Banshee". The marina was sold to a developer in the 1990's and was developed and called "Crescent Cove". Ship was in bad shape, stripped and rotting as I recall. I'm guessing it was cut up and destroyed.

Sep 01, 2016
Move to Florida
by: Jill K - MHS Class of '70

Hi Debbie,

I know you will love Florida as I did. I lived in Boca Raton for 17 years and thought I would have stayed in Florida forever. Jobs necessitated our move to North Carolina and I have grown to love it. Our two sons and their families live in North Carolina and they have no desire to move back so it looks like we will remain here.

I hope there is no damage to your home with the hurricane.

Do you know anything about Judy Lee?

Aug 31, 2016
Clevland Ave
by: Anonymous

Yes, Jill I do remember you and I do keep in touch with Laura.... not often but Christmas and birthdays we always reach out to one another.

Aug 31, 2016
Chicago Avenue
by: Jill K

Hi Patti, my maiden name was Jill Dempsey and I did live on Chicago Avenue.

Do you still keep in touch with Laura Piening (spelling?)

I am living in North Carolina now but I will always remember Massapequa.

Aug 31, 2016
Cleveland Ave Conn Ave & Chicago
by: Anonymous

Hi Jill & Marianne. Just a quick note to let you know I've moved from Wilmington, NC to Palm Coast, Florida just in time for the hurricane season. We've got plenty of milk, bread and candles. I still prepare the same way we did back in the 'Pequa days! Debbie Pile (MHS '70)

Aug 31, 2016
Cleveland Ave
by: Anonymous

I grew up on Connecticut Ave and some of those names are very familiar. I guess from Lockhart, Parkside and the neighborhood. My maiden name was Patti Porter.

Aug 30, 2016
Whites paint dept
by: Anonymous

I remember Stu Katz very well. He was a great guy. We worked with an old guy named jack rosenfeld who was the manager.

Aug 30, 2016
by: Coach

My brother Stuart Katz was in the paint department late 60's, early 70's.

Aug 30, 2016
Cleveland Avenue
by: Jill K

Hi Marianne Schneider,

I think you will remember me. I am Jill who lived on Chicago Avenue. I remember playing at your house on the enclosed porch. We played all sorts of board games. If I remember correctly, you didn't go to Massapequa High, right? I connected with Debbie Pile. She lives in North Carolina like I do now. I went from Massapequa to Boca Raton, FL. and now to North Carolina. Do you keep in touch with Jan Harper or Lynn Sessa or Judy Lee. I saw Nancy DeKorp's picture on Face Book and you can still recognize her. Massapequa will always hold a special place in my heart.

Aug 29, 2016
by: Anonymous



Aug 29, 2016
Casa Maria- Rexall Drugs and More
by: Anonymous

I worked at the Casa Maria Rest on Broadway and the Rexall Drug Store on the corner of Rhode Island Ave and Broadway. The drug store was across from the Bohacks Supermarket (now the defunct Kennedy Flooring Store). There were many wooden lots on Broadway in the 60s. Across from the Casa Maria Restaurant was a vacant lot the Nick Zacaro built a small strip center that had 4 stores, with one of them being Jet Liqours (which he owned..BTW, he had also owned the Casa Maria Restaurant until he sold the business to Jimmy, Arnold and Carmine). I moved away in 1973 but returned for good in 2012. Many changes but a few things still remain the same.

Aug 29, 2016
Stan's coffee shop
by: Barry

This is to Michele from her dad's Stan's coffe shop, I knew your dad a very nice guy. I worked at the pizza place owned by Benie also worked at the Movie theater in Holiday park SC, I was in your dad's coffee shop almost every day, I remember seeing you there and your sister and Mom there some times. Also new Bobby. I was just a little kid when I started going there, also remember Lester from next door in the Stationery store. I came across your dad in the Ft.Lauderdale area in the mid 1990's. Your Dad was truly a nice E-mail ( Thanks

Aug 25, 2016
inter county
by: Anonymous

I remember the bank, it was Franklin national, and they had this amazing revolutionary war mural. I always wondered what happened to it when the bank closed. There was the driftwood, which has pretty good pizza of its own. One of my MHS '79 classmates dads used to play in a combo there I remember. The was the Johns bargain store which was not there in the early 60s, but came in later. The pizza oven was great. I have no recollection of it being "carlos" over, in fact I recall the owners being old school italian. However that was in early and middle 60s. There was a Chinese take out. How about Stride Rite in the corner near the ballet studio. I remember a guy his name was TED, he would come to your house with several pairs of shoes.

There was a stationary store next to the theater. I saw first run of the ten commandments and also swiss family Robinson there. 13 ghosts (I think it was with those 3d glasses, altho they were cardboard.

OK no one has said anything about creampuff bakery. I would still die for one of their strawberry shortcakes! Great rye bread I remember.

Now heres a great story. In the 60s in the Pharmacy on the corner-I remember there were these great color painting(they were paper) of Hippocrates, and other great people of medicine and pharmacy. I always loved those. So years later when i was a medical student-a pharmaceutical company actually gave those out in a calendar form as a freebie.

The baseball fields behind the center were interesting. One was a massapequa little league "major league field" with seats, nice grass, dugouts and a fence. The other which was the "minor league" field was the one I got to play on. It always bothered me.

Finally-on the turn from route 110 to the center, there was a sign, advertising a sandwich place--"Siss's Sandwich Shoppe. Good food.
My brother and I still talk about that. Never went there tho!

Great memories. Some nights when it is really quiet, the whole family is asleep, and I am unable to fall asleep, I close my eyes and imagine walking around the center as I knew it then. Very comforting and usually sleep inducing.

Aug 25, 2016
A Little Bit to Many People's Messages ...
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your responses to the balloon popping and ice cream question! For some reason my little kid memory thought it was over on Central. I thought it was the dime store there, but I completely forgot about the Woolworth's in Inter County. Once it was mentioned I had that Ah Ha moment!
I never went to the movie theater in Inter County when I was young. Instead my parents piled all us kids in the station wagon and we went to the drive in on Sunrise Hwy in Copaigue where the Home Depot and Red Lobster is now. Funny how as a kid I wanted to go to the one at Inter County instead. Now I wish there was a drive in around to let my young family members experience that.
To this day, my brothers, sisters an I refer to the Grand Union as the Grand Onion! It makes no difference what store was in that area. But then again we also refer to IGA on Park Blvd as Dilbert's and Smokin Al's on Merrick Rd and Park Blvd as Pergaments!
I think the school you are referring to across from the Inter County Shopping Center is Our Lady of Lourdes. The school closed a few years ago, but the church is still going strong. Our Lady of Lourdes is actually considered part of Hardscrabble (Farmingdale) Schools. Massapequa School District had Grace Day School until it closed just last year and St Rose School which is still open. We also had Carmen's Rd School which has been a BOCES School for a long time now and Hawthorne School which has been a few different things and is currently the Nassau County Police Academy.

If I remember correctly, Baldwin School was part of Plainedge. Does anyone know the exact location and street because then we could tell immediately which district it was a part of? CATION AND STREET BECAUSE THEN WE COULD TELL IMMEDIATELY WHICH DISTRICT IT WAS PART OF?

Aug 25, 2016
School across from InterCounty
by: Bill N

I believe you are referring to Our Lady of Lourdes Church and school. It is still there, only they added a new, large church years ago. The old church held mass in the auditorium of the school, and had a small chapel on the east side of the building. The new church is a free standing building just to the east of the original building.

On a related note, when my brother and I were old enough to ride our bikes to Saturday Mass, we would stick our heads in long enough to see who the preist was, them skip out and hit the playground across the street. Then when it was over, we would peddle our bikes home, and be able to answer correctly who the priest was for that mass when my mother grilled us to make sure we actually went.

I'm sure we'll have some explaining to do to St Peter when the time comes.

Aug 25, 2016
Intercounty Shopping Center
by: Anonymous

Yes, it was woolworths that had the balloons that you popped to see how much you paid for your ice scream sundae.I did actually once get a free one. The Grand Union had a unique way of stocking the shelves. Instead of the typical flat shelves all the canned items where put on an angled chute that once a can was removed the entire line of cans moved downward. This was a great idea as it took care of stock rotation as all new cans were put at the top of the chute, however, when people didn't want to buy the item after they removed it it was much easier to just put it on the floor instead of trying to push dozens of cans back up the incline. As I recall it didn't last very long. I also remember the movie theater, I think Saturday matinees we 50 cents in the early and mid 60's.There was also an elementary school across from the Intercounty shopping center, don't remember the name and I don't think it was part of the Massapequa school district.

Aug 25, 2016
Inter County
by: Bill N

I don't remember the balloon thing, but we were very familiar wth Inter County.

Every Friday night was pizza night, which was from Pizza Oven located on the right side, a few doors down from the bank. I think it was actually called Carlos Pizza Oven.

There was the movie theater, with the old lady matron and her steel flashlight to keep us unruly kids in line.

Grand Union at the north end, Woolworths in the middle, a candy store a few doors down from the theater where we would stock up before hitting the theater. I think there was another supermarket on the southeast end, maybe A&P.

Two little league fields behind the shopping center.

Finally, a Sears catalog store on the north end, next to the gas station.

The plaza has changed drastically over the years, but a few things still are somewhat similar, including the Mobil station.

Aug 25, 2016
the balloons
by: Anonymous

The popping balloons may have been at Woolworths in the Intercounty shopping center on Cermen Road. However, I think it was you pooped the balloon and were given the price you pay, and one of the balloons was a free ticket.

Aug 25, 2016
Baldwin Dr. School?
by: Anonymous

in response to July 24 never heard of Baldwin Dr. Elementary school.... Maybe you have the name wrong? What year was that?

Aug 23, 2016
Nancy G.
by: Betsy Knapp Finley

Hi Nancy G,

Where in AZ are you living? We moved from Massapequa Park to Tucson in 1968 on my 16th birthday. We moved to Fredericksburg, TX in 1978 and I moved to Yuma, AZ in 1981. I live in Dallas now but my husband and I are moving back to Tucson in December.

Aug 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

I don't remember anything about popping balloons. Don't know where that was, sorry.

Aug 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

Was Dubrows the place where kids could pop a balloon to see if they won an ice cream? I kept thinking it was the dime store but everyone is telling me that the dime store did not have a counter. My memory is fading!

Aug 23, 2016
Does anyone remember???
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the Farmer's Market over by the zoo? I think it was where Whites was, before White's was there? This was in the 50's. I remember going there with my parents and not liking it because it was always so crowded.
Also Dubrow's? It was downtown across from the 5&10 on Central Ave. It was a stationary store that sold candy and cigarettes and had a soda fountain counter. We would go and get .05 candy bars before going to the Pequa theater for a .35 movie.

Aug 20, 2016
Grew up in Massapequa, looking for photos

I too grew up in Massapequa, I was born in July 1963 at Brunswick Hospital in Amityville, but we lived at the address of what was then called Foot of Forest Ave.(I think it is still called that, but Google earth reads it as 0 Forest Ave, even though it was significantly remodeled in 2013-2015, today it is the only original house still there. In the 1930's during prohibition the house was actually a Speakeasy bar), My father bought the house around 1955-56. As a kid, like many others I was in love with Fire Engines, so I think my Dad brought me to every Fire House on Long Island, but the one I remember the most was the Massapequa Fire House on Hicksville Road and Brooklyn Ave, which was Station 1, what a great bunch of guys, I got to climb on every engine in the Fire House, at 4 years old.
We moved to Lindenhurst in December 1967, and then to the Eastern Shore of Virginia in June 1976. I now live in Virginia Beach.

In addition to my post am writing in response to "Tex", specifically about "the PT BOAT he mentions that was tired up in the canal near John J. Burns Park". What year was this? Does else remember this boat? Does anyone have photos of this boat?? Might this boat have been called BRAND X? That ran to Fire Island during the summers?

TEX wrote:

Sep 13, 2013
The Charm is Gone
by: Tex

Moved to Massapequa in 1958. I remember the old mansion where Marjorie Post Park stands today. Bar Harbor shopping center was just built and road an elephant in the parking lot. J.W.Mays was built and I remember them clearing the land. Sunrise Mall was just a pile of sand. The drive-in movie, Big Bow Wow, Pequa Theatre, Bar Harbor Theatre, Whites, W.T. Grant, Gimbles, the PT boat in the canal near John J. Burns Park. I worked at the Hess station on Sunrise Hwy. Moved out in 1980 and visited a couple of years ago. I don't recognize it anymore. It looks more like Queens than L.I., everything has been over-stored, built up, too crowded. Very, very sad. The need for tax revenues and short-sighted politians ruined the town and destroyed the charm. I guess you can never go back.

Aug 20, 2016
Bullying in the 60s and 70s
by: Anonymous

Bullying was big in Unqua and McKenna too!

Aug 19, 2016
Prade lane mass. Pk.
by: Anonymousneil

Lived there 1954-'71.
Fond memories of playing in the "pit".
Location of sunrise mall now.
Worked at howard johnsons in
Early 70's. Dishwasher ugg!
Bullying at berner high big time
Not considered an issue in 1960's.

Aug 10, 2016
Casa Maria
by: Anonymous

Casa Maria, I was talking to my mother before a trip to Long Island which I'm taking today August 2016 , Her uncle my great uncle, Joseph Zicaro opened Casa Maria and ran it for years in Massapequa Long Island. This was back in the 50s when she immigrated to this country she went to visit him . she was telling me about pizza Fridays before I read the posts . I was born in 1966 so I never met that great uncle of mine but it's fun to see you I'll post the fun stories

Jul 24, 2016
What happened to Elementary School
by: Anonymous

Went to Baldwin Drive. elementary. A relative of mine recently visited there and said the school no longer is there what happened to it???

Jul 22, 2016
the best of times.
by: Anonymous

I grew up on Cedar Dr in the shores.Went to Unqua,McKenna and graduated from Berner in 78.It was the best of times.spending the summer on the great south Bay . sledding in the golf course with all of Nassau Shores kids.Miss the great pizza places their..learned to drive in the Bar Harbor parking lot on sundays.And of course All American on the weekends.

Jul 17, 2016
Looking for
by: Anonymous

Any one know what happened to Donald Johnson brener class of 1967

Jul 10, 2016
RE: Wonderful Town
by: Anonymous

While not new to me you raise an interesting point. Why it is like this today, and not when we were kids is a mystery to me. You have a unique perspective because you grew up in Massapequa and raised your kids there. I am sure the same bullies and creeps were roaming the streets when we were kids. I think our kids missed out on a lot. I remember when my daughters were young and it really snowed on day. There was a great hill by their school to sleigh ride. Getting them away from the TV and their video games was hard enough. They went down the hill once and complained t was cold and we went home. I was out on a snow day until my is turned blue, came in changed and out again, it was magic.

I live in Manhattan and watched the kids on Cedar Hill in Central Park sleigh ride. There are 10 and 12 year old boys there with their parents there. I would have been humiliated if I were them. Perhaps everyone loves the way they had it as kids and our kids will be lamenting the same stuff when they are our age, but like you I played until the last glimmer of light left the sky, and under the street lights if we could get away with it.

I am glad I grew up as I did, feel bad that this is not a possibility any longer.

Jul 10, 2016
by: Jack Healey

Just sitting here reading comments of all the Massapequa Alum who have triggered memories of long ago. Thank you all!! Tobay, The Pit, Berner + MHS, Whites, 2 Guys..on and on.
Keep it up!!

Jul 10, 2016
Wonderful Town but Different Times
by: Anonymous

I also graduated A.G. Berner in '75 and still live here. I married and raised my 3 kids here - they went to Unqua, as I did, and Berner for Middle School. They were graduates of Massapequa High. I think they had a wonderful childhood growing up in the same town as I did, but a very different childhood than I had. I think it is due to the fact that times have changed. I would be outside playing for hours, until it was time for dinner and then back outside until dark. Now, even in Massapequa, parents are reluctant to let their kids stray too far. Kids are into video games rather than getting together a neighborhood kickball game or any of the many other games we played. I'd ride my bike to the mall. Now I wouldn't let my kids at the mall alone, let alone ride a bike across Sunrise Highway. Different times but still a wonderful town to raise a family. I'm very glad I stayed!

Jul 10, 2016
More memories coming back...
by: Bill N

For some reason I couldn't remember Pizza Supreme. I had it mixed up in my mind with the place on Merrick Rd, which I think someone else mentioned was Dees Pizza.

I also had a post mentioning Jerry Koosmans Sub Shop on Merrick Rd, and that Ed Kranepool and Ron Swoboda owned a place called The Dugout on Rt-110, but the post appears to be gone.

We skitched on the back of school busses and the Hammer Soda and Charles Chips trucks in the winter. We also played stickball with a strike zone painted on the wall at Hawthorn and Eastlake Schools, at least until the Wackenhut Security car would drive up and chase us off.

Jul 10, 2016
Love and miss Massapequa
by: Anonymous

I grew up in North Massapequa it was the best of times. Lots of kids to play with and an above ground pool in the yard,i was in heaven.Good schools and lots of fun. I will never forget it!!!

Jul 10, 2016
Pizza Supreme
by: Andy F.

Ahhh Pizza Supreme in the Bar Harbour Shopping Center! $0.35 got you hot lunch at the High School or a slice and a cherry coke at Pizza Supreme. No brainer; great pizza. They eventually moved to North Massapequa on the northwest corner of Hicksville Rd. and Jerusalem avenue and then on to where they are today, on the south side of Stewart Avenue in Garden City opposite the Roosevelt Field Shopping Center. The pizza is exactly the same as it was back then, rectangular with a piece of cheese in the middle of each slice. Gotta make a point of going over there soon to get a "corner slice".

Jul 10, 2016
To Nancy G.
by: Anonymous

Where in Arizona are you living now?

Jul 10, 2016
Living on Maple Street
by: Nancy G.

I grew up in Massapequa Park, born and raised. It was an amazing experience that I wouldn't take back for the world! Today I live in Arizona with my husband and two kids. I tell them all the time about my great memories and how I wished they could have had a similar childhood. Raizing kids away from this amazing home town was so different. You don't realize all of the freedom you had. I would never let them play alone outside or tell them to just be home for supper. We would go back outside after we ate and come home when the street lights went out. Crazy as it may sound life was so safe back then.
Living on Maple Street was such a wonderful childhood. We had such close relationships with our neighbors. There were 52 kids living on our single block, so we never brought home friends from school because we already had so many friends! We played all day and night making up ou own games. Living on Maple Street is a memory placed in my mind forever. Though many of the families are gone now, and most of our parents have passed My childhood will live in my heart forever!!!!

Jul 10, 2016
Bar Habor in the 60's
by: Anonymous

You forgot skitching when it snowed. We'd grab a passing car and hold on (had to be snow on the street naturally or I wouldn't be writing this).

Helmets? The only ones who wore them was the football team. When we surfed one guy in Bar Harbor wore a helmet and was the laughing stock of the neighborhood.

Doing stupid things.... maybe it was just us, but I bet it wasn't. We would jump start our parents cars ( easy to do then with screw driver) and head out for whatever. One time a hurricane was coming, we headed out to Montauk to surf. It was too rough so we surfed at the other side of the Light House. We got drunk (we were 16) , got into a fight with other surfers and the police came. Drunk, no drivers license, trespassing, and fighting. We were let go. Today I doubt that would happen.

Jul 10, 2016
The Park
by: Anonymous

I was so glad to hear comments from people that lived in the Park. Under my dad'said rule, we usually never ventured too far from there except maybe to go to the Piqua theater. Fay's candy store was where I went to get my nickle Good and Plenty's after I did the shopping for my elderly neighbor at Delbert. I went back about 10 years ago and walked along Park Blvd, talked to Sam's son, and was so dismayed that they took down my precious woods and put a funeral home there. Days was now a flower shop. I knew they would put something in the woods but thought it would be houses or something fun, like a park. Not a funeral home. Oh well. I wanted to show my son the crooked tree with the fan nailed to it in the woods. We called it the Indian tree. That's where we ran away from home at (for a few minutes anyway).

Mom was friends with Miss Johnson. She must have bathed in her perfume. She sure couldn't show up to your room unexpectedly. Her aire preceeded her by a few minutes.

I still remember the song word for word. I don't remember any of my other school songs.

We didn't have a car so we walked to Bohacks and Dilberts with our shopping basket. I loved going into to the five and ten and look at the
goldfish in the back corner. Then I went to Fays luncheonette and got an egg cream. There was nothing like those days. I wish I could relive them. I walked my father to the train station every morning and then stopped on the way back to play with the little girl whose parents owned the Italian bakery. There were a bunch of stray kittens in the outside of the back of the store that we used to play with.

I will always be proud of living in the Park. My son couldn't believe that all the places and stories I told him were true.

Jul 09, 2016
Re: The Park Deli post
by: Bill N

Two things I remember about Miss Johnson from Hawthorn.

One, she smelled like the perfume counter at Macy's. We used to joke that she bathed in perfume.

Two, the song we sang every morning after the Pedge of Allegiance :

Dear Hawthorn School we love you
Our hearts will ever ring true

Within these halls of learning
Blah blah blah something blue

Sorry, can't remember the rest.

Miss Johnson wrote that song, which we sang obediently every morning.

She was followed by the tall Mr Romieka, who we were amazed to learn had written a book on surfing. What a difference.

Jul 09, 2016
Bohacks '60's
by: Bill N

Talking to my mother today about this site.

She told me that when we were youngsters, in the early to mid '60's , she and my best friends moms did not have licenses to drive. So they would walk with us in strollers from home to Bohacks, do the grocery shopping, take the non perishable stuff and leave it in my dads car at the train station, then walk home with us and the perishable food.

Then when my dad got home from the city, he would drive home with the rest of the groceries.

Jul 09, 2016
Bar Harbor and 60's/70's
by: Bill N

The store for uniforms was Lobels. They had the monopoly on Scouting gear, Communion and Confirmation trinkets, and similar rackets where the parents were forced to shell out money. They eventually moved to Sunrise Mall, mear Macy's at Sunrise Mall, and closed the Bar Harbor store.

Krischs was our high end treat stop, after big things like the Spring Concert or some other momentous achievement, where Fays was the destination after more mundane events.

I remember eating at the Chinese place a couple of times, but could not recall the name. Surprising with a name like Long Full that I couldn't remember it.

The three big shopping spots to us kids were what we called "town", which was the Park Blvd two block district; Bar Harbor,
with an obligatory stop at the library; and Inter County, which is where we usually got our pizza (Carlo's Pizza Oven), the theater (called the Amity perhaps?) after getting candy at the Grants a few doors down and sneaking it past the old lady matron with the steel flashlight, and the Sears Catalog store, where mom would pick up our yearly allotment of those Sears iron clad jeans.

Once we were old enough, probably around 11 or so, we rode our bikes to all those places, dodging traffic and crossing highways without helmets or worries.

We also would put pennies on the train tracks to see how much the train would squish them. It's a wonder we made it through childhood.

Jul 09, 2016
Bar Harbor
by: Karen

Also Long Full Chinese and I think it was Cobels where you got your gym uniform! So many wonderful memories!!

Jul 09, 2016
Grew Up in 60's/70's Massapequa
by: Lorraine

I grew up in Massapequa -- live down south now -- but really miss my old town -- how about Pizza Supreme in Bar Harbor --lunchtime at the high school - Krische's Ice Cream Confectionary -- so good -- All American -- Pequa Movie Theatre -- and going really way back how about the old Five and Dime on Broadway across from Bohack's?? If I remember correctly it had wooden floors. Great old memories. Massapequa was a special place.

Jul 09, 2016
The Park Deli
by: Anonymous

Yes, the deli next to what used to be Fays Luncheonette is still there. I rarely get back to Long Island and the Park, but a few months ago I was actually showing my grandchildren where I grew up and I stopped into the deli. We bought sandwiches and drinks and half a pound of potato salad,and it tasted exactly the same as it did back in the late 50's and 60's. Haven't tasted store bought potato salad that good in the past half century. I bet they sell the recipe each time the ownership changes hand. Also enjoyed the nickel cokes sitting on the stools at Fays and the nickle candy bar for the walk back home. Loved growing up there. Went to Hawthorne School when it first opened and remember very well the principal Helen T Johnson. Strict, but fair.

Jul 09, 2016
Shell and Bow Wow
by: Bill N

Thanks for replying Andy.

I only remember it being Sal's Massapequa Shell, even in the late '60's. My father passed away in 1970, and he was a regular customer there, which is how I managed to snag my first job there a couple of years later. So I am pretty sure Sal owned it as late as '69 or so. That was when a gas station sold gas and fixed cars, not the convenience stores with a gas pump that exist today. I learned a lot about cars and mechanics from working there.

You are correct on Big Bow Wow, I just spoke to my mom who still lives in the Park and she confirmed the location. I don't recall the mini golf. I do remember one on Hempstead Tpke, just east of Bethpage Parkway, near a Wetsons, though. There was also an Aunt Jemimas on Hempstead Tpke that we would visit on the occasional Sunday.

Jul 09, 2016
Massapequa Shell
by: Andy F

Bill N.

Funny you should mention the Shell station. I worked there after school and on weekends when Frank DeRosa owned it (before Sal Catrini did).

The Bow Wow was actually situated in what is now the Kohl's parking lot. It was about 100ft south of Sunrise in the parking lot and IIRC there was a miniature golf there too.

Jul 09, 2016
Grew up in Massapequa Park
by: Bill N

My family moved to the Park in 1961' and I lived there full time till graduating in '76, and on and off for a few years after serving in the USAF, until moving upstate for my career in 1983.

Looking over some of the posts, here are some stores, and other places I recall.

On Park Blvd, the candy store with big guy owner was Joes, its between where Tims Florist and DiMondas Bakery are.Fays Luncheonette & Stationery Store was at the corner of Park and Clark. I believe the deli still exists next to Fays.

The Schwinn bike store was in that same stretch, until they oved into the big new building on Sunrise, early '70's I believe.

If I recall, the Pequa Indian Village moved into that location, I don't know when it left.

Bohacks was at the sputh end of Park, facing the railroad tracks, which were ground level back then.

On Sunrise Hwy, there was a Mister Donut, near where the Animal Hospital still stands.

Big Bow Wow was a charcoal pit place on Sunrise, I believe it is where the Hess station now stands. We ate many a meal there in the '60's.

The Howard Johnsons was across Block Blvd from Sal Catrini's Shell station, where I worked through the early '70's in my early teen years. Had many a Corn Toastie from HoJo's.

I'll add some more info later when I have more time.

Thanks for sharing all those memories.

Jul 02, 2016
Massapequa Theaters
by: Andy F.

Remember the theater in the Bar Harbour shopping Center? My mom would send us there on Saturdays with something like $0.35 for a ticket. They played kids movies all day but what was kind of funny was the trailers they showed were for very avante garde adult features that were showing at night. We saw Abbot and Costello movies and the adults were seeing La Dolce Vita, Georgie Girl, etc!

Jul 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

I also grew up in Massapequa and still have my Long Island accent. Although I will probably never move back, I will never forget where I come from.

Jun 19, 2016
wine gallery
by: Anonymous

remember the wine gallery? And Johnny all weather drive in where Home depot is now and rollerskating/iceskating rink across the street. The movie theatre in whites shopping center that showed 2 back to back kids movies in the summer?? Remember when Adventureland was called Adventures Inn and they had a giant slide in the back of the park

Jun 14, 2016
Massapequa Memories
by: Judi

Yes, so many fond memories of growing up in Massapequa! My sister Sue mentioned a few of our memories...Thanksgiving day football games, ice skating on the lake, walking to ABC deli just to name a few more!

Jun 14, 2016
Massage qua. 50's and 60's
by: Sue

I grew up on Polo Rd. It is located off of Park Blvd between Suntise hwy and Merrick rd. I went to MHS graduated 68. Massapequa holds many good memories for myself and my sister. Remembering Saturday afternoon football games at the high school bug rival East Meadow. Getting pizza at Musicaros and Dick and Dora's near Alhabama beach. All America hamburgers , we still talk about them some 40 years later. I moved with my husband to Holbrook and then moved to NC but I still miss and have fond memories of Massapequa.

Jun 11, 2016
Cleveland Ave Gang
by: Anonymous

Hi Marianne Schneider. Are you still living in the same house? Will you ever forget how many board games we played during our summers together or that fateful day when my bat connected with your puppy's head? I still feel just awful about it. We shared a birthday, and so much more in those childhood years. Debbie Pile

Jun 11, 2016
Cleveland Ave Gang
by: Anonymous

Hi Paul
I lived on Cleveland Ave from 1952-1970, when I moved off to college. My maiden name was Debbie Pile. Lots of fond memories.

Jun 09, 2016
Cleveland Ave Gang
by: Paul Alagna

Cleveland Ave!!! That was me and my sister Karen my parents and of course my airedale Kelly and cat Nanki. I lived there from roughly 1958 - 1970....Raymond J Lockhart, Parkside Jr. High then I left sadly...I remember Tommy, Peggy, Dot, Dean and I wish I could recall you all..please help with my foggy memory!

Jun 09, 2016
Hello Cleveland Ave gang and Jill
by: Marianne Schneider

I can't believe I stumped on this site. So many memories from growing up.
I am still on Long Island living in West Islip.

May 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

Ditto... it was like we grew up in another world, I would not have trade it for ... gee I don't know what, how about a bag of gold.

May 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

I wrote a great essay about massapequa but it never appeared so I just say amen to all of my mates pizza kiddos was a terrific p l ace to grow up from kindergarten to high school I was a skinny nerd but always had friends and felt welcome my childhood
Was so full of things to do see explore we were always on the go never bored and had so many things to do in the 1950s felt safe and happy parents had jobs and everyone seem to have opportunities I am thankful to have grown up on long island from massapequa to Montauk to Manhattan what a great life I had as a child massapequa was Mayberry
Howvto am old and gray but still have terrific memories go chiefs lets ice skate and go to fly beach and all American boy life was grand I grew up lucky to live in massapequa.

