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The Abandoned Car

by Tyler B
(Plainview, Long Island, NY)

A house down the block from me in Plainview is boarded up; abandoned. It always gave me the chills, when I walked past it, or rode by in the car. It has been abandoned and untouched since I moved here. Overgrown weeds cover the lawn, and the house is rotting away.

I remember, before the windows and doorways were sealed, I saw pictures of Swastikas hung poorly on the wall. A truck smothered in spray paint reading "JUNK," sits next to the house. I never really cared for it, and over time it's gotten more beaten up.

Drapes hung on the inside, and a hole, most likely from a rock, was imprinted in the front windshield. I was really curious of what was inside. I climbed up on the hood one day and peered in. I will never forget it. The stench was horrible; like burning flesh. I held my breath and shone my flashlight deeper into the car. It was like a garbage dump. Boxes of old clothes were tossed in the trunk. Grease stains covered the beaten seats. Once I saw bodies of dolls with their heads twisted off, scattered among the floor, I was out of there.

A man bought a house down the street, fixed it up, and sold it for a greater price. We talked with him and he said this is what he does for a living. We told him of the house down the block. He said he contacted the owner, a man in his 40's. His father lived in the house, but died. The son refuses to go in or near the house. Nobody has been in those doors since the man died, which means his body is still in there somewhere.

The owner refuses to sell it, for whatever reason. Instead it sits there, slowly dissolving. It gives me the shutters knowing a dead man is resting on the floor some 5 houses down. I'm just praying his body isn't in the truck, buried under all the clutter. I wouldn't sleep easy if I found out that I was standing on a man’s tomb.

I'll post an update here if anything else weird happens.

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Oct 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

very good story it can scare anyone

Feb 12, 2015
about house down the street
by: Anonymous

heck im game to check the house out any takers

Oct 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

That is realy creepy and i cant belive someone would leave a body in there yuck

Nov 03, 2009
Call the police to check out the car
by: Anonymous

There might be a dead body in the car. Call the police to check it out. Dah!

Aug 03, 2009
by: Alyssa

Wow, thats quite scary. If I were in your situation, I would have explored the house. :)

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