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Townsend Manor Inn Greenport, didn't get much rest there!

by Karen Nuzzi
(Massapequa NY)

The Inn

The Inn

The Inn A room at the Inn

Summer of 09 booked my weekend at Townsend Inn at the hotel. In years past we usually stayed at the Marina. I expected an older room with much atmosphere but I didn't expect to share it with past residences of the Townsend Inn.

My husband and I were in the upper room and we had friends in a room on the first floor. Early on morning in a deep sleep I heard my name being called over and over again. It became louder and louder and finally I was pushed on the arm until I was awoken.

I sat up straight in the bed and looked around and my husband was out cold asleep so it wasn't him. Two hours later I met up with my friends. I said I know this sounds crazy but... and before I could say anything she said to me... did you hear a little girls voice this morning?

Only difference was they were wide awake and the voice was in their room right next to them. Her husband heard it too, but they were unable to make out the words.

Day two was uneventful as we didn't spend much time in the room and I may have scared off my little spirit by actually trying to communicate with it when I was in the room... I think it liked me better when I was scared.

Anyway, day 3 we packed up to leave and I went to drop off the key to the front desk and I quizzed the lady at the desk about my adventure. She just smiled and said I have heard a few stories now and then from other guests.

With that I went back to my car and realized I needed to use the bathroom. My husband left the sliding door open to our room as I no longer had the key, so I went up the outside deck steps and I entered my room alone. The lights in the room were off at that point.

I went into the bathroom for not even more than a minute, came out and the overhead room light AND the night table light were on. I ran to the sliding door to see that my husband was still in the car waiting for me and checked the main room door and it was locked...

I guess my little spirit wanted to say goodbye in their own way....

Editor's note: The Townsend Manor Inn is indeed old. The floors are crooked and things creek and rattle in the night. I've stayed at the inn without incident however, there's always next time...

If you don't like haunted inns you might try these other greenport
and bed and breakfasts. -Bill Drago

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Sep 02, 2024
spooky experience NEW
by: Anonymous

many years later but i had such a fright last night that i had to come digging for stories and see if anyone else felt the same thing i did!

i was staying in one of the upstairs rooms with two friends, and was sleeping in one bed while my two friends shared the other. at around 4:30 AM, i woke up to the sound of someone trying to open the door (key in lock, know turning, etc). i thought this was very weird and hadn't locked the deadbolt or chain lock, so i got up to look through the peephole and saw no one there. i figured it could've been someone mistaking our room for theirs (at 4:30 AM? yeah right) and double locked the door before going to bed.

i was at this point really struggling to fall asleep, as everything felt really weird, and tossed and turned for nearly an hour. at one point, sleeping on my side, i opened my eyes and saw a small girl. in complete shock, i tried desperately to move or say something and could not, and after 5 seconds closed and opened my eyes again and she was no longer there!

a couple minutes later, i was lying on my back, and had the sensation that someone was pushing me up the bed towards the headboard and couldn't move my limbs but began vocalising trying to notify my roommates, but they slept thru as i closed and opened my eyes again to see everything back in it's place.

really freaky, but in retrospect, i just know this girl was just sad i didn't want to hang out with her! lolol so glad i'm not alone in my spooky townsend manor inn experience!

Jun 17, 2016
No Ghost here!
by: Anonymous

Me and my husband stayed here and had a great time. We did not encounter any ghosts. This place is a quiet and charming Inn, almost like a B & B. Come out and enjoy this wonderful Inn at Greenport.

Apr 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

I've been staying there for about 15 years. For the most part I haven't had any strange experiences as I always try to stay in the same room above the pool. However, one year I stayed upstairs in the main house and I was terrified the entire night. First, my partner and I felt a presence in the room. We had the door locked and the safety lock on but the door kept slowly opening throughout the night. It must have happened about 5 times. One year a friend of mine stayed in a room, and was so spooked, she left a day early. I'll still continue staying there though.

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