If you still have a copy of it, try posting again, or use the contact form from the main menu to send it to me. -Bill Drago, publisher

May 29, 2016
by: Ek

Hi to all of you who grew up in Matza pizza what a great childhood I had grew up on scott street off block Blvd went to unqua elementary McKenna jr
Then Berner and finally mhs go chiefs blue and gold
Remember when whites burnt down what a fire loved monkey mountain the massapequa zoo dari delite the miniature golf before Mays Howard Johnson on sunrise
Best pizza places lords bakery homers chinese great bagels next to mhs Mr Kenyon Mr Baldwin history
Fly beach on Alhambra road all American burger as a young kid sneaking onto Jones estate near the chicken coop ice skating off block Blvd playing in the woods catching polygons buying a hot chocolate at the candy store near Dilbert food store
Taking the bus to babylon to go to mcdonalds near a&s taking the train into nyc to go to a play eat in a French restaurant it was never dull growing up in
Massapequa so many kids so much to do ride you bike all over always feeling safe the great Italian food
Delis dinners it was a perfect childhood for my brother and I inthe 1950-1969 then off to college and time to see the world have lived in many places
Since both on li and California Fla pa but my start in life massapequa always brings fond memories and I am thankful for a great town that nurtured a skinny little kid who had a wonderful childhood in what was my Mayberry everything changes with time but many of
US have great shared memories Ain't life grand you only walk thru life once make the most of it and whoever the people who did not experience our great hometown don't rain on our parade oh yes they were also fun in massapequa

May 29, 2016
Checkered Flag
by: Anonymous

Yes I remember, it was, at least in the fog of memory, a large place with perhaps three or four tracks. Kids would buy slot races, they all had mini tool kits and would change tires and do lord knows what else to their cars.

I enjoyed going in and watching the activities, by the time it arrived I was more interested in girls then toy cars , but up to now I forgot all about it. Thank you

May 29, 2016
Checkered Flag?
by: RC

Does anybody have any pics of, or remember, a slot car racing store across from the Bar Harbor Shopping center, late 60's, called Checkered Flag? And was the burger place across from All American called Drummer Boy? These memories are like going through an old coin collection,...never know what you're going to find! Love it! Thankz

May 23, 2016
"black toe"
by: Andy F

"oily beach". Yeah that was one of those things about the old days that wasn't so good. The old "black toe". I remember coming back from Zach's bay with it as well as Alhambra. Tobay was cleaner for sure :-) There must have been a lot of dumping going on back then.

May 22, 2016
Stan's Coffee Shop
by: Michele

Hi was wondering who wrote in asking about Stan's Coffee shop in Holiday Park S.C. Hicksville Road and Jerusalem. Also known as H&G. That was my dads. Lived on Merrit Ave. 2 blocks over fro Alahambra Beach know I spelled that wrong hahah good eating but oily beach didn't care went swimming anyway. Went to Berner High whenthey did the experiment of 4th and 5th geaders didn't work forgot feeder school only can think of Fairfield but wasn't that a High School oh yes I am old but great memories. Love this site came apon it looking for pictures of old shopping center hoping to find one of dads sadly I have none.

May 19, 2016
Chicago Avenue
by: Jill K

As far as I know, there was no fire. The house was not on a big lot so I wonder what is going to be built. After we moved, the house went downhill. The garage was rotted and eventually they demolished it. How sad. Thank goodness I have pictures to keep my memories alive.

May 18, 2016
Jill Chicago Ave
by: Anonymous

Sorry to read your house was demolished. Why one house in the middle of other houses. Seems odd. Was there a fire?

May 18, 2016
12 Commonwealth
by: Anonymous

12 commonwealth was sold and knocked down in order to build two houses on the property by a developer. Mrs Rothug passed away a number of years ago and Mr Rothig passed away a year ago Christmas. One daughter is in the neighborhood, one is in West Babylon and one is in Oregon.

May 18, 2016
Demolished Houses
by: Jill K

I understand that my old house, 5 Chicago Avenue, Massapequa, was knocked down. It was west of Hicksville Road, between Forest Avenue and Seaford Avenue. I read that a developer bought a house that was formerly at 12 Commonwealth Avenue. Are any more houses being demolished?

May 16, 2016
by: Anonymous

Kate, I lived next door to the Dwyers on Jones Court. I played ball with Billy all the time. Don't forget the eldest was Max. I think Leo died in the early '70s.

May 15, 2016
Massapequa Park Memories
by: Kate Lynch

We lived on Moore Avenue when I was a baby. (later we moved to Amityville) Some of you might remember my brother, Bobby Lynch? He graduated from high school in Amityville in 1967 but he went to Massapequa Park elementary school. Our neighbors and friends were the Dwyers, there was Leo, Bunny, Betty, Mary Ellen and another boy that I can't remember. I can remember going to Bar Harbor shopping center and seeing Captain Kangaroo there. Whites shopping center, the zoo with Monkey mountain and my favorite the little amusement park. I loved the Big Bow Wow, and the Massapequa Drive-in. Our favorite pizza place was Musicaro's. To this day, I have never had pizza quite as good as theirs. It was thin, and the cheese stretched for miles.. I loved Massapequa and have so many fond memories.

Apr 29, 2016
Best Childhood in Massapequa!
by: Anonymous

I grew up in Biltmore Shores in the 80's and 90's and spent all day every day at the BBC. What great memories. I moved away and now live out West but Massapequa will always be my home. I still get that feeling of butterflies when I think about it. I miss Dee's Pizza and ABC Deli on Merrick road. St Rose, Marjorie Post and MHS.

Apr 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

I grew up in Massapequa Park.
Graduted from Massapequa High School in 1979.

I moved away 15 years ago, a still know my heart and home will always be Massapequa and love LI and miss going into the NYC and all its wonderful things to see..
I'm so happy my Nephew and wife bought their first home in this area and their planning to stay for a long time and raise a family. when I come to visit I feel so connected to this area, feels like I never left..

My husband of 23 years proposed to me at Majorie Post Park, ( I spent alot of my youth there and brought my nephew there to play when he was young boy) when I visit anually there are a few places I always visit.

Majorie Post Park
All American Burgers and the best french fries still to this day..
Massapequa Diner
and the Bagel store next to the high school.

Thank you....

Apr 25, 2016
Casa Maria
by: Mike B

Casa Maria is now called Mario's..same building, same great food!! I left Massapequa in 1958 & we have started coming back for the last 5 years in a row. We recognized the old building right away & they brought out the old menu :)

Apr 23, 2016
Casa Maria
by: Jill K

Does anyone remember the Casa Maria restaurant on Broadway? It used to be great to go in there on a Friday night and get a pitcher of beer and a pizza.

Apr 17, 2016
To Coach
by: Anonymous

Well written Coach... there was also skitching on the back of cars when it snowed, HS football games on crisp autumn nights, epic football games of touch under the lights at the Bar Harbor Shopping Center on Friday nights.

And...seeing the next big movie at the movie theater in Amityville. I remember seeing West Side Story there, it literally jumped off the screen. Colors seemed brighter then, and simple events more important.

Claming in the Bay, there was so much access then, now I don't see how you could do that ( and the clams are probably no longer edible). Hanging out at the ABC Deli trying to get a six pack of beer, HS dances, and that first major crush in HS. I still remember mine, unrequited love I am afraid.

Apr 17, 2016
Memories of Berner
by: Andy F.

Although I went to MHS, I did 6th, 7th. and 8th grade in Berner. I remember all of us getting sent home early the day JFK was shot. On a brighter note, I also remember the huge varsity football rivalry between Berner and East Meadow. Bordered on rioting if I recall correctly.

Apr 17, 2016
Massapequa Park

Lived on Fulton Street and went to Berner HS. 1st graduating class in 1964.Originally the Berner Bisons were to be the Berner Fireman...glad we moved to a different mascot. It was a great place to live and play. Unfortunately for all that has been said, Massapequa became nothing more than a reflection of the times and what society has sunken to. We made our own fun and we loved every minute. I guess maybe one of the most terrible things we did was to cut school and go to Gilgo and surf or go to the Shores for a "BREAKFAST CLUB"
We walked everywhere, most families had 1 car and Dad took it to work. In winter we played hockey on the lake, summer took inner tubes all the way up to North Massapequa and tubed down the stream to Sunrise Hwy.

I worked at Dons Bicycle store, Massapequa Drive in and Howard Johnsons on Sunrise.
Took pizza home from Musicaros

Our Gang was Jimmy King, Diane Rogers,Beth Willock, Mary Price, Jerry Sterker, Joe Coppola, Rich Gaulrapp, Carol Coneely,Kathy Rodgers,and a bunch more...we were inseperable....all great kids.
Most kids in the last 20 years have lost all that.
It was very special times for all us guys, never forgotten and can never be repeated.

Apr 17, 2016
Nautilus Diner
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember Gertrude the waitress who worked at the Nautilus Diner on Merrick Rd. just a short walk from Berner HS. One of the nicest ladies ever. Back in the mid 60's we would often go there after school and take up a couple of booths and order plates of fries and soda and she never once cared about how long we stayed there. Always pleasant and smiling and even signed many of our yearbooks back in 67 when we graduated. I don't get back to Massapequa very often, have lived in Connecticut since 72, but when I do go back just to drive around the old haunts I am so glad I grew up there and have so many terrific memories and thanks to the internet have managed to get in touch with some old friends that otherwise would have been lost forever.

Apr 17, 2016
Burton Lane
by: Karen

Hi weasel! I often think of your family and all the fun times I shared with your sister...we were inseparable! So many great memories of Burton Lane aka Peyton Place!The Campiglia's and going for a ride in Mr. Vargas' plane! Playing baseball in the Sacino's backyard, ringolevio, and shooting baskets at Unqua!Hope all is well with you and your family!
Formerly, Karen Hermann

Apr 16, 2016
good old days
by: weasel

I grew up on Burton Lane, I remember the zoo, two guys, and whites. Also, who remembers the "little park" on Burton lane? back then you could actually play at Unqua school ball fields. Now its locked up as tight as a prison.Great times!!! Bring back the drive in!

Apr 09, 2016
by: andrew fernandez

I remember the old whites department store. the old building was torn down and the new building was white models. sears took over a couple years later.

Apr 03, 2016
Getting invited in
by: Anonymous

I was also invited into my old home. It was an amazing experience! I was surprised they invited me in so quickly. Maybe it's a Massapequa thing or maybe it's a statement about how nonthreatening I appear. LOL

Apr 03, 2016
Getting Invited In
by: Anonymous

Maybe it's a Massapequa thing, but I too was invited into my old house on Jones Court. It was such an amazing experience for me. I appreciated it so much. Might be a testament to how non-threatening I look. LOL

Apr 03, 2016
Born and Raised
by: Christine Young

When I moved away to Pennsylvania in 2004 (I was living in Lindenhurst, NYat the time) I drove down the block where I grew up in Massapequa (Grand Boulevard). There was a man outside working on the lawn with his little children playing on the front lawn. I stopped the car and got out. When I told him I grew up in the home he was so gracious and invited me in. What a nice experience it was.

Now, in case you're wondering if people will invite you into your childhood home for a look-see, here's another story for you. In 2010 after my dad passed away, we brought my mom to see the house where she grew up in Baldwin on the water (Parsonage Place). There were two women talking over the back fence. When I saw them looking at us as if to say "who are you?", I told them my mom grew up in their house during the early twenties. I never saw two women move so fast out to the front to meet my mom. They greeted us with smiles and a million questions for my mom. The husband came home from the store and we were all invited in to see the inside of the house; the rooms that were added (it was a very small house) and the dock/canal in the back where my mom and her siblings would swim in the summer time. They even allowed us to take photos of them and my mom and us on the front lawn. For my mom, it was a very happy day which exceeded her expectations. Anyway, most people are nice and you may find a nice welcome.

It's funny you should mention Commonwealth. My sister and her husband and children lived there until they moved a block away to Boston Avenue I forget the number of the house, but it was a little red house when they lived there with a nice size, fenced in (chain link) back yard. I think it bordered Massachusetts Avenue.

We grew up in Massapequa Park and went to Berner High School also. I graduated in 1968 and my sister Diane in 1973.

Best Regards and Good Luck!
Chris (Curry) Young

Apr 02, 2016
Little Italian Deli
by: Karmen Lizzul

Three words:
Little Italian Deli

What an amazing place that was! Shout out to the Caltos!

Apr 02, 2016
re; Born and Raised
by: Anonymous

Where on Commonwealth? I know the numbers do not go in order, but #12 (West of Hicksville Rd) was recently knocked down and was bought by a developer for two houses.

Apr 02, 2016
Bron and Raise
by: Anonymous

I was born there 1954 and moved away 1973 after graduating Berner High. I'm going back in September and will see the house built by my father on Commonweath Ave. I'm so excited to see my old neighborhood and hope the people who live in the house I was raised in will let me in to take a peek down memory lane.

Mar 31, 2016
Wonderful place to grow up
by: Andy F.

I too grew up there and have nothing but good experiences and memories. My parents moved there in '55 when I was five and my Dad is still there. Were there bullies around when I grew up? Sure but where don't you find them? I remember sneaking into the Floyd Jones Estate (now Marjorie Post Park) and hanging out at the creek by the Richard Place ball field. How many village ball fields can you count that aren't attached to a schoolyard? That was pretty unique at the time and probably still is.

Mar 31, 2016
To Rich A
by: Anonymous

Hear! Hear! I absolutely and totally agree! I live on Roosevelt Ave and have since the late 6o's. It is a nice, safe place to walk, jog and lounge on the benches. I am in those woods nearly every day doing my exercises and love it! The biggest danger there is the possible meeting with an attack duck!

Mar 31, 2016
by: Anonymous

The fact is Massapequa was a wonderful place to group up. I grew up close to the same era as the Lake Shore gentlemen. We lived in safe wonderful community, had the privilege of food in our bellies and often money in our pockets. I worked as a volunteer in the South Bronx, the parks there are run by gangs and people are robbed and killed there.

Think of the poor refugees from Syria and all they have seen and dealt with. I thank God every day for my luck and good fortune, and while I am long gone from Massapequa, it lives in my heart as a very warm memory.

Mar 31, 2016
'Our Group Saved The Lakeshore Woods"
by: Anonymous

I moved onto Lakeshore Drive along side The Massapequa woods in in 1958 . Spent my whole childhood from first grade on to my 20S in the woods,,near everyday, many times alone even when I was a child ,Turtle,Frog hunting ,Skinny dipping,Fort building & living a Huckeberry fin/ Davey Crockett wonderful childhood . There were gangs of so-called hoods the worst being from Farmingdale in the late 50s early 60s [they usually smoke cigarettes and stomp Toads to death and occasionally beat someone up and throw somebody into a thorn patch [not too bad] I and other friends fought to make Lakeshore Woods A Preserve our Group was called "Friends Of Lakeshore" We fought developers who had their sites on what was becoming extremely valuable Real estate by the mid -60s! We had the benefit that it was a watershed area and we got many signatures and constantly petitioned the town and after several years and with the help of the new Clean Water Act we won the good fight And made it a Preserve . I see post on this Site that the Preserve is now full of "Druggies & Perverts" That is completely Bogus !It is full of joggers ,big riders & strollers I know of no women ever being Raped in that woods and I still live nearby ,Far safer than any U.S College campus !! Rich A

Mar 31, 2016
'Our Group Saved The Lakeshore Woods"
by: Anonymous

I moved onto Lakeshore Drive along side The Massapequa woods in in 1958 . Spent my whole childhood from first grade on to my 20S in the woods,,near everyday, many times alone even when I was a child ,Turtle,Frog hunting ,Skinny dipping,Fort building & living a Huckeberry fin/ Davey Crockett wonderful childhood . There were gangs of so-called hoods the worst being from Farmingdale in the late 50s early 60s [they usually smoke cigarettes and stomp Toads to death and occasionally beat someone up and throw somebody into a thorn patch [not too bad] I and other friends fought to make Lakeshore Woods A Preserve our Group was called "Friends Of Lakeshore" We fought developers who had their sites on what was becoming extremely valuable Real estate by the mid -60s! We had the benefit that it was a watershed area and we got many signatures and constantly petitioned the town and after several years and with the help of the new Clean Water Act we won the good fight And made it a Preserve . I see post on this Site that the Preserve is now full of "Druggies & Perverts" That is completely Bogus !It is full of joggers ,big riders & strollers I know of no women ever being Raped in that woods and I still live nearby ,Far safer than any U.S College campus !! Rich A

Mar 28, 2016
The Red House
by: Anonymous

If you drive towards Seaford on Merrick Road you will see a historic marker for the Little Red House. I came across this today on Joe McMahon's blog I thought I would share....

"The Massapequa Historical Society erected the Red House marker last November. It was the first of the large estates (traveling eastward) that lined Merrick Road from Seaford to Amityville in the 1800 - 1960s period. James Meinell bought 600 acres in the Seaford - Massapequa area in the 1850s and completed the house in 1856. He was born in Ireland in 1789, came to the US in 1810 and made his fortune buying and selling New York City real estate. He opened the New Theater on Lower Broadway around 1855 and it became well known for the quality of its plays. The main troupe that performed there was Laura Keene's, whose troupe performed Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater the night Lincoln was shot. Meinell died in 1865 and his mansion became a hotel, then a boarding house, and a private house again until it was torn down in 1964."

Mar 27, 2016
Love this site!
by: Anonymous

We moved to Massapequa Park when I was a baby in 1953. My parents lived there until 1985.
I think about growing up there a lot and have some great memories that I share with my Air Force brat husband. His family never stayed in one place very long.
I've told him about all of the old places we'd go like Jones Beach, the Massapequa Kiddie Park and Zoo, Whites where I bought all of my Beatles records, walking to Park Lane at the age of 10 with a note from my mother to buy her cigarettes, haha, imagine doing that today she'd be arrested!
And the candy store in town, what was the guy's name that owned it? He was a big bear of a man and could be scary but was really an okay guy.
I went to Hawthorn. "Dear Hawthorn School weeee looove youuu our hearts will always be true" or something like that.
Reading a couple of names I recognize here too.
Someone mentioned the Terwilliger twins.
Boy, they were a handful when they were little, haha.
I was good friends with their sister Terry, she was so much fun to be around. Wonder how she's doing.
I visited Massapequa often until 1985 when my mom passed away but unfortunately have never been back since.
We live in North Carolina and I don't have any family living up there now but I sure would like to go back for a visit some time just to see what's changed and if anything's stayed the same.

Mar 19, 2016
Peserve and other misconceptions
by: Anonymous

In response to the post titled Peserve by anonymous, the boy you refer to as being killed in the Massapequa preserve is actually John Pius. This boy was murdered behind the Dogwood elementary school in Smithtown to silence him concerning a stolen bike. Those responsible were tried and convicted in Suffolk County.There were in fact many local gangs from the 1950's to the mid to late 60's in the Massapequa and Massapequa Park area.Probably the Pagans were the most dangerous. They hung out at Joey Dees And Huffs Tavern later in years. Maybe the earlier poster was referring to fights in front of that bar as it is on Park Blvd. The Pit Boys were Boy Scouts compared to the Pagans but they did indeed exist.The Pit Boys sort of fell apart when they built the Sunrise Mall but I would like to think they disbanded because they matured with age.

Mar 16, 2016
Remember so well...
by: Tommy N...

I lived on Reiss ave from 1959-1972 and attended birch lane, john p McKenna and Massapequa high. Loved those early days with block parties and trips to Gilgo beach to surf. When Bar harbor was the place to shop. Also Whites dept star was popular. I purchased my first pair of ice skates at suburban sports.

Mar 15, 2016
Berner 1976-80
by: Anonymous

Anyone out there a Berner 1980 grad?

We had the Baldwin clan, Twillger Twins, Gellamino, Quinn, Cecere, Sylvia, and many more cool cats & even a stray cat!

Hanging out in Zappa woods and All American lunch runs. Thumbing to Jones and TOBAY with a pit stop at Carvel.

Massapequa was a great place to grow up, and for those who were the lucky ones are blessed with memories that many only wish they had.

Mar 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

Massapequa was a great town to grow up and we were privileged to live there

Mar 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have lived in Massapequa Park since 1968 and it was not tough and dangerous then and it is not tough and dangerous now. We have had our share of all sorts of people living here from the Mafia that met above the stores on Broadway to the Pagans whip hung out at Huffs Tavern on Park Blvd. I walk everywhere: to St Rose, to empstead Turnpike, to Carman Rd, to Tackapausha - and I kive near Hawthorne School (now the Nassau County Police Academy). I have never ha a problem ... EVER. I walk at night just as oftn as I walk during the day and it has never been an issue. I find it ridiculous that all you people who moved away are making all these statements that you know nothing about. This site is for memories of the town and growing up here, not for making things up and bashing the area. That was certainly not the intention. Please be nice and stop saying how bad the town is because it is absolutely not!

Mar 11, 2016
Massapeua "The Hood"
by: Anonymous

I grew up in the 60's like some of these other guys. I read the posts about gangs at Marjorie Post Park and stuff at the Preserve. This sure is a different Massapequa I knew growing up. You'd think it was Bed Sty from some of these posts.

After leaving Massapequa I lived in the Bronx while going to Fordham and lived in Manhattan for many years after.

I drove a cab to get through college and I have seen bad neighborhoods and real tough guys, but not in Massapequa I am happy to say. I am grateful I didn't growing up there.

Mar 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

Tackapausha Museum and Preserve

Mar 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

I grew up in Massapequa in the early 60's until around 1980 before I moved. Where is the preserve?

Mar 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

I keep seeing the comments about the "preserve" in Massapequa but have no idea where that might be...any insight?

Mar 10, 2016
Should Have Listened To My Parents!
by: Anonymous

In 1962 I was 13 years old and had recently purchased a new schwinn bike with the money I was making from my paper route in my neighborhood. I had been delivering Newsday since I had turned 12. I also had purchased a speedometer which was attached to my handlebar. I would ride all around Massapequa Park with my friends all day long and as long as I was home by 5:00 for supper every thing was fine. I only had one restriction and that was not to ride through the preserve. Back then it was totally undeveloped with only a single dirt path that was rutted and muddy but did go all the way to Linden Blvd starting from the town park down by the tracks. One day I decided to go there despite my parents warning so my friends and I could walk through the storm drain tunnels under Lakeshore Dr. We left our bikes just outside the drain opening. When we came out there were a group of kids about 16 years old waiting for us. They demanded we give them the money we had and threw 2 of our bikes in the water and then smashed my speedometer with a rock. There were no druggies or perverts back then, just your home grown bullies. It was still a terrific place to grow up. Wonderful memories, wouldn't want to have been anywhere else. I should have listened to my parents, I didn't and learned a hard lesson. There will always be places that common sense will tell you to be wary of, stay clear and enjoy the things that you feel comfortable with.

Mar 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

It is not as bad as all that. Sure you have to be careful and as kids we did not hang out in the preserve at night because that us when the people up to no good were there. Kids still walk, bike ride, fish, catch those mini frogs and have fun in the preserve. No swimming any more though! Even when we were kids there were the pervs and druggies you had to watch out for. Kids - then and now - are not stupid. If they are smart about themselves they will be fine whether they are in the preserve or not. Do you remember around 1976 or 77 when a small boy was killed in the preserve when older kids stuffed pebbles in his mouth? There were dangers then as well as now. Not really different.

Mar 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

Kids can't hang out in the preserve anymore because it's too dangerous. Drug addicts, pervs, muggers...

Feb 24, 2016
Looking for old friends
by: Betsy Knapp

I lived at 60 McKinley Street in Massapequa Park. Lived there from 1955 till 1968. I'm looking for Maren Robinson who lived across the street from me. She had a brother, Billy.

I'm also looking for my first " boyfriend", Eugene Meehan and his sister Karen. They had a springer spaniel named Jet. Funny what you remember.

If any of you remember me, or know the aforementioned people, please contact me through Facebook (Betsy Knapp Finley) or email me at


Feb 24, 2016
Dr. G
by: Chris 81

Dr.G was my doctor the whole while growing up I am looking down at a scar from stitches he gave me when I was about 10. They were right next to the flemings. Ken, steven and John cant remember the sisters name though.A great family

Feb 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

The pediatrician was Dr Gianetassio. His son Tommy (Gino, Berner '66) has the practice now.

Feb 15, 2016
by: Anonymous

Was that pediatrician Dr. Jernacoff?

Feb 15, 2016
Massapequa Park
by: Anonymous

I lived on Lindbergh Street from around 1964 through the early 70's until the 3rd grade when my family moved to Baldwin. I have such fond memories of Hawthorne Elementary School. I remember our pediatrician lived and had his office in a house down the street from where I lived.

Jan 13, 2016
Fight Night
by: Anonymous

Must have been after my time, gangs , fights very Friday.... not my experience. I believe you but maybe it was after my day.

Jan 13, 2016
Fight night at Marjorie Post Park 1960's
by: Mr T


Jan 13, 2016
Fight night at Marjorie Post Park 1960's
by: Anonymous

It seemed like Friday night was the night to shine at Marjorie Post. During the summer you could always count on a good brawl,especially when they had battle of the bands. Police cars would come out of nowhere to answer the fight calls at the park. Even on a cold winter night you would always have a good fight or two after the rink closed. Pit boys, Townies, Park Lane Boys etc.,just to name a few of the gangs that loved to have at it any time they crossed paths. And let's not forget the jocks from Berner HS. and Massapequa HS. that loved a good fight. Massapequa was pretty rough back in those days.You could always count on a good bar fight on Park Blvd. at least once a week. Good memories? Not for the guys that got the crap kicked out of them.

Jan 13, 2016
Bitter Sweet
by: Anonymous

Maybe it is you and not the town. As a kid I got into a few fights, all kids do. Most of my friends really didn't in fact, so maybe it is not that town but something else. I never found Massapequa a tough town or violent, just a nice place to live and grow up.

Jan 13, 2016
by: Anonymous

Grew up and lived in Massapequa Park. 1961 - 1984. House on the boarder line and front facing Farmingdale school district, where I attended K through 12. Have good memories of Jones Beach, Adventure-land, great pizza, deli's; Sunrise Mall, Mr. America's Gym on Hempstead tnpk. I've read recent posts on here about the hostile, rude - nasty people in Massapequa. Funny, I felt the same way 32 years ago when I left. Nothing's changed. And have had more bloody fist fights when living there than I can count. Still consider those good memories though, and would not trade for anything. But I often think to myself that moving away from there was the opportunity of a lifetime.

Dec 28, 2015
back in the day
by: Ron manghir

God,it's been a long time,I was the class clown,well,me,Scott butting,and Billy Devin,we laughed our assets off,cut school,as we used to call it.went to Eastlake elementary school,moved here from, cartridge,Brooklyn,wow,what a difference.the people,the places,the things,good memories.was madly in love with Andrea pre-season,forever,what a beauty,out of my league,but didn't stop me from trying.then went to McKenna Jr.high,then finally berner where I graduated in,I met some characters along the way,Glenn Gray,with pop music,remember that one?was still with my first girlfriend Nanette,but she was from wants th,went to wants th high school,walkthrough Jr.high and high school,8years,then she dumps me,go figure!300 bowl was across the railroad tracks on sunrise why,that was my second home.worked in wants th in parents business for ten years,met my wife,had a couple of kids,moved to a warmer climate,the rest is history.thanks to Mr.Zimmerman,my French teacher who took a liking to me because I'm half French,on my dad's side,mom was Italian!hi Nanette,still love you you were my first.and for you,Annette Huxley should have tried harder,God bless,thanks massapequa for a great childhood!

Dec 24, 2015
my First Warm Massapequa Christmas
by: Anonymous

It was 1957, my family moved to Bar Harbor (what there was of it) in 1955. I attended the newly open Birch Lane Elementary School. Christmas Day 1957 turned out to be a warm one. When you are an 8 year old kid you kind of hope for a White Christmas that was not to be. I was disappointed that morning when I woke up.
The homes on Harbor Lane only went down to Kings Walk in those days. I lived at 55 Harbor Lane, right at the beginning of Bar Harbor. The land where the Massapequa Library now sits was a farm. There was barn, farm house the whole nine yards. It was abandoned if memory serves. The Bar Harbor Shopping Center was just a big field.
I awoke to find a Schwinn two wheeler next to the tree, a beauty…a shiny big red one. My first "big boy" two wheeler. So maybe the 59 degree weather that Christmas Day would be good after all. A friend came over, Chris Lake. His family recently moved to Massapequa from Germany. Being a newly arrive immigrant Chris came off as a little different from the rest us. I remember on the playground if you got into something with him his insult was "Why don’t you pull down you pants?" Not sure what he thought he was saying, but it usually just evoked laughs.
Chris got a bike too, a big beautiful English Racer and off we went. Bikes to young 8 yr. old boys were their first taste of freedom. You now could move around to other neighborhoods, ride to school, and create exciting and distant adventures. Off we went around the newly developed Bar Harbor that warm Christmas day. Today reminded me of that day 56 years ago.

Dec 23, 2015
best hang out places
by: mike maloney

great site! my parent bought a tiny ranch on fitzmaurice st in 1964 when i was 1. attended hawthorne for kindergarten, st rose of lima grades 1 thru 8 and then berner HS - class of 1981.

the best part of growing up in massapequa park was hanging out in the massapeua preserve. drinking beer around campfires and the eventual chase when the police would come - always a thrill. we entered the preserve by the "first lake" which was the van buren st entrance off lake shore drive. we would sit on that drainage pipe for hours and sometimes walk thru the pipe under the streets of massapequa park. the preserve had lots of hang outs - the best being the swing - across the stream on the "penninsula". scores of HS kids hung out at the swing in the summer of 1978. the one day fat pat singlinger (RIP) sat on the swing and the massive branch that it hung from came crashing down - narrowly missing his head. that was the end of that hang out. ahhh - the ephemeral nature of life's hang out spots! so sad.

kids don't hang out in the preserve these days. i suppose they stay home texting and playing video games on the internet. too bad for them.

