by Ruth Lansford
(Playa del Rey, CA)
Steamers and Corn
I was born and brought up on Long Island and one of my fondest memories is a summertime feast of steamers and corn on the cob.
We'd pick up the steamers at a fish market in Freeport (we lived in Merrick) and there wasn't anything to match them. Popping them in your mouth after dunking in broth and butter, then biting down into that rich, creamy clam was a delight. Then my mother would chop up the hard part and use it for clam chowder (Manhattan, of course).
The only thing I didn't like was that I had to go out into the yard by the trash cans and shuck the corn. In humid, hot midsummer, I remember corn silk sticking to my arms. Ah, but it was worth it for the feast that followed.
I wonder if it's difficult to find steamers these days. It's been a long time, but the memory still makes my mouth water.