Dec 13, 2015
Mr. Hoyt and the 1967 Senior Final Choral Concert
by: Anonymous

One fine late summer day in 1967 in my Senior year at MHS we were enjoying being outside at the normal time we would be Assembly. Being outside as a HS student especially so close to graduating was a real treat. Begin inside on a day like this was torture, at least to me. So there we were in front of school, using the vernacular of the day grooving in the sun, when were told inside to Assembly.

Out comes MHS Chorus under the deft hand of Mr. Hoyt. No one wanted to be there, let alone hear some choral arrangement of some song we never heard before. Lots of talking and fooling around. This really upset Mr. Hoyt, who stopped our "treat" and said to the class in a stern manner. "This is a privilege if you don’t stop talking we are not going to have this concert" ….. a pregnant pause and then spontaneous applause. Mr. Hoyt left the stage and we were treated to a rant by Parker Small.

Dec 13, 2015
Hey what about Mr Lecky
by: Anonymous

The MHS Librarian who sounded like Elmer Fudd and would get very upset when people talked in Library and go into this mantra.... Quiet, (anger growing QUIET in the LI BRE WEE". We used to go there just to hear him say that. I know in the politically correct 21st Century you cant say this kind of thing, but as a 16 yr HS student he was of soem amusement.

Dec 12, 2015
Coach Oleksiak
by: Anonymous

Had him in 10th grade '60-'61 before they built Berner. Remember lining up for attendance and you also had to have a clean towel to shower. The guy in front of me had no towel and Coach lifted him off the ground with the paddle. Came to me and I showed him my clean towel which, while fooling around in locker room, someone stepped on my towel, and I tried to explain it was clean he "kindly" introduced my butt to great hurt and my head to the ceiling.
We used to call him Chingnutchgook...He also was in a Ivory Snow commercial with his huge hands cradling a babys butt. GREAT GUY !!

Dec 12, 2015
RE The Little old Lady From Massapequa
by: Anonymous

I remember Mrs Kelly too, and re Roman Oleksiak. I am glad to hear he was a good guy He could never get away with this today but one day while on the wrestling team at practice I decided to hang out with Winter Track instead. They were practicing to jump with the rope that hung from the ceiling in the gym. I missed the bar it went clang real loud, Mr Oleksiak saw me, motioned with his finger.

He pulled out the paddle and WAM on my butt. He used to say "go along" a lot when he talked. I also got caught with another guy counting his "go alongs" in gym class and got the same treatment with the paddle.

Dont know if this is true but I have been told that Mr Oleksiak (Damn I 66 years old and still calling his Mr Oleksiak), was the inspiration for Jerry Seinfeld and the "Cant stand ya" gym coach.

Dec 12, 2015
Little "Old" Lady from Massapequa
by: Andy F.

I saw a comment on Mrs. Kelly's green hemi Dodge. She had a fantastic red Dodge R/T at one point also. I remember sitting in homeroom at MHS and watching her pull up in the morning to drop her kid(s) off.

Had a gym teacher at MHS for years, Mr. Roman Oleksiak. He was a hulking kind of guy and (I thought) favored the jocks. He scared the hell out of me so I steered clear if I could. One day after I was out of school I ran into him and he turned out to be nothing like what I thought. He made me feel like a peer rather than a "student". Great man. May he rest in peace.

Another great MHS teacher was Mr. James Doyle. He taught English. I never had a teacher who connected so well with his students without trying to be one of them. Learned a lot and had fun in his classes.

Go Massapequa!

Nov 24, 2015
Maria Regina
by: Ron Smith

Responding to a question: No, I didn't go to Maria Regina, but lived right next to it next to the storm ditch. Had many friends on Ralph St E. that went there. I'm trying to find old friends from Ralph St E. The Bauer's.

Nov 23, 2015
Living around Massapequa
by: Anonymous

Like your comments I am curious what does "great ethnicity" mean?

Nov 23, 2015
Living around the Massapequas
by: Anonymous

I grew up in Massapequa and lived in several different parts of this great place. From 3-5yrs old I lived on Forest Ave. off Division by All American and Carvel. My father was a builder and he built us a new home on Bay Drive in Old Harbor Green. My brother was the same age as Jerry Seinfeld. I was in class with Phil Vultaggio whose family owned All American. My father also owned a local business and Jerry Seinfelds father did the signs for his business. He used to have coffee with my mother on Friday mornings when he was working in the area. I attended Birch Lane and Massapequa H.S. My friends and I spent many hours hanging out at Joeys D's on Park Blvd. My parents divorced after I graduated in 1973 and they sold the house on Bay Drive. My mother bought a home on Roosevelt Ave in Massapequa Park and I used to walk down the block to the train when I worked in the city. I got married and moved out east and my mom lived there for another 5 years or so and then joined my bother and me. We had a very privileged childhood growing up in a place with so much to offer; beaches, restaurants, great schools, great ethnicity and the same attitude we all seemed to share - knowing how fortunate we were to live where we did. I've gone back a few times and our center hall colonial looks a lot smaller than I remember but the feelings in my heart remain the same!

Nov 22, 2015
Ron Smith Maria Regina
by: Anonymous

Ron did you go to Maria Regina?

Nov 21, 2015
to old friends
by: paul alagna

its been roughly one year since i found this wonderful site. it has helped me find my great friend, tommy reade. a classmate from rj lockhart, lois contacted me which flooded back memories of grade school days. reading the stories and remembering the places from my past are like old photographs that prod my memory to unlock another forgotten piece of my childhood story. i found this site when searching for my old classmates, play buddies and neighborhood posse. this week 2 great resources became available to me, the berner and massapequa high 1974 yearbooks. i left after 7th grade and would have gone to berner but my rjl and parkside jhs pals could have gone to either school. so after adjustng my bifocals and searching the pages i found well remembered faces....kevin caufield,joe gerardi,doug goldstein,gary hahl,kurt knoblauch, dennis king,joe kinsey,eric liekefet,janet marino,karen murphy,robert corrigan,jack mino and jacki if any of you are out there or people who remember this group please give a shout out.the holidays are around the corner what better gift than to connect with old friends. to everyone that follows this magical site..happy thanksgiving, merry christmas,and happy well...

Nov 17, 2015
Great Pic
by: Anonymous

I lived in Massapequa from 1952 to 1972 and fondly remember the Massapequa Zoo. I'm not sure what happened to the giraffe when the zoo closed and certainly hope that the rumor of Big Chief Lewis' having the bison for Thanksgiving remains unconfirmed. Massapequa/Massapequa Park was a great place to grow up.

Nov 15, 2015
by: Karen

I lived on Burton Lane from 1963-75. I spent many a night walking to Marjorie Post Park with my ice skates slung over my shoulder.Skating, eating French fries, and red hot dollars! Good times.

Nov 11, 2015
Mr T
by: Anonymous

Liked your post agree with what you said at the end. I was Class of 67... the gym you refer to I believe was Vic Tannies then became a club called the Silver Spoon the greasers hung out at

Nov 11, 2015
goodld days Mr T.
by: Anonymous

Lived on park lane from 1953 to 1966. remember the candy store and cream puff bakery, the trains were still on the ground and whites was still open, lived at 349 east lake, married in 66 and moved to east lake ave. still there, at the end of park lane was an old farm and I played at the "PIT" which is where the mall is now, went to the big bow bow, and worked at the driving range that was next to Kohls, saddle rock diner, maddens pub , the locker room, the snack bar, crown village candy store,the gym next to massapequa high school, long full at bar harbor, all american, the red mug, croons lake and the hoola hoop contest at carmen road shopping centre in the fifties, I'm here 62 years a grad of mass class of 63 and will die here, if you have anything bad to say take it to the chaplin, I love Massapequa.

Nov 11, 2015
miniture golf
by: Anonymous

OK I stand corrected as to the 2nd place finisher in the tourney, I guess it must have Been Ray Andreson, how I still don't know because he SUCKED

Nov 08, 2015
OMG TURKEY BOWL !!!Playing pool at the Boss's-
by: Jackie Menti

I think it is the appropriate month to introduce



Very cool site..LOL while tears stream down my face. So,so very lucky ,fortunate to have THAT as a childhood. Nassau Shores - Seneca Street - the BAY as my playground -cruising it on my BFF's Whaler with 70 MERC motor ( we needed a fast getaway after flashing whomever) Gilgo Beach ,Nassau Shores Beach Club with the smell of that Green Clariol Shampoo in the girls locker room, Tony's Deli ( was he a perv?). drinking at 15 In bars ( thanks Zander - name of bar should be a future trivia question )
I am in CA now and every day I am reminded how grateful
that My hometown is Massapequa NY
The good ,bad, sad , dysfunctional, normal , ALL OF IT --the whole enchilada . For whatever it's worth- the way one is raised is sometimes not fully appreciated until those that did the job are gone.

Nov 06, 2015
Bar Harbour - Long Ful's
by: Anonymous

My wife and I grew up in Massapequa. We both graduated High Scholl in 1968. I worked at the W. T. Grant store in Bar Harbour and after work on Friday nights, my friends from work would stop at Long Ful's to have a beer.Yes we were only 17, they never asked for our ID's.
I called up this girl from there basement telephone booth and asked her out on a date.
She said yes. Four years later I proposed to her in that same phone booth. She said yes and we have been married 43 years.
We live in PA now and often wonder what ever happend to that phone booth.
We both have great memories of our young days in Massaqequa.

Nov 04, 2015
Wrong again.
by: Anonymous

Marty,guess again who placed in the mini golf tournament. Bob was off his game that day.

Nov 02, 2015
did you know loris giovanelli?
by: janet norwell

If you do,call me 727 278 5730,I grew up with her she graduated in 1974,can't find her and miss her

Nov 02, 2015
did you know loris giovanelli?
by: janet norwell

We grew up together and can't find her now.she graduated from Berner in 1974

Oct 31, 2015
Massapequa in teh 60s
by: Anonymous

Crisp cool friday nights before a home football game. Wearing red and black plaid wool jackets in the fall. Going to the first dance of season at the Biltmore Beach Club and if you were lucky the Persuasions would be playing.

Hiking up to All American for a burger and fries to check out the scene and the hot cars. Mrs Kelly an MHS student's mom owned a green Hemi Dodge that was the fastest in Massapequa in my day.

When winter took over skating on Croons lake, and warming yourself around a fire someone made and in Jan skating on canal. In spring baseball and as I grew older surfing. We cut class on nice days and head to Garbage Cove to surf. Remember sitting in class and looking outside at some glorious spring day and dying inside because you could not be out there enjoying it.

Massapequa will always live in my heart, it makes me smile just to think about growing up there.

Oct 31, 2015
To Deborah C
by: Jill

I did teach you how to play chopsticks on the piano. You certainly opened up my memory bank on that one. You used to come over and wanted to learn how to play the piano and always wished you could take lessons. I remember, though, you played the flute. I played the clarinet all the way through high school and was quite good and then just let it slide. Yes, you used to scratch my dog Candy's leg and laugh at her. The teacher who lived two doors up from me was a fourth grade teacher. In fact, she was my fourth grade teacher and if I did something wrong, she was at our door to tell my mother.

I loved growing up in Massapequa. It was a wonderful place to live.

I enjoy this site and all the memories. Keep them coming.

Oct 28, 2015
Big Bow Wow
by: D.J.

.THE OWNER WAS MR Mendelssohn .good food
.hotdogs, hamburgers, pastrami and cornbeef sandwiches

Oct 24, 2015
massapequa minature golf
by: Anonymous

Thanks to Bob Simpson for admiting he came in second to me Marty Piccininni in that golf tourney, for many years he was in denial do to the fact that he was really agreat golfer and I was just a lucky Bas---- that day.


Oct 01, 2015
Looking for old friend
by: Ron Smith

Stan's Coffee Shop, Holiday Park Shopping Center-
Trying to find an old friend: Bob Bauer who was the short order cook at Stan's for many years. He had a younger sister, Judy Bauer. They lived on Ralph St. East, Seaford, NY. Some think he moved to PA in the 70's. He would be in his mid to upper 60's. Judy in her mid 50's.
We had a great time listening to music and drinking chocolate egg creams at Stan's. He evven kicked us out a few times for hanging out there too much! haha
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Ron Smith:
We also lived on Ralph St E.

Sep 20, 2015
by: Last of the corner boys

How many of you remember running across Sunrise Highway at 7 pm on a Friday or Saturday afternoon heading toward the new cove near the tracks where we started a fire, drank (some "spilled," some swilled) and sang Barbara Ann or Drinkin Wine to create so much noise the Nassau County PD would crash through the piney woods with the first Broncos anyone ever saw and they were equipped with hedge busting wedges. I remember bouncing off of cops and kids in mad dash for freedom. The officers gathered their beer booty and we were left to make one more run to BEER IS HERE>

Sep 19, 2015
Two Guys
by: Anonymous

I grew up in a family of six children who went to St Rose School. The teachers required seven marble composition books at the beginning of ever year per student. That is 42 bocks for my mom and dad to but plus all the other school supplies and we did not have dollar stores back then! When Two Guys was closing and everything was 70% off my mom scooped up all the marble composition books they had! She did the same thing when TSS on Hempstead Tnpk closed! We used those books for years!! Occasionally I will stumble upon a half finished book with the used pages carefully cut away at the margin so the opposite page would not fall out! My parents were frugal, but very wise! Do you also remember the other Whites on Hicksville Rd by Jerusalem Ave? My mom worked in that one. Howard Johnson's was a favorite for us! We were all skinny little kids so we went when it was Kids Pay Their Weight Night! Still had the best clams anywhere!!

Sep 18, 2015
Glad to see these memories!
by: karin henriksen

Who remembers "Two Guys from Massapequa," "Whites Dept. Store," Sandy Becker at the Zoo, Howard Johnson's, and my favorite….Tobay Beach in the summer.

Aug 12, 2015
Early Morning of the GSB
by: Anonymous

In the 60s I was a surfer. I remember getting up with the sun, plying into a friends boat and zipping across the Great South Bay.Repeating this routine daily in my HS years.

Summer's cool mornings brought a chill that seemed to go right into your bones. The Bay looked like like a sheet of glass, only the boat's wakes breaking its surface . If you had an outboard you could cut straight across the shallow part of Bay and seeing the bottom as you went. Sporadic patches if eel grass and sand flew by underneath.

In about 15 minutes we would head into Garbage Cove, often being the only ones there that early. Grabbing our boards we'd hike up a small sand hill and go over the Parkway with great anticipation. As we crested one last small dune there it would be, an expanse of empty beach and Atlantic.

If we were lucky the wind would be blowing from the North and it would be low tide and 3 to 4 ft swells would be breaking with a curl. And we had the beach to ourselves.

Aug 12, 2015
Captain Eddie's
by: Bill Drago

To whoever asked about Captain Eddie's. I added a link to your comment.

Aug 08, 2015
The Shores
by: Anonymous

There are plenty of great stories on this site of growing up in the 70's in Massapequa. If the Baldwin's are out there, might be the making of a mini series "The Shores" set in the 70's, and growing up in that time. As I'm sure there would be a market to watch that!

Aug 08, 2015
Captain Eddie's
by: Anonymous

Does anyone recall a boat rental place called Captain Eddie's? A place where you can rent a cheap beat up boat and head to off to sea. Captain Eddie was a funny dude and would tell you stories that started with - The Sea was Angry that Day my Son. After a long day at sea we would head over to All American for a burger and shake.

Editor's note: please see Captain Eddie's.

Aug 08, 2015
Golf Course
by: Anonymous

Yes, you can say it was a rite of passage for many young guys from Massapequa.

Aug 08, 2015
Golf Course
by: Anonymous

I do have memories of that Golf Course, but I a was teenaged male, full of hormones and proprietary prevents me from recounting those tales.

Let's say it was a favorite spot for not only me, but my friends to get soem "alone time" with some of the young ladies from Massapequa we meet.

Aug 08, 2015
Golf Course in Nassau Shores
by: Tony C.

I moved to Massapequa in 1973, and graduated Berner in 1980. lived in the shores on Suffolk Rd., and had some great times. The golf course was our main point of gathering, with our Turkey Bowl, Sliding on the Greens, and having our first beer in the sand pit on a Friday night. I guess you can say it was a portal to growing up in the Shores.

If anyone else had some golf course tales, would love to hear?

Aug 08, 2015
Joey D.
by: W. Baldwin

Yes, good times with Joey D. And the Hog Boy!s!

Aug 08, 2015
Joey D.
by: D. Baldwin

Yes, my brothers and I would hang with Joey D., when we were filming Born on the Fourth of July.

Aug 05, 2015
Thank You
by: Christine Young

Hello Andrea,
I agree this is a great site. I also grew up on Grand Boulevard between Massachusetts and Euclid and have so many happy memories. I lived there between 1954 and 1975. My parents retied and moved away at that time. I've lived in many places since that time, but no other place holds the kind of memories I had as a child growing up on Grand Boulevard.

Aug 05, 2015
Feeling nostalgic
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember Joey D's bar on Park Blvd.?

Aug 04, 2015
Thank you!
by: Andrea

Stumbled upon this site and I am blown away. Grew up on Grand Blvd in Massapequa Park. Left LI in 87 and have always missed it. Thank you all for the memories. What a great childhood we were all blessed with. You had to live there to understand how much was available to us. Sorry to hear how much it is changing, but it's like that everywhere. Keep the memories coming.

Jul 22, 2015
Thank You All
by: Christine Young

It was nice reading your post Paul A. I too enjoy correspondence and get-together's with school friends that I have reconnected with over the Internet. I'm so glad I found this forum and look forward to reading more of Massapequa memories. I graduated in 1968 from Berner HS and I lived on Long Island until 2004 (Lindenhurst), so I haven't been away that long. I still miss it terribly. I have wonderful memories of growing up in Massapequa Park and all of Long Island for that matter. As beautiful as it is here in Pennsylvania, with all the farm land and mountains to look at, I still miss my family and friends who are still there, and I especially miss the ethnic diversity of Long Island, i.e. the German, Italian, Jewish and Polish Deli's where you can get the best home made food. I particularly miss the home made Italian sausage from the Italian grocer that made my pasta sauce so delicious. There's not a Deli in sight here where I live (very annoying). But I have to be fair; the farm stands all around here with the fresh produce are wonderful, and I am grateful for that. There are positives and negatives in both regions.

Jul 22, 2015
LI defamers
by: Ex-LI-er

What I have read on the Web slamming LI is disgusting. Gone from LI 55 years, we still visited family in Valley Stream, Lynbrook, Hicksville, Massapequa and the Hamptons. Gone is Roosevelt/Mitchell Fields, Roosevelt Raceway, Mineola Skating Rink, of course Frank Buck's Zoo. Going home to Queens Village on Old Country Road from my family's farm in Plainview, I could see the lights clear across to the North Shore. After WWII, Levitt came in and that was the end of THAT scenery. I still think LI is great but in my eighties now and in Michigan, I will not return, sadly, but I have a wonderful map of LI on the kitchen wall put out by the LI Historical Society when we lived in Connecticut.

Jul 21, 2015
Thank You All
by: Paul Alagna

This note is a big shout out of thanks to the creator and contributors to this magical site. I found this site around Christmas when I was thinking a lot about Massapequa and my childhood. I was hoping to find my old friends and learn about my teachers from my past. Both wishes have come true. The other day at work a registration clerk handed me a piece of paper mentioning my great pal Tommy another Cleveland Ave. kid. 2 phone calls later after speaking with one of his sisters I got a call from the man himself. I am elated. He remembers more of my childhood then I do. I can't wait to see him , his family and hopefully his sisters as well. So thank you Massapequa Memories, I will be driving down to the Island as soon as I can. One's life can take lots of twists and turns, some good some not so but it is the whole experience that makes us who we are. To be able to reconnect with my old friend is one of those priceless moments, a chance to look back but also live in the moment and hopefully even see into the future. So thank you all, peace.

Jul 21, 2015
Massapequa Zoo
by: Anonymous

You are correct it was Frank Buck's bring em back alive in the 30s and 40s then became the Massapequa Zoo, no longer associated with Mr. Buck.

Jul 21, 2015
Joun B. Gambling house in Massapequa
by: Ex-LIer

When I was young, John B. Gambling of radio, bought a house in Massapequa/Amityville right on the water with a boat house and dock. Entering the house, the Jones Beach tower could be seen on the right. A beautiful home, I wonder if it is still there. His son, John A. probably inherited it, but that was a long time ago.

Jul 21, 2015
Massapequa Zoo
by: Ex-LIer

Would the Massapequa Zoo have morphed from Frank Buck's Zoo on Sunrise Highway by any chance? As you can see, I go way, way back, being 83!

Jul 21, 2015
Back in the day
by: Anonymous

Here are a few blasts form the past. In the 60's some guy from Massapequa decided he would drive his VW across the Great South Bay... obviously during the dead of winter when the Bay was frozen. He set off from what is now Marjorie Post Park. A lot of folks watched him as he crossed the bay, then sank about half away across. Lucky for him VWs float.

Folks who live there now may find this hard to believe. In the 50s there were a couple of farms left in Massapequa. One where the Library in Massapequa Park now stands. You could just head down Harbor Lane then to perhaps 50 acres of undeveloped land, swim in the bay, find steamers and cherrystones clams, in the unpolluted water, to eat. While there fish and perhaps a catch a summer flounder or weakfish.

One last one...the dreaded eel grass in the Bay. While it was there in the day it as not nearly as prolific. It got there in the 30" I believe as someone's misguided experiment at creating habitat for smaller fish and crabs. As you probably know it grew unchecked and now is a major problem.

Love this site

Jul 21, 2015
Please stay on topic!
by: Christine Young

Thank you Bill Drago for addressing the recent posts from those who are not happy with Massapequa. I was disturbed to see the posts from the malcontents who have no business sharing in this forum. While they are entitled to their opinions, they should go elsewhere to share it. I'm not going to let them spoil this wonderful forum for me. I'll keep coming back and reading all the good stuff.

Jul 20, 2015
Please stay on topic
by: Bill Drago

I just want ask everyone to please stay on topic. An occasional remark about how things have changed is fine, but I don't want to see posts about rude people, drugs, etc. Every community has its problems and there are forums for those discussions. This page is for sharing your memories of Massapequa, not complaining about the way things are now. Sorry to be harsh, but I want address this before it gets out of hand. Thanks... -Bill

Jul 20, 2015
Give Me A Break
by: Anonymous

Massapequa is not different than any other suburban NY community with drug problems; it is endemic to our society not just Massapequa. I don't live there any more, but I cant imagine the people in Massapequa are any worse manner wise then Seaford or Amityville.

I lived in Minnesota where people, on the surface are very nice... they even call it Minnesota Nice. You could die on boredom there or most places outside of New York. How bad could a wealthy suburban community on the water with access to the great LI Beaches, and a 40 minute ride from Manhattan be?

Thank your lucky stars you don't live in Syria or South Sudan and stop your @#$^ grousing.

Editor's note: I've been to Minnesota and it is very nice. See: Ice Fishing on Lake Bemidji

Jul 20, 2015
Leaving soon
by: Anonymous

I have less than a year now until I leave for good.cant wait.people are rude and inconsiderate and have major attitudes. Town is turning into trash.

Jul 18, 2015
To Not So Great
by: Anonymous

I am sorry that your child is on heroin, but you cannot blame the community. Speak to any professional and they will give lists of things that affect addiction and the community is definitely not at the top of that list. I have lived here my entire life and am not addicted to anything. Not even caffeine. There are obviously other things going on in your child's life that pushed him/her to the drug. It is not the community. I am only 36 so you cannot say that heroin was not a big thing when I was younger either.

Jul 18, 2015
Not so great
by: Anonymous

Moved here 9 yrs ago , over paid for my house , heroine is bad here , my kid got addicted can't, been through hell and back , not like the good old days!

Jul 13, 2015
Youngster chiming in
by: George miller

What a great site I was born in 63 and lived in massapequa till 96, on the corner of park hill and forest " north of the tracks" although many of my friends still live here and I'm not far as I'm out in east moriches now. Went to lockhart and massapequa. Had the crouchs on my paper route great hearing about all the places we hung out at. All American
Burger king was new. Dick and doras but most times at Alhambra beach at nite with a six pack till we got to loud and 7th would have us leave, the bourbon barrel was my first bar at 16, didn't enjoy the banjo playing but they let us in. Mini bike riding in the preserve fishing at croons yes my family had a small boat we launched at burns park and I to remember the PT boat tied up just down the canal. Was with the junior naval reserve in north massapequa a few years.. Getting eggs at the egg factory for Halloween many here are a bit older and maybe knew my sister Kathy who was lost to us in 1990. To this day I always feel so fortunate to have had the pleasure of growing up in massapequa we just had such great times, fires at croons lake, we even camped out on the island a few times my mother drove out to bring us dinner. So many great memories. We are all proud that we are all in part massapequans.

Jul 06, 2015
Thanks, Jill.
by: Anonymous

Every six months or so, I manage to get back to this site for a quick stroll down memory lane.
Thanks, Jill, for recognizing Teacher of the Week. I was nominated by a student, which made the award even that much more cherished. I officially retired as of July 1st.

Didn't you teach me to play chop sticks at your house? Did you have a big, old dog whose rear lake would go crazy when you would pet his tummy? And wasn't there a young (3rd grade?) teacher that lived within a couple of doors from you? I remember an older high school math teacher (Mrs. Reinhart?) who lived on Seaford Avenue, and right around the corner from you. Boy, did I give her a hard time in HS. I was always talking or giggling when she was trying to teach. I still feel bad about it.
Graduated MHS in 1970, and had my wedding reception at Ziggy's in 1981.

Jul 06, 2015
by: mike cooney

billy to me!!!

Jul 05, 2015
Bourbon Barrell
by: Christine Young

You are right. My sister just corrected me on that too. It was the Bourbon Barrell.

Jul 05, 2015
beer barrel
by: Anonymous

Actually I think it was called The Burbon Barrel.........

Jul 05, 2015
Beer barrel
by: Anonymous

I remember the beer barrel . Lots of barrels of peanuts as I recall . Did they have a banjo band?

Jul 05, 2015
Beer Barrell
by: Christine Young

Does anyone remember the Beer Barrel. I remember going there with friends and we always wound up singing all the great patriotic songs from Yannkee Doodle Dandy. I particularly remember the song OVER THERE. OF course I was watching Yannkee Doodle Dandy last night with James Cagney and Walter Houston, so that's why I brought it up.

Jul 01, 2015
Burger Time
by: Christine Young

I remember Burger Time. That was our favorite burger place (it was neck and neck with All American). My friends and I ate there all the time. I remember I always ordered the same meal: 2 Hamburgers, Fries and a Coke (I could eat a lot back then and never gain an ounce). I was sorry when it was gone. I think about it whenever I'm on Long Island and I drive passed the Mall.

Jul 01, 2015
Mr. Donut
by: Christine Young

When I was 18 (1968) I used to hang out at Mr. Donut everyday after working at Mays Shopping Center. Those were the days. I have so many good memories of that place...and the coffee was the greatest!

Jun 29, 2015
jelly donuts
by: Anonymous

Mr. Donut indeed, great jelly donuts. You could eat three before exiting the store they were so light and airy. But what I remember most about Mr. Donut was the sign in the window proclaiming them to have the best coffee in the world, just like Buddy in the movie Elf, I was blown away that this little place in my home town had the best coffee in the WORLD! My folks and my best friend Jeff's parents kept the joke on me for years. It's probably why I don't drink coffee...PTSD.

Jun 28, 2015
Mr Donut
by: Anonymous

If the IHOP is located on the south side of Sunrise Highway I think it was called Mr. Donut.

Jun 28, 2015
Massapequa park
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the name of the donut shop where IHOP is now? It was an original building from the late 50's.?

Jun 26, 2015
Frigate billy fox
by: Anonymous

I used to hang out there 5nights a week. Bartenders willy Breen Jeff Hess. Bouncers big Dave a d Steve Rupp and Kenny the manager.
Met my wife there.
Favorite band was white fire.

Jun 25, 2015
Growing Up on Grand Boulevard
by: Christine Young

First of all, Dicky O, I loved your comment. Everything—every place you mentioned, from the Park Lane Deli, Whites, the Big Bow Wow, the Bar Harbor Square Pizza, Dick and Dora's, Musicaros and all the rest, brought back so many wonderful memories of growing up in Massapequa Park. I graduated from Alfred G Berner in 1968, and I stayed on Long Island most of my adult life until my husband and I (he grew up in Wantagh) moved to PA in 2004. But I still miss Long Island very much. As beautiful as it is here, there is still no comparison to where I grew up. I still have family and friends on Long Island so I get back as often as I can. When I do I always wish I could stay.

I always drive past my old house on Grand Boulevard whenever I do go. I drive passed East Lake School and try to picture a school yard full of my friends; and the bookmobile that parked across the road alongside the reservoir; and all of us kids standing outside the gym doors waiting for them to open for the summer programs they would always have; and the Easter Egg hunts—can't forget them.

I enjoyed being a kid in Massapequa Park; running to stop the ice cream man who I usually had a big crush on; playing baseball with the boys while my girl friends played with their dolls; playing hide-n-seek in the early evenings and climbing trees and playing kick ball. I was pretty much a tom boy...not so much because I loved sports, but because I loved boys. I remember my mom's soft voice as she stood at the front door calling "Chrissey, Diane it's time to come in."

Our childhood memories are precious. Even my mom, who is 95, remembers her early years growing up in Baldwin in a small stucco house on the canal. She wrote about all the fun she had with her sister and brothers and friends. She wrote about it in great detail and I found myself wishing I had been there with her, during the 1920's, and thinking that, for her, there was no better time to be a kid. I helped her write her journal and we self-published it. It was a gift for all of us (her daughters and her nieces and nephews) to cherish and to hand down to future generations. This trip down memory lane today has given me the inspiration to write my own journal about growing up in Massapequa Park in the 50's/60's. After all, for me, there was no better time to be a kid.

Chris Y

Jun 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

I agree he was not a crook. We aare too quick to make remarks at times without thinking of the effect on others. I thought your dad was great guy, and his store made my childhood that much more fun

Jun 24, 2015
Socky's in Massapequa Park
by: Anonymous

I grew up in North Massapequa . We moved there in 1952 and my Dad Socky opened up a toy store in Massapequa Park. I read your comment about my dad's store but he was not crook.

Jun 19, 2015
by: Anonymous

I grew up at the same time as you, went to MHS. Your "Jackpot" piece evoked memories of an era long gone. I remember when the MHS wrestling team, wrestled Berner. It was a big deal, at least to those on the team. I was on JV at the time.

A guy and excuse my spelling named Maggio, I believe, was on Varsity. He was into this, practiced some kind of fancy move where he fell back and lofted his opponent over him ( kind of like judo) and would pin his opponent within minutes. Looked great in practice and it was his secret weapon.

He practiced it over and over, and the day of the match at Berner, he sat with the team, his head covered with a towel. When his weight class was called he rose up, yanked the towel off in a dramatic manner, revealing a Mohawk haircut (he got just for this match). He looked fierce, and was psyched.

He literally ran out to the mat, the ref whistled. Maggio grabbed his opponent, slipped and was pinned in less then a minute.

I too grew up with a bunch of guys I still am friends with. As someone in the movie Dinner said, no one will have the history we did or could ever replace them.There were 9 of us, and two passed away already. I miss them both every day. No one I have meet since could ever replace them..."we have history"

Thanks for the memories....

Jun 19, 2015
by: Dicky O.

In 1951, Park Lane was a dirt path pushing north into the woods from the railroad tracks. The houses on the first two blocks sported stucco exteriors with funny looking roofs. Most of Massapequa Park hadn’t been built yet, but we pulled into town in our brand new pea-green Studebaker that fell apart four years later.

The woods behind us became West Gate Road and, later, the Sunrise Mall. As the houses were going up behind us I thought they were there for us to play inside of them. They had hired a watchman who spoke a dialect we couldn’t understand. He would chase us out of the construction site from time to time, but never for long. We’d be back and playing inside of those houses in no time.

The Park Lane Stores soon went up and introduced new businesses to the neighborhood: a deli (still great to this day), a barber shop that gave bad haircuts, and a candy store. For two decades, the greasy guys hung out inside of that candy store smoking butts, blasting the jukebox, downing coke floats and egg creams, and busting heads out back behind the stores. Everyone had to walk past those stores on their way to White’s, Two Guys, and the Big Bow-Wow, where I dropped half of my paper route income from the Long Island Press. Everyone talks about All-American, but does anyone remember the "Coward Burgers" at the Big Steer? It was on the corner of Sunrise Highway and Lakeshore Drive.

Learning to ride a two-wheeler was like learning to walk again, but riding your bike with your baseball mitt on the handlebars was a magic carpet. Mom never knew where you were—or worried. The Three Stooges, Our Gang, Abbot and Costello, and Superman got you home in time for supper.

I regret going to Saint Martin’s as a kid, because East Lake School had it all. A kid could walk or ride his bike up to East Lake any time to get in on baseball, football, stickball, handball, or just a good old-fashioned fist fight. Hockey games on the pond at Marjorie Post had what seemed like a hundred guys on a side. Broken stick? No problem. Snap off the crooked end of a tree branch and you were back in the game.

In 1958, when I grew old enough for the Massapequa International Little League, I got cut from the team. The league had underestimated the number of kids in town. The following year, when they added more teams, I made the All-Star squad. Nowadays, my parents would have put me in therapy to cope with getting cut. "You’re not a loser, Dicky. You’re the last winner." But, getting cut was an early lesson in rejection at an age where alcohol was still unavailable. It was also a testament to the number of talented ball players in Massapequa, and the Babe Ruth ’64 World Champions lived up to the hype.

Park Boulevard was my first exposure to retail shops and commercial real estate. If Mom dragged us to the Massapequa Market (later Bohack’s), we’d try getting her into Tot n’ Teen or Socky’s to check out the toys. One time, my grandmother refused to buy me the Prince Valiant Sword and Shield from Socky. She said Socky was a crook…two dollars and ninety-eight cents…

My first day at Berner High School felt like a prison release from St. Martin’s. It was a tough place to get an education when you couldn’t decide from day to day which girl you were falling in love with. Berner High School: where everyone got lucky but yours truly, or so it seemed.

I had a few clunkers for teachers at Berner, but I had some great teachers also—and the coaches were something else. Bill Brown, Bob Reifsnyder, and Gordon Carberry thought the Bataan Death March was a stretching exercise. For football, we did two-a-days at the Unqua Dust Bowl in blistering heat with no water, but only because no one had died on the field yet. In the spring, during lacrosse season, we looked forward to game days, which had become a respite from Carberry’s Parris Island practice sessions.

Of all the teams I played for, though, I had the most fun on the ’64 J.V. Football Team. I coached the Our Lady of Lourdes football team for ten years as an adult, and it was always our goal to recreate the atmosphere of that ’64 team at Berner High. That year, we went six-and-two. Mayer and Zandowski coached us, and we had a blast the whole way. Having cheerleaders for the first time wasn’t bad either.

Dick & Dora’s was another great place in town, and everyone loved the square slices at Bar Harbor’s Pizza Supreme. But, Friday night pizza started and ended with Musicaro’s for an entire generation. When we were finally old enough, we sat at the bar downing mugs of Heineken and chowing on Bar Pies. I still miss Musicaro’s.

Krisch’s was another happening place. I worked at Krisch’s through my high school and college years. At Krisch’s, the German families who owned the place didn’t hire you—they took you in. If you knew how to, "mach schnell," then they adopted you for life. If you didn’t know how, they would never fire you. You would just know, and so would they. After Krisch’s closed each night, we would all descend upon Musicaro’s for beer and pizza, and the staff there treated us all like royalty.

The best part about growing up in Massapequa, though, was that it was middle-class heaven. We weren’t rich, but we weren’t poor either. I felt privileged because my family owned a sixteen-foot runabout that gave us access to Tobay and Gilgo in my high school years. It’s a good thing that boat couldn’t talk.

After two years of college and an Army hitch, I headed west—all the way to Seaford—and married the pretty girl who made balloon surprises at the Inter-County Woolworth’s.

Purposely, I didn’t drop any names. It wouldn’t be fair to all of the great people I grew up with. But, I have to single out Berner Class of ‘67’s Bob Stuart, Bill Davis, and Fred Castagnola. They have been close, lifelong, true-through-thick-and-thin friends of mine, and they are priceless to me. This winter I reunited with Billy Fox, also Class of ’67, down in Florida. Hanging out with Billy again should make the snowbird life a heck-of-a-lot more fun.

All in all life has been good, and I have my childhood in Massapequa, in large part, to thank. You bet I hit the jackpot!
Thanks for reading.

Jun 18, 2015
Park Question
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know when the bus route on Roosevelt Ave in Massapequa Park stopped? Did it coincide with the elevation of the train tracks in 1980?

Jun 17, 2015
PT Boat
by: Bill Drago

The PT boat appeared one day at South Seas in the location shown in the aerial photo. It was there for maybe 6 months and then disappeared. From what I'm reading here it sounds the the owner of that boat had trouble finding permanent docking and had to move around a lot. Unfortunately I've lost touch with anyone who would know anything about it. If I hear anything about the boat I'll post here again.

Jun 14, 2015
PT boat
by: Anonymous

JB you are right on, PT boat was on the canal of 52 acres, light gray in color. My dad trailer his little 15 footer there and let me and my friends take it out. I was 12 in 1969 and pasted it every time.

Jun 12, 2015
To The Editor
by: JB

Maybe the boat was moved to Seaford as you suggest, but I clearly remember a PT boat tied up by the boat ramp at John Burns Park. It was called 52 acres at the time. The park was undeveloped, but if you hiked to the southern most area of 52 acres you would see the boat. My brother says no,it was on the canal behind the church on Biltmore Blvd and Merrick Road. With all due respect adding Seaford to the mix is going to cause a few heads to explode. Maybe I can find some help in the Newsday archives. It is going to be tough as Fleet Obsolete in Kingston NY. has no info on this boat and they are in the business of fully restoring PT boats.

Jun 10, 2015
Pt boat color
by: Anonymous

As I recall it was painted light tan. Never saw it any other color

Jun 10, 2015
PT Boat
by: Anonymous

The PT boat was Navy Grey , now I did some drugs in the 60s but something tells me it was also painted pink, later. Not sure of that, I am sure of the Navy Grey.

Jun 10, 2015
by: Dicky O.

I've been enjoying reading this article and going through your comments so much that I put my own thoughts and memories about Long Island together, my memories of growing up in Massapequa in particular.

They snowballed into something bigger until they became an article all their own. My thanks to Bill from for posting my article, Jackpot! You can read it here:

Thanks for reading!

-Dicky O.

Jun 09, 2015
A plea to the masses
by: JB

On Sunday evening my brother and I got into a little tiff over that stupid PT boat. Now I don't remember what color it was and I don't remember it's name but I swear that boat was tied up across the canal from the boat ramp at John Burns park. My brother says he remembers it being tied up on the canal by Biltmore Blvd. and Merrick Rd. When my sister in law backed up my brother the argument was over. You never argue with your sister in law if you know what's good for you. Was the boat moved from John Burns park to Bilttmore Blvd. before it finally disappeared? Any info including photos would go along way in healing this broken family. Thank you in advance for any help you might provide.

Editor's note: I remember the PT boat vividly. It was at the end of Crescent Cove Drive in what was at the time a crappy old marina called South Seas Yacht Club. We kept our boat there in the '70s and I'd see the PT boat all the time. It may have been located elsewhere around Massapequa, but it was definitely at South Seas for a time before it disappeared. -Bill Drago

Jun 09, 2015
by: Anonymous

Blessed....... to have the water, lots of room to roam and play, live in community devoid (for the most part) of crime and violence. To be able to roam around Massapequa as a boy to fish, calm, ride my bike. As I got older take a friend's boat to the beach and surf

To have lived in the cocoon of suburban American where the biggest deal growing up was which car your parents drove, getting one yourself and finally a date for the prom. The Fall Football games at MHS, the gym dances, and the ones at the Biltmore Beach Club. We had a blessed childhood in Massapequa and I am very grateful for it, and look back with fond memories.

Think of what we had compared to the horror going on the world today. I am humbled and grateful for what was given to me, and I am sure at the time I didn't appreciate it, I sure do now.

Jun 09, 2015
to Jill and Lois
by: paul alagna

Jill, I agree this site is wonderful. I guess for me as I am getting older these past memories become that much more sweet. I live Upstate now but will have to make a trip back this summer to scout around the old haunts. I was born in 1956 in late November so I was always the youngest in my class. I graduated HS when I was 17 so if my math is correct I was 6 in 1st grade in 1962. Is that possible, it seems a bit young? The photos you found were your own or did you research them,? I would love to get to see my class pictures. I went to Parkside for a year or 2 before moving and I remember a class end trip to Jones Beach pool. What neighborhood did you grow up in? I lived on Cleveland Ave. between Hicksville road and Central.Jill might you have known any kids my age ? To Lois when you get a chance please send some more stories. Its weird but any new piece of info seems to unlock more memories I can't seem to uncover on my own. I wish you all the best and keep typing I love the stories. Thanks

Jun 08, 2015
Raymond J Lockhart School
by: Jill

To Paul Alagna and Lois,

When were you in Mrs. Tsoukalas' class? I was in her class in the 1962-1963 school year (5th grade). She was a wonderful teacher.

I found class pictures from RJL for first grade, Miss McCaffrey, 2nd grade, Mrs. McDonald, and third grade, Mrs. Naar. There were about 30 students in each class. The girls were all dressed up and the boys had ties, some with jackets. We were all so young. Where have the years gone?

This is a great site. Although I now live in North Carolina, it is great to hear stories about Massapequa. What a place to grow up (1958-1976).

Jun 07, 2015
by: Mr T

Hi Mariann,

The pit was the hangout place, mini bikes, parties etc. You mention Whites, Mays, and Chock full of nuts, I loved there burgers.

Big Bow Wow, Dick & Dora's, Jolly Roger's, and of course Pizza at
Pizza Supreme in the Bar Harbor Shopping center......

Nystrom's Deli and Sam Cox's Candy Store, a small Barber Shop and many corner Bars. Gas was 25c a gallon, a loaf of Bread 19c, and a court of Milk 25c.

Cigarette's from a machine were 20c a pack. East Lake School, John P. McKenna Jr High and Berner High School.

Where does the time go, it is still a fond memory :-)

Jun 07, 2015
This thread hijacked my whole day!
by: Anonymous

This site is like 'working out' your brain, as if it was a targeted muscle at the gym. Love it! I got to Biltmore Shores when I was 2 in 58', lived in Fl for the last 25 years but back now! And rumbling around here on this thread let me ride my bike through the Bar Harbour tunnel one more time, race my slot car at 'Checkered Flag' once again(across from Roslyn Bank today), grab an All American burger(which can actually really still be done today!)and Little Drummer Boy burgers(where Guiseppi's is now). ....
I can see where the Alhambra Beach snack Shack used to sit, where the red licorice 'Shoelaces' were a favorite. Squaw Island!....,The Amity Cut,....Krishes,....A+P, Bohacks The Shubert's Boat and the 'Sonny'....Arthur's,...Ziggy's,... Gus's+ Alhambra Marines,..Jolly Roger's, Nunley's Happyland Bumper Cars,..on and ON!
Thanks for stirring the memories, it was a magical time to be a kid here, 'back in the day!'

Jun 03, 2015
ooo, big typo
by: philip r gardner

i realized i have a typo in janis joplin's first name in my previous blog, had to make good on that, wouldn't want to disrespect someone that meant so much to all of us. and, i guess it's because i was teacher not too long ago and i hate typos. btw, this is a wonderful site and i was taken on a journey of some wonderful memories reading some of the blogs. that was 47 years ago or another way i like to look at it is 17,155 days ago. that's how i count my birthdays too, by days. i hope some of you still get out a bit and come to see my band and if some of you still perform, hope you join in singing or playing some of the great tunes we grew up with. my band performs, of course, classic rock, r&b, motown, 60s & 70s soul, blues & some reggae. hey, the party ain't over yet...oh, and we knew how to party. cya

Jun 03, 2015
massapequa boy from amityville
by: philip r gardner

i hung out in massapequa but lived on old sunrise hwy, amityville. i had a popular band called sand, in '69. the members were, of course, myself, ed di'donato, richie "worm" azzerello, and fred bross. we won 2nd place in the battle of bands at marjorie post. i guess i kind of stood out in the crowd, being what i remember, one of the only black people to hang around marjorie post, park lane, the "pit", chock full of nuts on sunrise hwy/unqua rd. i'm still in the music business locally. my band is called the rhythm kings. check it out and come out to some gigs. my massapequa was a wonderful place to grow up. a lot of massapequa folks eventually made their way over to amityville and got that experience too. things were so different then, although i had to deal with some of the prejudice schtuff but i survived. i recently retired from teaching school for 31 years and now moving on to the next chapter in my life. it's been wonderful! one of my favorite clothing stores was the STOP SIGN, across the street from the bar harbor shopping center. wish i could remember the owners name. he was cool as they come. one of my favorite people i met as a kid was a teacher from massapequa high, mr o'neill, that taught summer one year when i had to attend. he was very "HIP". don't know if anyone remembers the little hot dog stand that was on the right side of sunrise hwy, heading east under the trestle. it was called gene's hotdogs. that was mr grimaldi, the owner of the massapequa zoo. anyway, came across this site thru a friend, glad she sent it over. kids today don't have a clue how to have fun. i can remember, in the summer, heading to whites, mays, marjorie post, bow wow, john j. burns, etc..., stay out all day, walk from one end of massapequa to the other, go home for dinner around 5:00, get cleaned up, change clothes and head back out and meet up with the gang again till it was time to head in for the evening. there was always something cool to do. we, for sure, didn't sit around and get obese. btw, some of you might remember i could sing janice joplin, piece of my heart, back then and dear mr fantasy by traffic. i still sing and always will...

Jun 02, 2015
Back in the Saddle Again
by: Steve Kelemen

Living in Virginia. Last night Rick one of my co-workers ask me we're you from, Massapequa Park that NY dialect doesn't go away. He was from Wantaugh man that started a conversation - both 56 and moved away when we were 19. The Good Rats, Oak Beach Inn's etc. Used to work at the Sunoco on Sunrise and Park Blvd 75 thru 77 always new where a party was everyone stop there for gas. Life was great back then you'll never see those times again. Hanging out in the park at the PP's occasionally being chased out by the cops. Used to play alot of Foosball at Soloman Grundys and the Wooden Nickel, Joey Dee's, the Witches Brew and Pastime Pub in Amityville. I wouldn't have wanted to grow up anywhere else Long Island was one big playground.

Jun 02, 2015
Mr. T
by: Mariann

I remember Park Lane Boys and the Bangers from Farmingdale. I too grew up in Mass Park what great days. Friday nights at Post Park ice skating or battle of the bands. Whites, Mays and Chock full of nuts. Loved walking to the Town great stores kind of remember an Indian Store there. Hung at the pit before the mall and played handball behind inter county shopping center. Shopped at Bar Harbor think it was Gimbles. Boy I'm old! I remember the four H Club and going to Hawthorne summer rec.

Jun 01, 2015
My Heart's in Massapequa
by: Mary

I, too, graduated Berner in 1975. I have lived in Massapequa almost my whole life, except for five years that I lived in an apartment when I was first married. I ended up buying my in-law's house in the Park, and I'm still here today, 31 years later and loving it. This is a great town in which to grow up, and to raise your kids. I work in this town as well, and couldn't be more proud of that. Although it's a large town, when someone needs support, the people of Massapequa are there in full force, and I have been the recipient of that love and support. I am still close friends with the 20+ kids (now adults) I grew up with in the close radius of my block. I can't think of a better town in which to live, work and stay connected.

Jun 01, 2015
MHS Graduate 1969
by: Curt Brackett

I too grew up in Massapequa. The only reason left was that my wife had some health issues and we both had to work to make it. Jones Beach, All American, Carvel, lakes to fish at, Croons lake with BF Billy Massi as kids.

Had Mr.Baldwin (Alex's Dad) in MHS for Soc. Studies. Al Bevilaqua in Unqua School who an episode of Seinfeld mentioned "Jerry Race's." Teen years working and drinking at Maddens, Pizza @ Musicaros across on Broadway with Joe Marzano, Paul Hersch, Jeff Sabol, Eddie and Dickie Smith, Al Kornblatt.

Then later hanging with Stan The Man Wittman at Massapequa Billiards, and 300 Bowl. You could hop on the LIRR to Bronx and see the greatest baseball team the NY Yankees, then eat the best food of your choice in NY.

Also growing up on the back of Deli or neon signs you would see Kal Seinfeld Signs, Jerry's dad. If I could have afforded to stay I would never had left, sorry Al K. and Stan W. However different Ga. has provided a way for our son and extended family the same financial relief. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Jun 01, 2015
Solomon Grundys
by: JB

Billy Fox. My name is Jim B.I also worked as a bartender at Grundys. Kenny T. was the manager at the time. I was there for about three years. Remember big Dave? I think the reason I lost my hearing is because I worked the back station near the band. Had a lot of fun though. I met my ex wife there.The Branding Iron was a great place. Remember we used to try and get out of Grundys as fast as we could so we could close the place.

May 29, 2015
Burger time
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember burger time? It was on sunrise highway before they built the mall . Right before south oaks .

May 28, 2015
Good old Days
by: Mr T

Does anyone remember Park Lane.....I grew up hanging around the Park Lane Candy Store and 7/11. Hug out in the woods that is now the Sunrise Mall......had great times and memories . . . .let me know if you were a Park Lane Boy or Girl.

May 28, 2015
JB...I used to be a bar tender at Solomun Grundies Frigate
by: Billy Fox your comments and yes, takes me back a ways.
Would love to hear your thoughts about the Frigate...I had some great times at that place. I worked there from when they opened until 75'.
Paul, the owner, was nice enough to give me a job picking up empty mugs...when I got out of the service in 72'and over time I got promoted to bar tender.
Also then worked at Branding Iron in Wantaugh.
Gaduated from Berner in 67' and always thought I would make Massapequa my home. But eventually moved to Virginia and then on to Ft Lauderdale Fl.
I really enjoy reading these comments from everyone.
Thanks all....

May 28, 2015
by: JIM B

Remember Farrells in the mall I loved that place they were the sponsor for my little league team The Larks in the late 70's Every time we win we would get free ice cream I think we only lost 1 game.I remember playing my little league games at Brady Park first place I ever played that had a dugout and a scoreboard made me feel like a pro Baseball player.Hit one over the fence there ball rolled into the lake tried to find it after the game never found it got a free ice cream instead I call it even.Still ride by the old park with my kids now bore them with tales of my greatness at Brady Park and the ice cream from Farrells.

May 25, 2015
Sunrise Highway
by: JB

The big Bow Wow was vacant for quite some time before it became the Mays garden center. It is now a parking lot. The Hess gas station stood next store to the Bar Harbor motel. It is now a fast food hamburger joint. After that the bank then Firestone. Remember the pool hall on Sunrise Highway and Manhattan Avenue next to Kydds marine and Gulf station. We used to drive Mickey the owner crazy for change to get a Orange Crush out of his soda machine. By the way, the original bank building that stood next to Hess was donated and moved to Brady Park and turned into a senior center early in the 70's. My next post will cover Solomon Grundy's Frigate.

May 16, 2015
Big bow woe
by: Anonymous

So Hess is gone too? I guess I have been away longer than I thought. I worked at the Hess , mays, Howard Johnson , food fair ans the esso gas station .and all American

May 16, 2015
Big Bow Wow Location
by: Linda

Hello all! So wonderful to read your blogs as they pop up. I found this sight in 2013 when I retired from teaching after 36 years in the Massapequa School District. I was born and bred here and still own a home here. The Big Bow Wow was on the corner of Unqua Rd.(west side of light). It is now a tire store. The miniature golf was located behind it.What fun we had there! It was there way before All American. Hess station is gone. They put a checker restaurant there, but it failed to catch on as Fridays is next to it. Massapequa is changing like the rest of the country. If you grew up here in the 50's,60's,'70's, consider yourself blessed. At least we have our memories to hold on to because I can not believe how fast this town is changing in a negative way.

May 16, 2015
Hess Station
by: Anonymous

Are we talking about the Hess Station on Sunrise Hwy in Massapequa Park? That is no longer there either! I worked there as a kid.

May 16, 2015
Big Bow Wow - Hess Station
by: Junction Jo

Thanks for the information. I will try to check it out when I'm in NY this summer.

May 16, 2015
Big Bow Wow
by: Anonymous

If memory serves... and it has been, damn, over 50 years. The Big Bow Wow was near the Drive In on Sunrise Highway. I don't believe it was too far from that wonderful picture of the mother walking her child to the Massapequa Zoo(that was my era, goes fast seems like yesterday). Next to the Big Bow Wow, again it has been 50 years, was the miniature golf.

The Big Bow Wow had a wonderful grill and served hamburgers and hot dogs. There was a big barrel that dispensed root beer. Finally I remember a jukebox, and listening to the Everly Brothers Cathy's Clown, and Del Shannon's I Ran All The way Home

May 16, 2015
Big bow wow
by: Anonymous

There is a Hess gas station where the big bow wow was.

May 15, 2015
Lois, greetings
by: Anonymous

Lois,your message stopped me in my tracks, and to be fully honest caused a lump in my throat. Thank you so much for responding. Sometimes I feel like my memories of Massapequa are mythical. Faces and names and events blurred by time all of a sudden became clearer when I read your note. I can almost remember names..a boy named Hall, Michael Grogan, a Barbara,...and if my memory allows did you wear glasses? Do you by chance have any class photos? At one time I think I had some of our pictures. As I am typing this my son and wife are discussing important jobs in our culture and I have heard teacher more than once and I could not agree more. It was our teachers that lead me to this site and to learn that you are a teacher is no coincidence. Like Mrs Selvin [whose name I have been searching for] I am sure you have touched so many lives and enriched so many students. My son is a History major in his sophomore year of college. Do you by chance know what happened with Mrs.Selvin? She was so kind to me without being insincere. Did you stay in touch with any of our RJL classmates? I would love to hear any news at all. Thank you again and be well and enjoy your well deserved retirement. Cheers, Paul

May 15, 2015
Miniature Golf
by: Junction Jo

To Anonymous, congratulations--well said. Although in all honesty I haven't been back there in years. Don't even know where the miniature golf course and The Big Bow Wow were, other than on Sunrise Highway somewhere. Can anyone tell me what is there now, so I can find it?

May 15, 2015
Minature Golf
by: Anonymous

In an age of sophisticated video games, and kids with cell phones in their faces seemingly 24 / 7 it would be hard to explain simple pleasures like your dad's Miniature Golf.

The Big Bow Wow, and Miniature Golf was a real treat when I was a kid. Simple pleasures for a simpler time. And for the curmudgeons who use this site to complain how Massapequa stinks... I don't get it. You are privileged to be able to live there, you have the water, beautiful homes, and abundant opportunities for recreation and family fun. The people in Nepal have reason to complain, or about thanking God you don't live there, and appreciate what you have.... and throw in a prayer while you are at it for them.

May 15, 2015
Miniature Golf
by: Junction Jo

To Anonymous, sorry you never redeemed your free golf game. Unfortunately, both the miniature golf course and my father long gone. I have many fond memories of that golf course. On the last hole you had to hit your ball uphill over a little bridge (with water below). Then onto the green. When the ball dropped into the hole, you couldn't retrieve it yourself; it dropped into a bucket below. That kept people from running around and playing a second game for free.

May 14, 2015
Paul Alagna
by: Anonymous

Paul ! We were in the same class at RJL ! I'm Lois - we had Mrs Crouch & Mrs Tsoukolos & Mrs Selvin - RJL was great - I ended up teaching History at Massapequa HS for 34 years and just retired to Florida. What great fun to read these stories .

Apr 29, 2015
Minature Golf
by: Anonymous

Your dad owes me a free game, I sunk a hole in one on the last hole in 1963 and forgot to ask for free game!

Apr 29, 2015
by: Junction Jo

To anonymous--do you remember where the miniature golf tournament was held? My dad owned a miniature golf course in Massapequa.

Apr 29, 2015
miniature golf tournament
by: Anonymous

I came in second to marty piccinini in 1962.

Apr 29, 2015
miniature golf
by: Anonymous

I came in second in the miniature golf tourny in 1962. Lost to marty piccinini.

Apr 24, 2015
Not getting any better
by: Anonymous

Way too crowded with aggressive drivers that pay no attention to traffic laws.people are selfish,inconsiderate and rude.thank god I will be leaving soon.

Apr 21, 2015
Missing Massapequa
by: Anonymous

I stumbled onto this site and after reading the whole thing I don't remember what I was originally looking for. I went to Birch Lane, Ames and MHS. Graduated in 84 joind the Army and ended up in California. My parents still live in the house I grew up in on Biltmore Blvd. My Dad worked in Brooklyn and I always felt so lucky to live where I did after spending the day at work with him. I have great childhood memories of boating in the bay, hanging out at the Biltmore Beach Club and "The Boat Docks", fishing, clamming, Tobay and Jones Beach. Playing hockey on Caroons lake and actually riding my bike across a frozen solid Great South Bay in the 70's. I had great times working at Krisches, Dees Pizza and The Boat Store. I still make sure I stop at All American every time I get back. I miss Dick and Doras, riding the bus to the mall with friends and hanging out at Foxes and the Evening Post. Sure things have changed but people say the same things about the crowds and expense of living in southern CA. Joe D. I think I know who you are and if so say hi to Michelle.

Apr 16, 2015
born and raised
by: cindy s.

I was born and raised on long island..lived on Hicksville road for over 18 years.Thanks for the memories.Its great you did this.I miss new York too.But the weather and taxes keep me from moving back.I hope to visit soon.Keep it up!!!!memories are more precious than gold.

Mar 31, 2015
by: Paul Alagna

Jill, Do any of the family names I mentioned ring a bell? Hicksville Road may as well have been the Rockies, there was no crossing it. The name Binder rings a bell I may have had her for a year at RJL. I believe she was somewhat older. I did have Mrs. Crouch which was an issue because her husband was the principal but that really only gave her more street cred. She was very nice.I believe there was a yearbook or at least I have vague memories of photos of some of the teachers. I will scour my attic for old stuff. I wish some one in the school would do a little research into yearbooks, teachers etc.class pictures... there must be an archive. I live in upstate NY now but go down to the island on rare occasion. If I get a chance I will try to visit RJL and Parkside during a school day to see if I can pry loose some facts and photos.
Its funny I work in a hospital near Lake George and when I see that patients are from the Island or Brooklyn I mention old haunts from my past like bakeries or restaurants and they light up. Kwong Ming Chinese restaurant is a big one, Ebingers Bakery a huge one one for many Brooklynites, All American etc.. Many people think that because I work here I am from here and they think we all grow hay[ I wish I did]. Folks from the city when asked where they are from raise their voice a bit and say New York City { I wonder if they think I am a deaf hay farmer]. When I say where, they say in a louder voice Manhattan...its a great dance.
I check this site daily since I found it this past winter. I love it, the memories.etc. So please everyone keep the stories coming.

Mar 28, 2015
Career Change
by: Jill

This is to Deborah C. who used to live on Cleveland Avenue, between Seaford Avenue and Forest Avenue. You stated you had a mid-life crisis, changed careers from being an insurance executive and became a teacher. Mrs. Tsoukalas, 5th grade RJL teacher, was your inspiration.

I see that you were named Teacher of the Week at the middle school in Wilmington, NC.

Congratulations on becoming a teacher and inspiring others.

Mar 28, 2015
Mrs Young Birch Lane Principal
by: mike edison

A word about Miss Young, my grammar school principal, and childhood perceptions: I was scared of this giant of a woman. I spent a good amount of time in her office for trouble making. Years later when I was in college (still causing trouble mind you), I went to my grammar school to visit. There was this beautiful woman there; Miss Young was a striking woman… (who knew) and nice as hell. She loved kids. In fact she got on the phone, called a classroom and had some first grade boy sent to her office. He climbed onto her lap (he had some kind of problem, not sure what, but it was known to Miss Young). You could see the love in her eyes as she gently scolded him. She was FAR from the ogre I imagined as a kid.

Mar 28, 2015
RJL Teachers
by: Jill

Mrs. Tsoukalas instilled a love for learning. I had her for fifth grade. She was so kind and always stressed the love of reading. I always remember Mrs. Tsoukalas saying that if you can read, you can do anything.

This is to Paul Alagna - another teacher at RJL was Mrs. Binder. She was scary and I was so thankful I didn't get her as a teacher. Yes, Paul, you would have gone to Berner because you lived on the other side of Hicksville Road.

My friends all lived on the other side of Broadway. I was devastated that I was the only one going to Massapequa High while they all went to Berner. Although I had friends at Massapequa H.S., I participated in a lot of activities with my friends at Berner - including go to the Berner proms in my junior and senior years.

This is a wonderful site. Massapequa was a fantastic place to grow up. Keep the stories coming.

Mar 26, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi Jill, I lived on Cleveland Ave. between Central and Hicksville. Back then I wasn't allowed to cross Hicksville Rd. until I got older. I had a friend on Chicago but again on the other side of Hicksville . Their names were Eric and I believe his sister was Karen Likefoot [sp]. They both were very tall as I remember it. The teachers I remember are Mrs.Crouch, Miss Dowling, and Mrs. Seligman. Its Mrs Seligman that I may have wrong, She was short with dark brown hair. She is the teacher I would love to get in touch with.

I went to Parkside junior High for a year or 2 then moved away. I believe I would have attended Berner if I stayed on.

On my block there were the Reades;Tommy, Kathleen, Colleen, and other sibs, there were the Schiappas;Dean and other siblings, there was a guy my age Tommy Slater, in a house next to mine was Jimmy and Loretta whose last name I can't recall[ maybe Gorman], but Loretta was my babysitter for years, there was also a Dorothy who had a sister name escapes me and another girl named Peggy who once jumped out of her window for some unexplainable reason and broke her leg. Anyone ring a bell? Let me know. Be well and stay in touch, thanks Paul.

Mar 25, 2015
Teachers at Raymond J. Lockhart
by: Jill

This is in response to Paul Alagna's comments. I had Mrs. Tsoukalas for a fifth grade teacher at RJL. I am surprised you forgot how to spell her name. Remember, if you didn't know how to spell her name, she would deduct points from your next test. Some other teachers were Miss McCaffrey, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Naar, Miss Carol DeBrita (she still lives in the same house on Chicago Avenue).

Where did you live on Cleveland Avenue? I lived on Chicago Avenue between Seaford Avenue & Forest Avenue.

Someone mentioned the bars they used to go to - remember PJ's in Farmingale? How about the 1890's in Baldwin or the Rusty Nail in Wantagh? They were great places with great bands.

Oh, to be that young again and have that much fun. This is a great site. Love hearing about the old places.

Mar 22, 2015
by: JunctionJo

Lot's of you mention The Big Bow Wow, Dick and Dora's, Mays Department Store, Howard Johnson's. I remember all of them, but doesn't anyone remember the miniature golf course next to The Big Bow Wow? My dad operated it for about 14 years. I have many fond memories--would love photos.

Mar 20, 2015
Nassau Shores 76-80
by: Tony Cecere

Turkey Bowl at the golf course with Baldwin Bros, Joe Davis, Paul Meyer on Fire, Boss Bros, and a cast of others. Tiger and his salt gun, and sliding on the greens. Tony's deli had the best potato salad. Julie Nelson at TOBAY beach party, and D. Clune at pools at M. Post park. Playing football for Berner with the Reef. I can go on and on, as so many good times with the rat pack Don Weeks, Dan Quinn, Rob Mcarthy, Beef, Fitz. and our endless summers at the beach!

Mar 09, 2015
by: Evelyn

Thank you Paul for your great comments about the picture. It is a perfect picture that captures that time. My sister came across the picture and sent it to me. I don't know who the people are in the picture or who took it. I hope that there will be more pictures like that to come.

Mar 09, 2015
by: Paul Alagna

Well, someone needs to say it, that's a great photo. A moment in time, frozen but fluid. It's summer, Mom and her son off to the zoo. All well dressed, fit and trim, holding hands. Dad's either parking the car or at work. A snapshot of the American dream, of Massapequa. More photos please.

Mar 02, 2015
There's room for more pictures!
by: Bill Drago

I have room on this page for three more pictures. If you have an old picture that you think others would like to see, please contact me using the Contact Us form available on the main menu.

Mar 01, 2015
Massapeua Zoo
by: Anonymous

The Zoo was originally owned by Frank "Bring Em back Alive" Buck. HE opened the Zoo in the 30's and sold it in the 1950's. Massapequa has a lot of history that might surprise you.

The Massapequa Patch has a brief history on line. Here is a link (opens in new window):

Massapequa's History: Answering Your Questions

Mar 01, 2015
Re the women who went out teh window
by: Anonymous

I am sorry I dont know her name.

Mar 01, 2015
by: Cindy

cindy from Massapequa - Nassau rd 1960s here again. wasn't there a gorilla or monkey in a cage outside of Mays? I seem to remember one sad animal like that -

Feb 28, 2015
Massapequa Zoo
by: Evelyn

I have a great picture of the entrance to the Massapequa Zoo.
It would look great on this comment blog. How do I get it on there .

Feb 25, 2015
The Massapequa Zoo Monkeys
by: Anonymous

Lived in Merrick - Used to be taken to the Massapequa Zoo for an occasional treat - was fascinated by monkeys in the Florida Pink hill with all the holes in it which monkeys went into and came out of - surrounded by the wall I could just about see them over . I wonder if anyone else out there remembers the zoo . I missed it when they took it away.

Feb 25, 2015
Thank You
by: Paul Alagna

Thanks for responding, I did not know the Crouches lived on Cleveland Ave. as well. I am sure your old teacher knows how you feel. What a great thing to do, reinvent yourself and become a teacher. I can't think of too many more important or powerful jobs. The teachers at RJL were very kind and caring of me. While we live in the present our past has some much sway over us. My time in Massapequa has for a long time felt bitter sweet but so many of these posting wash away any bitterness and I am reminded of many carefree days. There seems to be a repeating theme in many of these posts, youthful innocence, teenage exuberance and finally a maturity that wants to hold on to those early unencumbered days. To the originator of this site a big thank you for giving so many of us this place to remember our pasts. Magic is all around us and certainly you have created a place where that alchemy exists.

Feb 24, 2015
To Three Streams
by: Anonymous

Was the last name of the girl who walked out the window Walsh?

Feb 24, 2015
for paul alagna
by: Anonymous

Mrs. Mildred Crouch also lived on Cleveland Avenue with her husband, and then principal of RJL, Allan Crouch. Sadly, both passed many years ago. Miss Torquto (sp) was a teacher who was at all their parties and took many kids under her wing. I especially remember a teacher named Mrs. Tchoukalas (sp?) who made a huge impression on me. After 25 successful years in the business world, I left to become a middle school teacher. I credit her with instilling the desire to work with kids. I only wish I could say thank you.

Feb 24, 2015
To 3 Streams
by: Anonymous

I did drugs in the 60's, I am a tad older than you and it was very hush hush then. You didn't talk about it outside your circle. I have since found out my class of 67 MHS had quite a few stoners. Me and my friends at the time thought we were the only ones.

One day we went to visit the older brother of one of my friends who as a hippie living in the East Village. We dropped acid and this girl in the group, that we really didn't know, got up...walked across the room , and jumped out the window 6 stories to her death... just like that. It is amazing with being young and stupid, the Viet. War which a lot of guys I knew wound up fighting in and drugs we all seemed to made it out alive ..

Feb 23, 2015
Hi-Times in Massapequa
by: ThreeStreams

J. Smith, "This town has a really bad drug problem. When I think back to high school we all played around with drugs. Yes my friend Mario died of an overdose,"

I grew up in North Mass on the border of three school districts, graduated from Alfred G in '72.

Began smoking weed a few weeks before Americans landed on our moon. I had a part time job after school earning enough cash to purchase any of the drugs I wanted. If my school didnt not have what I was looking for, I could always count on a Plainedger or Farmingdaler to come through.

In eleventh grade I sat next to Jonathan M. in Mr. D'Andrea's business class. Almost every morning a clean cut looking Jonathon would pop open a Darvon, remove the little yellow ball inside and wolf it down. By the end of class his eyes were "stoned."

If we felt like toking a lil hashish before class it was available two blocks from the school. Best was getting high at Zappa's Creek on a cold day and experiencing the rush walking into a warm hallway.

A kid in my senior class, Joe S., was a bit of a wise guy but not a bad kid. He went for a walk on Sunrise Highway after downing a few Seconals. Sad that someone so young should die.

A few members of a family of twelve up the street from me, headed by a Irish-Catholic background city cop, were busted for heroin in '71. They were arrested behind a medical center on our corner. These guys were just barely adults.

I messed with a lot of drugs back then, however any that had the word 'addiction' attached to them I avoided. Drugs were fun, but they had their time and place. There were other ways of having fun back then not requiring I be high to enjoy them.

Massapequa kids and the surrounding school districts had a drug problem back then. Fortunately most all the people I hung with have lived decent lives and raised good kids.

Feb 23, 2015
History of houses and land on East Lake Avenue
by: Anonymous

This is a great site ...I grew up here and just purchased a home on Eastlake Avenue .. North of Pennsylvania
I am trying to find out the history of the area.
This area was known as Hollywood gardens ... The lots are twice the size of most in the Park .

If anyone remembers or knows the history .. Please post.
We still love it here ... Even with the crowds .. No place I would rather be.😊

Feb 23, 2015
A Terrific Place To Grow Up!
by: Greg P

It was so great to read these entries. My family moved to Massapequa Park, from Brooklyn in 1954. A small cape on VonHuenfield St. between Park and Rosevelt. A few blocks north was the 4H club on the grounds of the then closed airport. Hawthorn school was being built so I had to take a bus all the way to Amityville to attend kindergarten. I spend grades 1-6 in Hawthorn, 7&8 at Mckenna and Graduated Berner in 67. I remember actually taking a one day field trip in 6th grade to washington DC. We took the train into the city and then the train to DC. As a kid I also remember the Massapequa Zoo and my favorite ride, the helicopters, with the bar that you pushed forward or pulled back depending on if you wanted to go up or down. I think at that time they were called whirly birds. Spent a lot of summer riding bikes with my friends, especially along the stream through the woods between Linden Blvd and the town park down by the tracks. High School was great. Just like everyone else plenty of ups and downs, but for the most part a lot of fun. A couple of my friends had boats and we would take our dates across the bay to spend the day at Gilgo or Tobay. Spent a lot of time after school at the Nautulis Diner just down the road from Berner across from the canal. Sometimes an after school date or just a bunch of us guys having soda and fries. Cutting out of school early so we would get a good spot at All American was tops my senior year. What seems almost unbelievable today was sitting on a bar stool with other 16 and 17 year olds and being served beer with no questions asked. I don't remember the name but it was someplace in Farmingdale. I remember being caught with cigarettes by a teacher in the hallway and being sent to the attendance office where my smokes were taken away and getting 2 wacks with the infamous paddle by one of the coaches. The choice was a call home or the paddle. I had two jobs when I turned 16. I worked at Krisches in Massapequa with a few of my friends and also worked at field 4 at Jones Beach as a busboy. That was the best. Everyday was a beach day after work. I would hang out there for hours before and after. I went to college in upstate NY in 67 and looked forward to getting back during breaks.I stayed up there permanently in 70 until I graduated. I have been in Connecticut for the past 43 years and rarely get back to Massapequa Park. I no longer have any family or friends there, but I am still in touch with a quite a few people I graduated with who are spread out throughout the country. I wouldn't trade where I grew up for any other place or any other time. Sitting at the counter at Fays and having a nickel coke and buying a 5 cent candy bar for the walk home was the best, and as I got older nothing beat the potato salad at the German Deli next door. Thanks for the opportunity to go back in time, a great website and and big hello to all my fellow classmates.

Feb 23, 2015
The Mansion
by: Anonymous

If memory serves that was the last of Jones's, the folks who once owned what is now Jones Beach. At one point that family owned a good deal of Long Island being given it from a Grant for the King Of England. Did you know that there a was a airport in Massapequa. It is featured in the musical Babes in Arms. Also here is some other trivia.... Anne Oakley. look it up if you doubt me, lived in Massapequa.

In the early 20th Century the Vanderbilt Races (auto) were held in Massapequa

I left Massapequa in 1969 so were probably are in the same generation

Feb 22, 2015
All you need is Love
by: J. Smith

Love this site
I left Massapequa in 1971. But, like the rest of you have very strong memories. Does anyone remember the Monkey Hill over where TJMAX is? My husband's mother died 2 years ago. She lived on Park Blvd for 64 years. WOW! There were 3 houses and the water tower. Then the houses started to come in. If you look at Massapequa today it really doesn't look any different. Homes are all well cared for. Kids are graduating from High School and going to College. That is if they make it. This town has a really bad drug problem. When I think back to high school we all played around with drugs. Yes my friend Mario died of an overdose, but that was one person. It's not like that now. Call the funeral homes. It is heart breaking.
Is it because both parents are working, 40-50 hours a week, plus travel? I was lucky I did not have to work while raising my son. I gave myself to him for his mental stability, like my Mom did for me. So remember a community that was young and building memories
for us. Men that worked 60 hour weeks and Moms that took us to Tobay for those horrible sunburns lol. I love Massapequa and want All American to be open another 50 years. Does anyone remember the Mansion where Marjorie Post Park is? All of us Baby Boomers had it made? Lucky us

Feb 17, 2015
Do you remember
by: marcia Juarez

Does anyone remember Moms Candy Store they had the best food, but most of all the most delicious potato salad, my wonderful dad brought me and my siblings there all the time.I wish with all my soul I could live back in those days again those where the best days of my life

Feb 03, 2015
green harbor beach club
by: Anonymous

our family lived in massapequa from 1956 until 1982. there was no place better than growing up in harbor green with the canals and the beach clubs. summers were spent riding bikes to all american and carvel, down to the beach clubs, or chasing the good humor or misty softee guy around the neighborhood. on any night there was a game of ring-a-levio (sp) going on, or kickball, or watching the boys play under the lights basketball. younger kids went in when the street lights came on and the older kids would just hang out in the streets, no trouble. we all had friends from other neighborhoods in town, nassau shores, biltmore shores, bar harbor, parkside, ocean avenue etc. it was a great town. schools were great, teachers were respected, and you took much pride in you schools back then. we always went the the mhs saturday football games and varsity basketball night games. the massapequa high vs. berner high was the must see game of the year. also, we all walked to school everday, across the big parking lot at bar harbor, stopping at lords bakery for black and white cookies or buttered rolls. then of course at lunch, over to pizza supreme, the snack bar, la crepe or the deli for lunch. after turning l8, it was on to the evening post or arthurs or any one of the other fun little bars in the area. it was a great town with so much to do in the summer, beautiful fall days when the streets in harbor green (cedar shore drive, bay drive and bayview avenue looked old and charming, and the winters were not too bad, few days of snow for skitching behind a car down cedar shore. it was a safe town where the police were more interested in making sure everyone got home ok, not looking to get anyone in trouble. i am thankful everyday we had the chance to grow up in such a great town, with great neighbors and true hometown feeling.

Jan 28, 2015
RE Billy Fox
by: Anonymmous

We grew up at the same time, and other than Little League did the same things. I played endless football under the lights of the Bar Harbor Shopping Center on Friday and sometimes Saturday nights as well. I thought surfing was my whole life in High School, we surfed at Garbage Cove. We'd drive across the glassy bay at 6 am to surf, heading over the dunes to see if the surf was up. With luck and with a mild North Wind causing the waves to curl we be in surf navarana.

We'd be the only ones there, build a fire from drift wood, warm up from the early morning chill and head back home before regular folks even thought of going to the beach

What a privileged life we had,spending the summer surfing and in the fall playing football, the winter the canal would freeze and we'd play hockey for hours.

No colors have ever seemed so bright, or the smells quite as pungent as those we experienced in our youth.

Thank you Billy Fox for evoking great memories of those days. I loved growing up in Massapequa,as I have said here a number of times. BTW I went surfing again a few times in my late fifties. By the time I got out to where the surf was breaking I could not imagine how I surfed for hours as a kid. Perhaps somethings are better left as memories.... Mike Edison

Jan 28, 2015
Cuddo's for this site!!!!
by: BillyFox

Wow reading all this takes me back. Memories go as far back a the Massapequa Zoo...Whites Dept store, playing soft ball in the May's parking lot at night because they had lights. Was from Massapequa Park, on Atlantic Blvd near East Lake School. Grew up with little it in my blood and played ball until I was 42. Was greatful Mike Cooney had to go on vacation so that I could be picked for all-star team and we eventually wound up winning Senior LL World Series.
Life moved from there to getting small boat, surfing at gilgo beach and hemlock cove hand hitch hiking to friends house in Nassau from the M. Park...down Unqua Rd at 6 in the morning to go surfing with Stanton, Drum and Tommy Mac and Cunningham. If anyone sees Colleen...tell her I said "hi"!
Graduated in 67' and amazing A.G. Berner came and went. So many great memories that it seems like I put into a trunk and closed the lid.
Now in Florida, retired, a little slower...a little over-weight, wonderful wife and family and still smilen'.
Great site who ever put this together.

Jan 15, 2015
The Pit, Zappaland, Lakeshore Woods,
by: Paul M

I cannot believe I just sat and read through this entire page!

I grew up on Westwood Road back in the '60s. We had the Pit, InterCounty, riding bikes to Lakeshore Woods and the reservoir, then when we got older down the old Sunrise Highway (only two lanes each direction) to Belmont Lake or Babylon's Argyle Lake to fish for monster carp! Miniature golf, working at Burger Time (on Sunrise near where the White Castle is now, it was owned by relatives of the folks that owned All American), delivering the Suffolk Sun morning paper, fishing for eels in the creek that ran through the Pit, learning how to cross over railroad tracks, walking everywhere (no one would even think of getting a ride from their parents). No one had backyard pools we went to the comnmunity pools at Marjorie Post when they were brand new or swimming at Alhambra or Florence Ave., or sometimes in Mary's Hole. Partying in Zappaland, Bayview House, Copaigue Hole (Tanner Park now), the JBH, the Daisy, shoot, what was the little bar in Amityville on Merrick Road, and the big place in East Massapequa on Merrick?. High school lunch at Lums, Sals, Harveys, late night breakfast at the Nautilus. Cutting classes and hijacking friends on boat rides between classes. Running a little skiff through the S cut heading to Tobay, keeping a rowboat at the end of Carmans Road creek for crabbing in the Cow Pastures.

I could go on and on.

Gannon's was an "old man's" bar when we were in high school, now we are the old men there drinking to memories of late buddies like Geoff, Gismo and Fangles but loving the friends we still have from good old Massapequa!

Jan 09, 2015
Missing Long Island
by: Anonymous

Toys R Us is still there. My brother and I worked there and so did another friend Linda Hickson. Do you remember when Roy Rogers was Arbys? Roy Rogers changed to Burger King and is now a Dairy Queen. I worked at Roy Rogers as well. I was the salad girl. My job was to keep the little salad bar stocked with cups, pickles, lettuce, etc. Not a vey exciting job for a kid, but it gave me spending money for Pequa Theater!

Jan 09, 2015
missing long island
by: Anonymous

I remember missing the last bus at sunrise mall having to walk all the way to the nearest train station massapequa park to get back home to Freeport boy I was so mad but l loved that walk along the sunrise highway that night seeing that lirr station so bright getting closer and then. New York train coming behind me yeah I missed that one but I caught the next is toy r us still there I worked there I remember collecting shopping carts and going home with pockets full of quarters Roy Rodgers roast beef sandwiches I live in tn now but I'll never forget. Long island the. N19 bus to Babylon fun times .missing my massapequa stop on the lirr then knowing the next stop is only seconds away at massapequa park and then finding out it was a express to copaige .lots of fun

Jan 06, 2015
I'm caught between Massapequa and Farmingdale!
by: Annie

Just commenting; I grew up in North Massapequa. Went to Farmingdale Schools; my bus stop was on Bay Ave. and Linden Plainedge kids were just 20 feet away at the same stop...different corner. AND, met my husband at Farmingdale HS at age 15...his house was on the border of Farmingdale Schools and Massapequa. I am...still living in Massapequa, but still Farmingdale School District and across the street from Massapequa Park! So, when I post things, I encompass ALL the surrounding areas, which I still love! And yes, am on both Farmingdale and Massapequa websites! All good memories.

Jan 04, 2015
Massapequa Park
by: K. Murphy

I'm Massapequa Park too! I am on Roosevelt catty corner to the Hawthorne/ Nassau County Police Academy field. Do you remember the siren there that would ring a different number of times depending if it was a fire, ambulance or police call? The people my parents bought the house from almost died when it went off before they went to closing! After a time we never heard it. The same way the people closer to the train do not hear that either.

Do you remember bohacs (I think!) on the other end of the street where Minute Man Press and the hardware stories now (Front and Park)? When Schwinn/Sunrise Cyclery was on Park before it move to Sunrise?

Jan 03, 2015
Massapequa Park
by: Anonymous

This is to Anonomous who posted on December 31.

Where did you live? Most of the people who post lived in Massapequa. It's nice to have someone from Masspequa Park. :-)

Jan 03, 2015
jerry lewis theatre
by: Anonymous

Jerry Lewis theatre was where Staples is now with waldbaums...I remember seeing Rocky I there for the first time. My friend Barbara Miller worked there as a ticket taker!

Jan 03, 2015
Fire on Broadway
by: Anonymous

Winks was the bar on Broadway that had the fire, and wasn't the movies where south gate shopping center is now , Jerry Lewis

Dec 31, 2014
Great site!!!
by: Anonymous

I just came across your great Massapequa memories blog, it is perfect for stirring long-ago memories! I moved to Massapequa Park in October, 1956. First supermarket I went to was "Dilbert's Big Ben" (in town, on Park Blvd.) where the manager let my father buy groceries on "credit", since he had just closed on the house and cash was tied up in the $12,000 investment. His next paycheck took care of it all. It was simply a handshake transaction with promise to pay a.s.a.p. The manager was Ed Edmunsen (spelling ?) who stayed at that location for many, many years, through the Dan's Supreme days. Sadly, I came across an obituary in Newsday on line several years ago - I was pretty sure it was for the same man. Remembering, also, a bus that went through Mass. Park to Bar Harbour. Oh, what a town it was to grow up in, those were the days! I love this page, thank you!!!

Dec 29, 2014
childhood memories
by: paul alagna

Greetings to all, I lived in Massapequa in the mid 50's to 60's moved from Brooklyn to Cleveland Ave as a child. Today was remembering RJ lockhart and tried to remember my 4th grade teachers name. The search lead me to this wonderful site. The places like Bohacks..the woods nearby..Dairy barn etc. all fond memories. Does anyone remember rjl teachers from the 60's..I had Mrs crouch, Ms.Dowling and the one teacher I cant get my recollection clear Mrs.Sellinger? 4th grade 1966.My Mom passed away and she was very kind to me. I called the school but they couldn't or wouldn't give out info..I moved to Rockville Centre when my Dad remarried and sadly lost touch with all my friends.I often wonder what became of Eric Likfoot sp?, Tommy Reid, Kevin Caufield, Karen Murphy, etc...Jackie Murphy . Post something if my ramblings make any sense.and to the person who commented that we would play until the street lights came on or my mom rang a bell...great stuff.

Dec 01, 2014
Movie Theater Where Staples Is
by: Mr Donut

For Anonymous - Harvest House….. The movie theater where Staples is was the "Jerry Lewis Cinemas!"

Loved going to the movies there!

Dec 01, 2014
Diner on North Broadway
by: Annie

Anyone remember the Midwell Diner...between Cedar and Maple Streets (Dairy Barn there now)...Geraldo Rivera's family owned it. Also, New Day Meat Center? The Candy Store on Pine Street back in the '50s and '60s ... IGA was where A & S Pork Store is now.

Dec 01, 2014
by: bill m

I remember Dilberts. I lived up the block and would walk there to shop with my mom when I was young. Later I would go with friends. Got my hair cut at Lukes barber shop. Then to Paila and Jim's luncheonette and got a root beer for a dime. there was a drug store on the end and a dry cleaner next to that. I think there was a five and dime next to Dilbert on the other end. In high school I would go to lunch at pizza supreme and get two slices and a coke for 50 cents!
I too went to the action house, to see a band called The Illision. Good memories...

Dec 01, 2014
Did you know
by: Anonymous

That Annie Oakley lived in Massapequa, even a street named after her.. go figure!

Nov 30, 2014
The Hassles
by: Anonymous

The Hassles were regulars at Ryan's (by Hofstra) also. I would stop on my way home from work. I worked split shifts at the phone company. I got free beers because I went on runs to White Castle/Micky D's for the workers. Good Times! Billy Joel was not much then, but I love his music now!

Nov 30, 2014
by: Anonymous

Moved to Massapequa Park 1955.
went to Hawthorne, Mckenna, Massapequa and Berner when it opened.
Worked at Dons hobby/bike store, later worked Massapequa Drive In and then Cook at Howard Johnsons.
Whites of Massapequa, Two Guys from Massapequa.
Remember The Locker Room on Merrick rd and ST4, Pied Piper, LBI,
CHINESE Restaurant on Sunrise in Seaford which we hung out to drink and eat. Mom sent me in College Newsday article on cats heads in garbage.

Nov 30, 2014
by: Betsy Knapp

When I went back, Fays became a florist to serve the funeral home that was once the woods. I was so upset. I did visit with Sam's son. We talked about when Sam and Tony were there. Dilberts became Crest before I moved. Anyone remember painting Halloween pictures on the merchants windowsill so they could be judged? I always got the barbershop. I wish I could be stuck in that time.

Nov 30, 2014
? for old timer
by: Cindy

what was the name of the tiny race car track in amityville village circa 1967?

Nov 30, 2014
Hey Old timer
by: Anonymous

If I read your questions right, (just woke up and even when I am fully awake ...oh never mind)...The Drive In was the famed Massapequa Drive In.

The Pizza place in Bar Harbor Shopping Center was Pizza Supreme which I believe still exists though somewhere else on Long Island. The record store in the Bar Harbor Shopping Center was Pequa Records ( I was standing in front of it at lunch time when I was in HS on Nov 22nd when I heard President Kennedy was shot ...when to MHS).

Got one for you now, across from a (damn I forgot the name, maybe the Snack Bar??? they sold hot dogs.. and probably other things all I ever ate there was a hot dog and coke, for 35 cents),in the Bar Harbor Shopping Center was...Mr Jules.

Mr Jules' son in law was Neil Diamond and he folded up shop and became his manager.

One last one (s) my Senior year my buddies and I would go to the Action House and one of the house bands was called The Hassles. They wore hip hugger bell bottoms and these big goofy looking belts. One of the members was Billy Joel. Another band The Vagrants had Leslie West. Finally there was The Barge in the Hampton that hosted The Young Rascals.... Grey with Some Gray Matter Still

Nov 21, 2014
fire in Massapequa
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the name of the bar on Broadway that burnt down in the 1980's?

Nov 21, 2014
by: JD

I was just there this past summer. I haven't lived on Long Island since 1984 but my Mom lives in the same house I grew up in in Massapequa near Block Blvd.

So different now- great new restaurants at Tobay, I wish they would have done that years ago.I had been back so many times over the years and even took my kids to see my HS and my elementary school, Unqua.

Anyway I had my fill of Carvel and great pizza when I was home this summerp

Always a special place- Go Chiefs!

Nov 21, 2014
by: JD

I was just there this past summer. I haven't lived on Long Island since 1984 but my Mom lives in the same house I grew up in in Massapequa near Block Blvd.

So different now- great new restaurants at Tobay, I wish they would have done that years ago.I had been back so many times over the years and even took my kids to see my HS and my elementary school, Unqua.

Anyway I had my fill of Carvel and great pizza when I was home this summerp

Always a special place- Go Chiefs!

Nov 21, 2014
Homers Chinese
by: Annie

I totally forgot about Homers! We used to go there ALL the time...

Nov 17, 2014
I remember it all
by: Keith Cornelius

I've loved this site! What a great and innocent thing to share with others your memories of the past. Maybe Massapequa isnt what it was....but my kids love hearing ALL the stories as I drive through my old neighborhood on Fairwaters Ave. My family decided to move out east when I was 13. I didnt want to leave! Unfortunatly, I really dont think that any one remembers me. I wish that I had contact with some ole pals. At least I still have the memories! And , man.....I remember it all!Bravo to this site!
Keith Cornelius

Nov 15, 2014
Frank M. Bar name
by: Tony S.

original name for that bar was Coaches Fore!

Nov 12, 2014
by: K. Murphy

I agree whole heartedly! Stop complaining! I have been here for over 40 years. I loved growing up here and I still love it! Things have changed, but everything has progressed no matter where you are. It is a great community filled with great people. I am known by many in the community through the activities I belong to and the service projects I participate in. Try having a better attitude and see how others treat you. I speak to everyone and everyone speaks to me. In 40 plus years I have never had an issue with any of my neighbors. You reap what you sow!

Nov 12, 2014
Stop Griping
by: Anonymous

You should thank your lucky stars you have a roof over your head, have enough to eat, and live in affluent suburb.

Millions in this world would gladly trade places with you, try looking up not down and you may be happier in the end.

Nov 12, 2014
Getting worse and worse
by: Anonymous

I totally agree with you not what you think about this place being a shithole I have been here almost twenty years and have a year and a half left thank god this town sucks with stressed out inconsiderate people who are constantly in a rush and drive like total assholes it is getting way too crowded and only getting worse welcome to queens

Nov 09, 2014
Harvest House
by: Anonymous

I worked at the Harvest House Coffee Shop from 1976-1978. What great times. Does anyone remember the name of the Chinese restaurant upstairs in the mall, it had a bar inside? How about the movie theaters where Staples are
Located now.

Nov 01, 2014
bar harbor
by: bill m

the original name of the chinese restraunt was long full then became homers later. i do remember the french restraunt but the name escapes me. i worked one summer at the food store which was Food Fair.

Oct 31, 2014
My Heart will always be in Massapequa
by: Cindy

I lived in Massapequa on Nassau Road with my parents and two older siblings from 1959 until my Dad relocated with Grumman in the summer of 1967!

I still call myself a new yorker even though Ive been in georgia all these years. I went to Unqua kindergarten and then St. Martins of Tours in Amityville. My siblings went to st.martins as well as my Dad. My sister graduated from Queen of the Rosary and my older brother went to Berner.

I remember Club 648 (with my parents of course) Dick and Dora's, Tony's deli where my brother would take me by sled during the blizzard of 1964. I remember Bar Harbour, Mays, Whites and the Mary O diner (actually Amityville sorry) which was owned by good friends of my parents jack and Mary O'neil.

I have never lost my NEW york long island accent (proud of it) and always wonder how different my life might have been had we stayed on Nassau Road.

It is amazing how many famous people are from this awesome town.

I hope I get to visit again one day!

Oct 29, 2014
“I have to see a thing a thousand times before I see it once.” ― Thomas Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again
by: Anonymous

You can never capture the times you lived in again. Frank and I lived in Massapequa in the 50's and 60's. When I moved there in 1955 there was a farm pretty much where the library is today. Imagine that!

Things were simpler then, kids were different because the times they grew up in were different. Our parents were the veterans of WW2, had gone through 10 years of the Depression before that. They couldn't believe their luck to be there and out of New York City.

We didn't come home from school to play dates, video games,have our own TVs etc. When we played ball after school no one had any kind of equipment be it for football or hockey. I live in Manhattan and I see kids in my neighborhood heading to the park to play hockey looking like they were on the Rangers. I think if you showed up on Croons Lake like that in my day you would have been laughed off the ice.

It was a different time, and looking through the haze of nostalgia it seemed wonderful. Every friend I have from Massapequa feels the same. Maybe it is because we are senior citizens and see it in a different light or maybe it was that good. It sure seems that way. I do know, we thought as teenagers " this place sucks" which is a common refrain I am sure you hear today. Mike

Oct 29, 2014
Not what you think!
by: Still here

Graduated from Berner 10 years after you. Moved to another state for a while and moved back to Massapequa 10 years ago after a 9 year absence due to a death in the family. Can't wait to get out of here! It's not what you remember. It's like living in Queens - turned into a real crap hole! Keep your memories, and whatever you do, don't come back. You'll be heartbroken!

Oct 20, 2014
Re: Frank M.
by: Ziggie's RB sandwiches

Hi, Frank. Thanks for the fun read. I'm a few yrs younger than you. I remember going to Sparky's for the first time by myself, without mom dragging me there. Found a folded five dollar bill as I was about to open his door.

Never told mom and spent most of it on baseballs cards at Charlie's Luncheonette, the c/o Jerusalem and Bdwy. Some kids used to harass the heck out of Charlie, don't know why, he always treated my group pretty well. Don't think there will ever again be a time when I can buy a fountain coke and a buttered roll (with real butter) for 30 cents. :)

As for dating expectations, we didnt need cars, that is what camping out in the backyard tent was for...or sneaking in a friend's cellar entrance while her parents were upstairs watching their 13" B&W Zenith or Motorola TV.

Oct 20, 2014
What a great trip
by: Anonymous

Read your piece on growing up in Massapequa Frank. I am a yr younger and have the same memories. Damn has it been 50 years? Seems like yesterday. I consider it a privilege to have been able to grow up there. I live in Manhattan and am not sure what Massapequa is like today...but... from the few times I have been there it seems it was less crowded. There were acres of open land near the water... you could go the bay and clam and eat them right out of the shell. Hell just swim in the Bay, not sure any of that is possible now.

Less traffic, things seemed clearer then ...right and wrong. I dont know if i I am making sense. Maybe cause I am getting close to being an old fart or I am just nostalgic for a bygone era. I hope you are right and it is good now as when we were young. Enjoyed what you wrote....Mike Edison

Oct 20, 2014
What a GREAT trip
by: Frank Miale

I stumbled across this site looking to find the name of the bar that became and still is the Corner Galley on Merrick Road. It came up in conversation a few days ago and has been banging around my skull since then with no success. If you remember, please let me know. In the meantime, I spent the last hour or so reading all the comments with great joy and fond memories.
I arrived in Massapequa from Brooklyn when I was 10 and consider it the place I really grew up. Graduated in 1966 from MHS played football and wrestled as a Chief. While in college, I was a lifeguard at Tobay and have about 400 pages of things I remember about Massapequa. I loved growing up there, playing little league at RJL and Parkside. Playing games as a Massapequa Mustang. Krisches, the library on Central Avenue, the railroad station, J&A outdoor sports shop where you could buy a brand new baseball, or a bat, or a glove, or a hockey stick and more. Of course, All American - was there just two days ago. I have been in Carmel, NY for the last 35 years but still visit regularly. No one in my family resides there anymore. My siblings are retired and living in Pennsylvania. My parents passed on within the last 7 years (I was very lucky to have them that long) The lived on Massachusetts Ave for over 50 years. We (they) had the same telephone number until my dad passed in 2009. Mom passed in 2007. It was one of the three exchanges: PY8; PY9; or LI1.
I remember BB gun fights in what we called Parkside Woods which ran along Parkside Bvld. Ice skating on the lake, or pond or puddle or whatever it was in the woods. Dates at the Pequa Movie theater and the walk home with great expectations than were never realized until the inroduction of a car into the dating equation. Surfing at Tobay, water skiing on the Great South Bay if you had a friend with a boat. Friends that went to other schools like Queen of the Rosary in Amityville or St Josephs in Brentwood. Massapequa Hospital for the stitches that occassionally had to be applied to stop the bleeing from some foolish attempt at bravado. Hearing the sound of the LIRR wheels clacking on a still summer night even though we lived almost a mile away from the tracks. Meeting my first friend Richie when we moved to Massapequa and still having him as my best friend almost 55 years later. Hanging out at the "pipe" swith the GROUP for our first beers. Names like O'Malley Noble, Donnelly, Davey, Powers, Grey, Markioli, Bartolotta, Steigerwald,. Dorsey being part of conversation all through High School. Knowing people like Luba, Bevilaqua, Weinhauer, Cantin, as coaches that laid much of the foundation for later life. Coming back to Massapequa after College and being a substitute teacher at MHS and getting to know people that were my teachers only four years before and sitting in the faculty lounge and having totally different conversations.
Getting haircuts at Sparky's Barber shop on Broadway, knowing Ron Kovic in high school never realizing what the future had in store for him. Being a member of the Massapequa Fire Department. Buying my own home on Rhode Island Ave just two blocks from my old house. Going to William Law funeral home to pay respects to Ron Santoro, the first person I knew as a friend who died when we were 14 years old.
It was a great place to grow up. Probably much different now but I suspect to those that are growing up now, it will be pivotal points in their lives. The community still provides a second to none growing up environment given the current state of the world. But nothing can replace my 1960's and early 70's memories of that wonderful social laboratory where I managed to create my monster. I know you all have memories too. Cherish them. I am coming up on my 50th high school reunion. If you are from the class of '66 be looking for the announcement. We will be sending out come summer '15.

Oct 20, 2014
This Touches A Few Other Comments
by: K. MurphyAnonymous

The Chinese Restaurant across from Massapequa HS was definitely Homers. While in HS I thought I could make more money there with the tips so I quit cashier in Foodtown to waitress at Homer's. Big mistake! The bosses were awful and it was the dirtiest place ever imaginable! That has been gone a long time now. It turned into a Starbuck's which is also now closed. It is currently an empty building.

Berner was great! I remember most of the teachers that were named.

The footbridge between Berner and the parking lot was always the place to smoke and hang out. Also the way to get to McDonald's, Arby's or the dinette in Sears for lunch. We coined the trickle of stream the Might Carmen River!

American Legion - I was a baton twirler, flag twirler, flag bearer, rifle twirler and saber. I was in from 1976 until it disbanded in 1994 or 1995. The money from the Firemen's Parades went to pay for the group to go to the State Convention. That was a wild week away each year with very few requirements for us: parade, competiion nd a few special showings. They still have the twitlers, but it is growing very small. If you know any kids in the neighborhood send them down. Also, practice switched from Friday to Tuesday and is now Monday!

Do you know Wayne Winkleston (horn) Larry Conklin (bass drum), Al the horn teacher, Cal the drum teacher, any of the Eltman girls (twirler/colorguard), Karen Sisley (twirler/colorguard) or any of the Spinelli boys (Mike and John horn, Paul drum)?

Oct 20, 2014
French Resturant
by: Anonymous

Never heard of a Chinese rest. named Homers, maybe on the Simpsons....however Mr Donut I am told by other old farts old enough to be in the Bar Harbor Shopping Ctr in the day it was called Le Crepe

Oct 20, 2014
Chinese restaurant
by: Anonymous

I thought the Chinese restaurant was Homers

Oct 20, 2014
French Resturant
by: Anonymous

I was around in those days in Massapequa. In fact in Middle School I was what would be termed today a mall rat hanging out there after school. There was a Chinese Restaurant call something like Long Fu . I am sure I butchered the name , but something like that. I don't recall any French Restaurant. I'll ask soem friends from the day if they know

Oct 19, 2014
Bar Harbor Question
by: Mr Donut Emplyee

Love all the memories posted here. Hopefully one of you can answer this question posed by friends while having a conversation similar to this blog.....
Does anyone remember the name of a French restaurant in the Bar Harbor shopping center when Grants was still there?

Sep 09, 2014
Berner 73
by: Oliver

I was in Berner class of 73. My aunt moved there in 64 and I visited all the time. 70-75 I lived there. My favorite town. Anyone remember teachers from Berner? I had Mr. Kalina Sci, Ms. Gay Eng, Messrs Witt, Seidel and Garone Social, Sommerman German (he was so funny), Person HR. All great teachers. Used to argue politics with my arch conservative pal shouting across the room. Mr. Person loved it. I recently found out my friend went on to become a big politico in NJ, got caught embezzling campaign funds and did time in Federal Prison. Poor fellow. Remember the footbridge over the little creek from Berner to Whites parking lot? All the hoods hung out there smoking ciggies.

Aug 01, 2014
not the same
by: Anonymous

i just hope that these people realize that massapequa now is nothing like it used to be years ago.quality of life has diminished.

Jul 30, 2014
Pequa Redmen K. M urphy and Jill
by: Anonymous

Hi K. M urphy: I marched with the Pequa Squaws from the early sixties (1964) - 1970. Any chance we were in a Firemen's Muster parade together? The American Legion used to loan us out in the summers for parades in return for uniform money.

Hi Jill: I'm living in Wilmington NC now. After 20 years in commercial insurance, I had a mid-life crisis and changed careers. I'm now teaching 8th grade Language Arts (125 fourteen year olds every week day!!!). Look me up on facebook for pictures. It won't be under Debbie I use Deborah and last name (married) starts with C

Jul 29, 2014
what about?
by: Anonymous

Saddlebrook diner,miniature golf,driving range.

Jul 29, 2014
Pied piper
by: Anonymous

I'm from port Washington...born and raised but I can't seem to find any sites about this one toy store on Long Island, my dad took my sister and I to as kids....When I type it in this site keeps popping up, I dunno why.

Jul 02, 2014
Response to Joe
by: K. Murphy

Wasn't the dime store a Woolworth's? I remember sitting at the counter and after you finished your food they gave you a balloon to pop. There was a piece of paper inside and if you won you received a free sundae.

Aid Auto Store is long gone. I think the closest one now is in Copaigue.

Arrow Glass is still there under the name KP Glassworks.

IHOP is there and still just as hard to get a parking spot! Do you remember when it was still Howard Johnson's?

I was never fan OF the Massapequa Diner. I always went to The Nautilus next to Berner or the Starlight II on Sunrise near the bike shop (Park Blvd). Unfortunately for me the Starlight II changed to a Friendly's a number of years ago so before the Nautilus reopened I was out of luck! I ended up going to the Diner on Hempstead Turnpike next to Mid Island, aka. New Island, aka. St Joseph's Hospital.

Jul 02, 2014
Massapequa was Mayberry, and I was Odus.
by: Joe D.

The 5 and 10 store on between Broadway and Central ave. I though someone has stolen my bike once until I realized I was at the wrong side of the store.
How about the Hobby Shop on Broadway - they had great models and chemistry sets, and Rockets, Etc...

There was a bakery on Broadway by Connecticut ave that only sold wholesale but the aroma that it generated filled the air for blocks and it was the most amazing smell - I will never forget that. It was located by the Fish Store on Euclid Ave by Gils drug store.
How about Acrow Glass, is it still there?

Aid Auto store on Broadway?

How about the IHOP on Sunrise Hwy near Halco Music Center - RIP Harry.

Sliding down the Escallator in MAYS by Whites before the Sunrise Mall.

The deli in Massapequa on the East side of Broadway near Bohacks -That goes WAY back.

But what I miss most is when the funny looking yellow Volkswagen with the chicken on top would show up at my house and bring us a big bucket of Chicken and french fries ---- That was the best.

Jul 01, 2014
by: Jill

All the places listed by Joe D. really brought back memories. I had forgotten some of them. Massapequa was such a great place to grow up.

Debbie - are you a teacher? Where are you living now. I left Massapequa in 1976, moved to Boca Raton, Florida, and now I am living in Cary, North Carolina. You won't believe this but I always think of you, Marianne and Lynn on February 7 because of your birthdays. I remember being invited to them. Your birthdays are the start of another year of getting older. My birthday is on 7/7 and I remember all of you coming to a few of my parties. Take care.

Jul 01, 2014
Euclid Ave Born 1963
by: Joe D.

Worked at Krisches back in the 1978 lived in Massapequa 27 years.
I knew Brian Setzer before he was famous.
Fred and Fred Lumber on Sunrise
Chicken Delight on Merrick Rd
Hickory farms on Park ave
The Burbon Barrel on Broadway with banjo playing and pitchers of beer.
Massapqua movies by the train station
The swimming hole in the woods
the Glass tree
The penninusula
Cal signs on broadway - Jerry Seinfelds father
Gils drug store on Broadway
Little Bit of Texas luncheonette - the best chili on earth on broadway
Peanuts and Porkeys bars
Service Merchandise
Channels hardware
Lemkys Lawnmower repair shop on Broadway
Foxes bar
Fotomat huts in parking lots
Village Pizza with Frankie Pizza who used to fall asleep at the bar and was sadly killed in a fire
Rosies Deli for beer if you were underage
The Massapequa Music Center by Krisches
Mathews Meats
Dewbrows - then later Merideth Stationary Store on Broadway
J and A store on Broadway
Bingo on Thursday nights above Bohacks
The little Shrimp cocktail glasses from Bohack
Ednors drugs on Hicksville Rd.
Adolfs Beer Distributor in Broadway
Upstairs Downstairs Bar
When homes in Massapequa were appropriately sized in proportion to the land.
Mothers stayed home and raised the kids
Birthday parties had hotdogs and hamburgers and only the rich kids had chicken
No one had sprinkler systems or landscapers
One car garages and one car in the family
Not getting a DWI if you had only two beers.
The 7th precinct !!!
Salt and pepper - nasty cops
Captain Eddies in Seaford

I miss Massapequa but at least Krisches and All American are still there.
God Bless

Jun 29, 2014
Re - K Murphy
by: gil pessa

yes village pizza was on broadway near the train station. It was a small place with 4 tables . my friend worked there. I think its next to a wedding place now, but its not a pizza place anymore ,it closed years ago.

Jun 29, 2014
This Bud's For You!
by: mike edison

Surfing was the be all and end all of my existence in high school in the 1960's. We even surfed in the winter, not a great idea. It was so cold (even with a wet suit), you were numb beyond description, your head throbbed as the cold water hit you, you’d wonder what the hell you were doing there.

Usually we would take our boats (growing up in Massapequa in the 60s was such a privilege) to an empty beach west of Gilgo called Garbage Cove. You needed a boat to access it, usually in those days perhaps five other surfers would be there. We camped there at times at night sleeping to the wonderful noise of the crashing surf as we were lolled to sleep.

One sunny day in the summer of 1965, we were surfing at Garbage Cove, when all of a sudden Budweiser Beer cans start floating by. There were dozens of them slowly making their way towards shore. My first reaction was, “Thank you God,” and we all got out and rounded up dozens of beer cans all filled with the golden brew. Then we decided that this was too good to be true, and not to drink them. All of us, that is except one of the guys, Rob Schwartz.

So as we were all sitting on the beach awash with cans of Budweiser, ole Schwartz decided to drink a can. Everyone told him it probably was not a good idea. An hour later as he headed to the Emergency Room in an ambulance to get his stomach pumped I am sure he realized we were right. The beer was dumped offshore by a local bottler because it was tainted. In those days folks did things like this. NYC used to dump their garbage at sea, and on occasion we’d be surfing and really neat things like used hospital syringes would float in, or bags of garbage. I think the general idea was based on the ostrich putting its head in the sand rule…..if you don’t see it you are not polluting.

Jun 29, 2014
by: K. Murphy

Forgot to ask ... I was speaking with someone today wholived in the Boarding House on Ocean Avein Mass. I remember it had a fire with a few deaths in the mid eighties. This person mentioned working at Village Pizza on Broadway. I do not recall this pizza parlor. Does anyone know where on Broadway it was? I am assuming they meant Broadway in Mass., not the Park.

Jun 29, 2014
Still Here ...
by: K.M urphy

I was born in Westchester County, moved to Ireland and came to Mass. Pk. in the early 70.s. I remember most f the places that others have commented abut. Nautilus fans never fear! It has reopened with the same family (the Efstethaou's). The Dairy Barn on Cleveland Ave changed to The Barn about 2 years ago and is now closed. Hawthorne is now the Nassau County Police Academy. Carmen's Road is now a BOCES school. Berner Bison's will forever rule!!! Red and White Forever! Pequa Redmen were great! I was in with two of my brothers. Do you remember Wayne, Cal, Al and Larry? Mays changed to the Busy Bee Fleaa Market and is now a Kohl's. Shari, are you a Goldfarb? If so I had your dad for Bio and so did two of my brothers. I seem to remember a daughter Shari. Anyone remember the Indian Village, Landis and Van Ryck's on Park Blvd? I would walk to Harmony Donut and get a Boston Crème. Yummy! Squishing quarters on the ground level train tracks. The Harvest House in the mall attached to Woolworth's. Suicide Hill. Richmond Hill. Mary's Hole. Skitching on cars in the winter. I bought the house I grew up in from my parents and hope I stay here 'til I die. Love Mass. Pk.!!!

Jun 19, 2014
Jill - no news on Cleveland Ave kids
by: Anonymous

Skip is living in Boston, and is doing very well. I don't keep up with Jan, Beth, Chris, Lynn, Nancy or Gail. After my mom passed away, my dad remarried and went to Florida. We had no other ties to Massapequa, so I lost track of all of them. I did hear from Gail about 5 years ago, but nothing more since. I'd love to know how the old kickball gang is doing.

Jun 18, 2014
The Good Old Days
by: Jill


Are you still living in Massapequa? How is your brother, Skip? Do you keep in touch with anyone else on Cleveland Avenue?

Jun 17, 2014
Yes, Jill. I'm Debbie
by: Anonymous

Hi Jill,
Lots of memories in common. Mary Ann Schneider went to Catholic school all through her elementary and high school years. She and I shared the same birthday: I only remember that because our moms had to co-ordinate party days so they weren't overlapping. I spent countless days playing Monopoly in her breezeway room and think of those days often. She was an only child, but had a great dog to keep her company.

I too saw the Verizon commercial with Chicken Fat song and laughed. How about those ridiculous gym suits we wore? It was tough having the RJL principal living just across the street, but Allan Crouch was just a regular guy.

Must run for last day of school. Hope to hear more soon. ~deborah

Jun 16, 2014
Best days of my young life.!!!!!I
by: Anonymous

i LOVED Massapequa for the towns and all the friends i had gathered at the corner everynight.One of my best friends was Patti Botti and Ginni Addison but i also got to hang out with some hot guys.We used to hitch a ride to jones beach from all american. The est part is Jessica Hahn was one of my best friends we all lived around the corner from one another I lived on Boston Ave.It was the time of my life especially lets not forget Massapequa highschool.I loved all my friends they were the most fun i will never ever forget them.Love to them they know who they are!!!!!!xoxoxo

Jun 16, 2014
Cleveland Avenue
by: Jill

Mary Ann Schneider and I used to hang out together. I really thought she lived on Cleveland Avenue. Her side door faced Cleveland Avenue, her front door faced Forest Avenue. If I recall, Mary Ann went to private school and did not go to Parkside Jr. High School or Massapequa High. I used to hang out with the Cleveland Avenue kids and my sister, Diane, who is six years older than I am, used to hang out with the older kids, like Judy Lee, Austin Ferrar, Jane DeKorp, Donna Van Nostrand, Carol Sessa. They were a great group of people, too. Those were good days with everyone hanging out together and having a good time.

Jun 15, 2014
Topps Baseball Cards
by: mike edison

My obsession in grammar school (and seemly every other boy at Birch Lane ), was with baseball cards. We’d have huge stacks of them, carry them around in cigar boxes to school and gamble with them. There would be marathon flip sessions at lunch time, matching heads (front of the cards) or backs by flipping them against other kids.

There were always kids at school who would be able to rattle off the stats …like the batting averages of star players for the past five years by sheer memory. Often these were the same kids who didn't know their multiplication tables, but they knew Mickey Mantle’s batting averages for half a decade, how many home runs he had, etc. I knew the batting lineup of the NY Yankee’s by rote until I was about 15, then girls became a serious concern of mine. However you eventually get married and professional sports, once again, takes its rightful place as a male obsession.

Jun 13, 2014
Cleveland ave
by: Anonymous

Are you speaking of Mary Ann Schneider? Or her sister JoAnn. If so I am her daughter . She lived on Baltimore Ave. Know the Remes'?

Jun 13, 2014
by: Anonymous

> Does anyone remember the gym teachers at Raymond J. Lockhart School - Mr. and Mrs. Murtha?

Yeah, I remember both of them being full of themselves and having bad attitudes...especially him.

FTR, I was not one of the fat kids they liked picking on.

Jun 12, 2014
Cleveland Avenue
by: Jill

I read with interest the response on April 14, 2014 from Anonymous who lived on Cleveland Avenue. Are you Nancy, Debbie, Jan, Beth, or Marianne?

Jun 12, 2014
Bohacks Grocery Store
by: Jill

Does anyone remember the old Sandy Becker show? I remember going to Bohacks Grocery Store and seeing him at the store. Bohacks was downtown Massapequa on Broadway near the railroad station.
I just saw a commercial on tv for Verizon and they were playing the song "Chicken Fat." Does anyone remember the gym teachers at Raymond J. Lockhart School - Mr. and Mrs. Murtha? Mrs. Murtha always started out her gym classes by playing "Chicken Fat" which was sung by Robert Preston. If you could keep up with that song you were in shape.

Jun 10, 2014
Inter-County Shopping Center in 1960s
by: Renee Strong

I remember the Inter-county Shopping Center from 1962-1969. There was a movie theater where there were double features and there were matrons with flash lights who would go through the aisle to catch kids hiding under the seats. Did get caught a few times. Near the movie theater was a Woolworth's; the lunch counter had the best shakes; a string was put up across the counter with balloons. Kids would pick a balloon and the waitress would pop the balloon with a pin; enclosed within the popped balloon could be a winning ticket for a free sundae. I also remember getting cheap turtles from Woolworth's (the kind that are banned now). There was the Franklin National Bank, a ballet studio, the A&P with green stamps, a laundromat and a Grand Union. Does anyone remember Drs. Morrell and Mensing making house calls? I believe their office was near Carmen Road.

Jun 10, 2014
Inter-County Shopping Center in 1960s
by: Renee Strong

I remember the Inter-county Shopping Center from 1962-1969. There was a movie theater where there were double features and there were matrons with flash lights who would go through the aisle to catch kids hiding under the seats. Did get caught a few times. Near the movie theater was a Woolworth's; the lunch counter had the best shakes; a string was put up across the counter with balloons. Kids would pick a balloon and the waitress would pop the balloon with a pin; enclosed within the popped balloon could be a winning ticket for a free sundae. I also remember getting cheap turtles from Woolworth's (the kind that are banned now). There was the Franklin National Bank, a ballet studio, the A&P with green stamps, a laundromat and a Grand Union. Does anyone remember Drs. Morrell and Mensing making house calls? I believe their office was near Carmen Road.

May 09, 2014
Casa Maria Restaurant
by: Jill

Is the Casa Maria Restaurant still there? I remember on Friday nights having pitchers of beer and pizza. It was a good place to hang out after work.

Apr 15, 2014
i remember
by: Anonymous

i remember the massapequa zoo with the monkey mountain, 30cent bus fare from wantagh jones beach, jolly roger and nunleys with the mite mouse roller coaster,the big bow wow, whites dept store and seaford dept store . just a few great memories. where has the time gone?

Apr 14, 2014
Jill's story from 12/31/13 could have been mine
by: Anonymous

I lived on Cleveland Avenue between Seaford Ave and Forest Ave. Other than that one difference, the first 4 paragraphs of Jill's post on 12/30/13 could have been mine. I worked at RJL summer rec program with Baldwin and Andy during the same time period, still remember trips to Bohack's, and the library on Central Avenue where I would borrow 10 books at a time!

There used to be a Boy Scout totem pole in the library courtyard. It had been stolen in the 60s. My brother found it damaged and beat up deep in the Tackapausha woods off of Seaford Ave. and returned it to the library. In those days, a reward wasn't expected. He was given a handshake and a sincere thanks. I have wondered over the years if the totem pole has survived. It wasn't as big as Big Chief Lewis, but it was carved with care by the scouts.

We ice skated on the lake and played with the waves at Tobay. I was a Pequa Squaw for years. My wedding reception was at Ziggy's 33 years ago! Lots of fond memories.

Why did I leave? Truth be told, Massapequa did not offer many job opportunities after college graduation in 1974, and it was time to start making a living on my own. I've managed to make many friends in many different parts of the eastern seaboard that I've called home. Friends from Massapequa still keep in touch after all these years. Thanks for sharing the blog. I enjoyed this trip down Memory Lane.

Mar 30, 2014
Lee's memories
by: Jeff

I love reading all these memories! It brings back so many great childhood experiences. Lee's memories caught my eye because we have so much in common. My family may have bought your house Lee. We lived in Jones Court with Mays just a hop over my backyard fence. We spent countless hours at the "ditch" as well.

Mar 20, 2014
by: Darlene Gerbino Pistocchi

WOW! The memories! I've been away since 1980 but Massapequa is still my home. Charming, romantic, magical, mystical.. what more can I say??? It's the best. The woods, the bonfires, the swing, the skating, Amityville Horror! The Sabbath House, the chiefs, the bisons, the burnouts, handball, Zappa... 4th of July, Marjorie Post, Tackapausha, Coons Lake, All American, Jones Beach, Tobay, Gilgo, Robert Moses...riding the waves!!! How I miss that!! the Long Island Railroad... the conductor bellowing Mass-uh-pee-qwa!!! Mass-uh-pee-qwa Park!!! The totem poles, the party train riding into the city for the Italian feast... the memories go on forever.. nothing like it... no how, no way... thanks for the memories...

Mar 12, 2014
Do you remember her?
by: Anonymous

Curious. Anyone remember Janet Stone MSS '71?

Feb 27, 2014
MHS class of 1969
by: Bill

Thank you all for the memories. I can relate to them all. We came to Massapequa in 1953. I left in 1974 but have remained on Long Island. At the age of 63 and in retirement I am tempted to look for someplace warmer, cheaper, less crowded perhaps. But the temptation doesn't last. Yes it has changed over the years but It's still a wonderful place to live.
Once a Long Island boy always a Long Island boy.

Feb 03, 2014
Jolly Roger
by: Lee


Thanks, Mike. I remember now. I was merging my early birthday memories into a lump...Big Bow Wow and Jolly Rogers. I definitely see the difference, thanks to your message.

My memory of Bow Wow is: sitting on wooden beaches, under an awning (??) and munching on...what else? dogs!

Thanks again.

Feb 03, 2014
Jolly Rogers
by: Mike Edison

Jolly Rogers was a great little amusement park called Nunley's Happy Land.... Goolge it there are videos posted on YouTube. It had a great carousel (and if you sat on on outside horse they had rings you reached out for...get the "gold" one and you got a free ride)....and lots of coin operated games to play. It was located in Bethpage.

I too have a strong nostalgia for growing up in Massapequa which I shared here a couple of times. It was a special place to grow up there. I feel privileged to have had that opportunity. I am a few years older than you but about the same age, so we experienced the same era.

I also wanted to go see my room at my old house on Harbor Lane but felt I'd just scare the folks inside asking to be let in to see my room.

Feb 02, 2014
by: Lee

I love all the comments. I must know most of the people who wrote, who are now in their early 60's. Hello, neighbors!

I went to Berner from 7th -12th grades, graduated in 1970. After graduation, I moved out-of-state, to attend college, and never lived in Massapequa Park (or LI) again. Mom died, family broke up, house was sold...

I used to return to Massapequa, to visit friends, and I'd drive past my old house and look at it, longingly, wishing that I could walk up the front steps, open the door, and go back to my room again...but, no. It took a long time for me to get over the grief of losing my life in MP.

I grew up in a neighborhood near Mays, but it wasn't there, when I was a kid. It was all woods...what fun! There was also a stream behind our house (we called it a "ditch") where I would collect samples to look at, under my microscope.

I had an early birthday party in...was it The Big Bow Wow? Why am I thinking of something called Jolly Roger's? We played tag, at night, in the old Floyd-Jones Estate, which became Marjorie Post Park. And Monkey Mountain...of course! I remember it painted a sepia, or reddish, color. It's that right? Memories get distorted, with time.

I must say goodbye, but I reach out to all of you who walked past me in the hallowed halls of AG Berner!

Jan 30, 2014
Whoa...the "real" Alec Baldwin?
by: Annie

I think you are the ONLY person that mentioned the Shore East Diner! My dear friend, Eddie...his Dad, was the chef/owner there. Right across from Marjorie Post! He also made the best cole slaw on Long Island (of course you knew that if you ordered a hamburger!)...he was written up in Newsday. And Eddie worked at White's. I worked at Mays. I believe you grew up with my sister-in-law's family who owned the Riviera Catering...Karras. Good to see you hear...many good memories of Massapequa. Been here since 1957. Awesome seeing you on this site!!!

Jan 26, 2014
Where do I begin?
by: Alec Baldwin

Where do I begin?
Pizza Supreme, Lobel's for your Webelos uniform.
Ice skating at Marjorie Post, Carvel for a Flying Saucer.
Krisch's, 52 Acres (before it was John J Burns Park)
White's Dept Store, Unqua School,
MHS vs Berner football, the Mustangs,
Engelbosch bicycle shop.....

Part 2-
I remember going skating at Marjorie Post, then a hot chocolate and a buttered bagel at the Shore East Diner after. The whole thing was five bucks. But that was a lot of money for a kid then.

Jan 24, 2014
by: Janine short Groff

I love Long Island . I grew up on walnut street. I miss spending my summer days swimming in the surf. My father was a Nassau county police officer n a great father. I miss all American after a long day of swimming. I miss mister softy icecream trucks in the neighborhood after a long summer day of playing in the streets. I miss my high school days at berner high , I graduated in 1975. My brothers still own the house I grew up in. So many wounderful memories of playing in the street and all my friends. The wonder years!

Jan 16, 2014
Yet another Bison from the Class of 1975 checking in!
by: Steve H.

My thanks to “Anonymous” for the opportunity.

Our family moved to Massapequa in 1964 into a house bordering the ‘woods/pit’ (later to become Sunrise Mall). We spent endless hours on adventures within that secluded 75 acres, played ball in the protection of the dead end streets, and freely rode our bicycles to Whites (original and new), Mays, 300 Bowl, the library on Central, or up the paths of the ‘3 Streams’ to far away Bethpage. It was a time of innocence and relative safety.

I attended East Lake, McKenna and Berner. We were frequent customers of WT Grants in Bar Harbour, and ate my fair share of square slices at Supreme, and questionable ‘Chinese’ food at Long Full. I loved the days at Jones or TOBAY beach, and remember when Post & Burns parks first opened. I can even (just barely) remember the smell of Monkey Mountain! I hated going to Hebrew School, but look back fondly to my Bar Mitzvah at Temple Sinai on Clocks Blvd. I remember racing at Checkered Flag and spending all my money at EastLI Coin & Hobby. I loved watching the trains on the ground level LIRR tracks. I earned my Eagle badge with Troop 660 at Unqua. I worked long hours in the mall beginning opening day in 1973 to help pay my way thru college (Engineering). I got my car serviced by Frank Grillo at the Park/Sunrise Mobil station before learning how to maintain it myself.

I headed south to my first real job in a Dallas, TX suburb in 1979 after getting my BS. A few years later I settled in with a computer company in the Hudson Valley, and put down roots in a new community. It’s a place that my children will likely reminisce about fondly some time in the future. My folks left Massapequa in 1997, and so my visits to the area virtually ceased.

Do I miss Massapequa? I have a great attachment to the place, fostered in part by the sharing of our collective sweet memories on places like the Facebook group “You Know You Are From Massapequa If…. , where I’m a regular contributor. I’m starting to give back, coming down to help out at two recent Massapequa High School career events. It’s a great place to visit, but no, I have no desire to return. My biggest worries today are keeping our 500 ft long driveway clear of snow, and spraying enough repellant to keep the deer from eating my plantings! Life is good, and I don’t miss the crush of humanity that Long Island has become.

Jan 08, 2014
RE Freddy's Memories
by: Anonymous

That was well written Freddy ,and man it took me back. I am tad older than you, and while not from your area of Massapequa had similar adventures as a kid growing up there. We had simple pleasures fueled by the imagination and energy of our youth. I fished "the point" off Bar Harbor Lane in a huge piece of underdeveloped land on the water (long gone).

We'd catch flounder, crabs and snappers. In the summer walk into the shallows of the Great South Bay for cherry stones, and dig up steamers. Days lasted as a kid until the last glimmers of sun light. We were out all day, running playing, oh to have half that energy today, let alone the enthusiasm. As we grew older we'd play sports, hockey on lake (and when cold enough the canal) near our houses), baseball in the summer and we'd play football on Friday nights in the fall "under the the lights" of the Bar Harbor Shopping Center.

I am not knocking today's youth but no video games, no play dates, no school lock downs .... none of the seeming horrors you hear about today...just simple pleasures of growing up in wonderful era, and lucky enough to have a home in Massapequa a place that provided so many of these simple pleasures.

Jan 08, 2014
love this thread
by: freddy

In 1962 I was eight when my folks moved from Queens, opened a business south of Merrick Road in Massapequa and bought a house on a dead end street in N. Mass that was right next to the 600 acre Massapequa Preserve, aka Three Streams, and home to Mary's Hole, aka The Swing.

Attended RJL and clearly remember walking the mile to school everyday when I attended Parkside with Jimmy "Bushy Eyebrows" Mac running the school. Gym teacher Mr. Zandowski was his henchman.

At ten years old, during summer recess and on weekends I would leave the house at 8AM and explore the woods with friends and di not come home until noon for a quick lunch before heading back to the woods and staying there until about 5PM when dinner time rolled around.

We built forts, hunted frogs in the clean crystal streams, drank water from the streams without getting sick, snow sled down Suicide and Richmond Hills. Richmond hill was smaller but cooler because the family that lived next to the top of the hill would hose the hill down so it was all ice the next day and we would fly down it trying to make it to the first stream near the bottom of the hill.

At 13 years-old we used to ride our bikes at 5AM down to the Reservoir and do some fishing, making sure to snag a few hard rolls for breakfast from the bag left in front of deli on Bdwy in town.

The next year Caroons Lake became our fishing grounds. Sunrises by the lake were awesome.

After fishing Caroon's Lake and its northern ponds for a year, we headed for the town dock at the end of Alhambra Road where, while casting my line, I managed to catch a hungry seagull one afternoon.

For a $1.25 Ziggies made the best home made roast beef sandwiches in the world. My family spent a lot of time at Dick and Doras. My fav was their Clams Ala Possilipo. Their crusty pizza was pretty good too.

Thanks to all you old timers for sharing your memories of a town that was good to me for many years.

One other thing, wasn't the woods where kids used to high before and during school called Zappa's Creek? :)

Dec 30, 2013
Good Life
by: Jill

I grew up on Chicago Avenue, between Seaford Avenue and Forest Avenue, fron 1958 to 1976. I attended Raymond J. Lockhart School, Parkside Junior High School and graduated from Massapequa High School in 1970.

Does anyone remember South Short Federal Savings and Loan Bank on Sunrise Highway? My mother was the mortgage officer there and so many people knew my mother. I wondered if everyone in Massapequa had their mortgage at that bank.

My older siser, Diane (MHS class of 1964) and I would walk to Carvel on Jerusalem Avenue and Hicksville Road. We loved going to Krisches on Central Avenue. We used to go to the candy store on Central Avenue. My mother used to shop at the Bohack's Grocery Store. I remember Claude Kirschner coming to the store to do a show.

I was a summer recreation counselor at Raymond J. Lockhart School, working with Mr. Baldwin, who was a social studies teacher at Massapequa High School. I remember the watermelon seed spitting contests, how Mr. Baldwin and his helper, Andy, would hold the fire hose and everyone would go under it. We went on field trips to Farmingdale College to see the animals. We had the talent shows every Friday. To think I was a counselor for 5 days a week from 9:00 to 3:00 and earned $100.00 for the entire summer and thought it was the best job ever.

Taking the bus to Jones Beach was the best. It was so much fun, that place was great. I remember swimming at Alhambra Beach and Florence Avenue Beach. My family used to go to ToBay and that was such a nice beach. We saw the best musicals at the Jones Beach Theater.

We walked to the movies on Sunrise Highway, would go to the diner, too. I used to go to the 300 Bowling Alley on Sunrise Highway. I liked it better than Pequa Bowl on Merrick Road and Hicksville Road.

All American Hamburgers were the best and as soon as you got your driver's license, that is where you wanted to go. As a senior at MHS, we could go across the street to Bar Harbor Shopping Center for lunch. It was a great time.

I remember Whites and Two Guys from Massapqua. I thought going to Mays was great.

I remember ice skating at Croons Lake and being allowed to do it also at Tackapusha Park on Merrick Road in Seaford. They probably don't allow ice-skating on the ponds like that anymore.

Massapequa was and perhaps still is a special place. Kids played together in the street, didn't matter the age group. You had to be home when the street lights turned on.

I left Long Island in 1976, moved to Bocal Raton Florida and loved it there until 1993, where a job transfer necessitated that we move to Cary, North Carolina. I really love it here now, too. My neighborhood here in Cary has a nice feeling but it will never match Massapequa.

I will always love Massapequa.

Dec 24, 2013
Shared memories
by: Bobby P.

I was born in Bruswick Hospital in 1957 and spent the first 15 years of my life in Massapequa. 3 Prade Lane, Brendan Ave., and 24 Beechwood Pl. I moved to Rochester when I was 15, so did not graduate from Berner with the 1975 class.

Found this today (Christmas Eve) and it has been great reading these recollections. Whites, Two-Guys, Mays (where I bought my first record album- Magical Mystery tour), Inter-County, Musicaros, the Pit, and Zappaland adjacent to Berner. It's great to see others share memories of these places.

I too remember the mural in the Franklin Bank in Inter-County- one of my earliest memories. Does anyone remember Sal's Pizza on Merrick? We used to eat lunch there when I went to Berner.

Merry Christmas everyone! I was looking on Google maps at bird's eye view of where I spent Christmas Eve as a child (Grandma's at 3 Prade Lane) and found this site. An excellent gift!

Dec 07, 2013
Remember Whites?
by: Anonymous

I remember Whites! My Mom would always take us there. I remember walking through the front doors and to the left was the Film department where my brother and I would purchase small rolls of 8mm Kodak film. We used to make our own home movies in our back yard And Alec and Danny Baldwin used to hop over the back yrd fence and we'd make home made horror, Secret Agent movies! I still have a box of these old movies that my brother and I would make in the mid to late sixties.These were fabulous times to remember. At Whites, does anyone remember when the real Giant came to Whites to sign autographs? I sat on his lap...and couldnt help but to feel so badly for him. As a kid...I picked up on how loney he was. The record and Toy dept were my hang outs!

Dec 06, 2013
MHS and MY 15 Minutes Of Fame
by: Mike Edison

I grew up in Massapeua in the 50's. In those days WPIX used to televise a weekly HS Game of the Week, live. Each week a crew would go to a local HS in the area and broadcast their basketball game. One week in 1957 they came to Massapequa. It was a big deal since Massapequa HS was still relatively a newcomer to HS sports and its teams were generally unheralded. Everyone was planning to go, and I got up early that Saturday morning with the intention of being on TV. I was one of the first ones to arrive, and sat in the front row of the bleachers opposite the cameras on the other side of the gym.

To show my spirit I wore one of those carnival hats which had “Massapequa” written in script over the brim. I must have picked it up at the annual carnival that set up in the shopping center across the street from the High School each year. The hat had a large feather on it right side.

Unfortunately for me my plans to be in the front row, having staked out this prime spot early, were quickly revised. I was this little 8 year old kid, all by myself (none of my friends showed up so I was on my own), and as the bigger HS kids came in I was moved, row by row, with the constant mantra “Get outta here kid” Finally, vanquished to the upper row of the bleachers. I'd never get on TV now. (I really didn’t care about the basketball game to be honest, my main purpose being there was to get on TV. I was seeking my 15 minutes of fame).

I decided to stay and watch how the game was televised, TV was still a novelty at this point, and the equipment, the cameras, the lighting were interesting to watch. I didn’t notice but the announcer booth, it really wasn’t quite a booth, was set up literally next to me on my right. I didn’t pay any attention to it, and as the game started I would watch happily unawares that the man next to me was on live TV. The announcer was Marty Glickman the famous Olympic runner and local sportscaster.

I had a large wad of bubble gum in my mouth and was blowing bubbles augmented by taking the gum and stretching it and chewing it back in. All this was captured on live TV unbeknownst to me. The hat I had on, with the large feather, came into play now. As I watched the teams go up and down the court, every time I turned my head to the right, the feather would go into Marty Glickman’s face as he was announcing. He would have to remove it, and when the commercials came on he’d yell at me to “Take the hat off kid”. I was unaware what I was doing to him, and having been summarily vanquished to the upper bleachers I was in no mood to listen to this guy. So for the whole game he had to suffer feathers in his face and me blowing bubbles and my other gun related antics. After the game and for the following weeks thereafter, people would come up to me and ask if I “wasn’t that boy blowing the bubbles on TV and annoying the announcer”. “I sure was” I said proudly." My 15 minutes of fame arrived and at 8 years old.

Dec 06, 2013
If you worked at Whites or had a family member who did
by: Anonymous

I love this site. Even though we all may be different ages, and graduated at different times, there is so much continuity in our Mass/Mass Park experiences. Stores came and went.
I worked at Whites from 1967 (got my working papers at 15) in the PET dept, then in Paint, Hardware, garden, receiving. A guy named Rich Mckenna was my summer manager in receiving. He was from Mass High, working for the summer as was I. There was a guy named Stu Katz-worked w me in paint- who is now a physician in massapequa.
So if you worked at Whites please write something, would love to hear from all of us WHITES ALUMNI.

Dec 06, 2013
Born and raised Massapequa Park
by: Anonymous

There's noting wrong about wanting to move away, we were younger, believed the grass was greener. Can't count how many times wonder what it would have been like if I stayed. ZAPPA LAND! Next to Berner 1970's. Chip in for a quarter keg of beer to hang out at the wood's I remember Kenny Roy,Kenny Ziganomi and Kenny Mott, Bob can't remember his name but Mona Gordon, Myself Pat, were in a car accident with his brand new van he wasn't supposed to be driving while his parents were out of town, OMG we broke a telephone pole n half sliding on the snow. I woke up couple of days later with head injury. Did fine afterwards. Mary Wick, Toni Anne Scarfudo, Cindy Henderson.
Younger days was flying a kite at the pit cause no telephone lines. Making push carts using chalk to map a roadway in the street as well as hop scotch. Hula Hoops, jump ropes, skating n the street. Lived on Atlantic The Healy's were on the corner all 9 kids! Around the corner was the Primm's, Ruth and I would help set up for the church choir at Our Lady of Lourdes and the chapple was unlocked 7 days a week. For either .50 cents or a dollar you could take a bus to Jones Beach. And the beautiful flower walkways, archery, paddle ball and Jones Beach Theatre. Dancing under the stars at Jones beach for the adults. Transitor radios everyone listened to 77am on the beach. Mandatory gym classes, I loved the gymnastics and we started very young at East Lake. Mckenna watched the boys workout on the rings where I had a crush on a guy named Jerry. I also remember Music classes in the 3rd grade 3 notes were played and you had to fill out a test, was it Mozart Bach or Beethoven? AND Tested for chorus because I failed!!! no school would get away with that today! One of my first loves lived in Massapequa Glenn Becker boy I was in love with that guy! When I did leave it was the first time I believed I would move back! Heart broken over Glenn I just wanted to get away for a little while. I moved to Los Angles. Now in the Miami area. Its a lot easier to leave than it is to move back. So expensive fighting the snow to n from work was too intimidating for the first few years. Houses were going for 50,000 when I left in 1980. So many boomers growing up together competition was fierce!

Nov 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

Hi, Evelyn..I do remember your family working with me at Macy's!!What fun it was back then! We called the money area the vault! Everyone on the selling floor would fight to go and take a break to chat with the ladies in the vault! Mr. Acito, store manager, often called me in to man phones and type the domestic signs for Macy's. I was in domestics with Jeff and Steve!! We got to go to the city to learn about pillow fillings, and towel selling points. I learned how to use sheets as wall coverings, napkins, table linens, etc...They were so good to me because I was going to college. They gave me extra hours to make money for school.They kept asking me if I wanted to go into business instead of education so I could work in their Herald Square offices. I said no because I wanted to be a teacher. I kept my job even when I became a special education teacher for the Massapequa schools. Remember Mrs. Donaroma who trained us. Mr. Hayes was my favorite night manager. I worked with Nancy when we started in domestics on the first floor near that incredible Macy's own restaurant run by Nancy.The dept moved upstairs later on. Thanks for the memories! I know retail is not the same today.I loved to dress up in nice clothes and sell the table linens! Linda

Nov 18, 2013
by: Evelyn

Hi Linda, I worked at Whites at 16 years old also. I started in
1969 and worked in the Cosmetic Department. I worked their all thru high school and then worked in Macys in 1973. I was the credit card girl who worked around in Macys. I worked at night because I also started working at American Airlines.
I still work at American 41 years latter. My mom and sister
Arlene also worked in Macys. Mom was in linens and my sister was in shoes.
What departments did you work in both stores?
I graduated Class of 1972.
I do the same whenever I get back to Massapequa , I think of
all those childhood landmarks that you mentioned. It was a great place to grow up with many wonderful memories.
I live in North Carolina now.

Nov 17, 2013
Memorable Memories Still Abound
by: Linda

It was such a pleasure reliving memories over the years with the blogs you have provided.I was born in 1955 and grew up in an original house on Park Lane in Massapequa. My dad still lives there. My cousins lived on the same block! All six of us went to East Lake, Mckenna Jr. High and A.J.Berner H.S..What fun we had on our bicycles.We rode for hours and stopped only to rest for milk and burry chocolate chip cookies! Remember Senior Fairs with ferris wheels? I worked in Whites at 16 and then got a job at Macy's when the mall opened in 1973.I put myself through college working there. I just retired after 36 years of teaching in the Massapequa Public Schools. They are still one of the finest educational institutions around. I proudly live in Massapequa Park with my family. I remember the Big Bow Wow with miniature golf, the Monkey Mountain, where I dropped my first baby doll and the monkey took it away! My grandma would come from Freeport on the train which was not elevated as yet.Mays,Woolworths,Grants,Krisches,Howard Johnsons,Cocoas were frequently visited. I often sit in traffic on sunrise highway and remember which landmark memory was in that place.I told my students and my children that they will never have the rich,beautiful memories of Massapequa which I possess in my mind. The town will never be that way again,but for those of us who choose to remain we can relive them and be thankful to the Lord for being able to have experiences such a treasured childhood.

Nov 12, 2013
just when I thought I could not miss it anymore.
by: Anonymous

So I stumbled upon this site... And I did not realize how much I miss this place.
I new I missed the friends that I left behind but have not realized how much I missed everything else (except the cold)
I grew up on Atlantic Ave. Massapequa Park and headed south in 1990.As much as I miss it all .. "I love the life I live and Live the life I love"....

What a place to grow up .

I just wanted to say thanks for the site and please I hope there will be more to read and reminisce when I return

Nov 03, 2013
RE Roxbury Lane
by: Linda

Hi Lorraine,

Yes, I still lived on Roxbury Lane (7) when you did. I left Massapequa and moved to Long Beach in 1967 to raise my family for a few years then moved to California in 1971. You may remember my brothers or sister Tommy, Donny, Frank and Mary. They still live on the island.(Tommy is deceased). (Don is still in Massapequa). I know I have heard your last name either growing up and perhaps through them over the years on my visits back. I want to say probably through my brother Don is where I have heard your name mentioned as we talked about our childhood. Hope your and your family are doing well.


Nov 03, 2013
Roxbury Lane
by: Lorraine(Bendici)Bock

Hi Linda. I lived there from June 1961 until August 1970 when I got married. When my mom passed in 1990 we sold the house (#13) next door to the Sintef's who are still there. It was a nice block to live on. We're in Patchogue since 1972. Were you there during the time I was there?

Nov 02, 2013
Re: Lorraine Bendici Bock
by: Linda

Hi Lorraine, I too grew up on Roxbury Lane and think you may have lived on the block when our family did as your name sounds so familiar!

I no longer live in Massapequa, but when I do make it back, All American is one of the first places I gravitate to. After all these years it is still a fond memory and still delicious.

Nov 02, 2013
Country Western Bar
by: Anonymous

There was a Country Western Bar just west of Sunrise Hwy. on Park Lane...(what would now be right next to Big Daddy's). It was Diamond Lil' was fun...we even bought their t-shirts!!!

Nov 02, 2013
by: Lorraine (Bendici) Bock

Thanks so much for your response.

Nov 02, 2013
What happened after Mays
by: Evelyn

It was a flea market. The top floor was jewelry .
I don't know what happened after that.

Nov 02, 2013
Does anyone remember?
by: Lorraine (Bendici) Bock

Born in Brooklyn and moved to Rockaway for a few years. My parents bought their first house in 1961 on Roxbury Lane in Massapequa. Fairfield Elementary was right on the corner. I was nice and close to All American and Carvel (which is no longer a Carvel. I attended MHS for 2 years. Being a City person it was difficult to get used to the silence when we first moved in June of '61. I live in Suffolk County now but go to Massapequa often as my sister lives in the Park. Does anyone remember what May's became when it closed?

Oct 28, 2013
Ziggy's and Riviera
by: Anonymous

Yes, it was Ziggy's. The Ziegenbauer family owned it; son lives in Babylon (as far as I know)...and The Riviera was owned by the Karras family (my sister-in-law).

Oct 25, 2013
across from dick and doras
by: Anonymous

the place across the street from dick and doras was ziggys

Oct 23, 2013
Catering Hall
by: Evelyn

Was it the Riviera? It was a great place for a Wedding in the seventies.i knew the family who owned it back then.

Oct 23, 2013
Catering Hall?
by: Anonymous

Was it Alhambra soemthing or other...been 40 years but I thought it worth a shot

Oct 23, 2013
Catering hall
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the name of the catering hall across from Dick and Dora's. We had a conversation at work and now trying to remember.

Oct 18, 2013
not the same
by: Anonymous

high taxes rude stressed out people no quality of many beautiful places in the world,this is not one of them.

Oct 09, 2013
by: Anonymous

I forgot about Frank's. What was that disgusting green goo he would put in your hair? We called it stick-um. It was a thick smelly goo that would harden to crust on your head ( I am serious). This may have been before your time, but in the early sixties I was a greaser (not much of one, I was like 80 lbs soaking wet) and tried to have a DA. This stuff helped you style you hair and be able to comb it back and keep it back! With this stuff you could stand in a hurricane and you hair would not move

I remember going to hang out in the Bar Harbor Shopping Center after school in my black trench coat, greaser DA hair style. Every day I had a hot fudge Sunday at Kresge's soda fountain for 35 cents.

You couldn't buy a Double Bubble today for that amount. Thanks for the memory about Frank's.

Oct 08, 2013
Great memory ,Mike
by: Anonymous

Wow,Mike Edison! One of my favorite blogs on this site yet. I was was born in "59". So Bar Harbor was a Daisey feild with dirt hills? I remember playing at John Jay Burns when it was nothing but beach grass and dirt hills. Especially when after the Nixon/Agnew election....the campaign offices dropped off car loads of political empherea at the base of the dirt hills. I still have a bunch of nixon stuff that we salvaged like bumper stickers, posters , card board Nixon signs that we took off the utility poles along Merrick road around Unqua road. I remember the pickle barrel at Bar harbors Food Fair and Kreskeys! Does any one remmember Santa Claus landing in a Glass bubble domed Hellicopter? How about Franks Barber shop? Louie the Barber was the WORST!! My older brother and I used to literally fight to the near death,ON the Barber shop floor....while the Barbers would laugh w/ the customers while they watched us. The loser (ME) had to get stuck w/ Louie!!! He would put that "Tuning Fork" on top of my head and Buzz away on my hair!

Oct 08, 2013
Bobby Macs. On park ave
by: Carol

Hi loved reading what everyone is saying bout massapequa , though I grew up in east meadow..used to frequent a drinking est. called Bobby Macs during 1971. Have been looking for yrs . To find someone who knew or can help me out . They had a great band " the cheaters" the name is correct , other friends verified this , they sang a cool song " shop around " think it might have been their own . Since there's nothing anywhere like it .m.if anyone knows anything ...please contact me . Cgalioto _49 @ thanks a bunch ... Carol

Oct 06, 2013
Growing up in Massapequa
by: mike edison

I grew up in Bar Harbor in the 50's and 60's.... before the shopping center was built there was this large mound,which as kids we called Daiseyfield Hill. Lord knows how high it was, to me as 5 yr old it was a mountain. We'd play king of the mountain in summer and sled in the winter on it. In the summer it was awash with daisies, hence the name.

At the end of Harbor Lane was a very large piece of land which today is filled with expensive homes, then it was a place you could swim, dig for clams, and fish. I also kissed my first girl there . This was before all the congestion on The Great South Bay. The water was clean, and I don't remember ell grass begin a problem.

As teenagers my friends and I were lucky enough to have boats, went surfing at Garbage Cove on weekends, and sometimes on school days. Camped there on summer nights, being lulled asleep by the waves. I recall fast cars,surfing, fast boats to young guys were everything (and yes girls too). There was a guy named Cosgrove who had the fastest boat on the Bay. It was a Donzi. He lived in Bar Harbor somewhere and was sort of a legend (I think it went 50 MPH which at the time was super fast). The coolest car in town was owned by Mrs Kelly, who son went to MHS. It was (forgive my memory) a 429 Hemi Doge and it was yellow. We'd all stop in awe when she cruised by. What Mrs Kelly was doing driving a muscle car was a mystery, but that car was it in the day.

I was privileged to grow up in such a place and at what seems like a perfect time. Massapequa was not over crowded, and we were lucky enough to be able to have a great childhood there.

Sep 25, 2013
Still home.....
by: Deb

Massapequa Park was and still is a great place to grow up. There have been many changes but in so many ways still has that hometown feel. I grew up on Brooklyn Avenue. My neighborhood had so many kids that were the same ages. I remember playing kickball and touch football in the street, potsy (hopscotch) on the sidewalk, hide and seek on summer nights, selling lemonade. A treat was going to the Big Bow Wow, viewing a Saturday matinee at the Bar Harbour movie theater, or bowling at 300 Bowl.

Sep 25, 2013
Massapequa Park still home
by: Deb

Massapequa Park has been home for 61 years. Even when I lived in other places, it was still home. Attended Birch Lane Elementary School, finally graduating from MHS in '70. So many memories: Massapequa Zoo, Bar Harbour Shopping Center with Walgreens, Grants, and Lobel's, the Big Bow Wow, Caroons Lake, John Burns Park when it was known as 52 Acres, the deli on Park Blvd now known as Neighbors, village parades on July 4th. Yes, times have changed but the Park is still home.

Sep 20, 2013
Country bar
by: Anonymous


Sep 20, 2013
country western bar
by: paulaAnonymous

What was the name of a country western bar that was on Sunrise Highway in Massapequa. I am almost sure it was west of park blvd. This was in the 70s and anyone who hung out in The Apartment in Merrick would probably be familiar with this bar.

Sep 19, 2013
To Anonymous (unable to put your name out there)
by: Evelyn

Moved from Masspequa in 1986 due to my job.Which I have held with a major airline for 41years. Lived in Massapequa for 30 years and nothing can take away my wonderful years growing up in Masspequa. I had my wedding reception at the
Manor East. I'm sorry that you do not have those great memories like the rest of us on this blog.
This web site was created to share our memories of Massapequa growing up. The creator has done a nice thing
in making this blog for everyone. Thanks

Sep 18, 2013
Who's asking?
by: Bill Drago

Post your real name and I'll tell you the whole story.

Sep 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

why did you move to suffolk county bill?

Sep 15, 2013
Let's be nice
by: Bill Drago

If you want to have a constructive conversation about the pros and cons of life on Long Island, that's fine, but comments like "if massapequa is such a great place why did you move..." are rude and not at all helpful to anyone.


Let's try to keep the comments constructive and polite. People move for many reasons and no one will argue that Massapequa and Long Island have changed from days gone by. Change as it may, that doesn't affect the good memories that we all have about growing up here.

I live in Suffolk County now, but still visit my old neighborhood (North Massapequa) and All American as often as possible. Will I live on Long Island forever? I don't know, but while I am here I want to enjoy the positive things as much as I can without letting the problems get me down, which is why I started this website.


Sep 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

if massapequa is such a great place why did you move to north carolina like so many other people?case in point.

Sep 13, 2013
Thank you Keith
by: Evelyn

Thank you for your comments.This blog is for reminiscing about growing up in Massapqua. Anyone who was lucky enough to growup there, has great childhood memories.
So please, go on another social media if you want to bash
Massapequa. Let us have our wonderful memories and stories to tell. I live in North Carolina now but always remember the great times in Massapequa.

Sep 13, 2013
I'll never let go!
by: Keith Cornelius

Alright! I respect the current point of views re: the past negative comments of my old town. But please avoid this site if it up sets you! I'm sure it's beyond different now. But , for us older and fortunate people who were lucky enough to have experienced the times when things were great, my children LOVE to hear my past of growing up here as a child. Please move on to negate else where. Try to find some thing positive to focus on, instead of destroying the now ancient purity of the past! I will always love this town!

Sep 13, 2013
quality of life
by: Anonymous

i agree with the previous comment.massapequa is the next queens.not just massapequa but nassau county in general sucks.most corrupt place to live in the country.wonder why most people here are miserable.thank god i only have a few years left.

Sep 13, 2013
The Charm is Gone
by: Tex

Moved to Massapequa in 1958. I remember the old mansion where Marjorie Post Park stands today. Bar Harbor shopping center was just built and road an elephant in the parking lot. J.W.Mays was built and I remember them clearing the land. Sunsise Mall was just a pile of sand. The drive-in movie, Big Bow Wow, Pequa Theatre, Bar Harbor Theatre, Whites, W.T. Grant, Gimbles, the PT boat in the canal near John J. Burns Park. I worked at the Hess station on Sunsise Hwy. Moved out in 1980 and visited a couple of years ago. I don't recognize it anymore. It looks more like Queens than L.I., everything has been over-stored, built up, too crowded. Very, very sad. The need for tax revenues and short-sighted politians ruined the town and destroyed the charm. I gues you can never go back.

Sep 12, 2013
by: Anonymous

massapequa is a stressful town.

Aug 29, 2013
not the same
by: Anonymous

massapequa is not the same as it was forty five,fifty years ago.its nice to see these people reminisce about the old days but they are gone.try crossing a parking lot and see if someone will stop and let you go.never happen.people here are the most rude,selfish,inconsiderate ever.everyone is in a fucking rush and stressed out.

Aug 07, 2013
Hey Wait!
by: yankeeannie

To "Last of the Corner Boys"...If you LOOKED, IDID mention Musicaro's...I worked at Mays and every Friday night after work we would go there......lots of wonderful memories.

Jul 24, 2013
by: Donna

I graduated from MHS in 1963, and was one of the youngest students (turned 17 at the end of February) in a class of over 630. Berner opened in time for the ‘64-65 school year, and the rest of the kids in my neighborhood, Nassau Shores, started going to high school there. Mr. Kenyon, a history teacher, was the class advisor and a full-blown bigot…he repeatedly stated that the only worthwhile nationality was the English and, shy as I was, I would argue with him! He’d never survive today, but you learned to deal with the teachers and other students, fair and unfair, and were prepared to face life when you graduated.

We moved to Massapequa in 1957, and my parents paid around $19,000 for our home on Cherokee Street, where there were only a few houses at the time. I spent my summers at the Nassau Shores Beach Club and at Tobay. I used to take a short walk to the “Grand Canal” on East Shore Drive where I’d feed the ducks. We had friends with boats, so we’d go water skiing in the Great South Bay. Dick & Dora’s Pizza on Alhambra Ave. was a favorite place to eat. Attended St. Rose of Lima church, where I was married in 1971 (and still am to the same guy). And my older brother is still married to his high school sweetheart. We used to joke that the town’s real name was MatzoPizza because you were either Jewish or Italian. Episcopalian? What’s that?

I now live in semi-rural Northern Connecticut surrounded by a 4500-acre wildlife sanctuary – bear, fox, coyote, hawks, eagles, fishers, deer, mountain lion, even the occasional moose – and love it, but I’d take growing up in Massapequa in a heart-beat.

Jun 15, 2013
Hi, Evelyn!
by: Anonymous

Hi, Evelyn!
Yes, this is Mike Fitzpatrick! I was 15 when we moved to Ocean Aveneue. I remember you and your family and all those families you mentioned. My brother John hung out with most of the kids on the block, especially with the Grogans, Meyers and Lutz guys. Scott Meyers unfortunately passed away. For a kid from Brooklyn, Massapequa was a real change of pace, but I soon loved it. I never really got to know you, but I remember you quite vividly! You were quite attractive! (I can get away with saying that now)!! I live in Massapequa Park now, and its still a great place to live. Not much has really changed!.....I hope all is well with you and your family!!

Jun 15, 2013
Mike ( sisters)
by: Evelyn

Yes I have two younger sisters Arlene and
Diane and a brother Bobby.We grew up on Chicago Ave.
By chance is your last name Fitzpatrick ?
Did you live on the corner? If I remember you moved on the block when we were a little older. We had so many kids on that block. We played kicked the can and stick ball. The lady at the opposite end of the block would come out and take the can so we couldn't play. It didn't matter we always got another one.
Do you remember the Myers? Scotty ,Todd and Kim they lived across the street from us. The Grogans, The Cravens,
The Lutzs, The Flanagans all lived on Chicago Ave.
I miss Massapequa, I live in the Carolina's now and have worked 41 years with an Airline since High
School.We had the best childhood growing up in Massapequa.

Jun 11, 2013
Massapequan Forever
by: Annie

Grew up in North Massapequa; Farmingdale Schools. Had friends in my district, including my cousins in Plainedge AND Massapequa Schools. At 17 worked at Mays Dept. Store. I remember the Big Bow Wow, the Hess Station and Howard Johnsons on Sunrise Hwy. I had my first real date (with my HS sweetheart, Lou) at the "Little Amity" theatre in Intercounty...going to Woolworths, Cream Puff Bakery, National Shoes, the stationery store and Driftwood (pizza and beer). I married Lou, we moved near Carmans Road (where I still am)...and I have so many good memories of friend worked at White's (in the Pet Dept); hubby worked at Hess (at 17) and he also worked at the Fish Store at Intercounty at 15! We salesgirls at Mays used to go to Musicaro's for pizza on a Friday night...and the Pequa Theatre...I also remember Holiday Park and the theatre there AND the pizza place. We could get a slice and a coke for 25 cents! Great memories that I will always cherish!

Jun 06, 2013
Loved Massapequa
by: Anonymous

I graduated from Berner HS in 1981. I loved growing up in Massapequa Park. Used to drink underage at Porky's Pub on Central Ave right by the Massapequa train station. And All American was (and is) the best. I went back to the Island last summer, and drove by my old house, and got some All American. Yum!! The Double-Double is still the best!

Some of my favorite memories: Mario's Pizza; Sam's Barber Shop; the stationary store/candy store on the corner of Park and Clark. And does anyone remember "The Wax Museum" used record store that was on Park Blvd. for a while? I got tons of good vinyl there!

I worked at Meredith Stationers right near the Massapequa train station. Rest in peace, Leon Wasserman.

Riding our bikes with all the kids on the block to Brady Park to go fishing. We'd bring our lunch, stay all day, and think we were the coolest.

I used to hang out with Joey and Tommy Pellegrini, John Coffey, Billy and David Dubin, Ken and David Randazzo, Tommy Christiansen. All kids just around my block. We played street hockey till the street lights came on.

I went to St. Rose of Lima until 8th grade. I got caught playing football in the church.

Does anyone remember fishing on the Kiwanis Bridge, on Clark Blvd? Harmony Donuts? They used to give us free dough to use as bait.

My Doctors were Dr. Morrell and Dr. Mensing, over near Jerusalem Ave. They had a house, right in the neighborhood. You didn't make an appointment; you just went and waited, for two hours sometimes. They were good men, and always asked about everyone in the family.

I loved Tobay when I was a kid. I still get down to LI beaches, and love it.

I am so grateful for growing up on Long Island.

Jun 05, 2013
The Last of the Corner Boys
by: Anonymous

I grew up on Grand Blvd in the 50s and 60s. Attended Carmen Rd, McKenna and Berner. There were 63 kids in the dozen houses on my block alone. Several of them now "MS/ Berner "Hall of Famers."
No one has mentioned Musicaros (sp?)for great pizza and some outspoken bar patrons (I listened while waiting for my order while, with the Old Man waited in the '57 Bel Air out back).
Someone mentioned "The Pit" Remember The Old Cove, El Stumpo (and that rope swing), and The New Cove (so much closer to "Beer Is Here"? John Cox's underground bunker or Ernie Lent with his M-16 and that ear (or what was left of it). We sang Dylan and Havens while standing around fires so hot they melted glass beer bottles in seconds. I acquired addictions there that took me half a lifetime to overcome, yet I hold onto the memories.
Ran into someone not so long ago who asked me about the "Slobs Ruel" tag on Sunrise/110. How about "LDA"?
Everyone remember All-American Burger, but I remember Mr. Neuse teaching me to swim in his pool (a rarity then). How about how Rick Vandervoort's Dad left the garage door open so we could marvel at Rick's 68 Corvette while he was away doing his second tour in Vietnam.
Yeah, I miss the place.
Though you can't really ever go home again, you can hold those memories close.

May 27, 2013
the franklin Nat bank Mural
by: dennis

I know it will never happen but wouldnt it be great to salvage that amazing mural and put in somewhere in Massapequa? About the big bow wow-those steak sandwiches were amazing- do you remember they were wrapped in an aluminum foil? OK now for those of us who went to Inter County shopping center, remember the Village Barber. Did you have a favorite barber? My was Fred.
Remember the green stuff they put on your hair which kept it in place all day. Ok there were 2 delis. One of Benji's (was that his name, and they had a pickle barrel. the pizza oven was great-used to have a slice and a coke before the movies. I used to love the stationary store, dont know why but thought it was great.
Ok now get this. The pharmacy which was on the corner across from Woolworths, had these pictures, on the walls which I though were great. They were sort of historical color paintings of doctors and pharmacists thru the ages. Well the identical ones are hanging in the pharmacy I go to now.!!! Ok so in 10th grade I moved to south Massapequa park, and started frequenting Bar harbor shopping center. They has a Saks Fifth avenue there!. I always enjoyed Long full, and the pizza oven of course.
I worked at Whites from 1968 every summer thru college. I worked in the Pet store, hardware, and garden. I liked the bowling alley on Sunrise better that the one on Hicksville and Merrick road. I also did spend some time at County line on rt 110. Do you remember the bus that ran on Ocean avenue all around town and it went to bar harbor shopping center.
Did anyone actually go the the frontier town on Rt 110 near Inter county? I never went, dont know why my folks never took us.
If you grew up in nassau shores or Bar harbor-do you remember the PT Boat that was docked in one of the canals there?
Hey heres one--who were some of your family doctors-the age of the old GP?? How about dentists? I went to a guy named Ernest Pisk in down town Massapequa and my dentists were Marvin meister on Hicksville road, and Dr Scherer on Illionis street? My optometrist was Dr Struhl on Merrick road.

May 27, 2013
missing long island
by: Anonymous

comment to still a good story.most people do not move back to long island because they miss it.they usually move back for two reasons. they have family here or they cannot find a job somewhere else. if most people here had the chance to leave, i bet you they would.

May 24, 2013
Parkside Junior High School 1966
by: Anonymous

I share so many of your memories of living in Massapequa. I lived with my family on Baltimore Ave., walked to Raymond J. Lockhart School, then Parkside Junior High. I was walking back from the girls' room one day when the hallway monitor told me the president had just been shot. After our school concerts my parents took us to Krisch's ice cream. (Happy to read it's still there!) My friends and our siblings played kickball, waited for the Good Humor man, and grew up with the Beatles. Anyone know where I can find a copy of Parkside JHS's 1966 paperbound yearbook?

May 06, 2013
Glory Days
by: Mark K

Moved to Massapequa Park in 1955. House much to expensive at $14,990. This was a great place to live and be a kid. Worked at Dons Schwinn store, Massapequa Drive In, Howard Johnsons.
Went to Hawthorne, McKenna, MHS, Berner graduated 1964. Jungle Cruiser, Breakfast Club, Surfing at Gilgo, swimming at Alhambra, Dick & Doras, All Weather Drive In, Frank Bucks Zoo, The Locker Room, Pied Piper, The Barge

Apr 24, 2013
by: Anonymous

Did blogger Evelyn have two sisters named Arlene and Diane? I lived on the corner of Chicago and Ocean. My brother John hung out with most of the kids on the block.

Mar 24, 2013
The Big Bow Wow etc
by: teddy

So many memories! I lived in Mass Pk from 1952 'til about 1980. Our house was on Grand Blvd and I remember standing at the corner of Maryland Ave and seeing cars on Carmans Road. There were almost no houses that way yet. Big Bow Wow and the Monkee House! Wow, that was way back.
I too remember the mural on the wall in the bank. I think it was Franklin National Bank. I sometimes wonder if it's still there but covered over with layers of wall board and paint. I saw my first movie and the theatre in the shopping center on Carmans Road - The Wackiest Ship in the Army. Ricky Nelson and Jack Lemmon. Woolworth's, Cream Puff Bakery, the Driftwood. There was a place in back of the shopping center on Carmans Road called (I think) Frontier Village - Cowboys and Indians and all that. A small train travelled around the perimeter of the park. My brother remembers an Indian with sunglasses sitting in a tent.
Regarding the earlier comments concerning how the place has changed. It has changed but what hasn't? I visited a couple years back and was at the traffic light at the intersection of Violet Street and Carmans Road. The light turned red and the cars kept coming. Like a train, like they were all hooked together! Crazy! But that's NY! We stopped at the house where we grew up and the people who now own it are a relatively young couple, very friendly.
We sometimes went swimming at Florence Avenue Beach - a tiny neighborhood park with swimming.
On Park Lane there was a narrow strip of trees. It couldn't have been more than 15 or 20 feet wide but we called it "The Woods". We were very young and there was enough growth that we couldn't see the street from the path that wound through the trees. I remember the first time we "hiked" through the woods. We popped out about half a block away and it felt like the other side of the world.

Feb 16, 2013
1975 Berner High School
by: Zeeman

How are we supposed to see you around town if we don't know who you are? I also graduated in 1975 and still have family in massapequa...i had no annonmous' in my ...the Ice cream shop you speak about is krishes... And it's still ...

Feb 07, 2013
My First Job in America
by: Fredrik Bodin

My first job in America was as a dishwasher at the Big Bow-Wow on Sunrise highway in Massapequa, NY. Although I have fond memories and fun stories about the Bow-Wow, it didn't inspire me to get into the restaurant business. That was before the phrase "fast food" existed. I still remember the waiter shouting over the counter to the cook: "Murry, get me a big bad dog and a large Coke – traveling! And drag it through the garden!" Good days when I was 14. Need to get back to those memories. I was born in Manhattan Hospital, went to East Lake Elementary, then John P. McKenna Junior High, and lastly Alfred G. Berner High School (go Bisons!). I was writing a post for my FB Page and googled "Big Bow Wow, and ended up here. Fun!

Feb 03, 2013
Miss Massapequa
by: Betsy

I lived in Massapequa Park from 1954 - 1968. My parents built their house for $9000. I remember Massapequa Park Park, the big bow wow, the pizza place, Lums and Jones Beach. I used to walk to Bar Harbor every weekend and get bagels and lox. I just watchd them make the bagels by scratch. I remember doing my chores and then me and my brother used to go on our bikes and we didn't have to worry about it as long as we were back by dinner time. Candy bars were a nickle and we used to have a metal box on our back steps for the milk man to come and put milk in it. I went past our old house on McKinley Street about 10 years ago when I was back there the last time, it looked so small much smaller then I remembered it. I remember going to the woods on Park boulevard and Clark Boulevard and just play in there and now they put a funeral home in that spot. I still dream of moving back to my old house again but I know that's never going to happen.

Jan 23, 2013
Lords Bakery
by: Keith

Evelynn-You forgot to mention "Lords Bakery" on Merrick road! Do you remember the old Beach Club on the Bay? ....and no I dont have a sister named Diane. I have two sisters named Patty and Denise and my older brother Kevin. You posted the best article about growing up there. It takes me back. Im sure every one has a great story to tell about there childhood. But no doubt in my mind....lets face it, Our town was the best!

Jan 22, 2013
Great memories growing up in MP
by: Anonymous

Massapequa Park was an awesome place to grow up. Like others commented, you left your doors unlocked and we kids stayed out playing until well after dark with no worries about child molesters, etc. I moved to MP in 1973 and graduated Berner in '82. My mom finally sold her house in 1995 on Monroe St, but I still visit every chance I get because many of the great people I grew up with are still there, some in the same houses! I remember there were so many kids that you could go from block to block from McKinley to Smith and there would be a game of some kind - street hockey, football, kickball, whatever. I remember skating at Marjorie Post and I remember hanging out in Zappa's Woods next to Berner. Dee's had probably the best pizza and All American had the best burgers and shakes. I remember hanging out at the donut shop on Sunrise Hwy right across from the Massapequa Park LIRR station and playing Asteroids and Space Invader until we were broke. Brady Park - how many baseball games - organized or not - did we play there? The golf course up in Nassau Shores - how many times did we have to hide beers and run from the cops on Fri/Sat nights in high school? Great, unforgettable memories!

Oct 29, 2012
Parkside JR High
by: Evelyn

By any chance is the Keith in the previous
Blog have a sister named Diane?

Oct 19, 2012
june 2 2012
by: Anonymous

please remove comment from june 2nd 2012.

Oct 13, 2012
I remember it all!
by: Keith

Evelyn- Reading your memories just touched my heart! I remember everything you posted. I wish that I was wealthy enough to buy back my old childhood home on Fairwater Ave.

Oct 11, 2012
Proud to say I'm from Massapequa
by: Evelyn

I moved to Massapequa in 1959 from Brooklyn. I was 5 and went to R J Lockhart.I walked to school it was only 3 blocks away.In the summer we had summer recreation from 9 to 3. What a great outlet for my Mom to send me and my sisters, while she took care of my infant brother at home. We loved summer recreation ,arts and crafts,movies and sports and field trips.Cokes were 10 cents in a glass bottle. The best was the outdoor shower for 10 cents. It was all the watermelon you could eat and you got hosed down with a fire hose. It was down by Alec Baldwins father.I used to push my brother in a stroller and go about 10 blocks to Krisch's for ice cream. The best ice cream.I was twelve, can you imagine that in today's world.Remember the Dairy Barn and the Bakery on Broadway.I would go for milk and come back with just the red plastic milk holders(no milk) because I clanged the glass bottles together.I would be sent to get the Italian bread and bring it home with no ends.I was a kid, I was hungry.My childhood was wonderful in Massapequa. We had so many kids on our block it was great.We play kick the can,stick ball and all sorts of games outdoors.We be out from 9 in the morning till dinner time.When our parents would make us all come in.
Living on Massapequa we were close to the beach.We went every weekend to Tobay.We had breakfast ,lunch and dinner.My Dad loved the beach.Remember so many teachers were Life Guards from Parkside and Berner.Remember the ice cream at the beach was in a roll and they sat it in a cone.
I went it Parkside for 7th and 8th and Berner from 1969 to 1972. I remember the Big Bow Wow,Howard Johnson,the Bowling Alley on Sunrise Hwy.Remember Mays,the Drive In
The Monkey Zoo.Whites was a department store behind Berner.I got my first job there.Many students worked there from Berner.Whites was torn down and the Plankhouse opened there.Sears and the Jerry Lewis Movie Theater were built in that parking lot. Remember Majorie Post park Skating Rink and Coons Lake.Great places to skate when it was cold..Remember the Nautilus Diner and Lums both waking distance from Berner.My favorite All American,wasn't it
I moved to North Carolina in 1986.I work for an airline .When
make my boarding announcements, people say you are defiantly not from here.I proudly say I'm from Massapequa.
My parents sold their house in 1986 and moved to NJ. They had to have keys made for the house because we never locked our house.(WE LIVED IN MASSAPEQUA).My Mom would say if you have to lock the door it's time to move.
When my parents passed away we had the funeral procession drive past our house on Chicago Ave.We had the funeral at James Funeral Home,where my sister's and brother picked lilacs from the parking lot fence to bring to my Mom when we were kids.
I had the best 25 years growing up in Massapequa and will always remember the great memories from there.

Sep 17, 2012
great place to grow up
by: MHS 1970

Each generation makes its own memories. WE MOVED TO THE PARK IN 1954. My parents paid 13,990 for our house. But those of us who graduated before 1970 did have some great ones. Take Sunrise hgway. All the stores that came and went. Remember HoJos and their all you can eat fish or chicken nights?
We all remember the Massapequa Zoo and kiddie Park, before that it was also a jungle land Frank Bucks? We all remember that the Sunrise mall was not there until the 70s. Remember the pit?
I spent my summers in the summer recreation program at carmen Road. It was 9-12 and then 1-3, I think.
I grew up north of Sunrise and then after Jr High moved to Bar Harbor. I also remember Bar harbor shopping center when I remember Massapequa parks "down town", when there was the Massapequa Market.
I remember the Intercounty shopping center, the pizza oven, driftwood, Franklin national bank (what ever happened to that amazing revolutionary war mural they had?), Cream puff bakery that set the strawberry shortcake bar for life. A/P, Grand Union.

The sumps-which were great sledding places if you couldnt get to Bethpage. Stickball in the streets.

Just a few.

Jun 26, 2012
The great old days
by: Robin

I grew up in massapequa. Went to birch lane, then Berner in 7 th and 8 th then back to Massapequa HS lived in Biltmore shores up to the mid sixties then to carman rd near our lady of Lourdes. My younger years were the best ever . It was a time when your mom in the summer would say get out of the house come home by 6 for dinner, no worries just played all day, all American burgers and carvel the on to the all weather drive in. Winter sleigh riding at bethpage golfcourse.also pizza supreme was a favorite ,Lobels, food fair, and I think Walgreens, but the best was Biltmore beach club and the boat docks great great memories! Now I live so far away in Astoria lol still nothing compares to Massapequa

Jun 21, 2012
The Good Old days
by: Anonymous

I was born in 1954 in North Massapequa, lived there until i got married in 1981 and then moved out east. Was a member of the North Massapequa Fire Department and the PEQUA REDMEN marching band and the North Massapequa Battalion Junior Naval Reserve of America (Cadets)! Had a wonderful life living there. I occasionally take a drive past my old neighborhood, most are either dead or gone. Living in Massapequa in the 60's and 70's were the best days of my life!

Jun 02, 2012
Still a good story
by: Anonymous

Some people may be fed up with life on Long Island or Massapequa, but sometimes it's not the place, it's the person. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the previous commenter, but I've known people throughout my life that no matter where they lived or worked, it always "sucked." So I had to wonder what is it about this person that they only see negative and never positive?

Long Island has it's share of problems, but enough people miss it after they move away that it makes me wonder if moving is always the right thing to do...

Jun 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

I moved here in 1995. Big change since then. This place is over crowded and full of rude, inconsiderate people. People drive like animals in this town with no regard for anyone, and everyone is in a rush. This place has definitely gone down hill. Can't wait to leave soon.

Apr 26, 2012
My Home Town
by: Linda Fowler Embry

I was born on Long Island and raised in Massapequa on Roxbury Lane. Attended Fairfield Elementary and Massapequa High. I moved to California when I was 22 and lived there for 20 years. I have lived in North Carolina since 1991.

Some of my family still live in Massapequa although most of them are gone grandparents, mom and dad and some of my siblings. But, each time I make a visit to Massapequa, I always feel a sense of "coming home" to the memories, wonderful deli's,Krisch's, All American, and the best pizza, bagels and seafood you can find anywhere.

I haven't been back since the death of my mother in 2008. But, I look forward to visiting once more for my nephew's wedding this year (2012). So many memories.

It's so nice to know some famous people have come from Massapequa. I am not famous, but did achieve my lifelong dream of becoming a Registered Nurse and was able to be there and offer comfort for my grandmother, and mother & father during their terminal illnesses and passings. And for that I am forever grateful.

Nov 26, 2011
early days in massapequa park
by: Anonymous

I lived in Massapequa Park from 1956 till 1959 when my family relocated to Florida. I still have family in Massapequa close to Carman's road. Our house was on Ocean Avenue, across the street from the water department.

My mom and dad (both deceased now) purchased the home back in 56' for about $8,000. Can you believe it? The same property today goes for over $450k. Amazing.

Great times in Massapequa, and I remember a lot even though I was only ten years old when we moved. My grade school was at Carman Road elementary...I really enjoy all the comments!

Jul 23, 2011
Massapequa Park, Forever in My Heart
by: Laura Rappa

my family moved to Massapequa in the 50's. We had a small house on Massachussetts Ave, then we moved to Tyrconnell Ave. As a child, I used to dream of going to far-away places, and I longed to live in California, where I could go to Disney Land where the Mousketeers were. My wish came true and I traveled all over the world and wound up living in California, just like the place I would see on TV. Now that I am 57 years old, there is no where in the world where I would rather be than in Massapequa. My heart aches for the old days and the people I knew back in my neighborhood. I would give anything to be out on my front lawn on a summer night, catching fireflies, playing with the kids on our block...No one had to lock their doors, everyone knew was good...

Mar 24, 2011
Berner Class of 1985
by: Steve thegrupper

I was born here and graduated Berner H.S. in 1985 my wife Danielle is also "From the Park" it is such a great place to live.

I currently own my own home in Massapequa park since 1996, Now that I am preparing to retire and re-locate out of state in two more years (2013), I try not to think about missing this place but after reading your post how can you not?

I keep telling my wife when we move we will find a place like Massapequa Park, She just keeps calling me a liar, maybe I am but what else can I say to her. I guess I am lying to myself as well because MASSAPEQUA PARK is like no other place on earth.

I guess it sucks for the people who have heard about this place and can"t afford to live here, You just don't know what you are missing. I thank God every day for making me as fortunate as I am to be able to live here.

Look for my house for sale in 2013 I must be going, It"s time to pass the legend of living in "THE PARK" school district#23 to someone else as fortunate as me.

To all you outsiders who read this just pay the price it's worth it. Just too bad you will never be able to go to the Nautilus Diner at 2 AM and see all your friends, The place closed in 2010. Thanks for reading my post I hope it will inspire more people out there to post their own memories.

Steve "G"ski

Oct 25, 2010
by: Anonymous

Cocos Plankhouse reunion 11\13\10

Oct 14, 2010
Massapequa 1960s anyone?
by: Keith Cornelius

I grew up in Massapequa from 1959 to 1973. Ihated to move! My kids love to hear my stories about growing up there as child.The Big Bow Wow!! Mays, the Massapegua drive in,Two Guys rhodes toy store,Santa Claus landing in a bubble dome Helicopter at the Bar Harbor shopping center, the Monkey mountain, the park pool and the old Beach club on the bay. I can go on and on and on. I grew up as back yard neighbors with the Baldwin family and used to make home movies in our back yard. I still have the movies!!Wish I had some one to share these great memories with.Long live Massapequa!!

Jun 16, 2010
1975 Berner Reunion - July 17 at Bethpage Park
by: Janine

Hi. Nice website. I miss Massapequa Park too, but I don't think I could go back. I'm not too far away (Lindenhurst), so when I drive through the town, it's kind of bittersweet, you know? The other day I was sitting at a light on Sunrise Highway where Friday's is and remembered - The Big Bow Wow used to be there! And not far down the road was the drive in - just around the corner from Berner! *Sigh*

Anyway----there is an informal "bring your own" picnic/reunion at Bethpage Park for 75 Berner on Sat 7/17. For more info, check out or facebook. See you there!

Jan 27, 2010
Massapequa Memories
by: Anonymous

I Do Agree about All American as beening the Best and it is still the Best around Town in Massapequa.As I Graduated from Berner High School in 1987,so in about the 20 years from the Time I Graduated until now that I still Live In Massapequa and Yes at The same House & on the same Block,I have noticed a big change in Massapequa and I'm afraid not for Best,The change I have noticed most is Nobody cares about nothing in Masspequa,The Neirbors are not nice and The Business Owners in Massapequa are nasty.I also notice alot of Drugs like Cocaine and Herorine have Plegde Our Town.People are running around like Loones also and some are loosing Their Minds too.So when You here things about Massapequa thats Bad happening in it, its very True.The way Massapequa was Years ago is not The Massapequa of Today,so You People that broke the Chains and are finally Free from This Town called "MASSAPEQUA" You are The Lucky Ones, and as far as missing anything Good happening in it, You are missing anything...

Oct 29, 2009
Born a Yankee, Living as a Texan
by: Anonymous

Have you ever heard of that saying ...
well its true...and i agree with your story
I will always miss long island ...
I to graduated from berner high school in 75
I try to keep up with the news that is going on in Massapequa and i am unhappy of the stories of crime and other things happening there..
when i lived there it was a guiet town...

Oct 29, 2009
Born a Yankee, Living as a Texan
by: Anonymous

I also left Massapequa 30 yrs ago, now living in a warm climate all year long...which i can not complain...but of course i miss long island...
The food, neighborhood, friends, family,
but i have moved almost 1300 miles away and i guess i call this home.
I do try and visit Massapequa when possible.
and i try to keep up with the news of my old stompling grounds.
and yes i still do have the accent and am proud of it...i get asked still to this day where i am from..and i answer with a smile...
Massapequa has become a famous town...and the Texans here are jealous they do not get snow..
which i really do not miss the cold weather..

Jul 17, 2009
by: Shari

All American is still standing! The ice cream shop on Central Avenue is Krisch's and it's still there. I was as just there a few weeks ago and the burgers and ice cream are still just as good as I rememeber 20 years ago when I graduated from Massapequa. A G Berner HS is now a A G Berner Junior high school!!!!

BTW, do you remember who you had for Biology? My dad used to teach there.

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